The Brussels Post, 1888-1-20, Page 5JAN. 20, '•Sb8. TME BRU'5SELS POST
sa>mrotuausa�aLar ._ aaa�+
"l sti`ttt l'lU5
to! mi notes of A s"l"at party of friende were invited
I T ltI)ne nhp•t fou 1807, tea at their V001101100,
X1.1 •t,+ouc1, int( f 1 .ts axelet 1,
Our hnhs,r, who e, ,ru,,d 81m) nLwtb � br n ht to 1111.1 1047 1.0011 127 the. the palabe of the most fastzdumg 0pe in
I. 1 r t t+y„ 100th: • fl m I his oust, of milk. , a merry time vice spent m games f a
to 1or n100.614 ur, Order 1 .
tee Fortner M. fling 10;10 real nti 1 ap by 'I'hos. G1181ltl olady
•t}ln 7tl t0koo a
+ 1
way 1 lion t.•,,d and melded. d„r1. '1'hn fellow, I edenday evening of teat week. After tell,
.r lennr,1 h•onl it : hila - which ooisistoil of dainties 8uftablo to
,y in : 1 .. 0 1
3 w 4 taming nue tui rscrllelu 1'20,1!11 Iles ; �te rte ' Its. of milk fey 1 hermloott but amusing nature quill a late
clu t beo`'1- lh (h 140 to 881 111, Ut,0) o r -)3 War when the ng8utnbled Uuexts bade
1 , v tont I .ala of rbc ye went t(,, .1 11.. ,f «'h' e o for ., t 10.71 adieu to 11134r entertaiublg host [odd boat•
rr• '"• 11.., 4 inconsitett'•y wlnrltinix 'l fel p1', log "IT a 'I•",1 a•:d 14 088.
1•r•th , 1t.t, 11 1 1 J ' , t , •,.11 , -►
cite t "i tiny incubi 1 A0 e. coil' +Ihul c ;l";, oil the ceps tl8t,rk. lh ; Cit.)! Y.
500,1 hu+(11.80 18 1(10111111'bnws lit et fin 1Vslruu f teLul v ry , t a In 11108 lily ut was eI •led trustee for
It -t ,:1 iehi have 1 e'i 0 : tie
in two.. luaitc cello nivel. A. 1'. less'''. S N.,. 14 in he ptten or 1. 1'1,1 nous,
the 1} 4''"3.testiest, "1111 ,Ll awl will he 4lll•11ee8(3I711Lan1, i0 nmpltly0tt t",1"1'1'" ell l'*e Mrs. (leo. (dark alp" 01iss Deneen40n
thew• I f•,r 14 up 1 1t Ileo. I, Par;:uxnn, for these ywil l at a p, tau Of ill r,•o14 p"'r 17111 ems, are away on a visit to friends
the pa '».,' 1, 61111 be heels„1 by niheRevile, owl, or eheesir, 11" Ll Nod everything for in Miehi;n.n.
.Gid, -.r, ll1k", lliub:u•dx,nt, ilanliltner making.1 parlorenci81 will bo he'dat '111.18,
and Lake.
I 1R811ALKEIrrxn.--lhoauluuLl1110e1 1 ulufndl{8, 1'3!11 rho on Rrudui,4day
I of the ooneregatoe of Dutl s cltnrolt was (,, ,,3,, 3,r1"
ATae1l fx•y t 1 held un 'rnesdlty, ,tan. 10th. The they 1o11n it "h,n•1 • 11111 •eau., Ilea just
Mre. MAYA J. II. Dyke is visiting her being rather unfavorable tin attuudatinu. rent UL+ 80 h ve et, s lbsr,coo.,nl to the
Portia to t'Veokly Globe.
D"aald Le,u me, 7(3h eon., heti the mio-
forlsme to break his riehb arm while un•
loading sawlogs in the mill yard at :Ethel
last Monday. The patient 18 doing as
well as could be expected.
The Partnere' Destitute, held at Brus•
sols lest week, was largely attended from
this section. All say they have gained tt
groat deal of valuable informatiuu.
Many in our midst have became mom•
bars and others have signified their in -
tontine of doing so in o der to have ac-
vecess to the farmers' library.
Emily, the sex year-old daughter of J.
1). 1(1111.4eil, 1-,L 21. ono. 14, met with u
s-rieus accident lately, While Playing
with her brother around a cutting box
ab got her right (land into the cons of
the machine and had tree of her ling•
ere jammed. 'She second finger had ,to
amputated the other clay.
The early mail to Crenbrook was a
step in keeping with 111e progress of the
times and was received with great favor
by the people of the eurroundiug noun.
try. Those living a few miles away can
Now have 10001 and city papers on Clay
of isso0, as well as other matter, at their
own fire -aides by 0 or 7 o'olo0k -p.m., in -
steed of 9 or 10 Ile formally.
This telephone business is reaching
great proportions even in this township.
One of the latest moves is to put up 1e
line between the residences of Thos.
Strachan and Bentsen Taylor, who live
on adjoining farms. The line is about
a half•tnilo long and works first-rate. If
this telephone business is improved on
we will be able to have our mail matter
emit t0 us daily.
On Monday, lith inst., it very enjoyable
tiat "theft about
comfortableresideape thirtyfriends
Mi:.l'eeeert., 1.11(11 001., helping him and
his geed lade to uelebraue the Stat anni-
versary of their wedding. A jolly thine
was put in, 3f r. Mo'Ih ggsrt's appear-
byl1re.Llife.osthatL, n hlife me is ull prooperfor
is the wish of their friends.
The funeral ser'non of the late Rich-
ard Sparli14 was nreeehedl in Whitfield's
pastor, Rev. S3. 1.1 t Dyke. Texby the
t, 1.,t
'I'bes., Stn elle., 13th tend 14th verses.
Subject, ''Che pow0rlc•811ess of Death 10
tomes the Being : nn4'es8iens and hanpi
nes of del, 110(lsa(us,' The 113nr0h was
we'll ft led whish telt0 en evidence of the
esteem in which our late brother 00.0
Alt ,nn•dt'Til l•( lav evening was mast
inelem nu h,• '1, ,4 t4 0 vtn'y gond turn out
et the 1,.L 111 °1 04 io lino'n church. Af-
se, los 11,1 Vo"i"le addresses were givens
by S. Attlee, .1. Repelled L A 1 m ayne,
I He its a 1.1,1 110v. I. T. l igeawr.
Clef niel o 111141,0 i d l by the choir.
d4 •e no•l,,t,,1 tco,336
1 tt, .soule(l Tho
held 1,3 1110 811111(3 cherub on Monday
evening of this week.
The 11,33: le cense off in Shine's 8011001
house last '1'ne etay evening, 'There wag
a good audience and the dis0nlesi11s were
ster'led throughout. '1'11e subject was
11e -„'•ed 111:3(3 (:onettere :1(1 Union With
the Li'11101) Alai 10 wonkt be teneticial to
theme 111. ” The are l•1n:L1100 Was 181000 by
1t. 1lilvltnl11i 11101. 1itslop1y'Otte rrnegative
by 1). Robertson, supported by Lanles
J'errio, A. Petrie, 1). A. 1Marti,, and Mho.
Bain. Decision WAS given in favor of
Commercial Union. Ilobt.Menzies and
ofobatt'nentothe a performed
the dace
be held on
Ar enol t tele -demerit vv 11
1 r
The r , 1 i
4 eve
u 1 ..
d. v +,
is iimnpn ud or .I \fuf anchliu, 1. Rab -
easel Mee. Bxnt Misses I3ellIL 1Io•
I,epchlin and 11lary AlltonelL A good
time )s expected.
A happy event took pluses 01 the 11108
11181,, ill 010 pro e^ea of the bride's par-
ents and many pests tend fre•nd8, when
(1011 in marriage Gook,
of this rt
Janes SidneyTor-
rellee, of Lass, Man, The bride was
t satin
richt, dres"din a golden n b
role t
dress. The principals were supported
by George Wll.ttield and Hiss 141114 Cook,
coerces to the bride. The ceremony wag
peefarnled by the Rev. J'. II. Dyke, who
i0 the popeler manon suet, 000e0011s.
After the service the nenpany sat down
1" the gaud things so plenteugly provid•
ed. The 11r1410 Itas been nrgannst nil
\\'hitlield'8 ehu.cli for ((bout three yottre
se her services will be nlil'sed in that of -
Roo as well us in the Sallbath wheel.
Her friends wish both her and her hues
bend the experience of the oriental
greeting, d'Hetelth, peace and prosperity."
lrionds iu Ledore:h.
Win. liewtinhllnor is slowly recovering
from the injury he received on tho :10th
lieu. J. Dyke, o f Winnipeg, took hon-
ors in Hebrew over six hunched and
eighty -live student8. Dr, I7arper, of
Yale University, ;vas the examiner.
Tett meeting at Henflyn Tuesday, 31st
inst. A,1,1resses by Rev. G. Richardson,
flee. 0, V. Lake mad W. IT, Kerr, Sing-
ing by Misses O'Connor, of Brussels.
Colne and spend a pleasant evening.
Mrs. '1'.I'. Simpson has returned from
a two weeks' visit to Alleuford.
IT. 1. McAllister end Wes. Doig spent
last week 111 visiting at (}alt, Berlin,
\Vittorio() mud 001er 11381118 to the east.
11. 1htax0n, of Kinoardiue, Provincial
Lecturer of the 1. G. G. T., will deliver a
lealere in the Methodist chards on Leri•
day (vrning,JDe. 97th,nutter the auspices
of the 1' tae of Temperance.
The Alunieipel Council held their fest
meeting of the year at (Jranhrook Iasi
Monday. Wm. Spence Was r0•otsegcd
as Township -Clerk at nn ad V11.1.10011 eels
ary. Be deserved the raise es ho has a
large alnouut of work to do, and he does
it well
The eaoramont of the Lord's supper
will be dispensed in the proebyterian
church next Sunday. Services will be
held on friday evening, Satorday et 2:30
p. m., Sunday at 11 a. m• ant on Sunday
evening. Rev. (. Anderson, of Whites
church, is expected t0 assist.
The amulet meeting of the members of
the Preebyterilut Church was held, it the
cherub, hast Tuesday evening. The at.
tendence was not very geed, but the
meeting was an Interesting one. The
financial standing of the church was
iteeer better than at present. Rev, D. B.
Multae 00anpl011 the antic. Wm. Spence
was 'r-elcetod Smarms. 0. financial
committee, consisting of 11. Barr, Jno.
Lamont, :1.. Bremner, A. 1V. Pauabalter
and the Soc.•Troas., was appointed. 1Vm.
Patton and Wm. Campbell were appoint•
ad n0 ,nlleet01'S for the year, and Misses
Kees McKay, Spence, 1)avies, McNeil
mei Bremner wore appointed as relied -
ore for "lmrch schemes. 3. M. Davies
and 3, A. Young were elected auditors.
WW1 not largo, however, those win" wcro
present managed the business in It very
agreeable end expeditious manner. The
meeting opened with devotional exorei0es,
after which reports bearing on the sever-
al tlepartmeuts of work 0arr10d on in the
oongregatio n were read. and diacessed.
The financial statement given by the
Treathat afterrer WAS
all domaudasatisfactorlead been funshowing
mot there was still a email balance in the
treasury. Report of Missionary Com-
miwas next ttee
was encourra ing,lithereiels hbein(
0148 collected during the past yearr for
ilio great mission work. Lithe congrega-
tion Christian liberality seems to be ex-
tending more than ever before. Wo are
here reminded •'that tbo liberal eoul shall
be made fat." Sabbath school report,
road by librariau, was Interesting. This
department of work 14 fast b000ming a
very important part of our Sabbath re-
ligious services, I3ow pleasant it is to
meet together Sabbath after Sabbath for
the study of God's holy word. The num-
ber of scholars on the roll is 130, with an
average attendance of 78. The total
amouut given for all purposes during the
past year has been more than 81,000,
which is quite a step in advance of any-
thing hitherto done by the congregation,
and while the congregation has reason to
rejoice at the outward Ages of prosperity,
it is believed there has likewise been pro-
gress in the deeper things. Those things
which belong to our everlasting welfare.
"Ask and ye shall receive."
Wm. James, of 'Porcine', is at home et
plea el With 11:4 111..111.r.
111.84 D14W1, 1,1 31e online, is t i'dtieg
with her aster, etre. ,1 Cent pled I.
• i .0 lh•• 1 , 114 011 the 0,1'.31.
Isere bee d• !eyed en 0.031011/11 of the re•
net,' , ,' t(4 -
1, 1. Vern Dyers, of this villas, and
- Rev. A. 31. )i1tnllneh, of I ordw,eh, ex-
1111 I pal{ it+last 4,miley
of 0,.14,0(11', ep011t ileo
,ne. �.,f ",tit week viaielng hie par•rute
to 1 1' ler fril.,4415 in alai ecoued this
lice th ; 211,1 l iueelek P• Jlom8wnrtll ;
T1 las. 1. laiv)npstnno, jr.Seo., 1i, lorg•
118011; Directors, Wallace, John Salter,
Alex, Allen ('ins. Kydd. Elam W.
1)ieksml, 3-11.8. Penton, W)n. Hewitt. Lis.,
towel, Wm. lin(oltiusnu, WM. Spears, A.
St. Uoo. Hawkins,
1n.. f11.
Dr, 111. J. (01800, of London, lute open -
ell out all office lit 7o11tellekl'0 Old stand.
On Monday David Erwin of the (3011-
tt'al hotel sold his ,talhnn Royal Revenge
to Me. Eddy, L1101111 for a goad figure.
'rho Presbyterian Sabbath School hoe
been changed to 2:30 in the af10rn0O13 for
the balance of the winter menthe, gem• I
menoi113 on next Sabbath,
0. few days ago airs. Sloan, wife of Dr.
Sloan, slipped and fell on the floor re.
ceiv111g 001)0118 i11j111'10s which will con-
fine her to the hnu8o tor sometime to
11 is freely spoken of around town that
the A. 0. U. W. and the 0. O. 1. of this
village are about renting for a term the
hall over Milno's brielc block to Hold their
meetings in.
Sometime ago et a meeting of the
members of the Presbyterial 01111Ohhere
the question et having an organ to assist
in the services was brought before them,
It was fleetly decided to take a vote 011
it by ballot. The doeision le to be given
sometime this week.
I1 orri,' .
A wedding in the near future is on the
lapis. The bride belongs to the 6th line.
Colds are going the rounds of the
neighborhoodjest now. Nearly everyone
is coughing.
W. H. Cloakoy talks of going to De-
troit for a few months, where he will
world at his trade.
The yReeve cMoone appearsssumed pito
Monday.. pitoy
at home at the head of the table.
A very pleasant time MIS spent by a
number of young folks at Mr. Maxwell's,
onthothird line, one evening this week.
Messrs. Jowitt and Errington have
loaded over five ear loads of wood this
seam. This is pretty good considering
that they are hitt boys yet.
John Hunter, of the 7411, was appoint -
eel school trustee to fill the vacatluy made
by the retirement of J. Wallace whose
tarts of office expired with 1887.
Annie Marshall and Jahn Laidlaw
two pupils of S.S. No. 1. were suceesernl
at the recent entrance eenreinatien held
at Clinton, both making good marks.
Judging from the almost countless
teams laden with wood, loge, hay, loin bet
or groin one meets nowadays we 11,111131
believe our farmers are fairly pilin, up
money this winter. Surely times will
aeon be bettor.
Dr•.n.1•r1i.__4ltore W10 an unusually large
attendance at the debate in. Anderson's
school house on Tuesday evening and
"whacks" of fun. The debate was "Re-
solved that the mecllanits is more mete•
pendent the" the Nettles" Thu affirma-
tive W00 111001 ably sustained by Jos.
Brown, Jae. Bowman, Neil Black and
Thee, Bone, and the negative by Ivo,
Mason, Peter Barr, Jos. Aitkins and Neil
McLauohlin, The chairman, C. B. Her,
ria, decided in favor of the negative.
After this most interesting debate read-
ings were given by Neil AfoLauchlin, Jas.
n re-
no. C
Black andJ
Brown, M.
1 maid's soliloquy,"Y
•'talion "Tho o d
vtRev. J. 7I. Ifoore11ouse, of Wingham,
pr, , i"u1 hero ou Snutlay last. The rev.
god Inman will always be welcome to
101• 3Tel 11mill and 31r+, Skillin1;,
den :, c,n 111 11'm, A,lItl,ou, "f the esti
31011„ acyl'. Beat, 411 iillg aeinuul llrt'e fur
the pa; "eve weeks.
Ilei tires of 1i,tn1P1's011 Bros., hardware
lard"sine, have dissolved pe, rtna•slli p.
The Menaces is to be 0ol11tined by David
Sanuersun, henry retiring,
Life Bent ).,odge, 3,0.G.1.,, Was 10-01"
emitted Leet h'rltlay night by ,1).D.G
e :11315
.limaLrdl a.
Dawson, of
111 elle
Lunge :u1,4boot one of the oldest Miss Mar Ireland ; son's b Jas. HAA
Cr,e i Ines hoot dormant for the past 1 11101.11, 0. B. Herm, : Tao. Ireland ail(1 the
•Lr Let, ave understand, tout it stem Misses Saudi. Jas. Ireland, Q. Ander-
son end Wm. Cochrane ware appointod
to challenge the debaters in Barrie's
sohool. The debate for the next meeting
is "Resolved that simmer is better for
pleasure than winter."
DataPosy.—Saw-logging and evening
visiting is the general thing on the pro.
• neighborhood.
Bite a
' aniQ
113 m
m now xa
of our young folks went visiting
the other night and got stotanstayed and
had to stay over night, however, they
got Immo ail right with the exception of
ono upset.—John Johnston And sister, of
Stratford, were visiting Mende in this
vicinity for two weeks book. Mrs. Wm.
Clegg and Miss Frankie, of \Vinehatn,
Wore the guests of Airs. George Peaoouk
during the last week. --Miss Ada Meths,
of WoodetOOk, i0 vf8iting at present with
her uncle, Allan 11amsay.-•David Rant.
say and Mies Ramsey are et present vis-
iting friends in and around the neighbor•
hood of Woodstock. We wish them a
pleasant visit and a safe return.We
have. a few paginate o1 our line and I
think the Brussels pugilists are not fit to
oompeto with them,—I intended to ales
ewer Tummy's letter, but as it has been
answered by Julia, I will not bother this
flute. rx.
Cnix.On03.—It will 0nrpri00 yePaorr read -
ore to hear that I am i11 'lurnberry, hut
I wee forced to say good-bye to old
Morrie for a tinte.—This is a Very galeas.
ant neighborhood. The roads are just
now Mealy piled in little "leaps bind be -
tweed the heaps a beautiful little hole
belie down, It le most pleasant going
through in a cutter and Rialtos you feel
very hungry.—There are about thirty at-
tending the soh,,ol in this neignbethood.
lYir, )maser is the efficient teacher. Ho
has been here for a number of years and
has Leen very successful.—T)10 people are
very fond of drawing wood and loge,
W ing:1mm,
\Vm. Clegg shipped this year from
Wingham 10U car loads of peas, 40 of
barley and 13 of wheat.
Thomas Gibson, "tile happy farmer,"
as be was known fit halvetIolt Army ch.
cies, dled last week in town after a short
Capt. Spackman, of the Salvation Army
who was In 0emtnaud of the Wingham
oorps during one term, died a few days
ago at the Home in Toronto, from
the effects of a paralytic stroke.
The following officers were Installed in
Minerva encampment, I. 0. 0, P., on
Monday evening:—Pat. Angus McGreg-
or, C. P. P. ; Pet. M. Robertson, T. W. ;
Pat. James Cochrane, 11. P. ; Pat. J. A.
Morton, J. W. ; W. 1. $cooken0hire,
Scribe ; Win. Robertson, Treasarer.
The annual meeting of the "Mission
Band of the Presbyterian ohtiroh of
Wingham, was held 011 Jan. Ord, at which
the following officers were elected for the .
ensuing year :—President, Mies hfoQuar-
rio; let me do., Miss Fisher ; 2nd vice -
do, Miss Davidson ; Sooretary, bliss
Cargill ; Treasurer, Miss McKenzie.
The annual meeting of the 13ortieult
ural Society teas held in the Reading
Rooms of the Mechanics' Institute on
Thursday. The reports of Treasurer
and Secretary were adopted. officers
were chosen as follows :—Crowell. Wilson,
President; Wm. Clegg, vice -do; Direct-
ors, Bob!. Tennant, J• A. Cline, Walter
Taylor, J. W. Inglis, J. A. Morton, S.
Youhilt, Robt. Meindoo, Thos. Agnew,
D. McInnes ; Auditors, John Neelands
and John Buchanan. S. A. Morton was
appointed delegate to the west riding of
Huron agricultural show.
X. L. J.sfOKS4 '4
30 -DAYS -30
1)0 days Neill St pt('nlb01 April,
,June find NI,Vo1nbtr and for elle
Next 30 dor,-lo n•
arse iscouut
Christmas Presents for Isrerrfbrlrf.
Waltham, Elgin and Hampden, ' 1+111 be allowed. on oar
with Gold, Silver, Gold fillet" and stock of
Silveriuu Cases in Gent's and
Ladies' sizes. A fill(' assortment
of best American • Plush,
(iohl. Rings; Roll Plate and Gold
Chains, Ladies' Broadlea t111d
Bar Pins, Cute Buttons, Scarf
Pins, Lrlteelets, in fact all kinds
of fine
afresh with excellent prospects.
q'n• l,rnpriety of putting en organ in
the L'resbyterlan 01,01011 is being freely
elieenosea bene musing the members. The
,n,...'1' was brow. ht up lot the anneal
11101:.0 15 on the (1111 inst., 01111 tarried
with only two dissenting voices. We
uu,lrrstanit that a vete of the congrega-
tion will bo taken at art early tuts to
settle the matter.
e tit -
• rs
ilio p Y
1V. . 4 ,
duo, 1
tees.UI tilt toe 'Nide, will 0010b1nta cis
silver wedding ou the 18111 fust. Al-
tnngo ten years Bite 31r. J, evidently
bel,,1 S ill 111.0 old maxim, "Better late
than error." We understand that it is
intetete.l to earpaas anything of the kind
01.1 r n.tt0mpLed in this locality. 1Triollds
,11•.1 b,'e1 invited from fi8r anti neer and
the plod, el.abo.ute preparations ere be-
ing made. We hope dist Mr. . Jacques
higb8sl exp00111tion5 tray be nit:Heed,
A foot ball match is to cone off here
on Vsturdtty next between the Walton
eche.. raid the pupils of S.S. No. 2, G
A lively time is eepeetecl by the young
Ste Judge 11014 sns130tlded 00nteeee on
yowls, McDougall, held for incendiarism
in the Godoriolt jail, o1 the question of
his sonminesss of mind. A petition is to
be presented to the Judge asking that
the penalty be made as 11411)1 as , possible.
The youth confe88od hie guilt.
I'la,$)t8y3't081---ltev. Wm, Torrance
was made tie r.0oipiOut of a buealo robe
and Mrs. To'1alle° of: a silver bettor dish
by the young people of the Waltonip-
pointrnem, acaompaufed by an
rend by Mrs, \V. Neal, The articles were
west Mod by T. Ned Miss.ldllCib•
bon, 1 h rev. gentleman made a suit
able reply and With Very much sn1pr10t(- v generally draly them to BlnOvaln,
as he nor any of the family 1(11 AftIn 13. ape you ou should hear how the people talk.
isume of the i'1'1Y of party. Y
bs supply of the good people v el(heuthe rypaper ilia not
leasaut eventOhappenel
broth ht Lythe party the e an people p y 1
spent a very pleasant iliac and wort the other day at Mr, \Losgrove's, bliss
hone glad fey the good they ihad dol meeting 13o11m 811111 l ame f Air to a iced o43t bf Colo
(1111 1,8111 BAG rimy., The art
off the sharollold+rs ami patrons of the
Walton 'Union (Theme end Butter Fac-
tory was Hold in lleienes 11,,11 on Tues.
all'11r 11W,l1 occupied'the) "halt. Aiho tori"mmu
Give me a call. -
P.S.—Satisfaction guaranteed
in all repairs.
Snot, A FEW Dooms Souru Olt Sensor:.
Per the next 30 Jaya we will sell the
following first-class Plows, all gnarantoed
to give satisfaction, with
The Hill Plow, worth $16.0 at 012.00 and.
,a c Goods
No. 13Thistle Cutter Plow 310.00 at 010.00 Toys
fdi. 1N' y iC1:
No. 13 „ ,. ,. ,014.00 at 010.00 1 U y
First.claso Lumber Wagon and 1 Set
Knee Bob -sleighs to exchange for wood or
We have on hand the following 1--,
POWERS, STRAW CUTTERS, All the School requisites kept
TURNIP PULPBRS AND in stock or procured m a clay !or
Leather and
Ordinary bound'.
A. -L1 -B -U -M -
Special B-ai'gains
13lu4iv<► Le.
Saw logs and wood conn in great
quantities just now,
Mr. Mosgrove 8108 ill town last week.
Ile is always a pleasant visitor to have
and always WeleO ne.
Maggie Hartley succeeded in passing
the examination (entrance tohigh school)
with a very high mark.
Ettie Cued is the latest addition to our
school. She is staying at her meek's,
Joseph Leech, of this Place.
Miss Mary Collie, wise leas been down
south for some time, waa in town over
Sunday. She is an old (young) friend.
Mr. Murphy, of the boundary line, has
not been well lately. His many 4 riends
hope 11e may yet live to see a good old
Win. Stewart goes, to tette the place of
Geo. Jenkins this week. Mr. Jenkins is
still unable to attend to his professional
Mr, Dunnage, our postmaster now,
has a box of dittos whioll he gives away.
He will have numbers of oustonlers ready
to take all his goods at the sense figure.
Presbyterial. visit was madams Tues.
day to the Blnevale Presbyterian church,
There was rather a slim attendance, The
delegates from the Presbytery were ;—
Reeds. of
• . Lat Kr
a Messrs. Revd
ar ie
Mc n r ,
and Q
Whitechurch, ,
Miss Lizzie Robertson, who has been
in Manitoba keeping house for her broth-
er, arrived safely from there on Saturday
evening. She loops as if Manitoba agreed
with her and Tan Posy wishes to join
With her other friends in hoping she will
not get lonesome in Bluevole.
rte' Points for all. Plows kept con-
antly on band.
Repairs of all kinds promptly attended
to at LOWEST P11IGEo.
A quantity of first-class Hardwood
Flooring ou handl, well seasoned.
Planing, Matching and Band Sawing
in first class style at the
[{uVOit County Votes,
The 0120: morning Jahn Johnston,
the 1st (sou, Ashfield, was instantly kilned
by tL kick from a horse. The deceae011
W/10 4118 with others 0ngeged in logging,
had last doubled 10am8 to proceed up
hill, and noticing something wrong
stooped to greenest the "hauls 1011011 the
am11001 struck hiul, one of the caulks
striking him on the right temple, and the
other in the jugular vein.
I A,Oto'w el.
The Listowel High School opened with
a larger attendance than there hag been
at the school at any provioue time, 110
pupils being present.
A meeting of the high Sehool root
Ball Club was held on Tuesday, when the
following officers were elooted : Pres. J.
A. Tanner ; Vioe•Pres„ Geo. Porter ;
Captain, R. Downy ; Soa•Trtes, J. W.
Ward; Committee, L. Bolton, J. Gibson,
J. Wilson, M. Pauls, W. 01t1010 and R.
The Elmo dietriut L.O.L. held its an-
nual meeting in the Orange Ball, Listo-
wel, on the 10th Inst., O. W. Cos0ns,
District Master, in the chair. The fol-
lowing oltiters wore clouted for tlno en.
suing year 1 Moses Lang, District Mast-
er , I., SI. Alexander, Deputy -blaster,
re-elected ; II, WViiloughbyy, Chaplain ;
Wynn. Johnston, Treas., re-elected
Any, recording `leo., re-eleotea
Stevenson, Vim Sec. ; S, ;3, Bothwell,
ll, D.
of C„ re.eloctcil , Jas. 13ailey,
re elected.
The all/Intel mantles of the 1Va31)too
Om "Town D 1IL Listowel, 'last Thursday
• Proprietor.
7�a e
t .r
A,n T
Veal's Furulture Store, Brussels.
As l: am. Quitting the Furniture Trade and going into lJotther busi-
ness -
r CSt
- the la J
1 tOClti
I will oiler my uron,eby Public Auction, on
G'ene>ttLi .Nevem..
Lord Charles Beresford has resigned
from the Admiralty.
Georgia farms are mortgaged for 08,-
000,000 of foreign capital.
There are 8,000 faith healers in the
'United States, it i0 said.
Bishop Roes vehemently denounced the
Coercion Act in a sermon at Skibbereon.
The price of a kiss for this season has
just been fixed by a Jersey fury, which
assessed the kisser 03,600.
Tho Germano are organising a 001101..
datable establishment of faloon8 to oaboh
the enemy's (sorrier pigeon.
Queen Viatorie is to receive the first
bar of gold taken from the uesely.diseov-
erecl Gwyntynydd iniac at Dolgolly,
The Cotton geVer . outs his hair, and
Ito 1008x0 11 in a braid down his back
until etc is married, when he has the
right lo curl it on the top of his hoed.
Out of (18 palatial residences in Paris
111090cted by a Government sanitary
engineer, 47 wer(1 round to 11100 defective
plumbing that tiro health of the ocanpa11118
was constantly threatened.
l\', C, O'Boirne, e. 'wall-111011.11journ-
o' itc hoes hoar there. 11 i5 leap year, limon Agrenittnel Society was bcldl in go sot1C rho Woodstock Standard.torn Ontario, 'has ober.
you kma1' Mr, ay were1performed the there afternoon, when the following nl(ot'ls 1) 33( (00 i8 11 good ari1+''nnilll au•+motive
moray. •-1 can't 30. where 1 shat'! write aft
noxa true. ]'baso axmt5w batt I l 1 , Wn1.dlDtixon 1 ensuing lo01 ecdo., IWVm, manager,
W011 InIn,
1)13' from.
ttn:itink+.. Puma trnly,1.11n,1..
SATURDAY, JAN. 21, I888,
At 1 o'Clolr p. 11►it., S1Lte.1•1),
when I will sell the whole stock, consisting' or
Parlor Spites, Bedroom Suites, B �:tl.nsion Fall Lay and.
Centre Tables, Sideboards, Cupboards, Bureaus, Bedsteads,
a' Sofas, S ring' Beds and Mattresses, 17 different
Lounges, S fa , � o
kinds of Chairs, a great number of Beautiful Pictures, one good
-hand Piano, 01)4 splendid 11440 Bell Organ, two sewing
?machines and a great number mber of other articles too 7LJl??tero0•iS to
.111 duals of ,w ti rind finder ('11,1411 : over thin. %inward `t luuntlitf
responsible parties. 1.0 per cent. ot'f for (lash on er>tlit
Credit t0 1'ets7)crll, j, •