The Brussels Post, 1888-3-2, Page 5MARCH 2, 1.888. }' :Alit n'l.ChU5. C� l , Wlr?.f,,,'-ltstm. Tho itinperanee people aro flailing or. raugorncntsfor a spirited campaign in commotion with the coming repeal vola on the Scott Aot. "No Repeal" is their motto, Prior to her marriage Mks Comic Duf- field, of Wingbam (now Mrs, Heath) was prrsentecl with an addregs aeoompaniod by w berry (Roll and auger and preen, of tinted mud decorated glsso sot in silver from the teachers and officers of St. Pau1'e Sunday School at Wingham as an evidence of their appreciation of her lab- ors. Two frame stores on Main street were burned on Sunday morning. They wore occupied by J. Mode, tailor ; F. Iloilo. way, insurance agent; Wm, Alien, butoh- or, and G. P02000tt, tailor. The build- ings wore owned by H. W. C. Moyer and W. 13, Hutton, and were insured in the known. Citizens' Inouranoe Co.. J. Mud° had $1,000 amount n the Glos. gow Insuranoe Co.. Fawcett's stooko was in0ored'for $100 in the Royal Canadian. The pause of the fire Jo unknown. Sea.Torth• Fire broke out on Thursday evening in the drying -room of the furniture factory of Broo.dl00t & Box, but was prevented by tbo brigade from spreading. The loss is small and covered by Insurance. 33ossreno—The prizes offered for cpm. petition in Tuesday's bonapiel were :— First prize, tankard; aecond, tankard ; third, pair of curling atones. First draw: GODE11I0ES V. BEAFORTH. 001:1812001.1. Rink No. I. BBAYOTTO, 8. llfalo011heoo, It .13. Wilson, W. T.Wabb, John Weir. A. MoD. Allan, Geo, Patterson, D. C. Strachan, skip 'L9 J. B. Lyons, skip ...is ,fink No. 2. 0. 0, Coleman, 0. Rosa. Alex. Wilton. k. Afariio, A. Young, M. Hutchinson, skip 19 H. Oommaa, skill ...27 Total 41 PARIS V. BBI0MT41 : rears. Rink No,1. nnl00T, John L.Maxwell, G. Middlephas, 0, E. Adams, E.J. Briton, .7090Ph Crape, J. Reosberry, Al, Cavan, skip 16 M. Stewart, skip 1c kink No. 2. Jae. Adame. G. Evans, Jae, O'Neil B. Stewart, J. H. Haeldand, G. Buchan, J. Broakhank, ektp...20 John McKie, ekip,13 Total 46 - Total 95 8T. MARYS V. 7PINSALL. BT. otAuTa, Bink N0.1. 05112ALL. J. Odd', 0 Win. Charters, J.M. Weir, J. McArthur, W.0 •Robson,, 1b. 0011 8, Snarling, skip 08 Win. Elyder, skip 8 Rink No. 2. 0. Moyers, Writ. B. McLean, J.D. Moors, R.MoArthnr, J. W. Somerville. R. Bonthrou, Wm. A-tdrews.0hi••...96 G. Murray, skin 15 Total ` 74 Total 20 STRATFORD V. BRUSSELS. eTnATr0BD, ulnk 14(1.1. 5120650.5, John Welsh, J. Kitchen. 0. E. Na myth, R. Lod (law, t A.E. Watson, • Wm. Thompson, A, MoLaron, skip.' r Scott, skip ,29 .tu1 t H. M. Johnston, Adam Good, W. Maynard, Jas. Ross. A. McGa ado s, Day.Ross, John Payne,okip......11 S. W. Laird, skip20 Total, 20 Total 49 In tho second draw Soaforth beat Paris and Brussels. Paris beat St. Marys and St. Marys beat Brusoola. The prizes were Bins awarded to Seafortb, Paris and St. Marys. G rid}--. uultn Lamont be Minden). After a show o£ Benda taken tho antendmnt was oar. sled by 12 to s. Poll demanded by Win. Pollard and Joseph 'Upton( to bo voted on ono wookfrnni thio day Wednesday. Monod by Wm. Pollard, socondod by Win, Barker that Wig. hall bo Auditor. Muvad in ammhdmmnt by Pober Bishop, wooded by ARd0uhhh .Lamont that Jacob ,Keifer bo auditor, Tho motion carried by a 10 to 1 vote. WIl.L1A11 floor, Chairman. Axone Snow, Soorotary. According to law thio meotiog could not bo hold ono week from that day a0 it was demanded, The School Act atatoo forthwith but you could not make an Irishman believe but he woe right and that ahoy could hold their election on their data and eo they did. One truotse dismisfod the school to take their votes in the school house. Now, boys, all for Joo as Malcolm thinks he is in trustee his man said so but wo will thaw you soon now tb'at we will pct Joe. in. Put ono vote hero now for Lamont or they will think it is a shame not to give him Ono vote on our election for if we good our minutes to the Inepeotor it would •b° bad ou our tido as their minutes wore signed by the chairman and are gone now. Isere now go on and vote, don't mind the first meeting I was with the Justice of 1: eaoe and he said wo eau vote cue week tram that day is all right. You will know next tim6, however, bhab you were just ono week too late. Now, just be ax steady ail you eau for if you don't you will get in a fine fix before you think of what you have been doing and saying. Hoping you will know boater at the next meeting. Yours, A Sunammm a. I,$08to w col . Hugh 0. Hamilton, head master of the North Bay (Nipioeing District) Publio School, and Master Willie Kellogg tramped on snow shoes over Lake Nipis- sing to a shanty nine miles south of •North Bay. 13000nting hungry, they started to return. The cold was int°1hee. When two miles on their way Iiamilb n sat down for a rest. Urged by the youth, be managed to go three miles further. Deo knots owning on, Willio went a little ahead, and by shouting en- couragingly to his companion soma dist. once was covered. Fearing for himself, Willie dually went on for assistance, and reached the village at 8 o'olook. &search party set out and found Hamilton lying on tho Show dead. The body will be taken to Listowel, where dooeaaed's parents reside. He was only twenty.four years of ago, and commenced his duties a few years ago. Ho was ambitious, and intended to complete his studies for the law. John Heritage and wife, of Pool town- ship, were visiting at Thos. Heritage's for a few days last week. Duncan MuLauohlin has leased the 75. acre farm belonging to Anthony Sample, in Morris, for a term of years. Miss Crerar, of Shakepears,, is visiting hor brother, Juo. ()reran Miss Lottie Hill ie Away at Holmesville on a visit to het sister. For the past two or throe weeks Wm. Cook has been laid up with a bad felon on one of his bands, inoapaoitating him from attending to his work. Ho is doing better now, however: Dopooz.—The usual debate woo held in Shine's School House last Monday evening, There was a good audience. Tho discuosio ns were lively and very in- teresbicg. The subject was : "Resolved, that Imperial Federation would bo bone- froial to Canada." Tho affirmative was taken by W. Perrin, E. W. Robertson and Alex. Perrin. The negativo by Jno. Bain, Jas. Perrie and A. Hyslop. Decis- ion was given against Imperial Federa- tion. S. Anderson 000upied the oltair and john Grant the vice•ahair. The So. oiety will give a free entertainment on Friday evening, March 14t1a, when a large program and a good time may bo looked Por. Tho Boot Huron Formers' Instituto was rem milted by the President, U• Mc1'addao, at the Convention of the P,.rhtioneut Farmors' Inebituao. He made a nu ibor of speeohos, the following being a synopsis of what he said in rofor- enoo to the best moans of increasing tho nsefu1ness of the F armors' Institutes, as reported by the Ryall:—"U. McFadden, of Brussels, who occupied a scat, next to the prooeding speaker, said that ho was a Tory from Toryville, and he did not Oats the snuff of a oanille for either political party unless they looked after the iuter- ustsof the men who sent thorn to power. Ino could not endorse the establishment of an ibstitut1 in every soliool section. Their institute in Nast Duron, aoeording t0 000 of the professors who visited it, woe, if not the beat, at least one of the boot in the Province, Now they reosived a grant of $25 from the Ontario Govern. clout and $20 from the County Conned, the foo for Membership being 25 oents. They bad established a circulating librbry, whioh he fait would do more than anything else to popularize the in- stitution. He had ovory hope that their membership would reach one thousand. McFadden will address the .Wontworth On. Institute, of Hamilton, this month on the Driving Horse. GMT AND tPoax S°1tem 14' ENIANe.,-The 110th atonal meeting of S. S. No. (h, was hold acoording to notice on the 28th Do. oombor, 1887, the buetuoss of tbo meeting being 28 follows ;---Moved by Pober Koff - or, saaoudod by Allan Lamont that Wm. [Sall bo Chairman. Carried. Moved by rotor Bishop, seconded by Jacob Koffor that Anus Shaw bo boorotary. Carried. Moved by Win. Pollard, s000ndod by Potor Hoffer that Trustees nncl Auditors' report ha adopted. Carried. Moved by Wm. Pollard, seoondod by John Bate. and also oxpreosecl Iiia plsltwnro at being loan that .10207l,111 Raynarrl bo trusto0. present on ouch 1011 00 60um, Noxt name ouventy-five in number, sat down to alto Moved in atnoadmont 1,y hater itof(or, the tea, perhaps not the moot profitable, tablos, which were well laden with tb° aaaonded by John 1iuCartuey that Mal. but, at any rato, a very oujoya;blu part of goad things of this world, and partook Walton. Mrs, Sage and Mies Annie Sage ivili take part In the program of a grand en- tertainment to be held in the Horticul- tural pavillion, Toronto, this month. Om canr, Miss O'Connor's concert on Friday evening was a pleasant affair and attracted a well-filledhouso. The follow- ing was the program : Instrumental, "Moonlight on the lako," Miso Elora Mc- Donald ; solo, Miss Lille O'Connor ; °borns, "Birdie's Ball," Misses McDon- ald, Ferguson, Ritchie and Torrance ; quartette, "The fortune taller," Misses O'Connor and Kay and A. Strachan and W. 11. Kerr ; solo, Mise Kerr ; dialogue, "Ohsokmate," Misses MoDougall, M: - Ribbon and McDonald, and Messrs. Liv- ingst°n, Anderson and McDonald ; chor- us, "Homeward bound," by the class ; instrumental march, Miss Hamilton ; duett, "Very suspicions," Miss O'Con. nor and W. H. Moss ; song, comic, in abarootor, .Leslie O'Connor ; quartette, "Beautiful River," Misses Tait and Mo. Ribbonand Messrs. McAllister and Tait ; duett, "The Gipsy Countess,' Mise O'Connor and A. Strachan ; instrumental on harmonica, Mr, Anderson instru- mental duett, J. McDonald and Willie Neal ; song, comic, in character, W. James ; solo, Mies Herr ; instrumental, "Battle of Waterloo," Miss Hewitt ; song, Leslie O'Connor ; quartette, Misses O'Connor and Kerr and A. Strachan and W. H. Kerr ; instrumental, Miss Annie Ferguson ; National Anthem. During the intermission in the program the chairman presented Miss Smillie with a band-eome book of poems, given by Mien O'Connor, for taking the highest'number of marks in a musical examination re- oently held, Out of a class of twenty there were ten competitors. PilE5ENTAT10n.—A very pleasant and eujoyable owning was spent at the resi- dence of L. McFadaean, on the 22nd ult., when a 16rge number of Duff's church congregation assembled to prosont 'Air. and Mrs. Mo adzean with two hand" som0 choir's and a settoo. Mr. Smillie, having boon previously appointed, took the) chair, and after a fow appropriate re - maxim, explaining the purpose of their mooting together, oche( on Mr. Gardiner to road the address, lot tho Santo time the presents wo,o brought in and the host end hostess o onlortahly seated in the °hairs. The address was an follows: To Mr. AfcPad:sea Doors Sm. --Wo, in behalf of the mem. bars and adherents of the congregation of Duff's ohurch, 'WN ton, desire to ex- press our sense of ob igabion to you and high appreoiatioi of your 000201008 for the past eighteen years, in which yon have discharged faithfully and efficiently the duties as Treasurer for the congregation. That it may be our privilege long to have the benefit of ouch faithful servio00 is, we aro sure, the earnest wish of us all. We aro bore mat to give a tangible expression of our ostimate of tha duties you have so long and satisfactorily performed and we THE BRUSSELS POST (10It 1,$A.i.1t , On WIL1'r BENT to euttnblu ),u14lta, r r it the program. Then followed 8p0aob08, readingo, reeitabiou0, dialogues, ankle and games, after whirl, the morally parted, oxproosing their wish that and Mrs. kfoJarizmte might long bo spared to enjoy the use of their chairs to be a help to the choral) and a bonoIit to tho sommmhity at largo. 1�or+r•ir+. Township Connell will meet on Mon- day of next week. W. P. Scott, of this township, lost a Valuable mare last wooly. John McElroy is preparing to orotic a large brink dwelling on his lot, 8th eon., tbie spring. jos. Smith, of tbe8th, who by the way is becoming a noted cattle buyer, la awity this ween to Monbroal with a oar load of fat oabblc. Thos. Robertson has leased the home obead, and intends running it on his own hook. It is hinted that he is on the look out for a bouaekeeper. A sloigh.lnad of yoang folks from Wal- ton and vicinity visited A. Scott, of 7th line, on Tuesday night of last wook, spending a very enjoyable time• Joseph Breckenridge is home from the lumber shanties of Algoma. He don't seem to think very much of that country, but for all that he seems none the worse for the trip. BoTxnTum uooT•'—On Friday evening of this week a musical and literary on tortainment will be held in Anderson'o school house, under the auspices of the Literary Satiety, The public invited. Admission, 10 cents. Rev. A. E Smith, of Wroxeter, preach. od the missionary sermon h Johnston's Church, on Sunday, 10th ult., after whioh the subscription was taken in aid of the Mission Fund. Rev. J. S. Cooke took his work the Dame Sunday. Tom Forrest, who has been working at his trado in Toronto for the past few mouths, baa been visiting in our neigh- bdrhood. Dame Rumor has it that them is some attrsotion draws him here. and it is thought he will not go back very often alone. John Miller, who has been living on the farm of Wm. Dolmags for the last four years, had a sale last Friday and (Re- posed of his stook and implements. We hear that ho is thinking of crossing the Atlantic next spring, for the good of his health, On the 22nd inst. Wm. J. Proctor died sitar a oomewhat extended illness of con- sumption. Ho went to Manitoba last year in tho hope of recruiting but with- out much avail as the deadly seeds of disease were too deeply sown. Tho friends of the deceased have the sym- pathy of the neighborhood. We undoretand that Malcolm Black has tendered his resignation as teacher at Anderson's school after a very sue. casein' term of about 5 or 6 years. It is tai( Mr. Black will take up life incur. tune with the hope of improving bis health. It is a pity to allow such a suc- cessful teacher drop out of tbo ranks. What might have proved a sad and fatal accident occurred to Wi11 Rich- mond, of this township, while engaged in creating a hay -fork for a former of Hul- let. It appears Mr. Richmond, while preparing to fasten the cal track and owing to the insecurity of the scaffolding, was precipitated t0 the floor below from the roof of the barn, a distance of about 20 ft. Having bran for some time in- sensible from the injuries received, fears were entertained of his recovery, but wo are pleased to learn he is improving so quickly that his friends hope be may soon be removed to his home on the 9th. Cn1T-OaAT.--A very successful eooial gathering was held at Thos. Farrow's, ex-M.P., ou Friday evening last. Two sleigh -loads came from Bluevale and they were a merry lot. What a pleasant party ? Poor I was almost left alone. They all seemed too busy. Some of the old gents boxed themselves into a smoke house, and determined to awoke every- one else. A very 0100 program Waa giv- en, not so good a0 at W. J. J's, but grate as well prepared. The young folks kink- ed up a rote and had a very pleasant little time of their own.—Mies Boid, 'who bas been visiting in Toronto, returned lstely and is an addition to 1st line.—Jackson Wilson, of Zetland, was visiting friends hors last week.—The sale of Mr. Dul- mage's stook, 2La., was well attended. Bob said things wont "reasonable," those who know how that is are welcome, those who don't bettor ask him. I dare not. Yours truly, BELL. freely, which they mono (not like the speakers) prepared to do, anis as sister Chamberlain, who was pr000nt, remark. ed that Clore was nabbing to good for the Orangomsu, whish wag eoneurrl„1 in by Out bratherli '"atei0g" ,tail xltyl,hg that thoro could not bo anything hotter. After 0upp0r wag aver, Co. Master, .1. ff. Younu, of l7t'nosals, wax voted to the choir, when the following addressed the meeting, oroupying about three hours, - Tho Chairman, Wm. Magill, (L Gibson, J. Wilford, Wm, Laidlaw, R. T. White, ex -editor of the Standard, (l, Quinn, M. Mains, A. Woodman, lair, Watson, editor of the Standard, R. Brownlee, Jds, Gib- son (Morris) air Nonni() and J. 1tfcCiee. Mrs. Comber, an eldcrly.lady, stated that she had cousins at the siege of Dorry,and she wag proud or it; and another person prosont could trace their family connec- tion book to 1000, when tholr elder par- ent osmo over as a general in the army under William the Third, At bhp close of the addroosea it was unanimously re- nolvod that a hearty vote of thanks bo tendered to the ladies for their kindness, oto, Mrm. N. H. Young aoknowlednod the Viatica in a very kindly manner, and remarked that, as an Irishman wag al. ,lowed to speak twice, she would request Mr. Wilford to make the reply, whioh he did with great delight to the ladies, as he claimed to be a supporter of Woman's Rights. Tho singing of the National Anthem and the benediotion by the chap- lin brought an enjoyable mooting to a oloso. 31a th. D, S. MoKinnoo was in Clinton last wook. F. N. Dickton, of Wroxeter, spent Sun- day in town. The A. 0. U. W. are rapidly increas- ing their number here. D. B. McKinnon ie in Toronto this week on a purchasing tour. Wm. Davis sovoroly hurt his faoe one evouing last week while skating. There is sotno talk of a oriokot ohnb being formed in town this year, Tho band playod some duo aelootiona on the drools on Friday evening. Over 4,000 cords of wood have boon do. livered at the salt works this Winter. Owing to the bad condition of the roads business is somewhat slack in town. Tho Foresters bold their first meeting in their now hall on Tuesday evouing last. Wm. Drummond, who has boon in To- ronto for some limo, returned to town last week. We are pleated to learn that Wm. Richmond, who was so severely injured last week is rocovering, have now, in the name of numerous OnANOSO HANDS.—R. T. White, pro - friends, the sincere pleasure of hiking priotor of the Blyth Standard, disposed of yourself and Mrs. McPadzo6n to accept his plant last week to A. H. Watton, of of those pr°sent0 as a small token of our Port Elgin, true gratitude and sincere desire for your The annual meeting of the Blyth best interests. Wo hope you may find Branch Bible Society will be hold lin the these comfortable and both long be spar- Presbyterian Church on Thursday even- ed to enjoy the us° of them and be bions- ing, March 8th. The Rev, Mr. Manley, ed with poem and prosperity. We ,tope of 'Toronto is expected to address the you may be milled to egoist in the Svorlt Mooting. of the congregation for many yoars yet to A number of the members of tho meta- (tome. Signod by the membors of the bora of the Literary Society wenb to Board of Msnagomont,' Westfield ou friday last, and took part Although almost taken by surprise Dor, in the literary enbortainmonb, Mo1'adzean mode a suitable rattly End On Monday evening of this week tho thanked the people heartily for bhp vain. ladies of the Methodist Church here en- able and mated Wants, and Said he bortained the members of tbo Myth L. prized thou all the mora that they had 0. L., by giving then a free and voltin- couoo from so many conbribntors, and tory slipper in the Orango Hall. Tho ,loped all would make th0niaalyea per. Lodge WAS °penacl in duo form by tlho Maly at ,home acid spend a plcasahht 0v• reading of a portion of S7riptntu, and the ening. Rev. Mr. llallanbyne thou gav0 a opening prayer of the OI'd0r in the pro. eborbaddress,explaining, tosconoextent, 0eneo of a largo number of ladies and the work whioh the Troaom:or had to do, well-wiohing Moods. At thio stage of taro proecadings the company, about EAST HURON FAI MERS' INSTITUTE A public' meeting of tho above body will be held id the Town Hall, Wroxeter, —08—• Thursday, March 22nd, COMMENCING' AT 10 A.M. PROF. ROBERTSON is expected to give an addreses on "Dairy. ingl;" A McD. dond others. (pper on "Fruit," The 850010ne are open to the Public and a large turn out of farmers is asked. U. MCFADDEN, WM. BISHOP, President. Sec.-Treas. A..UCTIOrt7 fat ALE' --00 FARM STOCK And implements, Geo. Kirkby, Auctioneer, has received in- atruotions from the undersigned to sell by Public Auction, at S A Lot 26, Con. 5, Morris, Thursday, March 15th, AT 12 O'OLOCK, NOON. The following valuable property, viz.: I Horse rising 5 years, 3. Horse rising 4 years, 1 Mare rising 4 years, 1 heavy drought Filly, rising 8 years aired by "Lsnterprioe," 2 lilliea rising 2 years, one sired by "Rankin Boy," 6 good grade Cows supposed to be in calf to thoro'-bred bull, 1 newly calved Cow, 6 good grade Heifers rising '2 years, 1 good grade Heifer rising 2 years supposed 111 calf to thoro'- bred bull, 1 good grade Heifer rising 8 years supposed in calf to thoro'.bred bull, 2 Steers rising 3 years, 5 Steers rising 2, r.�118 proprietor wishes to remind the public that his.stock of Final - 2 Steero rising 1 year, 8 Honfore rising 1 Il 1 ' Par, 8 Fat Cattle, 8 Sheep, 2 Pigs, 1 tore, including Parlor and Bedroom Suites and year, Wagon, 1 sot iron Harrows, ( :til lands of furniture usually kept m a quantity of sae Boxes and other a first-class store, Wtt9 articles. Salo without Reserve as proprietor has leased his farm. Tacos.—All sums at and under $5 resit' over that amount 10 months oredit x n r with com- fortable. and commodious dwelling. (fond collar, l acro o1 garden hi ',oaring opines, plums a n,1srnallfruits. Coad stable, rills• v02'81110421 ono of the boot Scannings 112 1)u. •ut u• (ado for a gaud Rancho-alalco beteg 8 I Salesmen Wanted 'i0 eauvaas Sar nes 0510 04 Norenry Stock. Stonily e,ujluyy�ulsnt aarantued. SALARY awn1Sxl'itt:esxl'Afn. Apply at once, glutting { are. (Refer to 111,o paper.: I - 1'10ANB Rtt9TUtall$. eolhernc, Ab4t, tl eeotru of n anion farthing soot -on. Near. 1 ,pl; est oPposftluu Brussels, w 7 rod eft hiatual ismnes. App) y fur torula to ir. W, 9f 1LN1., on the 1,rehnla,`e, 14 rlli-o.. 21. ookteolgtosP el.:JAnW's MAW I'A11111. J• W-5E800UGH. ARTIST and EDITOR 1050n11 200(71100, 81 a tear 1 $1 rur 1) lfmoths , GRIP to Moralising In mfit,oneo awl pupn- lortby ovary year l 1t la a anpremo house- hold favorite, while every Politician and Professional and maims Man enjoys 21,0 oloror hits which tumour to erery 10eue. Sub- scribe now! Soo our P1000 10 01 and Clubbing Ilst, tar' colura giving fall'•articutaro scut tree. 0a'Look nut for GRIP'S 110mr e' Ah•t1A040 fur 1SN'>. Price 10 cants. Address, Grip Publishing Co,, TORONTO, ONT The Principle of Treatment. ASIOTCNj Mt D. &iR1CIPIStI Eminent Lang and Throat Surgeon. —wird, CIBIT- 1311,T.TX 0.4.10.`+, AT 77.311 AMERICAN I{OTI^.L, !lionday. 'March 12th, '88. Read W. Storey's (of 11, W. Storey ,k Son, Manufacturers, AOton, Ont.) defter, o0 reply to M0. Me0amtoey, of Boyne, Out :— Acton, Out., 8050.14,1887. George McCartney, Esq., Boyne, Ont, D1tAn Stn.—Your letter received. 112 reply I bog to inform you that Dr. Waobiugton completely cured me of Catarrh of 2 soars' etanding, whioh tlirnatenod to break down my ythinigntion. I had provloeSly tried everything and every Dbysbofan of note without receiving n partlele of good. When I wmmo00od taking his s rune I would ea almoatsutfueate with mucous running down mytbroat at night, and 1,sd about given up all bops. Astor I commenced taking his anodlclss 2 felt a decided rarely in a weak and to two months was entirely cured. This is nearlya year ago nod have had no return of the trouble. 1 eau cosadentlV 000om- mendDr, Washington to .You. $s is 110 quack; hes charges are moderato ; lie la a porloct gentleman 12, all that term implies, at tenet ouch Is my experience. Behave me. • Yours truly, W. H. STOREY. DISEASES TRIOArN D. Catarrh, Catarrhal, Deatneen, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma nod t`ovanmption. Also loss of Volpe, Chronic Bore Throat, ltemov- lag Enlarged Tonsils from thr Throat, and Polypii,frorn the Noso, without tbo knife. treated by Inhtlnn Head, 'Tl10 Nowt a Met Longs CONSULTATION FRED. Wm artin, Agent fun' the following Companies :—.T. Hendry4S: Hon, Heaforth, /Iowa of all kinds, J,snd holler's, Cultivators, Straw Cutters, (Mau Crushers; Tolton Bros., Guelph, Pea harvesters, Steel F1oxiblo Harrows, No. 7 Plows ; Patterson Bros., 1Vaodetock, Light Steel Binders, Oxford Reapers 5 rakos, Mowers, front and rear outs, lloar's Hay Rakos,Patteraon'a pout - blood Seed Drill, 10 hoes, and cultivator combined, 2 Furrow Gang Plows, Spring Tooth Harrows 20 tenth, Spring Tooth Cultivators ; A. Murphey di Go., Guelph, Ney's Patent Reversible Hay Carrier and Double Angle Steel Track, most eom- plate in Canada. A Special Bargain can bo had in Binding Twine. All aro sold at Prices to snit these hard times. Sutistacliot Guaranteed on all Irnple- ments sold, W vI, 1V1A$TIN, House--TOSNnBnny STltea'r, Samoans. JUDICIAL SALE OF LANDS. in the High Court of Y7tstice, Chancery Division. TJ001mpt4on vs. IXendall. Pursuant to Lbelinusmont and anal order for sotvelythe1221hhdayofOctober, dated 00th day of November, 1887, (bore will be sold by Public Aaotion, with the approba- tion of the Local Mester o1 the Supreme (Mort of Judicature for Ontario at Belle- ville, at the B00BBr.LBlnn the County of Hn uron once Thursday, March 15th, 1888. lye tt, Auctit 1 oneer, the following valuable farm property In two parcels:— PAac51. No, 1.—Tho north half of lot num- elow0, 0 the ey,1n the County of Huron, coa- taln of Grey, timet 66 soros more or leen. Panora, No. 2.—Lot number 24, in the 10th concession o1 the Township of Grey. in 1115 County of 11urou, containing 100 acres more or 100s. Coon Parcel number 1 Lre erooted a f, oma boors rod n frame bora 1n a sobstantial state of repair. About thirty soros aro cleared and fit for cultivation. About 30 mores of swamp land, well -drained, and the balance timbered with hardwood. This pared is shrift 7 miles from the village sof Brueselo,2 .wiles from Ebbe), with a 5011001 bousoabout li miles from the lot, Upon Parcel number are erected an old Iogtl0use and log barn, About 10 acres are cleared and flt far cultivation. This Parcel o(Moat 10.miles tram Brussels, and about 6 miles from Ebboi, both of which are first- class market villages. Both the said pareela will be sold siibjeet to resurye bids axed by the Master. The purohasnr shall pay ilowu a dopos1t in the porportion of 910 for every S1C0 of the purchase money, and the balance in one month thereafter, Iu another respects tho terms and conditions or sale win, bo the standing oonditione of sale of thin court. For further particulars apply to the law o15eo of Mesore. Greeos d: GL0Tr8, Nnpanee, Bud Musere. WAnn ,C 3rceLA121, 11arl1000ra, Brussels. Gibson .t flute, 0. S. Lazier, Plaintiffs' Soliobtora. 1-ooal Master. Dated Feb. 410,1688. 31.9 ilart,USS- =LS FURTURE EMPORWIVI. ALWAYS IN ''RF FEAT RUE ITZVEll MORE COMPLE Ta will be given by furnishing approved joint . notes. 9 par dent. off for cash. Fat cattle to bo cash, Geo, ;Kirkby, A. ,K. Robertson Auotioneee. Poprietor. Latest Styles tlesof P lotuve & n& 9 RU STET S L .A.TrOTEON I SA.LE1i —0Y A VAL11A71r.11.--• WOOLEN MILL, Bl oacllliaeo,1•V', K:.C.r IN THE ViLLAGE OF BRUSSELS, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, ONT. Thtl00 will ba (amid Sur sale by Public Atl 122 ne on on epromi0oe m1 Frames and Oil Paintings in stock, As 1 now manufacture my own Furniture, Having Eight Men Rolstolltly ufh�loyod, T am in it position to deal with tho public on more liberal terms the 1lrot-elass 'fill 4l)LY, IIAR(Rl '1'117. 2obh, Isis, than over. All timber 1165(1 thoroughly 80,80110( In AT 10. dimwit A, tr., the (ollowiac valuable Woolenviz 0 Lot L and 1V, lots 984 and•nt805, iph7), 10 surrey any interest therein c atm that part of lot 919 as Fenian, d in 04uvo November from Hown t0 Pattinson, dated NofWay9 16th, 1987, 11. Mug fro a i 0rib03t of trey 9 font tido rum Biuglro l e lost. me11treotalo a the Boon aide of the loot inention0d Parcel. Boon this prnp0r4y 1e Greeted n Steno mh d Brialy lin menti and a stone and brick high, with d dvo house 20.135 tact, also n tanmo both ur u t bud hien h.11ona0. Tbominoi5al niaehittary cionai0ts of 4119 casino and boiler and oouneotios0, 1120kor • onrda, roll onrdinn tra001no, 218 epic,',° jacks, 2 broad Arta 8 11671020 100010 ends vtr- ioua other maultinery (hut not including tion Minor), also a horse, buggy, cutter and elatgh, oath a lot on stook and about 10 e0040 of wood aid somnbonk dohts. The root estate with what0VOr is covered by too mortgage of 85000.00 to tbo Village of Wessels (and which has some 2'4+000 to run Without interest) 20111 be sold sthbiact 10 thu toms of atom mortgage, an.b too engine thereonll,y will din cd llrCiillselr, Galt, claim 'rrimit0 thou. lrorfurthor particulars applynnthopr0m- fa0e,or to tt/til .V Millionti, George Faiths son, i Vot,,im o 9olh'(tors l'andar (salt, Ont. Freston, ,, Ohhf. Baled of (int Vobrna,a 2, .J( 21 (dry kihi at our Factory, Repairing Promptly. Attended to, U i h.' tltii � ut._,,.. 1'irst•class stock. of Undertaker's Goods always on halted. By dealing ,t nling with lis you secure 1110 best 1101u,lflu'tn12 d f,ez' the same Niro asyounay for a second or third rate article risOWlu're. t 1 7l1 000(Is .DCli•t�c�rect Free,r',tr, t c tour t�'y. . tf. 11 1,E,\ ITERDALE.