HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-1-27, Page 7JAN, 27, 1888, cni:pumice ; .1'Bt . Looai Option is leaking splendid peognete in Missnnri. It has star• reed thirty out of forty•t4 x counties and eourteen Out of uiueleon cities for erohibilion. Nearly one•hnlf of the State hue thus voted, and the remit must stand for four yours. I'• is said that enough beer :s an, employed in the work. Tlie grant swing sone Oyer tbn CA0111 on the &Wei mall side W13 1 Wit by the 1)n. 11'01' ;mag' eionipeny. The eeitAroidor GH' Old et011' dock whit ltad)art Cr lipid, the °mg... actor THE BRUSSELS POST much for til • le i 1.:1 'Ver. wMIMII the grain, 011. e 'ii an I pies , 'f 11111 \Yost 1/111 p'ts 1,1 : r, ),'nu1-.l e '014 CANADA'S colu0Mean, hell 11 11"1111'ar•I,-0 the J.W•t3GNGOUGti.AftTISTaooEDITOR. custom aI : t ...I ef the I int .n w"aa.x. $6 a 'I:16; r, s CO' It ll o 1111 v. 7 rrrwrmeraxrravvra ,rca11136,,v,c�.sr, w•-,1a;s 18119 u/ :; 1:1=ms'rcm2n=====CuxmnIVITIMWD ..sDBMIIIIVA BADE x - -OP WING wee ilia• fi,vlttct f :utiu:t 1S :'1•ti •, ! 'he Reproach to tw, /tow \Vi11114u0 steel t xt l,fO0, Montreal. Tau ;i[:nr- Weis fol l ulu 17 , ! for that fly. used for the retie bridge -Retie en at, nn)tlly oonsnmod iu Chicago, III., to 110,000 garde of it were seed --w, n give 720 glasses to every than, we- heavy 110401011111m limestone found man and child in the city, or $1311 . ore 1r Ow.'" Snnnd. I'• wit•. a1 70 worth for each person. Chicago is onjoying the "blessing" (I) of ltil;h liaeuse. 111 otto divisiou of Liverpool there is ,t population of 00,000, but not n single ettloon. In all the building leases tho eel° of Iig4ot i9 nbieltue iu In•t hI. Laying the f:aulnlion ly erellibiled' t I l•c s l l 111141a111141at t k I do not think f. overstate the ) 1 Cato when I say that tho 400,000 'este uott,..31 of Lou 11, .r at 'h, pedal saloons in this country have boon goateed a,ta 111 bot'tl w: ,11"c+ue, w1111'ala-'( 111 30% 1"s' mulsrlala Ily iustrumentnl ut dcatfapi more the carroty, which cone fr, m five }u human life in elle last five yam., •s I hour tIdiom, o' [ dressed up In the on ae, and -sit. guile reedy it) be s•vung Mt() pleee. leach pier of tae mein bridge is /chub/ eh von feet in t'id,l', forty six feet lig 1"•10 the poi'11 or tilt le:' bralitr to t;,i heist , f tb;''/1,11tway, and .10 an averare tveuty five f•'"t thea; the 2,000,000 of armed irreu sauna rm es auIdiom, ox vp dude the four years of the rebel 1° au eddy 011 tete lhtunrhan silo, ion. There is an teres/}bis conflict tvb°Im about eight feet of bouelers, uptr.. ue. This nation oan not en gravel and gaud had bo be dog out durth half drunk and hal' sober,any for the first, and two feat for the more than it veld endure halt 91.0.,0f1 elcve and half froe.—Sum Jonos, The mutineer in charge of the Ot'o of the curious paradoxes of work, G. H. Massey, who had also hf; ie seen in the fact of a bequest besu iu elletf;o of 11)0 St Lawrance f hi oro having recently been loft b.i(lga, tuf•k tip 0n oho Ont) a crew Bi 114l Nat halal Temperance of the Cnughnnwagne named tete League, to bo given a0 prizes for Donald dropped from the top of blot the three best essays in advocacy of irau.vorlt and went down like a the principles of total abstinence. stole, never to Como tip again, nod within the last few m°ntha this ryas the only life loot shrine eighteen °entities iu Florida have y voted. on prohibition, and of that the building of the bridge. The ,number thirteen gave majorities for syxtpm adopted for forming the 'the dry ticket. The result was a feuntlatton of the piers was as fol. genuine surprise to the whiskey lows :—Tho first thing was to malts man. They thought that with the a bottomless easing of pine timber,' negro vote—almost solid for wbis, 12 inches square (on shore), the key, and the Northerners who have size ant. ,baps of the pier, and from recently moved into the State, sup six to ten fest high, nccordiug to posed to be ou that side, there was tiro depth of the river whore it was nn daub/ that the vote would be iu to be put in, and then have it Steat- ite of the bar moms. They felt ed out between two (cows, with a so sure. of victory that but little of•tug, find located in the right place fore was made, bud w11011 the votes `vete/ transit instruments from the wore counted they could hardly be. eue�ro, which ie very particular ljeve their own egos and encs. work. The next thing was to sink No lllsracron Or PFasoxs.—It the musing by loading it with (tonna has been discovered that there is brought out on the soowe and heed soorcoly a family in this country afterwards in building the piers. thut.tax not suffered, directly or This dune, the bottom was careful - indirectly, from the traffic in li- ly extuntued by two divers in tenter• qunrs. Its power to not only felt proof suits ft rid under the direction in the lower circles of society. It of the ase[etaut engineer, which was. makes no distinctions in its march not the easiest thing in the world to l or of do, the current being often so strong, o ," .,oil b of (} • tigltnilwa4na 10 do the most by a retired wino merchant, to lbs diutgoroun of the rivet work. Ono of stun • it regards not the even within the casings, as to throw yo,tt.b, lbs arena, of manhomod, or the itiver•' off their feet. When any the weakness of age. No station loose stones or other rubbish that itt life, however exulted, no Pro' might be on the bottom were re- fossion, however sacred, has been g A crnrurnit oodel ;bows It1 Wife -rasa moved in this way, a curtain of (,else obituary. invincible to this foe ;far heavy canvaa3 •er sail cloth, which '^1110111 welkoth a Ilona o'er 100 glad groan y A (leen:isolatei editor thea bo. earth hart pr0vietisly boon fastcanod to tie, 1 'u om,' tris doparte'1 80:)118? ; 1'110 pet e p • lee eennect td with 0o Beige t 0111!:01) iu (h•lmwe11, 0,11-a , 1••+'1; a ::r,l. 1 way of replen. kiting; 'lie to- s .• of t`o I;1.41 nqf 1d (1 f-tn'oI•"y OV 1Ir1 }•n11:; Cit. • rv" d is tlto i'1u• ler. It t.141 0 1.1 n 111'1", .11 111 0•1 by 0 1111V •1 - ta•Iy 1!'i'iti lo, ihev n'1(1er'.:1 1.1 111 e • a bed guilt l)1 the "' ft - 1 w:,y, llilx ntlt l a:li,-a ,j i the ',Angling •+r'tof 1. a ll 1Icthey (eve) reed 11 tster.1 over th. quilt. A. • SNt: 1f11,011.1i1/1 w 11010 •-,0, apd pup 1 1•`Yl S(. 1'V your ' 11 1 ' I. II ,1••Im II 1:.11ei If. O,P t v1,1 ,v _ P,Ilru•Iln and lu-,l+r1 tqv.,. I v ouj,y'a the 01,01,11 tvwitlit, �',r1_, ,r1 lin,,•, 9114• Nat'l',, '10 0 1 Ra, aur 1'0,1111 1 •.n.l 1•ht'1d r: 1/it. sin elutes giving full11' 4, 11, fit!, fmnk all for 111.1"'s '• ,uin a:.'t.r:.1,: for ++e. Pete, 111,, .. t 1.1- -.•:, Grip Publishing Co, P0:1-):a•t"l, e x.r. ti'(I✓ ,1HI.11i; `31;3,01CSt ° t ' tart:. crowd p :he) 01mil -ion of 10 °aura'., .1•.t 11111 warp go on, :11111 cheered the w.,rkero 10 their efforts. On T1ri,1 v eveni:ig there was rgllallq :t•''t- zi a at 1.: >e• thn youth; malate eve wood, fee title is W1.114 tiry a t-' •1 t 1 to if the young in a wonlrl melte a bed quilt. Te.l on '.t- levee, w,'r•1 (tin;ed iu a . Llanches. Satisfttetlon, Cr Mere 11 teed. GIVIb 111E A CALL Richard Webb, PROPIUIETOI. Tito uudorxiguntl bee leased the Blacksmith Shop 10 Sunshine from `1t, P. N u'geilt aol will 01)01 up fu. i;usin0es on ii (tnf1iLy, Nov. 7t11. ISS7. Blackeintthing none in all its row, end ten pretty emblems, with their sleeve•/ til el up, gntspel the wood sa ' e tttoi entoroi upon the job of reducing a half cord of 4.foot wool to ,toy! 6150 itaoh Steett w to MIL three times, •tall titin youot1 ten sang to the pretty women as they 911, ved end sawed Slowly but 011.11 e'ly idle 'wood'pil:• was reduced in size, arltil it lay before the spode.. 'tar,', who w itched the determined dfforte of the fair ones. .DISAPPOINTED MAIDS. 1)Ie was teamed by tempest and fareigu eon, loud be tuns the centre of a group of yonntz ladle• who iu sisal on 'mitring of the countries he had visited, es he started : "Whou I 6,11-1 in Biome —" "0h, you have been in Rome. How delightful I Did you Yee the Oatlteombe ?" "Dili you SOB any glatliators ?" "What dons a forntn look like?" "And the hauls ?" "And the temples ?" "When I was in Rome—" "Do toll us about it ?" "I always did love Rome." "It ie too tlelightfitl for anything," "When I was in 11)10, N. Y., I enngltt the typhoid fever and uenrly all my hair cause 0111.," A V AF ('lSC1SO t.ST(I ICK. By inn 01.10 of 111,1 reaper loath ; Ile dassles alike with the glare of mirth, Or quenches the light of oho household hearth, With his feel and withering breath. Ile nerves 1110 arms of relentless hate, With the goblet's headed foam; S the 1,Cla ggitr'9 hells nunat the palace and tit, And oure00 the Door man's home,' TUE SAUL'c Mama.. The (`t"traetgr of 0116 Nal.• Bridge, and of Its PolIttam• There are now six bridges span- ning the St. Lawrence system of waterworks, two over the St. Law- rence, throe over the Niagara, and one over the Sault Ste. Marie. This Inst bridge is not only the youngest of the family, but it is the only ono of them all /bat affords to the products of the' West an inlet Into Canada. The others are out• lets from Canada for Western trade. and until the eubway under the Detroit River 1e completed the Sault bridge will probably remain the only inlet bridlgo, completing the all -rail route between the West and the Dant through Canada. The Sault bridge is the companion and com- plemetlt of its immediate predeces- sor, the St. Lawrence bridge: Lilco it, it stands immediately at the head of a great rapid; it wee built by the saws engineers and contractors, and if 0 does not belong to the same company it does in some inside of the casing about tome last 11,11110 m vvlfn died. No more will from its lower edge anti rolled up ell Y round, was let tlnwu, and, being Mono liviug fiends putt off my boots wide enough to lap over on the Lot- and part my b:tcit lair as only a tum four or .five feet, it was hold In true wife can. Nor will. over tlloso plane „qui' navy weights 10 check williug foe' replenish he cosi house the current white the concrete was or water pail. No more will she being put in, which was done by arise dintl the tempo -Atolls etuvind of menus of large irou wator-tight winter, and build rue fire without boxes holding abont two yards of dietutbiug the 'clambers of the 1111 material and provided with a fulee who doted on her so artlessly. Her bottom, by which the concrete was memory ie embalmed in my heart tripped out and deposited in one of teems. I wanted to embalm her mase properly mixed. The broken body, but I found that I could om• stone, cement and sated, of which balm her memory cheaper. I pro - is was composed, would otherwise cured of Eli Amigo!, a neighbor of have sunk in different laying, as Mute, a very pretty grtavo•etolltt. their specific gravity is not the same. his wife was consumptive, and he Tho concrete was put down in this kept 0011 hand several years lu au- maunor until the oasiug weal nearly ticipettion of her deet'. But she half full, making a enlid layer be rallied Inst epriug, and bit hopes /,seen the etouo part of the pier and were blasted. Never ellen .I forgot the bed rock of two to six feet, to the poor mail's grief when I asked reach a comtnou level for the stone 'ill to part with it. "Take ti, work to rest on, which is the same Sltictlor, eine may you never know dept' in alt 11111 piers, It become, what it is to have your soul racked ao hard and durable as granite In a with disappointureut es mine bas few dart, when the water is pumped been 1" aud be burst into a flood out and the mason work common°• of tears. His spirit was indeed ut- ed. These oesiuge were used in tarty brohou, stead of coffer dame, I had the following epistle en - Work was began on the bridge by graved on her tombstone the 1st of May, and the 010138 work mutat a winow tree 101a of 11 lamb In was finished by the let of November. i)1 this000:l00,) . Otts01,000 .) The work of putting tap the iron i :1'o the Memory ,f superstructure /vent on rapidly, a , TanlTtr,t, span being got into position in measure, and its projectors are the ghoul five days• It was on the last Wife of MOSES SKINNER, ESQ., same, Although the Canadian Pa. day of 1887 that tiro loot rivet was Gentlemanly Either of tae Truro• cilia had eo duue' to do with the driven, and on Now Year's eve a bong, Terms $3 a year in construction of the bridge, they are Oanadiau anti American ilocomotivo (advance. not its owners. It belongs con. jointly to the Grand Trunk—which , supplied the charter—the Canadian Peoitic, oho Minneapolis, Sault Sta. Marie tC Atlantic, and the Duluth eft ,South Shore. The bridge proper oonsisle of two' lattice spans of 101 feet each over the north channel, 10 Pratt truss -spans of 242 feet each, awing epan over the Sault Ste. MVlario Canal of .808 feet, and a plate girder span of ,tri feet over Canal street, a total bridge length of 8,087 feet. All the iron, or rather steel., work tel the bridge itself was the work of the Dominion Bridge Company, of Lachine, the builders of the St. Money to Loan. Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty, at LOWEST RATES, PRIVA'f[ AND COMPANY FUNDS (hl told Itl'e;1;• NOV1';1'f 111911 let the s C kY,.WM,•.,,A.n1:0.W.IUL1CltaN.lYnw HUNTEi BLAUKSMITH 13116P'' The Attention ui'the Public will bo open to 1111 '1'uhlie ttndi$ called to the fait thn.t the the un,lnrsigrtt will he prepared to atte 14 to W. 13. DICKSON, Solicitor, 13rufisels, Ont. . 11. l 1Oct+1e7 Raving scoured the agency for Buchanan R Noely's Patent Reversible • Elevators and Carriers, Hay Tho Most Complete Manufactured in Canada, io'prepared to snit the public in this matter. :1lso Agent for the John Abell ,Stearn Engines and Boilers, exchanged a friendly bunt -en the, big bridge, .Perham the .1810*/ difficult part was the conebrumtioh of tho great central pier upon which the big swing bridge ibalancos itself. Ae the fountlnliurts had ho be got down below the proposed bottom of the new ship 'entlal tho Amerit=ion Goy. menet.1s planning, it hall to be sank '28 feet In R1n108t solid rock. The exietiug canals aro within 28 A BIND M0Tf11011 AND 106.1?,001'WttIY WIFE. •Gffice over Coleman's Groeory, up ' Two Plights of Stairs. bnoolt Hard. ' tVtl t11ALL 11108laP1111 IlfOrnr611, Wit d111011. 013 I'Riad'A'LNCI S0LAC ETII)). '.['Inc did my Iacsrltte4l spirit cry Blacksinithirig in all Bruogelo Woolen Mill Lines • avll1 give Horse shoeing; a specialty, 11 ljAiNs - c .....ITU I Ill -_H A. call 9014311 4.11. W. T. T . Hunter, Tweeds, Puerto, i'ruprietoe. i Bunke/ s, IMPORTANT T TO ALL SOW fir°batd nr W110110 hair ix 61111 or gray or are trintb'ea with deltarufl. Or.. Do1•etrwend'$ Portable and Stationery. Call Solicited. .Satisfaction Guaranteed. W. rt. rloakey. SO -dm AGENT. MONEY TO LOAN Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty, at 6 ce 6 Per Cent. Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to feet of the oxeavatiott, find owing to out in agony, even Ice Rachel weep• the fact that thollayero of sandstone' lug for her obiltlten, But cue ray forming the boll rook are separated of light ponetrttted the dospttir of by saltine of Clay, which 80011 wash lily 1111,11. Tho ltudettaker took hie el out, great trouble arose in keep pity itt job printing, fled the Sexton ing tiowlt tht miler while the Work otvotl me a little n0001101, 1, :I shonhl Lawrence bridge. '1'lto mmerial of excavation and of betiding wore not dtitvo gotten any other way. •oniployod wail a Scotch mild. stool, carried on under groat difliculty. Why should we pine at Ilia enyster- artsr of ft V'tt11 . eiglet hundred tong of 140110 jells ways Of P110videlt110 )11111 Vigil) socially tested, and ,t }}u } Montreal.million of deniers worth of it tuae teats nod in this quer alone, , •110 lty ? (Not it conundrum) A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, .73 missals. HAIR MAGIC ! iunnets, Unreel r,loth•iiii, 'C. for the nest :,t) daykt. Special Mimes in Knitted Goods. r llialIS,,mrt,:.,a.,, To Secure the Big Pt,eauctions 1 Is the Nr.0610.t,ni0 for strengthening the growth 111 the hair ever discovered. it stops all falling out of the 11air,romoves all traces of dandruff ,res Otos gray hair. to its original 0o10raud in 00000 at baldness, where the routs aro 000 destroyed , it will produce a luxuriant atop of Muir. 'fake warningi0 your hair is In n feeble state gat a b0ttl0 at onoo tleioet1 istoo Tato. Dr. Dore nwond's " flair Magic."1l on Bale at all prinatpalt/rug Stores. Ask for it aadtako nothing else. G. e.. DoADMAz AND J. I motto, tw & Co., AOt-•`NTB FON 1.1103S681.9. A.I)oreu we n ei(ole )taunfacturer,Tar0nto Canada. A. Dorenv0ad keeps tho largest Hair Go DO a ostablisltme tit n Canada. 42 Y tAIR/S. Steadfastly for forty-two year's the Waawr.r WreNnss has held to principles which have stood the tests of time, rtdi- oule, and of opposition, fair and unfair, and the WITNta99 to -day speaks to sixty where in 18.16 it spoke to ono. Its grow- th has been both rapid and steady. Its publishers, desirous of still farther in- eroasiug its circulation, have this year gond to largo expense to seam a repro- duction of '1'Ii1i L't'I'ESi'i' MAS'I'tilt• etEce of Davidson lenowles (who was Woad. by tenon Victoria to paint the scene at I'riuoess Beatrice's wedding), entitled Sugar Little Chiliron to Come tints Mol It tlopiote the memorable 0ce110 with startling realism, reproducing in oils all the richness of Olt[iiN VAL COLoucibl. The pieturo,. executed by the grentost art firm in Blighted, would bring 61.50 if sold, but is reserved exclusively for Bub. scribers to the WITNESS. e Mutiny Wintess and picture is 61.25.priee of ;) tho paper alone 61.00. In 1860 the DAILY WITNESS wits 1ann011. ed, aud, lilts the Weekly, to advocate 1110 same principles regardless of host. The pietare ...Suffer Little Children to Como 'Unto Me," and the Minx WITNESS, it8.200 a year the paper alono, $8.00. The:Noma-max i\if earucrn ,1011 uontin' nes to bo the favorite i)1 the .tome circle and Sabbath school, and commencing with ]',unary first with new typo, finer paper and other improvements, will be Vlore attractive turtle ever' Prices (1f hoops aro glum, to Mende who canvass for it. Annual snbseriptian, :inc., with reductions to clubs. Sample copies of the different puhli• ee inns )mikes on tt11p)iolttiit, Agents . wanted to every tour anti Village, Joss 1),1,.,1:1„t ar.e. I'nlliehzrx, you :ll usi bring the CASE3. Try the Brussels Woolen Mlle 10 TCD • Wo have gained a great reputation for the elegant fits all:3 finish, but especially for tho Low Prices at which wo take order's. 811 our work is done on our own premises and cannot be excelli•l in value by any dealer, and certainly not equalled in the viiiego o1 Brussels. Wo have an IMilell oI Clioice Gooi 1 3:11J _AS1\T in':lfeltous, Worstod>, Diagonals, Corkscrews, West of England„, Scotch itnd Irish Tweeds, and an enormous variety of the hest Canadian makes. P`t1- ranine from $10, for a fairly good lit Mao) .! 1' to your Order, to $12, x,1.1; $15, 810. $17, $18, x$10 and x+20. - TIMM _,111101X0 We use are- strictly First, Class, ant1 the Workmanship iho e;et. Some special linos of • EATS, O112 8r 'HT1 I I which we intend Selling Oil' at WOzeDx0RrT1t BABRAINS, GIVE US A OA.... : 0 Ftrmell?s�1 THELI;.\1)1NIJ ('l,catil 1,I1S d1 011'1':t'ITTEIts, i f.11 FS LS„ ONT'jb ZO'