HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-3-2, Page 3MAItCH 2, 1888, THE BRUSSELS POST
The canvasser for books who lies
About the work he barefaced plies,
And in its place a fake supplies,
Is friendly to the farmer..
The fruit tree sharp who peddles trees,
Secures mon's notes and straightway
Wafted away upon the breeze,
Is friendly to the farmer.
Thu lightning rod and windmill shark,
Who love devices Sleep and dark,
To which 'tis dangerous 10 hark,
Is friendly to the farmer.
The swindler with the fauoy grain,
Who should on sight be instant slain,
To ;nom the world from further pain,
Is friendly to the farmer,
The bunko man with spurious cheek,
And loaded with the chilly deck,
'Who in his wake leaves ruin and wreak,
Is friendly to the fanner.
And every fakir, frond and cheat,
Each highwayman and sunning beat,
Who claims he granger as his meat,
Is friendly to the farmer.
Tho politician, shrewd and deep,
Made to be purchased very cheap,
Though lie 0'or others sins will weep,
Is friendly to the farmer.
The papers, too, that erstwhile roared
For workingmen, and them adored,
flare cast their old friends overboard,
Iu favor of the Buttner.
IBut he's not to bo oaugbt by chaff,
Too old a bird is he by. half ;
He treats all schemers to a laugh,
Does the bigheaded farmer.
By slow degrees his skin's got thiok,
Ton couldn't dent it with a brick,
And he is up to every ti ick,
Is the oxporionood farmer,
And when he hears of "farmer's friends,"
He knows just where that friendship
Aud straight away his course he bends,
Does the aUepieions farmer.
In his court King Charles was standing
on bis bead, a golden crown ;
And his royal brow ,ms wrinkled in a
most portentous frown.
Fifty courtiers entered walking on their
hands, were bright,
Set in rings of gold and silver; what a
rare and splendid sight.
Four and two my noble ladies, proud and
' fait• and ten f of long,
Were the trains that flowed behind them
borne by pages stout and strong.
In a bower of fragrant roses the musi.
clans now compete
I1 onyl.,g trunipo s with their noses. they
inhale the rragraot sweet.
Seo the Queen, how sad and tearful as
the gang outs off her bead,
One bright truer+ of hair el, pasting, emit
she t'l.-,.pr clic ...e,.,.
^t: mil ion Pierliameut.
Lord Lauedoa•ac's 3peeen,
A, three p to on 'rim •sdity of
lam. weep His Excellency t.I,3 Gov.
nal , Gltit l'n no prvc.'':dc i. t to 10
ti', P•'rlittruet t banditti. 0, nod 010
Men hers of !1111 Bout -e' f Commove
having been summoned to the
Senate Ohanlhl'r, . His Exeelleney
14'1'1 pleased to open t.11 s3aond
ae.alof of title eixlh Pat eanieet 1,3
0130 1 t in 111e f0 l mons so •eob :
Honorable Gentlemen of tho 'spate
Gentlemen of the House of amnions:.
It affords me much ter t'tlie teem
to meet you once more at th own
menoemont of the Yarliameetdry
0e80ifee and to cougratuiate Sou up
on the general prosperity in 13 e
onuntry. Although the taboo of.
the husbandman have not buten re
warded in 0omo portions of the Do
031(1013 by 3131 adequate retuen, the
bravest of net year lies, on the
wb,.le, boon plenteous, while in
Manitoba end the Northwest Ter
rituries It was ono of remarkable
The negotiations between Ila]
Majesty's Government and that of
the United States for the adjustment
of what i0 known a0 "the fishery
question' have, I am pleased to in
1'ortn you, resulted in a treaty which
will, I venture to hope, be coueidor•
oil by you a8 honorable and satis
factory to both nations, Tho trod y,
1•. illi the supers and correspondence
relating thereto, will be laid before
yon, lend you will be invited to adopt
a measure to g1V0 effect to its pro-
The extension and development
of our system of railways have not
only rendered necessary additional
safeguards for life and property, but
•have given greater frequency .to
questions in which the interests of
rival companies are found to bo in
conflict, and to require au0borito
five adjustment. As further legis.
lation appears to be needed for
these purposes, a measure will be
submitted to you for the considera•
tion and improvement of t110 Rail-
way Act.
!Experience having 01108'01 that
amendments aro required to make
the provisions of the Act respecting
elections of the members of the
phots of Commons more effective
and more convenient in operation,
you will be milted to consider a mea'
ettr0 for the amendment of that
Tito Act respecting control/titled!
elections may likewise require at- 1
tention with a view to the removal
of certain questions of interpreta'
tutu whioh have 401003 and which
ehnu'd bo riot at rest My Govern -
moot ban availf'd itself of the oppor.
ttlntty afforded by the moss to oon
eider the numerous suggestions
wbioh neve been made for improv
lug the detail•' of the Aot respecting
the election frauoliite, and a meta
ewe v,ill be submitted to ynu fur the
purpuee of .,implifying the law and
greatly leesenllig the cost of iia open
'ire growth of the Northwest tor.
riturles render. expedient. au im
proveteeet to the system of govern
must sett logieIatiuu affecting these
portions of the Dominion nod a bill
ler that pUrpo,.e will be laid before
A hill will be Rebuilt ed to ton 111
melee a larger per ion of tdre mod, to
laws 01 Eugtan(' applioab a t•, Iho
Province of Maoitnblt and the North
weal Territ, rtes iu reger(1 to matters
which are within elm (metro' of the
Parliament of (Amide btu which
htivu 1101 a8 yet been made the sub
ject of Onnudiau 18g1slutiou
Among other measures, bills will
be pt...., teed to you r'''t'iulf to the
Judiciary, to the Civil Service Act
and to the audit of the public etc
Gentlemen of the House of Commons :
The aeoun3IS 1011 the post year
will be laid beton you us well as the
estimates for the ensuing year. They
hew beim preperud with a due re
glint tI economy and the require.
ments of the public service
Honorable Gentlemen of the Senate:
Gentlemen of the House of Commons:
I commend these important eub-
jeets and all matters affecting the
pnblio iutererts which way be
brought before you, to yours best
coubiderati0n, awl I feel as ured
that yeti will address yourselves to
them with earnestness • and assid
The address wets moved by Dr.
Mrmtat;ue, s,condt:d by Mr, Joncas
atdl puss, (1 i ith( ut much discusei0n
311 entielam.
lilt re att. 1013. lady members of
the l.•iest• gallery ilii, )'tau, 1111es
B,roalign, , rel reeen(irtg the London
Advtvtheir, and Ales- Duncan (tient'
Gant (31.), • he Momr(ul Star.
14 n Julie Car!iug will give a
tint. I.e• 3i' duiuere during the 100
sten, n1• crib the other members of
1, e C blurt sed the leading men OD
hs th 9,4,1.11 ld the House Socially
.len r,.lnie.- to be ebeed ni
1'1, IP lint average.
I. 1, •.ife(hy that only two divorce
0eeeti 1•n0. five upplloatious put in
win in In'urd by the Situate this
sl r.iun T1.1e other 008e8 will pro
tnbly hare to be dropped owing to
be ivauffiuleney of notice Twat; Twoity-
'j ,n.,,ro'•,. louvre b...•u- wonted by
I:1 Patlinmeut ((0 Canada during the
inset 11 vuty yn•irre.
bnice the last 803.8104). el, atone
lisve bean Lehi in :sixteen diffeleut
co3stituenor e. They were ; Digby,
utb R nftcw, 01 erleveix, Nest
Bruce, Oulahe-ter, Cumberland,
H duunud, ; Viotniia 'Yarmouth,
S hell,u;r„ ; .Cps: I'1 ,r;:lUt31bcrleud,
Doren:-eiel, Queen's, Vic.o;ia, Car
'own and Balton Lt >•t vin of these
the old members— Conservatives -
were re elec1(u ; ill the tenetinlnp
311110 flu (lt:nec relt!hvt 1 reteined all
the seats they previously had, and'
won four from Hien' Oppo003 is
The Minister. of Justice has re
•oeived ex -Mayor H 1' letter,
urging 3xeeutive clemouce for Neil,
the murderer of Guard R.utled:;,•, 0t
the Centred prism Various other
effort. neve boon made to secure
Neil's reprieve, 11011 118 yet no street
time.; effect lea been iodiesied.
Since the last 88001(30 ".I' P,trlie
melt two 311331 (300 ul the ;emit(
hove died, Hon. William McMet•or,
of Toronto, end Eon. L. A. Set(ec'11,
of Nlontreal, Hon. Juhu 15130(1)11
ald, of Toronto, has been appointed
to fill ono of the vc0anaies, nerd I•ln,o
J B. Holland, of Montreal, takes
the piece of the late Mr. Seemed A
vacancy exists in the Senate, cuusod
by the appointment of Hon. 111r.
Nelson to the Lieutenant Governor
ship of British Columbia By to
Act of last session. the Northwest
Territories were given representa
tion in the Senate. Tema. Hardiety,
,of Edmonton, has been appointed to
one of these latter positions. Mr. •
Hardisty is in the city and will take
his seat at once. The other North
west Senator will probably be Lien -
tenant -Governor Dowdney.
Writs lifer Prince Edward and
West Middlesex have been leaner!.
The nomination in both oonstltuouo.
es takes place ou March 8rd', and
and polling a week later, Ed. Bier.
rill, of Pkion, will bo returning-af•
floor in the former constituency, and
H. S. Blaoleburn, of Menefee, in
West Aliddlesex.
d'Ar,—There was paid leaf year to
outside parties for printing and
lithographing, $2•,135,073 ; and for
printing and advir0isieg, $08,114;
in addition to pitylnants of the reg-
ular contractors for parliamentary
and departmental printing, $15,l911;
and 3 for ativcrliting $820. The
Moncton Times received for print. I
13114, $7,087, and ,uvortisipg, $9f18.
Lorouto AlailJ ob office got $10,-
726 Mr printing, and tie paper leas
paid$8,628 on advertising n000u31t.
The Ottawa Journal got $00 for
printing and $701 for advortioiug ;
the Militia Review, $880 ; Mining
Review, $880; The Citizen, $1,221
fur printing and $881 for ndvertis
ing ; The Hull Despatch, $650 ; L"
0enlada, $646; Every Saturday,
$440 ; Halifax Herald, $5,102 for
prietieg cold $1,412 for anvertfsing ;
13•.litux Mail, $888 ; lit. John Bun,
$9,280 and $2,010 ; Toronto World,
$1,336 ; Y,.rmoutb Times, $1,149
and $848; Moutroal Gazette, $5,
452 and $1,100; Le Minerve, $8,
746 and $897 ; Lo Monde, $1,279
a'Id $828 ; Hamilton Spectator,
$3,255; Brookville Titneb, $814 ;
lilarrtsburg Courier, $717 ; Regina
Loader, $4,767 and $508 ; Irien
Cauudlart, $1,044; Guelph Herald,
$860 ; Iain;:rten News, $464; The
Muuetiry Time., $483 ; Toronto
S3 ttndard, $417 ; Toronto Telegram,
Household Hints.
Never leave the cover off the tea
Salts of lemon will take spots
out of liuen and also remove 131(0108
from wood.
A spoonful of fine salt or 1101100
radish will keep a can of milk sweet
for several days.
To remove paint f1001 clothing
saturate with turpentine until soft•
ened, then wash out with ooap,anti
Mildew eau be romaved by soak•
ing in buttermilk, or putting lemon
juice and salt upun it and 0xpooiug
it to the hot -up.Do not leave any tomat008.in kbo
bottom of a nn can, but pour them
lute au earthen bowl ti
them. Tits applies t
canned vegetables.
When a perann is '
stomach" ice taken into filo mouth
in small pieces and all
before 0walloei35, will
in (gimes relir�30 the d1
For brain workers w110 are troub
led by the arch enemy, dyspepsia,
ouc0a will be fouud a a3001)105 400(1 Several
nourishing article 0 di
easel 11' whlah the s
exceedingly acute have•
ed ul a very short time
of 0.10.,a.A •mnnphtl of limo
191).01110,191).01110, 00 SWe36 nil
together loud applied w
di.eelytoaburn relieves 1110 sewn,
and prevents blieteri
this remedy 19 Dot at
mon bakiug soda put
the burn andin03Hten
immediate relief. potnt.
51140011 and applied to
soothing trod healing
Bise early, exereiee
open air, and do not sl
day time. Eat light Kippers and
retire at te regular hot
the body with tett id w'a
briskly with a 0oarr8 t
ter .agh1 defiles shoo
of flannel, eufficio(.tly 13315 '10 cover
the feet :and prevent
cold s11eet8. Do riot
paregoric or ,tothiuir syrups Gtr
last piestmess C" (r3td (11,1 'e8
A gond cough syrup is—onl
00(300 Hewell of 31(0011)51)10l't, alslip.very elm, fitx need,
and slick 1lgllence.
tether in 0113 (part of N'a101 314•
I;110 streng(l is entirely extraet 3i,
Ste .in cerelul,y, tai! ell
mente.(38, and half a pound 31 wee •
0leted 1ngal, simmer
l a 313111 (341 ( wb, 1t Cold b•
1/e—a tabie..pooutul 14u01 rule,
,., ex tenet. (3 nit!', lieu.
urgency 5t tau ease
Il you want
o nearly 0411
'sioli at the
owed to melt
in very many
uff6(105 01(35
been reliev
by the use
water and a
11),0)331 wol;
ith a feather
ug. Wiieu
hand, 0001
directly on
ed will give
2 "'•
a burn ie
freely let 0110
cep 1n the
10. Scougo
ter and rub
oaol, Win
ld he mode
0001)131 with (;ive a child
911(0 arabic
Summer to:
pI r b=
ill ,v. 31
1111 :!li'l
Stem. people ere nfrnid 1t, ,tt.
fruit, thinteiog that 1'rtiit and dun,
thou( rile Al wey3 associated, wile, ,
if they 11rtdere' 73rl the true ranee
l the rbarthose they would knew
that It was 0alin' d .by 3114(1141; In. (4 .
Iu hot weather meat iultrifieo very
qu3altly, and during this process
alkaloids are formed, which are very
puioonouo, acting an emeti08 and
purgatives.. 'Tie true that fruit
eaten green or between meals will
i11ter1er0 with digestion and cause
bowel troubles ; but u0o fruit that
Is perfect ripe at it eal time, end, it
i0 always beneficial.
Eggs are a meal in themselves.
Every element necessary to the
support of man is contained within
the limits of an eggshell, in the
best proportions and in the most
palatable form. Plain boiled they
are wholesome. The masters of
French °cookery, however, affirm
that itis easy to dress them in
more than 500 different wave, oaeh
method not only economical, but
salutary in the highest degree. No
honest appetite ever yet rejected an
egg 1n some guise. It is nntril.11ent
in the most portable (oral iu the
most oouroutrutcd shape. Whole
nations of mankind rarely touch
any other animal food, iChip; eat
them plain ng readily as do the
bumble tradesman. After the vie-
tory of 11Zunlildorf, when the ISttiser
Ludwig eat et a weal with itis
burggrefe and grout oaptaiue, 110
determined on a piece of luxury,
"ono ogg to every man, and two to
!h0 excellently valliant Bch wepper
roan': Far mora than fish, ler it
is watery diet, eggs aro the nebular's
faro. They contain phosphorus,
which is brain food, Itud sulphur,
which parlor Ins a variety of tune -
trans fu the economy. And bey
arc the batt of nutriment for chill
ren, for, in a compact form, they
contain everything that in ueeerstry
for the growth of the youthful
frame. Egge are, however, not
only food, they are medicine also
'ate white is the meat efhio,toneue of
remedies for burns, and the oil ex.
treatable from the yollc is rsgnrd• d
by tho Rnssiline as an 111111013 mir-
aculous salve for cuts, bruises and
seretelies A raw ewe, if swallowed
in time, will effectually denten a
Bah bone fastened in the throat,
anti the whites of two eggs toil,
render the deadly corrosive eubli-
mato as harmless as ,t dose of 0alo.
mel. They strengthen the con-
eumptive, invtg00at8 ane feeble, aml
0011(101' Ole 111080 suaoAplibis all but
proof against jauudioe in its more
malignant p1)atee They can ltleo
be drunk in the shape of that nogg
Sip" which sustains the oratorical
efforts of modern stateem0u. The
merits of eggs do not even end here.
In France alone, the wine clarifiers
use mere than 80,000,000 tt year,
and the Alsatians consume full 88,•
000,000 in calico printing and for
dressing the leather used in making
the finest of French liid :gloves.
Finally, not to mention various
other employments for eggs in the
arts, they may, of course,' 'almost
witkout trouble on the farmer's
part, bo oonverted•into fowie,'which
in any shape, are profitable to the
seller and welcome' to the •buyer.
Eve.] egg shells ,.are valuable, for
allopath and,pouiclipa0h !alike agree
in regardiug tnern'asthe purest car
bonato of limo.
V xarieticea,.
` Chicago will born for natural gas.
She ought to find it very near the
top Tho surface indicatilns are
lm men ne
Not a happy way of putting it.
'Doctor, Brown will hardly get out
again, eh ? 1 saw your carriage in
frout of bis door this morning '
., deed man found in a gutter is
t ete-1'm A uy elle New York Sun at.
n sewercide. There is too amen
spelling of that reprehensible kind.
Cotuurehousivo.--N4om the vete
hook: of a philosopher. 'Thera are
two classes of people whom it ie im-
S oteeible t0 e(uviuce against their
ill—women anci men.
Nate, un oeiug•aold oy Annie that
it was not proper to say ' this 'ere,'
or 'that are,' answered that 'whether
proper or not, I feel cold in this ear
111001 that air,'
Physician—'Petrick, don't you
know it is uuhealthy to have yonr
pig -pen so close to the house ?'
Palaiak—'Tie away wid your non -
:Attu. Sucre, the pig's 0iversine a
dun in his loife.'
Jud e—'What sort of a man was
U .'titan pm saw commit the ne-
n, 1' • '1111• --'Shure, yer
i1annr, ire was a mull, insignificant
e.eel,,ni', about yer Own size, yer
Lase arrive ,(whispering to a (.arty
coucurt)—Ie that the viuliu
3(1' (780 ju.4 leaving the stage ?
).:c.--Daruud if I know wheel)
,1 it3'0 31131.11, 118 031 DM,but hu 0)311
irla% thy fiddle like thnuder.
1 0,•11008 accident occurred iu a0
,.'t.., :souse the other night by
9 ett:'•L,e3,i "twitch. The t'tvaer's
u:.....,.: • teese.d upon It and ran n
I 11)1'dl his foot to the (lepth
t en 1131:1,
A .rieu1, to a New York 111 8—
, yon are cosily going to marry
Moneybags 0 Is it not merely
w ''altar
end e• n1s' al•rengenleut ?'
Ilelio—•,Yes, Quer; h0 t8 to furnish
the dollars mud !the souse,'
A tittle boy, after a' patient at-,
tempt to make a picture of a horse
o his slate, naked his mother: 'Do
the angels see everything 0' 'Yea,'
she replied. 'Well,' said the young-
ster,'When they see this horse I
bet they will laugh.'
Worthy of his Hiro. --Stranger
(to boy)—Boy, can you direct :me to,
tho nearest bank ? Boy—I kin for
twenty fi Dents. Stranger --Twenty-
flee cents l Isn;t that pro000 high
pay ? Boy—Yes, sir, but it's bank
directors what get.g high pay.
,1 13
J. .• Mitchell, the well known
newspaper man of Blyth, Wingligm,
Palmerston,,Drayton, Erin and we
don't know where else, tells the
publie in last week's Drayton Vie
delto that ho sold "the plant and
good hill of the Vie -tette to Ito. Lowe,
the consideration being $1,500, and
reonived $000 at the time of the
sale," elide 011%1061 1010 04.611g11 drawn
for 1.1 mouths for the remainder.
To a000r0 himselfhe has had to
take to the concern. to prevent loss,
as itis claim was unsatisfied.
volt au r.—nein.' let id, eon, ie, eon.
38Udllg )0008res. 10 ie partly cleared. the
balenoe well timbered, A never tailing
areokcrosses the place alid itis '0811 Adapt.
od for saber farming or grazing. 1 will like.
wise sell 4880005, being east part of let 14,
0101,06, moar1y 4l1 eleered and In send
state of eultiVatlOn. A good frame barn
with a good steno stable underneath and
cover failing well la also on the place. Far
further pariioulars apply so the proprietor
on the plass, Thls lot le opposite the nth.
or GEORGE AVi413 Y, proprietor. 1.11
oavoals,lte• isouea Dad, Trade Martis hieourod.
and all otr, 0, patent claueca iu 1(,c katent
01000 awl beton the 008r4 proinlilly and
serol any attended to. Upon reeail,t of lrted-
(('10 sketeb ut invention, I mete careful
exa1n1/,ah0n,anli advise (3810 patentability
L'ree of Charge, Pees moderate, and 1011110/
ne charge uuleso potout is secures. Inform.
atinu, a4v1on and special references sent on
application. J. 13. Li 1'T1L13, Washing ten,
11.(1„ U.11.Patnmemnmem10-
A P®'.s�ltRCi'r:;
11 OVN'0-,p .1 i
Who are brokeu dorn, 1,
SYt1PTOMs Bon vtrn n.
Minnow; of sigh
desire for soiltu3q 1I
matorrbma, or loss v
tenoy, IUm(tntion, a
females, aranbhn,t.
habit, oftenalwoa iu0
tension, every lane Ui
of insane asylm,,4 un,
wasted livor winds
duties of businco ,
the effects of early,
strength. If you e.ro
result of ignorance air,' int
Treatise in Book Poe
Address all ounwrono,
•A M'an without'11isaats Ir.
'airless Cure.
i.'I!a;..,.1+`. JAB d a lie., l'fe; G ' ER,
la ea I, and 14,hi,,ncr of Medicines,
111e .. 01(10(•2 ficail0 111"ll)trl ,.r/ndHMCretlon,
t;Yi,o a r[ 11,17) 4)' Or tOrrr..
,. 1rarkecl aura for nervous
r - ] losses. air,
1211 Bar r _'y, vertigo, want of purpose,
1,411 f \'OIWnee of cenversaton.
n, c n parHnnlnr subloot
Limper, spar.
, r 0 , 310at (memo—lmpo-
, h, 81 010 feelings in
Ot this terrible
t-: I force having lost its
' 11 she o erhntendeuts
th grecs wrlority of
• .3p tent a: 001'
1p011 is
..'(c yi'l lull vtpP011 and
,.rr. indiooretiou, rho
1,0 xtaiu. 4'. LIMON'
n. ,. rrnm r rvatlon.
:•tact, 131. L•1, Toronto.
Om3.L 0146 0(011.
A Permanent ;r.:.
4,44n t' x:&Arte.
Call and See O a sy . ar;; ai •ems in Stoves.
Handsomest Coal Stoves in the Market.
Always on Hand.
:Clay or o & Tu ;y buil.
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