HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-3-2, Page 88 DO YoV EMT 'COAT WE KEEP A lAlO1 eC'I I Y Or TW'TE PAPER ---AND— ENVELOPES THE BRUSSELS POST MARCH 2, 1888 If you are not aware of this fact just take a gimlet, at a portion of our stock displayed in our window this week. We will be glad to supply you when requiring any, You will find quality and prices right. We are always glad to procure auy geode in oar Hue not in stock. Books and Stationery, Drugs and Fancy Goods aro our leading lines. Please remember the place, which ie G. A, nes Drs;t, ,hook cf. 1•am'y Goods Storm', NO REMEDY gives such universal satisfaction as the COUGH REMEDY manufactured in Seaforth, called LUMSDEN & WILSON'S —•—'-"e WO � • �1..c " Balm of Fir ,,�R/eya1 G ye ra tied B Its wonderful virtues have created tt demand for the', Preparation from all parts of the Province. Druggists sell it. Price 50 eta. 17.6ms, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN ENTBNSION, W. 0. din. n. Trains leave Brussels Station, north and south as fotlow3: Gntng $outit. , yoing North. atail...:.........7:02•a.m. I Mixed 0:00 a.m Express......11A5 a.m. )Ifali0:50p.m Mixed 8:35p.m. I Express ..... ....0:45p.m cr.a.caI. .xibs tem . Boom, Oysters, White I3eane, Maple Syrup, Aiwst GOOD. 82 - STEAMED, Rolled end Cracked Wheat at Coats' armory, New York Store. Waxen Beans, Fresh Oysters, Haddook at Coats' Grocery, New York Store, 82 - Twins are thirty or forty applicants for the vacancy on the teaching staff of the Brussels public school occasioned by the resignation of Miss Sayers. Who the successful applicant will be the Board will decide on Friday evening. TUE Speech from Throne at the open. leg of the Dominion house of Parlin- ment and is eyeopsis of Local Legislature newe alongf, with other interesting mat• tore may be read on the inside pages of TnE POST this week. Scoter Ac'r.—Last Tuesday Police Ma- gistrate Williams bad Mrs. Wtn, John. sten and Frank Colgar, of Wroxeter, and Jno. Lamby, of Benner°, up for trial at. Wroxeter. They wero each fined a50 and costs. Two of the three plead guilty, Lxcruur,—This (Friday) evening Rev. G. E. H^wie, the blind minister, will de• liver a temperas a lecture in the Meth- odist church on Temperance as seen in the East, ruder the auspices of the W. C,T.U. of Brussels. A large attendance asked. SoaAL.—A social iu aid of St, John's Church Sunday School will be held at the residence of Frank McCutclie u on Thursday EvenIng, 8th March. Convey. ances will be in waitieg at Hargreaves' Drug Store at 7 ..'clock. 15 nus. for ride and program. Rev. te. Joats preached at Bluevale last Sunday in the abeen••e of Rev. A. Y. Hartley. Rev. le. Paul occupied the pal. pit of the Methodist church here last Sunday morning owing to the indisposi- tion of the pastor who has been neatly laid up with a severe cold. Lase Tuesday evening the residence of Walter Wilbee was the scene of a jolly company helping him and Mrs. Wilbee celebrate the fifth anniversary of their marriage—wooden wedding. There were a large number of useful articles present- ed and a pleasant evening enjoyed. THE Pon joins in the wish that Mr. and Mrs. Wilbee may keep on the celebration line tmtil they get past the golden wedding. at least. Taos, Guises, of East Huron, has a bill to amend the old statute which de- clares that no miller shall demand great- er proportion of grain brought to be ground than one -twelfth part. This act was paseed in 1792 in the first Parlia- ment after the dissolution of Upper and Lower Canada, and has never been amended. Mr, Gibson purposes to make ' A chiefs among ye takin' notes the old statute apply to exchanging as ,An' faith•he'Il prep% it. well as to grinding. • Maim. V semen cooped tweeting next Monday evening. Lies stated that a new store will be opened in town next week. A LUISE number attended the monthly Mersa fair on Thursday of this week, COTTAOr. to rent, 8 rooms, cellar, wood. tilted, well, &a. Mae. A. anaemia Thu; "bad cold" epidemic does not ap- pear to pass many people by this season. Now is the time to make sure of your Binding Twine by applying to B. GEanr, Pzutirasts Hams, Spioed Roll, Lard and Bologna at Cleats. New Stork Gro- Oery. THm1E was a fro in the residence of A. Ili. Taylor, Toronto, last week but not rough damage done. A TnAau' occupied the "downy" plank ked in the lock.up on Ruesday night. Ile Was on a pedestrian tour. Cues. DUTTON, W. Downing and Lorne Hunter skated to Cranbrook and back on Wednesday of last week. It is a good many miles around. A rnacrleALjoke perpetrated on Thos. Gibson, M. P. P., our worthy representa- tive of East Huron, is reported on page 6 of this week's issue. LIVINOeroN Enos. talk of dividing off the easterly portion of their farm from the Driving Park south, into park lots and offering them for sale. It is not a ha d idea. Omer. Wellwood and Lieut. Moorefield leave gone to Goderiob in the interests of the Salvation .Army. Capt. Bates will be the new officer in commaed bete. He domes from Harriston. Dem.—Last Wednesday morning Edna, daughter of S. H. Laird, died of diphther- ia, after a short illness. She was abright, interesting child. Tho funeral took place on Thursday afternoon. ORE hundred and seventeen °utters and sleighs wero counted on Mill street in the funeral procession of the late Miss Addie Mooney on Thursday afternoon of last week. A larger funeral is eeldo m seen. Tarin: is a chango of officers in connec- tion with the Salvation Army in Brussels this week. Capt. Wellwood has made a very efficient commanding officer and drew around her a large number of warm friends. Prunes CONCERT.—The parlor enter- tainment held at the residence of W. 13. Dickson, on Tuesday evening, was a a pleasant and successful gathering. The program consisted of: Quartette, Miss Herr, Mrs. Fie -ether, W. M. Sinclair and A. Serachan ; reacting, Miss Richardson ; solo, A. Strachan ; recitation, Miss Me- Ghire ; duett, A. Strachan end W. M. Sinclair ; chorus by the children ; in- strumental duett, Miss Jackson and H. L. Jackson ; solo, Miss Kerr ; recitation, Rev. Mr. Howie ; solo, W. M, Sinclair ; reading, Mies Boyd ; solo, J. Hargreaves ; song, Jas. Thompson ; instrumental duett H. L. and Miss Jackson. Accompanists Misses Jackson and Ballantyne, Pro- ceeds about $15. SABRArh Benner. CoNr'saEHc,E—A very interesting meeting was held in S. John's Ohuroh on Wednesday evening, in connectd, tion with the monthly Sabbath School Conferences. The meeting was presided over by Rev. W. T. Clete, incumbent, who introduced the topic for disotission, viz, : "The object of teaching in the Sab- bath School," in a very interesting man- ner. His principal points were; (1) That we may do our duty to those around us ; (2) To carry 031 the work of God, as we must be active ; (3) To bring the children into the church ; (4) :13oeause Christianity shouln eater into our daily life ; (5) The your r h 's the father of the man and first impressions are often ineffaoable; (6) To hold up the Christian's view ei life; 7 To show the right use of enjoyment ; ri) (by to perform fire duties of lira 6 ,redo d d J.L i or Paul, trust in Go Revile. . � r, R. cul, J. Roes, 13. A,, and a^.11. Bowie, and A. Stewart, G, A, Deadman, J. Hargreavee and W. IL Kerr took part in the discus. sion. Tito next meeting will bo held on Wednesday, April 401, in the erelh0diel Oiinroh, and will be in the 101111 of n non. oral experience meeting, Y.P.C.A,—Last Monday evening an in• teresting meeting was held in the base- ment of Melville church. The program was : Instrumental duett by Miss Lizzie and Alex. Wilson ; recitation by Alias McGuire ; reading by A. McKay ; reci- tation by W. Reinhart ; duett by the Misses Richardson ; essay on the physi- cal effeots,of the use of tobacco, by Dr. Graham ; music by the choir. Rev. J. Ross, B.A., occupied the chair in the absence of the President. Tan Walkerton Telescope says :—"We would gently intimate to our citizens that in well bred circles it is considered "bad form" as soon as "God Save the Queen" is started to mako a promiscuous rush for the door. We have been in the habit elsewhere of seethe the audience immed- iately rise when nor grand National An them is struck, and remain standing un- til the finish. We would very much like that the time honored custom be estab- lished in Walkerton." This rather lite a Brussels audience too. Pommes Soho. --Dr. Hutchinson disposed of his house and lot, Mill street, advertised in Tag Pose last week, to Dr. McNaughton for the sum of $1,400. The property is in good oondition and pleas- antly situated. Dr. McNaughton will also tante Dr. Hutohinson's practice as soon as the latter removes to Montreal. We congratulate him on this acquisition to his former patronage and believe be will give the best of satisfaotiun to all eon- oerned. Ile will have bis office at J. Hargreaves' drag store,—Wm. Blashill, sr., of Cranbrook, has pur0based the house and lot belonging to the McKay family, south of Brussels, paying $450 fur the same. Wo regret to state that Mrs McKay and sons are thinking of removing to Kansas or Colorado in the spring. PEOPLE Wu KNOW —E. W. Gerry and Bliss Minnie are away on a holiday visit to friends at Harriston, Shelbpurne and other places north.—Miss Carrie Beer has been very ill during the past week from nervous prostretiolt but is improv- ing mproving nicely now.—Jno. Nott, V.S., of Clay Centre, Kenna, has been away on a prospecting tour through California but bee not like it as well as in Kansas so will remain where ho is.—Mrs. Wm. Vanstone is somewhat improved in health this week. She was dangerously ill last week with a lung trouble.—Gor- don Mooney and wife were here last week from Elsinore and Geo. Mooney, of Illinois, attending the funerals of Mise Addle and Wm. Mooney, sr.—Jno, Robertson, cheese factor, well known here, left London, Ont., for Scotland on Thursday afternoon of this week. Tam Posr hopes to be favored with sketches of life in the Highlande from his pen.—Joe. Rogerswentto Milton last week.—Mies Lily Venetone is hone from an extended vieit to Goderiob and vicinity.—Rev. J. Rose, B.A. attended the funeral of hie nephew at Elora, last week.—E, Moody, of Clinton, was in town last week in the interests of the Empire.—Miss Lille O'Connor is away M London on a visit this week,—Miss Annie Rivers is visiting her sister, Mrs, Newton, at Har- look.—Tho Misses Maggie and Janet Hunter, of Brussels, have been visiting at !the residence of Councillor Wm. Holmes during the past beak,—Wing. ham Advance, --Wet. Martin, implement agent, wag on a business trip to Wood- stock and other towns last week, --1V, B, Dfelteolwas in iho County town for a few days this weolc.Miss McCrea, of . Trowbridge, was vieibin' with the rami. Hos of Jno. MaCrac and -A. Hingston this week.—Ed. (herder and W, It McDon- ald, accompanied by MIisses Ella Brock- onsi fro and Griffin, all of Wingham, wore in town last Sunday. --Andy Currin is able to bo about again, although he has not yut fully reenverod his strength.— Rev, W. J. Brandies, of New lIamburf,m, was in town this week, ---Mrs. Comm and Mlle intend leaving on Friday for an extended visit to Ingersoll, London, Glen- coe and other places. We' wish them a pleasant trine.-- R. 11. Laird Was called home from ('•401 nn 'l'nesdav owing to the 'illness of his datigf(hie•. 1le had grew out to cut'l with the, dub. 4, Rey '11'ani ed. STEADY Boy, 14 or 16 years of ago, with fair Lnglieh education, wanted to learn the Printing, ApTply, at awe, to Tag Pose Publishing house, Caowix Turkish Prunes at 5 omits e. lb. at Coats' Grocery, Now York Store. 13. GEmtr is determined to be ready for next harvest, and so has bought six tons of meals binding cord. Geo. Hxtcnx's blank pony took a notion to run sway at the funeral on Thursday of last week and out quite a lively skirm- ish for a little while, Ir you purchase 19 lbs. of our 40.00331 annum Tea we will mule you a present of 1 doz. Cups and Stowers and 1 dos. Plates. Will guarantee Tea No. 1, if not may be returned, COATS' Gregory, New Yot'lt Store. 82 - Is speaking of the Burgess concert in Listowel the Standard says :—Tho vocal selections by Miss O'Connor and Messrs. Dunbar and Dunn were well rendered and each of them were repeatedly amen. cel," Miss O'Connor also assisted at an entertainment et Atwood on Tuesday evening of this week. FAltarens' INsrrrrea.--A meeting of the Last Huron farmers' Institute will be hold in the Wroxeter Town Hall on Thursday, 22,32 inst., commencing at 10 o'clock. Addresses are expected from Prof, Robeitlon, A. MpD. Allan, D. Rob- ertson and others. 'Keep the date in mind, as a big attendance is asked for. These institutes are growing in popular- ity, the last one being tine most 5u0uess- fnl yet. I,O.G.T. EsrEuraox EN'.—A musical and literary entertainnxent, under the auspices of"Canadian Temple," I.O.0.T. wi'1 be held in the Lodge room, a few doors south of the bridge, Brussels, on Tuesday evening of next week, The program will consist of readings, reci- tations, vocal and instrumental music, &c. The public aro cordially invited. Entertainment oommenoes at 8 o'clock. TIM Scotsman says : —0 Miss Agnes Knox, a young Canadian lady, of St. Marys, Ont., took part in an entertain- ment which was given by the Young Women's Mission Board of the North Reform Ohuroh, of Newark, N. J. She gave a number of recitations which were remarkably well rendered and met with the enthusiastic approval of a highly ap. preciative audience." Newark Daily Ad- 'ertiser : "The charm of Miss Knox's personal appearance and manner, the va- riety of her selections, and the marked ability with whioh they were rendered won the hearts of her audience," FOOTBALL MxETnio,—A footballmeeting was hold in the sohool house, Leadbury, on onday, Feb. 27011, at which a Foot- ball Association was formed and named "The Maitland Crural Pnblio School Football Association " Tho football .teams belonging to said Association will play as follows : Brussels vs. Walton, in Brussels ; No. 1 Grey vs. No. 2 Grey, on No. 1 grounds ; Leadbury vs. No. 9. Mor- ris, played in Leadbury, winners vs. Winthrop, in Leadbury ; No. 6 vs. No. 4, MoHillop, winners vs. No. 2, McKil. op, played ou No. 0, McKillop, grounds. All matches named above to bo played on Saturday, March 10th. Should any match be a do there will be another match played on the following Saturday. D. C. Dorrence occupied the chair and G. A. Dewar, was elected secretary. Tun Forest Free Press, edited by Mess. P ttypiece s. yp ace R Auld, says :—The odie tors of the Mitchell Recorder and the Mitchell Advocate aro engaged in a dis- pute which has been before the Police Courts, but is shill unsettled. The editor of the Stratford Herald proposes that the twi be sentenced to write thirteen articles eaoh, and if the matter isn't settled then, let them be required to fight to a finish in some country barn, If Mr. Dingwan's suggestion is accepted, there is a big va- cant rink in Forest which the Free Press can probably secure for the occasion. With D. McGillicuddy of the Goderieh Signal as referee and W. H. Herr, of THE Bnussmts Pose, and Dion 0. Sullivan, the erstwhile editor of the Wingham Times, as seconds, an interesting sporting event would result. The Free Press will do the door keeping act, in order to keep the whole business within the journalistic circle. Join; P;, Sutra, of the well-known e-csfo (1 stock farm, near Brandon, Mau., is here on a horse buying expedi- tion. He has already pnrchasod four pedigreed mares in Toronto, imported from Aberdeen, Heotland, He also bought a Canadian bred more, of import. ed stook, from Jas. Russell, the well - tureen brooder and imported of Rich- mond Hill, She took the silver modal, and, together with two of her progeny, secured the sweepstakes, open to the Dominion of Canada, et the Toronto In- dustrial, in 1887. This boast has never been beaten in a show ring as a Canadian bred mare. "Juliet," the pick of John Watt's pedigreed mares, of Salem, was the next purchase. She has been ex- hibited sinoe a filly at the Fall Shows in Wellington County, and has always taken the red ticket. She's a dandy. Tho man who gore the start of our friend Smith at tbo Fall Shows this Tear will have to stay up all night. Mr. Smith will also bake 20 other young mares along with him for sale, and altogether a liner lot of mares have -never been taken into Manitobe. Amiss Xerox's Govern, --On Monday the 121h inst. Miss Agnea Knox, 13. E., of Philadelphia, will appear for the first time before a Brussels audience in the Town Hall. She will be assisted by Miss Lille O'Connor, contralto, of Brussels, Will, Dunn, tenor vocalist, of London, and Will 91. Burgess, ventriloquist, Mies Sutherland, of Listowel, will preside at the piano. The prase is a unit as to the excellence of Miss Knox's elocutionary abilities, Of Miss Knee's ability as a reader the Coboung World of the 91h nit., has the follovfog to say :—"A Charming Literary Seance, -Miss Knox's dramatic recital in the Opera House, on Friday evening last, was attended by a largo and cultured audience. This was Miss Knox's third appearance on a Cobolmg platform and the rapturous enthusiasm with which her return was greeted, spoke eloquently of the popular eppreoiatjen in which alto is regardod in town. All the persona - tions in he•lno rant were stamped with elocutionary ge ius of high order, and presented with r�ue0u 10gimes and tuthful personality that w111 not fail to charm the most critical. If we must discriminate ab all, webeg to acknowledge a slight wenlenees Inc 'Lassa," "The Caps tive," and "Thu Death of Constance.; The pieces 31333131 rendered with splendid dramatic power and deeply teethed the hearts 1,f all. Mien Anus's circle of Inside ie (•njruurg 18 onneiderobly en. litfged since Friday night's refilled. Poor. MAVEN has tate following to say —"Miss Roux WAS one of the three 011090!1 from a oleos 0f forty to represent our school lank Kmomer, at ootnmencoment oxereises whkoh wereheld in the Aoatlomy of elusi0, before au readionoe of 8,000,' The universal opinion smiled to bo that Miss Knox bee a great future before her should she continue to pursue the dramatic art. Nature has done umeh for Miss Knox in many ways, She pre sante au appearance on the platform which is surpassed, I think, by no lady before the public, .She is more beauti. ful than Mary Anderson,' was the ex- pression of not a few people at our 0001' metteement. Hoe voice, naturally good, has been much improved by a very thor- ough course of training, and, more than all --she is a cultured lady," On1T.--As announced in our last issue, Win. Mooney, sr., departed this life on Thursday evening of Lust week, aged 78 yeane. after an illness extending over three years, The deceased was born in Armagh, Ireland, in I810. and uanle to this oouatry when about 10 yearns of age, settling in Leeds Co., where he lived rot about 28 years, and there the most of his children were born. In 1804 he moved into Morris township, and took up 400 aures of land, whioh, with the help of hia sons, was chopped and cleared. The land is nearly all owned by members of the family at the present, Mr. Jlooney was a hard working men, and was re- warded for his labors by no small euc- oesa a,• far as lirtau0,al aff.,ira were cen- earned. He filled the position of both Councillor mud Reeve in the township. Tho old gentleman was a Conservative in politics and an onthusiastio Orangeman. He had been married four times. About 5 years ago Mr. and Mfrs. Mooney pur- chased a house and lot on Mill street, Brussels, where they have resided up to the time of the old gentleman's deoease. There are 9 children living, 7 sons and 2 daughters. The funeral on Saturday af. ternoon was conducted by Itovds, M. Swann and R. Paul. Canadian. N(ew,s. A varnish factory has been started at Woodstock, Halifax harbor was frozen over on a recent Sunday and Monday for the first time in twelve years. Work on the Parliamentary Printing Bureau on Nepean Point will be corn - mewed about the 15th March. Wallace Dent, of Milton, has an egg measuring 7ax83 inches and weighing St oz. It was laid by a Leghorn ben. The Glencoe Transcript mentions an elm lug whioh was hauled from near there, and which contained 1,628 square feet. Stratford has resolved to join with the city of Brantford, and ask the Local Par- liament to abolish the bonus system in Ontario. W. Stewart, known as the Kincardine giant, is twenty years old, 6 feet 8 inches in height, weighs 210 pounds and measur- es 45 inches round the chest. When the Sarnia police find gaming tables in a gambling house they make a public bonfire of them on the Market Square. At least they did so one day last week. Duncan Campbell, of Belmont, while raising a sink horse by a windlass had the lower part of his nose out off by the sudden breaking of the handle of the windlass, Natural gas has been discovered at Port Arthur, and the Sentinel urges that fact as a good reason why the C. P. R. should remove the workshops from Win- nipeg to that point. C. 0. Ermatinger, of St. Thomas, has received a letter from the Minister of Marine, stating that it has been deoided to make Port Stanley a regular life -boat station, with a regular crew. At a epeoial meeting the Orillia Town Council unanimously granted ten years exemption from taxation to a wooden house factory, whioh the Longford Lum- ber Company propose ereotiug. In view of the various bank failures, the Dominion Government will bo asked for legislation for the bettor supervision of banks. The subject will likely be re- ferred to the Banking Committee. Arrangements bavobeen completed for te debate to tante place iu Drayton, Ont., between Rev. Dr. Sexton and Chas. Watts on "Christianity and Secularism," The evenings fixed are March 22nd and 28rd. A veterinary surgeon in Port Perry operated recently on a cow, whose stonm- aeh had become clogged, and took from it sixty pounds of accumulated food and several nails whioh had pierced the stom- ach wall. Last year the clothing served out by the Militia Department to the force were: 11,020 olobb and serge tunics, 10,. 061 pairs of cloth and serge trousers, 7,- 497 forage caps and 8,748 great coats, all made in Canada. At a recent meeting of the Tilsonburg Town Council a resolution was unanih mously adopted requesting Dr. McKay, M. P. P. for Oxford, not to vote, or in any way assist in the passage of Mr. Bal. four's bonus bill. When Win. Smith, a son of Rev. Dr. Smith, of Knox ohurch, Galt, resigned his situation with the Bunk of Nova Sooaia in -Halifax, the officials gave him an ad. dress and a gold watch, and the direotors presented a cheque for $400. YdC7RN'_ Itzfb: In Seaforth, ou Feb. lith, the wife of Mr, 3, Reid of a son. Flan.—In Seaforth, on Feb. 15th, the wife of Nev. W. J. Fear, dentist, of a son. =map. Psoe'rzn,—In Morris, on Fab, 22nd, Wm. J. Procter, aged 27 yore and 6 menthe. f MSM,—Iu Brussels, on Fob. 29113, Edna, daughter of S. II. Laird, aged 1 year and 8 months. i3yvgL,--•At his residence, 16 Elegem aeons ue, Toronto, en .PCU. 271b, George 1' yvol, official reporter for the House of °anemone, aged 118 ,yeare. .4..TCTIoitT GAI0r-7E. Jrnsn.w, MAncit 6,—Lot 21, con. 0, Grey. Farm stook anal implements. Unreserved. Salo to commence at 1 o'clock p, m. ltobt. Barr, jun., prop., Time. E. Hay, anat. T1tuesn3-t, MAu(mr 15, -South e lot 26, eon 5, Morrie, farm stook and imple• meets, et 12 o'clock, noon. A. R, Rob• erten», prop„ (leo, Kirkby, aunt, !Nissho, 'Amon 111...eleot 2(1, own. 15, Groy, farm Moak, implements ,Ca, at, 12 n'eleek, nnn), Pletcher nparlfng, prep„ (len,, iilrlcby, allot, FRIDAY, MARer 2.—Lot 30, eon. 4, Mor- ris. Farm stools and implomente. Un. reserved, Sate oommenoon at 12 o'oloek, J. & A, Sample, props., Geo, Kirkby, suet, Tossnnr, Mount 0,—Lot 7, con, (3, Grey, Farm stock, implements, &c. Unreserved. Sale 40 connmenoo se 12 o'olook. Thos. Heritage, prop„ Geo. Kirkby, and. 37=1AP'CRTS-T M A.In21 OTS. annnlet-rEn CAnxrnr,T,x rylinr wenn. Fall Wheat 71 80 Spring Wheat 40 80 Oats 78 00 Peas 60 00 Barley 00 70 Potatoes 65 00 Butter, per lb 15 17 Eggs, per demi 16 00 Apples, por bushel 75 00 Soar, dressed 6 60 7 00 Beef 4 50 9 iio *ay 8 p0 1) 00 Wood, per cord 2 00 4 00 iMzvasmx,s MARn 30 E3. rO1i111:cTsD tAIicillLI,T myP.'AT 1l7^.Ent. SO 81 70 81 Oil 70 38 40 58 60 16 18 15 00 4 50 00 60 00 8 00 9 110 4 5e G0 • 80 60 1 00 90 23 0 00 6 50 Fall Wheat spring Wheat Barley Oats Peas • Butter, tubs and rolls.... Eggs per dozen Flom' per barrel,. , .. - Potatoes ,.. Hay per ton., ...... IIides per Ib Salt per bbl., wholesale,... Sheep skins, each Wool, per lb Porlc THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ATOTJNG MARE FOR SALE.- Apply to THOS. cLsGREGOR, 91-00 West Half L0011,005, 0, Groy. l'I_IRL WANTED BY THE 1.8143 �f of Maxon. Good wages to a oompet oat person. Apply to Mag. E, E. WADE. CUMFORTABLE DWELLING 9010 KALE eta bargain. For full part titulars as to price, loontiou, - ole,, apply to • W. B. DICKSON, ; 5.41 SAWS GUMMED, FILED AND Regulated et Lot 11, Con. 0, Groy. THOS. Mo0RE GOB.. He now has nls new patent saw eat, "Sawyer's Guido," for sale, • It the beet made, so the sowers say. Pat- ent tor sale. 34- BULL FOR SERVICE -THE undersigned w111'keep a thorough- bred Durham Bullfor orrice on lot 00, eon. O, Morris, Terme 31.00 with privilege of returning if necessary. JAS. SP010, Proprietor. 34.3m �ULL FOR SL+'RVIOE.-THE undersigned wilt keep the thorough- bred Durham hull' Vedder" for service on lot 20, con. 0,Morris, He has au extended pedigree certificate. Terme-51.00 for the seas= for grade ootve and 85.00 fur thorough- breds. 20.2m 3, BOWMAN. TENDERS WILL BE REOEIV i ed by the undersigned (marked ten dere) ap t0 Saturday, the 17th Maroh, for putting a atone foundation, veneerlug with brick, plastering and otherwise repairing Knox Church, Oraubrook P. 0, Plans and speoifi- cations eau be seen at the Cranbrook P. 0. The lowest or any tender not nedessarily accepted. JAMBS 0UT11EL, Chairman of Committee, Oranbrbok,Fob 22,1590. Mn. REAL ESTATE. C11010E FARMS FOR SALE. - A taw splendid, improved farms dor snlein the township of ins Odorrie an(1 MoKlliop. Apply to A. D]0I,GATTY, 00 Auotloneer,lirueeels P, 0. OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE at Ethel station. There ie a frame bowie, small stable, fruit trees, well and all the oouvenienoes ou the promises. T vo•dithe of an acre of land, Price reasonable, terms easy, Apply on the premises or 0 by totter to 3, W. FOCAL, Wenn", P.O. 34.2 �- 1ARM TO RENT. -T0 RENT for a term of rears, Lot 01., Oen, 7, Grey, containing O5 acres. About 70 name cleared, 0 aero. of Pall Wheat, BO =roe seeded down. Good bearing orohord, goad wells nun abuntlane" of wator. Good house and barn and other outbuildings. Terme Piney. possession at any time. For further Partfoulurs apply to BO 3 E 11T 13 ARB, on the pronito5, or by letter to Femur, P.0, ONT. poll SALE TO RENT.- .112 ooof best business in Drnseels, tho new brink store on the corner of Affil mod Turnborry streets, north of the Malcooffice, sofurnita o t 013present Firnt-t-clues cellar accommodation. Tho upper part laid out no a dwelling house. Hard and soft water. Possesstoa given let of Hay nett. Easy Terms, whioh will be made known by applying to WM. It. WILSON, Proprie- tor. Brussels, Ont. 04.3 "'TOUR ELIGIBLE LOTS FOR serIx containing a quarter acre each. Tberets a dwelling hoose on ono let and a stable on ono o1 the others, The land is in n first -Claes state of oultlyation and fronts On Alexander, Thomas and Mary streets. The property will be sold on block if por- chaser desires it, No better situation in B rissole. For terms and conditions apply to W. J, NORTON V. 0, Box 02, Brussels. T also offer fax sale n. driving Mare, dam 'Rubel,"got by Oombination,' in foal to "Ridgewood," and her filly by`11nrt'e Mos- senger," Ailing ono year, ay bo 00011 at my stable, Mill street. 111- W. 1. NORTON. GOOD FARM FOR SALE IN Morris, on reasonable terms. In order to close the affairs of the estate of the late W. G. 1lsgaton, the oxeoutors otter the fol- lowing valuable lands for sato North half of 1,00 00, Ooneesston 0, Township. of T•torrle aoutatuing 00 sores. On Ole lot is erostecl a good frame barn with stone foun- dation, goodorohord, well and pump , Near- ly alleleared, and is o5 tb0 gravel road otosoly adjoining iho Village of Brunets. This farm is a valuable one, is well fenced and in a, good state of cultivation, For primes and terms apply to THOS. KELLY. lrussolO P. 0., Romer 31NN1N50, Victoria Square P.0., or Janne Stnxri, ;biopic Lodge P, 0., Middlesex County, Varela 36101. 2tt]er Thoeub0arlbereffereforisle hie valuable Farm in the Township of Grey, comprising Lots 0 and 7, eon Alin said township. This term contains 200 merge and is within 11 miles from the thriving village of Btues0le, with good gravel road leading thereto, Abon6100 soros ereoteered, free from Aunties and in a high state of onitivation, (Oho belanoo 1A An 1 wooded, Thi farm C d N 15 iAYtitlnr y1 Y being straight arty the whole of the fences b85311,r00. 0tnd 1nr500taving been l orle 00 1 lees end 'Cn th o promises there is cont Ridable fog 11wo1115g tonna and non 31000015 barn with stone stabling underneath in whioh there la a W011 with on abundant sup. ply et excellent water, There 15 Mewing' naw txarno implement bonen, 40x20, well floored abn113 enol 11010W, and neatly aided ringpainiest• Per.pertirtlars apuly to the Proprietor, JAMES 1)1(1(SON, Regletrer,hletran 410„ 1 tfn- God erieh. BANKING, aINTOSII cC A1cTAfrGART, BANKERS .;• BRUSSELS Transact a- General Bo Wang Business. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and Outing S tatoe Drmtts bought and sold, Interest allowed on elopustbs, Coliectlous memo ON favorable terms, Canadhw Agents-11nncnANT'% BANtc or CANADA, New York Age5ts—IMPORTNn5 AND TnAb, 5ne NATIONAL, BANE. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. Njf�,TADE it;SINCLAIR, 13ARRIS- run1, S0. OMoe in Leckie's block Sruesels• Money to Loan. \7 T B, DIt1I{1UN (LATE WITH • Garrnw & Proodtoo t, Gndnrleh) So- licitor, Conveyancer. te. Officio, Grout's block, Wessels. Money to loan, 11I. TAYLOR, 13. 0. L., BAR.A. nle3T0, Solicitor, 50,, of the firm of Rtonhnnsnn, lltoireon 8 Taylor, Barristers,Solicitors, ,Ca, Manning Arcade, Xing Street West, Toronto. looney to loan. ALEX. HUNTER, CLE1RE: OF the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron, Conveyancer, e 1 Y mor, 11 lnLaud,Loan nsurnnno Agent. Venda invest and to Omloodioumade. 0ffi0o 1) Gra hnm'a H1nolr,Bruasole. Ct0 g.RT OUNNINGHg4' 10(51nAN05, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH• MEDICAL CARDS. DR. HUTCHINSON HAS RE moved his omco to J. Hargreaves' Drug Shore. Rostdenee on Mill Street JA. MoNAUGHTON, M. D., O. • M. L. 0, 0. P. Edinburgh, Physician. Surgeon and Actonnch er. Office, Mrs, 9hio3's Week, Turnberry Street M. F. GALE, M. D., 0. M. Member ofthe College of Pbys(clars and Surgeons of Outaato U7 examination. Office and liosldeoo—Main St, F,nst, Ethe Ontario. DENTAL. L ]D1 TI TXfi,Y- G.L.Bal1,L, D.B., Honor Graduate and mat. 0, 11. 5., of Toronto.. Nitrous (Oxide oe good work can bo done for dad and as low Office over Johnolen's Hardware Store, Seaforth. • H>,A:Nct IST. W. J. Fear,L.D 9,GraduateofTo- ronto School of Dentistry, All oper- ations guaranteed. Office—Cody's Block, Seaforth, Artificial tooth, Srat quality, ands guaranteed lit, for 512.00por sob. 303 N TItiT. m A, =ARTIST, x , D, B„ Honor Graduate of the Royal OollopQe of Dental Burgeons, Toronto. NIT1305 01I0E GAS administered for the palumss extrac- tion of tooth. 099000,—Gnrneld Itlock, BRUSSELS. AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE KIRKBY, LIQEN- 9E1) Auctioneer. Sales conducted on reasonable terms, farms and farm stock a so oo(alty. Orders left at O'Hii PosrPublish- ing House, Brussels, or sent to Walton poet office will receive prompt attention. ALEX. DELGATTY, A UOTIO.N- 1nun, is prepared to attend to sales on theeltortest uutioo, A specialty made of BMA of thorough -bred stook. Toros made known b• Replication Er Tnm Pose, Publish. dept 1101,80. whine orders May be left, or Alms w Brussels P 0. ARAYMANN, AUCTIONEER, . i0slways ready to attend stiles of farms, farm stool, 80. Terms cheerfully given, Ornnbrook P,0, Sales may be 00- 00nk011 at Tar•. Pa6T. Publish lug .House, Brussels. BUSINESS CARDS. vr H. ibi0OIIAOKEN, .ISSUER • of Marriage Licenses. Moe at his Groaory,Turuberry Street, A MaNAIR, ISSUER OJf MAR- eiage Licenses, by appointment of L(ent,-Goyeruor, Commissioner, &o„ n, B, Agent Piro Insurance 00. Offio o at the OranbrookPest OBioo. —WM. RODPIOI., HOUSE, SIGN V V and Ornamental Painter. Graining. Gilding, Sign and Decorative Painting in all iia breaches, Shop Blinds done up in style. Paper Hanging it epeuialty. Shop ono deer south of J. Buyers' Carriage Works. LW. O'BRIEN, V. S., HONOR • Graduate of iho Ontario Veterinary College has resumed the practice of .7ohu Nott, V.S„ and is prepared to treat all die oases of domesticated animals on ociontill e an dapprnvod principles. Treatment of del- icate fools a specialty Office two door% North of 13ridgo,Turnberrystreet. QTOOK FOR SALE. -ONE OOW supposed to be in calf ; ono Holt or to calve in April ; ono brood now and six yottna pigs ; one yesngsow, alt tbsro'-bred, Also one filly rishig ttwo, Enquire 0111, 11.1111353. 813010 tY 30, Con.5, Morrie, Brussels P, 0. NOTICE TO DEBTORS, --ON account 0f being at groat oxp0110' building and adding now machinery and alsoinuending 10 start the manufacture 01 fure wo beg kayo to lnfoem all duo the undorsi nod to bo kind enough to reale lip clthor with Cash or Note, Gino, Nom - 10914101m , ash or Maple. Bowlegs will be balm .inpay ,dollvored at wither of diluent Bros. Saw001120, as this Arm hes purchased our saw mill in Oroe. All mounts will be 90901910(10tbo Now Ole Brunets. 28-tf SMITH BR OS. 1.41ARIVI310RALE — i 100 IES. U13 errors acro farm,behng.lot31, 001), 13, Groy Township, Num 00., for sale. Thorn 000 about s0 ecru eionroe g. in good heart. There is n. log haulm, goad bank horn, bearing arehnrd, end all the •neemear oonyllnie5ees 011 1,110 pr0011000, Tor fnrt)vicr pertieulere, as to pri0o;tocros, ote, apply to -OD prapeIotnr, V1IOS.1i181,(P,0lerou'.0., 03.W.2'.. or k" 2-tt 3)01IGALD S'fXSAORAN,13rnssole