HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-3-9, Page 5MARCH 9, 1888. 1i tr tt Rebs. 9V irn4;llaton. Tho Advani:e aays : Mine Horeb Robb, who io living at T. L. Jobb'u, sat down on n li'dl(1 on 'Puoeday. Tho noodle) Moto., noel +!„ em•vicns of a doctor warn required to r„Inove the pieces. T. t, ?Bolo pnrpoons erecting a new buil ling on the vacant lot owned by him and 'uljninin • his store. It will be of kids, two ntoreys hiok and ton foot long• or 11110 'hr bedding ho ououpioa. llev, Dr. Albert Carman, ono of the Coneral Superintenclents of the Mobho- dist ohurah, will deliver a celebrated 1oc- turoat the anniversary tea meeting do the Vnthodiettchnrell, in this town, on March loth, 1,le towc+l- The Listowel Live Stook Association will hold their annual spring ahow of horses and bulls ou b'riday, April 20. A special mooting of the Town Council WAD held to deal with the matter of hotel and shop lioonsoe for tho next ensuing licenso year, By laws wore accordingly passed limiting the number of hotel licenses to seven, and fixing the licenses at $70 ovor and above the statutory re. quil'enonts. This is an increase of 1110 on the amount paid last year. Tho thou licences worn limited to two, and the li- cense, fixed at $00- same as last year. At a meeting of the Town Counoil a By-law was introduced and read a first and second time respecting the Hess Bros. bonus. The object of the By-law is to po'mit a change of sito of the pro- posed new factory from Main to Acker, man street; but in order to make the By-law legal it bas boon found necessary to draft an -entirely new By-law and agreomont, the terms of which, however, excepting throw relating to the change of site and the dimensions of the now fao. tory, which are considerably larger than those mentioned in the former By-law, aro identical with the terme and condi- tions of the By-law and agreement which received the sanction of the ratepayers Voting on the 26tH Sopt. last. Yo ng cpon tho now By-law will take place on Monday, March 10th. A.twood. Invitation cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Mary Graham, of this place, to Geo. Lochhoad, of Elms, ou Wednescley, March 7th. Tho social given by Mrs. Ferguson, at the Methodist parsonage, on Friday ev- ening, Feby, 24th, was a complete sue. cess. A handsome sum was realized for the "Widow and Orphan's Fund," and a pleasant evening spent by those present in social chat. Joe. McCoy, of Atwood, and Miss Clax- ton, of Stratford, wero united in tho banns of matrimony on Tuesday of last week in the English church, Stratford. The wedding party arrived in the villa, a by the evening train. Thoy were met by a largo number of friends anxious to welcome the bride to her future home and cxtondtheir congratulations to the happy couple. We wish them happi- ness, The "Agnes Knox" concert given hero on Tuesday evening, Feb. 28th, was a grand ancone', an•1 the best thing in the concert line ever given in Atwood. Tho Presbyterian Church, where the concert was held, was 'filled to the doors with a most attentive and appreciative tturlicne0, and never die nn audience 'appear batter satisfied, j idgin:4 by the hearty anplausn that fool"wadeach ;mother. Miss Knox's recitals were grout beyond description, and largo nunibors from Listowel and the oirrcn;tuling villaees avedlod them- selves of this opportunity to hear this talouted olocntionist, Mise Ldlln O'Con- nor, of Iirngsels, gave soveral vocal selec- tions, which were excellently rendered and well ereived, and greatly addod to Cm uneceas of rho entertainment. 'ihoso attending from to elietanco were hospitab- ly ontertaincd at tho house of 111. Dunn after the concert was over, whoro they prolonged the evoning's pleasures until an early hour, ill's Lynn, of Jamestown, is visiting her Motor, Mr's. Menzies. , Rev. J. T. Logoar is oouduoting revival services in the ilfothodist church. Another wedding on tho tapis this week. Furthar particulars again. Bounot Dobenn and wife left horn tt week lido last Tuesday Inc the Northwest, whore Bonnet lifts secured a situation on tho 0. P. R. 'Con Ste11.—Dr. Cale and J. M. Davies aro on the sick list this week:—Mrs. A. W. Panabaker has born poorly for last two weok., but she is now recovering.— Mrs. E, Colter is able to bo around again. Jno. Cober has rented his farm to Ilonry Wanner for a term of live years and hes aim disposed of his stock and uinpletnonts to rho lattor for his honse and lot. They took poseossion last Mon- day. Mr. Wanner has worked in Mr. ()oboes carriage shop for about seventeen years, but hie health not being very gobd lately, inducod him to mako a (hange. Wo wish him every 8000085 in Isis DOW venture. Smleou B•neonr.—Result of the written examination in the Ethel Public Sohool for the month of February: Senior 4th Claes—Total N0, of marks obtain- able, 480—James Boberison, 324; Char- lie Rupp, 281 ; John Smith, 279; Malin - da Milne, 277 ; Mary A. Sharp, 297; Er. 1186 Magic 1, 229; Norman Robertson, 218 ; Aaron Cober, 208 ;' Mary Laird, 149; Froth Laird, 141'. Junior 4th Class —Total marks obtainable, 860—Bonnie Davies, 258; Lucy Raynard, 263; Colo- nel Sanders, 260; Fred. Milne, 227; John Shenrmon, 210; Mettle Evans, 198; Mary Coats, 196; Macy A. Elliot, 185; Carrie Sandore, 175; Maud Milne, 166; Jerry Annis, 160; Willie m Ma n, 1550' leabella Dowdoll, 148;* Lottie Lake, 117.' Senior 3rd Class—Total marks obtainable, 280—Winnie Baynard, 280 ; Noble Milne, 214; Blauoho Milne, 109; Thomas Laird, 108;* Willie Dillworth, 108; Milton Wray, 105; Ada Hicks. 198; Nellie Young, 190; Alex. Smith, 189; Jane Smith, 188 ; Luny Sandore, 184 ; Lizzie Idolnnier, 179 ; Flattia Jamieson, 177 ; Maucl Jamieson, 172 ; Clemintina Hemsworth, 154; Laura Dowdoll, 140; Bertha Holloway, 128; Enos. Gill, 115." intermediate 3rd Class --Total marks ob. tainablt, 270- l.nnnorenn Annis, 289; Atrnio iYTatmders, 187 ; J3<isvdn Bobirtson, 1.78 ; Andros, Govonionk, 165; Wi11io 1'lreensides, 167 ; Louio Wray, 1:65; Clara Peobles, 145; Latro. Spento, 188; Mae' gip duly, 112;* ,lesain Hamilton, 109. "Those pupils were absent during part of the examination, 8. A. fosse, Tnnchnr, 02121 1r. Junior ;hvl class .•Total No, of maria obtainable 100 Amos Taylor, 308 ; Marion Young, 301 ; Laura Nubian, 205 ; Walter Covonlook, 278 ; Edward Coater+, 2713 ; Lorna Coates, 271. Humid class •- Total No, of marks obtainable, 215• -- Edger Il,el<e, 200 Jnoete none, 180 ; Herbert Cook, 184 ; Moody Tindall, 173 ; Robert Govonlook, 158 ; Mary Schofield, 1811 Tilly Holloway, 131 ; Justic0 Lake, 127 ; Tilly b'orguson, 126 ; Montan Hoff- 0rn0n, 117 ; Maggio Elliot, 116. Part 2nd close --Total No. of marks obtain- able, 185—I dwin Kiernan, 148 ; No lis Laird, 140 ; Ernest Maunclsrs, 129 ; Maggie Fugal, 124 ; llerbert Fogel, 121 ; William Smith, 102 ; John Cameron, 07 ; Tomo; Annis, 01 ; Willie Gill, 55 out of 100. Moss ELLA Monroe, Teacbor. Grey. Council meeting in Cranbrook one Fri. day of this week. Crows, robins, eood grain, implaonont agents, and other harbingers of Spring aro now in our midst. Charles, Daniel, and Miss Lizzie Cann, of Platteville, wero visiting at William Lnke'e this weok Tho entertainment in oonnection with the Debating Society in Shine's school house will bo hold this (Friday) evening. Free to all. At Thos. Heritage's sale of farm stook, &c., on Tuesday last everything sold well, partieuhlrly sheep and pigs for which the pros rieb'r was noted. Mr. H. will re- move to London about April lat. Thos. Samplo talks of trying his for- tune in Manitoba this next summer so he and his brother have leased their fano to Thos. MaLauoldin for a term of years, They have an auction talo on Prides, af- ternoon of next work. On Wodnosday of last week James S., eldeet son of Thigh MoDonald, lot 9, con, 8, fell off a load of straw in hie uncle's barn and broke his loft log above the knee. Ho is doing as well as could be oxpented, Geo. Alcock and family purpose re- moving to Gladstone, Manitoba, in the course of a few weeks. Ho will be ac- companied by Alex, Forest and between thong they oxpoct to take two carloads of stock, implements, &c. We wish them 9000055. Richard B. Alcock has purchased the adjoining lot, being part of lot 6, con. 14, from his uncle, Geo. Alcock paying 82.- 600 for it. This will give the purchaser 100 aores now. Mr. Alcook is a hard worker and will no doubt do well with his lately acgmred tstet°. Sunrnrae AND PnoaoNxnxroa. —One of the most pleasant social gatherings it has ever been our good fortune to attend took place at the residence of Geo. Alcock, con. 14, on Thursday evening the 1st inst. Ile was assistant superintendent nod took a very active part in the Sab- bath Sohool held in the school house in section No. 1, during the pant summer and on the abovo ovoniug a largo number of those who were etbondiug the school, tngothor with the touchers and others in- terested in the goo's work, comprising soma). sleigh loads, repaired to his resi- dence. After taking possosaion of the houso Jno. Al:Laumllin in behalf of Mr. Alcock's neigh! aro and Sunday School workers read nmost flattering and coo. plimentary address exprosing the regret th y felt at his removal frons their midst and their high opinion of bus abil- ity and zeal tee a Sabbath Sohool worker and wishing himself and his estimable family the greatest measure, of stemless in their new western home, At tho con (Anglin) of tote address Mies Belle, llntz [old Miss Annie MoLauohlin, in behalf of the Stanley School, presented Mr. and Mrs. Alcock with a beautiful china toe net. Though taken completely by sur- prise Mr. Alcock mads a suitable reply and among other things said them sok ns of friendship from his neighbors and others will sorvo to strengthen and en- courage him in Sabbath Sohool tvork nn his western home and will over keep fresh in his memory the many good friends he left behind in the township of Grey. Edibles wero then served up in profusion and after all had fully satisfied Ma inner -man Councillor Ilialop was called to the °heir, who, after a neat speech, proccoded to dispose of a program which called for hs the iirst plaoo ad• dresses from Peter Riohio, le. A. Martin, Jno. Brain and D. Robertson, n.11 of whom epokoin eulogistic terns of Mr. Alcook as a noighbor, fri, nd end teacher. Then followed recitations by lfissos BellaBotz, Bella Richie end D. ltiohis and songs by Mr. and Mrs. Richie, Misses Susie Al - 000k and Annie Mitohell, Mrs. Jno. Bain presiding at the organ. Some beautiful selections of music wore given during the evening by Mr. Al000lc and family with organ and violin aucoapaniments. This and other merry making games brought on the small honrs when rho proceedings were brought to a close by tinging Auld Lang Syno when all departed for their homes feeling that they had spent a very happy evening not only because they had spent a few pleasant hours together but because tlloy felt that thoir proseace thoro had addod to bho lnappiness of others. Morris, At the sale of farm stook, &o., bold by (A. & J. Samplo last Friday, everything sold with a boom. This was specially noticeable with the Loioestor sloop, five of them melting for 879, and two of the number bringing 530. This is the kind of stook to rase. Goo. Kirkby was the auctioneer. Now BAnss.—Jno. Skelton, lob 28, con. 9, will build a now barn next summer: It will be 40200 foot, with stone stabling, &o., undorneath. Dan. Zimmer does tho woodwork and Wm. Dark the masonry.— Henry Jackson, lot 28, oon. 8, will oleo erect a hank barn, 42x00 feet, to be finish - ad in the most approved style George Jaekoon will bo rho frantoi" SAvsrc LAND10). Word Ilse been re - Wood from Rev. l!. W. Warren, brother. in.law to Mrs. 0. B, Harris, of rho sofa arrival of hitt-wolf and wife at aslautta, India, where ho has gnno no a mission- ary. Thoy vititod Liveepoad, London, Glasgow, Gn'enook and other planes of in. tarcab in the llnito4 :Kingdom, and got to Cnlouth, on Folly. 16th alcor n, voyage of twenty-eight days from London, England, At thio last meeting of the Lita'n'y stud Debating boodoty in Berrie's Snhont house tho following Officers wore, elected for the omitting term . -:T., Robin l',nn, P, c sidont; Wm. l.tohb,Vicn•Presidot•1' Wm. Lobose THE BRUSSELS POST Hee, Tyson, ; Com mptco, Mies Boris' Mn!'raoand dnnrde Walker, and 5, Wolk. or, D. Smith and W. Mi•hl°. A p'lblia ' ontertahime 1t 111 bo hold on the evening I of Frial Y. 23rd inot. Programa, martins ! recitation., dieingnea and nnttsir., 10.110T11,..As provinusly 'tnaon5a el a friendly debate was held 10 Barnes' sohonl }masa last Wedneedav uvnning, between, the debating club of that eon - tine and On one from Andersen's Hotfoot house. 'Pilo building was v 11•fil1o1, The anbjeet of deboto was, " Resolved I that a Repnblioan form of CJnvernmei ,t , is Meter than tt momtrebial," For the I affirnintive W. tlrydon and Time Itob. orteon made two excell"nt speoch••s, and tbelgrou net was well conte. ted by 11. Bleck and Jas. Bowman for rho negative. De 111 01110', was given a draw. It Was a goo( (lobate, and clovecly handed. ACOIo1nNT.—A. letter was received by .lain a Bowman from Rnbt. Work re oounting the particulars of an maiden that bofeh them on their recent trip to Dakota. They had taken a oar of stock,, &o, with them and hail got to Park River station, Dakota, all safe, whoro Mr. Work got out of their oar and wont to the coach. When about throe miles from aforemen. Monad station and (Mout fifty mile-. from their destination nine oars of the train worn ditched, owing, to a broken rail. Goods were seattor'-d to the four winds from some of the earo. hilt fortunately Mr. Work's oar landed right ski - up, and although the horses were badly shaken up no particular damage was done. The coupling nose the coaoh broke so that ,injury to the passengers does nob come fn with this accident. Dunne.—The debate in Anderson's ooh. of on Tnesdiey evening was poorly at- tended but a most enjoyable time was spent. 'rho following officers wero ap- pointed for the month of Karol] : Presi- dent, As. Ireland ; Vice -President. Jos. Bowman ; Sea. -Trost., Allan Cochrane ; Commitee of Management ; Jae. Bow man, Wm. Cochrane, M. Black and Miss- es Mary Ireland and Annie Armetro'.g. The debate this evening was "Resolved that capital punishment should he abol- ished." The affirmative was sustained by Jas. Ireland. Dan. McLauchlin and Donald MoLauchlin, the negative by Quintin Anderson, Wm, Cochrane and Wm. Reid. The chairman, Jas. Bow- man, after critizing at some length the merits of the different arguments ad- vanced, dsaided in favor of a draw. Af- ter the debate a song was given by Miss Lizzie Ireland, a recitation by Miss Johai,na1Ireland and a reading by Miss Maggie McKay. The debate for next evening in "Resolved that an avdocate is justified in defending a man whom he knows to be guilty." Cmx•Cunr.—Hurrah 1 for Temperance. The ear begine to move. The first shot has boon fired and on we go, Morris rolled up the votes last time didn't it and it will do it again. Who says they are discour- aged ? Is it a whisper from the Method- ists ? No 1 never, die first. on to vic- tory. Mr. Shaw gave us the ups and downs of the matter Sunday night. Hero we stand. I5 it right to sett fire -water 1 Tho Mothodists say No I The good Cuu- servatives say No 1 The good Reformers say No 1 The Prosbyteriane say No 1 But some say Yes 1 It certainly Is right, just as right as we should sell br ad. Who is it says so : Tho ministers 1 No l The local preachers ? No I Tho elders 2 No 1 The farmers ? No 1 Who then ? Tiro sellers of the wretched stuff- Yos they say so and they can p eve it by the knife, the dynumite, the torch, the brutal blow, tho fool mou.h. This is their proof, 4 Baro them to deny it? Thoy Clare not tomo ou a public platform as the wumon pray them off. 1'h:• "fetch• coat Army," hurrah I for ns I nay, Women former! You h,vc scared the leen, who fear not to .ell rsgurdloss of mac, regardless of lttw, regardless of pub- lic sentiment. Sowed by a few praying It ulnen, a few who fear you not b, cause they fear whet you sell for woos'. It is too bad, yon ere to be pitied. The wom- an can heat you any day, anyhow, so come on. Yell out roped and we'll sing you down ; swear repeal and we'll pray yon down ; run for repeal nue/ we'll walk you down ; drink for , epeal and with wet• er, nothing stronger, we'll boat you any. way and " No repeal" shall who and re- echo through Morris. Yours truly, BULL. ENTEI1TAINn11.NT.—Loot Friday evoltinu a very pleasant time was enjoyed at the musical and literary entertainment in Andersonl'o school house. Notwith- standing that rain atone on about the Hour of commencement the building}, was well filled by a very attentive audience. The programs, was as follows :—Music, "Welcome To night," 0, B. Harris and family ; instrumental, Miss 'I'liynno ; song, Misses Lizzie Ireland and Lizzie -Reid; dialogue, "Appearances aro very deceitful," by Frank and Rioh'cl Arm- strong, Allan Cochrane, Nail MaLuuoh- lin, Wm. Sample and Jas. ]frown ; read- ing, John Bowman ; recitation, "Tho gambler's wife," Mias•Ida Reid; rpar- totte, "Tho Soo -bird," the Misses Sherr and C. B. Harris and W. H. Kerr ; logue, "An awful mystery," by Missos Jennie Reid and Mary Sample end Dan McLanclilin and Andrew Samplo; solo, "The Brook," Miss Laura Sellars; in- strumental, violin and organ, Duncan Taylor and daughtor; recitation, "The collier's child," Mise M. South; solo, Mise Kerr ; dialoguo, "Tho nee of study," by Misase Cora Souoh, Bush Armstrong and Jennie Build; reading, James Bow- man ; song, "The eooial glass," 0. B. lia,ris and family; recitation, "Bach- elor's Hall," Reuben Jowitt; dialogue, "Before and behind the sconce," by Misses Miry Troland and Maggio McKay end Too. Bowman and Chas. A.rnnstroug ; instrumental, D. Taylor and daughter ; leotur0, Joseph Bowman ; solo, Miss Kerr ; dialogue, "No such word as fail," Will Reid, Chas, Format, Goo. Celbiek and llobt, Shaw ; song, C. 13. Ilarris°and family ; instrumental, Jas. Bowman and Mies Taylor; dialogue, "Train to Mauro," Miss M. South, Will Bell and Bonbon Jewitt ; duott, Duman Taylor and slaughter, Tho dialogues, .retteiings and recitations wero well given, rho magical seloetiont would bo hard to beat end the tutor° of Joso;ih Bowman's put the cap - sheaf on rho whole performance), Thera was not a poor piece) on the wholo pro- gram. W. II. Kerr, of :Con POST, ort. onpiod the chair. Tho proceeds amount. ed to abotit 015 and will be applied to- ward makingimprovement5 in the Wiwi 905111005. II i l et twit l ti, Frank Poet Corson, of this place, Inas oh. Mined the bali9'shlp of Wingllani, Tho right mon in the right Oleo. ineactOMMIAMInteilreallefnelliniatelenUMMIODEIONOWNWOMOSIONSDISIIISIIIMMODOMMOSIDDDWISWOOMOWOOMPADMIODIDADOSIONADISOMOMOMIDOWDOMMOVell Dr. Mel{onzia, of llelgrave, who takes nhnrge of Dr. Mltgdanald'e bueiuese in his abemntn WAD lli trtwil on Tumidity. Mrs. John Robartoon hue boon laid up fide week, Inflammation of the Iuugo seems the trouble.. it is hoped oho may noon be well, Roy. Mr. 11001Cay, of Lnnkuow deidvmr- r.1 an exaell0nt sermon from tho Airy of Alaphihnohath, ie) tho Preebyt Teen nhrirah last Sabbath. 13 dos a nnmlit' of one. meson t'csidnuts and neighbors attended coin funeral of lite late ltobnrt Gibson, of Wroxeter, who was buri,d 011 1'tlewday. It hi with pleaetl'n iyb state that Air, Patboreon's band Is +loins Ho well. T110 pain is nearly all gout and the cancer will soon 500 the last of daylight. TnsirunANcn, --A grand rallyingtenlpor- ance meeting wn't Held in rho Methodist Church on Tuesday mvun}ng. The church was well.filled, not only by those who furor the Act, but a number of amts wore present, ap<1 the temperance folks were glad to ee them. Tna males were out in Large numb 'rs, and they will do the work. A notable incident was the num- ber of children Milo to shout "Noltepaal" with a vigor. A - first class entertain- ment was given, thanks to the I 0. G. T. and tho organist. Mrs. Cook. Besides, a, number of readings, eta., were given dur- ing the evnning. Itev. Mr. Cook made it neat little speech on the Scott Aob. 11e pointed out that it WAS not what weaekod for, b ,t it was the best temporanon las' on the statute -book. No wood°• it was not adorned better, the wonder was that it WILD enfo,ced nearly so well. The Halton contest was not a test case, beoause all rho loading papers, Globe, Mail and Jan• pia, agreed that there were hard feelings over the last election, a few days before. The township was organized, and now, tem-reranes men and women, work. Don't wait till the teat mmnent—A sleighload wont to Rodeo's on Wednesday night. "No, Repeal" ,is • our watch -word. Rev. ll1,. Cook spoke at a meeting in Wroxeter this week. Stoat", )rth. The new Public School building tit Sen - forth will be built by John Lyons at the contract price of $8,675. A young man from the country sold six bushels of oats in Seaforth the other day and was given a nay Moque for $2 40. Before getting it oashed, heohang- ed the 6 ,to 60 and the 52.40 to 829.40, and securing the latter amount slipped home. Was not identified. VEnr Sen,—Last Monday S. J. Mc. Caughy, a well known resident of this place, died, after a brief illness, on Mon- day. To add to the sadness Mrs. Ma- Caughy, who had only been sick for a short time, passed away on Tuesday evening. The double funeral took plana on Thursday afternoon. Two daughters are left fatherless and motherless very unexpectedly. Gs,nera1 Nevi's. Petroleum has been discovered at several places on the Red Sea coast, The Austro-Hungarian Government is arranging for a considerable increase of the army. At the anetion sale of the Albert Spongier collection of paintings, Tuesday night, in New York, 08 pictures realized 9254,200. A p;Hey of Cl» namon from the States, desirous of returning home, crossed into 0' nada at Brockville in bond Inc Van. comer, 11. C., and were pasao3 on via the 0. 1'. 1t. locked up in a eu1401119 ear 11121' so many boleti of morehandise. Mr. Davenport, the toucher of the pub- lic school et Itorni, nxpolled . one or two pupils recently. Friends of the teacher, on one hand, cud those of the expelled parties on the other met at the school house, Jan. Ilaii.'y, jur., tired six charges from his pistol, instantly killing 11. A. Rutledge and fatally wouiediog hi. son Edward, they were both buriod m the same grave. Benjamin Fisher and Tleiley's son ceooivod slight wounds Bailey was shot in the shoo and remised a out in the back. COD PAII,JI FOR SALE IN � Morris, on reasonable tome. In or'10r to close the affairs of tiro °state 0f the lute W. (1, Riugston, rho )x000 torn cam' Elm lowiog valuable lands for solo North half of Lot 39, Onuceasion G,Township of )lnrris, containing 00 nnroe. Ou this lot is erootod a good frame 0,1'1, with etnno fowl - dation, good orchard, wolf and pomp . Near- ly all cl°a'ol, and to 011 the gravel road Closely act,iclalua tho village of Bruosula. This ural is m valtlnbl0 ono, 14 well funned al<1 to a bond etabo of cultivation. For mines and terms apply to T T0S. I(0LLY mrss•Ols 1'. 0., TIMMY Y ,RnNNnnss, Victoria Square P. 1„ Or 8.12100 8111011, Maple lodge P. 0., Middlesex County. ..tUC.TIOINl4AL.1-- FARM STOCK And Implements. o. n Go Kirkby', Auctioneer, has roonived }n.. sur anions fromthe nudsrstgnod to soil • by Public Auction, at t S Lot 26, Con. 5, Ziforris, —08 --- Thursday, March 16th, AT 12 O'CLOCK. NOON, Tho following valuable phoperty, viz.:— I Bolsa rising 5 years, 1 Horse rising 4 yeabe, 1 Mare rising 4 years, 1 heavy draught Filly, riaing 3 years sired by "Entorprioe," 2 Sillies rising 2 yearn, ono sired by "Rankin Boy," 0 good grade Cows supposed to be in calf to torero' -bred bull, 1 newly calved Cow, 6 good grade Heifers rising 2 years, 1 good grade Heifer rising 2 years supposed in calf to thoro'- bred bull, 1 good grado holier rising 3 yeare supposed do oaf to tltoro',brodbull, 2 Moore rising 8 years, 5 Steers 118121g 2, 8 Steers rising 1 year, 11 heifers rising 1 your, 3 Fel Gattlo, 3 Sheep, 2 Trigs, 1 I)om0arat Wagon, 1 set iron Harrows, a quantity of Boo Boxes- rind other articl0a. Sale without Reserve as proprietor has incised his farm. Toasts. --All aunts at and under $5 cash ; ovor i:het amount 10 notttbs arodit will be given by furnishing approved'joint notes. 8 por cont. off for cash. Vat nettle to bet rash. Piro, 14ifi(bl •t. 0. el,berlsalr, A ue t i m, t air. l? lop f i ettn', EAST 1-IUBON 1 M II FY PCI,OA"i 1 i 'FARMERS' PTSTITUTE ! Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or I10 e VillagPro., party, at A p0bllo meeting will bo held in the f the above, b:,10 Town Hall, Wroxeter, Thursday, larch 22lld, OCIOI0UNCING AT 10 A.M. PROF. ROBERTSON is exported to give an addressee on "Dairy- ing ;" _l.. McD. Aerate a paper on "Fruit," D. Rosietreoa and others. The sessions are open to the Public and a largo turn out of ferment is asked, U. MCFADDEN, WM. BISHOP, President, Set,.Treas. NOTICE ! I ani leaving my ACCOUNTS With Mr. Hargreaves for a short time. All parties Indebted to will please Settle at Once, otherwise these accounts 1110 ill be put in other hands fur collec- tion. TUDICLA.L SALE OF LANDS. Dr. utohinson 6 if 6 , Per Gent. Yearly, Straight L011lrsf with privilege'. i - of repaying when required, Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, 131'u8sels. Returned to Brussels' ROBERT ARMSTRONG desires to state that be has again becon3a n resident of Brussels and is prepared to take Contracts for all kinds of Carpenter Work, such as House Building, Barn Framing, Mill Weighting, &c. He will also muke a Speoialty of Moi. ing Building., Estimates Cheerfully Givers, Satisfaction Guaranteed. in ovary instance. 1111111'. ABBMS 1'ONa- 'Wm Martin, Agent for the following Companies: -9 . Hendry & Son, Senfortb, Plows of Me kinds, Land Roller's, Cultivators, Straw' Cutlers, Grain Ilrushors ; Tolton Bros.. Guelph, Pea Harvesters, Stool Flexible. Harrows, No. 7 Plows ; Patterson Bros., Woodstock, Light Steel Binders, Oxford Reapers 6 rakes, Mowers, front and rear cuts, Boar's flay Rakes, Patterson's comms bined Seed Drill, 10 hoes, and cultivator' combined, 2 Furrow Gang Plows, Spring Tooth Barrows 20 teeth, Spring Tooth Cultivators ; A. Murphey & Co., Guelph, Ney's Patent Reversible Hay Carrier oar Double Anglo Steel Track, most coin. plate in Canada. A Special Bargain oan be had in Binding Twin°. A21 aro sold nt Prices to snit these hard limes. Satisfaction Gip:Imot<c<I on all Imple- ments sold. W 2I. 11'A]IR 2'IN, Ilouae—Tannnrmlr Slimmer, Bunssors. v SPRING GOODS I I have just reooicud my Spring ria (]nods ] which, for vasurpassed cannot be) surpassed for Cheapness ovou in bankrupt stocks. Now stress Goods, New Chainebra) a, New Secretiek era, New Prints, Nett Trtmaninga, New 11:Ilbri02t• cries, New Lucca. weir Curtains, Nets Cults and (bum's, New Handkerchiefs, etc., i i en,llt:ss var- iety. Everything Now, Boys Cheap and .Sells Ckrfap is What SarNE does. IN THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT,MY STOCK IS COMPLETE, I sell Teas at 20o., 25e., 30e., 35c„ 40e., 45o., and 50o., per lb. In C Ib. lots at Reduction will be made. Sit elfin 4)0)0110< of all kinds s'ory Cheap at 8sus:Nr': s, t'Battor and Eggs taken in Exchange for Goods. e M'IU. NOV tn: lIN>tltl[Btl f.ti. Call and See 31c. J. G. Skene, 35- TRUSTEES 1 A,YI'f:T]C®1`al d1R..y:l:. —0r ;\ r.tLVADIM ltnn Soda:. WOOLEN MILL, 1k nelt1uner-, ,9,La., 1N THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, ONT. Tlror° will be o0ored for so1O by 1'ublio Auction on the promisee on TUESDAY, MAIWIl 'Pills' 20M, 1888, Ar 100'or.sei'ie. 5t, the fu]inwing valnab,e Woolen 11f111 ((formerly owned by ltnenan Rowel, viz LotP, and N. lots 384 and 3e,3, in IialHday s survey iso tar ns Bowe had any in Lomat, thoreir i oleo that part of lot 310 se described int oouveyance from Howe to' Pattinson, 11atod November 16th, 1887, to. gather with a richt of way feet wide ran. ning from Turnberry street along tho south aide Of the lost rnatltiensd parcel. Upon this property la erected a Steno and Brick Factory, 00210 foot, 2 atoroye high, with a hasainsut and a moue and brick boner .and ,lyye home 20x115 foot, oleo a tram° been and b'loacb-boueo. Too principal mactiinory nonetete of the ougine and boiler end sanneotiona, Motor - cords, roll aardiug mao11150, 313 spindle jocks, 0 brood and -I narrow looms 51511 ver. ions (Alter maehinury(but not including the duster), also a horse'buggy, (tatter and sleigh, also n lot et stook and abent 70 cords of wood and someboek dobte. The real estate with whatever to moored by the morbgago of 88,101,00 to thio Vilinga of Brussole (2nd which lips moo years 10 snit without intermit' will be arid subject to the terms of such utort•gogc, and ton 01151110 and Mingo will be sold 0nbject to a claiitt ,Maroon by Oolitic ,t bloOollocb, Galt. '1'1110ts Cott. Vey farboor p as I.ia0tltre ninny onthe prom. NNos, or to tlull.0 Milli enit, 1:50rg0 eatli3Be111, Vendor's 8ohi1'ltote, Vendor, Galt, Ont. Preston. tint. 11a10,d at 001 Pommy 4'88 .1d 3 In the High Courts of , nsticc, Chancery Division. Pursuant to tlle'jnaglnalit n::.l Curd , 00er for stilt, 151'' in thio anion and dotefl m- oppet iv,lythe t9th day eon., -,r, 15811 and rah day of November, 011 111000 Will 1. HOW I.:, I'nl L. 1110[111,,, ,<11 1 1' 0n•,relm- 1.1011 „f the Lneal Maotlr o! tun sitprnnne Court of ,rudicature for at leo51- s'llIe, .0 10 Qum:N'S flow,,'n tho Vtitx�- of anu,roLs, fn 2110 County of 1i11<011 ern Thursday, March 75th, 71`.•00 8. At 1 ,'Moet[, r. 1., by Findlay Stewart 81010, Auctioneer, the fni'oolug vulnahlo fm'nt property in two parcels:— P.<nrnL No, 1. ---Tho um'th W i if e t I ,' f. 1.111113 - bar DI. in Oho Ilth eaneav9i'n .d the '1.'emi. ebrp,,f'1re,,-,in tiro Conty of Boron. eon - Min ifig After. more or less. NUM, No. 3—Lot no,aber21, in the lath 00000aeinn of tho Towush:pat Urn•. in the County of Huron, containing 1W acres more or ln55, 'Cron Pnronl number 1 r.ro ur r.ted aflame house and a frame burn to a substantial state of repair, About thirty aeroe are cleared and fit for cultivation. Abort 10 some or swamp land, wail-drrinod, and the balance tlrnbornd with hardwood. Tide partial 10 oho it 7 miles from tho vIlingo of Urussols, l Jnilee from Ethel, with a soOMal Ilouae aboutl4 m1100from rho lot. Upon Parcal uumbor3 aro eroet0.l an old 10gllnt105 aid In barn. About 1.1 50100 aro cleared and at for cnitivatioa, 'Allis Parcel s about 10 miles from Brussels, and about 0 wiles from Ethel, both of which are first. clues market villages, (loth the said parcels will bo sold subject to reserve bids food hy, the .Master. .Phe purchasor shalt pay again a d0poeit In the porportiou of 810 for ovary .$100 of the. pnrrhase manoy, And the balance in one mouth thereatW Its another r00050t0 tb0 tercels and eon( itlone tit coo will be the standing son'lit ns of solo of this court. Nor further pnrtlenlars apply to the law onion of Messrs, NssaaN A: <Jtmrrzi, al annum, and Messrs. wenn t Snnosnn, Barriators, Brussels. Gibson .0 (nolo, S. 21. Limier, Phtdntlffs' Solicitors, Local Master, Da tad Feb, 1th,183S 3141 Another Wanda 1, it novor was iatondad.so far as 1 eau Soar,,, That either tuns or womTn were intesdo(l to bo bald. I think 1 on will baileys mo, i ndood I'm Huse you 0511, It at the "Parte Hair .Works" yon have oall0d, There is one thing Nature ehinlca at --lel to thank her all weeon— She takes particular trouble with our rano; Sba knows a scanty growth of batt, the grey and whitening looks Will datraoe trout the beauty of 00 Soon nut nature hoe her IRw5 s0 strict that Von nidal 1.1050r err, For you'll surely pay the pmnnity at loot. Suelnin it, that bonntaone hoad et hair, , Itoottr nnronwena's hair Magic's tinauy- paaaad. Just try 1t. your afflicted, you 00000 will repot, 'Pilo Magic was naveryot known to tail; And the goodMint itwilt do you will male you amen forgot Theoxpenditnr0 a bottle ref octan., Thio now cameos prep aratieoe for Myel- in ati0gand eti(nutotingtho growth of the hail' le nnivoreally etocop05d as the toOst v'01onb15apooiOoonthe mar het, A11dieoas• OS of the, senlp two chime renoved or par- manantls' carol, A rleh And rapid growth of hair wilt follow of ter judicious and rep. ler treatment. It rennins with rho 115or Moue to 051000 rho dosh'ed results. lir. oorrmvend's"Hair Magic" le enld by all 'Imogene at frorbottle),orsix for 133. 111 not obtainable in your own locality 0and et - root to the solo mnnnfnotmror,050100ng prtae, A Donnxwoon, Parts Mar Works, tett attain VongOst20nt,'00ronin, Toot vane by 0. A.111,n;ihlta.n„I. lfar'reases and at IDs lggiete.