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MAROLI 9, 1888.
'Co pop or not to pop, that lathe question,
Whether it's easier for a man to suffer
In single blessednoos tho rube of for.
Or ask ammo protty girl to aharo his
Anti by proposing and thom? To woo,
to wed,
No moro--and by a form to say he's
From all the little ills a bachelor, poor
Ie p'agned with --'tis a consummation
Detoutly to be wiabod, To woo, to
W ed --
perhaps a family l Alt, there's the rub;
For in the marriage state what cares
may come
1Vhon ho has taken to himself a wife,
Hunt sivo him pause; there's the ro•poet
That makes celibacy of so long a life,
For who would boar the washerwom-
nua's crimes,
The buttonl• 1'o shirt, the stockings full of
'.Cho pangs of collar with a sawlike
'Cho lodging koopar's sins, the cat's
and etrongo evaporation of hi -brandy,
%Vhnn h•• himself might his quiet.'•i
it plain Rohl ring? Who world
°hautboys keit.
And growl and frot a solitary life
Bnt that the dread of endless trades.
men's billa
('The housekeeping expenses, from
whnso doom
No Benediot eaeapea) puzzles tho will
And makes him rather bear tho lifo he
Than Ay to others whioh perhaps aro
Thos prudenco 'mikes a coward of a man,
And thus wa eoa most desperate flirta-
0.1 this account to often and in smoke,
And promises apparently of granite
Aro broken like the crust of apple pie,
And ladies bringing au."aotiou."
The Tobacco Habit.
The following very practical pap
or was rrad before the w'•eting of
ilia i', ung Peoples' Christian As
• inti''', in Melville church, on
Monday evening of las week, by
^ m/T3 ttHBn
of ls: rr
The intrnduonnn of the urn 01
toba000 amongst civilized natlans.
forme 0 most singular cbap,er in
Its biktory of mankind and in•
well excite surprist an , arlovi h
5 • rt tl'• t the disc, v'ry on this
c ullu,uut of a unnaeons and pule The per -on addressed proulit ly
•flied with e ,usiderah:o apiri, "Cur
Lowly not, so it I know It." The
Quaker cononnud, "And eaptoso
fluence ou thio social ounditioua of
thee invited inn to tl v bout;, thea
1 ra '• us 11111 that it shnuhi Not would not think 11 off, ring uta thy
glees to drink out co nor ,l,00 1, td
ono of ttlu sue, extensive attlolss drank out of it thyself, wou',l•,'
of commeroo. The name tubaec rhea ?" Tho interrogated iepll u,
I3umboit toile us, came from Ste +,_�bnminabla. No Such an offer
word pipo in the language of f3aTo' -'mild bo most insulting." The
„Its ,4y that it comma from 10- Quaker continued, "Still loss (80u:d
begs, 111 5t, Domingo. Hawrvtr' thee think of offering me thy hone
the name does not coecurn us, catty
and fork to oat with, after put ing
it would have berm bettor for the them into thy tn0u(h, wet,lflel
hrs„h, energy and social habits of
thee ?" The iuGertoaaaeil tw^war•
civilisation bad we known it only
ed, "To do that world ho an out
in mase and name eland. Toltec -
e as von all know, was previous rage °u alt deoeuoy, and would
1 thr 16 11 contrary, used only b» show such a wretch was out of the
tho wept; of this continent, a r1)(. pale of eivilizod society." "Then,
with those it:Tr
not at all burdened cith teeth to cash:as upon then,
tastes and cleanly habits. From wily shoulder ,flee (81011 mo to take
boss 1. imported into Portugal. roto my mouth 11111 nostril., (ho
From Pnrtugnl it was inErudrb,ll euloko from 1hnt 1)i', tr whioi, thou
:' :. : t+, ily Jean Nicht, thence ar° preparin. '0 r u 'bo, rifle, mold -
to England, and 50 on until It (8011 d ing the mu, the ,1)t of shy own
be (Moult to find a nook, or cont
or, where it has not reached. 1
am told that it has even found its
wlty into beer barrel'' for purpovo of
toad, ,tion, SirWalter I
alai h
.,s too first to introduce a uokit•'"
111.,' 1•,1lgleud. I' le recorded that
whila witnessing the exeontt"n of
Ee88x, in the Towtr of Loudon, ho
1,.•t at a wi:;dow smoking his pipe.
1.. i, 51;.,, elreditc 141 with intreduc
mg 111e panto into Europe, but if
wa' a. beu,'fectnr to hie fallow
rt.nn'ryipon in thee giving to thorn
tie most valuable and popular of
vegetables, ha iii r1' than notated
i • d .l' 1' : ,rood by teaching theta
um of the moot filthy and parnioi•
ous habits to which mankind is ad
dicl°d. AP far hs that is concern.
eel it were hotter he had never flood
but I dare eny Irishmen will not
tesiiU Ulla ILO alt that point. Some
time after the habit was estabtielt•
ed smoking received very alronuons
opposition, especially amongst min•
ietere of tho Gospel, physicians and
rulers. Pope Urban VIII 011e0133
mnmcated all persons bound guilty
of snuffing in church, One of the
Sultana mado smoking a Capital of.
fence. For a long time smoking
was forbidden in 110esla under the
penalty of having the nose ons off.
Jamas VI, of Scotland, even con.
sidorod the subject worthy of his
pen by writwg his famous collator •
blast on tdbacoo, in which the fols
lowing sentence oconrs, "It is a
custom loathsome to the eye, Mato-
0.1 to tho naso, harmful to the
nulling front Its use which. h think,
is the raps, Important part of this
paper and trust you will give 't
dirty habit kept emelt p to its 1 est medical authoriIy, lu than to
preeen1 tr01to( tit dins.1.01, 118. I. 1,111.11,•, ,Voll 111 t111 ,& (10408, or (1100 -
it not hill ml ie.Ltg to HNP 111011 who 1 tine, 110 action principle, wh10h le
levee arrived et nlulailly eugake(l' 4111t eenra thing, produced a burning
iu iho boyish Whit �ol meting a teahouse/ !u he torsions iuoreasod
Ohinlu1y of their motehs, or as tho I tulita'ion, n House of heat fu filo
ealtvatlou and over stem'.
fates those glands, heuco smoker;
imetead of using $bis secretion lor
the legitimete.purpose of digestion,
waeto 11 in ezporating xa spittoone,
Sootch au wu ld have it., " on olirpeto and on ,+idowalks Is It
w n Maki,tg ' l,uuutuh, chest and head and even surprising, that there aro dyopop•
a lum (1' their mon', " I ;taro way ,i ea the fingers Largo doses cause ties ? The wonder ie that there Kra
nut more. Again, tobacco impntrs
1110 ooergy of tine° indulging in its
nee. Upon what does our eono'ee
in this world depend ? Ia it a .1
upon our energy 7 M1 other cm 11
ties and faculties being eg(rtl, will
not the one who possesses
most energy win 111 the
race of life ? Wh,tllmr the labor be
noutal or physical will the one who
is moot able to sustain effort (111
aceompliett the 'Host? Most de-
cidedly. I' matters not than holy
energetic oua clay be oonatltotional•
Ally, ho will be lead 00 b} usi0g (u•
bacon It mattore out how iu'Inic,t
a mu may be natnrelly, he will h"
more so if ho uses tobacco. In cnn-
ovrsation, 't short time ago, with a
clergyman who smoked, leo admitted
1 WAS right nn that pont, beretuee
he always felt, after ho told what lie
110110(1 a good 80,110, t1111t he did
not caro to exert 'muesli or 1110''
may effort to do anything meatal 'r
physic,d• The 00116 11000 ( 'e,lativ0
110,,011 cf the fob (ce° upon tips brain
and nervous system explaiue the
production of indolence. In support
of tl i1', teachers in publio soh tots
toll us that they can easily dialing.
uieh buys who are addicted to smok-
ing cigarettes from the other 0u11'll-
are. They ttra net so quick to
learn, and have an apsthotto istles8-
nese of manner, almost amounting
to slupidlty In the Polytechuiw
Sellout at Paris the pupils were di-
vided into two olasses, smnl:ers and
non smokers. Tho non-smokers not
only excelled on .the entrance ex
aminatiotle but during the entire
good many of you havo 55(('8:11.11 uvuvinus'-, tiddtnese, drowsiuosa, 1n•
with tenon pipes at ono time or all d1 ;time vtaiva, hravy !Rankling,
other and 110001',1 p1oh"uty (Le lir uryttebt of the 11110011 x11(1 has a
ly iucrusta'louu that appear 111,111' v01y dOprtemug effect 11pot1 the
wall that is jus, rxautly 34hut would „ua1'1'11 a0ttve 1ceomtntnied by ex
talo' place welt a su1obtr"• 1(8111.11, trutnn uxhluletluu 111 lllu brain mud
duly for hid ewnll'•wing 0r et.it'int 11 the blood be examined, micro.
out, ilnnleupathicnlly, 1 uuy,11' any, 8cupleally, the red 00)puredes !u•
the particles of curb •0 iI,al w, old awed of belug ci.cular, lino n penny
otherwioo ad (ore to tho hui, g u+ .11 puce, are Ofemlt811 or jagged
bran°. 14111 ,.ore 1"14 be}, , i it , iuuud too edge linea maw. Nioo•
hie pipe aur, soap sod w chi.., ono rain,- second . s ,1111 most dead.
the hubb101 fluutiog 11 ' ,'.7, .1 ,y poems 1uuwu, Proem tell be
lug toe wont powerful, Barrow, !u
hle travels, relates the tuliowiug
iseidenl: '43 flueteutnt tippled
sumo of 11 111)m the abort end of ilio
151)3)111;1) tobacco pipe to tho mouth
of a soothe while dalti ig out i1
tongue. Tim effect 'sad as i11suwt-
uueouh a, an eltctrio :+111,011, with a
4141111 till. (11.el 1,'11411 "1'„",a4' •'O 1101 114uv114.180 m0vemell1 that Was
spit 011 the fluor," art ,+ a t, : w ,u l 00wt u,rtty, tilt' suvko ha11 uutwtet•
sur hauI(1 1,8 tuning. oro 111 111 1,(114,1 and MY- 4litrt(1 wore,
nn (40 (1 race 01 minors and spit• Tho muscles ,f aro su contracted.
tors. Nn 0110 who ties!' et t" keep 11,tt thu 551.010 011imi11 telt hats tau
himself oleau and for t x,'uplory ttr,td w• if dried lo Igo sou "' Is
habits, should smoke. Writ ? 131, it reasonable that tho oonttunuus
comet it is a dirty habit. Wont use of tu,y aubetehee possessing the
entails wtrbe than the breath of ,[ pllyaiolugieal actions and poieunnus
smelter, than his tobacco honked quelnils hitch us 1 11888 dosc,ibed
confute or his pipe 7 Then the eau 1 unit to auy,hjug wee but 1L
ahhee from pipes and cigars fall on jury 7 is it consistent with coin.
clothes, carpets, table0lo,hs and woo 80118o that u palette which
furniture to the discomfiture and would arlaugo the shape of tho red
an0OyanCe Of good housekeeper, I ootpueelea utthe hlued can be•in•
am certain tho ladies will endorse clulgod in with ported impunity ?
this. Eton this is not tho wore.. Nu 111 is imposed.) e. Yuu know,
Go where a number of smokers coo ur mutt 01 you ere aware. that oxy
Hrega e, say in a 11.11 smollirg car gen is au e8sentiel to life. Well
and what 'mole of Mush Meet your these rad, wood, httl't bodied fouud
oyes and boots on the floor swim-
ming with expectoratiou. Can
fin re be airythiug 01108 di-gustit g 7
Speaking of a 11.13. car ronllada mu
of r, Qankar s e,nry ; Roc'utiy n
Quaker wits travelling ill 11 ',liiroad
carriage. Alter a 1!,174', ,Iboorvi .g
certain " e r ''
movements ,11011,0 1111 the fart >t a
fellow voyogir, he Jeenet1:(l him a•
follows : 'Sir, the 00011.8 weal
cheesed, nod 1 dare Hay deo cos,.
eider•: awash well brad and 'could
1.101 demenl, thyself to any ungentlo
manlike action, wutudsi thee ?"
the 111014'1' 1• ' _ ,1(1'11 1. u,'.l
mato manly and ratluoltl e.nns.•-
merIt An a h1) d..1,e nes ..b u
cu HboUld bo expunged 0 . ;to
list of goutleulnuly mesh,' hioh
meats, '1'h1) plamlyd:, :Let u: sue
hung up in 10010 publio bonding
throughout the U. 5. and Canada
OnoU; weed, with disagreoahlo two
ate' odour, ul fact, otiose only 'Del
Ivory property is p ruicinna, should
have created 80 wide spread an in
mouth -7" '.1111• Quaker woe right,
besides it whl 1,o :,tml Led by ati
that every htlm tl hu1ug poesoase,t a
right to breath, tin porn 'til• of
heaven josh at. iiu,.l „;e igloos it to
us. No one hasa.:;,more .Igh1 to
pollute the Ill phtro dies we
breathe than an lima to potent' the
well from 4 I.te" Ne ,':ail, .t 1110
bread whi01, tr+, 1:01 It m41111. be
of intorost, 1,.pec_u,.y t. Armen
°hareore, to Irmo'' 't „i., nun:
10101111 Loh,,- ' u , •o'' , 1:..1) of in
e•hiitiou to the %sheets, teat. lo a
1 ,cent report, brourut befuru the
1 shish PH.riutwe0t, tot mduiteratud
(01)13000, Wee !blind 1, 01)11;(1111 sneer,
a4 um, fiour, rhubarb 1Nowoo, twit -
pike, fa1101"e mush, tu,,.rob, malt,
chromate of load, pot', Mose, ',moles
s"e, burdock loav08, red dye, comps
01 llowspapers, C1al141113 stick,
cabbage leaves and brown strew
paper. You have no doubt beard
tobacco users saying that it was
food and 1 riuk to them. You eau
now understand it. It is not only
food and drink but house end land,
paint chop and literature, with
drugs, condiments and chemicals
thrown in. Tho 1100 of tobacco ie
unphyoiological because no animal,
In a state of nature, uses it and the
first time a men smokes it always
produces nausea and sickness, It
is bottle to all forme of life, wan
plants, when oonfiued in a room
whore fermentation of tobacco i8 got
ing on, will wilt and die, and all
insects avoid it. I now propose to
give the physiological notion of to -
brain, dangerous to the lungs and )face.° .1"1 n'1'u1,�lr• .1 :flo;', rs..
ibo black sinlking fumes tllorus,,
1)0aro81 rosembliog the ltotrible
styglan smolto of iha pit that is Ivorolnlaidorlltion, '1'110 estt0'
bo fittin se," 31110s° words at0 j01t rnon6 ern dorivmd, nut from news•
Ito fitting new ns they were then,
but 3Otwitbstanditlg all this jngtil7• .paper clippings, but are based on
able priestly and princely wrath ibis .personal observation and tho high.
111 the htoudaro the ux}g4h car.
tiers of the body. The oxygen is oour80 of study. In consequcggce of
inhaled us one if 1110 constituents of those results the Minister of Fatale
atmospheric flit into the lungs lnetruotiong forbade tho ode •bf to-
wheu it coma In contact . with the bacco by the pupils. Time and ol,•
blond and thus distributed through. portunity will act permit use to ex.
out the tiseuOm "by miens of Mese plain how each disease ropy r+'snit
round dines. So it is improbable from this habit, but will close 111(1
to cutorsel them without interfering part of the subjoct• by quoting from
eel) their function of oxygen car- mumu of the beat journals and wadi -
,tors. A d011111ed amount of trio cal men of the day, and endeavor to
d181080', and ev11 effects of the hob show you that smoking and chew•
nuttily mud ex00brivu nee of 10600011 Ing are eat the 1nnocent habito that
by smokiug, snuffing or ohoeiug, (110 mejorlty of mutters try to make
will occupy more time thou a short themselves believe. Last October
taper will allow but I 01111 give you Dr. Hertz, at a medical meeting ire
sufficient for my purpose. It re Parte, reported a case of Augiva
undo Lilo development of mind and Pectoris, i. e. a disease of the heart,
body. It implies the natural ap. 1st au into terata smoker of 86 y' ars
petite and produces dyspepsia It of age, rosaluug in death, uudoubt-
11'rltate8 the throat tutu mouth pro. edly unused by toba0ea,—London
during a sense of dryness and Laucot, Oct 29, '87. In the New
tbirmt and keopiog thew oontiuual York Medical Itecord Dec. 8, '87, is
ly congested, IL induces a sense of reported a case of a boy, 11 years
un0asiUUas and nerv0nsheem, tune 01 ago, 01110 died from tobacco pule
,1011111 disease of the hoar,, or wont oning He had boeu enrolling lr.tlf
is known to, most medical men, as a dozen or more cigarettes daily for
,obatocu heart. Hypoohoudlit,tl, 10 mouths. The insauity of a
Gastralgias and Nuutalgia are 1101 young maul', Sparksburg, S. C., is
nneummun and one uf tho most reported by tho.attendmg.physicians
coustunt results is impairment of to havo been produced by the ex -
sight, or what !s toobiulcally oall0d 04488180 Ileo of toba000. hirlg f!'.lm-
tobacco awblyopia I have maid at bort, of Italy, an abstaigod from ii
the beginning of the paper, that the quo's, noticed sours tune ago that
tobacco habit was the right band tits health wan failing His physi-
eupporter of intemperance, and nu ohms attributed 11 to cigars mud to.
it lti. Did you ever know a druult- tum so. Ho, sensible mut, glen
and who was not also a 1(001(01 ur 16om up, wi'11 the re4010 of implov-
chewer ? Thera may be some but lug 1118 heallu. Allow me to no
I cannot recall ono to toy memory, mind you. of another inetence t•1'
however, the ratio of druuicards tabu high life, still, I em sura, fresh iu
yo11r, mluds, i. d., the case of the
late Gun, Grant, ex -President u; the
United etetos. Too malignttot ;lime
asst.' of the toupee
ehiuh prams-
tut oly ended his eareor, was, w
net doubt, (1.,usrrl 1,y the Uolllinee, 1
uao of door,. In iho early pert uf
lest year, es 21'1'00111,1 of 11,0 [leper
101 Society of Phyetciaue, at. Vo -rola,
Dr Fttvarger rupor'ud a ca'o of ,a
tatty degeuoralion of the ilwkrt, to '
Loa11 50 yeer8 01 ago, .8las hr,d
beau for mutt years au wvu60ratu
o11101(81 of Eiavenu-s Digi.:,. ;aver -
al W80118 before death ho 530,1 11t.au1
1'd with violent palpitation, rmeult•
lug tataily. Dr. Flvurgt^r 0,3111 111.,1
the fatty depot:ratite; 43,ttll 1401, to
1104 cane be sunned ley atom 'item,
1'e any rigor known cause usoept
that of wham This view was
cou110111e.d by eywptom8 11111 he
gaVU, which I Lead H01 111111 don
hero. Pertlapn the tilos: O0l,atdllt
injurious, offout of too 0ystam, stud
one which, no doubt, genuratly
escapes the uotiae of tho pnbtic, is
the impairment of vision. 'Phis, 1
ed to tolerate tobacco before ho wile believe, prevails to a great extent,
born. Both father and Mother and is usually atirlb.ItCd to natural
11sod the vile weed exoesoively, so causes. Dr. Mackenzie, so rec4nt
that he was toot only "born in tai. ly brought into prominence in con-
quity," nurtured by it from the first motion with the throat of the
throos of mortal activity and dowel. Crown Prune of Germany, mays,
moment, 1••Io adds, need tho reader "That he is of tho opinion that thero
be told that he bonnie a 00nflrmed aro fOw pOr80ns who havo smoked
sot, as degraded as mortals can during a long period morn than five
wolf boeoma. Producing dyepepeia drachms of tobacco a day without
is anothei crime with 18111011 tobac- having Choir vision, and froquontly
co is charged and may bo explained their alomory. impaired. At a
pi 1110 following way t Tito salivary mooting of the Optlthdl'n,deainal
Outdo poor forth a soorotion into Society, of London, hold ,e1 the atird
tho month during tiro mesticatiot1 of Ana last, thte sltbjr'4:, aro tit.:,
of food, this secretion is, or should 0118801 et groat length. Some of
be thoroughly mixed with Hut food tho most 0111(1rent ee!tlists of the
before Its entry into the stomach day took, part in 1I. .1 will not born ,
mud is nominal to porfeet cliges- you With 1t in detail, but only 0(lcet
tion, Now, tobacoo produce (U0iTtotT:1) m i 1',%1311 (t,) i
are 1,180 non smokers, mast bN vury
shall umpired to demo who art
also molten tied It can be explain,
ed Smoking, s
S n n I have ,ter 1)d '
g }
said ,i dryness o
said, t es t1, y f the
throat and month and leaves it al
ways congested thus creating thiret
• fur liquids. Bosldee 111,3 pbysiotug-
tcal abate of tobacco is that of a
1OrVous and cerebral su(lative, au
you see smutting wilt plodu0e a
oraviug for both a liquid and wilat
is the opposite of a ourebtat oodat-
lvo viz., a cerebral stuuuhwt, thus
alcohol, which is a brain sem ant,
fulfils the iudioationu. To all those
W110 have the very oommlutlable
141811 (0 neaten from intemperance
would I say, 13owaro of tobacco.
Were there no other affects from its
1100 then this ono !s should bo a
sufficient argumout against km oat;
it. Dr. Hannaford ,elates a case in
point, ho says : I muco know a lad
a near neighbor, that could 004011011
pipe es (Any es he could play with 0
rattle without any disoomfort. In-
dood Ivo may suppose that he learu-
,alines 5000,0180111 ted p rIly ulvaro,l 4(144
IlaIauaa 01011 thnbarud. A novor lalling
01001101805811(,npb108141,d 1111 (8011M11Rppt
Od for b1tbar nlrrout,l 1)r grasiuq, 143111111,,,.
selse001140aoCroe, befog sent part oflot 14,
002H58, nryy al iIael1 dand Ina tri."
11tagoodatone owbto unarttit;
novor fulling wetid%leo on Ihorplat(,l"ur
on 1IW piton 01'0(1)4(0118 p (o (411! Etre to 3,,
Or .4.E1(111,(13 .1V1:R S, Proprietor, 1./f
Caveats ate; 001185 nus 'trade Main. sneered
mud 1411 other patent ',motet 111 Ibe 11•tunl
CSn88e1.debulort the (Muni pretsiptly sari
0800folly attended (0, 1407.14401,1(44 nt moa -
41'u okeSeh of 1, volition, 1 make earbflll
examlunW0n,and 'Levin. a5 to putout .ntdtity
1,re4 of Charge. lanes m04144044, and I snake
no obargg5 0011,8 platen 1 is 5(0nree. inten,1tt
Minn, attvlc0 and 0pealal )efurLucus 011,1 011
a rpllcatlnfl. 310.1.311'Ef,t,, IY4011tngtrin,
11.0., U.(3,yntel,ttlaioe. 1;1-
k oliy /b
C C.
'e '1 A P+" smear Cure.
1: ---.:'ti 4a 1111 a -�` «0 .„.!*.:4.--f.:'.-7,;',-11•
D:+' 11.11.<Lcm mi'.�}6.,.0 } v.:a o
'CT'. P ,; �' F 3.:: -r BPMCTF'IC INTO. e,.
'Nil&1 .'dnP44.4T 1ft&Jd2LTIT ItEA' EWER,
,,rr� avotnl Healing, anti Knhh,nor of Modicum.
"tt-,m�.�, IT'L',' •'-.;1' *403 terribtef Coluregn,nncee 0,•111 4tecreabon,
�e,.:..,,w,,,.+o..,.,, .,,.4 Expo'nre and Overworlt,
]"O CT2�'Cn•, t' 3iJ .isi- C : 11 OS_X 1\
Who are broken flown 11•..4:' h" e;lo-ta of ,,bust "ill flu'1 in ,No. H a radical cure for inseam+.
' - • x do w„a,u,Os. )1,0. "Utnry 910th losses, oto.
3Yalrmoats ran Wu/Cu to„ !.n 13,1, t'ee,,-Warta 0f tnori y, vertigo, want of purpose,
dimnvl's of sight , 1/404011 want 1 oinleues, avoidance of conversation.
denim for soh m t I. 1 • ' . '44•1 1 IM4 at.antion on P. particnlar snbjuot,
0004,111100, dupl:+.d • et. 1 , +, i08.1 1,i 11011 TN', excitability 01 temper, aper.
matorrlurn, ,,r l,1,K -- „iva L'ub1-1'•,1,0.111 of self•nbnse or marital excess—lmpo-
toucy,:unntrttiou, oar, „�, ,: h,.,, Inn,eros+sa, ont;ern tion of tho hearr, hysteric feeling. in
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