HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-1-27, Page 1ft ru Jets Volume 18. COMMUNICATIONS. The Milk in the Cocoa Nut. To 111e Realtor en Tin: 1'nsr. limo Sinn -You no doubt I'avo hoard of adnlont, nnod], d-forand tour, ilouaattacke upon rho Brussels post master for the past few months, although very little hoed is now padd to these vnporinga as the public know Mtir. Grant's qualiflcatin s for the positiou 110 ltold0 it greet deal better than the moo who toots, has little horn (ivory week. But, 11fr, Editor, it is not to ray tine that 1 adilres0 you but to tot' you that 111'r0 is a power behind rho thtono and the simple editor is mala 8 1to01 pigeon for this other gabby, meddle- some, oill'.tongned individual. How do you know this 7 yon malt. Well, the per. son throned to Iles made it his bullion to canvass everybody ho thought hod a grievanco, whether groat or srna 1, and made himIalf offohsiv.ly ingni5itive au playitg Poul 'Pry, I know thio to he true. I'll give the wheel another turn and toll you that this same man le Brno Bels' prospective postmaster, end I 14111 credi'ably informed that he visited the Inspector and made 8 personal applies. Lion. Something after the order of an undertaker in tho West; who wont and measured a man for his coffin while the latter wao ill, but the man r000verod and dug the undertaker's grave. I take platoon•° in mimloking deoepti0ns, and I've hoard of people who burned their jingero by playing with lire. I would give the following old-fashioned advice to this man, who apparently has not much to do in his own lino :"Those having bnsiuors will please attend to their busi- ness and go about their business, in order that others may attend to their business, and if you are ant of husir„ss you will so,,11 find business by attending to your own business." I have a few other plainer thins I would like to soy but forbear for tho present. Brunets, Jan. 25. ONE INTERVIEWED. "Wonderful and Marvellous Operation." BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JAN. 27, 1888. Number 29. 10 the Editor of 'ram Pori. DEAR Stn. --My attention has been cu. r.eo•od to a great deal of professional, or ranter unprofessional, ndvor'tising. during the last few mouths, both in the t ews- pap. rs of this and surrounding villages, whioh is altogether reprehoesiblo in the, ears of the medical prof, 0910)1, and also mieleadh.g aid grossly deceptive to the public. Sumo time ago an article ap. p0a'ed in your columns, it was also re- hashed and stint to the Expositor, setting forth that Dr. McKelvey, of this village, had p,rfo,me11 et "wonderful and mar- vellous operation" viz., ovariotomy, also Gott it had only been performed once 5, e1 usefully in 11115 county, both of whioh ta0,ortions, ore absolutely false and mis- leading. In the first plane it would ho into eating, since there has boon so much blowing and puffing about this "wonderful and marvellous operation," fa the public) to know the true position this operation holds in the field of sur. gory. It is one of tho very simplest of the major operations, one that is attend. od by the least mortality and can &°a00- ly bo termed dalgorous, as the following statistics will effectually show : Lawson 'Gait performed 100 ennsooutive eases with only ll deaths ; Thomas Keith, of Edinburgh, 79 without a death; Knowles - Thornton from Feb. 1882, to Feb., 1884, two years, performod this oporntion on 73 patients, taking them fu ,u000ssion, and they all recovered without a single death ; Granville Bantook, who visited Canada Inez August, on his way to the Mo,t:rel Congress, in Washington, had at that tamp operated on (10 consecutive +:uses, without a death. But it Wright be advanced that these men aro eminent and stand at *ho head of the profession, then let ns note the work of those in comparative obeourity. Take Skeno Keith, a young marl with no practical ovperionee about 8 years ago had 0(111 2 deaths in the fit 51 fifty cases of his life- time; Dr. M. r'oclith had 50 oases and 4 deo ells, ono of w111011 did 1101 result frau tiro operation ; Dr. Welker, of Petor- boro', hod 10 eases and 01,0 death. It has (woo been porton' ed by et Doman in 01111111 in 1884, Miss Elizabeth Roifsny- dcr, of the .American Woman's Union i,i.e ion, was the operator. All the oases that have boon performed by 100141 11101, iu this Connty and vicinity, have, been sn:cenaful and even the first man who attempted ovariotomy, Ephrnitn Mc- Dowell, of Kentucky, was suoseesful in 1115 very trot case. I could go on muhd- plyieg to any longth such statistics but sorely the abovo is sufficient to prove to rho satisfaction of auy reasonable meson that it is far from being a ''wonderful and m801101 on8 operation," )1OW sound- orful y Wonderful it ie to elo a thing that 'has been donothousands and thousands of times before 1 What msrvollous mar- vels some mon taro capable of 1 I °halt- onge Dr, McKelvey, or thotperson who in- serted it for flim, to disprove tho above statements. Again, it is stated that it has only boon performed once 5ulaeeefully in this County. This is also maavcllouti- ly false, Dr. Stewart, tato of Brueofield, has performed it 8, if not 4 times, sod - dolefully. Dr. ILarlburt, late of Bruce. field, now of Mitoholl, has also performed it snaoessfully, so also .Dr. Gilhee, of Teoowalor. Bosicles operations requiring far greater skill and attended by a very much greater mortality, have bean clone in this neighborhood withont any puffin{; or blowing end did not oven roach the newspapers. Thorn aro at least a dozen mon do this 00,1111)1 who are not only Willing, but quite ns capable of perform- ing the same thing, 0hould the necessity Moo in their (101101105, but }vo cannot produoo tumors end must wait for our patlelt8 to grow thOm, It 10 periiape woll we cannot or somo of 115 might be tempted to do to in order to advertiou a "wonderful and marvellous oporation." I grad glom up 1:110 idea of calling atton- [ 101, to the "metrvo11on8" exaggeration of troubling yon with a latter on 111(1 oub- ject were it not that the same M.D. ton- tanu(!e to follow no alio contemptible and nllprnfesainnnl prnotioe of having his (lama In the imperil 111 ceuneetinu with ovary little lrivu'ons accident 1,r opur• atiol i11 the ordinary couree of pfanlico, This method of 01108(1 advertising is C011 - damned by the plbfesetml 011,1 is et breach of any or all existing 110,119 of n10410E1 ethics, and is only cuunteneoc0rl by in• forior mon and 0harlatann. It is eon. sidored by the beet anon of all wont ion to altv0nr too remelt of quaokory, And 110 much 00 that no 111:111, w'i111 111001" in• 5llnc s, will allow hie name to bo 0110-1p ed eontinuonsly in thin newepapore to thole 0a808. it night bo said, 111 1(xtettt. ation, that these trtioles aro huorlOd witholb ]tis knowledge, if BO, you oditor0 must bo pretty well up in medical terms, such as "ovariotomy," "doable ovarian tumors," t&c. Ion't it "wonderfully mar. vollous" how easy you can pick up tech- nical.' terms ? I hold 111111 a parson is. comely guilty for permitting thorn to ap ear almost writ after week without protest and 00 orlitor would per0151 in doing so f' 1t wero intimated to him that it woe et violation of medical ethics and r' 1(0001031 otherwise. I am pleased to know, for tho sake of aha dignity and honor of aha profession that some of the phy-ieians here have intimated the de- sire that their names should not bo pub. lished in eonneotion with these items, rhowing tbo) have no wish to build up practice by tiny such low methods of claptrap. Wo need not go far to nook for a reason for all those quosbionablo moans of keeping one's name before the public. It' Is evidently done to bolster up a meagre( prootice and entrap the unwary, a1,d is on it par with the elver Gement of St. Jacub'o Oil and Warner's Sof,- Cores Trusting that the exagger- ation of the articlo in question is a suf- ficient justification for trespassing on your space. 10!1, yours very rospootfuldy, Brussols, Jan. 2.1, '88. War. Couleur. 13reiresieI. Pee leo ol el on rel. A spacial meeting of the above men- tioned Board was hold in the Council Chamber mt friday, Jan. 20111, 1888. Members present—Rev. Jeto. Boss, (Chairmen) F. S. Scott, A. hunter, II. Dennis and J. Hargreaves. Moved by F. S. Soott, seconded by H. De,uis, that the following accounts bo paid : B. Gerry, wood 31 76. I. 0. Richards, wood 23 35 Ilaycroft Bros., miscellaneous5 27 The Board then adjourned to moot again tIu' flr-t friday evening in rho mond) of 1'obrunry at 8 o'clock. Washington Letter. tr110at nun nommen 00111tnsroxnEN r.) waohington, Jan, 00, Boo. The Senato =do quick work of pass- ing the bill which had already passed the House, defining the amount of writing or printing which may be put upon the wrapper of a package of lower-olass mat. ter sent through the mails. This, how- ever, doos not dispose of the objeotion raises by Senator Platt to rho ruling of the Postoflioo Department on the case of the b. oks se t b, one of his constituents to the severed members of Congress. Books aro printed matter, and come within the third class, 011 suoh matter even the new law forbids the addition of anything in 1110 nature of a description of the sender's business, as for instance, in the ooze under consicloraticn, the phrase "advertising agents." This is a senseless prohibition. 'dhs distinction between third and fourth class matter was not made for the purpose of giving the fourth class any advantage over the third chitin in consideration of the highor rote of postage doluanded for it. This higher rate was coaab;ishod originally for the purpose of discouraging the needless nso of the midis for t'anoporting misoel- lanoous mechandise, as contrasted with the transportation of printed mattor, which has a ways been given speoial privileges in co,sideeatiun of its 'uppos• od educational quality. It would be a good thing if Senator Platt Nowell, or hie OOnstitnents who mailed the mattor in controversy, wati'd mrkt up a tort caro for the court8, to 8,rv0 as et pr000dont, nod shut" whether u0euriptive phrases, at joust with all fulronw advot,ves strick- en out, arc not to be aousidored a logiti- ma1 part of the address of tho sender of a third -elms package, The Lowrev- White (mltest in 1110 Meuse of Represnn- tatioes hits brought into prominence am interesting 1og11 question : whether an 111ie11, who hasbeen noutra;iz el, but whose) record of nature -Rowlett has boon lost, is at liberty to prove hie case by affidavits, Mr, White, 111e sitting meta• her, whose uitiz0ur111p hos been uallod in question, labors under a rloublo disad- vantage, I3e is himself unable to pro- duct) 11,0 pnpors issued to 1(1111, 81111, 0c- cordiug to his statement, tho court whioh natura,ized him neglectocl to make 0 record of tho transaction at rho time, now twenty years past, or more, If the court mord merely had failed, and Mr. Whit° could produce the p0pors, or if, 011 the outer hand, ho had no pipers, brit could show the °onrt record, ho would bo much hotter off. As it is, there is 0. don - germs pr0cedcnt threatened in granting his claim, and a serious possibility of in- justice in denying it, and the committee on elections will have no Otivieble task before them when they try les re0oneilc, or deoido botweon those Warring forces in their report to the Howie. - 13om0 of 1110 papers aro referring to Mr, Vitae' trans- fer from tate Postofllco to tho Interior Department as "a wall-oarnod pr0m0- tion." But is it a "promotion" 01 all ? Tho Interior Department stands last On the Cabinet list as regards ago, Presi- dent Washington began his achniuistra. Goat with 0, 00101011 of threw advieots, on. titled .respectively, the Seovobsri0s o£ 81,110, tho Treasury and War. At rho beginning of hie roma terms art Attorney. General was 8(lclod, and in 1708 the Navy Dopertmone cva0 int 100E0 from alta gen- eral department of war. 11; was not till 1820 that tho Postmaster.Oeulreel was admitted to tho Cabinet, uta) twenty years later otill that; a menthol. of 1n10cc1- taucotts buroaus woo united into 0, 1.1e- 1116rtmnult of ilio Interior. Tho rattle of seniority is oboe sed, moreover, ill 1110 order in which the Cabinet officers be- come oliaiblo to tho l'reeidenev Ruder the aucoessiun 114w• passed by the last Cron. gross so that 9'It•, Villas, in accepting the ti onager, actually consorted to step down a p0g, rather than up, and to put ltlm8elf (nether away born the ohanou of ra001. rloutal promotion to that x(1150 which all good public mon of American birth re - gout ns among the posoibilitioo of a well. rnnuded earner. The full Cowan 10ga- tie1, which reoontly arrived in Washing. ton, called at the Stato Drpartmont Tuesday and then prooe'del to the White Homo, accompanied by Scorotary Bay. and and Chief C ork Brown. They were introduced individually to tbo P000ident, who woloomod them to the United Status. After a few minnte5' ohat they withdrew to make way for the Csbinet mooting, The Coreans worn iu full dress, their silks riol'er and more voluminous, their mike more 5ot•en0, and their hats odder and Idler than ever. One of 61,0 badge• of their ceremonial oostumo is all immonso belt, width melonds several blotto; beyond the breast. Dr. Allen, the foreign secretary of bee legation, acted 115 interpreter.—L, Finally-ettled, ' Some persons have been asking tines. tions in the War C•y, in rho Curious Column, in last wook's issue and as thov bear on very common place and practical matters we reproduce them and the an - ewers given, a' follows :— CetsnTs V5. 1105Tr,E5. 1. 10 there auy harm in wearing cor- sets? If not whore is the harm of a bootlo? Many people die through tight lacing etc. I never hoar of anyone dying from wearing a bustle. "Wo don't quite understand what you aro getting at, or if you intend to make out a case against the "corset" or Due in favor of tho "bustle." Howovor, we cannot go into those questions in a health sense or uponany disputed points of their effect upon the wearers. Our point is this, all thoso thhnrs aro the outcome of the spirit of worldliness, they aro con- (eived in the desire for personal attrac- tion and to draw to the person or the ivearor the admiration of the beholder. They oro extravagant, immodest, and suggestive of evil, and this b.-ing so are contrary to the spirit of true religion, and repugnant to tho instincts of all Christlike peoplo. In salvationists they are a denial of the position the wearers have talion, a scandal and grief to their 00111ra1108, a stnmbling.blook in the way of sinners, a laughing -stock to the world at large, and the devil is well pleased therewith. xrssna0 'rola BRIDE. 2. Is it a custom or a rule at hallo- lujair waddings for officers or soldiers at the oloso of the ceremony to kiss the bride or to struggle for the first salote ? "We don't think it i either a oustom to. a lute. In this country it is a usage common to all denominations, we think, for the husband to salot° tbo wifr, but in the Army nothing more is expected. True, we have seen on suoh 0000510115 on Army platforms some individuals ex. tinguisb themselves with such conduct as that to which you refer, but wohave nev- er been able to understand how any saved pere0u could bo guilty of oonduct so in- decent and so insulting both to the hue. band and wife. Suoh a practice can only load to disturbance and ill-timed am11110100114, and will so tend to upset and frustrate the aim and end of these public ceremonies, which is the salvation of souls." Some think rho collodion at the door is the loading featuro. Morris Council Meeting. The newly elected members of Cho llunioip el Council, namely, II. Mooney, Reeve, 0. A. Howe, Deputy -Reeve, and S. Coldbick, Goo. Kirkby and J0.9. Proct- or, Couue1llurs, met pursuant to statute) at the Town Hall, on San. 1(111, 1888, and subscribed the 0000esary doolaralion of office and gnalifioation and the Council was duly organized, rho Remo moony- ing the chair. Minutes of last nloetung of the old Council were road and passed. Movod by 0. A. Howe, seconded by 7118. Proctor, that Wm. (Bork be re -appointed Clerk at a salary of $125. Carried. Movod by S. Caldbiok, s. oondod by Jas. Proctor that Richerd Johnston be ap- pointed Auditor. Carried. The Roovo then appointed Wm. Laidlaw 50uond Auditor. Moved by Goo. Kirkby, nee. ondcd by O. A. Howe, that Johu Watson ba ro-appointod A'sossor, at a Salary of $81). Carried. Moved by Goo. Kirkby, soorn111oc1 by Jas. Proctor that a Board of Iloalth he appointed for the current year consisting of the Reeve, Clerk and Thos. Laidlaw, Goo Hood, Geo. Kelly, D. Currio and W. 7. Johnston, with Dr. Holmes as Modioal health Officer. Car- ried. Tho following account. were order• od to bo paid : A. MoLoan, gravel, $7.20; T. Farow, gravel, $5.60 ; 11. '1. White, ballots $b ; A. H. N. Jenkins, collector's recoipts, $4 ; T. McDonald, lumber, $20.. 71 ; Slater tat Sims, =pairing Sara(1ors, $7 ; Misses Exford, charity, 010 ; de my returning officers oath $6 ,•W. Clark, election expenses, $9 ; Wm. Ellis, (titch at lots 26 and 26, eon. 7, 05, oleo. an error in Clog tax, $1 ; Malcolm Walsh, drain on wast boundary, $3 ; Ino. Moirtor, gavot, $2 ; Jno. Mooney, collector's sal. ary, $80 ; school aerations Nos. 1, 5, 7, 0 and 10, polling booths, $3 melt. By-law No. 1, 1888, deity read and passel Mov- ed by Geo. Kirkby, seconded by Jas. Prootor, that this Counoil do now ad- journ to 1no0t again on the 5111 day of March, Carried. War. Crams, , Grey Council Meeti11g, Tho Conncil-elect of alio Township of Guy snot at Tuck's 110101, Crttnbmolt, of January 10111, pursuant to Statute. The following monberg wero (1re0ent noel made rho 1111O00511ry Becht tatiOns of of.. OOo:—Roovo Milne, 1st T)cputy Ilam',! 0)1vor, 2nd Dopoby 'Rowel 1107005, lend Councillors 13r0wu and Melo)). 'Oho Roovo took the (+hail' And thn malates of the hast meeting wort react and parsed. A ley.l0w was thou iutrodno"d and road et first time for appointing (Alcorn and 5ralar100 for the (=root year and, on motion of lahv81'd 13ryons ail Arch. Hislop, tho Council went into committees, W11011 1110 by-law (('as road a 'mound time and the blanks filled up as - follows te- (louncillors $9 a day while on duty ; Wm. SOon0o, Clerk, $150 1 A. Ma gnir, Treasurer, $80 ; A. Reymann, Asnossor, $80 ; Donald NoLauohliu, 001100tor, $100 ; Alex. Stewart told .Jamlb Krantor, Auditors, $10 each ; Lewin Bolton, 1In- etiueor, The Committee than rose and the Council resumed, when it was moved by Walter Oliver, socondod by Wm. Brown that 1110 By -bats be read a third thea and passed. 111r. Bryant' objected to the 13y -law passing, as filled up, and called for the yeas and nays—Messrs. Oliver, Brown and iIislnp declared in favor of the Bylaw, the motion was car. riod, ,111d the Dy -law road a third tinge and passed. Application of L. MMNell for a refund of Engineer's expenses charged against lot No. 10, con. 13, Moved by Wm. Brown, seconded by A, Ilislop that the m -,tzar bo laid over till next meeting, that the Clerk be instruct- ed to write to Messrs. Hareottle, Lock. ing, Ennis and Foster, requesting them to attend the next meeting of Counoil. Ca rierl. Movod ty Walter Oliver, 880• tended by Wm. Brown that all the o d members of the Board of Health and the medical health officer be re -appointed. Carried. The fol owing accounts wore presented and paid :—Trustees of School SeotIons Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5 and 9, $3 eaoh fee use of school houses itt election ; Albert Games, nee of Hall at election, $3 ; Wni. Spence, me of house at election, $3; Dun- can McDonald, James Lindsay, A. Rey- mann, Thos. Oalder, James McNair, Andrew Turnbull and Wm. Spence, each $4, services ae Deputy Returning offioora; Wm. Spence, registration of births. mar- riages and deaths, $15.20 ; Hart et Co., o action blanks, $7.90 ; J9re. Steele, re- mission of taxes, $2.32 ; Mrs. McIntosh, remission of taxes, $1.80 ; Joseph Combs, repairing bridge at lot 7, ton. 2, 60o. ; John Forest, repairing road scraper, $1 ; D. Livingston, balance on contract gray. oiling on silo road 5, eon. 18, $24 ; Don. '11d MoL auohl,n, salary a• Collector, $100; Matthew Morrison, refund dog tax, $1 ; Mrs. Laving, remission taxes, $1.99 ; Jno. Moffatt, gravel, $2.80 ; Alex. Fraser, re. p.,iring road at lot 35, con. 8, 50c. ; W. 11. Kerr, printing, $8.25. Council then adjourned to m. et again at Dames' hotel, Oranbrook, on the 2nd Friday in Me,rob, when pathmasters, "tc. will bo appointed. Wm. Somme, Clerk. From Dakota. Co thn )).alto* of Ton Po= DEAR Stn,—In fulfilling lay promise to you I um ata loss to find something to mter'e•t you but as you are inclined to look favorably on anvching that is of au historical nature I will give you an idea of where I ala and a description of the country. Buffalo is et small village 40 miles west of Fargo and the Red Rives and has a population of 400. For bush, ne05:it is as big as a town in our country of 2,000. Thorn a e three general stores which d0 a business ranging from (160,- 000 to $100,000 each per annum and there aro also throe elevators with a storing capacity of 200,000 bushels of wheat. It is needless to say that there is loom for ono more good ono. The manner in W11011 those elevators aro conducted i, very different to ours. There are no buyers, on the street but you go to the elevator with your reheat and ahoy pay all tho market will allow. You can sell than, but if you wish to hold off you can store it there by paying 1 cent per month per bushel aud reit whenever you choose, Thie is vo y convenient for farm. rs as they grow ledge qu0ntittos of g aiu and they would require very large granaries to store it. By the 5,010111 in V0000 hove a farmer min store his grain at tho elevator audh,.on watch for prices to snit him. As wheat isliablo to jump 6 er 10 cents any time it is on tbo mar- ket ready to take advantage of it 01 o moment's notice. All this time the farm. ors ore not out of their money as they ono tape the wheat °hooks 011(1 drat" on them at any bank whenever 110 feels dis- posod to do 80. Thera are throe s"lOnOs in Ncw Buffalo and as this county has carried prohibition by 36 of a majority, it tapes effect on Jan. 1st, 1888, of mouse wo ore waiting rho result of hav- ing it carried out, For my part 10x - poet to sou it rospootod, 0s the liquor anon havu exp esoocl their intention of California and thoe is ono thing about it Gloat Cantata Sobtt Act people ought to tato al oxamplu from.' ''his is that tilt first offenoo tho fine is $600, or six months, and the second 01101100 two years in Kato prie00, without taw priv. doge of a fine, This is as it ought to bo as it has a better eff,ot toward enforcing the law than all theP.M's and Inspectors in five oonnties can do. This vi110go is 028 sect higher than Fargo and is 001" rounded by a most beautiful country, all well settled and arranged. Tho first settlor hero was Wm. Grieve, of Hullott, near Itarlook. He has 640 acres with a good house) and outbuildings. Elis son also 1100 it fine phew of 100 nores, All land hero solle from $8 t0 $25 per mare, according to location and improve - model, and as Mt. G's laud in unto'. roar tho latter figura yon will readily see how ho has prospered. All of thio land is ututor cultivation. His farm is also well stooped, having 20 horses, 00 to 40 oat- tle, sheep and pigs. Six solf'biudcrs and all rho nocos5ary machinery roquited for a farm of that size aro Mao to bo found on his pommel.. l.. T e ner0ly mention his name 00 an old Iluronite, but almost ovary settlor horo has prospered in a tot'. respondingnor man which, I think, is aha Oast ovitleneo of tho battering do. sari(tio( of this part of the c0unlry. I would strongly 'vivito any one with a large family of boys to take Horatio Gree- ly's advice, or barroom with mall means. 1 would ammo. Imo 160 rt.al'cie such an taan be sot, 11010, well improved,. coding from (1'),0(10 to $9,0011 than 1.117 100 acro farm 111 11,0 0011111)' of I)urnn to mato( ;t living off. Thom IN 14411 work and ninth money In it.. The weather here le not 11rerhape as 1181101dl,g 148 it is dawn there let I do not find. 1' 0o bad tis our C'an- iold0u9 generally do The mercuryshow- ed 31i below zero on Dee, 28thand I drove 155 miles end was nob the tenet cold and put in the l.orseo sod if I had not lnlnwn the memory woo down I world not have dutented it by the atmosphere, I will o'nolude this time as I might go on toll. hoc tho good gn0lities of this place mail I could throw it into oont0mp1. Yours truly, (leo. Aneurroasn. New Buffalo, Dka., 1)0o, 3151. 1887. ,.he ZN ardena The following gentlemen wore electod Weedons by the different County Coon - oils Tuesday :— Middlesex --S. McLeod, Roovo of West Williams. 1Iurou-T. ct'. Kay, Reeve of Usborle. Peel—II. H. Bolton, Beare of Bohtmn. 1[aldimand—W. II. hull, Reeve of Sonnet. Lanark—A. Dewar, Reeve of Bock. with. Lamb/on--Charles Mackenzie, Reeve of Sarnia. Sinecoo—Wm, Switzer, Reeve of Sun- nidalo. Iialiburtou--Wm. Gainer, Reeve of Mi0don. Lennox and Addington—T. G. Cars- °allel, lieeve, of Napateo, Essex—Peter Wright, Roovo of Col- chester South. Prescott and Russell—Mr. Quonnevillo, Reeve of Cambridge. Frontenao—ll. Smith, Roovo of Port- land. Oxford—T. R. Mayberry, Ileevo of Oxford. Hastings --harry Bloecker, Reeve of Sidney. Elgin—DonalOTnrner,llcevo of South. wold. Perth—Alex. McLaren, Reeve of Hib- bort. Brantford—J. I[. Fisher, Reeve of Paris. Norfolk• -R, Oryolor, Reeve of Middle- ton. Peterborough—J. Walsh, Reeve of As- phodel. e= Wellington—J. Robertson, Reeve of Harriston. Groy—John Clark, Deputy -Reeve of Koppel. Welland—J. H. Burgar, Roovo of Wel. land. Watt loo—F. Holwell, Reeve of Wil- mot. Renfrow—D. Taylor. Kent—W. A. Hills. PrinooEdward—L. Motherly, Reeve of Hillier. Dundee, Stormont and Glengarry—J. F. Gibbon. Reeve of Morrisburg. Nn'tbumberbaud and Durham -0. A. Mallory, 1t, eve of Poroy. Bruce—Wm. Scott, Reeve of Culross. Carleton—J. Dawson. Halton—W. H, Storey. York—A. Yule, Reeve of Aurora. Perth. t;i)(l'il'y Nates. Stratford expects a big building boom the coming season. Thos. Beelantyns, M.P.P., has returned to Stratford from a trip to the Old Coun- try Two rinks of the Stratford Curling Club went to St. Marys on Thursday and were defeated by the club of the stone village by 45 shots. Rev. Mr. Kerr, incumbent of Trinity Church, Mitohell, has acceded to the re. quoit made to hint recently, to become a0si0tant to Rev. Canon Patterson, in- cumb-1,t of St. Jame', Stra ford. The floor of the \lain otroet Methodist church, Mitchell, took fire the oth-r day, but the flames were pub out with only $10 or $15 damages. This is the second r scope of the building from being burn- ed. The following are the officers of the South Perth Agrionitnrnl Society; Presi. dent, 1!1. 1I. Brown; 1st Vice, Jas, Clark; 2, d Vico, Jas. Heudel s m ; Directors— St. filar o, J. Holley ; Blowhard, T. Evans, J. W. and T. 0. Robertson ; Downie, John ltoVittie, W. Lang, Keitlt Leigh ; Fullerton, 7, R. Rodgers ; Audi. tors, D. Dewar and Davis Swan. W. I'. Sanderson and Thomas Evans were ap. pointed repres' ntativea to tho Western Fair Assooda,ion. The annual meeting of the Elma Ag. ricultural Sooioty, was held at Wynn's hotel. A small attendanoo was present, owing bo a considerable extent, to rho Dairymen being in session. Tho follow. ing gentlemen were elected for the pres- ent year: President -John B. Hamil- ton; Vice-President—Wm. Roust; Sec, Troas.--John Morrison ; Direotors—E, Henry, jamas Duncan, John Gray, 7. W. Boyd, Wm. Forrest, A. Baker, J. Howat, Y. Coulter, Jno. Graham-; Auditors—Jas. Irwin and Geo. Riohmond. Tho wife of Henry Stennett, a promi. vent farmer and bee -keeper of Blanallerd township, was killed on Alain otroot, St, Marys, on Jan. 22nd, by being thrown from a sleigh while returning hone from ohuroh. The horse bocamo uomanage. 0410 and Mr, Ste000bt, loafing oontrol, was first thrown out, '1110 horse tiler ran 041.14y and Mrs. Stonnet was thrown against a post. Sho only lived a few minutes after the accident. The strode were crowded with poo(1lo roturningq from church and sovoral barely o5oape) being run down by the runaway horse. A vory sudden and unexpeOted death oocurrod on the Ind concession of Hilt. bort on Titeoday Queuing last. john Moore, an old end highly reepeotod resi- dent of rho township, was sitting in his reeidenoo allotting to his family and friends and had just indulged in a onpp of nlilkwh(n he suddonly tell from his dhotr Rod oipirorl in a few nliuntOs, His rinnu1110r was to bo married on the fol. lowing morning and a nnmbnr of Mende; from 1t distance wore a1 rho fnmilq 1051- 401100, and the deceased seemed to be in montane good spirits all, evening, and made no 00mp10intl of 1111 8x8. Ile had, how•nver, boon troobite'tvith hostel, (Bootee for some tim. 11,• h'rg nl)rnl, 10 it twee, (:era (;roll N (0WW, „The Peter's peoee" 10 tho Boo loot y0 'r amounted to $100,00(1. An autograph I, Ger of Sara 13nrehardt has boon sold 10 Berlin for $511. - Garibaldi's leutobingraphy will be pub- lishers in Floe once, Italy, about rho end 115 this 010m12, Tho ponpla of Tokio, Japan, 111095 taken to o0tiug 110001(118011, and thou, iv vile, n demand for it. Louise Micheal woo stint ars,' d'ulgeroe5. lr wounded while addressing 00 Anarchist meeting 1,e Hone o11 Bowley •!"ening. E. 0. Allen, the millionaire publisher, of Angusta, itlo., used to sell rnspborrioo from a tin pail in the 0tre0ts of that city. The Fishery 1,0gotia11nn0 have appar- ently Demo to a complete deadlock, and no sottlem,•nt of alto question 15 likely to result from them. The Spools!, Government has ordered a I mire g0(1011ty of war stores from Eng- lish houses, apparently for the proposed Morocco expeditlou. Iowa, aftor twenty-two year's of the abolition of the gallows, returns to it with vigor and hearty enjoyment. One or two other States have had a similar expor. 10nco. On the Queen's accession to tbo throne tater" wore 60,000 convicts in durance vile in the United Kingdom ; now, notwith. str-tlding the increase in population, there are deely 7,000. The United Kingdom stall leads the list in the production of coal, with an output of about 157,000,001 tono last year. The United Slates stands second, with about 100,000,000 tons, The production. of Germany was something under 60,000,000 tons ; of Frauco about 20,000,000 tone, and of Belgium about 18,000,000 tons. The bridge which is to be built over tho Straits of Noosing., which separate Sicily from Italy, will, when completed, form one of the most striking, works - in the lino of modern engineering. The placo ticketed for this groat und.rtaking is where tbo channel is some two and one-half miles wide and 961 feet deep. Two piers will support the viaduct of steel rails at the height of. 328 feet above the w„t r. Al Belleville, Republic county, Ilan., last Saturday, whale R. 1I. Gallagher and a force of workingmen were excavating for the purpose of sinking a coal shaft, near tee north line of the pity, a hard sunstanco was 0110001(1500(1 about ,ix feet from the surface. The workmen sup- posed it was an ordinary ledge of rock, but upon rem wing the dirt surrounding i., preparatory to blasting, thav found what proved to Ito a petrified bu'ftlo. It is of large size and 0s perfect a 0peeimen of the bison as ever maned the mains of Kansas. The bnlf0lo will be shipped to Topeka and *cod on exhibition in the Rook 1 -land station. Nebraska City. Neb., Jan.. 21.—Judge J. F. Kinney, agent of the Yankton I1- dian agencies, arrived here y psterday, after being nano dais on the roe 5. Five days were necessary for the oozy to travel 30 mites. The thermometer dur- ing the live days was at 80 degrees below zero most of the time. The Judge says the loss of life in Dakota has been under. estimated. While at one station in lion. bommo county the judge say% nineteen frozen bodios were brought into the depot in one day. In Bonhomme eternity the list of dead will reach fully 100. Tho es. timates made at Yankton yeeterday of the loss of life throughout the territory reach over 1,000. Tho counties were the loss of life was largest are: Bonhomme 160; H rtohinson, 1.1; Lin edit, 13; Beadle, 25; Spink, 12; 11e.nd, 10 ; Weed, 15. The amount of wood consume t in ono your in Making "bets” is 01,110 . inoree i- ble. It would make 181,497 hoe -handles, 227,345 axe -halves; or, oonvettod into toothpicks. would supply every bran lunch fiend in Chicago, St. Louis and Ciuein- nnti for years to come. 'Tho loos to ag- ricultural interests and ineoal 11 ,ictal be. dustries by the employment 01 able-bod- ied men in baseball service is simply enormous, and 0t the lowest rwlutlatiun may be put down at $23,170,3.15 per an- num, Tho oxpendituro of mnsenl1t' en - orgy in one hotly-eohtestod data, alone has been estimated to be emit l; '0t to break two tons of stout, saw 11..2 cords of wood or hoe seven acres of ground. The employment if directly or in 'i.. mtly g1vo5 to the trades and profs,,$ (0 mud not, however, bo overlooked ; for, as nine out of ten baseball players g -a broken noses, sustain emote eternal iniurios, Or lose thrix teeth, the 5tugioal a1'1 hotel prof ssions would regrotfully to do upon its doolioe. The agonized trios of four Youno tion who after dark found themselves slowly floating out into Lake Michigan on huge cake of ice, brought snores of p0nple to the piers at Thirty-seventh street, Chi- cago. The four, Paulson, Thoma, Aelt, Jamos Johnston tend J. M. Whiteside,, had been out for a holiday pfrolio on the ice. Not till 7 o'cloak, on their reotlrn, did they suspect that the thaw bad port- ed the ice from the shore and the mass was breaking un and drifting away. A shoot of water 50 foot wide lay between them and the land, and the gap was grad. natty widening under the influence of a sharp wind that began to cover them with. spray, while the rising wavo5 dash- ed off great motions Of the me floe upon whioh tho lives of tiro quartet do ended, For over an hour 111031 W0111011 and Child. ren on shote watched lielplossly rho four running frantioally abouton the ice and (ninety hoard their hoarse shouts for as- oistanoe, Whiteside, who was unable to 501101, 008100dn04 his companiou0 With diOloulby front jumping iuto the freezing flood and 01t0mpting to swim ashoro. When finally n, boat hod been bre mitt from alto nearest point, a long (11,1x1101' up town, it wa( found to bo melting bad. lv, end the notion who moored 11, :lad to put back. By thin Gine Wblite$ is woo newly crazed from cold and flight and the others were in littlo better conditions. '1.'1le polite, not without peril to 1)100 solves, managed, howover, to lake them off merely at last. 'Pliny ware at ono. carried to Choir henna and putt to hot nxhmtated 1)111 centrum -4y hooey.