The Brussels Post, 1888-1-27, Page 4THE EIR USSELS POST
74* ^, A ) v-eteelnivntg,
Imitate - Adam Good.
Leeale • Arthur V, al.
Por 1-- 1). W. Mi'ne,
Notate Plum & Clarke.
Mins(er, epees Friend- Agent. representatives O them, charged thole -
Pm hit 11 reile—G. A. 2 n ;;CW (UV 10 sin UM), Nilltitel
"1,, on) Jest to Earliest." —"Pose upoti the Railway Commission to gtate
Aueliett Sales 1 itL Miller, Crowther the fat mere' ease. It was tho beginning
Mont mery.
the fanners. It WAR 00011 fouud, how- The etibeaription to the Queetee College tr
ever, that there wmo other things Igo "I"kwumit fund. 110w mount 00 $11lie dale• Telds ozscar.
1311103 bad fanning whit& injuriouely af. Robe sledgwick of Halifax, has 0•0000'
footed theposition or the farmers, alma the office of Deputy Minister of Jus.
the institutes of Ontario, or rather some tied for the Demi mon,
The preliminary trial of Henry Taylor
at London ammo to an abrupt terreinn.
1(1 ..wiee -0 the Mee, is ?o at to havi
it )nd000011 in open Court.
Thos, Wale If. T, Hanlon, L. Right.
myer and ;JIM '1. Greenhill wore emcees
fel in competing for bangle needy dem -
ated brooms presented by Mrs. Tyre to
the Kincardine Curling Club.
of an attempt'. to improve the ponition of
the farmer by protesting againet privil-
eee,4. eges and gutting for bina 0 largo price
VI Dc trus5ci 4:11.1:t„ ,f.rwhi. he did produce, In order that
i this might be done more successfully n
FR//1-1 JJV. 97, 188g, meeting of delegates from all the country
' institutes was called, a meet representa-
A NELTINO 10 the interest of COMECON tine body attended, the position or tho
cial Union will be held in Lucknow on fainters was thoroughly dismissed, and
Friday evening of this web, 27th inst.,
, the commercial usiion asitation WRS
ander the auspices of the Agricultural. born. The farmers' institutes, as they
Society, when address will be delivered I are at present constituted, nee trying to
by Thomas Shaw, of Hamilton, Seem- improve the position of the farmer by
tary of Ontario Farmers' Institute ; Dr.3110 ting for business diecession and en.
Macdonald, M. P., of Wingham ; John
joyment, by Bemiring leotnres from antis -
McMillan, M. P. for South Huron,
oritioe on farming processes, so as to in.
other noted speakers. The CRUM 11;
crease the farmee's kill, and therefore
booming thereabout s. the productiveness of his labor, and by
fighting tho privil gas of limiting the
A. 0nlbElt eemplaiets have been
fariner's profits 800I1 00 a elites by the
made by persons driving on the gravel
road, eepecially grievous to people hauling State. The farmers have every induce.
ment to make a keen study of political
wood,logs,grain,&o. owing to the wretch -
affairs. They may rest assured that
ed condition of the road on account of
every privilege given to a, and that
the pitch holes. Upsets nee an almost
every not of dishonesty or extravagance
every day occurrence, broken sleigh
on the part of the Government will fall
tongues are Clefts in fashion, and the de.
lay and annoyance occasioned is beyond sPecialiv upon thorn and theirs, and that
computation. The Township Counoils
to the farmer the difference between bad
and good government has a great deel to
Grey and Morris and the Pathmasters of
do with the difference between bad and
these varieue beats are blamed for this
condition of affairs. The roads will not good times.—Montreal Witness.
be good this winter until there is a big Ca vistelist is NOVVrif.
thaw to melt down tho snow. The ex-
perience of this winter should teach a gt, Thomas has a young ladies' dram.
lesson as to preparation for another year atId 0h,h-
Dresden will have a second paper in a
and neat summer wire fences should be few weeks.
built, or snow fences put up if necessary. Hon. Alexander Mackenzie will be 76
Then another way of improving the roads years old Jan. 28.
The ktonteealere have decided to hold
is to make sleighs wider than they are so
no carnival this yer,
theta broader track will bebroken. These Jas. Quirk, the sprinter, is expected
snow blockades are nothing new in this in Brantford from England in a few
northern section mid by paying a little days.
more attention to this matter and sup. 013igBchief at the Frog Lake mas•
, ieear, onPoundrneker's reserve, nes
plementing work already done of the laTtaleford.
order specified the principal roads should Last year the Michigan Central sold
be seldom blocked. tickets to clergymen at 2 cents a 1)1110,
and this year at half fare, or a rnile.
Seale of the details in connection with elaVrtcacarnig, farmer,flealt ofd.Osapsrey, drop-
fiight in the 'isam:room of theln Fridaye A.
Ole investigation into the financial con. g o- iner-
dition of the Province of Manitoba have ioan Hotel. Dundalk.
leaked out, and reveal an alarming state Carl Kauffman, wholesale dealer in
of affairs. Up to Jan. 1st, when the Do- Torarosirthoaricliwaarea,ztncet;erLstilatbirtei: mail%
minion subsidy for the last half year was place at '$10,000 ; assets, 60,000.
dne. the Norquay Government had over. Charles Boyle, of Woodstock, has de.
drawn its account in the Merchants' aided to sell next week eight th gg °ugh -
Bank $315,000 anti there is not a cent of tendsrate,‘emeholees.uiatirti3le oittUpg ingileld,
subsidy now loft. The late 'Ministers The Dominion Ptinting Bureau have
drew all their own eateries: and paid all leased temporary premises at 'Ottawa,
which are being stocked for purpose of
their civil servante up tel Feb. 1. Not a
single entry has boon mei., in the trees ,pAtcoparing voters' list wader the French:no
sury cash book for over a. ye gr, and no Hon 0. W. Rasa, in the course of an
entry in the general account ledger since address at Iroquois last Friday night,
last June. For throe ragas the Norquay sltici a new book of soleotions for use in
Government has beeu making false -tate. stuteacipubbc schools would shortly he is-
ments of the linanoial condition of the Shortly after five o'clock Tuesday
Province to the Legislature. The float. morning the Renfrew Meroury printiug
ollioe WIIS entirely destroyeet by fire,
ng debt of the Province le over $600,000,
everything being lost. The building was
and fresh liabilities are cropping 01) uninsured.
hourly. Not only have the ordinary At a meeting of the Hamilton Board of
funds disappeared, but ell the trust Trade a committee was appointed to
funds, also the vouchers for expenditure (IV! a memo ial to the Government,
are alt mixed in such a way as will in- frsocmil tthoe,;noetnotrseduee the rate of postage
volve great labor before they can be The Department of Militia are con.
straightened. It would appear that it is stantly in receipt of offers from various
parts of Canada to raise additional vol.
only on the turn -ant of a Government in!eer coCmpanies,
that the true state of affairs is ascertain- The writ for Halton has been issnod,
ed. There are so many peculiar ways of Nomination takes place on Tueslay, Jam.
keeping the accounts thet it is almost list, and polling on February 7. Solomon
impossible for the Opposition to get on 'rHoittarirn:innt, g oolfictilton, has been appointed
the proper scent. We believe a now elec. In Dae. the amount deposited in the
tion will shortly be in order in Manitoba Government savings banks was $814,967 ;
withdrawn during the same period 11366,.
and the eleotors will then hear some.
920 showing a decline of 841,9118 hi de -
thing of the true inwardness of public posits and" the month,
affairs. The Greenway Government has On Saturday night, while the therm°.
a big task before therm meter was below zero, someone loft a
one.week old child on the doorstep of
Edweed Young, Hamilton. The police
THE FARMERS' INSTITUTE. are trying to find the unnatural mother.
John Dawson, of Elba, who failed to
The principle upon which the Farmers show up at Alton on his wedding day,
Institutes movement, which is now thereby causing his intended bride to
spreading over the country, is based is aa commit suicide, left for parts unknown
-sound as that of its predecessor, the immediately on hearing cif her tragic
Grange, was not. As originally conceived A dastardly attempt was made on
of, tho Grange WAS a most beneficent Saturday night to murder John Calder,
institution, but unfortunately, it sot out a Halifax theological student. A foot.
with the belief that it was possible to rionad fiorneedoewo shote from a regvolver at
f the balls striking him on the
improve the farmers' position, not by the hip.
spread of information and united effort is now definitely stated that the
generally, but by getting something for Hamiltonlmo rtit's gottcontrol of the
nothing. The middleman was the great Prootor, of liamiltOwn,ecitvaesrnaltuaeilnsvp,e0.8
bogey of the Grange, and it ruined itself enf, and Sir Henry Tyler elected oDi.
by devoting all its energies to getting the reetor.
work of the storekeeper and produce th PUf.1,tg
dealer done for nothing. Tho Grange !erring the regular passenger trains;
was an attempt to Make the machinery transferred 1,020 freight oars during the
of a motet society Rave to benefit the vio-
24 hours from Sunday at 8 a.m. to Mon -
la and industrial position of a class and day add'
Dr. McCrimmon, of Kincardine'was
seas founded upon all sorts of beautiful married there the other day to MiseBella
theoriee about the benefielent charades- McKenzie, of the Durham Line. The
Of the fanning industry. The Farmers' adoctor pave his bachelor friends a dinner
Institute has, on the other hand, been e ittgagieQtermenn'scHotel before oonsurnmat.
more or less natural growth, and instead Mrs, Mart:, Thompson, em old blind
of starting off with all manner of philan. weenen, of Windsor, attempted redid&
Monday night by jumping off a Grand
thropie theoriee, has so far confined it. Trunk ear ferry near the foot of Nast.
mit strictly to the work it was actually hags street, DetShe landed roit. on a
called upon to do. In the first instance, cake of ice and was rescued,
farmers' institutes were organized in On. The Reformers of Eramosa entertained
titrio to carry out euggestion that the ataslipper in LOWS notol, itookwood,
staff of the Guelph Agrioultural College the ether night, and preeentod him with
should, during the variation% deliver ad. an addreee andigold wrath in reaognition
dresses on farming to the human. The 01 Ilio rilervioqt
institutee wore, therefore, organized to rirlw'he jollaneltk=i,diaoched by the late
enable the farmer to bettor lug position the Worde "Prepare to 1.1711etPtitYyag Oforr
by increasing his produntion. In this Ho loft on his table the unfinished Man.
they Iwo boon s0000sofoi, 01 o groat useript of what was probably intended
deal of valuable and practical inform.
Mien her; boon lerought elly ter. gee
The Guelph Sun 1 responsible for the
latest slender of s good man—known
as Peter X. — eCounci lor gyer,
of Berlin, will introduce a by-lew to close
the meetings of the Council with the dox-
ology instead of with a keg of lager, as
bag been the practice there. Mr, Meyer
will make a good town out uf that yet."
The Halifax Recorder is seventy.five
years old. Its hrst ISS110 appeared on
,TELO, 1(1, 1818, and The Recorder publish-
es a copy of the first number, as a sup.
plement to its issue of Saturday last.
The copy is a very faithful one, given to
the color of the paper, yellowed with age.
Mr. McDonald, of the Michigan Cen-
tral railway engineering staff, is engaged
in repairing and enlarging the watm ways
an 1 culverts on the Canada, Southern di-
vision, from Maidstone Owes eitetwargl,
so that the exten.ion of the double track
to Clifton can be commenced early in the
The Kincardine & Teeswater Railway
Company will imply at the next session
of Parliament for amendments to the
Act incorporating the company by reduc.
ing the capital stock amount to be sub-
scribed, the qualification of the directors,
ane to so extend the time for the cons-
meucement and completion of the rail-
The Eagle Indians have struck a
new and rather bright Wen in the hand-
ling of the wood they bring into merket.
They first cut it into four.fout lengths so
that it oau be sold by emit measurement,
and then ahoy it nearly through in the
middle. The advantage of the titan is
that the buyer can see at a giallo° how
much wool he is buying, and also have it
ready for the stove at muse, as the sticks
are broken. ie two as they are thrown to
the ground.—Saskatthewan He old.
The trial of the protest against the re-
turn of Dr. Montague began on Tuesday
before Justice Stmet at agiyuga. A. B.
Aylsworth for petitioner ; Dalton MO-
Carthy, Q.0., for respondent. The
morning was taken up with hearing a
charge of attempted bribery by one Glen-
nie, who was alleged to havegone to Jelin
Macfarlane and offered him 816 for two
pigs if he would vote for Montague.
There are some 40 or 50 tharges, and it
is expected the case willlast the remaind-
er of the week.
The house of Israel Evans, license ins -
rawer, Chatham, was shattered by d,
mire at one o'clock last Tuesday morn -
ins. No one was here but 0110 10015 M
badly damaged. The police tracked a
. man to the Roy a Exchange Hotel whose
boots fitted exactly with the track in the
light snow. He had a loaderl revolver
uuder his pillow anl fuse and eaps for
dynamite cartridges wore under the
clothes at the Red of the bat. Three
ethers aro also detained on sespicion,
but it is thought they tore innocent,
E. S. Cox ,6 Co., brokers, who have
several agencies throughout the provinces,
suspended paymeut. It is impossible to
ascertain what the firm's liabilities age,
but street rum 'r has it as a considerable
amount. Mr. Cox was a member of the
Termite Stook Exchange, but for two
yea s past his operations on the loo
13010011 were small, his chief boldness be-
ing confined to dealings in New York
stooks and Chicago grain mid pro visions.
The firm had 60 branches and offices
throughout the Dominion connected by
leased wire. Fifteen hundred miles of
this wire was rented from the Groat
Northwestern Telegraph Company at au
annual rental of from $40,000 to $50.000
The individual losses will likely be
The following officers were eleoted in
conneetion with the Ontario Creamery
Association for the ensuing year :--Prosi.
dent, D.Derbyabire, Brookville; let Vice.
President, J. T. Brill, Guelph ; 2ndVice-
Preeident, R. J. Graham, Belleville; Sec.
retary-Treasurer, James Cheesman, To-
ronto. Dirootors—W. D. Rutherford,
Iroquois ; Ira Morgan, Metoalf ; lettuce
Miller, Sponcerville ; John Sprague,
Aineiasbure ; George Garnett, Bethany;
John Leye, M. P. P., Toronto ; W. 10,
I3lubacker, St..Temob's ; V. E. Feller,
Hamilton ; W. T. Moore, St. Marys ; A.
Wenger, Ayton ; E. Miller, Parkhill ;
Peter Graham, M.P.P., Warwick Wet,
and John Hannah, Seeforth. The audi-
tors' report showed that the receipts for
the year had been $1,257.67 and the ex.
pensoe $1,008, leaving a balance of $249.-
The Rev. 33. J. Chown,. the Scott: Ad
advocate, writes to G friend at Kingston,
from Spencerville, as follows :—"This
county is exedmi over the Soott Act work
and many are alarmed for my safety. I
cannot eay that I participate in their
feeling. Here is a list of recent: outrages:
—Eleven buildings burned in the eininity
of Irish Creek ; ono constable brickbatted
in Kemptville; four constables assaulted;
priseeters fined over eight hundred and
Meer( dollars in all; one constable
stymie with doeewoogi ; the Methodist
amnia at Kompville burned; also Nidn's
tannery; Dr, 0. F. Ferguson, M. P., and
three ()there received letters containing
throats of mtieder; two alumna of a
Baptist church warned th dismiss their
minister or suffer the burning of their
church; eight ministers metalled." Ho
concludes with the words, "Whoever falls,
the amuse meet win,
Lake Winnipeg alone is 8,500 square
miler' in extent, and full of fish. Lake
Manitoes has a serfaco of 1,900 square
miles and Lake Winnipegosis is 1,986
square miles. These lakes are regular
sources: of aupply, within easy reach of
railways ; and yet, besides them, there
have 00 be eonelderod the groat water
areas of the immense. lueuebrine district
extending between parallels of latitude
40e and 510, and between the meridians
of longtitudo 880 and 1020, and which
inalude the Lake or the Woods, 1,500
somaro miles in extant, besides Lake Ne-
pigoe, Rainy Lake, Lalto St, Joseph, Lao
Soul, and many 'alter: and hart almost
without number. It is probably safe to
tray that within tide luenstrine district,
immediately available to the railway,
there are 20,000 equare mile% or about
for the next clfeerntree on Oho text, "Ile in thirteen million acre% of lakes well
Iltar unto 01'01,' 0110 yo.'' front Add tilled with ligh, ainb only awaiting
xvii, 27. IERSIW1
Christmas Presents for Everybody.
Waltham, Elgin and ITampden,
with Gold, Silver, Gold filled and
Bayonne Cases in Gent's and
Ladies' sizes. A fine assortment
of best American
Gold Rings, Iloll Plate and Gold
Chains, Ladies' Broaches and
Bar Pins, Cliff Buttons, Scarf
Pins, Bracelets, in fact moll kinds
of fine
Give Inc a call.
P.S.—Satisfaction guaranteed
in all repairs.
For the next 110 days we will sell the
following first.claes Plows, all guaranteed
to give satisfaction, with
The Hill Plow, worth $16.00 at $12.00
No. 18 Thistle Cutter Plow $16.00 at $12.00
No.18 ,,„ ,,614.00 at e10.00
Firstmlass Lumber Wagon and 1 Set
Knee Bob -sleighs to exchange for wood or
We have on hand the following :—
t:See Points for all Plows kept con-
antly on hand.
Repairs of all kinds promptly attended
A guentity °of first -chum Hardwood
Flooring on hand, well seasoned.
Planing, Matching and Band Salving
in first class style at the
80 days bath September, April,
June and November and forlithe
Next 80 days a
will be allowed on our splendid
stock of
Leather and
Ordinary bound
A -L -B -U -M -S.
Special Bargains
Toys and Fancy Goods.
All the School requisites kept
in stock or procured in 11 day ler
9 4011E FAIIINIF0.11 BALE.
ileet.einss farm for Halo the
Township of Morin in Olin (ion My nt IT ilron,
(wind bed( (I1 1,13 ion; .31031
awl Routh ban 0023 lo 500 oon.,
Doi A11000 11s go IOW. 1 1101101 1111/hth;
118400 01 ;annum and In a good elate or oullth
vett en. There (1 (0 7011110 01101161oreltard,e
gaud liens. and bank bare 1 01(111,0 with
001I, ritrtblr, 110100110. 01,” 00111 3,, .11.n.
aIe 1 within a 01, VlIl,1 .1 lirtmobi
nd is a good lain for ni•kin m !Minn'.111(1.
/Lb Ulm W01.1.1.a w(t)( the river Maitland
,,1 010/1111 AprItig crook,Possession
wit b t • 0. •tt P f .•
1 glen a 111orun 11
dental% arrly 41 the pi "Mini h tir to A.14.
.P. 0. 5.01
Executor's Notice.
All /iftier, buying elation imeinet 00
tato of Ole late liinnier Rose, of 4110 Town.
1111111 of 0,ey, 1 the County of Huron, who
Meilen or about the and day of June, A, 0..
1,447, are, on or before Oho let 407 nfJo
18S41, to fle/111 by b• 1, Elrobbid / to Olin undnr-
signed Molr tibristsitit and,1, 1.41.
,),'OSS and ilneaription, with full partleulars
of their cluime, a statement id their ee.
counts owl nature 03 (11,1 securities, ,1 ally, I
hold by them, and is default thereof they
wilt bo peremptorily a:alluded from partial.
pitting in the said estate. All pereone in•
delited to the deceiteed whether by book
acomint 01' otherwtse, '00 0S,11101400 111 pay
010 eaisr 10 \VIII. %MISS, ou or before the
abcwo montionod Mae.
0e-3111 WM, SPENCE, Executor.
Dated in Grey Chit and day of Ozt.'17.
JAN. 27„ 1888.
to aupposed to be is eaf 1 ono Hull," to
valve 11/ April ; ono brood vow and ste riling
; nen sining now, all thorie.bred. Alen
one Illly ;tibia two, lennuire of it. T.
KTUN, Lot 30, Co,. 5, Morris, Britssele PAL
1 Returned to Brussels I
.101\TEY ! MOTET 11
Saved. Saved,
By buying anything you waut in the1
harness line from us, Our goods are the
best to be found in the market. Our
prices aro the lowest, ne we - boy all our
goods for cash and we give our customers
the advantage of it. A full line of
Horse Clothing, Robes,
Bells, Whips, 6-e•, also
TTIZTL1118, Traits es, and
Ladies' Satchels,
the largest stock in town and sold the
*done cheaper than any 111101) 111 the County.
never gall.
Give us a call and be convinced that
what we say is true.
(Metros to state that he has again botionio
a resident of Eruesels and is propel -gel to
take Contracts for all leindsof Carpenter
Work, Buell es House Building, Barn
Framing, Mill Wrighting, ,Cr,
Ho will also mate 0 Specialty of Mov•
Estimates Cheerfully Given.
• Satisfaction Guaranteed.
in every instance,
Geo. Kirkby, Auctioneer, has received in.
structions from the undersigned to sell
by Public Aeolian, at
LOT 1, Cox. 0, GUST TOWNSHIP, 00
Friday, February 3rd, 7888,
the following valuable Horses and Cattle
I imported Heavy Draught tetanal), 4
years old, "Prince of Dreghorn" ; 1 im-
ported Heavy Draught Stallion, 8 year,
old, "The Tourist" ; 1 Imported Heavy
Draught Stallion, 2 years old, "King of
the Isles" ; 3 Heifer, rising 2 years old,
in calf to a there' -bred bull ; 4 Heifers,
rising 1 year old ; 8 Stems, rising 1 year
old ; 1 led Cow ; 1 Chester White Boar,
8 months old. Tho above horses are
registered in Clydesdale Stud Books of
Scotlanceand the Dominion Stul Book.
Salo to commence at 1 o'clock p. m.,
sharp. Lunch will be provided. A con.
soma° will meet morning trains to take
parties comingirom a distance to enle.
TER3111.—All %tuns at and under $10
oath ; over that amount 12 months credit
will be given on furnishing approved
joint notes 6 per cent will bo allowed
for cash on credit amounts. bat cow to
r C. RiChardS, be cash.
koorge Kirkby, Theo, lamcblin
Graham's Block, Breese's. Auctioneer.
ITS•30MOSLIM-M-r-=etes 'MD
This bull (Prince of Maple Lane No.
14.361) is of a- splendid milking etrain,
his dam being Rioters Queen, 14,895,
which traces back to a sire of Breathe,
No. 2,454, record 778 lbs. butter in ono
ymir ; to Marjorama 16 lb. eOlo, and to
Gipsy, record 17 lbs. of butter in seven
days. Ho weighs about 1500 pounds,
“1311000 00 31,01011 LAISE," has taken several 1st prizes and diplotn.
as at 'Western Fair, London and would metre a valuable moss milli nay good milk or
butter cow. All those who wish to increase and impreve the produets of the dairy
would do well to have calves from this bull. Por further particulars, its totwhere he
is kept and cost of service, address
13z-ugf.ris;t, Sze., fitettgerecl 14, Ont.
The undersigned beg leave to intimate to the Public that they
have opened out a
Pr./ G OX 4.A11) B CTCSMITH S 0 P
in the Backer Stand, Cranbrook, whore they are prepared to turn
out Cutters, Sleighs, Wagons, Buggies, &c.
Satisfaction guaranteed. We ask for a trial.
E. 3`. WILL!AMS,
Irlr HEIL,
Grist and Flour Mills!
The undersigned having completed the change from tho steno to the
Celebrated Hringarian system of Grinding, has now the Mill in
First Class Running Order
and will be glad to see all his old customers and as many liONV 01100
as possible. Chopping dono.
Mow ancl Peed Always on Rama..
Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good .Grain