HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-3-9, Page 1Volume 18.
All Smoke and no Fire—A
Mere Game of ts1uff.
To the i1ttor of Tim POST
Son, -•Iti your issue of the 2401 ult.,
your reactors were treated to two letters
of an egotistic type, whioh wore intended
to hu a reply to my charges against tt e
vilifying language of the omonytnous
communications of the pow/ion° week.
From a logical standpoint I should not
take any notice of them as neither of
them oontain my arguments againstniy
charges nor anything in support of their
position ---they nro in rellito more of the
nature of a bear with a sore head, and
were it tho rule that attlwke upon the
character of an individual bad to bo
printed over the Christian name of the
wryer, "lloader's" latter would never
havo been penned, but as he o'aims to bo
in poo onion of some very damaging
evid.nec agninat mo, I intend he shall
havo a chance to prove himself a man
of him wore; and show whore the evil
rests or abide by the 00000g000000. The
use o£ tbo ombletn of musanry to add
weight is very cute indeed. Ceriaialy it
requires something stronger than the
production (f his cranial development to
make it at all intpros8ive, but to make
use of a symbol that would lend to stir
up ntrifc, shows bow little respect he has
tot ;mare and quietness. It will aocoln
plish for him what varnish doe• for de-
w,ayed wood—a beautiful exterior to in-
ward putridity. Masons wilt
pr. nod of rho new defender of their
rights, I tun euro ; yos ! just ae proud a
n peacock would of a orow that world
try to loop her company, especially to
one who has borne the some relation to
them that the urchin does to a peanut
stand—a gatherer of the waste bite that
fall outside. "I make an assertion and I
dare him to deny it." I, even I, make a
decree said ono of the ancient kings. Ab-
solute monarch ! Why did you not use
Alexander Selkirk's words
I nm monarch of all I survey,
My right there is nono to dispute
From tho centre all round to the sea
I am lord of the fowl and the Unite,
Then tho people would havo a clearer
conception of tiro value you set on your-
self. .1 f assertions were facto, and chall.
engrs proofs, you would be a terrible man
to oppose; but assertions to login aro
like ntgu•boa,de to a store, an indication
of something inside, they are not reality,
but that which surpasses it, they bear
the e.me relation to logic that the hands
do to a olock—the alt important when
ahead -led to the power within, but use-
less, .t,...uli for play -toys, when separat-
ed. Assertions, unaccompanied by the
facts t-ey pre-euppow, prove nothing ;
are Of littlo valve in logic, They are
smooth' re like tic guns fired in a salute,
make a great noise but do no harm and
apart from the proofs to them are 'bout
as valnel„ss as Ito cheap haberdashery
that 'ivory peddler carries in his paok to
throw in as make -weight. Tho weight
whmh en aseortion will (glory depends on
the standing of him who utters it. If ho
be a men of truth, whose veracity has
never ecu questioned, and whose word
is ae good as hie bond, the public will lay
great stress ou them, but iliho be au in-
dividnt of low character and mean ac-
tions whom few has any respect for, the..
wonid 1 ave about as much weight art the
°bittering of a squirrel in a troe, but the
writer tat ton dishonost to permit of this
.decision by signing his Home to his lot -
ter, but 1, ;nay bo that discretion cons rho
letter pato of valor, however, wo wil
credit him with knowing boat, Asset. -
Gone to ;;that are liko fire crackers to a
soh • no.. en the 21th of May, everything
til. o lhel meeloss. Yothink 1
der.' no (It ny it 7 Perhaps you hop" I
• wont f 1• it moot ho humiliating to be
nom ell to swallow your statement
over; ti :,a you hint nb the name of a
pets m eupposo lute applied for tho
,v .. i ,:, b t. you will find out after a
w•L r •• , ou etre not such a good supporter
e,1 0s, 0.0 you imagine 7o„ are, then
. , i'! i.e.,1 quietly to y lar own affairs.
i . dons, ad otden. that I have
1tea'ion fur Cha: Jilin_, to the
( n • e or any of their officials, or
• o lits or would &lure tho
• of the office. or that I (two
(. , it t.ttNtttnp;dfrntime for
•.l anyone hao to my knowledge
'fer tan heat;viewfn'; 0i con -
.long PL.
17, 1 laity gone further bled said 1
v'• to ' ennui ihttt:ion with. ilio Gamm-
on , ami still havo boon truthful awl if
ye... 000teiliteueis ea grutcer than your
"n•, •'' 11 t(romu1 soot,. 'imp whoa
1i •: ,ux. and .1 will „ilow you thu
pr':to, ; ofr.•aciiu(; the rurraspondetou,
but • 1"i til. not find any referring to the
p(aut.0-- thorn has not peen any. Now
roue alone with yoar evidence, It is
e you 1 10 comiug down to herd
fine •+outewhero instead of so muni;
gas I await the inevitable doom, too
revocation of your crushing evidence must
bring, You say that ono of the Inspec-
tors stated "tilot somo ono had applied
for ton office." Why olid yott not toll
who the inspoetor is that said so, who
the Marey is that applied for it, mid to
whir' Ihcy applied'? You cannot afford
to 1, •, moot, that would be tnanslangbt-
rr 1, ; u0 p It}tion. Yon appear to hoop
n pt 1 int dego,tt in your school about
app', -0110118, npccrdibg to your theory if
a Saver WAS tvisho l for from tho council
IG world do to ask ib of tho poundlcee lar
or snow Othor etrvattt or 'f a teacher
wanted school lie mt as
might apply to ono
of Oho ratepayers, or if a domestic want.
ed wo:lt he might talk to the orrand boy
about it end it would do just as web.
'I'hoy would be likely to sucaocd would
lhoy not? I do not boliovo anyone has
applied foie the poeltion, and I believe
you aro lying whoa you say so, just to
ttt1100 your statenolt boort a little weight
you mention tho lits looter, It is n0
tnoro probable you have proof tor what
you nay than i1 would he to suppusa. a
'oldior that', was armed. nllowittg 11133
weapona to hang by his 01(10 00 the heat
u{ betide, button! ofmoiltil theft to de -
banes; have boon se lnnah exposed. A
first it was that Dr. Holmes had apptlet
for it, that has been proven false by tin
in+pector hint e'f, tit n it was Mr
Junking wantal it, that has been positiv-
ely denied nod now It is that I have ap-
plied for it and w,iolt I omphatiwtlly
deny, utiles- you kow my b si, we bet-
ter than I do mys'If. fiow do you ex -
peat utero can be any relianoe placed in
whet you Eny when you haw, boon :;hnwe
to be lyi g right straight along. It is
uo wonder von don't went the poop'e to
kno 1 your mono , Ind just a• lake aro
Oho impressions int Mod w be couvoyed
by hu other !utters, only mow oumiog,
they 1 on kill homenlve0 by eing ton
bold. I ehal suw,:ni the most imp'rtnnt
and reply to Gluon at length. Tho first
is, attempts the role of friend and up
holder Of both the pr00ecu or a •d promo-
euted, a rather sera go position. Indeed
it 0v alct b••, if ,t were trop, it wooed be
like the "bat" in too fable of ho bnttlu
between rho beasts and Otto birds, flitting
hncltwards iau:l forwards, first one • 110
then the other, bot not accepting the
policy of either a a tvh le• It has been
"aid, little things aro great to little men,
and exprrie cis he shown us thai what
is impos-ible to one i0 ion always so to
ano her, owing to the euporior nbill y of
ono over the othor and what in thi case
is a puzzler, to ' ono not itttofvietved" is
quite a easy CledneLion to anynu3 p008ae0'
el of 0, en ordinary ability, and it does
not require nmeh studying to an intelli•
gout wade to discover the point et at
tack in my previous letter•. The alis.
take arises from your. shortsightoluoss
o discover the point of attack—hie ire•
ability to distingnieh the difference be-
tween en attaok on the insolent hui
gunge ORM tnwttt•is Cha partied who in-
stituted the investigation an 1 mu attack
on the parties thotusolvss, But this err-
or is not to be wondered at when we con-
sider what the characteristics of a bluff -
or are, Tho want of knowledge and obit.
ity and a talent to perceive things its
they aro predominant fo,tures in that
class of aristocrats. If he can show that
my letter is a charge against the post-
master reel the parties complaining eibh
Or constant, or al ornate, then he will be
able to shote truthis error and error is
truth. To malutain tho position ho has
taken, lie will have to argae against tho
poseieility of dealing with a question on
its merit, without assaulting the parties
raising it. That will appear quite evi-
dent and reasonable to any intelligent
pars en. But no one need t,onder if they
do attempt to refute, that which experi-
ence and reason has established after
the extensive drali(g in abencl00es they
have had alro„dy, "proseouto and
p(•oseoutod." Aouording to Webator,
prosecutor is ono who prosecutes, and to
proseouto is to pursue a just claim, and
pavane means to follow or look after,
then a pro motor is nue who looks aftur
n just claim. Now, supposing for o.gn-
meat's sake, 1 was t, friend of the pros.
ecutor then I would bo a friend of one
who was pursuing a claim, in short a
friend of justice, and to be a friend of
the prosernted, coo •id mon» to boa friend
of one who was trying to evade giving
recompense for a just claim, who was
trying to act unjustly and therefore ex-
ercising fuju..bice, thon 1 must he acting
with jostle° and injustice, right and
wr•.ng Ob the same time, width le con-
tradict ory and tearoforo absurd and im•
possible. I imagine you intend to convey
the idea that the postmaster was suffer.
ing unjust punishment, in witieh care
you should have used the words, "parse.
outor" and persoottod," although I ono
not 'wapiti ad to adm,t anything of the
kind, but evon so you .vhould state what
you mean by pporseoutioo, that is some-
thing that ptulosophors differ on, where
justice ends and por0ocntion begins. It
depends for its lneauing nn him woo
uses it. When the Mormon is prosecut-
ed for pologamyhe calls it porsaettion,
The people of Chicago prosecut'd the
dynamite anarohiet, and the anarchists
the world over nod in all tine to corno
wit call it pa'0eomtion, end those who
wore hanged Evill bo martyrs in the an-
archist's =louder. If you read history
carefully and into ligonoly yott will find
he who is vtbngnish,'d ie the por-eoutud
and h•• who eOngnere is the vasomotor.
The majority_ of ceimintt's, who neer
thoir fate tot Cho end of a repo, botiove
they are Ohs victims of p••re0un fou,
Did not 0omu of ten sympathizers of
Neil, who was bonged a flow clays ago,
think it an unjust ptlni-lunent 7 'i'ho
next boat thing to boiug a victor is to
bo a victim. Tho idea of being a victim
oompeusetes for tho chagrin of defolot
and victory jumtifios itsolf by orinlinating
the vanquished, Ent if yon molt "au on-
quiry h(to the charges agolhot tho po,t,
master" pets• notion I would like to havo
your definition of "jnatioo-" Iun000ut
people aro always too anxious for au op-
portunity to prove their innooenco wbon
a rumor is afloat of diroliotion of duty
and morn so when they aro cortaen the
ease will be dealt with on its merits and
judgment rendered according to the ovi-
denco produced anti they are not very
apt to try and bluff the parties off who
ask for it. Thal looks es if they wore
afraid to hem tltoir actions inveetigatod.
It is prima facia ovid0000 of guilt, Jud'
when people begin to talk about honor
they should show they havo a little of
that elonaant in their 0101 nature. The
publio will have groat oonfidonco, 1 am
sure, in the expressions of honor front
one who has not honor enough in stint.
self to sin his own nae to his letter.'.Cho worldname is full of such creatures as
you who wautpaople to do as 011 Day
and not a0 you do; who are always tali;.
ing about honor, boot novo; havo any to
show. Tho pooplo are store apt to think
that It man will write the truth over his
own natno, and very right too, fat alto
oharactor of him who writes determines
the weight ]tie worsts will carry. But
the boot, answer to somo man o nrgu-
tnonts of ho torablonoes word( bo their
own name (and perhaps If my app toe:Le
names 0001.11 nalle11 til 1.0 their tatters I
WO(c1 not hove soy need to reply.) W1th, y
weight would the, arg0trlopta of tt ch'nult-
en man have for tomporamce, or Lite
Nee hieekee, 'The vooloo will not lee Atheist for the advaucelrout of G(xlts s
1 1 ,
t hehoughud ao 100,1(04/ AIM scotfad, but
I let thorn write rohsalvo and haws it
printed over a net de phone and they
woo el be handed to the skies and hero d-
al 0s the hero of temperance moda noble
worker in Oho vineyard of 'bo Lord, and
wily 7 lieoause, in foo first instance, y u
knew the mon, and hie by Orley was too
getting for him to receive any credit, but'
in Elmo other yon only had the laugh ge
Itoolf, an!, freed from the loathsome nolo
poem., it ooandu vary honurabiu, and you
credit it for what it is worth. Who aro
he mat that history dcsitrnateo. "great
mon," whose dcetln will render their
names immortal? Wore they beings
that :Muted bohind the walls of a print.
ing office to hurl ineinuretiols and make
°yoked allueions to their op",nents 7
No, they were mere of honor, uprightness
nod indo, endance of oh..recter, wh a ad-
voc,tel their cana0 from the vir1uo et
Onalnf I'' 'o'(1' e 1)B1,14114 they belie. ed
eoorety wouli c (civ' front its adoption
They were ,not towarde who were afraid
to plead their evetl0e pobltaw they ey be.
bowed it to ho good, trod were not sedum -
tut to own themoelvo advocates: Yon
011111 nor Off0t• l4 greater inan t to a marl
who ire d1100r0 in the advocacy of his
cause than to tell him that he should.•on-
teal himself from politic view, that ho
should bo heard and not aeon. Now,
nate to rollout for a moment n the off-
oo ,:..,c to4,r,ea Ott. s., who.,.. aim ie to bo
genorono and do somot'tiog that will be
for ho public good, and those of o filar•
row', selfish dispo ition, hoes motives
are base and actions mean, and you find
Oho latter is •ho class who alwey0 001
40' 4• rl•rmra, not are never known t"
sign their 00) 11141110Se to th it cotnino•,i
on,ioi10. To the former, concealment
moans in•tcti icy, to the lotto xposurs
brings destruction of unrms The sor
carer, the mu" serer, the robber, the liar,
and, we may add, the non de plume mor-
alist and the bluffer have been well
named she "children of darkness." Some
aro so foolish aa to imagine that the pub.
li0 can be duped by a man using a 1100 de
plume, but when an individual has lived
in a plooe from childhood 1 he people know
then so well, that they might as web
sign their own name as to assume One.
The oast is surely an Unintentional
give-away, In rho is no of Fob. 10th you
say, "oth cos will be found willing
"to unmask tho prime movers;" now it
is, "if he would only let us know who
"they aro." It was no snore than expect.
oil that you woull be the game for your
own snare. To talk about a thing, while
at the same time you confess you eannob
'to 11 what tlt,t thing is, is to admit you
do not know what you are to kin • about
In such a mese, silence is the bestevidouoo
of sonse, but you would not be true to the
iu0ti.,cts of a'•bluffer" if yo , did not try
to say something, and to try and convince
a mail like you would bo liko trying to
make a full-grown bear have the (politica
of a lamb, and it matters. not to me
whether you choose to believe things or
not, it i0 • ho pubieo who are the judges,
ank ,thether you believe rho telegrams or
not is of no importanoo to me ; it is the
p'eblic where otnnio.. is to he taken on
that, and I would not bo at all surprised
o find that you had bean writing to the
Postmaster -Go twat, and when you found
they were true and could not be denied,
you did the next best thing you could to
lessen rho w.'i ht they wo du carry, to try
and quality the meaning of them by at-
tempting to show that to say anything
morn than NO, would be to alter the
meaning but, in my opinion, tee Post.
tnoster•Gereral intended to show how •,b
absurd it would be to apply for auice
not vacant, or, in other words, to apply
for that which was not to bo had. It is
too thin ; you will have to bring forward
the roof of your a000 tions, and show
=nothing Have mothing belt r col mow soh.
u antial than chaff .o give the people be-
fore you can expect to receive the slight-
est credit for beitruthful in the state -
trouts you make. You, like your col-
,eaguo, try to make a p hit out of the loot
that 141r, Grant and I are brothers, and
that I e n not acting .1'Itamale toward
him, Supposing, fm' argument. that I
grantnibto be the wtso, I- it any of
your hotlines., or would you bo like v to
b,. bn (tilted in to wattle it 7 No ; wu
won d want so a otic. that would net ren
am! hido bcbi.t,l Cha wants of a printing
olden to be +t bist•ature, it le the it by (i
°very mise to uphol1 the i„hr ^nl f 0101
dent , on oho wow .g; curd if ho be .4 74:to it
it etdy roudot, tt more 1 )I�l pltlsory, ,nt,
in my opurio1, you havo its (melt t epert
for Maseru, •v n.. a crow has for rimed •y,
Shall coo infer from y.ei 101,1 10111• col-
leogtlo's rofol'eutc 10 and 1111101011 01
MOs 411'y, that (i 11ero11 is to bo 30 011101
110re worthy than nay' other h
reed upright ennui:' 1 object. lltrad uy,
like religion, is sou tinea put t, ole into,
and to and Into a sloth; to coml..0000
Clark spot on o,.o of her flock, Too offon,
when neon find their influuuoo wooing,
and their popularity dy.ng out, they try
to revive tho embers of opinion by the in-
fluence of tho honorable soatotios they be.
long to I but it is a poor eubotitute at
bort, and tho liro becomes oxtinguished
all tlto sooner when rho flash ie past.
Bettor to walk in tho path of virtue and
to transmit the'busiuese allot; d t0 us with
Honesty and nplightnuse, then wo will al.
ways morn, Zhu Aralen of the honorable
andd weevil tho approval of the ,just a.:1
upright, and we will not regtii'o any aimiliaries to assist fn gaining loaf 0(0aatr,' ;
hot it will bo lilio the trees of the fore.%,
gaining in etrongtlt as our days increase.
Joining aooiotiot to try aol gain good
Evill is buying that which virtue gots for
nothing, and rather then resort to such
ulem,s had bettor migrate to a part whore
they aro unknown and start aitow, mak-
ing tho past a guide for the future.
Yott think I should not allow my nano
to bo used 00 on offtoiotb person foe the
position. Why not? It is an honorable,
trustworthy position, atiil 1 comma ow
anything about it that choltid dinotutoe
those who use my name in aot>noctintt
with et, but, ou the 1111)1r(ry, I think any
mnng man alight feel proud 11301 the two -
We plc e in ttitu Cho nblltt ate requieito for
rho successful otegetnmut of ouch an
office, mud if you haws any 55M01.7. why 1t
yon tone& <.rr�rlit• after 1•rnu' trirtin art ltw itf
U3(lnrl Nano wltalevo'. l.1
hny \refold , I
the people that you aro sincere; but, in
my opinion, it is a ORM of sour gr toes
mmglod with fear. If your en•worker*
aro sinoare, why slid you abandon your
first position and turn right -a out -face
and a sumo a different one? It is quite
evident you had nothing to substantiato
yon stabomen a, ancLuec000fty oolupollod
a change. Whore are. the gallant bravos,
lvto over.• to cone forth so trippingly and
unearth the pri•e 'movers 7 Where is
rho proof that Cho charged were antus'ed
by tnalioions or mercenary motives? Lt
what way have you convinced Ecce pa .plo
unit sotne one ha taken timoby the fore -
look andappliod for the position ? Where
is there tiny evidence to show thaw aro
'nistakos'' from Chair nature and eiroum•
stances inseparable from the duties of a
postmastor 7 You have no proof for any
of ,ham. It is a 1 0,noko ant no fire --a
mere game of bluff. What is th ere in
.n' at tenet lessors to support you1 puri
tion? Take away from the b offer his
favorite catchwords, I dare, I deny, I
ohallongq, rbc., and yon deprive him of
Ma most useful weapons of war, and thon
attack then; iu this p 0ition end you be-
wilder them et the first charge, to those
gentryt,l0 high-sounding phrases, "tissue
of falsehoods,” +'dace not deny," "seeing
hie name in print," "arouoclile tears,"
"honorablouess," oto., aro irresistib:o, but
Noble intent out student eh.. uxpresoiono
are simply ridfohlou+, 1111l038 he uoudiders
them indicative of mental aberration, in
which ea e i belouge not to philosophy,
but must be handed to an expert in ner-
vone and 050060.1 disorders
I b,lieve in all mon enjoying the free-
dom of our country to its fullest extent,
but not abusi , it; in all officers bei ig
pr.tnot•ct from injury and injustice in
the dictate goof their duty, but when law-
abiding eili0en0 • 1'.• uubraidod for de•
mending an enquiry into their griovances,
it is time to interfere, and the lose of it
we have the batter for the harmony that
exists among the people, and to the extent
of my ability'I shall lend my assistance
in that direction.
R�eepeotfully, yours,
J. J, DENac(rr,
Brussels, Mar. 4, 1888.
[Noes BY Seiron—Wo have no desire
to shut off profitable disc' ssio ,s, but must
ask that correspondents stick to the ques-
tion at issue and confine thoir communi-
cations t.• less hag a column, otherwise
we will not undertake to publish them,
as it m ons too much work in the typo
setting line.1
Brussels Council Meeting,
arl+,et.LL MEETtNO,
A special meeting or the village Coun-
cil was bold on Fogy. 15. All the mem.
hers present, exo•pt Councillor Sbraohan.
Moved by J. McIntosh, seconded by R.
Gotham that the following remissions of
tar,:s bo gra. tel so that Collector Town
could balauee his roll:—Geo. Phippeu,
112.00; A. F. d A.M., $4 22; Mrs. Stacey,
$5.28; Mrs. Denny, 86.38; J. Al xandor,
$2.11; Wab•s do MoKague, 88.44. Car-
ried. Mooting then adjourned.
0E0010.11 )tEETIii0.
The regular meeting of the municipal
legiolators convened inthe Council Chem.
bor last Monday evening, afu-trepresent-
ation being in nttendanoo.
Miuutee of last regular meeting read
and a.lopted,
Accounts lucre preneuted as followst—
J. B. T. McComb, 2 month's salary, $20 00
1'. Town, salary as oolleotor, - 40 00
" extras, - 10 00
T. Kelly, salary as Treasurer, 40 00
extras, - 7 50
W. If. Mose, refund of dog tax, - 1 00
P. Scott, steel wrench, - - 60
J. R.Grnnt,auditor, - • - 800
A. M. 6101ia , " • - 8 00
Mrs, Brow., e ntfor Mrs. Wallace,
G month , - - , - 12 00
Theo. Maxwul , trent fur Mrs, Wii.
lie4rua, 0 months, - 12 00
AI s. Stacey, charity, - 4 00
luvod by 1t, lirnham, suo"udud by J.
Amain, lust Oho abov accounts uo pard.
Che alt't1t0:' ' report 3011d abet 1Let of
vilhw;e iteconnte for 1807 wore pro...m al
1101 diet, s.a at 0on1 leogth. Moen 1 by
It t It 01 4111, oocontl(el t y D. .`i
1'h 1 l 1„1'" ba excepted. that it ei iv
issued 11 the (mutual neon,
„n0l alt i for 0'le w,•ri, ,tl Pal;
Cott 0.1une eatheit introduced Chu goes -
of , na,m tho ;din rt; by tc(,.ler.
t,l l 71�) 04 /08411'01g, it W:1,5 '01)001 Uy'
J. Aul,..t, 0u undrd by Grub int, ih,t
Cite C000.,onko.1 to utmke o .1 list o:
pet tin, or the year 1t3R4 nub tit ttoil.
ore bo ate..,1 for dm seta titre p soma;
al 11. he., mueti g, U.rrie 1.
:dot, 1 by 11. Graham, seeih .ie:l by el.
A ,Icor, t 114 this Cou11e.1 11le010r1.1h :, Oho
Loud el Le,; latera to pose Mr, Pet (0(0'0
13i11 roeu'ai,ting mnuicipaltci a from
gratified. bottoms to cacuf,wtehere, Car.
Connell Elton adjourned.
Dominion Parliament.
It lute boon decided not t0 have tho
Ashory treaty be logit up in the H-luse
mutt( all 1110 rotcuole havo hetet ,e•r,f0e,
std pr6rtc.i,.01d the suhicet M884101,'l
by the Arnvrioan Smutto,
Tho lion ,o e prom galltr, had their t
annual locating yeotorday. M, St. John,
of tho Montreal :ilorald, was elected Pies-
Went ; ;Yews Joittteon, of tho Ottawa Cit-
izen, V.ioe-Prasirlent; and l'retl. Cools,
of the Nnapiro, So0retary, all by amen,- 1
an onion, Tho Lxeeutivo Committoc ep- 1
pointed consists of A. F. Melo, of 'Pito s
Montreal Star, for many gnats editor of 1
The Toronto Telogrnm ; 11. AI. Matheson, 1
of Oho bail; A. B. 'Wood, of tho Winni-
peg Call, Mr. 'Porte, of Le Canadian,
and C .11, Cohan, of the ilolifax Ilereld, t
leapt, Wm. Clark, of Winuipog, is Horn
on itis wi3y to ellasgov, whctroltowill toke 1
charge of this Canadian c chihitttt 0130. ex.
Whitton 00 bo held thorn during this
trunef r there the exhibit of Caere Ole
pr duets made at Liverpool last year,
Mr. Landry, of Kent, Inc o bill b
ehich j1' seeko to fix a roto of Meow
be and whin•, thorn can be n0 axoes
H10 view is that 7 per cent. 'Moult b
tho limit. Ho would, howev r, comsat;
to have rho rate fixed at to p •r oout
rather than that mono, isnduro 'Mout
bo allow d to continue to wiled the tie
nri'iur rates now often lmp0•od moot cgs
touters whom they manage to got a
their moray,
Mr. 'duNeil gave notice of a bill
itm•,nd the mat •espeoting tho Civil •er
vita. Mr. Brown gavo uotice of hi anti
pigeon s'tooting bill. Sir Richard Chart
wrightgives;°tion of his intention t
ask if the Government will take p00ne08
don of the bridge over the Wsha .d River
at Chi.( owe, or whother it is their At-
tentioo to cOnains•ruct 14 nolo bridge at that
t. Mr, (IMulen wants partfoula e
to to the location of the 1xper(nont•tl
faxen in tho Northwest. 111r. Purcell
wants to know if the Govsrnntout h ;vie
reconsidered their abjection to grenttng
pensions to the veterans of 1837, and 2111'.
W atsou is after a return of tho names
and residence.. of houreste id and cutouts
ation inspectors in Manitoba and the
Northet, with copies of their monthly
reports for the last six years.
The Mamie Mlinlstar estimates the
expond,ture tor 11)138 at 1135,421,440, es
against 835,009,981 for last year. Chore
is a . iuorease of 4213.000 00 eouonnt of
the puolto debt, $80,000 on civil govern-
ment, $14,000 on administration of jos-
bios, $21, 00 on pensions and annerozutu-
ation, $78,000 on militia, $10,000 ou sub-
sidies top 00100 8, $55,n00 un misoellau
eons accounts, $1(1,000 on collection of
Oust .ms, 911,000 on Excise, $201,000 for
mil°r rename and 1120,000 on public
works. The total decroeso, however, a,
compared with the previous year, is
$548,000. The item for pubiio debt is
$14,909,767. That for immigration is
reduced from $220,000 to $118,000. The
atom of $25,000 in Ilast'your's estimate,
for the fisheries proteotion fleet is struck.
off. Generally, there is but little change
in the figures as compared with those
brought down a year ago. The estimates,
however, (footfall(footfallno appropriation
for mail subsidi,:e and steamship soberer -
Nona. The Government have this whole
subjoot under their consideration, and
have not yet determined what course
00 y will take. There is $7,000 for the
Cayuga pootoffiae, 87,000 for Uob.urg
postedlco, $8,00e for the Goderieh post -
office and Cus.-ono-house, $115.000 for the
Government Printing Bureau, $2,000 for
the Guelph postofiioe, $7,000 for the
Lindsay poatoffioe, $5,000 for the London
Ottawa Rouse and $30,000 for the To-
ronto drill hall. Mose of these item0 in.
elude re -votes (f sums voted last year.
Thore:is an increase of $40,000 for the
ospenees of Goverument fu the North-
west, and au iecreaao of 020,000 on post-
officioa000unt, largely for service in On-
tario and Quebec.
Washington Letter.
mem0 One 1313013101/11313013101/1LACO01tE3r0NDENT.I
Wasllugtoa, sitar. 3, 1889.
Gen. Sheridan's p °spootre for rue Re.
publican providential nomination continua
to be speculated on, notwithstanding his
positive declaration ;hut he does not covet
the honor and would n t have it. When.
ever his name is mentioned inconneotioo
with the pr sidenoy the question of his
birth -plane as affecting his eligibility
uotural y arieso. Thu Cuuolitution de-
olaros that no person except a natural.
born oitizen shall ho eligible for the pro.-
idonoy, and it has been asserted that
vet is Ge ., Sheridan Has born in this
country within sir months after the axle
vie of hie temente, tie is, to 0 legal sewer,
alien born and not a natural-born oitizeu,
eligible to t'le pro !demi, Thio opinion
is not sustained, apparently, by promi-
nent lawyers in Congress. Senators of
both parties, who havo been interrogated
ou ileo ,ubjeet, assort that (len. Sheri.
dates loot in the Uhiu,d States mak.+s
him :t u:ttirul•bnrtt eiiizcu with all tho
ri 11,-, ...t• l n�riyitaoee of file halt', Soitt•
to. 1' Mata. w$mt gn stiouod by your cor-
r'.. , ,4( 1 : —"I .110.11t1.110.11t1nuh„viluL.
y .t, ilt.tt Gro. Shoruian ie a n
•3 1 l nn:I'•ti_'fblc to the pros•
is t.�' . 'Pietro Cull be no (1008110u of
`+ • ,'• 1't • • .. J.,ll•ire tit 'ally
the s:nr -q enc n(, 10,L l m g that if hu.tri-
di n too 1 i.l t(OIL;'��+.l.iL yl n0 tn.t1t,•r
. or
th,Cl'..,, �liS,bu.
In l • +inynard. Ataietaut-Secretary
of the 'froteary, Ito authority over all
Ifi t' -td (i 4:hider111i(i arid endtelne, mud
i t+.' - reedit -A. with the n•tt11r01i-
:u• , r , .c, 1112 08 (11 to your erred.
poudc•tt 1 cal tory' chill burn in the. Coital
Status was a oitieen of tit • ltuitcut ;lodes,
no north_, what tiro tendon rimy of the
parents, The exeoptinns to this rule•
would he the children of foreign, diploe
matie or consular roprestntatt0a0, and
children who might happen to be bort of
parents mutely travelling through tho
country or on a temportry sojourn. It
made no dii1 roneo, he said, 110w short a
time the layouts had been lteo before the
birth of the child. Teo o)ny' thing Det.
1411{01"15(1411{01"15(;vas Choir intention. 11 they
namhere with ttheiu1.011 tri rc4idino,
mrd the mullet lens born 11 this country,
ito c(111 would hr acitizen-whether the
)itt.ts 'WOW over Naturalized or toot.
Phis, he ooid, was hie undnrstautliug of
Oho late,
It is nndor:onod l that tin onett0 con,•
0itte0 on rules has got so far in its cot-
;Mor:ttion of the propo0eid open esaenttivn
fission ptoponitiun as to ag100 to report
Cn atntnrdmout to COM present rules, mak-
mg it in order by a mnjorityvoto to 1•e.
;novo too injmultion of seorocy from a
treaty or to muskier and act upon a
rooky in public. It is inferred that tilts
5 to peeper,. it way for tiro eiousida ration
f thn fisheries wooly in open sc•tvfot.
Phu action of tho emirs ittee ','l not
Tlnlro wee 'n odd footsore, 1),L:Cul ilio
topNwn 1 of Oudgo yir.(ut's baro! 1 1 .15
'infant' I't'casturor, '0i tiattnuay, \\31ren
he toottt 1011)0: to tern l:feport.tur'.nt, tall
rimpressed awl ioatdy fol: • notion, it was
rut Int tit+ olilt•e Of t7oe'-`olit•it.nr. who , through 1011 101101, wntthtl,
yens•, lin will ha temetubcet'ada0hiking
a prt000 nett, path f1 oonn0rlt.lrnt 10111 (`n.-
tlarlo'a di0p103' at the ltadianaool C",oioilio1 •
Exhibition. The Chournbati Goo o , , ,u
ItS45141 I1Ot bo so ; ou Will have to sol tt dn,uos pooeono n;;slang any o ;day ell so. R
ftllooliffet'chl beiere y1r11 will rnniitn.r,, testi! Uf the (Namara ' Vtol1, exeet t,. s
Number 85.
d als wt'lt alt smelt mutters. As soon as
-fudge 3Ldite dievovered that ii wee his
own b it that was to bo approved he put
oil his hot and coat, spread out 'he bond
no his .look, 11111 sent for his (o sfsts•It,
telling himto ttko ohorge of the ofloe in
WS obsauea and to disp tee of a I immedi-
ate businees. Then he walled out of
the building and walked up the avenue,
tholr'a aro i I past the hunt side of he
r•n•„r,•i' "od goalie" book to him office,
whore n . folio 1 the ueeistant solicitor
herd •tt ,vork Among other thluge that
had b: e dor° while he took his little
walk arouo1 tin bloc& was bio spproval
of his ow.t h eel 'et Assioitatlt Tress .t•er
at Ne York. To this Wit' did he avoid
th • etnb 1a 8100111 of being tailed upon,
like Pooh -belt, to pees up .11 his own
It 18 astnnielliug to what length some
peop1. will g , to gain o coveted invitation
1 . ,1 +-'inmenl4 bore. It a largo
1t•tn a 10 11011.n' night n 00(111 b., so.
riety swell ',Okra up to a opul et attache
of legation ho :,:; erega; (1.1 ell 00,vcts.
ing with some young la•lie4, and Itatly
'coked Jute to seed an Molt atom to such
aud sae +t person, whom he wiahe i to' -
have attend ,t certain ball. His reepo st
was lues wi h 1 polite but very derided
refusal, and the popular attaobe afore-
said need oo noncoms try words in 'riving
, either. And this self same won rl.be
0w 1 b'eroly Mums the name of t e at-
tache, let a one the fan Cha h • :hoes not
p sees the honor of to por=onzl acquaint-
ance with Itim, and has himself recei-
uo invitation to the ball in ga•st' ,1z"— Off
• 1'N;
.r .. ) LL'CY.
The regular meeting of the Brussels
Schon Board was held on March 2,
Members pr••seut—Revd. Jno. Ross
( It •.f am .1, r'. $, Scott, This. Fletcher,
Harry Dennis and J. Ha gramma.
Minuted of last regulor and spaniel
meetings road and confirmed.
F. S. Scott moved, seconded by Lao.
13argreaves that the ex3110s of Hoist,
Beer, Newsome, (!olviu and Meadows be
acoepted on conditions that they send
their ehildreu the number of days re-
quired by law for the year 1688, these and
all other such oases to be oortifed by a
doctor's oortificate if not complied with.
tloved,seconded and carried that the
Seoretar• be instructs& to notify, for the
-wood time, the parents or guardi no
woo di l no attend as per n•,tnco sent
meeting of above date to app ear at text
regular meeting, failing eo do so will
draw their attoution to clause 209 and
following seotione of tete Public School
]loved by J. Hargroay.'s, seconded by
T. Fleteh to that the Secretary bo in-
struct d not to oomleot 81 tion -resident
fee from A. Stewart. Gerrie I.
Moved, seconds L and 'c:Lrried that the
foil ,,, ing accounts be paid :
Wm. Smith, wood $78 80
"Pose" Book store, erayois 1 00
Moved by J. llargroavos, seeondod by
H. Dennis that Miss Annie Abraham's
application ho accepted, should she de-
cline next Miss C. Read, whom the
Secretary is instructed to notify. Car-
Moved, seconded and carried that the
Secretary be instructed to ask a loan of
$500 from the Corporation for the pur-
po0a or paying teachers mud caretaker's
salaries for quarter ending March 3, 1888.
85 app ioatioue received for teacher, in
reply to notice in Globo.
Board then adjourned.
Pltr1.h County Notes.
Measles are prevalent in Wooham vil-
Duuoan McKellar, of raibbort, has sold
his fancy team of four-year-old fillies for
the tidy sum of $400.
Tondos are botng receive:1 now for the
emotion of the now church at lf,irlcton.
Most of the rough Material 10 on hand.
Dr, llarris'ns, ex.Promt..r of Mani-
toba, forme lye of St. Marys, has gone to
California to vis,; a sink brother-in-law.
At Mitcltell'lhomus Skinner's valuable
stalliuu, Dykesdalo, died suddenly from
Oho bursting of a blood vn0.;ol. The ani.
ma wee value,( at 41,700,
The ex0f0e co-leotione he the Stot ford
district for February amounted 00 '68,-
t178,63. •.Phoc valno of rho eettoroe 1(01101.;
Oho sameperiodwere 633,01(1.
Henry Doering, of Mdtertou, tutid
ropurt,had reoehttl hit:; ih.lt hie on
John, who, oelue years nap, ,0:1" in 01131•
uoaa in Wellrolcy,ltad lately perished en
a blizzard in Nebraska.
Jolie White, rho pork kin„ of ;Mitchell,
is making preparation for the erection of
a largo hog establishment On his farm in
lfibburt township. It is his intention to
run a regular hog ranch.
Robt. Bell, in tiro 31:d u0ucts:1e11 of
111o, near Trowbridge, hal lots b111 dc•
otr .yed by tiro 0110 night rocuutly, The
stables and shod wore saved. The 1000 is
needy novorel by insurance. Mr. Bell
thinks the lire was ineeldiary, a0 et eau.
not bo accounted for in any other cony.
The contracts for the now Baptist..
Church at Stratford teem lot on Friday. -
TIte building will he of red pressed briok,
with Ohio atone dreg: ing. i1. a, Cawley.
of Sr. etary0, will ,lo tine m144•31i and beiole
work, and Scrinl;onr Broth., o1 Samford,
theraruontering. The itttnrior will bo ell
amphitheatre style.
Grip says Phos. O'lfatgau, til, 0., ci
itfitehcll, our rising Comedian poet, has
prepared for pn1)1h:i thus a volnhno under
the title, "A Poetic Trinity," being a
criticism of the gosling of Longfellow,
Adotaide Proctor Mod 1•"ather. Ryon, with
choice selections from their works. Read-
ers may anticipatea brightly written book
by this gifted young Irishman.
There ate now eight hotot-keopotw and
ono bar -boy in the Walkerton jail, for 1c.
fusing to pay Scott Anti fines.
John Shaw, of the Phatnn0villo *Ade.
yowl, loot with a, 101ndtl accident tho
othor day. In drsconding from the Mom
he slipped and foil on ,e broken fork
handle, which entered his thigh, incl
tueseing through' nntornd, alta lower rail
of his body, eut110tf1r3 a ilaugerou„