The Brussels Post, 1888-1-27, Page 3JAN. 27, 1888, STMIIMINIIISSIVALSAIRMSASSIIS THE BRUSSELS POST To Nitre Doctors' 11111s• VaeirD• Tine GRIettan WINTER FAD, 1110 winter sports include ii now Bnt Oninipresmit pleasure ; Lively Heys, and ninitletts too, Enppy momOries treasure Of first toboOgamilng delight.; NYlien clown the Weeny she olets They flashed 1iI13 sw llows in 0, flight, And idiom d their laNcy beotiota. Long may this winter fuN remit n, To niesse tho country's millions. And melt January Qom ogriPI Until we've D- rown to billions. T111,1 IlKST WAY, If I maim 4 face at Billy, tie will main. a lace at me, That two ugly rams, Anti a quarrel, don't you see ? POT OM I dooble up my fig And hit him, and he'll pay 31e book by giving mo 11 lurk, Rules.' 1 inn way. But 111 smile at Billy, "ale sure to matte him laugh ; You'd soy, if on could see him, 'Twos jollier by half Than kicks aud ugly faces. 1 toll you all the while, it's pleasanter for any boy itt( girl) to laugh and einilc, GRANDPA GROWLS. Say, whitt's become of all the girls And boys ? Where have tboy gone? Statistics show the o's just about As man' babies horn As in the good old-fashioned days, But things have changed since then ; Kids jump right .from the cradle now Full-fledged as women and men. Folk talk of obildith innocence, Simplicity and ouch; But we don't see that sort of thing Around us now—not muoh I Our pretty, artless pritttlers, with Then: sweet, unconvcious grace, IInYe disapptioredand little prigs And puppies take their place. Rigged out in grown-up finery, Most every day I meet Precocious little prodigies Prowling upon the street ; They look so much like women, that 1 vow 1 'most forget They're only kids, and ought .D bo In bibs and tuckers yet. Act there's my little grandson, ,Ittek, As cute as auto can bo. You'd think to hem; the rascal tslk, Ilo wits 114 old as me ; While Peter's youngest hopeful, Paul, can give points to his pa ; And little missy, Betsey's glrl, Knows heaps moru than her mg. They look up‘m tts fulls as Old fogies and iId fools; They'ro posted on milsorts of things That aro not tight in sehool They know too muck byhalf, Thonk bony - count it 'inong my joys That 1 was born when girls were girls, And boys were only boys. MAN. Man that is born of woman in small potatoes and few in a hill. Ile riseth up to -clay and flourish• elh like a ragweed, and to morrow or the day atter the undertaker hoe him in the the box. Ho goeth forth in the morning warbling Wm a lark, and is knock. od out in one mound and two seeonds. In the midst of lire he is in debt, and the tax collector puraneth him wherever he goeth. The bannister of life is full of Splinters, r.nd ho slideth clown it with coneiderable rapidity, He walltoth forth in the bright sunlight to absorb ozone, and meet- eth the bank tenor with a sight thoughfir $857. 111 colneth Immo It eventide and mei-it:tit thn elleolletrrow iu his petit, and tho wheelbarrow risoth• up mid smiteth him to [lo earth, and falleth upon him and minicab ono 0( 1)10 logs into his ear. In tho Gentle spring -time lie put. tette on Ins summer clothes, and a blizzard strikes him far away from home, and filleth him with woo and rheumatism, He loyal' up lichee in the bank, and tho provident epeculatoth in imagine, and Won goeth to U.S. for his health. In the autumo he putteth on hie winter trousers, and a wasp that abideth in them filleth him full of intense excitement. He startoth down cellar with an oleander, and goeth first hastily, and tho oleander cometh aftor him and sitteth upon hint. lie eittoth up all night to got the returns from St. Frannie, Xavier, and in tho ond lenrneth that Ilia other fellows have carried it. Ho hustoth a watch dog, and when he cornetts 1.100.10 late from lodgo 1110 watch dog treoth him and eitteth beneath hint until rosy morn, He goeth to lho horse trot and betteth his money on the brown mato, rend 1110 bay on Ming with a blaze taco winneth. Ho (09901011114 red /Rims with a wart on herno.90, and the next clay her parental ancestor goeth tinder, with few esats and groat liabIlilibU, and coinoth home to live with hie beloved eon•inlaw Nevor go to bed with cold or damp foot. Nevor Jean with tho back upon anything that's eold. • Never begin a journey until the broaltfass has been eaten. Never talus warm drinks and then immodiatoly go out into the cold. AtIr exoroices of any aind 130000 richt in an opon carriage lir near tho window of 11 car for a moment ; it is dangerous to health, or (000 life. Never omit regular battling, for unless the Hlf ill IA 10 regular condi- tion, tho cold closo the pores and favor congeetion or other dim. ease& Whon Imam, spook as little as possible until Um hoarseness 13 ro covered from, Moo 1110 voioo may bo pernattuontty heft, or of the throat be produced. Morely warm tho hack by the fire, and nevar continuo keeping tho back exposed to tho heat after it has be. %nue warm. '2o do otherwise is debilitatiog. Never stand still in. cold weather especially after haviug taken a slight dors° of oxereise, and alwaye avoid stancling on ices or snow, where Um persou is 031)10(10(1 10 the cold wind. When going trom a warm Minos- phero into a cooler one keep tho mouth always closed, as tho air may be warmed by its passage through the noso tiro it roaches tho lungs. irasbio3i ri otos. Military effects are noticeable in tho nation's millinery. Colors are extensively used in tho decoration of black toileta. 1 Clove stretchers of oxidized 'diver aro worn as a pendant to 1110 chate- laine. Charming evening toilets have loco skirts, wall moire bodices, with Balthus to match. Whito and gold and pale blue and silver aro favorite combine, Lions for evening bonnets. Palo and deep tan plush skirts tom worn with winter dresses and of various colors aud fabrics. Cauhmero bonnets, with philter' edges and caps mewls inside, are in vogue for babies and little girls. A now gold horeeelloo hrooch ie formed by several smaller liorse• shoes, set with rithius or other stones. Small baudkerchior-like equares of pielted cloth of all colors aro used as a decoration on hate, bonnoto , mad muffs. Bridesmaids who follow the Low- est fashion carry wallting.sticks of ebony aud silver, to which bouquets aro attached. Clusters of six heavily frosted gold balls, set with turpuoisea whore the bells conuect, are prettypendants for the chetehtine. Fine broadcloths and ladies' cloths are said to bo used in Paris for bridesmaids' dresses, and sometimes even for bridal dresees. Tulle bonnets aro worn at the theatres and for any dressy occasions, and roses and other artificial flow - ors are used to deoorato them. The short, jaunty sealskin jacket is tho faehionablo wrap this season for dressy young ladies, and loony pretty variations are aeon. Osatlized silver lace phis in the form of a torkoy'e claw are popular. Atwater /11110 design represents silver log with a tiny gold frog upon it. Pouch brocades are extensively used for very dressy toilets. The patterne, aro exquisite aud the group& 1100 changeable and haauti. fully illinninated. TIIII OUTLOOK 1e011 CftetaitIEREES. Prof. Itobortsort gave au exteusive and compactly pat paver on the above subject at the Creernery As sociatiou last, week., II° thought 000 weakness in azoamery work UM tho lack of eutintsiasui. lo an ordinary section of 1,000 cows, 125 lbs, of dairy butter Wi1.8 made par head, when by the use of the croatnory au extra price of six mints per lb. could be got, which =ant $7,500, the distribution of which in labor, ma tonal, etc., throughout tho section would benefit it largely. Nine hundred millions of pounds of but. ter were made annually, of which only fifty millions wero tnado in creameries. He detailed instances where a $50 per acre farm had risen in value to $200 per acre, by going into good stook for dairying. An. other farmer who formerly sold only $800 of stuff off his farm now sold off $6,000 of dairy producte, $8,000 of 11/111011 Wad profit. They most pueli the value of this interest to the farmers by agitation and educa- tion. A farmer who planned, thought and road for bwo hottre after suppet and got up two hours leaar in tho mornieg 11 this ago wan go- ing to get ahead 0( 11)0 early to boil °aria, to risoinan. 13311 he must net and with a pnrposo. They should attract farinctus to tho creatnory. They eliould force a home market, ! by pitting their creamery 1)1311001)1 to competition with dairy butter right itt the eitiee and towne of On- tario, and when pooplo got mous- tooled to the superior article they would not go back to an inferior one. They ehonld encourage their patrons to got, better kook ; ten goo(1 men in neighborhood with ins- pcoved dairy atoelt would do good 101 11 crettonory ; farruors learn from oue anotber ; they had the improtoe ion that when any [este were at. (0111 p1011 at the Karin, they had the whole treeenry of Ontario at their book, Tho nettle woro to malice tho 01101 01 cream, to improve the quultty of (nunnery hotter, and the profit and prise would then follow. Thore were clangors and lhfliouhiuo; Neu should have a botternsaltevs Inspector awl instructor, uanotiugs of patrons to compare notes, and elmuld paha out Mai feasibility of winter dairyitig by the nee of Gush - age. Butter should be put on the market in its best state and not held over for a higher prime. There was a bright futon of profit before the creamerion if the Creamery Aesocia- tion would wake up to its work of inetruetion, and plea the facts and figures boforo tbe farmers, In reply to Mr. Fuller, Mr. Rob• ortson said by tabulatiug statemonts of femora throughout the Province, he bolieved they only got one poond of butter from 88 of milk. lir. Fuller eaul in his section 25 lbs. of milk was the averago. This could easily be reduced by proper dairy stock aud scieutific methods to 20 lbs., whiell would givo the country one millton and and 11 half dollars more profit. It was stated that fully quarter of the milk was usually wasted, Canadian Nowet. The new Manitoba Ministers wore sworn in lest week. • Baird, Oonservative, was elected in Queen's, N. 13., by a majority of 79. It is authnitatively stated that Premier Mere= hat sailed for 11 remota Komptvillo and Spencervillo, iu Greuvillo Comity, aro 1180 in terror by tho threats of opponents of the Scott Act. All kosher:11 31 loIng bn.nasee at Ottawa havo 1' 01111 to introduce) new machinery, (0111111 will melte lathe of tab edginge formerly thrown en the river. Premier Grennway lute 140(391 an address to his coosiftnents, ontlin. ing the policy of his Government, which nicludes 13, rodistribution of - soots and manhood suffra e Examination into the financial affairs of Manitoba by tho now Govern emit .911044 that they were left in a frightful stato of disorder by the Norquay Administration. The population of Montroal prop er, according to the Dominion two. sue of 1881, eves 141,000, and of bin same wards at the ohm of 1886 it Wag, according to the city payees. ors, 171,277. John Wallcor, hotel keeper, of Ktncerdine, refuteed to give ovidenee 130(011 Police Magistrate R. Iramm. stone in a =so in which he was charged with selling liquor, and ails committed to jail for five days. lIodgme, Master in Ordinary, on Saturday announced that the directors 0( 1110 Central Bank would be called upon to explain the disap- pearance of $600,000 reported pro- fits ()tawny October 81st and Nov- embea 1511). A baker named Delorme, io lighting a lire with kerosene at Smile Ste, Mario, Ont., on Monday night, was burood to death by the ezploeiou of 1413 oil oan, 01. bakory aud photograph gallery were also burnod to tho ground. A Toronto girl about 113 yomrs of ago, living with hoe prolate on George area, had been troublod with nouralgie, and Wednesday the pain becarao so intense that one of her oye-balle burst. Tho doctor waaoalled in. and after an oxamin- ation removed the ball from its socket, Tho pain has left and the girl is doing nicely. 111 18 definitely settled that Han. T. B. Pardoe, Commissioner of Crown Lands, will not occupy his place in the Legislative A.seerobly dnring the approaching session. His deputy, Mr. White, visited him on business n, row days ago and found him looking much better, Mr. Pazt. dee has been assured by his physt- nians that a winter spent ,in the South, freo, from work and care, will improve his health vory much, [hero being every reasog to hope for a comploto restoratio4 from his presont malady. Mr. l'ardeo will accordingly leavo Ins lions° next week for Florida, svhere he will spend tho remaindor of tho whiten. The duties of the department are well curled on by Me. White, tho Deputy Couniseimmr. Ono of the abhor Ministers of the Grotro 40901110 tho rosponsibility 01 1110 do- partment before tho Logislature, but to which member of the Gov. 0013)3101111 thio duly 401)1 134 entruetod has 110E yet boon deciclod, Fire in Montreal oti Saturdey morning destroyed $250,000 worth of property, Tho Norgarty awl Harrison Gov. ornments 10 Menitoba oontrivad to expend nearly all the luta-yearly eubeidy of $250,000 within it few days. The voirtmisaion of Police blagls- trato Pirtridgo, of Stamm) Comity, line boon ravokuil, 011 1 110 grunna tout he exhibited bias in eases Ito. fore him. E, "remand, so/ teitor for Graham Symttigtou, MOlt, 11(48 ou tared an action against E. Horton, of St. Thomas, to recover poetteesiou of tho KIM of $82,000 left to plaintiff by his grandmother, a former reel - dent of Port Stan/ey, and of whiola Mr. Horton is administrator. Sir Clemens and Leib, Stophen or - rived iu Montreal on Tuesday on their way front Eogland. Sir Georgo sap that lie has completed an arrangement with lho Impozial Govornmont for Pacific, steamors, 0.13a that the contracts will be asvardod at ono*. Tho steamers will bo running by dna time next year. (iresteral 1"40w14. Oonvids confinad in the Eddy. vine, Ky., prieon are pormitted to give public negro minstrel shows. A wagon load of squirrele was sold at Hot Spring, Ark., a few days einoe. the vonder selling them by the bushel. Col, T. W. Higginson, the author, is a great out -of doors man, and ie devoted to the tricycle and the to- boggan. Eugene Powell, of Bloomington, D. T., got out of a sled for tho pur- pose of running behind, when one foot struck tbo other log and broko it. The collection of old and rare coins is now said to give employ- ment to a number of travelling men from each of the large cities of the country, A 11940 French device for applying perfume, is a pencil which is rub. bed on the article to bo scented. Violet, heliotrope, opoponax, aotl all the fashionable adore nro now sold in this form in P.rio. There was recant's, sold lit atm- ; bon Parts an autograph lotter of 1 lllirabeau, from prieon, for $11 ; one of Denton for $8. 80(1 030 writ- ten jointly by Robospiereo, the great Oarnot other worthies of the Re- volution, for $8. A. load of straw positing under aa eloctric light wire in Marion, Ind., tore it loose and it dropped to the ground Ischind the load. A vain - 800t1 afterward, both horses stopped able span of horses came along ou the wire and both fell dead. A Chicago dealer says that if he E had no other way of reckoning time he could tell the day of the week by I the kind of cigars he sells to those of hie customers who aro clerks. Early in the week they come in proudly and call for "two for a quarter." By Wednesday they ask for a 10 cent straight, • and whoa Friday comes their formula is "Gim- we a good 5 -center" rilAltAl IN GREY ToWNsnip X toe 5ALE.'4301,16. 10( 25, eon. 1c, 004. tslong lausszso, 11 Is partly otoarod, tito balance 4001) Wilbert:id, A. never toiling crock crosses the place and it 184431101134. od lor either Uranus or aravInit. ZIvillifKe. wise dOacros, tieing oast pert 0410 14, oun.is, nearly 131380011014loorcit d tn good state of cultivation. good f Nino born with It good otono stable undernenth and a nom faillng well is also 011 tho place, l.'ar Author particulars ap o I 1, to the nroprie tor nu the glace. Thl 1.) [1,1 nips 0110 oth. or 131Fi001131 AVE 14 0, Propriotar. 1.541 3 Srsausisnateumissists r".4114,79P4INTS„ CSIteata.uwIsoueli 54341 Trade Marks scoured ono an other patent clams ill tho Patout Wilco and hefork, the 001370. urosnp tly (01111 moony attended to. 113Q)) rogoitit In313- ,)7 skolsgl of intonation, terse careful examination, and (411913 143 40 tiatentebilitY Free of Charge. l'ues moderate, tx/91 I wake An charge unless patent 100(10)0(1. infOrni- ation, 0.1go sol spooisl rofsres,,, tint on l%jlt1l'litiO( 311. Ic Irrii 1,1, , SStOn. 11.0., 31.8.1atent Ogle°, 19. Positive ›14 IIlf rr.• "*.ss, eff.T.T"T"'M F" -Ft ''''e1',41,• FACTS MEN ALL AGES. OB' %CAN. ei.)M1C3:PM'C lTO. .T.12 /41.4rxtrtan., 1 Renting, and Knhihnor of Medicines, rir tt:o terrible C012473)S1l616000 OrgrldiFICre110112, E01p9s:ITO 113(1 W.OT-TI\TC+, 0i4= Who are broken 300-t iron11, )10;1 Will D1.1811 No. 33 a. radios 1 cure for nervous c1,141:cr, S'eSSILLSW, i0013ttliltArrYit1,1 10050.9. 010. 11450P00130 44033 400174-9,. h7{.D 7,50 thocu..-Want of energy, vertigo, went of purg0Se, clizmie4d ofwant eeemienee, avoieenee Of conversation, doslre for 95111n1, it -LI... .•.. to fix the attention 011 t1 particular subloot s(13'3'41;o, cowardice, dels—egiddiness. Itsr of memorv, excitability of tamper, riper. 111i1101111001, c r of ' 1u,r-11 of sulf,lon;. c,r marital exoess—iropu- tansy, innut.riti,41,. 94: 9,01,1194,M of '1.10 hear!, hysteria feelings in females, tronabline. nu ir, .1 W.,: riong uto., aro 131 03:1033(0018 01 thls terrible habit, oftentimes j11,499m11.,, rt3110e,1. 7.11/90, tllo ...c vital force having lost its tension, every !attains wants is cnint-gtestne. Soler:tithe writer:and the sunerintendente of insane toyll 11hu. , tho affects of zelf-abune the great 211eioritY of wOeted lives wii"oh en ,,n31 -r netire. If you ern ineompetent for the arduous 8511,0 01 busin,r,, for :he ohjoymeutl of 11fu, No. s offers an °nano from rho offeetElor tutt1y vie.. If y...n ricvnuari 11 ;voc,ic, ,;111 348 44011 full vigor and strength. If von ay.. 1,01l11.1 T,Ilysicr,lly and morally (001) 00,1•1y imaiscrotion, the result of ignorance 051 0,12', send your address and 0,111.i0 in st.u...11,0; for DI. V. LUSolVff 44000(111Tr,1191 1.1) 11o41: Pam on 3)1053)105,3)5is5 Of Man. c;,,,,lecl geeurn from observation, Address all nonnhonieations to N. 17. 134.1.15011. 47 werstirmlorr 315 r„, Toronto, A Man without wisdom livra la a fool's 7075,135. mg ei:reDREE0. HEAL 711E 010E. • 01 P,r11111.10aMinVICI.,17A20414,16:9110.11 Paihiless Outs. STOVES ! STOVES ! Can and See Our Bargains in. Stoves. :handsomest Coal Stovos in the Market. SILVERWARE! PLUM & CLARKE, LAMP GOODS ! GI eneral Blacksmiths, . AND CUTLERY W1s11 10 1011100010 to the Public; generrdly AiWityil 011 HMO. that they do all kinds at Blackmailing 111 a Workmanliko Manner, 'Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and eaters madu to (halm% Repairing promptly Executed. 130 14)11)10 a Specialty of Iforse-shocing. 0n11 Solicited. Ialfranember- tlic 13tan11-1,1'1M. 11111 131;1110111. Plum &Clarke. REJOICE AND BE GLAD. A 1,030 FELT WANT SUPPLIED. Having ars:tinged. with CHAR- LES RAYIVOND, of Guelph, I will have a inan ovary FRIDAY to repair sowing machines". , All Work Guaranteed or no pay. EAVETROUGH1NG SPEOIALTY. liayoroft 84 Turnbull. 14,11,!,.1 T 44, "Iww AND THE LEADING NEWSPAPER OF GANADA ?1, THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED DAILY GLOBE, Morning rditIOn, s $$.00 par 011190101. 64 " 12 0'0100k 3400 " if 14 3 46 66 3.00 IA 66 WMISIKLY WADE, • SAINDDAy DAILY GLOBE, - 1400 " 16 1.00 ft 11 acereat editions of ThethOtoluobee ocuT Cbaen procured from MI News DC'eirra - THE GLOBE SPECIAL FAST TRAIN - - bli.vecil Toronto and London, which has been running daily 5)0130 10(1 March !ay.will be continued throughout r888. This train arrives at London a' 6 40 :11, nint,inft; connection with all the early trains from that point, 8ecurizn.: ror r941 GIob. 11 delivery throughout Western Ontario hours in 00111100 of all Toronto poporo, TO ADVERTISERS --- NI an advertising mettles!), The Globe has no equal in Catincia, Its 101!,,1,1.1'h 0:14'919113 at head or its editorial columns far in 13ring along, your ola • 31„ 4..1 011400 C310ot11.011 papers,. and it is tho intention 11; "Ian. t,o kocp The Globe in its p131136900(1101 an fl‘"le 1,Fseelisig ahinos havo thorn ropairoil N'N,P311Pir; PAW:A, h.,th in point of eircuiation and influence. right. GEORGE LOVE, E C OBE RHINO CO. Sowing Aluchino King. TORONTO