HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-3-9, Page 44 virki.-i5,1t1211.:11tB. t(leale [end. Found .1. 11. Smith voi. sale .t Nods, ir. ti wiehinsee Sprite; Goode 1, O. Blume. Morteepe ttrenyn it Beth , notelet ttlement, mastisaam-aassaraa=narast,oaataaaegoossoarasousta ttl 1118 Legislattir8 on Friday Mr, eial in its tone, end was eternity applaud. ed. Mr. French followed ins moderate and well a ecolt. Mr Waters; spoke at gonna length, showing gr. at familiarity with nearly n.11 the questions &mussed by the Confer. wee, and modally in the proposed 11. ikt-155c1.5 'Vast. FI'!!)-) Y. :11..11:C11 9 11438. Ora [minim of the recent contest on the Semi Aet in Helton Co., in which the Aet was defeated by a majority of 'about 200. is voiced by a °onto:et-ovary as follows TLi success of the anti•prol sae unexpected. It is a serione disappob tment to the friends of the Cr Temperance Act. It is, in fact, the first cues in which that act has be. ure.p. fled. after having been once oerried it nini itsipalite The act were first edop ed in Halton in 1881, by the small mejority of 81. Three years later an attempt at repeal was defeated by a majority of 180. The act, -hough not enforced eta trictly as it should have been, was doing a good work in Balton, as is evident from the fact that the num- ,' leipel aipproprietions for the relief of the poor were reduced fulls 75 per cent, in the four years following the adi,ption of the at. Tha cost of enforcement could not be complained of. as that was more than 'provided for from the fines collect. ed. • • • * The temperance men of Balton we ton much in earnest and too .tire of the goodness of th. ir cause, to be discouraged by a ternpolary defeat. Rightly used it may be made the prelude ,to a mi re complete victory et 0 future ..day. The lesson to be learned is that the friends of prohibitive all over the . Dominion ehould not only be on the alert to push the rouse in their own lo- calities, but should join hands, at the earliest possible moment, for an advance all Acme ibe line, in the direction of a Dominion Prohibitory Act." It should tte generally understood that - the temperance people of Canada never • asked for the Canada Temperance Act but took it as a half way measure when Prohibition was • sought. It was stated - that an the decision given in Halton bung the result in other Counties. It may have e. [slight tendency toward re. peal, but it is a very poor cause that one defeat will annihtlate, and instead of routing the temperance army the Halton defeat will inspire them to greaterefforte. One peculiar feature in the Dalton cam- paign W15.5 the entire absence of appeai. tion speakers at the publio meetings, which proves. to our mind, thxt the antis do not conside the temperance problem s debatable question. A few years ago Ring Dodds was the Goliath who received $100 a night and dared the advocates of temperance to come and meot him but new he is also laid on the shelf. What needs to be done be to being power to bear on ear leaislators so the.' such lens may be placed on our statute will not only aim at Prohibition 1rohibitki Int will 1- work. ade and /tot tinkered af t•-•ry n of parliament. Clancy tnoved for several returns relating to drainage weds% which eve rise te a eoneral discussion on the subjeet, lir. Monk moved for a rotuin showing the counties which offered bounties for killing off wives, and expressed the epin- em that the Government should give at- tention to this end. Mr. Watiire moved the second reading of the bill to do away with the amassment of farming stook. Ile held that where capital was ass° e' d income should not be emend, and thw the scale of assess. ing stook was unfair and ureasonable. The bill was read a s. cod. time. AU, Deck's bill allowing townships to grant sectional bonuses to railways was re -d a sycond time. A number of private bills were ads/tune- ed 0 ste...es, and the House adjourned at 5:18 p. rn. The Privets Bills Committee refused to incorporate Woodsteek as a oity on the ground that the people of that town bad voted against city incorporation at the lent municipal elections, and that seal incorporation was Bought with a view of ridding Woodstock of the Scott Act. In the Legt lature on Monday Mr. Bishop moved the second reading of the bill to empower mutual fire insurance companies to insure lire stook. He pro- duced evidence that such a measure was much desired by farmers. Treasurer Ross thought it doubtful whether 8 e insurance and insurance of live stook could, with advantage, be car- ried on by the same company. Ile had no objection to Sas bill being amended so as to enable live stock insurance corn- paniee to be established on the mutual sjstern, The .13111 was referred to the Municipal Committee. Mr. Watersbill respeating jurisdiction over bridges over rivere and streams was sent to the Municipal Committee. Mr. Mowat introduced a 1411 establieh. ing manhood suffrage in Ontario. The bill enfranchises all males over 21 years, resident in Onterio for twelve months, except lunatics, paupera and criminals. The franchise is given to all Indians ex- cept unfranchised Indians living on the reserves. The act is to go into force on the let of jattuary, 1889. There are very stringent provisions for the punishment of personation. Mowat also introduced a bill pro. Tiding for the establishment of the new judicial district of Muskoka and Parry Sound. The towu of Parry Sound is to be the diet. hit town of the whole district. Provision is made for the appointment of country and surrogate court. Prorogation is expeoted in about three weeks. Among the changes to be made in the new redtstribution bill of the Local Gov. eminent a new constituency is t.. be formed out of portions of South Dufferin and Morrie. This section is mainly set- tled by Mennonites, who will probabl et cure representation. C'onao:uhIoIuuN ta-VVN . Bronco Couuty will vote on April 10 On1 petition to repeal the Scott Act. The Grand Trunk workshops at Belle- ville are to enhoged in the spring. II. Cole t,0 w ill bo the Congo -Votive candidate in West 1 laetinta, :az r••.' 4•7. 1.,WI,. Galtraith, Lake Shore, Howard, " • FA -1 ',1,700 W,‘1.111 f Wane to one firm te. f the 1-- '1this mason. Metheciiet church, has reeeiveil a call to Newionnalana 1 to /mike its first sears the Methodist church. Luelmow. Last smuday an old end highly.re- spected resident, in the perane Gibson, p 'seed at, ay after a l'rw [lays 111. es of indarnmatioe isf lot bowels. The !lateral cm Tuesday woe Nary largely in municipal iumitutions by crating fat. J hns an incorporated city. Says the Wharton Echo [-Ono of our leading 101111'- o, the other evening, received by repro:- a fine pen of oystre, hich he thou .ht would be =pmrey, d by T 11 told. Mr. Gibson wits a brother to setting th. re outside for a few inutes. Thew Gibson, M. P. P., and A. L. Gib- The hostler came in hi the meantime and tvea teked if the swine ha1 pertaken of their evening meal, and on learning they had aot, ordered the work to be done at once. l'he man went out at the door where the oysters were sitting, to obey his lordship, and seeing the pail nearly full of what he supposed to bo food pre. Reformer, although very Itheral 010pared for the 1011101., dumped it into views. bus death hes neral net a blank their trough and treated the quadrupeds in this neithborbeed that will not be easily lima.annoy immensely. Excitement was can ea in Kincardine Local LogiSlature. on Sunday when it became known that • The debate on the Interprovincial Con. ice just opposite the mouth of the harbor, fereuee g solutions was begun by Mr. and in a abort time a very large crowd Motvat in a speech in which he referted had gathered on the piers. Tie ice son. of thie place, and was a very 131100085. Int fernter. He took. a great interest in agricultural elation; and fel. many years his mime was intimately connected with the Hut Huron Agricultural Society, The deceaeed was a member of the Pres. byterian church. He Waft ft life-long two men we. s adrift on a large cake of to the princtpal resolutuone, and explained the necessity for amendments to the con- stitntion. Mr. Meredith replied. He strongly aP- nosey, the proposal to tranefer the veto ram. 1 the BritLli Government, claim• mg that it would be a step backward in the history of respensible government. He condemned the Government for giv- ing aid and support to the epic of Man- itoba in their resistance to federal laws, and affirint d the necessity for a sarong central authority He denounced thecon- ference sobemo of Senate reform as her maphrodite-neither fish, flesh or fowl. He opposed the financial proposala, be- cause he claimed that they were unfair to Ontario. Hem G. W. Ross followed. Hablareed Mr. Meredith for having an every ooca. Sion been found fighting awed the rights of the people of Ontario. The Veto powert he Baia, had been abused by the Dominion Government, and the Con. fereneepropoted to transfer it to& tribun. al where Ontario had never failed to get matt sy and redress from the wrongs committed by Use Dominion Government. He said that if the House was to adopt Mr. Meredith's view that the constitution was uraliangeable, they must adept alto the view that legislation must novae bo changed, and they might as well go borne. H. E. Clarice followed, after which Mr. Evanturel moved adjournment of the de - tinned to drift out into the lake, and bbs men could hereon wildly waving a blank- et as a signal of distress. It was learned that Robert. Barnett and Angus MeDon. aid had gone out on the ice for the per. pose of si eing a fishing contrivance, and the ice having parted between them and the shore it was impossible to got back. A boat .0100 speedily procured, and being twinned by A. McLeod, A. Smith, Colin Graham and John Splan, started to res. cue the frightened ones, and after a pull of more than a mile succeeded in doing so, A collie dog belonging to Barnet was left on the ice, it being impossible to catch him. The affair's of L. Shultz ds Sons, Bel- ville, have developed a startling state of things, It is alleged that for some time past thefirrn have been galling >e large stook at great saorifiees for mush. Their paper was not due until Noxell 4, and areditors were powerless, but the oraeh Cattle teeday, when the young men Were arrested on a warrant charging that they and their fether, L. Shultz, Inn., did, between the 2n(1. day of February and the Set day of Mahal, unlawfully combine to i Ball geode withintent to defraud their creditors. Another warrant charges L. Shulte, eon., with morteaging big prop. erty to defraud creditors. Mr. Shultz, son., negotiated a loan 11010 the Ontario Building do Savings Society, through B.111, Britton,Q. C., Ringeton, for 91,000. • The application passed, bul before the bate. The galleries were crowded to fief- eheek was =aim 0 creditor attached the feeation.property with a writ, and there the mato)! The Made was continued during stands. The Master in Chancery will in. Thursday afternoon by Urgers. Drunter. vostigute the matter to-trierrov,.. "Mr, .....2.....ott.amootasittutatotemtoot.ttatz,..too.t.tot....a....,,.,,,,to=;.7.0.0....30.0guttuolomsposmotuttwoonorm 111Att011 9, 1888. THE BRUSSELS POST; DU-c Treatment, BRUSSELS N7S IWASHINGTIA, ac,r,si, ilminent Innis end Throat Surgeon. —WILL VISIT— AT THE AMERICAN HOTEL, Honday March 12tit,'88 Bond W, Sterey'a (of W. Storey Sou, Manufacturers, Aeton, Ont.) letter of roply to air, ateCartneY. of Beane. OW, :- George MoCartney, 13 oyno, Ont. MAR latter reeetyad. reply I bog to inforin ' you that Dr. Washington cumulately nured me of Catarrh of 2 roars' Blanding, which threatened to break down my constitution. I hod proviOusly tried everything and evn ery physiciaof note without receiving a Particle of good. When I oommaneed taking his medicine I would almost suflf noate with mucous m (0150 1000 ut I -throat at meman , d had ribu out given p all hope, Alter I commenced taking his niedloine licit a decided relief in 0 week 10n0 in two menthe Was entirely cured. Phis is nearlya year ago And have had no return of the trouble. I eau oonfidently recom- mend Dr, NI ashingtou to ayou. Be is no quack ; his charges aro wOderate ; he Is perseet gentleman in all that term intplies, at least such is toy experionee. Believe me. Yours truly, W, it. STOREY. DISEASES TUBA 050. Catarrh, Gaterrlial, Deatnelie, Chronic Bronchitis, Asian= en d ,.:ousuniptIOn, Also 1080 01 'Pelee, Obronlo Pore Throat, Remov- ing Enlarged Tonsils from 111* Thract, and Polypii,from tbo Nosc, without the knife. A.11 diseases of tbe Read, Throat and Lungs treated by Ibalittlon—The New Method." CONSULTATION FRES. /tome, Ont.' sept.14.10S7, D R.HODDER'S BURNOCK .14stkPitic701, co-m—FinvtioA CURES Livor Compri, Dyspepsia., Biliousness, Sick Headache Kidney Tro'b's Rheumatietn, Skirt Diseases end all impur- ities of the Blood from whatever cause arising, Female Weakness and General Debiliiy. PIIIIELY VEGETABLE, - HIGHLY COS - VENTILATED, PLEASANT, Er. FECTIIAL, -.411.1.a.t. F- OR - Dr. Hodder's Compound Take no other. Sold everywhere. Price 76 cents per bottle. DR. HODDER'S 0071(401 AND LUNG CURE. Sold everywhere. Price 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers. Tun lTsnox Memeom Co., TOROIrro, 01N, THECOOKS BEST FRIEND 20() &011E F011 SALE. -A nrst-elans farm tar sale in the 707011)111) 00 Morris the Oeatity or nron, being South half of north half lots 25 di `20 80(1south half 0020 in fit h con., containing 202 Acres 'nom or loss, 125 teres MobtlY eloar 01stumps and In a good litute of cult>. 'ration. '0100010a young henries 00011.1,'.dt good house and honk barn 55 is 50 1000 7011)1 stone stable underaotith, The farm is id to atod within a mile of the Maga et Bremen tiud is a good farm for antra or stook rale. 10 85 Itis trfLtered with the river 'Maitland and 'never railing gyring meek, Possessinn will be eivee at any time. Far further par- ticulars apply on the premises into A. h., AillItTSON, Brusseie, 7, 0. 0.11 ORTGAGE SALE VALUABLZ l'1101111T7 IN THE T-IWNSHIP OF GREY, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a certain martgoge, gage, which will be produeed at time of Sale, there will be offer. ed for sale al the American Hotel, Brussels, —0N— Wednesday, Mar. 21, '88, AT 2 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTER- NOON. All these ecrtain parcels of Land sit- uate in the said Township of Grey corn - reed of (FIRSTLY) that part 0011)0121' mg about 30 acres of lot number 18, in the 10th eoncession, south 00 1)10 middle line of the River Maitland and except a strip of the east side, conveyed to one Slemou. SECONDLY, lot number 18, on the iltb concession, containing 100 acres, more or less. THIRDLY, lot number 19, in the 1111 ooncession, con- taining 100 sores Ifloe or lees. Upon the above mentionea lands are good frame house, brick veneered with frame kitchen, and a good frame barn with stone stabling below. The above buildings are said to be nearly new. The soil is said to bo of the best Olay loam, of which about CO or 70 sores are ()leered and in fair cultieation. There is a con- siderable quantity of hardwood bush. This desirable terra is situated an the main travelled road to Brussels and said to be about five and a -hall miles distant 'therefrom. The property will be sold [subject to a reserve bid. Terms &ed. con- ditions made known on day of sale. For further particulars tipply to B. M. Med- wiok, Vendor's Solicitor. Realty, ChodwIclt, Illackst ock at Galt, 58 'Wellington St., Toronto. Dated at Toronto this 18th day of February. 33.8 ORKS I desire to inform the Public that i have Leased the known Banssass Lpin Wonits from Thos. Towel and will run n the business ext Season. I will also continuo to follow my trade as ,174 0 IN V: IVIL A. 0 , and 1)131prepared to furnish esti- mates for Jobs, &c. nut 1,1tuict AND CORNER s'roNll always on hand. Satisfaction GuarantaLti A Specialty made of ptrIcklaylog anal Plastering Lime. W II. L. JACICSON. Christmas Presents for Brerybodg, WATCHES, Waltham, Elgin and Hauipden, with Gold, Silver, Gold tilled and Silverio 011,8011 in Gent's and - Ladies' sizes. A. fine assortment of best American CLOCKS, Gold Rings, Roll Plate and Gold Chains, Ladies' Broaches and liar Pins, Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins, Bracelets, in fact all kinds of fine JEWELLERY. Give me a call. B.S.—Satisfaction guaranteed in all repairs. PROPRIETOB. SHOP 0 FEW 1)0000&OW OP DG BRIE. maux-rism. Grist and Flour Mills! Tho undersigned having completed the change from tit e steno to the Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has now the Mill in First Class Running Order and will be glad to see all his old customers and as many new ones as possible. Chopping done. Flour and Feed Always on. Eand.. Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain. WM. MILNE. -OF - el, Gilmour, Bess, IVIeKay and Grafg, the last of whom spoke until recess. After recess dobato Was continued by Mr. Bal- four, who Made an able ima aggressive 0110001, on the political aspect of the Imes. —AT ST ACHAN (-10 We beg to announce to our numerous patrons that although early. in the season we have placed in stock many lines that are now in constant demand. EXCELLENT 'VALUE ; GRAY AND 'WHITE COTTONS, COTTONADES, DENIMS, COTTON SHIRTINGS, GINGHAMS, SEARSIISEERS, CHAMBBAYS AND PRINTS. Full Lite of Nis, Silio A iNTID P.A.1\TTIMZ GS. Complete Stock of Cooper & Smith's Boots & Shoes. Fresh Groceries and A I Value in Teas. To Ona Cusromms.—Thanking you for past favors for a continuance of same we shall endeavor to servo 1.510)070,ef ',Potent°, le in the city in the interest of emaitere of that city. The mutual 0117(010140. claims ho represents itinettnts 10$.211,o00, Ibis not known for a certainty, but the general beleif is that he toned the warrant ton. ,1 stop the sale, which was fast depleting ilfr. Gothrie 00111)7011 10 a speenh deal the stock: The old gentleman had not ing with legal and constitutional tines- hoot erre led through consideration for tion. wal (10,0r.511 and judi• 1 hie tee teld Termer geod coda. Respectfully Yours, and asking you to our Straohan Bros. ----FOR— EIV1011110 T NE E TO save the trouble and expenseTo of moving our large stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Flats & Caps, &c. to our new premises, Dames' Store, - Oranbrook, we have decided to hold a clearing Salo for tho.next 80 days, wly1 special bargains will be given to Gash Customers. Now is the time to secure Big Value in Tweeds, Flannels, Felt Boots, Overshoes, Baps and Other Lines of Winter Goods. It must be distinctly understood that the special bargains offered during this sale are for CASH ONLY. and continue for 30 Days, Monday, Feb. 6 Sale will commence on Call in and see what we are offering. T. 0. HAR lib OTTLE. NO:ricti.--All persons indebted to us aro requested to call and settle by Other cash or note, as we wish to balance our hooks and have payments to meet.