HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-1-20, Page 7JAN. 20 1888 THE BRUSSELS POST 7 •sanyerneeraal as2eeneee 'a+adleGee fe'lemeenurratme rRamR:eerem dein etal1.'lereessaire7setrS 'Z leafre'1emr••r.'rF tiler 1"-feateeteilfeele .. "itUrereen'mmeatrace rc _^_•,••air 1'he bull lh,•n nttu0lted neo of the , Cel lalbut, lire pioneer who tie (1 •ell1 tIa CCI lA:t.G i. tl 1 li la0iup the I the .11r -t. tree !ler, lruldan riot t but astnn S•Uut•ley 1+t'• i 'hope ie 110 yeltra of nye, roll alt:( tette alta hearty. ft i+ r(por; l that \Vin. fI flout. linl'sea 1(110(1 'vl 00 1 Np. , . _ 1 rider from hie seat Tho third time stands, 0 nu the i uirkel. 111:113 1 _ 1 T I the pinddur 1d6r 111(1 gni), 01'INrDN OP Tnit I)aDIAN1DN (raANGlt. I . _'i'he Dominion Grange, tt'1 • I i (shell (lei opt-a:dora by grabbiu. the at 2 Pau•, tin tato oft hndny right' tire il!MI,l(tvhic:h 114:u,t•it of highly (brour w, ii.vlly fr• st bn'en (while travel hart given a unanimous approval J Well s;iuk ,ti.Ii hnrblil tluf•1 p',int:;, til+i; rl.nen Uv 1, i ger, (}arioubnsh 013 following report of Gomminc'n wbiell Minn lir he placed olein La arid Au Sibiu, ,Mich , that he bite on `I'empernuee : wailer iu the bull',1 shoulders, Blitz sine+13(11,.1. The present is a limo ceiling for glitnt1111 91;CI1 (1Ispltt0e(ld tho animal Iii a elni n 011•,13 ca•le It', the Toren- spental effort on the part of 1W14n svho value the peace n13d hnppinorg 1 uud made a rl ecoh to the npa6htt to Civil linnet', el 1 ixteedetv uurrauld Minnie lirinvu, n 91x113"u•vo;tr old of their bourne, rind there is much ov wo view the groat ht in that a few yin , hove ear; perft etly block, lie lands rap 11,1111..8,, s It ,0; 1 'Fed 1) •ant•, (16111 wrought in the public; mind, upon t the middle of tho ring ; i -t, N t•ela•l,ut. and surveyed IIIc eueiniee. 'l lie Mexicans utltnirefl thin animal. anis merry remedied that a would be a lively elle. rL'ho first ouelIughl on the boreve tree •sell islet by the first pic•,dor, Lint itnmedieteh auoihcr lie 1 stn+,till+,re (rnul Lilo 11nil's 91(10 wt iln held its 99881013 111 Toronto+ (11111 T f l , the IIPI',P g91tl t!l ilii( g;lT•cil, AIYLa+Iy ('r, f�lrat,el'I t• 1 f 11111e'r Ii IIP, IUI l rn•1 which ext913dod from Iuosday 20'11 •1 ,+i 1.13' the the bender- 1,f ts•'1''.wu C;rrl. Jtll+l llu(1ter, ,N.ts h 1 015 x, TURUO•r OP TOE 8W0140. d001hter„r Win lir.,w,t Iourpeuter) to et cha sgo when The second bail which entered Newel tree), was awarded $2,000 this great molal question. It 18 id strides n judging by the present 1014 0f tn- crertee, 1100 10 0 few yo914 there will be as Ulan. es 100,000 to 125,000 sheep pen 13ring upon the loom pir• aIle rich cheep reaves of the ilheay lines, fwd niter (Nero tumbled, and Monet •in eerthill the 110 tee was lett oat of the ring, 1Vhi'u Jani.'s J'tlroy +sae ,lriv; her ri111.1 golc(1, bill eltratl6 trailing 111..117, i• +rem 4.' A;:telt, 11110 knin neariu ou the (,;round. After hili another ,t eulvurt bI. IVOPO lett '20 end 21., was br,•nght. There aero three 0013, 0, one of his horses got his leg horses in the ring nosy, which br• Ices. Fie laid is dill Mire the Oouucil for dan3-tl;e:r and grautol Iglu the sum of $100. not all sentiment. Careful, can• did consideration hoe determined tbe ectiot of intelligent thinlcieg Wren. The greet curse of the liquor Iraf fie is seen iu all its huleoueness end It mighty effort ie being put. forth, gaining strength by victory, to etantp the evil from the land. The late lamented Hon. J. B. Finch once said : From the day the liquor traffic was first introduced the (lull failed to throw, owing to into thio country lentil the prelient, the 8t/ung efforts of their riders. it has131existedcures 0 bitter, hing lie, The 1301808, h00•6'Or, each time Te' damning aurae 013 aver}'thing de- ceived a horn lu either Fido. The cent, tuo'ai and holy. Its Its- benderillus were toter on well plan tory proves it the enemy of law, ((1 ill 1111,4 lull by Itegorat,lla, &Mlle order, ell. t}', christinnily anti and Mozzaulini. Tho hatter met civilization. How best to combat the evil and bring about the much needed re- form, is a question of supreme im• portance. No aolinowledge the beneiiciel effects of moral emieio13, and to this end impreso upon par • ants their duty in the home circle. Touch not, taste not, handle not, should be the motto "for it bitelh Hee a serpent and sting9(11 like the adder.” Wo view with favor the introduc- tion of temperance text books in our echoole. As it is here, the young receive influence which they Oltrly with them through life. In the opinion of your committee, the Sub- ordinate Grougo should take up this great work, es the offsprings leave the parental roof and build up their characters in robriety and vir- tue. From the pulpit, the press and the public platform, come mighty influences, and we regard elle 00• tions mud utterances of every pub - lie man, as indicative of tho near approach of a determined fight be- tween the temperance people and the liquor interest. This groat question must be Bot- tled by the votes of the people, and he who fails to use the franchise on the side of temperance ie doing an injury to himself and mankind. Wo depreciate the 0arreiug of political questions into municipal matters, but strongly urge this as an important consideration in the choice of all municipal officers, as well as in the election of our repro• sentativea to parliament. While we !advocate moral suas- ion we acknowledge the majesty of the law, and the necessity of using this in connection with education for the suppression of this evil. The Canada Temperance Act has been tried in many armadas, and C,,lgary'Prlhnne : It 10 (30(11331113(1, with a very narrow eaealt8 et this time, being charred entirely moroseHubert, Harry Sherds, W. R. ! the. ring, and saved from eomiug to Home, \t 1. 13. Senders. grief by Its brother. This formed the only Mordent of the fight with 13. V. Dmnnr.ly, of Adelaide, brie Ihie bull, who died from one thrust a book in his onse00810n wlti011 wee printed in the year 1077. The of 1l azzautini's sward, LEAyING OYER A BULL.worst is a narrative Of Poilip's 11181, Ilte pelfortcuuoo with the next and oontftins hietertonl events as bull wrte enlivened far beck to the year executed 11111 "Salto by laaGnroeb9." ' 0 Delnaray oleo per (ewes ane leer This is dove with a 'long pole, by work, "Studies of Nature," wbiOh meaue of which the bull fighter mete printed 10 1781, leaps over the boll as the latter The Ontario Government hey() ap• charges at him. It wile very well pointed the following toasters under execute(1. Two horses were previ• the Terrain' system : Alpine, lien, onsly frightfully gored by this ball, 0. Hamilton, Sault Ste. Maria ; uacl 009 rider would undoubtedly Thunder Bey end Rainy River, Jeo. have been hurt had it not been for M. Munro, Port Arthur ; Parry 111azzantiui, who always stations Sound, Petrick McCurry, Parry himself near the pioidores to avoid Sound ; Muskoka, John B. Lount, any (accident that may occurr while Breeebridgo; Nipiustug, W. Doran, the bull is charging a horse. Mnz Nortel 13ay pro tem. zautiel Inter on acted as a bander A rather ((18auge lot of passengers filo, placing four barbs, or two arrived at the Grand T'ruult steetou, parts, 111 one bull, and then created Montreal, on Tlulr,rlay, in the per - tremendous excitement by perform• of nine ereshs The party, which ing the difficult feat of placing only one barb and oitlt the other hand withdrawing the barbs he had pre viously stuck iu the bull's shoulder. lioomion, a Spawsil bull fighter of Hermosillo. who wee severely wounded recently at this ring, was inteodu0ed tit, the spectators by 1lcezzantiui, and his crippled appear- ance, with only one serviceable arm, enlisted great sympathy and brought showers of silver dollen from all parts of the ring. Roman Lopez, ono of 1llazzantini's assistants, while worrying a bull with his cape, slip- ped and fell, and although the bull attacked him The Connell elite,. „f 1110 0uterio College of Pbarnlocy (e AS follows :— J. 11:. Penren. kIenry Watters, J. ] . D'Avignriit, 1V 0. Fo,itor, John Me - Kee, John J Hail, Neil C. Poiion, 0. I(. McGregor, J, A., Clarke, G. S. e430113'0 ('one' 1 31'611, W DENGOUGH, ARTISTwo EDITOR. 111et41, 1•1:l$)Lr. !132 n Vents $1 rel 4104,9)4. 1(1 1, In rn,r, t l., 11 , tnlhl-nen and pop,. font r ovine yo.+r It li a sin. nail1, 1mns0. 1)1341 fa (lin, tb+1 Eery 1,116bdan and Pm cs•dona1 nu 1 Iinelnn..3 Afar ,u,j„ye 1110 alovnr11113 wllr'1.i b3) Oar 11 t ,l'y +:,•M,. Rale. serl',e 110(11 See our t'rnntl,un ruin Clubbing ]tet. Clr- culars gh•h1e full 'artleol,'l .sent Iraq, t?'Lonit oat for flus tee (.1111( ti,•, t•a8 for lace. Prie.,10vont;. -141r,sv, although not 98 offeotual in its op- erations as wo would wish, yet we advocate its adoption and support, miff a better law is obtained, and in the meantime urge upon the government the importance of so regulating the machinery of rho Act for the better carrying provisions into effect, and also for the protoc• tion of those who are officials of the law, and enforcing its measures. Mt MIRAOULOUSLr ESCAPED. This same bull gored every horse, killing three of those that entered the ring, Mazaantini before killing him walked over to where Ponicion • at Diaz, the great Mexican bull fighter sat, and saluted him with a few words, offering hie compliments to the latter's health, bravery and good fortune. Ido thou killed the animal beautitutly, the spootntors growing wild with enthusiasm. This incident was made still more 0x011• ing by Poniciola Diaz jumping into the erene and embracing Mezzun• tint very cordially. MEXICAN NULL FIGHT. Tho ewoll society of Mexico turn - eel out by thoueande Sunday, Jan, 11th, to attest their appreciation of Louie Mazzantioi, the famous bull fighter, who was announosd for a benefit at the plaza. Moro than 20,000 people were preeent, and among them government officials, diplomats, and fair ladies from nth+ er climes than 11Iexico. From the bull lighters' quarters there issued'a horseman in Spanish costume mounted on a magnificent blank an. inial. He was accompanied by a child equally well mounted and at. Wad in a arose of various oolors, and cause to obtain from the 'judge the key of the door of the place' tvithiu which the bulls were enclos- ed. This is an old Spanish custom and is followed iu all of Mazzantini's fights. Tlae key 0119 Thrown to trim, and he then returned to the other end of the ring and placed himself at the head of 'the bull fight• ere, who then 01110red three abreast. There were were seven, exclusive of Mazeanttni and the picadores. T3111 I3)RST BULL, At a signal the first bull, a Span• ish animal, entered the arena. lie rats with streamers flowing from his sides, w1ai01t were fastened with measurements :—Height, 0 feet It slcels. Nlazzantini mot frim Ilial inch ; weight at present, 1.08 pounds; made several pisses in front of luni oh0s4, 10 inches ; thigh, 22 Mallen; with his cape, which elicited cousid• calf, 151 Melee; ; upper aria, 14 arable approval from the spectators. inches ; (08(11rm, 3.1 111Ches. Grip Publishing Co., On anal dill N()1'I'11I111,1 1st the 3�. ill gay el P��'r'ys ,y HUNTER BL;1" iiY S1. TH SHOP The Attention of the Public twill 1)13 ((poll to th(' Ptlhli1 oat it called to the feta• that the. the u'1(lersilgll+•,l will lie ;inquired to ltttn,,ll to Brussels Woo1e�, Mill r3lacksmithing in all Lines. twill give PO Ro ti'1`U. ONT. • 5'117tN7� t-:�::+):L�TTT JN J 8 rev,. 1 Horse shoeing a speci- B1;�te :smith Shop ? arty. BABgAilisl The undcrsigued has leased the Blacksmith Shop at Sunshine from T. P. N1lfo'nt and will open up for Business on Moltlllty, Nov. 7th, 1887. 331acksmitl1itlg done in all its Branches. Satisfaction Guaranteed. GIVE 1113 Al CALL. Richard Webb, PROPRIPT08. Money to Loan. Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty, at U.i3WE:ST RATES, PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS W. 13. DIOKSON, Solicitor, Brussels, Ont. oa1ey' Having secured the agency for Buchanan & Neely's Patent Reversible senGt. A. D BADMAN AND J. H r.011EAVLS & Co., consisted of five men, throe women Hay Elevators and Carriers, A call solicited. W T. Hunter, Proprietor. IMPORTANT TO ALL zoo are bald or whose 11 air in tali„ or gray or aro troubled with dandruff. Dr. 1)o,•t....we ttl'. HAIR :1,;2AGIC ! is elle groatenttoaie for stronatb ening Gm owl of lila only ever dlscovared. It stops ua.Atalliug out of tbo hair,removee all traces et dandruff ,restores gray !lair to its original color and in oases of batduosa, where too route aro not destroyed, it will produce a lusnriant Drop orhair. 1'aao warning it your flair Ie in a feeble state got a bottle et once Deform tiie too tato. Dr.Daronwon a's "Hair 91epic/•10 on (aro at all princip al Drn g Store 1. Ask. for it mod take nothing else. AM:NTS 0011 BallasNLs. 1801 it boy, have come 1111 the way Tho Host Complete lfauafactnred in A.Doren we n d Sole Stnnufeetnrer,TOrontu p Canada. A. Dorenweud koons 1110 largest from Jerusalem, travelling by one of nada is prepared to suit the public flair Goon sastablisbment in Canada. the D'Iediterrauenn lines to 11 rsoilles Cain this matter. Also Agent for and thence to Cnuade They are 1110 John Abell without any visible moans of support Steam Engines and Boilers, ey 1110"sayof selling trinkets, crosses, etringe cif beads uud other Portablo all 11 Stationery. mementoes alrich they have brought with them from Elio holy Land. d Coll Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Wm. Hood, it Findlayson, Mus. , W. 13. Gloakey. koka, district 'tnerehan1, was out 20.4m GE end shot five moose. While journeying home shackling to him- self at hungry pack of wolves over- -11iy OiiliY TO LOAN ! took hiw. Caution urged hila to in. climb e. tree whiilh he did. Ris anomies, gathered at the foot, growl - Any Amount of Money to Loan on Faris of Village Pro- perty, at 6 ce 61 Per Cent. Yearly. --- Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. )1 ) attended Thursday afternoon, APP13' largo proportion of 113e legal Irator - nity b01ag engaged at the Assizee. 911 and snapped et leen. Mr. Hood became nervous stud »!most fell from the true. But, on picking up 0our- age, leo levelled his rifle and, after several tries, killed the wolves One atter the other and;oseaped. The annual meeting of the Mid- dlesex Law Association was poorly Canadian No'a1. Hamilton has 84 miles of street open. Bering fur oil has beea begun near Pembroke. New Hamburg fa going to pat In the electric light. Carleton election ie to take piece on February let. Levi Palmer, of Ridgetown, has killed 12 Mena Witt 80a8ou. The majority for Francis, Liberal, in St. Francois Xavier, Manitoba, was 80. Judge Miller, for over thirty-five years county jadge of Waterloo, has sent in his resignation. The Canadian Pacific liailway is moving the Manitoba whoa( crop at the rate of 100 oars a day. J. A. Mathewson0 Co., of Mont- real, iutand to fight the nugar com- bine to the utmost of their ability. In the libel suit of \loLay vs. the County of Bruce, et Hamilton. the jury retorted a verdict for the. do- fondsnt. A Belleville youth minted G•anyot, not finding dinner ready et an hour to suit 11101, took his mother by the hair, threw her to the floor, and choked her. The following aro Juice Gaudaur'e Among those present worn Mama. Becher, Q. 0.: A. 0. Jeffery,' b. El. — Tennant, I. F. Hellmulh, J. 0. 42 "2:- AI c,s- Judd, W. Proudfoot and Geo. More- head, (Secretary). Tho Secretary's Steadfastly for forty-two years the report showed a membership of 64 ; Waoi of Wee:mes lees held to prinlciples which have stood the tests of time, nidi - 1 680 books in the library, 128 of cute, and of opposition, fair and unfair, which have beou added tbis year. and the WITNEss today speaks to sixty The following officers have been where in 18413 it spoils to ono. Its grow - :the Ontario Iieekeopers' th has beau both rapid aur! steady. Its elected by publishers, (L»sirous of still further in. Aseoctahon for 1888:—President, oreaeiug IN- Tweed8, rains, Blankets, Flcuallots, UnclemlothiIt,t,), tie• for the ](ext )0 days. Special Drives in Knitted Goods. To Secure the Zig Bei, etien s yon Must bring the A S. Try the Brussels -Woolen Mill FOR— CD s Wo have gained a great reputation for the elegant fits an:l linisll, but especially for the Low Prices at which the take orders. All our work is clone on our own premises .and cannot be excelled in \aloe by any dealer, and certainly not equalled in the village of Brussels. We have all to A . Planter,Ililhielis r R B tyly Q C (Chairman) H. Dirisiou Court Clerk, Brussels. its circulation, have this year liartiu Emi b, Holbrook Vice- gone to largo expense to secnto It repro. Pros„ J. B. Bell, Woodstock ; Di duction of THE LATEST M IS'L'tNllt- rectors : Dietriot No. 2, J, K. Dar- ='[1(11'1 of Davidson linowles (who was selected by Queen Viotorie, to paint the ling, °A.linont ; 4, Allan Pringle, scone at Princess Beatrice's wedding), Selby 0, 'W. Oou8e, entitled Streetsville ; 7, A. Picket, Naesagn. Soffer Zile Childreno Come Vista del wept; 8, Will Ellis, St. Davide ; 9, Francie Malcolm, Inuorkip ; 104, R. It depicts the memorable scone with McKnight, Owen SOtttl0 ; 11, 11. A. startling realism, reprod0cing in nils alt R Er. the richa0es of O[tLl 'CAG UOLOLt1Nl}. Gunnell, Stratford ; 12, The piatnro, executed by the greatest art Smith, Tilbury Oeutre ; 18, E. firm m l nglan<l, would bring 911.00 if Shultz, 4ilwortliv. sold, but is reserved exclusively for Sub. scribers to tho Wilvl aft. The 0. P. R. Oompnuy has nom• the price of the Wr> lu.r WD11109e and meuced the erection of a mammoth pi0tpro re 41,211 ;alio paper along 911.00, shed, caleuleted to hold 500,000 oc1Tn 1800the bQAWeekly, vto advooatene1,- bushels of wheat. Plio shed is lo. cate(1 (rear the large elevator ,at Fort the p106U1'Oa't 8,1(108 S f to C1es 1ildf0 cost. 10 (30 10 Willi.m, 111111 the material is Mu Unto 33113," and the D.uox 4y1TNrss, 918.25 worked with the view of using it in a year l the paper al(nro, $113;00 the Onnetr:talo 1 of the now elevator The NoltTinnl Itbis001nlni still matin - which the company intends building 11011 (t40blia 1tf aohno iii fid commencing ire during the oonlieg summer, The 0111)3auu(uy first with new typo, finer 0ompilnyllns also leased an old mill paper 1811(1 ntllol' iwprovolnotrts, will b0 watt of Fort William for storing more attractive than (NOY. Prizes of purposes, and \IeBean Bros. hevo boobs are given to fl iends who canvass I for it. Annual sllbseripi.lnn, eoe., with 16)80011 the wareltoutsos ua diaries 1•ndll0(1008 t0 clubs. wharf at Port Arthur, 80 that with sample copies of the ililTe eat pabli. all these facilities it is very probable eati0ns mailed on appl11atiOn, .\gens wants(1111 every town and Ohio.that a blockade 0131; he averted until the opening of naei1''ation The large hear 1101'1+111.(1 ch See, Publishers, (levator is not yet full, Montreal. Silt E DICE got S llAS O1T in lleltons, Worsteds, Diagonals, Corkscrews, West of Englu.ud, Scotch twit Irish Tweeds, and an enormous variety of the best Canadian makes. range from $10, for a fairly good snitmadePRICES to your Order, to $12, $14,$15, $1G, $17, $13, $11) and $20. "rains _,I1V1 we else are strictly First -Class, and the Workmanship the hest. Some special lines of EATS, TS, CAPS & r6arenITIt tHIti"s\eG which tvv. intend Selling Off at WONDERFUL BAita,uvs. ( ,..I,VE US O.A,-L��._.f. '1'.ilE i,E.l1)lN(1 (210T111ER14 & OUTFITTERS, • 1311 SS1=1.,1~, ONTARIO.