HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-1-27, Page 88
Cents per 01:1.1200.
11111E io LOSS titan cost for Marey
Ooiorti bolt yell Cull intro yoilr
'&Leics of any, ;1 I p001U80 go-
-ing out of won's.
(4, _A,. 21'Caa(I1lxnrt.
.Drup(Ii..t,boll'aefhrcCFancy Gdode Dealrr.
rgicer such universal satisfaction as the
COUGH REMEDY manufactured in
:Seaforth, called
'%°'c%7 i'c pNibri'4'J N:tcgi`St% • a��itN/Cu
d oral GlYoeratsd Balsam of lir,
oNs • n • e, 070, �y N n' n,.'On' %%%.: n' n:,n' nu%i%
' N.�i,.,o�, rn:u,woNNr ro ,, °:, o,
Its wonderful virtues have created a
demand kr the PreparatIol from all
.parts of the Province.
Druggists sell it. Price 00 eta.
8.7 -Oma.
aotTIIE1t1 ammo:sant, W. G. & n. a.
Trainsleave Brussels Station, north and
'south eta follows: -
Going South. Going North.
atail........,. 7:02 a.m.I sfixed ,.,.....,,,0:30 a.m
1JExpreee 11:45 a.m. Mali .. ........... 2:50p.m
Mixed 8:55p.m. Express s'46p.m
fug Reivs inns.
A chiefs 'mane ye t0kin' notes
An' faith he'll Arent it.
Am. kinds of legs token in exchange for
furniture by R. Lnatherilale.
1'IMSE e111ter8 for Sulo. Prices, 510,
920 and 520, 11130 neo horse. , 13, Gerry.
No reasonable offer refused ter geode
o(1 land. Buttons fastened free of charge.
Adapt Good. 231
Loox•owo for our now story "From
Jest to Earnest," by Rev, IG. P. Roe. It
is (,no of his best stories.
ALL furniture warranted to be. node
of first-class hardwood, kiln dried lum-
ber, second to none. Arthur Voal.
1'11: Salvation Army jubilee will b0(
held on Sundry and the banquet on
Mondry eveniig. A large umber of of-
•iieera 0011) a"ldiers are expected and la
big hallelujah jam-up expected.
4011 To 11T7t of Febru'ry are the dates
at'renged for the Emma Wells Company
in. Brussels Town Hall. They aro con-
ing here under the uuspioes of the Brut -
sole Band and will, no doubt, be greeted
with er1wded homes.
Iv is stated that rhes Town hoe leas•
ed the B. easels Limo ,f r 11.a to ',V. 1`.
I{elly for a term of years. If Prank keeps
on he will be quite n nmcopolist between
the mason work, building sten" and lime.
He deserves to get along well though fur •
he's a hard worker.
Tout dog poisoning sneak is abroad
again and big "Bob" of the Central hotel
and Wm, Blashill's young collie are
among the slain. if the owne(a of the
aforementioned canines ascertain oho
did the poisoning somebody will take
their meats standing up for 1 while,
BE I-Isinr.-Bny a goo:l r Leib watch
or cloak, marri' ne he nee and wedding
ring Teleg auk to your friends that
y,nh're em tii•g, buy your ticket io Mani.
toba via C. P. R., and if more baggage
than you can cary slip by American Ex-
press Go. T. FLETCHEn, Jeweler.
CAPT. STMSTTox's hay press came to
hand last week and has been pet on a
pair of bob sleighs and taken to the
seem of operations in McKillop township.
The machine will press about ten tons
per day and where there ie a large quant-
ity of hay at any place the proprietor
will move the press and do the work
A colnunoroNnsoT'writing to the Breck-
enridge Texian, Texas, from Clear Fork,
speaks as followe about a former resi-
dent of this locality :-"On the morning
of Deo. 28rd Dr. Jae. Money was seen
walking on his head, and it was feared ho
was derang' d, but upon inveslieation it
was found to be only a boy. The moth-
er and boy are getting along well, and we
are glad to note that it is now tholght
the Dr. will recover." Dr. Mooney is a
brother to Reeve Mooney and Co'leotor
Mooney of Morris township and a sun of
Mr. Mooeey, of Mill street.
Hoass FAnt.-Next Thursday the sec-
ond Horse Fair for the buying and sell,
ing of horses will be h' ld in Brussels.
The last 000 was a decided snocess, buy-
uyers and sellers being in attendance in
large numbers. 1. O'Neil, who has been
largely instrumental in ivau_urating
these fai s, and who, by the way, knows
what good he.rseflesh is, says the best
buyers t:avebing are expected to be
present next Thursday and will buy
several car loads of stock if they can
get what suits them. Don't forget the
date, Thursday, February 2nd.
Besrnnr.D.---Lits, T'esteday evening
ti irty-seven members and friends of the
Methodist church, Ethel, made a raid on
•'Victoria•' cottage. Princess str0 •t, Brus-
sels, the residence of llev. R. Paul, and
enjoyed a good time. After a plentiful
supply of edibles (thoughtfully brought
by the besieger.) had been p ,rtaken of
the evening %vaa very pleasantly spent by
all. The genial host made a neat little
speech, in which he returned the thanks
of Mrs. Paul and himself for this mini -
fest feeling of friendliness and good will.
exhibited by his old parishioners. The
gathering broke up shortly after mid.
night with singing and prayer.
LAST Monday eveniug Staff Captain
Griffith, his d.,ughter and sou assisted
the Army in their sneeting, The Town
Hall was about half full. Miss Griffith
io a very good singer. The wed -known
Dan, Moran was also on baud and deliv-
ered one of his telling addresses. Dan.
has been away on a trip to Toronto and
the War Cry save :-"Dan. the Devil,"
then gave a 'Omura" of '•ome length and
kept the audience laughing happy all
through, which fairly made thebarrack1
tremble at times, relating incidents
abort his notorious life and grand aim -
version, and said that -Mao then it has
been four years out of hell. jail and the
bar -room. Ono man deolared then that
"He's the most original man he over
Wong is brisk at the Fire Engine
Works, all hands buoy on the largo e11.
gine for Winnipeg. Work in also pro-
greseing satisfaotorily on the water works
machine. -Mr. Ronald's new foreman,
Robt. Watt, nrrived from Chatham two
weeks ago and is now Petty installed.
We are glad to know 110 is a first-class
mechanic, an intellioa, t man of largo
experience and will prove a %minable an(1
flntlorta,it acquisition t7 the foundry as
well es to our town. Numerically speak-
ing eight will bo added to our eenan0
when his family arrives, The workmen
are all highly p1ea0,d with him. Mr.
Watt is greatly improved in health al.
ready stump he came here and is highly
pleased with our healthy olimate, He
says even the children ]here loose more
robust than the children in Chatham.
"Flaw Jost to Earnest."
'Boors will be cheaper than over before.
-.Rig Red Boot, 28
A QuANTrrr of stove wood for sale. W.
H. McCracken. 17 -
Ns= Wednesday will usher in the
_snonth,of February.
'LAVING in a st.'re of ice for next sum-
'mer's supply is now in order.
COTTAGE to rent. 8 rooms, cellar, wood.
abed, well, &c. Mits. A. STnncnAx.
'11,W. KAY, Reeve of Us) erne town-
ship, will bo Warden of Huron Co. for
Pose DEVICE IN000CTnn HOeEtnx, of
'Stratford, made nn official visit to Dims.
:-sets on Monday of this week.
Omt factory is now turning out at the
, nate of 211 boa room suites a week. We
axe bound to sell them. R. Leatherdale.
F. C. Roosns has over 2,000 cords of
cordwood in his yard at the Enterprise
Sant Works and dozens of loads are still
going every day.
(joLLEcroim Tows warns taxpayers that
he will bo in the Town Hall next Satur-
•dsy and he wants them to understand
'that this is the Lasr call,
TUE shareholders of the Morris and
Grey Cheese Factory will hold their an-
,aualmeeting in the Council Chamber,
r:Blessels, on Friday of this week.
A tip-top stock of bill heads, letter
and note heads, envelopes, 1tatements,
imemorandums, tags, etc., kept always i11
stook at Tux Pose Publishing House.
.AN interesting account of the building
-of the Sault Ste. Marie railroad bridge
and a paper by Prof. Robertson on
Dairying may be found on the inside of
this issue.
IN the announcement of Bills to bo pre-
'settod at the Loral Legislature now in
8005100 is one from Brussels asking for
the consolidation of the debenture debt
of tni0 municipality.
PAY Ur. -We are grateful to a number
of no: friends for the protnpt settlement
of accounts during the past week and tie
we have been at considerable additional
•expense in the enlargement of Tini Pose
we hope others will fol,ow suit as scan as
'Ilxito ! Where are you going 't" I'm
going to J. McColluni's shoe shop, next
door to McOraoken's, to leave my order
• for " pair of boots for myself and a pair
.41 shoes, each, 2 ,r wy wife and danght-
.ors. McCallum is hard 1„ beat for a
;ger„ l fit and reliable work. 26
AN arrangement has been made be.
.tween Smith Bros. and R. Malcolm, fur.
.*(tore dealer. by which the latter will
take charge) of the furniture department
•of the now factory 511(1 Mr. Malcolm's
:shop will bo still kept as the show room.
.I11 . Malcolm is a thoroughly practical
l•.man and knows how to handle the man•
tifaotm'ing business.
IN addition to the other telephone lines
spoken of in a recent issue W. B. Dick.
. son, J. R. Smith, A. Veal and W. Coats
lave lines Punning from their places of
..ilnshless to their residences, Tne Post
:Relepllonc works "boss" and is a most
-satisfactory contrivance to save shoo
•leather. "Billy" Smith bee a number of
...ether wires to put up and if he keeps
'adding improvements somebody is going
A'e,get good value for their money.
'Catirav L•"Tho second earnlVal for
ale season wag held on the Maitland
.(':yak on Friday evening of last week and
•wao.more than usually successful. There
were ea large number in costume and
someteireeesd for 0orni0 were very mug-
0.'he prize for beet costume for lacl-
'ies was: given to Mise Bella Grower, and
(for pont to Ed. ISolson. Best comic cos•
toms, W. Smith and W. Grower. Boy's
costume, L. Jackson. Girl's costume,
Rate (Cormack and Mabel Smith. 111
450 throe mild open race R. Thomson
'won quite handily.' Thera Were 8(7 en.
:tries Wit row etuoit to it.to the end. 'There
wet, loth. of Inn in the "0 lap recd airs
some grout skating donebythe six cam•
, 18titora. Ja,mea .Dunforcl was awerded
the prize. The judges were Councillor
Straohan, P. Seat, and D. (1. Rosa. An-
other carnival will be held ehertly Who]
507M0 novoltiea are prohnlred in I11 - wn.y
of moos, costumes, &c.
A Committeox,-Tun Poer gave a very
fell report, occupying over seven oolmnuo,
of the very interesting sessions of the re.
oently held Farmers' Institute, and 000
opposition (2) has the "gall" to speak as
follows :-"We have been asked why w0
never reported the mooting of the Ferment'
Instituto. The principle reason was, that
we were confined to the hnuee with a very
severe told and could not attend. Tho
secondary reason, and like the postscript
to a lady's letter, is, that it is 0. Nott of a
Grit Mutual Admiration Society, and as
there is not one of the officials with 0en85
or cotrW0y enough to take the Budget,
we don't feel much inclined to do a lot of
gratuitous work for them, and print their
vapid utteral0ee on theoretical farming,
When those societies are run in the gen-
eral interests they will merit attention,
but so long es they aro only a Dog ie the
wheel of the political machinery of It
party without a policy the most apnro-
priatc thing for them to do in to let the
reverts bepubliehed ho their own organ('."
The worthy ]'resident and Directive
Shap, Ames, Buddy, hays and others of
the Conservative faith will no doubt re-
gard the above 00 quit. 1elnpliinentary.
The intelligent femme: or blast: 3310111
know num' about thein' worik then ((07110
people we could bout 1,,11 know 511011
if t11n pr(101k1,l i- oltltn ale 1,
e.ritcrf.,u, Thi<: muga snre1y 110 '•sett:'
Loos out for the January tlmw,
II. 1)swnrs is doing a large oracle in the
115.x110 -s line this winter,
ANOT111•:o epistle from Tnu111'y too late
for this issue will appear next week.
Doter forgot Years auction sales of
furniture every Sidm•lay until all sold.
Tun en1ly morning train and the
freight were oanoolled on Thursday of
this week owing to the snow blockade,
20,000 envelopes to land at 11117 Pone
Publishing Haase. Every business man
should see thong and have his card print.
0(d (u a thousand of them,
Ix reporting the minutes of the Brum.
sole School Board last week we inadl•ert-
eery 0(1111ted the name of Rev. J. boss,
B.A., from the Property Committee.
Litarurnu,Al,fr.'s fnt'nitilro speaks for
itself, and be does net require to hold
1100110/1 sales every year, with the pre.
twee of going out of busineso, to sell it.
\\'E are pleased to 1, aro that J.1 1,
Ronitld's bruised leg is improving, It
was a rather severe accident but in a
.�,. aooe%..pout•to sea hies at 1(1s
post again.
AT fou auction sale at Veal's furniture
rooms last Saturday 13377 worth of goods
hero disposed of and be rgltin0 Wren.
The sale will be continued every Satur-
day until the stock is disposed of.
let•seseena have been caused consider
able inconvenience more than once
through the afternoon train being late
and the Company refusing to hold the
London train at Wingham Junction for
conneeti0ns. Ids about time this thing
was remedied.
Tun partn•'rnhip existing between
Messrs. PI urn & Clarke, blacksmiths, near
the bridge, teas been dissolved by mutual
eouseni. 11'Ir. Plum will continue the
business and Mr. Clarke will probal•la
take Horace Groely's advice and "go
west," either to Manitoba, Colorado or
Rev. H. McQoAnant, of Wingham, will
preach hi Melville church on Saturday
at 2 p. 01, Communion service on Sab-
bath morning. Rev, D. 13. McRae will
preach on Sabbath evening and on Mon.
day, which latter day the annual sleeting
of the congregation will also be held.
ent adjustable pot, kettle and pail cover,
a household necessity that sells at eiuht.
The only p actical cover ever invented,
fitting inside to a nicety all conking yes.
sets of different nixes. It saves fuel ;
MVOs your wife's temper ; saves scalded
arms and doctor bills. The agent is now
canvassing Brussels and vicinity, 20-1
LAST Saturday George Zimmer, who
is working for Vanstone Bros. at their
mid near Southampton, was badly in-
jured while uhupeing in the bush. A
tree in falling lodged in the top of an-
other tree, part of it falling to the ground.
The limb struck hien on the Road, cutting
an ugly gash about 4 Mellen long. A
physician was called and the patient is
doing as well as could bo expected.
S. S. Coxrsnnxce.-Next Wednesday
evening thefourthof the aeries of Sabbath
Soho .1 Conferences will be held in Mel-
ville ('.harsh. The topic "flow should we
teach in the S. S. or the best method of
Sabbath School instruetion," will be
taken rip by Rov, M. Swann, owing to
the indisposi•iou of Rov. J. L. Kerr who
Wan to have introdnoed this question.
The mooting is open to the public add all
Sunday School workers should be in at-
tends ace.
Y, P. C. A. -At fns regular meeting of
this Society, held in Ivlolville church
basement, last Monday evening, mid in.
tore'ting program was given. Tho fol.
lowing readings and recitations born on
the subject of the evening, "Missions."-
Musie by the clear, D•Iiss Lizzie Wilson
presiding at the organ ; readings by Miss
Brooks, Miss Richardson and Mies
Boyd; paner on "The trials and difficulties
of missionary work, illustrated from
the life of Rev. john Geddio, by Mrs.
Graham. The next meeting, Feb. the
Gth, will be a Literary one.
PEornc WE RS., W. -Joe. Laird and
family have come back to Brussels to
reside: E. C. K. Davies, well known in
this locality, was married to Miss 1111e1n
Grace, sister of our townsman, E. E.
Wade. This pleasing 011001 took place in
St. James' church, Chicago, on the 14tH
inst. Tee many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
1:(111014 unite in wishing them all the
matrimonial joys. -Mrs. W. R. Hamil-
ton, of 'Teosweter, was visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Coats, who has bo 11 on
the sick liot.-S. Rivers and Miss Annie
areawayat Walkerton visiting old friends
and acquaintances. -Mrs. Soli, of Lurk -
now, %vas in town this week. Mr. Seli
intends removing here in a fete weeks. -
Miss Leaf, of Toronto, is the guest of
Mt e. W, A. Calbick.-J. Y. S. Kirk, of
Chicago, is berme on a holiday visit to his
Brussels relatives and friends. He be-
longs to the fourth estate, -Miss Mary
Buyers, of Stratford, is enjoying a holi-
day week in' towel. -Chas. Jackson af•
rived home from Toronto last Saturday
night. He purposes returning in the
oouree of a noonth.-Mies Edith Inman,
of Norwiuh, and Miss Minnie Inman, of
Milton, are hone for their holidays.
They are both first-class milliners. -
Barry Town talks about trying his for.
tuns in California and will probably
leave for the West in the 0011000 of a
month. -1t J. Clarke Stntday041 at Strat.
ford.—Harry Cormack reached Los
Angelos, Cal., all safe and sound and
got a rituation right off. -Wo are pleased
to se' Mise Lizzie Jaokeon abio to be
about as used after her illness. Mabel
is improving nicely and thorn is a slots
yet gradual improvement in Nellie's
Daae, -Alfred Polton, of Innorkip, Miss
Ida Pelton, of Wingham, and Mrs. Lem-
uel Pelton, of Atwood, were visiting in
town this weals. -Miss Annie Mitchell
and her brother Tames, of London, are
making a visit among their Monde in
town and the adjoining country. -Mrs.
Ronald Mallaughtol was able to sit up
for a . short time on Tueeday of this
weolt and is progressing as favorably as
oould be oxpeetod.-Pb is hinted that
W. Mo. and blitz H. K. will "commit"
matrimony next weep or shortly after.
Got your rice and old slippers ready. -T.
Webber and wifo, Mien Edie Hill and
Thos. 1E11 spent lust Sunday in Wing -
ham. --J. R. Grant was away at Hn,m11.
1011 this w•eok attending a meeting of the
Egyptian rite of Masonry, of which ho is
a member, --E. E. Wade w140 at 8t.
'l1homas last week. --W. 73. Dickson and
W, P. Kelly w't.ro in Corlet'ioh for a
couple of clays this \welt,-- i%7rs. Small -
don, of iVllydugnn, (0 visiting in town. --
Airs. John 'Dotson is of the sick lint.
Ohl 71r. 14101111.5 in moaned to Mil bed
most ,f the time. naw. -Edward 'Brno,
son of Ales. Bruer, who hal been teach.
Ing in CttMM. 10.1.4 (1 o position in
one 01 the 'Pnr.'i.!., "'ho„1., 1 fe'e a ('1(111
or y0(1(1(3 ,(rah,
WHAT about a curling snatch with some
outside olub ?
Scant of our local epode have arranged
a (1on1110 track on the ire 11p the river for
epo0chnglhor•es on.
Two carloads of prime pork were ship -
pod to Montreal this week by T. Hall
and Councillor Graham.
Rev, H. 1e7E9 (11110(14/01111111(1107 01111.0)1
Inst lluudap. 11 fs stated that he din.
enar80d with unusual power.
Oman to necessary repairs having to
be made to the boiler of the ltax trill the
employees Wee been Intel rig a rest this
Tuts Dress' is Owl Club will hold an
annoy ly in the Town Hall 011 Friday
evening of next week. Ono It melted and
twenty-five invitations Savo been healed.
V1iAt, 55rs he hopes to be able to die.
pose of his f300itnl'o without having to
resort to the low, mean, contemptible
way that my friend did lost wee13 of
funning down his opponents furniture.
58,000 worth of firsb•olass fatal! me 10
be sol • in the next two months. 20
IN addition to other buildings to be
erected hi Brussels next hummer will be
a frame residence for Rohl. Armstrong.
Ho has reeeetly bought an eligible lot
from James Oliver, on Elizabeth etrcet,
near Sam'. Smalo's wahleuoo. This
loops as if air. Armstrong fled come to
30117 ANOos has disposed of his prop-
. rty on lehn stroet to George Cardiff,
receiving 51,200 for 4,110 0:310. There is
an aero iand well fenced and a very
comfortable brick esidonoe 011 attach.
mental and a splendid garden with attend-
ance of fruit, such as strewbcrrios, rasp-
borries, gooseberries, 011 ants, &c. Mr.
Cardiff will no doubt make it one of tho
hi00.t places i13 town.
IIYuexnox,.-•Last Wednesday A. Cur-
rin, of this place, and Miss Fannie
Friendship, of St. Johns, Ont., were
united fu marriage. 11(031 arrived bora
on the evening train and were tendered
a reception at Jas. T. Ross' residence.
Mrs. Currie and Mrs. Ross ore sisters.
A large number of handsome wedding
gifts were made. Andy's many frlende
wi h hint and his bride many years of
F En. 0 -11 -The Emma Wells Concert
and Comedy Company will appear in the
Town Hall for one week under the aus-
pices of the Brussels Bald, commencing
Monday, Feb. 0011. The Winnipeg Free
Press says of thein :-"The American
Concert Company drew it crowded house
last evening. The performance was a
very enjoyable one. bliss Emma Wells
especially exhibited a wonderful compass
of voice, and went from baritone to tenor,
from tenor to alto. and from alto to 50-
prnno with the most astonishing facility,
in each role her singing was really excel-
Bata) of H.tn.-The Band of Hope
meeting was held in the school roost on
Friday evening, Jan. 90111, ninety.eight
present. After the opening exercises the
folio Ting p0agfam %vas carders out :-
Singing, "Cho corning Army," by the
Band ; recitation, "Sleep, Baby sloop,”
'1'hur.a Gerry ; reading, "Ono wan
more," Willie Armstrong 1 reoitation,
"Only New and Then," Emma Webster ;
reading, "What shall we do," Aggin Shiel;
singing, Kindergarten song, by eleven
boys and gills ; reading, "God's Word in
tho heart," Jane Wilson ; recitation,
"Learn to say No 1" Reuben liiudes
"The Shepherd's call," Elio, Love. The
children do their part in ,l most interest-
ing manner. It is the intentlon of those
interested to give a public entertainment
before long when the little f„ lks will do
the entertaining.
Canadian Neseer o.
The American Pomologioal Sooioty
has elected Alex MoD. A. tan, of Godo -
rich, as chairman of their fruit commit-
An Usberne farmer the other day par.
chased a load of bogs from a dealer in
Exeter at 56.00 par 100 lbs., and driving
to St. Marys sold his cargo at 57.25 per
owt., clearing 510 by the t comae ion.
The Huron Modica! Aseooiation hes
chosen the following officers for 1888 :-
Dr. Young, Londesboro, President ; 1)r.
Gunn, Clinton, Vico-Prosidont; Dr. Elliot,
Brnoofield, Secretary, The next sleeting
will be held in Clinton.
An Ottawa despatch of the 16111 says
-"Mr. Hasson, 141. P., loft for borne, He
endeavored to induce Mr. Caron, Minis(
or of Militia, to look favorably upon
Stratford as a site for 4the military camp
of instrnotion for 1888 in No, 7 District.
Heretofore London has enjoyed the priv-
Tee nano of Ambrose leonine, who
figured in ainne011oin with the first Riel
rebellion, is montloued me an opponent
Of Mr. Prendergast in La Ver.mdryo and
Janes Penrose in a probable candidate
for liiidenan, 11.'tornoy-General Martin
will bo opposed in Portage la Prairie by
Mr. Smith, Premier Gr'nonway fn Mow.
Iain by Robert Ilea -ors, and Me. Smart in
Brandon by C. Oldie, editor of The
Brandon Mail.
To the north of Exeter a few miles, la
the stirring little village of Hensel', a
plane with ambitious aspirations. The
English Church there 10111)01ars to be in
some commotion about r.tnalistio prat.
floes. The Rentor and a majority of the
congregation (lonelier that evergreen
d000rations at Christmas ars signs of
popery, and this year they have dispens-
ed with them. Tho minority, of course,
have to submit, bub they enter a prompt
Hildtione--UwDEnlvoon.-A11 the Mahe -
dist parsonage, Wroxeter, on the 18th
inst., by Rev. A. E. • Smith, Mr.
Charles W. Simmon0 to Miss Sarah
Elizabeth llndo'W0od, both of How-
lok township,
BuN—Ma,'.lelt.—At l4ipissing village,
District of Parry Sonnet, o11 the Hitt
inst., by Rev. Wrn. Hartley, Mr.
John Bain, formerly of Scotland, to
Miss Jannett, daughter of Mr, Hugh
MoNoil, formerly of Iluron Co,
DAvtog..-WAoE.-On Saturday, ;fan. 14,
at St. Tones' Church, Chicago, III.,
by Rev. W. II. Vibbort, S. T.D., IbIr,
Edwin O. K. Davide, 00cold sol of
the late R. 32, Davies, of London,
Eng., to Miss Ellen Gratis, fifth
tlaa('hter of the late Mark 'E:lwllyd
\Vatic, of Suffolk, Eng.
• ===, ...
Kurra.- Suiklranl7, of a.pc 1107. , on Uri.
• Clay, 90111 1101,, (t1 the Manse, 241(1
Y,l;n, tree TUN. John Smith,
Vitamin, street, t, Il. i 1,
pastor of 1^100111110 Clmfah, '.Toronto,
in Iht. 0.0(31 year of hie nqr,
SE.u,._ In ill'orrls, on Jou. dth, the wife
of :111', Jas. Seal of a eon.
Attemy. In Ilarliston, on the 92nd 1(131.,
the wife of Mr. ((11,13, Afnlay of a
MaoNET. -At Clear Fork, Texas, on Doo,
28rd, 1887, the wife of Dr. James
Mooney of a 0011,
1. ca'orxo.ra'
A -Mina?, JAN, 28tH. --harm stock and
irnpl mots, at 11(10111 half lot 20, eon. le,
Morrie, to mm1210000 at 1 O'olook p. ln.
J. I''. Stewart, prop., Ales, Delgatty,
.S:aAs^O'Ev'T�T 92AF�4S£18'S'S,.
0nn lt000011 CA01:rew.1' I(V111(1 011011.
FAll Wheat 78 86
Sin'Wheat 7S 88
38 80
Poseiug 130 00
Barky 114 70
Potatoeo OO 00
Butter, per lb 111 011
Eggs, ler dozen 18 no
Apples, per bushel 41 00
llo4s, dressed it SO 00
Hay0 00 00
Wood per cord 1 70 ;i 95
E 5T_TSZ Z m MASv=3srrs..
00111100T1111 cA1n0PULLY 01EBr (VEER,
Fall \Vheet 78 81
Bpr(ng WVbeet 70 81
Barley 03 73
Oats 310 88
Peas, 58 80
Butter, tabs and rolls.... 17 00
Jlggo per chum 18 00
Flour per barrel4 00 00
Potatoes .,. 130 • GS
Hay per ton „ 8 00 0 110
Hides por'lb............. 4 54
:salt per bbl., wholesale.... 60 80
Sheep skeins, each 00 1 00
Wool, per lb._ , 20 23
Pork • 7 50 9 00
Salesmen Wanted 1
10 eallya08 for the ea10 on Nursery Stook.
Steady employment guaranteed, SALnnr
AND ES1.E7000 PAID. Apply at 0nee, elating
see. (Refer to this pallor,/'
8'11001: ISILOT11ERS, Colborne, 001
undersigned will keep Elio thorough-
bred Durham 1,1111 "Vedder" for service en
lot 20, con. 8, Morris. He has 0u extended
pedigree oertidcats. 4'ortuo-$1.50 for the
00881, n for grade cows and $5.00 for thorough -
broils, 10.51 J. BOWMAN.
NT.01 10 E.--T11E PAR'l'NER-
0, sun' heretofore eci3ting between the
undersigned a3 l0(000smlth5 le the Village of
Brussels is hereby dissolved by mutual con.
sent, The buaiuees will be oa,riad onobs
8100(001 T. Plural, who is rospousiblo for all
debts ooutroc,ed by the Orin, nod to whom.
all accounts aro paya010.
A, HUNtrlilt, l 8A)117Iu1, T. PLUM,
Witness. I41(031'. 01,1 ani 10,
Dated ah Brussels this 8)111 Jae. '88. 001
account of being at great expellee
building and adding new machinery and
also intan,1ing to start the manufacture or
Ilurituro we bog leave to inform all due
too undersigned to be 111011 000118h to settle
urn ASO or with Cash or Note. Pine, 13am-
1sek, "im, Ash or douse Sawlogs will be
to/511in pay, delivered al Dither of A,neut
Bros, Saw 10(1.118, nsthis flan has ptnohased
our saw 111i11 In Orov. All 1100000141 will bo
settled at tiro Now 1'''eatery, Syllabubs.
88.11 0001'011 DSOs..
A. tow eplondld, improved farms fol'
sale in the township of Grey, Morrie and
Moliillop. Apply to A. DELOATTY, Co.
Auotioneer,Brwisel s P. 0.
The undersigned will sell or rent the
Brussels Limo Works, houses, stable, &o, at-
tached o0 reasonable terms. Satisfactory
reasons given for wishing to diepo00 of the
place. For further particularu as to price,
tonne, &u. App,y to PHOS. TOWN,
27 Proprietor.
to suitable parties, store with com-
fortable and oommodicus dwelling.. Good
nelhu•, d acre of garden in bearing apples,
plums 41111 small frutt0, Guod stable. This-
cunutitut00 ono of the bosh meantime 1n On-
tario for a good harness -marcor, being In the
centre of a splendid farming doot.ou. Near-
est 00105ltior Dtussale, 7 all es; Listowel
11 miles Apply for terms to D. W. M11010,
on ibis 110001(106, 10T301,. 20-
80n11111n of/ors his valuable 100 tore
farm, being lot 8, eon. 10, (Fray Township,
Huron Os., for 0010. Thera aro about 00
acres el .trod and la good heart. there Is u
log house, good h;tuk barn, healing or(hard,
((.nd 1411 0110 necessary oalyonleneen on 0110
promleoo., For further particulars, as to
urian, term&, 010„ apply to rho Proprietor,
eti,t. 111,1LOP, Uharo P. 0,, N. W. 1',. or to
'e•tr DOTIGALII 3111110011AS, Brusuols
-Promo house containing throe largo
rotenone stairs and dining room and sitting
room down stairs, oleo 5mmniev kitchen
send 0iSe and large weed 011001 nttnoheel..
Phoru lea good now frame stable 00 the
premises, soft and lard water at the door.
'There is it geedarden, a good fence sur-
rounds the whole lot, being all 00(0 of good
hod in the village of Ethel, Grey township,
Posoose(on will be giVon April 151, 1808, i''or
Author larticul0rs 0001700 the promises or
to Ad, 14, GO VISNLOUX, soafortb Ont. 05
!'raneaet (0 General J3a111r114;J
Claudine 10(141 Now lade 1Jrait'( b,,ngt
and MOW.
lutorest allowed 0,1 donoslbo,
Celhwliono made 00 favorable (('('1110.
J1 Moiris, on reasonable tame, In order
to oloso the affairs of the estate of trio Into
W. G. flisgstoa, the executors offal' the fol-
lowing valuable lands for sato North
half 'of Loi 110, Oo7/ooes101.1 0, Township of
Morris, containing 00 acres. 00 this lot Is
eroded a good frame bare with stone Ione
clatlo11, good 0001(5541, well and pump. Noar-
lyulloluared, and is 011 the gravel road
Closely adjoining 1110 Village of (rttoOele,
1'ui5 (arm s a vnittalO ono, is well fouood
and in n, primes end terns apply ofood etate o 112(.1109 t11011LGY
llt'elbola Z, 0„ I1)11snr J10701Ya30, Victoria
Square 1', 0., or Jamas Sumo, Maple lodge
1'. 0., Middlesex County,
.Pall ka For Moir:,
9'q 1111118, 00, 00100 in Lookle's block
Brussels, Money to Loan,
p 9' • Dario w k I'r,udr0oq '""l 1.1x01) ro-
Salter, 4ouveynnoor, &o, 011100, tlrant'0
block, Mussels. Money to loan.
'0110subsarlDor offers for scan his valuable
Perm in the Township of Grey, comprising
lots 0 and 7, co le .11 In said ooivnehip, This
form contains 200 menu( and i0 within 11 Telles
front the bhriving 7(114830. 01 Brussels, with
good gravel road 100,1',5(3' thereto. Ab010 (00
acres aro ul0arod,frOe stun stumps and In a
high state of anitivution. The balance le
flatly wooded. This ((rn IA particularly
111,1l(eneC+',"' t'1ythe whet 0 of the femme
bei Straight. 141111 having heat, erected in
1' r and 'se, v., 1110 promisee 17'00 to m e0114
t m table tog dwelling ((0(100 end Agee ti from n
barn with stone stabling underneath 111
which there Is a• wall with an abundant unr-
uly of excellent water, 'Photo is likewise n
Ines frame implement Manse, 4010e, well
linerocl,above and helne'. ,ind neatly oldcq
end painted P011 1(nr0lnnhare apply 1.0 rte
PrenticeOr, .1.1111'14 le/VR:10N,
IECilrtrtlr, 710X1'11 CO„
7 till. 11nde rfe11,
AM. TAYLOR, 13, 0. i,, 13A11-
• 11r1a'En, Solicitor, tea., of 111.• erne of
Stenloosnu, Dfolroon & Taylor, 13ar(ietero,
Sellottoro, ,tc„ 11,ulning Arcade, Bing Street
\31000, Toronto, Money to loan.
the Fourth Diyleion Court, Co. Munn
Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Leta
and fusuran00 Agent. 10,111,10 inv0ete" end
40 10011. 0o.leettnus made. Moe 1, Ura
ham's Block, Brussels.
moved hie once to .7. llnrt'ronvoe'
Drug Store. ttasadenae on 102111 Strout
T A, MoNAUGHTON, M. D., 0 •
1l • M. L. R. C. F. Edinburgh, phyeinlan.
Surgeon and Ao0060her. Ot11oe,Mrs,Shio1's
Turnborry Street
WM. F. CALE, M. D,, O. M.
VVMember ettile 0011000 of Pleyotu10r0 and
surg0on0 of Outmdo by examination
0(0ao and lioehlooc-Mann St. It0et, the
Ou tarso,
DECN'3CI!;'IC 11 Y.
0. L. Benl,L. D. S., 1i0ner Graduate nod
M.R.C. 1). S., of Toronto. Nitrous Oxide
Gas administered. Prices graded and 140 loon
ne g0od work cad be ,hone Mr.
011100 over Jo9aston's Hardware Stare.
Sea -forth,
iDMIN 'X1144T-
W J. Foor,L..D 0.Graduate ofTo-
ronto 800001of Dentistry. All oper-
ations guaran toed. 011ico--0 ally's
Block, Sentorth,
Artificial teeth, 0 rstquulity, anda
guaranteed tit, for $12.00 per set.
33, 12 Pi TiesSIC
E S.
nim T2 0' x 9 m,,
Honor Graduate of the Royal Collope of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. N1T1100 1100111
005 administered for tin palu,ess entree -
tion of teeth.
0PFil'8,-4:artleld 11(0081, lattt!14141iLg.
1.7� Sin Auctioneer. 80108 conducted on
reasonable terms, terms end farm sMelt a
specialty. Orders lett at Tun P011' Publish.
ing Nouse, Brussels, or sent to Walton post
olfleo will reactive prompt attention.
t nER, is prepared to attend to sales on
the shortest 1101100. A specially made of
sales of toorough.brod stock. Tonne made
known b" application tr Tam POST Publl.eh.
ing House, whore orders may bo left, or
addrore to Bru0501s P. 0.
.L1n is always roadylto attend sales of
forms, farm stook, k0. Terme cheerfully
given. 0 reinbrook 1P.11. Sales may bo Ar-
ranged at Tug PooT Publishing Homo,
V v • of Marriage Licenses, O111eo 8t gni:;
Ga000ry,'Parnborry Street,
rinse L100l80s, by appointmcvlt of
Lieut. -Governor, Omnnllssioner, &n., Q. i3.
Ornyoysn cox and Agent Fire fneurs•oe Cr.
01(100 at the Ornnbr: ort Post OMce,
(1001 Ornamental Painter. Graining,
Gilding, Sign and Decorative Painting in all
its branches. Sbop 131111110 clone up in style.
Paper flanging 8 spuotalty. Shop ono door
south of 2. Tanyora Oarries° Works,
-The undersigned is prepared to Moen
and Repair Sowing Mullions, Omens, eke,
A number of sewn(t•bnud nnohhroa 011 Vaud,
all in working order, may be embalmed for
others. Worn(' do ao at ,fly r00ldenee, No, 293
Wi111an1 Street, llraosals.
28-11 132100. 82001310,
p1 W. O'I31tIEN, V. S., HONOR
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College las resumed the practice of John
Nott, V,S., etn418 prepared to treat all d8s
eases of domesticated animals an noientutic
andspprovod prinolplee. Treed=entef dol.
(01400 foals a specialty D0i0u two doors
North of Br ldge,Turnborry street.
) rest 000,11 at a 11(r9030, For fun parte
Maulers as to terloo, looetieo,lleta., apply to
%y, B. DICKSON, 841
1111)831 N G ANI) CORNER
TON11 £011000,1'. -•1.110 11.11d0roiguod 1100
leased, from Mrs. Were. Shinn, a Stone
Quarry,for a number of years, &nil is now
prepared to furnish any quantity of ilnildtng
and Corner Stone at a 1.00Sonab le tato. Per-
sons intending to bnjhl 001051(1 remember
that I eon supply all the Stone, ire addition
to doing 411e Meson\Vers(. W, 1'. ) 11L7)i
...1ARM,11'OR SALE. —Toil; S1133 •
501(1)31111 offers his excellent 181 acre
Tarot for sale, 10 es situated en con. 0, Gray,
bolutt 1st 8 and west part of lot 9, Thoro to
about 100 mores dented, The b01141990 aro
gond. Two barns with stone 0101iing, moan.
111040x56 foot and 81761 font (°emotively,
3Chere aro two frame dwelling holm 000101'
orchard of II amen, and 011 41,o 00uvanien.
ens, Therein a tleVilr-falling 'p ring Creel; on
l.hupl4ao. i'o00o0slOO 0141(1,1 be given at any
time, The feral is10 miles from 1rnsn01,
findis In n .plend(1
1tonality , near to the
0011011h 1,1,0,71,, ,1'0, lrnr pri,01, 1, craw, 011,,
amity to the Proprietor on I,(10premises.
0.11' JOHN RJf1Srlf, l'rtprir 101.