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The Brussels Post, 1888-3-2, Page 6
6 The new material in trouserings show a marked tendency to quieler effects, The old black and while checke wtlieil were so popular few seasons ago are Again comio-' to the trout. llatesomo stilt, wool and lenge mittens for sleighing and tot) gaaiug are in au endless variety oolt.ra And mixture. •eimee c "„ ill liiffereut lengths. The ire e pt•pular eru'tllnue that rettoe 4 11. et tem. A pair of gi,Ivex mile exprn«-, • ntpert►UC l.atc'a. Mrs, Covers, of Galt, lies written an eloquent letter 10 favor of using unfermented wine at the lord's liable. I1 is said tbat whiskey is being made from old raga. Any clothes oheereer will remember instances where whiskey bas made rage, The length to which liquor deal. ors will go is illustrated by the ad. vertisement of a New York saloon• keeper, that to every boy who will bring in ten other boys a eilver watch will be presented. Sir Wilfred Lawson Saye : "There ie an old saying of which I am fond. Some great man said : "1 never know anyone to get lost upon a straight road." It is only when you try to make short outs—when yet try to dodge a principle—that yon get into scrapes." Ion ' N'ovac SWoents,--Smee- •drunkenness comes first and hard• eat upon women, since it is to her what a swine is to a garden, root ing up 'et/ ry sweet blossom, and deetroying every fruit, and making a lvilderness.of- the garden of the Lord, I have a right to say to every young woman : By your look, by your work, and by your act, bear testimony and exert your influence against intemperance. - Let not your fair hand, that yet one day shall go ant in pledge, convey to another the oup . which shall deco• late and destroy the household, If there be one thing that woman should etand for, it ie temperance. ---Henry Ward Beecher. FanhioU• Nates. The latest fad on ball dresses is long angel sleeves. • Easter bonnets - will match the gowns worn with them. The Tocsa is in the favorite French round hat, and it has a low :main Black, dark .brown or gray furs trim red cloth dresses very taste fully. There are many poke•brimmed bonnets among the Importations of spring millinery. Oapotee of white clot+•,, braided with gold, come to us from Parte :for the Easter season. All the pale shades of green from reseda to sage will be in high favor for Exeter nonnate. Anmooisrs, of all's bags, amd -carved ivory rosaries are betutifel gifts for the Easter season. The ribbons tbat trim the first -production of Easter bonnets are THE BRUSSELS PAST s t ,0rsese in the number of Ii,r' aD A i shuts • rs TII • iucre,tee of businos • { had b i' ly teemed by Mink rly 1 ere, blit lin decidedly object. ; Returned to Brussels! ' t'l'•u Or ,a•.t.p tea I"' '"' st11.• I ^'w •rlv b 0'o/01110 Cho !„1e pl„ 11 i • 1.0, 01 11111 at a I ma Ili,' b 41 1 el t' -!t' einx11d117 ant d.wire• ;tvl ,: ff +•- t u:.. j 01i0ux. r a 10.411' ltiMEl 'l .'iRMSTFOlfl to..tato filet lu' he eget Imeome 111 of lirusr''I 140 .1 is pry, 1• d to "• t• d ,' . h ,,. tYlt,gl 111 1 a ,,,n a t I for 01t Inds or •,.. I+•'star Welt!. •i;h ,tt Lia linty:' 1., ,1ee: . •'3 1'l, . . ,toad 110. •. ttlig..111;1•14 rl-;llull4 „ 4 s +1 t,l nu , X/ 4 • ...mug. I 1i -.11 e41µ' Ill da, It Fpa'iei IP 'I. 1 all 0.14 d v* 1 13 -.,,,, No Iter I' litntil'r8 -ta ec,fral v ; e.. fur her elajesty are made of + • ei if • I rowed ; u rlti'l;r best white µ1d 011 the back of 01 „ •t1. 841,1 y ,If .,nu `u'flt! fac io 1 +iFtdrd !''?, band in gold thread work weli t 1;e. , a :11 I,';t..0 attics moat ed is the V. 1t surmounted by •1: f amen. The work ie of the exquisite dssariptitln. The tateeee tobuggitn suite ., • en one piece, and tee pre: ,• blankets for the. ett3ne tire • o pink, scarlet, blue and gray, t large alluded a0001, 111 coma: 11' oolors for tuts, the Iluods anti nit t tens matching the 00101 "f , 111111 in eve y instance. To, 1.1 Was • Id a "•000111 1l, i lir 11 3 i s bill p u- '1 - „ ,S• rilmr'tt sloth e • , ICU r IA 11111 0.101 ui 1e 1 t 'f 11' acct, Act, e .a fl eta ,ire ilhlIIl i0 at :u h pie .1 . at the le:e,r • • h , 1 •,-•,.113 • will contribute , •:.l fit, may , ,•t1 ,1 thi afternoon I., omen alllg tree es,l- e1, The kInom mo008. i"h + a Wd• peat Geun1•:(If 7Chtits;:lrt. ,,• r 3 14 tete the way to h avCn ,14 11••0.• The more heart,'th.a tun re e0, rets• i r n 1m 0 1 ,f ;A 1'• ., t ,Ilii •Irl i(n,l I'U• The mystery is God'. ; the pro- f s to • T ,&d• It'd Torun! , iso Is yours. Cry e: • t •,t'u 111 Gevere- .deaveu•does not matte holiues I ,ue I a k. -d „r It bowls to the but holiness makes heaven. ,1 y .":li,y It il,vay Unmpany. Tbuy The most p, ;o,1ound joy' has mor• rev...s.,11 lis h t ,his ntilwsy is of gravity than gaiety in it, et v t 11np ' a to • ie view of 1113 Japanese 1;aylnq :—"You can L &emote, ((weer and a,rionitaral rivet it nail in a bailed potato." mist wed. L1.II rtes ui Jatntia Bay, Ir is the grand emtloavor of li ;Cud hat is soul,l ,ttve Ontario it gospel to communicate God to ma The true disciple should ails to live for the Gospel rather than di fur it. '1'he angriest person in a 'contra t'•pac i n of botlora, tMessre. versy is the one most liable so be in Itiette,.1, Framer Phelps and others the wrong. • '-p kCue 1,1:1, which wte read a Nut nate is the world informed ” 1 cont time •t d refeered to a select everything ahont you, but of a great .rat t,•1 - deal more. Hr Hurray introduced a bill to To expiate to him who loves u" ,1 velars for pciuting house•, is but to [.rive him the snore pleeti t pa4y h•latter' lfeenwe, He ex ful material for m;sinterpretatio" I,I,in,.t •,,,u at present country Tho beet form of re.ponsive "ler l„i ,L4 ,g 'bion suffered severely vioe is that which consists in put u1n 11', lalrn t u ,d l -este ally 0,111,ling a gond animal ince good pr e• r ,1.„ .,:,,,, t'•, r,a•,t v Tae hitt doe. met with if to suppers 10 111e Una al He wbo never sacrificed a presen' ,14icl 08 ttlt,lrltwn. to a furor& good, or tt general on , Amin the private bills read a dime epal%11 of bal,pieess Duly as 1110 t'- .'_d 'tui •. H the one to en14s411. Loma •pea., ul a l,,r. . slate 0,•r1a111 dtbts of the village of Meat is euneeisuoe but '11 s 11 Lo, don hest. rich by birthright i-1 knowledge dl 11r. '1 udt'h reed an Itr'tele reedy dented hien cue heaven ul fr • n "le 1,•,,,•i•m A,ivarli:ar, 0111 ley nesYene beytteu e14 Cas stare e ••Fuu,nb,:r It 141 a gun. unci bC14Cr t0 liVe 1134.;•+1:,1 uv' c a, ,nr:: an hely life then to talk about it Cue C.,•firma 1 .Cud other mmmeurs Lighthonees 41•+','1 ring bell: and 01 '11, L:4F , Bo, ,41,1lmit ee '.vers lira cannon to 13,311 a•t..1 11len to that: 1011uena•d by •11.1 mutives ehming—they just shine, ptr•eli 1„ teem. ts'hatl-ver you may be sure of, Ile ,P ., ru s a•Ijnurnod at 5 p.m. T,.e bill reveling the township of Weatiteoetu peeeeti the Pa1vats 1341l'4 001111.111 :en by 25 to 20. John B. Freemen was presented ,0th ,t solver headed cane by a num her of his eArashington constieuontse seep„r. eat Friday Ur. Gw13011 moved the seeend reeding of the bill respeottng the :s,uuiva;ime of sugiueere and wid r than those of the passing elle„ was, or tuts, that 3'88 ole+ eseaeon. ,t».• •eeet.- ,,,Ir,•, ne'.nle Hum Apple green will be tis apriug nu nature wase uln011 greater gee - color, but only girls with fresh sus for eoineneea than for original ;pink and white complexion can -wear it. House gowns for Easter rearm tions have full front corsages, lap. ,ped oorsage draperies, full plastron waistcoats and bretelles. Shaded or sombre ribbons wet- itis Wile ,oil rartl.11y throve. eyed or moire, and glace or change - .able ribbons are all shown in now Local .Legislature. • millinery fmportaLloes :l The white cloth tailor gown, with yeee rl: 4'• . • 131, Ontario L •. pinked Aides 14rnd border41 and d -4 1. 8.1 tele eel gold or silver oraiditig, wul be tae euxitg,r o; leaf . ,tr•-ived at Guelph :fool among first epriug costume*. et, \.-.'„.., day mooting of last Weeli 'Hoops of steel in the back of by vetee,11 train to visit the A.gri inuerwasserv l' -ball gown uuderstrirta make thole culu11u1 i1 „u l� of demi trei3 1 nom d tact 'u' clot.i e,l e leiegr•. Toe party iu- like behind instead of trailing ch nrui buildiugs, ware Cur floor i . .. :my, and siarte.l Ribbons prie•ud ill j,tr,lauiere , . , , • .bout U u olouk, Ill •p11•tterne to tn'ttoh the designs on bp• ekt 11 • , ..jolly time put in 01, bengaline*, Cilin•t oldie abd 013+lltr•r+ u ' tee Empire says :. •ectne among in1111 met, nev'•I'h' e t.: • cart” epr11 S roe 01 t rr. 31.4"1 s V'•Il -GO .,us lire (l, lied with pe'l't,, Spee les, 111,8 L+c• rali,al butte tL&. duly tinsel ie Tile 11311, 1 except t.l!: • I. '' 0.011 (amen) who ran- euangled f.e„ 'rt erep'125+11, a .::0's a man for 'a that,” P.: 1, 1• ..• r,,al ante" " "Annie Ane Laurie" hat 'Ir bbl:,1' the • s:T11• e'n'•. • „' ,,_' I 1r - Pyre," 4n0 ether favor the packet ..':'1 !rimmed wit., s 0, t'., 1.,• 1,, c 1V ”sti tom fun boceme .zea eh the ,.slue, and with an nig gut tree& Flau141aud wee coned .teles of feathers tuft I eh -Oman and kept the batt .For glove- have fallen into dis• rolling till Parkdele was reached. 31.80. Phu h, ave English ISMS with- U1 :r ''i 1?.•+s8 showed a strong pro au 513 &grog are worn on cold days. olivity for practical jokingby insert '.Pheee gloves are very dressy as• well as comfortable. The conical high•arowned hat 'rails be worn another season, but theatre bonnets will be only seen ea plays, operas nod concerts, or, .at least, stunt is the prediction, null dress coats have the step collar, silk faced, the roll collar faced and edged with silk or satin, .and t e body either in fine diagonal •oaerino, West of England or fine ,cheviots. This is a skating season, and the Iprettieat•akating suite aro those of dark red or dark blue cloth hordes, ed.with Alaska or Russian sable, with naafis; cobra, Duffs and band of the cap to mateb. All ovoniug gowns, even dinner •dreeaes, aro airy, i104341ng gauzy, 1ty. The rainbow that plays in the adverse sunlight seems for a mom ens a vast, staple ,troll that span, the earth and reaches to the clouds. We le•'µ teeth) ,sod it ix gone. Thus '•,1' journey the . nnlrrrs laid theta •i,;l0 eujoymoul. -nee of all 1143000', . t eremiteeta, vecaliei:. Ing .*1* empty ginger pop bottle an Mr. Gibson'a pocket and drawing it fourth to the crowd when the old gentian .n was thrilling forth in soul inspiring strains, "and for bo' bo.bonnie, rl•a-a ba•hannie Laurie I would la 131, ha me down and dee." 1t was vele for the member for Huron to assort that he never taet• ed anything stronger than water." In the Assembly on Thursday of last leek Mr. Mowat moved the second reading of the hill providing fur the creation of the new portifolio of agrioulture and other industries, He supported the motion by argu- monte, showing that the Depart• went of Agrieultule could no hanger bo annexed to any existing other departments. Ile read :figures to show the cn0.rm(UH increase that cloudlike creations of tulle or lace, has taken place in the business of with only a hint of velvet, moire, or all the departments since i47, out do eoire in the way of a low r. Mere ith said he did not oh- J4',shaped bodice. jc M g'wtion in the interests of An Unneoeasary Qaeetou.—Bind Old Lady (to little boy, who has ju,t fallen down )—'Where did yea uurt your,eile little boy ?' Little Boy (orying)'Wu where d'ye tepee,: f•f feller hurts hi naelf when he wets down kerplunk ?' 1)netee--'You see, wifey dear, it was a critical oa,o, but I pulled my patient throat le' Wifo—'Yes, dear hubby, you are so &lever in your profession. Ah 1 if I had only yun 1ive• years earlier, my first bus baud, poo. 'Phomas, might have beim eared, The Life -Savers' Reward.-.-Offi- cor— 'Pour noble efforts have saved this mail's life. Had you 110t jumped after him he would have drowned.' Cohen --'Thank goot neer l 'There vas now some chance dot I get dose five hundred tonere ne owes mnfor six months pack. Judge (to jury) --Have you agreed upon .a verdict, Is the prisoner guilty or not guilty of theft, ae charged in the indintment. Fere, man—We have not yet reached a verdict, your honor. I missed my pocket in the night, and I woald respeetfully ask that each juror be searched, No Alibi for Him—'If you are innocent,' said alawyer to his client, an old darky who was charged with stealing a ham, 'we ought to he able to prove an alibi.' 'I dean' spec we kin' said the darky doubtfully, At about what time was the ham stolen ?' ''Bout 'leben o'clock, dey say.' 'Well, where you between eleven o'clock and midnight—in bed 2' 'No, soh ; I was hidin' the ham. He got aboard the train at Lemke- moat, sat down in the forward end of the smelter, and began to talk in a voice thst woke up the rear brake• man four care behind. 'Jost been over to 'Execution Bock' ducdiu,' ho howled. 'Ilea a bad acoidont there yesterday. The *team fog• horn broke clown-•-' 'How did the authorities happen to allow you to leave in ouch an emergency'?' asked the meek man with big biceps, in in the seat 13ac1T of him. 31'1 1', A.13,1• • \•L iY1 )41vV i i Lo un, 111 1„y to !man on farm Pro- perty, at, , 1;111EST Pral1 l i,'t PRIVA' AND COMPS' JNDS 11. 13. DICKSON, Solicitor, Brussels, Ont. lY l)4;Fl•'r01,01311 Any .kinouut of Money to Loan no Farm or Village Pro- perty, at 6 ;'`: fl- Per Thnt• Yearly. Str'tightLoans with privilege of rubra;, iug when required. Apply: to A. Hunter, Uirtsio)t Court Clerk, Brussels. f1 urv,- •• .1 tetondod, so 1*rms l -as Certs, r.l.. 1.1.:11 ',r •4114.... , *.., •nit 16131,.�ta'r eve„ ,u 1.. ,, ..+. ero , n '- ‘111,„11 u '- „r. Tr of the ”Ports "dr Works” vnu have Th:r,•,.,,.•,ul,•g L&tu101i11111ei—tut us n tale ser 411 wo eitn— Rho ,,nrcicalul trouble 3.0,13 our se; dee k ,” e : smtatp Iralrkll or •,.ar, the .;r y -. 1 , lag looks 15,11 ' •„ • -041411 or ono Noe. out hated has her laws 00 strict In'.1 300 ,1') es,, a ter, F01• .0o0t1 1,41 eI3 pay +111. 1014n It y at 148t. atts$.ed0 11., that nnu111441118 MIA& u' Clair, 1)0et'i Lnreaw0be's ads 3»Hie's nusur- pas8ed. Just try Is. your aelietad, yon uev or will I ' Tho Af»gin Lb n ver rat kliown to telt ; w,na Cho good Clot, ti w411 to von will ,nose you orlon forget ThoAruenaltnr0 1 ,ottlo,vw e,Ateti, This 11,.,1 Iaulon* preparations ter snvlg. orating not sthouhtti„p the 1I(,10)1131 of the hall 10 1,1101001.1113 wooptetl 118 1.11, t 30,1 valuable) 1,0,000)1)1 iut.lnl Lit` �ur ri111ay,'*it t pos. 1n,t11ae11,' 10.811 e. rich dial 114111 .r1wtil Of het • •1'1• t •ft 121.00+.1.• tat tteet,uest. It re..4111 w161, u uses %lone to senores the desired results. Dr. Derenwond'a"Hair Afacin" is said by all druggists et It verhaute, or sig for 13.4 If het Obtainable del your owls looality stool Ai. e11 d'F1..i u fa tear & ulo m n urs 4, 1008 to 1,110s ,. Cyt rl4vsxn, Peril HOT Works, prion, t 10:4 For lee Y G. Arcot, Toraan, l o. For *»to l 5 e•. � nu dlmm�, J• iiart;ruavas and all Druggists, 42 -5Z• E.1 "ER Steadfastly for forty-two years ibo V111ucr14 WITNESS has hold to pri.*0iples which have stood the tests of time, oele, and of opposition, fair and nnf'ir', and the Wrrsses to -dry spooks to sixty whore in 1846 it spoke to 0130. It* grow- th has beau both rapid and steady. Its publishers, desirous of still further in. aliasing its circulation, have this year gone to large expense to secure a repro• duotion of 1'.11'1 1111'11-•) P[IttlE of Davidson Knowles (who was selectett by Queen Viutoria to paint the seen, et Princess Beatrice's wedding),. entitled Suffer Little Children to Come Veto tlef It depicts the memorable scope with eteetling realism, reproducing in oils all the riohness of OIt[l'IN•I'AL, COI 01t[N14. The picture, executed by the greatest art firm in England, would bring $1.60 it sold, but is reeervod exclusively for Sob. authors to the Wrrieuss. The price of Cho Waiu*xY WITNeas and picture is $1.20 ; the paper alone $1.00. in 1800 the De035 WITNESS was launch- ed, and, like the Weekly, to advoeeto the same principles rogeraloss of cost. The picture "Suffer Little Children to Come Unto 1YIe," and the Leone Wlreess, $3.20 a year. ; the paper alone, $0.00. 'The Konya= M12sst solcit still coiltin- nes to 1)0.tillo favorite in 1110 Monte circle and Sabbath school, and commencing with January first with now typo, liner paper and other improvements, will be more attractive than ever. Prizes of books are given to frienils who canvass for it. Annual suboeriptime Ne., with reductions to clubs Sample eopios of the different pclbii• cations veiled on application. Agents wanted in evro'y town and Pillage. 410111. Dont the, ,t Nov, I'nblishela, Mon tree]. 14..mtou 2, 1666, e •-'a, ,ay 30 Clays 1116th September, April, r, Julie and November for 1 he A rtentiofl oi' the Puhlie Next 30 days a is eel 1"tI to the fact that the - aril Wisicount will bo allowed on our splendid stook of 8 Plush, Leather and Ordinary bound A -L -B -U -M -S. Special Bargains —IN -- Toys and Fancy Goods. All the School requisites kept in stock or procured in a day or two. CALL AT HE O .A. Bookstore. Wool©n Neill will give G - -Lei 1\TTTILTE BANGIAIVSI Tweedy, Yarns, Y''arns, Blcarcizets, Flannelrs, Unclerelotivins, arc' for the next 30 days; Special Drives in Knitted Goods. To Secure the Big Reduction 1 you Mitsi bring the CAS1-1. Try the Brussels Woolen Mill FOR— c) We have gained a great reputation for the elegant fits an:) finish, but especially for the Low Prices at which wo take orders. All our work is done on Dur own premises and cannot be excelled in value by any dealer, and certainly not cgenii(rl in the village of Brussels. Wo Have en Immuu Sick ol rift T1'iI Ts.4A `--O r in Meltons, Worsteds, Din p'..01-1111 flm1:>'. 1:7t:;l of England., Scotch and 1rieh'Tweeds, and an t,t 110.,114 variety of the best Canadian 1111114&,,. PRICES ttayglfrm11', D4. , foXl13It, i0:l1.,, 16,m1a7d,o ;i8, 1519 and 120. TEM'_:, 54'N'?u6i:1, :.941, Wy, : OS we use are strictly First -Class, and the Workmanship the best. Some special lines of IATS5 OAP$ lvhirsh we intend Selling Off at WoNnwltrun BAaclA.INS. GIVE US A GALL. Ross Bros.,. 1,1,.1 DlN(f CI11Y1'1311•1113 & 0'T.1? MINK • 13111: SS:lELS, ON'1'Altj:0. y