HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-1-27, Page 5,JAx. 27, 1888. THE BRUSSELS PC)ST
Rev, Mr. Roma, nl' i rn'xelx, prenohc•d
to 111.1 inelllbnre of Gm Presbyterian
eltmnh on friday.
p,alple of Atwood trill viehilty fool
for holdingtbenr
' r ;til 1
, n town h
n( need f
pnblln u°ttnus in. They are in hopes
that tint now Commit, during tho present
year, Bill erect a eu(tohln htl.l:(iitg for
the pitrpOHO,
A very mtlhusimetic mooting of the
shareholders; of Cha proposed flax mill
was 'told in tho village Inst 'J'nceduy,
Tim rtriucipal part of theprocoetlings watt
too ol(otion of five directors, r1. W. Mc -
Bain Wax eloolod I:unirnlnn who reooived
the uumiuul leas, Ton 10011 were nomin-
ated. Tho ballot moulted in the election
of ateosre. Bray, Lnchsad, 1So13oin,
100rest and Morrieon.
I OWo.l.
t(r. Ennio, au nndorgiaduate of the
University, and well recommended, has
boon ongngod by the Nigh School Board
AB third oasisttutt tomalley.
It is rumored that Clyne hacking ham
been offered a remunerative position on
ono of the leaching railways running out
of Chi:nngn, and has accepted it.
Tho olikerx appointed in connection
with the Fire Company ware as follows:
Jollh Tariff, Chiof; James Poole, Clap -
tai,; Joseph Wilson, Lloulenant.
'l'h. Elmo, joint stock factory shipped
the balance of last season's cheese. It
cmtsiesed of three oar loads, 1,214 boxes,
and nottnd about $10,000. L. Caswell of
ingereoll, was the'mato:Roy.
T. II. ]collo intonds rotiring from Gm
Grout Central hotel, and A.. Ofaolntosh
of the Royal has ]eased 1. is excoilent
hoollery for n term of years, and will
take possession on the first of March.
Tho Royal has been leased by Jas. North.
graves of Drayton.
Two or three sleigh loads of friends
front Gorrio surprised Mr, and Mrs. W.
H. Gregg, oiSpringbank, one evening of
last week and spent a very pleasant
We are pleased to know that the Go rrie
flooring 1111110 are doing the lal'ge d busi-
ness that has been dont for several 1 oars.
Friend Black richly deserves his aoecese,
as no more lonost or obliging miller can
be found aaywhor0.
Honorablomention has frequently been
made of the favorable impression created
by our two new councillors at their ffrab
meeting, Ono or two mor: such (Mangos
would give llowiok a Council of which wo
need not be ashamed.
Prusocil,e.--,itis Addis Harris, of
Brantford, is spending a few weoks with
Mea, ,sae. Leash, -Miss Emily Stephens,
of Norwioh, Ie visiting with her sister,
Mrs. W. S. luau, --'airs. and Mrs. W. FI,
Wiira visited Listowel the lust of last
It is reported 'hot J. I). 8mithhas dis
posed of his boot bust nessto 11. McLaugh-
lin, druggist, and that ho is about to re-
move from onr village. We shall r.•gret
to have tho report vorillad, especially tho
last part, an Mr. Smith is one of Gorrie's
most highly esteemed citizens and his re-
moval will leave it gap that will not be
molly filled.
IF:th t*1.
Jame: Spanue is homo from Stratford.
Mrs. 3malldnn, of Michigan, is visit-
ing at I It'nry Waoliees.
Our village has been hesiege:1 by organ
agouto for the last few weeks.
.Rarvo Mille is at 0oderioh this weok
attending the County Council.
Mios Joaio Murray, of Gebuoro, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Milne.
Tho 19thelpeoplo are ire love with Tun
POEM end its noway contributors every
Rev. J. T. Logoar is assisting in reviv-
al worst at etwood Methodist church for
a foot weeks.
A sm'.'risn party, cumbering about 40,
(lade a visit to Rev. R. Paul's, Brussels,
last Tuosday evening and report having
a high old unit.
A. very good (looting of the Sous of
Tempo ranee was held in tho hall last
Friday (wooing. Three new members
were proposed and accepted.
David Dnb.on and wife left Ethel for
the West this weok. They go back to
their former pion of abode. Mr. and
Mrs. Torrance and Mr. Cox lett on TtleS-
John S. McDonald, Reeve of Huron
township, was visiting his daughter,
Mrs. J. A. Youug, last Monday. He was
on his way to Walkerton to attend the
County Council.
The nom remora of tho Lord's supper
was disl'cnsod in tho Presbyterian ohuroh
Snndny. ltev.Anderson, of Whiteoharoh,
conducted the services on Saturday and
Sunday and preached tliroo excellent sor-
At a meeting of the Litorary Soodoty
last. Monday evening the following at-
oms' wore °looted : President, Wm. Tind-
all ; vice -Pres., Win. Spence ; 2nd viao-
Pres., W. 3. Sheep ; Secretary, Mies
Lulu Spence); Trento, T. P. 8impsou.
E. Dawson, of Eincardine, is ongaged
to tlelis:or a tetnporalce leoture in the
Methodist church next Friday evening
ab7:80. Besides the lsoture there will bo
a short program consisting of readings,
mesio, Co., by the members of the di-
Osmoses F AO'ronl,-'1710 annual mart.
big of the patrons of the Ethel dheeoo
fmatmy was bold et too factory on Wotl-
nooday afternoon, Jan. 18th, and was
woo attended by a large number of tho
patrol -oh Tho past Beason hos proved a
very successful ono as they nearly doub-
led the business of 1880. There aro good
prospoots for a largor increase next seas.
on. This is very onootraging to all con.
oornod and shows plainly that the factory
Will succeed, Tho old directors, viz.,
Piero°, C. ltaynad 7'. Whitfield,
WM. Wilson and Wtn. illlio t wero re-
elected. 11. 10. McAllister was lean -
pointed Treasurer and Sal0Smat with IL.
Dilworth as Asst. Salomon, and L. W.
Patabakor was reappointed Secretary.
The following is a stateront of boo sons.
01)')) work
'3otol lbs. of mils received,. ,...01.4,472
Total lbw. of shoos° made 84,254
!Total cash received por 011.100, 118,718.00
Total expenses for the you.. -52,022.68
Total aunt, paid to palroull 51,088.68
Belau(° on hand...... ... ..112.01
Average lbs. of milk to lb. of cheese. ,1.1/1
A.vurago price per lb. of 0110081 10.,
Avcritge cost of clotting aLncll. 2 woola
t„11 espouses per pound 1 •
r tho
H i h
,• the Isla P
c 1° at i
A concert nu la t I
Methodist Matruh is to be given n,
Thursday ()Yet]tig next in tun 'Town
ILLIl. An exoelleut program is ire pt moo,
Tito Literary Sooioty held It very Pi -
to ratio meotmg hest Th timidity evening.
Aft..A^ rr u'lering or the program the
r• f f .
, oilstone tom l' 11 10 ]tt t
olltutas for thf r rise 1 .. u
i s do t A. l (thane Vico.
+i l 1
c viz, l
1 1
1'tex , Mr, Sande sou ; 5 c, peas ale.
1 ,tlgnn. Alt efhttout executive oormnittot
was alai appointed. A debate
has boon arranged for to be given at next
mooting t,hioh will bo held on Friday
tight, ,1am. 27111,
At the Soaforlh high Bollonl entranoo
exam Motion 47 out of 51) candidates sou -
moiling in passing,
Capt, Androwo, of the Heaforth Salva.
tion Arany, has been traosforr04 to Po.
trnlea, Miss (Capt.) Lcwie hallos 1115
piano in Seitforth anti Crept, ltomnody has
gone to Tilsonbnrg.
C. II. Cull, who los boon a rcaidont of
Seaforth for 20 y01ra, and who hat filled
the positions of agent of (ho Mounted
Telegraph Company and of th,American
Express Cotnpany for upwards of 2'9
year a, has rosigl,ed his positions and in-
tends removing to Toronto with his from
ilIn Seufnrtl% Salvation .1.,my (Moulin
there is considerable talk over the sudden
recovery of Captain Bob Mollardy. Ile
is now in London, and has been coo.
plotely prostrated by a brain and nerve
affection. On Thnrtlday he stated that
he would got out of bed at a certain hour
the following morning. Ills attending
physician was at that timo contemplating
his removal to the hospital. When the
hour stated arrived Captain MoIIardy
gut up and has boon ahead over since.
W in glittnl.
The Advance wants new coats for the
Tho 0. P. R. engine house is about
comploted. The turn.tabls has just boon
painted and things generally are being
gob into good shape.
J. A. Cline, hardware merchant. was
called by telegram to attend the funeral
of his father who died on the 18th lust,.
near Oakville. He was in his 79th year.
The Catholics of the Wawanosh Miss-
ion testified their appreoiatiou of the
Parish Priest by presenting him with a
handromo cutter, chime of bolls, whip
and robe.
Dr. Young has disclaimed his election
as Councillor for No, 4 Ward, not having
the necessary property qualification. T.
Holmes, who scored the next highest
number of votes, has taken his seat at
the Isuard.
Two young men named Drew and An-
derson wo a before Magistrado Scott this
week on a charge of disturbing the Army
The former was mutated out of fines and
fees to the tuuo of 57 and the latter $5
with an unpleasant alternative.
At the tunnel meeting of Turnberry
Agricultural 13otiioty the fallowing officers
w' re elected for the onsuing year :--Pres-
ident, John Elston ; Vico-President, A.
Young ; St a-Treas., John Andel sun ; Di•
rectors, `Phos. Goy, Tilos. Jenkins, Geo.
Moffatt, Chas. McConnell, Wm, Robert.
euu, Chas. fienders••n, John Polton, G.
Johnston, John Anderson ; Auditors, W.
Isbistor aurl Atm 5 Tipliug.
Bleu, vealC.
The roads Booth of the villago aro in 0
very bars state, but logs, posts, wood, &Ce.,
cone ire very fast.
53r, mud Mrs. Mosgrovo arrived from
the Northwesb on U ednesday last. They
were heartily woicomed.
Mr. Dawson, of Kinoardine. delivered
an address in the Foreatere' Ball on "fri-
day evening on the subject of Temper-
ance. Ho represented the I. 0. G. T.
and was well received. A. lodge is to o e
opened next Saturday evening. Every-
one is welcome.
A very fair audience greetod the Rev.
Mr. Rogers, on Lights and Shadows."
in the Methodist church on 'Wednesday
of las' week, Edward Leeoh was called to
theohair and in a few words introduced
thaspeaker, under whose ministry he had
been for some time. Mr. Rogers at
oneo gave you an idea of a happy man
and ono who was well able to handle the
subjont. He spoke for some time on the
dark aide of life showing that often, it is
our otvli fault, more than anything else
that we aro miserable. Ho pointed out,
very g'rapbiedly, the difficulties with
which the grumbh'r met, how his face
was clouded either from a coming evil or
he thought it wits coming. If it wits dry
"the crops would bo burnt up," if 'twos
wet, "The crops would have no time to
prosy,' and the sorry epootacle was
enough to draw the laugh from many
who not often let thomeelvts beso much
x11001011, He drew several illuseretimis
from Talmago during the evening. Ho
also etunplimented Rev. Mr. Cook on
drawing an audit'nce to a leatnre, es this
had oom0 to be looked at as a lot of dry
stuff, and only old folks went. Mr. Cook
made a f0w remarks about the 'acture
afterwards. A voto of thanks was ten•
derod Mr. Rogors for ids ex00llelt1 ad -
I�lI o1.1'i#3.
Ad. Hingston was home from Wing -
ham last week on tho sielt list but is
better again and back to work.
Clegge-green debaters will tackle the
club at Shine's school house, Grey, on
Wednesday evening of next week.
Wm. Clark was ro•apppointed Township
Clork for 1888, john Watson re -appoint.
ill Assessor, and Wm, Imidlaw and Rich.
Tohnston Auditors.
It is stated that GoorgeThompaon, son
Of Wm. Thompson, of this township, has
seeurod a lucrative position in a 'whole.
sal) grocery in Buffalo,
Alex, Clark has sold his fturm, 6th lino,
to Thos. Nfillor, his neighbor. The fleet
mentioned gontloman has louglrb the
farm adjoining Stulshine, Imowu as the
1liskimming farm. It contains 100 ao•
res. Ole pant $4,000. The low price is
accounted loon tho foot that the phaco
was sold by mortgage solo.
3. F. St)wart, wino has boon farming
for thio past year, leas 0 saki of fare(
stools, rec. on Saturday afternoon of noxi
weok, When A. Dolgabty, the wall -known
atlntionoor, will dispose of the cativo out.
fit. The x00000 of the solo is Mr. Stowart
into exchanged his farm for valnablo pr) -
potty in Toronto ted ltd intonds giving
up tilling the soil to look after his pity
real etitato, W' wish him succoss.
Moon Leer Jrcnvnns' Coen Tho
members or this Mob mot etJno, Martin's
bolt Thursday evening, when 110nls"
was disarmed. )as. 1Vilktu0nu tend Jaw. ' Loot Monday ltuasol Bishop returned
7),SL,n•riointro. Mead the Hubjoct, 11 nw, i to the AgrieultnrttlEnt logo, (duelph. JIB
1 t lnvs
iLarriH, (leo. litt.tear, JnA thu•tdu, Chex, will make it warm for stmt tG tut ) ,
Bozell, Allan ht'ior and limey hark. at the next exatninatiuni
holder tans pat in the g,luerai dixuns. ltoport Bays that Jim. hill, "f 111i,t
sign. Thu older points brought not in township, purposes retiring f.onl farm-
iliHateeiott wore : (1) 1!110 ground sh olld ing atd will to nate hs the vicinity of
ha thoroughly papered Ind oleatmd, (2)u Olinton where Ito hoe purch•It'ud it plot
it should 110 wr Il immoral, at IonaIona
'l" d
',� rt i L t0 1110 t I
.L 1
Drilla shod)! 1? 110 30 Moho: n
:'the ,Niru is
r. (Toted ofacid to It
(41 1 top t
quite sulflciont (5) A great manly pow.
0,1110 How too thiols. (0) l0rmn the 10111
to the 20th of Juno 10 th" proper Brno 10
sow, (7) Leave turnips from 10 to '1:1
apartire thinning. Mr. 'Wil I(M Mon
rdairns that front an acro wall eultiva(o l
thorn is a clear pralit of 521. The next
nu+c'tinu will l,0 hold at Chas. Wloeler's
on 'Thursday evening next, when "Mixt 1
Flarming 00, Dairying' will bo diausxod.
Tot: o Pdttor of Tun Pon.,
D11.1 It Hitt, ---I promised numb„r of In'
old noighbnrs when 1 'eft Ontario to give
my oJanion of Ma country kn'lvu through
the tpodiunt of Tug Pos•r. I mu t con.
fess T haws been rather long about It and
by that 100an0 I havo more exporinnce.
Thorn has bean so 010018 written about
this country that thore is Iittlo Left for
mo to say but I have never aeon this
ooulitry praisod through the press morn
than I thought it deserved. I think it to
just the I•laoo for young man who want
to hitt"1their condition as land ie Monty
and cheap, work is plenty and wages
good. An for young women as hired help
the wages aro high and the demand never
half sum/lied. to say Nothing of 11.10 mat.
rimonial demand whish is always brisk.
I think the best plan is for everyone to
000)0 and see for themsolvos and not be
guided by the opinion of anyone, then if
they make up their mind to stty and go
10 work with a will the result is not
doubtful. For grain and stock raising
this oountry is hard to beet, and for
dairying it is splendid. In roots and
vegetn.Lleo wo could beat your Reeve
without using any manure and you know
he raises pretty good samples. The
wheat in our neighborhood averaged 40
bushels per acro this your modeomo fields
from 50 to 00 ; oats GO to 70 bushels per
acre, and that on land that had been
cropped, some of it three and four years,
and n0 manure used. We can rais0
steers rteing throo years that will dress
700 lbs, of good hoof, and never been
housed since they were calves. We feed
prairie hay and straw in the Winter and
lot them run tho prairie in Summer. As
to the Mimeo, 1 prefer it to Ontario, it
is much steadier, Wo have our rainy
season in Juno and July but the harv,st
and fall is spry and pleasant. Winter
seta in in Nov„ gets to it in earnest about
Christmas down among the forties below
zero. Sometimes wo will havo nice
weather for weeks at a time but the snow
never softens and your feet aro always
dry. Of course when it is 10 or 50 below
zero we have to dress warm and be pre.
pored for it. To sum np tho whole mot -
tor I like Manitoba and have bette,ed tho
condition of my family more in 5 years
than I would in Ontario in 20. IVo are $25,109.23
within one mild of Ratliwoli station of A SvnrtttaE.•--As'1'hos, Heritage, 9.28
tho Manitoba S. W. Colonization eeihcay has been Superintendent'1'1i of the Sabbath
1f any of onr nl'I netuhbors ever comp school at Roa 1 ]ointment, intonds ro-
along that lino wo would be glod to hove p I
them give us a call. The C. P. R: mon-
opoly and the high tariff on implements, numbor of the people conceived the idea,
lumber, ,to, aro our groatost grievances of giving him a snrpriee. They accord -
here. Give ns flee tendo in railways and accord-
ingly (lot at Samuel MoKee's and pro.
we don't fear the frost in ha•vo t, by cooled to Mr. "[orange's:. taking him aril
early sowin i we ((enormity escape that, 1 his family completely unawares. After a
think. Wh• at grading is another griev few selections of inn ie Janes Albert
llttro i County
' r
Tho n
Lh South Boom 1 t
t rt 1) '
1 rH Llstttutn
plot al, Hcnsall nn the 17tH and l+ttlt
lusts., 113 Hodgins' Hull. The President,
S. Rutillio, occupied the chair. A large
number of footnote wore present. 'Tho
n£ gtotuul. 0-r -. 11111 will not sc O' the
first day's nleetiing (paned by t1 button, on
l [trout. I' Il lin uss,,,1 a grant Y o u) i t r ryas et ks nt nu
f tont for Or. ,+•:.r -AO of 0 ye Ir. IIv ' pnrnsnn (''alt lav ! rr f I r,,., r u •
I n 11 tti i bt (1 J• 1
n " 1 1411' 01 t t1
g •n, i Ta AOC • LI ?H 'Plum
heto rl It l l I t fo I•. c •c
followed a
r ,• is r � 1 )
t from I ,ra ' v.
1 tl h l t l 1 lit
ma. change his mind, mg lain for wheat. A motor r )n the
pot pa lot• from Jas. Lupo 101 prw,ar.
1'4rt::0e1i. --'fire, Mo.(ignror. 1111, 00,1,, brooding of heavy lnr„cs, by Placa. Mc -
has seourod a patent Cur ltH saw art fold Milltul, M. I', was very interesting, 101,1
0.1011 canil,inal, ''Th°''lawyer'0 Cluido." I finished the lirst tiay'a work. .l plata- I
Judging unl the hat's" Ilutuher "1 t<'shi- : 11110 00el11111 wag Ap„nt, the hall bi iug
monin13 If!.o',, lrraotic'tl moo, wall 1111111. j)a:ked to the 111,1)013. $((sing sp c
Iliad to ex tress an opinion, lir, 11c. has were dclivnred by J. lfriAtillan, Mf 1 0
struck it riot' and should make uoney "wily boys leave the farm ;" by
fret of the actin o It IH pr nnunrerl f hn i 1 C
+ - 'enton, on ',Education no a Houree of y
beat o[ the kind uv(r tut,<nluc01 W the i p oet and pleusurti to the farmer ;" by I P
bl d l 11 1111 hot I 'f} 1f
1 11, Jte.u,le, mt What tho public) Hello, 1
111 to and s 1 'tt : set Ito m ea tel, )n • t
potent is offered for Halo, is doing for the farmer's boy. All throe
Cuomo FAcToity,--From the annual geutlmrm, suecooded fu interesting the �.
repo t of the Morrie S (troy Cheese lite- audience in a remarkable degroe, '1'l.'
tory the following foots aro gle tried; ; 1'rufeseor especially made a good inlpros-
Total lbs. milk r'ceiv d 1,0:10,600 ; Ibs. I siert, and ehowed clearly that the sua;000-
cheese mode, 101.751 ; lbs. milk Lo 1 lb, fel farmer of the near tuturo will bo n
cheese, 11.23 ; average price per Ib, for j man of brain power rather thou a elan of
season, 10.610, ; cost of drawing per gal., Muscle. The meeting was onlit'onbdwith
1 1.14o, ; factory openorl May 13tH ; vuoal tool instrumental music of a high
,dosed Oot. 14th ; running 132 days. 1e. motor, and pa•acd off very satisfactorily
S. Scott and J. 1I. Yoong audited tho am to the management. The second day's
counts The annualmeotingwill lo held' meetingoponad with a piper from Mr.
in the Conoml Cliombe , I3rus'wls, al Rennie, an "Rotation of cr.'ps, prepare.
Friday afternoon of 11110 week, tion of land for the different crops," This
The Molosworth Cheese and Bator being a w'ido subject, called forth much
Company hold their annual Pleating nn discussion, 000upying most of the aflor-
tho 14th thih was well a -t ,da{ ; note. ' r. Kitchen open"d the afternoon
Ins . w o
by 'he shareholders of the )ompany, All session with apope • advising the farmers
seemed well pleased with too way that to breed foals to drop in tho fall. Prof.
the affairs of tbo oompany were managed Puritan showed tho science of cattle feed.
for the past year. After adopting the iug for profit. Mr. Ronnie gavo tho secret
annual report, the old Board of Directors of ,Lite success in clearing his fa'm of
were ro.eleoted by acclamation for the thstles. A paper by Mr. MoQuadu
coming year, 010,, Haueo Cummins, draining, closed the 0050io1.
Henry Coghlin, J. B'isbin, William Mrs -
Keo and Donald McDonald. The follow.
ing figures wort taken from the Sears.
tary's book : Total amoilnt of milk 2,-
510,229 lbs., manufactured into 235,000
lbs. of t,hoeso, it being an inare's° of
49,754 lbs. oh etso rnoro than tile previous
year. The total amount realized for
choose was $25,109,28. Tho number of
pounds of milk to make one po'md of
cheese was 10,99 lbs. Tho avorago price
per lb. of cheeso was 10.65 cents. Cost
to manufacture per lb. of cheese includ-
ing all exnonses connected with tho run-
ning of th" factory, 1.49 cents. The fac-
tory was in operation ftvo months and
fourteen days. Following is a summary
of receipts and expenditures:
Total amt. received for choose 525,109,23
Paid patrons by Ohequo 520,214.27
„ „ dividend 582.70
„ „ cheese 588.19
„ for drawing milk 1,707,51
„ cheese maker and rill accts
connected with tnon'fac'ing 1,813,27
„ on account charged to stook 167,02
By cash on hand 85.17
oleo bore by which we aro often robbed
of from 8c. to 5e. per bushel of the valve
of our wheat but 'hese things will bo 00-
111000 1 in tion I enclose two dollars for
,Mother year of Tun Pone Wishing you
and all my old friends a Happy NevtYear
1 remain, yours truly
Gooteoa Forums.
Trohorue, Mau., Jan. 12, '88.
(NM 00 10rn'ro11.--Ws aro very touch
pleased to hoar from our old friend
Forbes and to know that ho is being
nrosperol in the West. Wo will be glad
to hear from him again.]
Too Pose leads the van for district
All the township officials were reelect.
ed for another year.
One or two mole telephone linos aro
(odor consideration.
The Biblo Society collectors are now
taking thei" innings and the small change
s being hunted up.
lteovo Mine and Deputies Oliver and
Bryon ere away attending tho County
Council this weok.
Not so much lirowood as formerly is
being cot for the market this hinter as
timber is getting alarm
Hoary Bali talks of erecting a brick
residence on his farm next Summer. Ho
has a beautiful Bite for building on.
T. McGregor is booming famous as a
saw doobor. Saws gummed, set and clod
by him generally take tho load for fast
DeputyReeve Bryan mud Inspector
Miller wore re-olootod directors of tho
1lewi)k'Mutual Insurance Coy by moclo.
A great dee( will be done in the way of
building next season, and logs, lumber
and stone are now being hauled in all
Thos. MoLaehlin'e axle of heavy
draught horses told high grade cattle on
Friday aftornoon of nod) tvoek promisor
to bo largoly attended.
The debate between the Soeioty at
Shine's school and tho one at 13arrie's
school, Morris, will be held at the former
lace 011 Wednesday evening next. Sub.
jeot, tho "Crimes' Bill,"
Wnt. Stominon, Oth con., intonds rsis.
ing his barn and putting stone stabling
underneath twat summer. Ho has a
good farm and this proposed improve.
ment will bo a big one,
All roports of the terrible) storms in
the Northwest aro eagerly sought after
as most everybody has friends or ao•
quaintances fn ono or other of those
status swept by the blizzard.
Wm. Knight, has boon engaged as
fourth assistant teacher in Aylmor High
School. Ito holds a first-class "B" solo
tiiloato in mathematics. Ile is a tiptop
teaolier and a first -Diads stndont.
Ties. Nowsomo, tho woll•known and
sucoossful frame' and barn -builder, has
tho contract for fivo new barns for next
season, '1'hruo of them tiro in this 1otvn.
slhipI,, ono in Logan and ono in Morrie,
Last Wodnusday Goo, Crooke loft for
Manietoo, Michigan. tvhorn hn goes for
his sem William who is ill, 1t appears
that 110 Ilan boon troubled with bleeding
of tho lnngsaltd lo very poorly. Wo hop°
he 1;111 ha able to (3101 Mono and he speed-
ily 010tnlod to h':t•:1t 1 r i
Frayne, in behalf of the Sunday school,
presented Mr. Heritage with a foe silver -
headed oane, apoontpaniod by a very ap-
propriato address, whish was read by
John Wallaco. The cane is ebony and
on the silver head is tho inscription
"Presented by Roe's Methodist church to
Thos. Heritage, 1888." It was purches-
ad from T. Fletcher, jowellor, of Brus-
sels. Mrs. Horitago was presented with
a pair of beautiful vases, and Mise Heri-
tage, who Mae presided at the organ in
church and Sunday school, was made the
recipient of a h mdeomo worst -box, ire the
form of a satchel Mr. Horitage made a
very becoming reply, expressing his ad-
miration of the people in general and
said ho would always entertain the most
pie tsing recolleotions of them and his
connection with them in the ohuroh.
Though the house was completely crowd-
ed spleasant time was spent at social
games, interspersed by music, rendered
by Mrs, Lego err and Miss Wnl ace, for a
fete hours, when all sat down to a sutnp-
tunu. repast prepared by 1!10 good ladies
of the neighborhood, to which ample
justice was d no. After this all depa'tod
for their respective, homes, wishing Mr.
Heritage and family health, prosperity
tend happiness in their new field of
Sunman PAttrr. -On Friday availing of
last week a large party of the young folks
of Whittiold's appointment mat at the
residenno of Wm. Cook, non. 10, and
spent it ploasant ovoning together in
social enjoyment. A very enjoyable part
of tins evening's entort'tinmont was the
presentation of an address and a gold
watch to Mrs. James Tormenao, late
organist of Whitfiold's church. The fol-
lowing is it copy of the address, to which
Mr, Torrance made a snitablo triply on
behalf of Mrs. Torrance :-
To Mfrs. riamas Toiv0nco : ,
DEA( F1II101D.-Your many friends of
this neighborhood, and °specially of the
Whitfield appointment, take this oppor-
tunity of expressing their appreciation of
Your services as organist in the °boroh
for the past throe years, and tru„t yo'i
will accept thiswatch as a token of their
Ost0enl and regard. Do not accept it on
acbount of its value, but as m e0uvenir of
tho many pleasant time. wo Have had as
wn asoambled in God's 1onso boboar rues.
sages of salvation from his servants and
to sing his praises, which 000010e has al-
ways boon made more delightful by your
constant and cheerful a„sistanee as organ-
ist and leader of the choir. While wo
fool regret at the thought of losing you
from our midst we fool that our loss will
bo gain for others in a distant Dart of
this 1010 Dominion. Wo sincoroly hopo
that your lift may ba it happy 011e and
that yon will find many frllnds i" your
futuro home and may •vont' sphere of 05e-
fu1110es widen, and, with God's blesaiug,
may you bo the fnetrumont of promoting
tho 11i.astor's glory end as tho sunsot
shades of this lifo fall around you may
thio holy Bongs you sang in emote bo your
comfort and eolaco, and, b •ttor than oil,
n1f1y you with all those dear to you ho
permitted to sing tho song of tho re-
doonm,larotntd tho father's throne is tho
earnest prayer and wish of your friends,
The vital litatisti0H of Stratford for the
past y0ar aro 1. 16.1: in tl.'riagcs,
79 ; death,., 008.
tinder and by virtue of the power of sate
contained in n certain mortgage, which will
be produced at thio time of sale, there will
1)n offered for salt, by Punitc Auction, at the
CluE1N's }Dmitri, in the Village of BumessLs,
o11 SATURDAY, 11613 day or PBISRIIAlta•,
1888, at the hour of 10:10 O'clock, A. 01., by
James Stratton, Auctioneer. the Hollowing
lands, namely: -All that certain pool of
lend situated in the Township of 'troy, iu
too County of Huron. and Province of On-
tario, containing, by adcnensnrement, fifty
nacos, more or lose, Wag oomp,sed of the
past half of Lot number Thirteen, in the
Fifth Concession of said Township.
cont of rho pure1nso )n000y to be paid to
the Vendors' butloitors at too time of sale.
sulnc]ent with the said ton par cent. to
make ono-tbird'.0 rho purchase money with-
in ono month thereafter, and the balance of
said purchase money to bo secured by ltrst
mart Jago over the above premises fit
Tears, with intermit at oho rate of six and
nne.half per cent, per annum, payable half
Th" shoreproporty will bn offered for solo
subject too reserved bid, to LO fixes by the
V013 dote solicitors.
leor further par /limbo's apply tc unlock,
Tilt, Miller, Crowther, t Montgomery.
Veadox SoU3.citox0.
90 Icing street east,TOrouto.
Dated at Toreeto,Jaun'ry 10E11,18av, 50-0
1 E. P. P;C: o.
Chi n,t,lt. tin„g
Serval Win be
eolnnlen(icd ill
in the course of ft weep or 101 a,nd.
should be
Ileal by Everybody !.
NOWis a gtime
�i� to Subscroer ibe so
as to Commence with the First,
Chapter of the Story.
)est ti coin
�0 mites
is said to be
� n
It. P..Bloels Master iece
and has been read by Tens es.
Thousands with great pleasure,
..�„,etirucffiasc�r�ots>wrs�.r.�•..-•.�r.�a.s nary.,
urs .d+1.s_..'•-5.�
The proprietor wishes to remind the public that his stock of Furni-
ture, including Parlor and Bedroom Suites and
all kinds of furniture usually kept in
li first-class store, was
Latest Buries of Picture Moil) ding,,
Fraulos aria Oil l?aiutings in stock. As I now manufacture ui'
own Furniture, having
Eight lien Constantly Employed,
I am in a position to deal with the public 011 more liberal Wilkie
than ever. 11.11 timber used thoroughly seasoned in the first-class.
dry kiln at our Factory.
Repairing Promptly A ttended to..
:li'irSt-claw stock of Under'taker's Goods always on hltttd. By
dealing with ns :Von secure the best manufactured for the same
11rieo as you wink' pay fora second or third irate article. elsewhere.
.411 Goods Petivfe7'(td Free r`.r1, the, Comniry.