HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-1-27, Page 22
Directory' of Churohos, and Sooiotio6,
812ILviLLe inen,—Sabbath Services
t ndR hc.hc
atllwn.aud0:'1Ut1nt, Sunday G.111.
at 3;80 p in, Ret John Ross B A•,
Nana Clltuieu.--Sable th Services at 11
',t. 01. and 0:30 p. ru. Sunday School at
2:30 p. m. Bev. S. Jones, pastor,
ST. Joua's ('In Rctl.—Sabbath Services
ort 11 a.m. and 7 p.nt. Sunday School at
8:80 a.m. Bev. W. T. Cliff, incumbent.
M•ET110insT eu atti.--Sabbath Services
at 10:80.13. m. and 6:80 p. m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p, m. Rev, M. Swann,
Bot CATIL01.IC Cnrneu.---Sabbath
i orviee third Sunday in every month, at
11 a.m. Rev. 1'. J. Shea, priest.
ODD FELLOWS' Loran: every Thursday
evening, in Orahaui s block.
Masoain Lonna Tuesday at or before
full -moon, in Garfield block.
A, U. U.W. Luuca 011 let and 3rd Mon-
day evenings of each month.
FO1t1:eTERT' Loien 2nd and last atonday
evenings of each month, in Smale's hall,
L. 0. L. 1st Monday in every month,
in Orange Hall.
POST 0eexe .—Office hours from 8 a.m.
7:30 p.m,
&adrenice' IasrrrCT1 , Reading Room
and Library, in Holmes' block, will bo
open from 6 to 8 o'clock n:m. Wednesdays
And Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Lib.
Lb ibrcn's o111Ct",
but where 130 need it twit, eoltaiu of
finding,it there unless etolo- moan.
while, wbioli is often the nese. This
farmer's laud wee given biro ; tic is
debt and eam
tns of hard ard
and bad luck ; 'pends eveUiugs at
the grocery discussing the tariff' on
wool and tobacco; ha has no shelter
for his sheep, but ample storage for
"the weeds."
The dwelling and outbuildinga of
the other farmer are always neatly
painted, tense in good order, each
tool stored in its place, tuo stock all
housed, lie and his family tidily
clothed, he is out of debt and bee a
good bank account, although he be-
gan with lit, le. He attributes his
8&0123088 to tho pereIOlt'nt care of
everything tont c0300a into leis pos•
seaaiou. He says his father had a
place for everything, and required
his boys to Beep everything in place,
so they could put their hands on any
tool or implement in the darkest
night. Many tinges when a tool had
been carelessly loft out of place his
tallier would in some way detect the
culprit without asking questions,
and then when night set In be would
Ask for that tool and send the guilty
ono to (;ct it, Once this man was
called out of bed in a stormy night
and required to go half a mile into
the woods to got an axe he had
thoughtlessly left. "Stich constant
SAVED. drilling," he says, "made a man of
A Christian lady bad collected a mo." ---Galen Wilson, Tompkins
Jot of wild ptregt boys into a class, ( Co., N. Y.
And ffgd trying to reedit Gi?ero1 when,
one day else noileeal that of 3118131 I HOUSEHOLD I11 'rs.
h _l-
had filii:11 itscu '1
He's drunk, said his ragged little Scatter powdered alum on shelves
companions, laughing, Or 0u1 3318 1 infested with ants.
there was n0 use trying to do any. J Spotted veils are considered by
thing with him then, but three Jaye oculists to be very trying and inlur.
ious to the eyes
"PECTORIS." loosens the phlegm. "Pool
torio" soothe the inflamed bronohia-
tubes. "Peotoria" never fails to euro a
caugb 3r cold, "Peetoria" 23 cents a
Milk which has 'hanged may be
rendered fit for use again by stir-
ring in a little soda.
Tack a piece of ticking inside
your wardrobe door an d keep pons
patterns there.
A. SORE sten of rain oO that you moire
a dose or two of Dr, 'Carson's Stomach
Bitters. Pains in tee back and limbs,
headache, feverish cold, oft reenring at-
tacks of the "bines," Large bottles 50
Dyspeptics who u e coffee will do
well to take it in small quantities,
black and strong, without milk.
Apple sauce is mucic improved by
the addition of a teaspoonful of but-
ter, and requires less sugar.
On yes! I should think so. The first
dose made me feel like a now person ; the
invariable answer to the question did Dr.
()arson's Stomach Bitters help you?
Koroeoee will soften boats and
shape that have (leen hardened by
water, and render them pliable as
afterwards she saw him and gees -
Vaned him.
Yes, I was drunk, that's it fact,
said Johnny, as frank as could be.
I didn't mean ter let yer see me,
'cause I kind o' love yer ; but I
couldn't help it,
Why, Johnny, you shouldn't say
so. You could help it,
No ; yer see, I've got so used to it
I can't step.
Ch, I'm eo sorry. What wile it
that ever made you begin to drink ?
I learnt it when I ruined errands
for Mike Dooley, down to Willary
street, He keeps a liquor store and
be give use the rum and sugar in
the bottom o' the glasses for my
Johnny, it would be terribly to
Lave you die a drunkard. I can't
bear to think of it, Won't you try
to give up drinking, if I'll toll you
how you can ? Juhnuy thought a
I deal b'lievo I could. I've got
so need to 4., you see If I go with -
cut, I feel r•, gone hero,—putting
his 1 and 2n Lis stomach.
There were tears in the gentle
teacher'a eyes. Juhnny looked upnew
end saw thorn, and was touched. He I Infants under three months of
began to reconsider. 1 age should not be given arrowroot
I-1 dnuno but I'd try, If 1 or other starchy foods, for they can-
thought it would make you feel bat• not digest them.
ter. The bostrogulators for tho stomach and
God bless you, Johnny I Do headacqhe eineelte0 loll oandilall an8otitioae
you give me your hand on it, and a oe l3 ou mro nleondaeroTA iii er,Livor I Pills.
say you'll stop drinking, honest 13ud Smuuta etie, angor coated mild, yet et -
true? `There was a pretty long teen Dru Bots 0bottle. Sold by G. A.Doad-
panso than. Johnny was making a Charcoal is recommended as 1611
Mighty effort. absorber of gases in the milk room
Yes'ise, be said, (and be drew s where foul gases are present. It
long breath), I'll promise to drink should be freshly powdered and kept
no ,non. for your sake, 1 there continually.
It ought to bo for Jesus' echo, To seed raisins easily, pour hot
Johnny. , water over them, let it remain a
Could he make me keep my prom -
the ? You ask him, can't you ? then drain off. The hot
Fluidly euro of the boy's moan. water 100san8 the needs, and they
Ing, the question was so unexpected, come out clean.
the kind teacher nevertheless knelt nameless, xhut Hate, &C.
down immediately. Johnny knelt, 1T10h,oor wwo araerbaltdowoevwe tgrh ayahuinf
300, and when she had prayed, he shouldtnveettn abottleofDr.Doranwe,rd'e
Hair Ma ic1' It ie the anent preparation
said he guessed he would ask for for the hair and 6oaln now in use. It la rap -
himself. idly touperoodiug all other 11oir roams. It
sgtopsfaning, restores the Original color to
"fiord J1281.12 up in heaven, please erne' heir
b ndroriblodraees,wile/ ether(' are
help a little fellow as wants to be Haog rowth o(hair. Do not wait nnttl too
good, and don't never let him drink late but get a bottle at once. G. A. Dead-
man and J.IIarµxooves & Co., Agents, erns
A Ilfiohigau town boaste of a girl
six foot nine inohoe tell, When a
follow gets a hies from hor he has
to say' please, and please, and do l't you forget
i t.
There are now six different pain -
leas methods of extracting teeth, Ana
every one of thein 18 1ltrr1nted to
melte a fellow feel his inv& hoar bete
lu days gond by, when a school-
boy was punished by being made to
sit with giris there was no complaint
of over flowing in Our colt1m03)
Leap year has boeu here less
than three weeks, and already a
young WOnlau 1u New York ie ening
a man for braaoli of promise. And
ho declares that she did the propos•
It tapes sixteen Jaye for a Lap-
lander to marry the girl of his
choice, but after ho has got her the
mother -in law can approach his
hone only at the peril of her own
.3. too fair oua.—He—I declare,
Miss Angelina, you treat me worse
than your dog ! She—Oh, Mr. do
1tlorgyne, how can you say eo ? I'm
sure I never made the eligheet air
(0reece between von 1
Professor de Morgan found out by
mathematical oomputation, that an
eggshell is so strong as to be able
to support a man's weight. People
who doubt this eau put one in their
coat-tail pocket and try it.
ruin any more. Amen." sale.
That was Johnny's prayer. And The best thing for a burn ie, wet
he meant 1t. All hie conduct elnce the burn with cold water, then cover
has proved how truly in earnest the the burn with wheat flour so thick
little street boy was when ho aakod it will keep out theair, keep it on,
for the Lord to help him keep a it will prevent blistering.
promise made to hie teacher, A decided improvement in the
"'cause he hind o' loved her." He eating bib for children is made of a
is living lea goad situation in the towel. It is better to have the
country, and bids fair fair to grow towel white. Hollow out the nook
up a conscientious, upright man. before binding, and bind with white
A COUPLET FOR BOYS, tapTable lineup should always be
For the benefit of boy readers I hemmed by hand, Not only do
describe two farms and their owners they look mere dainty, but there is
familiar to me. Tho buildings of never a etreek of dirt under the edge
ono aro dilapidated, several window after being laundriod, as with Ma -
panes out and their places filled with chine sewing,
old hate and rags ; fences down,
stook only partly housed, family un-
kempt, and tools scattered. I saw
on that farm in December a nearly
new spring tooth harrow in the field
where used last at wheat -seeding, n
grubbing hoe hanging on the fonee
whore loft last spring, an auger all
rusty on the woodpile outdoors, and
a hog -Look on the ground where it
was a year ago. This farmer loaves
ell •tools whoro used last. I did Dot
believe this possible until a neigh•
bor who borrow frets him 3,31cn told
me ha never 'site where a tool is, t etetedi have a supply.
Young preachers should pitch at
once into the old men in front pews
who belong to chanties and also
cheat iu their business and are illus
setting a bad example to the yonud•
er iron who not to be good.
Wife—t found an egg in the coni
bin thio morning. That's a queer
place for a hen to lay in. Ilus
bund—Just the place, my dear,
just the place. W --Just the place ?
H—thy, oertaiuly. If our hens
begin to lay in coal for us, wo wOn't
need tonna how the price goes up.
Nota Book Agent.
pfr. Deadman, Druggist, Is not o book
agent, but has the agency in Brussels for
Johnson's Tonle Bitters, which he can
heartily recommend for any uamplaint to
which a tonic mediolno is oppiioabte. This
valuable medicine has boon used with most
aetonieltingly good reeulte is oases of gener-
al dobitity, weakness, irregularities peculiar
to females, extrema paleness, impoverish.
meat of the blood, stomach and livor
troubles ,lose of appetite, and for that gen.
oral worn-out feelingbhatnearly every ono
istrouoled with at come part of (ho year.
Don't forget the name, Johnson's Tonic
Bitters,50s.and 311 er bottle at Doadman'e
drug store. Brussels,
Pitzwalter : Chutteleigll, old
cbappie, I was tallifng with Miss
Buttonwood last night about that
awful cad Samson, and I said he
was a concettea blockhead, Slee
Said : r don't kuoiv any one better
qualified to judge on the eubject,
and she laughed heartily. What did
she mean,
Mistress—Why can't you remem-
ber, Bridget, when I tell you a
thousand times ? I don': like al-
ways to be scolding you for forget-
ting. Amiable but forgetful servant
—Faltll, mum, you don't scold, it's
quite pleasant you are, alum. The
Met lady I lived wid used to come
out into the kitchen and stamp her
feet and throw things at lie.
A good story is told concerning
the Rev. Mr. Daft, who took intense
delight in thing the largeet words
he could command with endiese re.
dundances. Sitting iu a room with
n lady, on whom he was calling, he
surprised her with the enquiry, Ma.
dam, will yon allow me to decapit-
ate with the bioopated forceps the
superfluous fungous extremity of
yen nocturnal luminary ? What
did you say, sir? Madam, I will
repeat for your further illumination
my previous interrogatory ! He re-
peated the sentence. I really don't
know what you mean, Mr. Daft.
Then madam, I will pr000ed with-
out further ceremony to perform
the necessary operation. And so
seying, he snuffed 111e candle.
A physician says : If tt child
doee not thrive ou fresh milk boil it.
This is too severe. Why not spank
How to become a violinist ? It 18
neceissary to learn to piny a little on
the violin, but the chief thing is to
cultivate your Hail'.
Go to elr1Dgera for charity, ne-
quaintancee for odvico and to rela-
tives for 311(12ing raid you will a1-
r �
l,C ,r .l �u�D .
.Ll V l., V S
6.i, x'01„
of Private Funds have lust been
placed in my hands for In-
Borrowersean have their loans
complete in three days if title is
Apply to E. E. WADE.
Sootoh oat Jia
A now stook of Buffalo Robes,
Goat Robes, Horse Blankets,
Rugs, Bells, Whips, &c., just to
A splendid d i sortment of
Trunks, Valises and Satchels in
Stock and sold at living prices.
TI. Dennis,
Thanking the public for past favorsand
support and wishing still to secure your
patronage. We aro opening out futilities
There are now five prisoners in
the Brant county jail awaiting trial
for burglary.
1VIr. Peudleberry, a Brantford
man, fell on the ice at Lovojay'e
pond and broke his nose.
Hon. T. B. Pardue, Mrs. and
Mies Pardee left Sarnia ou Thurs-
day for 8911 Augustine, Florida, to
remain during the winter,
The Brantford ifire Department
has decided to hold a monster fire-
men's tournament in that city dur-
ing the coming summer, about the
month of July.
S. M. Thompson has been elect-
ed chairman, of the Brantford School
Board, and he recommends the
adoption of tho kindergarten eys,
tole in that town.
A resolution was passed at the
recent session of the Southwold
Council requesting the local min-,
inters tc open the 8000ione of the
Council with prayer, but it lues sub-
eegllently rescinded,
At the 13nnuel mooting of 61, An-
drew'' Church, Toronto, Bev, D. J.
1tIacdonnell's salary was increased
to $1,500. The collections flow
amount to $107 per Sunday, and
i the total revenue to $10,614.
from established and reliable makers,
fully warranted by us.
Cboek,s of ti33e
Latest Desig ms.
Wedding Rings,
Ladies Gent Rings,
Earrings, iso.
Also have in stook a full lino o'3 Violins
and Violin Strings. dm
N. B.—Issuer of Marriage Lieensos.
T. Fletcher.
Tet Tho Best 9
The Western
DYE nTtat
,Stff'ldr/I',mpluynicii((0 (I owl Hen,
VasAll thio Novel Mu/strut/0 Popular Deportnets
Home Beading 12 Pages Regularly
Balance of 1S87
Free o
JAN. 27, 1888.
'\,Y 11. D1C.A.1ODIN,
(1liNJiltAJ A(( RI(ITl,'1'lf13A1, 111f-
PI1';'1tJ'IN`i AGEN'r,.
le i t U
K 19 1 A A.A ,
➢i tl !�
None 110&!(1 bo Id10. Pt'e1'iolts handles T. Hendry ,1 Sons Straw
Experience not essential, Cutters Orme (.rushers, Moine Pokers.
Totten Bros, Pea Harvesters and Steel
We Iles
either bi'ter's or LAM-
II arrows, Satisfactiuu (luara tisotl.
LOTS .100:14 ,'L LJi,
To all now subscribing for the year 1888,
at the low price of [[jj11
$1 27:2 .ASTST'rTM
and Turnip J ulpers and Slicers. Also
100 Men 1Kalnter.
To Canvas for the Salo of- Can-
atlitan.grown Nursery Stock.
The 'out1iI11 Nilrqurley,
Largest iii (la nada,
O2'er 400 Acres.
Don't apply unless you can
furnish first-class References, and
want 10 work, No room for lazy
then, but can omploy any nidi& =�� It ANu Sat'& Meatsber of energetic men Who want
WOr]t.-ADDl11iso Of rho beet 3110313 always ou hand and dc -
to a„y part pf 31,0 villy.ga Iran of
Stone t Wellington, Termsvorytnyorable.
1 UJ11S13R1'11I18N,
l'oronto, Ont.
1TTTir t'i t•,r-rrnr•r�
11e will aleo soil lots Nos, 28 and 21 on
Graham's Survey, three sores each.
Lot No. 4, Toruberry street, with house,
well, garden do. all complete. A com-
fortable house and nicely situated lot,
(No, ii Queen St. east) in 1Vroxetor is also
offered for Halo, will bo sold oheap and on
reasonable terms.
'fain til reel, - Brussels,
For wbiah the highest market prldd Will
he paid.
I also make a specialty of buying nidos
and Skins.
Don't forget the place next door to
Fletcher's Jewelry Store. A• CURRIE.
is prepared to attend to . 1 .P.2 J Y O UR
Carriage Painting '
in all its branches, as well as
Sign and
.-AND -
—DOING 130e1::7;eI IN--
==a,..t.M�xsM-ZDS1 3
Having for its Object to collect irons all
that's possible to reenact fro= , then pub-
lish the names ofAll that cannot or will not
pay, which 1153 it, Supplied to every member
of the Association throughout Canada and
United Steteh. The/ membership now num-
baring ri,ptl31' thousands, and ie acknowledg-
ed byaIlbobattle meet powerful orgenlc-
atioo0a existence for the -
He has had years of exper-
ience and guarantees his
work to give satisfaction. A r'i'g
well painted is half sold,
Talmage's and Other Sormon'e 1
DEW/Dont Muetoai Solootions1
International Sunday ScaoolLoasons,l
A limited number of this beautiful pre-
mium picture is offered subscribers
for 10 cents extra.
Tho Wootern AMvortioor ane Promiuin
EStnllateS 131141
frilly given.
Having nver300Letablisbad Agencies.
Membership Fee : 1st y0111. $10 ; ::nil year
81 00 t and year $0, If renewed with.
tonne 'cheer -1111 mount afterr(Ombersb,p
And upon receipt of which, Certificate of Membership. tlelidu ant book, full a apply of
notleos with complete instructions for using
Assooration will be sent. Send for Wail/non-
! Iola.
GIVE 111131 A. CALL.
.,FOR .i.�.o.
Agents wanted everywhore. Twenty-
five valuable prizes to bo 'wanted over
and above the oash 00,nmi5eion to the
most successful agents Registered let•
tors come at our risk. For free sample
papers, terms to agents, etc., address,
2+o1>ct.osa, 00s1,
Shop in the old 'Pow Publishing ; ►. it➢oevl:r r, 8311,15.12 E* 8( res
House, Bing street, Brussels, i- -
Loan & investment Co.
This Oolnpany is Loaning Money
on Farm Security at LowrsT
RATES or IeltraR]:ST.
Yoe can have The Western Advertiser
and Its beautiful Premium, together
11111041cDost, for ISl8,for only le:::°G, S t t 11 Guci a.nlaeti I.
Mortgages Purchased.
8, 4, and 5 per cent. Interest
allowed on Deposits, according
to amount and time let,
OFFICE.—Corner of Market
Square and North Street, Godo-
Horace Horton,
Woolen Mill.
R. Forsyth 3 Son, formerly of
the Wroxeter Woolen Mills, beg
to inform the Poitiers in this vi-
cinity that they have Now in Op-
eration a Woolen Mill in Blyth,
and hope that by adhering
to their old plan of making noth-
ing but Sound, Durable Goods
and trust that by so doing to
meet a liberal patronage.
of all kinds promptly and cafe-
fully attended to.
The H1G1n 8T P138011 paid, for
Wool in Exchange for 'Tweeds,
]fall Cloths, Flannels, Yarns, etc.
A Trial Soi'lc1ied f
by addressing ' a s tic 420
w-. u...:II l>1•r,
3)i.Lsssas, ONT.
New Shoo Store.
h'orinerly- of Goderich, wishes to
inform the Public generally that
he has opened out a Custom
Boot & Shoe Store
Opposite the American Hotel
and is propared to take Orders
for all Kinds of
CUSTO10E W011akE.
Nono but First -Class Workmen
Employed and a Perfect Fit
Repairing neatly done.
Oe/2ee141,41elt eielirlesioe'llolet.
crust opening out a large
and well selected Stools of
Xmas Goods for the
• TOYS',
"Pond" Bookstore,.
R. Forsyth &, Son., Beautiful stock of Albums.