HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-3-9, Page 22 iYatr Diru'Lr ;i 1111111 os ails Sooittisst Urn.\.... l;urie t Sabb> th Services nt ll a,,,t. .01:111 it. m. St'ndtty .l'rho,•l at2::$Up..U. Rev. John ly,ona, B. A., pastor. Kine: e tryst. sabbath Services at 11 a, in.:, to p. a u ,: 'i$hool at 3.30 1' lucv. S.. Jones, pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 9:30 este. ileo. W. T. Cluf., incumbent. Maxe.e.ver Citroen. -Sabbath Services at 10:20 t m. and 0:30 p.711. Sunday School at 9:30 p. its. Rev. M. Swann, pastor. RemaCAT11.4.11(au nc1l.—.-Sabbath Service third Saluda' to every month, at 11 a.m. Rev. P. T sh n, priest. ()DO t: ^.1 !.asps' Lorain tt every Thursday evening, In (Graham's bloc+.:. MAsoND.' Lams Tuesday at or before full •, <.: , i u Garfield Lloek. A. 0.U. W.Limen on 1st and 3rd Mon- day evenings of each month. k ottl ,a ul`T' Lever 2nd'and last Monday evening ,f each month, -in Sma10'a hall. L. O. 1,. lot Monday in every month, in o'a"::,• IIaTl. neer ,) titer.._.-Oiliee steers from 8 a.m. 7:30 p.e,, M :'taws' ixav:Tivra.- Reading Room and T.1 try, in Holmes' bl"ok, will be nP,•',,. ...,Gu,ti,:'r;, -1 •.. canesdays and Saturdays. 3l7es hassle Ross, Lib- rarian. namorva...uouunaavea ovivvve..w...ea.omaoes. ° (RY 31Z• rtn'S (Cermet. 'i'\ !•:N 1'P F01111 'GOLDEN &ULJ t?•. one lax peenared the fol 111\4:,1� r,itea for e•...t • itte(1 girls. obit:. ea.rle r.,.rt:etn.'y'vlzlby of very ca... '• tar '1.11•• ',nn; readers spill ti:x•11 It perk pr( elle fur them to e,;' ••rd's these rule, and put them •ttey can he Oben re•ul. With MI eat •, salt abed perr'uetent effort to obey , .t.,) there as &n(( doubt hut they eta tell f..vur,tb: .vu their id tore., 1,7n. ;&1111x. of the eminent men n. the paeC iul •e,trty IFe adopted such r,,lote, to v; Lich tins after yearn they :t' eibated, lit a ler.e meaeure, their great causes, ..nm sure at least et Cilia, that no one ever adopt ed and followed caret;ck:y rules like the '':: •t•v1ug, a:'hcee ire watt 3 fail lire.,'lee.^:'," '.t- Ink; . e:en,e is aoit it :lit, and stn cine succeeds real,,' who dues tot '3o right . I Audi r:ev,•t icuw .in .number of bo%, steel girls wile wilt cut out the -e. • ll.'s gaol,'t:r\tanly put them awe. at sonde bu:'k oe t_co ver with th.:..--letiuu tier they F`atll b•' the ro1,•- ih'nr 'ivea. ltnt:T_ do .know that , '•rte it, Otte svl,bse eye is etches ever , who will kl:av: aunt n t hie hits ,ittpou evety te1'Y' ,\bo sieuer- nvor • '., t. li" y std,.-ee ge:aeu 1u,•�, , ,, ;.a ;. tt., - keeping the:• ' , the ll •'. o vat;, r:'flay you eti . to: that the a tk• of heaven aro 0 v<,a 114 re art. t ohne : 1 it • :Teel .tn i otw:y gnu,: 1„treute. 'Ate you eltpt't'eti tion enough to be leve that the howllugof i, dog culler yoor•wintluw at eight is the tic„ of de'tttil ?` 'lee, if 1 fiud my go t,ffelo he gets sway ' Cseti,nfer (tit coal deal/10.4. want *' it it 'an t,f eros) Dealer-. 1i,e, air ; wit at-aiZU? (',satelnee ('lU ld' ' ly) -• —I', if i' i 't't rifting tau ' tt'uvlt. stir; 1 would like to have a 1 twi, thou -stud pound tun. If you -aro btlioua, I Try'Dr. Carson's stomach Bitters. If yonetro Dyspeptic, trey.Dr, Carson's Stomuelt Millers.' II yen,' liver le sluggish, Th. 1, nr was a Success —Leo { tut, r'e 'WIG Well, John, back t fr'•m pair ••e nrt 'rip at last Did you Carry ,sq ur 'Odiottcco with ynu ? rd'Ot.erer--Ne,; but 1 could have dome eo Tbey were small enough Cite young woman et tate cattle i shoe, +Sipping sume knave.— 'What as delicious drill It, George ; to it email from the product of tits grape dine ?' George --•'No, my lova, Witt Lunde from the product of tit levy. , A LESSON. A. tsesco' le to be learned from the sight of gra) nem p the hair can be stut top p. promoters f :ae 10 tame. elto not let it tun on without mak- ing an e0ort to save it. net a bottle of Dr. Dorenwevd'e German noir Magic: it etima- latastho.growth, gives treat) vitality. and koorn.itm:oatural color, besides being a su- perb dressing. All druegtste sell it. Fierce looking stranger (just sr rived)—1 ata Irking, sir, fur the et ciahetic hr:cdqu rums in 'this place. Yee. '1!•• Saloom strevit111t ahead 'Jsii directly opposite. You cen',t mins it, my friend, yutt can't miss, it if you keep 0u. A poet cries, 'I fall—I f4111 In there no succor near ?' Plenty of 'em 'You'll hear them laugh when they see your poetical feet try ug to kick the.zet.itl,, .end yt'ur ritigletted,. hair: ploughing toward tine nadir. Etbcd:: 'Did you see a donkey on the steps as you 00010 10 t' Itis. Iter. Fetfthetly : 'Why, tui, Ethel, µsial; ,would a donkey the doing there'?' Ethel : 'I don't know.; but Clara said when the bell rang::. ''There's the donkey coming: again.' ' Mothers,: • =f your daughters are in ill healitl, 00 rtten led with a palenete •that asoma loourable, er if they sutler from gen- nrel debility, appetite, procure langanr, weak- bottlerfosa01tppoTonlerBitte at and you 3,3010 e1.Jubnoen's Tonle 'Bitters, amd ynu win,n.t regret the outlay. The teanio and wanonsnlyattentthoning effect of :.bit modi. clue is Aral), marvellous. MMets. ane $1,00,par bot ole et Dea'dman'a Drug Store, 13 ru stele, 1 'Pim Fail Cure. Christian Seit:utisn•-•,D.icve you ever tried the faith •carie for your rheuerattiem ? Pat lent—Wes, I'm trying it now II've t;o: in •Lel• pocket ,tit' left hind t Co.,t of S &,1a-vly... : faIAit lett .•.a8 skilled .1:1 the ,'.ark of the Mono, ,end 1I'311 b!att11i3 If T 'h''t thick itte t helping ale. DIfferree At:tl„,sties-Pelirir•t,•r-- w,,, you "go to or 1.0,1, tit.• y ult. Do:, sir.,: •r :,: sly ? ,I,1.t bbv 5.e:. ,1- Minister \ •1 sl,o k ort. "114r :n.ither, , —I,tlt 11,, lte se you Sp(•11 'bread. 11 �,l \ 'r :.':rli e uc;'.i a .' wheat, I Bobby—ill r.e,l1 ili1:1 err--ll;eb- star spells t• with ann, Bobby u ,fly hutlsst.. 'v'',,,iu the j I3t,hty—ii,., +,ir, but youclidit't tisk :tr. : stir„'ors. I rot. haw 1iVe1'.ut,•r spell, it ; ye”: ••.1' i yl " ^au. •,0 141 at you asked me h.:w 01 • ,-: ,1.1 t„silt! it tint meow. ;lane dtetzaarkub le SEMI. 10,.41: the deaf, the lame • retina at sant ,vest rue publio less !teen THE BRUSSELS Cue day a vory young boy urged his grandpa to slug, cults'•wry to the wishes of the old gentlemen, who, by the way,eould nut tell one note from entailer. The entreaties of the child finally induced him to try, and lit efforts, after a few strain., mai) remolded sly the following: 'Grandpa, I guerre you had butter tells it. '"Pecterio” will euro that cough, "Pectoris" is the people's remedy. "Pretoria" loosens the phlegm. "l'cttoria" dG cents a bottle. "Peotor• Preferred Ilia Steak Dead. --The •etury is going the rounds of a cow .bey of the Wild West Show, who wwent into a London reetauraut and ordered a steak, which was brought stn bun exceedingly unto. Re looked tat it a moment, then drew hii re• volver and blazed away at the meat. 01 cootie, there was a panic. and tae police came about the lime the revolver had been emptied. 'What ou earth do you mead by this o,n• duct ?' asked the proprietor. 'What ds I mean, peril,' answered the cow bat'. ',Yny,' p0lUling tU 010),d coat raw steak, 'I wanted to kill the thing.' "There is nothing that does me so much good when I am feeling out of sorts, as a teaspoonful or two of Dr. Carson's Stemaoll Bitters," writes a gentleman who has used this remedy in his family: for ,oars. ]3e 0,uldn't Understand Women. There was is little incident on a cable liuo car the other •morning that made all ou beard laugh.. There owe ouch a tonsil of humor in it and so much human nature that toe mirth was as free mud spon- taneous as the rippling murmut •of a brook. The oar had just stopped et the Priests of Pallas ball, and a serge, genial faced,,jovi.tl kind of a .span assisted a lady to alight. Ae the car started again he rather ear - 'neatly roivarked : ,Now. there ,goes my wife to hear Sam Jones toll her of her fault's,' Thee after an iia• preesive pause, 'Yet when Lary to tell her of them at come snare is a terrible racket. I can't understand .i wren zv o8ts►1. The last anew is the bast bed for grace seed. Any fool can farm—to long as Iiia money and credit last. Water is often mistaken for disease among the new litters. - Tbe crap that makes the profit is the crop that beats the average. Tiring has doubled same rueu'e fertile --.not broader, but twice as, deep. Straight rows are more pleasing to the eye and less 11res..n10 to the hated. The nl de stresident cane'!• remem- huc wk..:/ , encu fodder crop casae imI's. • J,:ck b'r,,ot about stakes and List- is making work for the maul - 'en t,ti elf • bun. B+'ureiagir i' so roach more vela- ahle that, hindeight, because it is so .1,:, 1►u(1 a breach), animal, n„at his, always food the loukmg for these utn,,y y0ars and that i n t ;'•.t t '„ medicine+ which• altl'engl, bob lately intro rs •1 e3311 ad•'sress the aged .with dueed,hsemade for itself a reputation see- ,(ie iter 11 011) the spring with ouly ono to none,the medicine is Johncna'e Tonin '• a - -C"i C• I Bittera, -blob, in conjunction with 'Tette- t •>r ; f tenuous than without a . .�1 eli:ty or injure ,your 1 son's 'Teale Lts:or i'mR; hoe performed some t 0ud rful cures impure •,u ( 1 t• u1 mos poverished blood anon novomtra peaked oud W,,i't• 1:1117 ":l'ythi.: 16t;;rn 1 enriched. Bntounnost indi.estinn a k •Y Ibeadeeb liver eomnlalut, lenge ,r, tt ul aegis,S0 ,n •'3 1) 3cex when tr,. ..ed by •!tt ti's c.n:pully of ,bas, bytneA3 Deaelmy S.e1u$ �icia, .. ..: e..- - i'n fl l80i0il'.. L+tt'dl:''• : Ili i• ' t • 1)i. Of 1.10 tc, any litang 'i tette to uighi, 3 r. I):,..•i• . i 1.31itlget out fes a canva:. heel,, oud riot yang' rot pros pane a 1rn1j 11111:' ' 1.•,i i Il:ot nitre allot he isn't drio''t':. i-- iittp:ovo aehr.il I 'Fr , o' :.r;r+, t:: r!r 'lt::k, 31t drichs ?' Lana 't. .'`t.,, :,1 rsittst 10:. and 'outg;; lack lam,. i, , 1 for game, lir Donk ' -i th,tnkft'.lrrsa what r l :1„r,'c1 ,dt. vasr:y at,u:;, u ca; • t06a' so I i.,vo you 11 >. :!• CO.,. ..1,r drink e11t r,st, be 11ec i,.ri,-•.:.t; C„...vi T1s f)i -1 ' i.+ , J.t: it_h;tvior 7,° ett•.n.e d !. t r,.. : .. ' Thr (' , .el i n • 11.3 'iu.i pl,.,y• I it. ...u, r' : t "1. . erep,ir pi,ulc . .•liars guy laud of nn• 'uraAvb••rr:c:; ,,a ft qu art r wo.lt atpl. r r.r 1 ! t1• .' t.„,"1. • . "11 .. 8.11:1 y1,11'V 3 go 1 1"3311 ;acryli cp..n l fur tl . ,ee,'1;,r 1. h:;r . 1,'t 11f t;:,,uitafj a; idnOlil:11 blit';'. :''1' ! , -- $1 ;lU It quart n 11 r ,:0 the ,,seal; dissillle' Nv,,enti tris . d ,;v1 t., '1 y to Ung, an.l bygt>pr I hoses for 0111011 gnerler they c 1, 1013111) it13 impunity 111-1 a I ., 0 . When yea c.111 4,13 1 C3! 9%lar neo e,t-, lir. L athir!'y,' c„ -d lwllu , , .. 1 never ,;tiny later than 12o o'clock, do 'Can you work 2' asked a lady of 1 you 2' 'No indeed, Bobby, and w--t, a l41.1.111).'I don't )snow, ma'am, :I often Its hitt,' "1,1,0,`'; e'11'14 11,40 to, but I'm out of practice.' ? pat 00uid. 111 tend uta hat there A shabby coat is no disgrace, but 0133 ori dauc+c 1 e s ,•,. ,,r i,; is a great impediment to the enc. ( latex tit.,il m ,ir a:tt.t to 113, bce.tl.,e cos-ful negotiation of a small loan. I rile 8410"8;311 011>40 01 1!'limscy---I den.... know how it is, Ili Itec:,a reentlatinn,-•-Jen, but 114 t1131:d!, t „6llaeus of menI t'Tcllo Dill 1 I }mar you have ai- •„i.uly g, tllu best -wives, Meg. :.1 tion a 1 n ;t' 1%1.4:;, ;cl tme._r x C„ (ar'ehly)-- 0, you flatterer! Billt)h, ye,1 have. it position as: .lravollor 10 1s aatcru (.ouduutuu : � colfrittur, there, - .Tour.:+ --•'That's Wily ore t li t> Relent' reaching 13----- I first 1•att , Who r', commended yon? St, lt,.l J (;00431-•,;0r ; t•; wa>4 111+,µ 111 11 , 11111 • ., livhctly. 1. told Bunn that ea lni`a:t down the tt'ctlic 1d last I cul (, i1cr1131 a bill frinl'u you, 1304 aid1,' , l nbt,, i1; 111-.113 nice 111 ' year re ;let 1 ,y' (:rt • tiro Ike holy 0.0mo, •'e'.1'+mmHg that which de - 2't f..rgnt to commend •` .110, who lextla np,111 novel t fall into a very old :n is .;rave. r who r•,lufc3! at clean ? euu,t gardens loves . it', bi'uself. 'tri to drive, but if you l4' :ahead of it it will .1 :11111110, , cora dial( wilt he a le 4I Cn 1110 rents of •-t, pleat”. tw.t",1 odder Cilium,. 41.t t:i.. un dry feud ulfoie enc ground i, e '' c)14 111:0 macs! loo all sa•mnle. t, t ac tura his plows in )171A only Lar,1 work , , 1,411 lieu. ':ha db'osvmed klub + tilt' -1, betrr, i')C"'A lr iii ,;aiet(IC ai,lpii1:rd. i.. r3 in 1110 spring will value than the ideas : `I`. 1' eta; rid the stove its tare. sty 313)11I)f1 doesn't bear" on ,.;,late and chafed sidott," than lit the .horse while the un0iled htt,tt was bud:led on. Early to plow early to reap, The granaries ali with golden grain It' 1,110 1100305 aro frisky do not turn 'heel in the lot together white 11)7 '1>'> fri 1l 0101, Tiley aro tats t,, ; ' 1 other with ilio sharp ( ., , 1 1 (am on 01.1 the hu1'. h t in lit and morning with eureka! eft later, be, ginning a moot() borers the ejlring plowing. Lu Ivitrlll weather 0 0 sweat, pads under POST MONEY TO LOAN, riuIEtlTE FUNDS. of Priv-ate Funds glace just boon placed in my )lauds for in- vestment AT 7 PER, CENT. Borrowers can have their loans complete In three days if title is satisfactory, A.pplytn E. E. WADE. IGN OF rI'131; Scotch Colin.. A. new stock of Buffalo Robes, Goat Robes, Horse lillaukets, Rugs, Bells, Whips, Ste-, just to hand. A splendid assortment of Trunks, Valises and Satchels in Stook.and sold at living ,prices. GIVE ME ✓1 GJJLL. . 1.0011.32i05 Brussels. T. FLTSIE.3, PRACTICAL WATCIIAIAlCEE AND a:WELLER. Thanking the publio for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage. We are opening.out fulllines in GOi: & 8111.4.1.W4TIIHES, SILVER PLATTED WART( from established and reliable makers, fully warranted by ns. Clocks of the. LLGt & f. ort -7. vir 14.: Lazar Wadding Rings, Ladies Coln Icings, Broaches, Earrings, d'>,, Also have in stook a full lino of Violins and Violin Strings. ate. N.B.—Issuer of hfarriago Liecuses, T. Fletcher, Got The Bele• The Western s OF LONDON, ONT,, tALQCN7's q':1\el'1',E Steady i,,in plop/omen I to lioocl )ten. None moil bo idle. Previous laxperieIlct• mit essential. Wo pay either Salary or Cotll• 1Q0Mon Wanted To Cltuvtts (01.' the Sale of Can- adian grown Nursery Stock. 11)14! Fon chi I"iurseri08, Largest i1 Canaria, Ot dr 400 Acres. Don't apply uuloss you can furnish hast -class lteferent.es,and wantto work. No room for lazy men, but can employ auy num- ber of energetic men who want work. AunitllIi: Stone & Wellington, NURSERYMEN, 1'orurtto, Ont. WIT. SMITH is prepared to attend to Carriage Painting in all its branches, as well as Sign. an -d Or'rur.,nen'al Fainting'. Ho has bad years of exper- ience and guarantees his work to give satisfaction. A rig well painted is half sold. Estimates and terms cheer- fully given. GIVE HIM A. CALL. Shop in the old 'PosT' Publishing House, liiug street, Brussels, /tURON AND BRUCE !..oan , ! n'v'eatment 0o. This Corolla n y is Loaning Money 01113'33rr11 >Cnrity at LOWEST 1,A118 uN' I1TEIi.LsT. 'Purchased. IIttNIi BRAN ca. 13, 4, 01.11 ;1 fur cent. .Interest elle Deposits, according Lt. ,,.:, ..;ill and time let. 11'ii•}), Vastly fm•,ruv.,d l llhin'r.:acn :: All the News I Penn'::r n„ -'"!a, Rome 13ea1U,g 1 u.;.,�1._ To all now eri,..dri;.iey,f 1 ,'o: ,, at the lour pried of Talmagu'o and Other 2,0311, Excellent Musical ,,,sunt. i : iuternatlonnl 1,1.1:3'lc 1 ei `.,0,;a .`THE NDU.Y.Q( f.lfletr A limited number of title >,0autiful p• 0- 1>3111n1 picture is offered subscribers - for 10 canto extra, Tho cohere Aiasblisor aal Promitti A"O .B, tita.tO. Agents wanted everywhere. 'Twenty. Ave valuable prizes to bo awarded over and above the cash commission to the most auouosstul agents. ;registered lot. 13100 me At our rick, Poe fres sample papers,10rm2 to agents, oto., address, 'DVER `;SER PRINT1N0 co„ viae„ • THE mitis) e1 ltai.1J11 kJtda'aorrizis7. Yon (tau have The Western ;1(11'0! 11sta' anil. its beautiful Prentinnl) together' witli'i!ie, Pests for 1888, for only lk5, P,G, by addressing W. 1(Y, Tp a=y.x•, 13nr;enut,o, O:il', —'1133001' of Il:tarkct '3,413111 Street, 1140de- a..,... c' Florton, the . '1 'o Son, foinoerly of Woolen Mills, hon i'4)1'(t1('113 in tllisvi- t 1)311! t ui'y have Now in Op - endow, , ,:01,111 Mill in Blyth, p?1'•' 1311111 by adhering to i 1,1u11 of 3110 king noth- •,earl, Durable Goods anti t 1 - ,t that by so doing to ales,,, 11 liberal patronage. t;; lisSTCOMl"WORK of all )finds promptly and care- fully attended to. Horse shoeing a sped - Tyle ITloln 11' Pawn paid for ally. Wool in h;xe1> , n1 for Tweeds, 1''7111 (`ln!b ,1''1 tntltlls, Yana,0te. rel Trial Solicited ! A call solicitoel. Satisfaction Crzftremicdcl J R. Forsyth & Son. 11'IARCII if . 11+818. MEA7' MA rKE7', Main Street, • Itrttbnels, ANDRHW 0I11-(1i1J'3, P7301'Ef1;'J'Uli, `est) I'3' Salt Meals Of the hest quality always on band and de- livered to au) part el the village free of chews, Twine very favorable. FAT CATTLE WANTED; Cor which the highest 3n+rket price will be paid, I alto make epooleaty at bugles .sides and Heins, Don't !cruet the place next door to trletcher's Jewelry Store, A. CURRIE. - S PLUM, General Blacksmith, wishes to intimate to tho publio generally tbat he does all kinds of Blacksmithing Ina W orkmanlilto manner. Wagons, I3uggies, Sleighs and Cutto •e made to Order. Repairing promptly ;'Executed. Imake a Spooialty of Horae.ahocing. A Call Solicited. r 'Itonlomber the Stand—New:111g Bnmolt. 24 S. Fluni, Ad Y YOUR DEBTS. MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE OOLLB CTIN O ASSOCIATION —n0)33 1308110)0 IN -- CANADA AND UNITED STAT1ESl •-wAs— Esm..e mI z xsma xxc' yeae,, lia.ilgtor its object to oollset :roan all that is possible to naltoct from,thea pub - nth the Lames of all that cannot or wll, ..ut par, widen list is supplied to overt member of the Association throughout Canada and 'Clotted States. That neem bttrsbip now num• beringranytbousands, and -le aoknoaledg• edbv all to bethe most powerful organiz- ation fa existence tot t1, COLLECTION OF DEBTS, Having over 200 Established Agencies, Membership Fee: 1st year 010; and year 07 Ka ; ird year ea, If rented w•111,. In 1 050011, after membership expires. And upon receipt of wbtob, Cort)Aeate of Momboreldp. dolicuont book, full supply of notices Walt complete Instructions for using Association will be stnt, Send for testimon- ials, J. BIDWELL 311116 G Ca. Mgr's, Tow ;hoe Stoke, J. DOWNING, Formerly of 0odei•lch, swishes to inform the Public generally that be has opened out a Custom Boot &.Shot! Store Opposite the American Hotel and is prepared to take Order:: for all Binds of CT7ma 't�i11Z W011 . • None but First -Class 11 olknll.dl Employed and a Perfect lit Guaranteed, Repairing neatly clone. Ci11.F, ME A CALL. r7r 't1 aha nts,aa4 tWr:a. 011 and oiler NOVf".,7,1 E1I 1:•: the - HUNTER B1tACKSIT3')iTP ar1r'3 will ho open to the ,t'tlbliel aloe! the undersigned will be prepared to attend. to Blacksniithjng in all Lines, W. T, Hunter, l>ropl'ietor •