HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-1-20, Page 44
. al � L 1 1 ZItM In the Northwest they have a bad weed
called "Peony Crass,' and it is already
1,5011—Adam Good, finding its way into this country, tt bo•
lougsto the mustard lamily. IetKrchange
of seed is ottee productive of great loss.
In the Old Country the seedemen guar-
antee seeds and if not up to sample are
Anrtiot Sale—Thos. D1nl.nuchlin, not to he paid for. A few ways to neat
Fur: limealeEmporium—R. 1tsMouchliu. who, seeds are as follows; --'puke 100 seeds,
pat them between shoats et blotting
Vis,,limper, niece in moist neons at 711'ot 80 de.
grecs and in a few days they will wally
(^*•• n a
(11 b e 3.111.1155CI S 'Last, Int seeds 1)1 a flannel on a saucer, with
all if good. Another way is to
blotting paper over it, Se. A third tent,
Rejoice --Geo. Love.
l:ocels--B. L eathe'dale.
Steels for Sale --•R T. Ilingstcn.
Notice to Debtors Smith Bros.
put some earth !n it match box, cover
FR/14.11', ,7.1:1'. 20, 1888. with cloth, put 'cede in and cover with
another cloth, then put a ;l inch of soil
(e'eermaceP 011OM 0I110'1 1'A61t.) ill. After to .Mort time examine and see
state :,f Ic.mentation as to enable it to result. Heat, nloteturo and oxygen
immediately benefit the rapidly growing causes garmivation, list the Agricultural
mop. The effect of farmyard manure College they have a germinating machine,
usually extends over• m period of 4 or 6 in which tests of the loud described aro
years, ,ten longer. It is also a manure made, Beads ere ,,ften impure and this
which an be applied to any crop, and, is, nu more cases than one, the fault of
when well cared for, giving results equal seedsmen, Every farmer should keep a
to any special fertilizer. With regard to collection of weed seeds and compare
applying it as a top dressing I may say them with foreign seeds introduced. Prof.
that if, by this means of application, re• Penton concluded his interesting address
h by citing a number of experiments macho
with old grate, frosted wheat and advised
every farmer or gardener to bay nothing
but the best.
A vote of thanks was passed to Prof.
Penton and Mr. Renie, also to the other
gentlemen witched contributed papers, on
motion of !C. H, Kerr and Jno. McCrae,
sults are obtained equal tot ose realized
where the manure has been applied to
turnips etc., then we are justified in ac.
cepting this mode of application as being
co nsietent with good husbandry. In the
application of manures, us in a1 other
part,; ofL.ming, no herd and fast rules
can be followed, but the individual farm.
er. must know the foots and adopt the
manner best suited to his means and air- Agricultural hocieties.
The second paper of this session was
01112Y 1111321011.
read by Robt. McMillen on "Cattle1yteannual meeting oftem Grey Branch
feeding." particularly stock cattle. Ho Agl, Society was held in the 'resell 1 -fall,
said it farmer should prepare and have Brussels, un '7hnrsd•ly, Jan. 12tH. Teebis stables all read; before the time for ;1 editors fiunnrisl ,abort was rend, rho,v.
tying cattle in comes on. He should also ill;; re'eeipts to be $185,711; disbursements,
have grain crushed, hay and straw, so $335.20 ; balaure en heard, $I111.47, ltov-
that Ire does not need to be throwing
them what comes handiest for the first
week or two. The chaff should be separ-
ated from the straw al the time of thresh-
ing. Stock should be fed at regular
times during the day. Peuctuality in
feeding should be observed. 1 will now
give yon my daily routine of feeding..
Caretakers should be iu the stable not
later than six o'clock in the morning.
We first give to each animal About 11
pounds of marigolds, after that they get
chaff or straw. The stables are cleaned
out right after feeding in the morning.
They are let out for water about half -past
tan, the water being in a trough in the
yard. Great care should be taken to see
that they all get enough. We do not
leave them out long at a time ; the cattle
themselves are the best judges when they
want in, all gathering round the stable
when they have been out long enough to
satisfy them. For their noon feed they
get six pounds of cut hay and straw mix-
ed with from one and one-half to two
pounds of meal with a little salt, get this
dry. At night they get eight pounds of
hay each. The reasons for feeding the
roots and straw in the morning, cut feed
and meal at noon, and hay at night are
that the roots give them an appetite for
the straw and you get what they leave
for bedding ; the cut feed and meal at
ed by V,. .H, lle('racken, seconded by
Alex. Gardner that the 1011510 be adopt.
ed. ( armed, The folloniug were elect.
ed as officers and Direo.ora ter the ensu•
ing year : President, James Ferguson ;
Vila :President, 'Thos. Davidson ; Di-
motors—John Siebel, 1V. H. McCracken,
:flex. Stewart, Jootothau Mooie, Conrad
Michail, John Forbes, A. B. Robertson,
Thee. lloLauchliu and Chas, Hingston ;
Auditors—Alas, Strachan and F. H.
Scott. At a sleeting of Directors held
immediately after the President and W.
H. McCracken were appoi nted to negotiate
with the East Marco Society, with a view
to hold the shows in Brussels this year.
11100 001100.
The annual meatiug of this Soeiaty
convened in the Brussels Town Hall on
Wednesday afternoon of this week, Don.
old AleLauohliu, President, in the ebair.
The Secrete: y, 1). Stewart, read a veep.
ris of the amnia! report, which showed
the receipts to be 51160.95 and the ex-
penditure to be 51051.00, leaving a bal-
ance of 615 when all the prizes are paid.
Onmotion of Robb. Al leer and Jas. Fer-
guson the report was adopted. The fol-
lowing officers were elected :-- Donald
0laLauchiin, President; 1\•10, Greece 1st
Vice -President; Robt. Gib -on, and Vice
President ; A. Car:liter, Itobt. .Milia ,
noon soon learns them to come into their ,lits. Ferguson, Alex. Stewart, 'l'hns,
places without any trouble, and the hay ' .11nvidseu, Thos.Rel y, D. :mum,. :1. L.
for night being the bulky feed of the
three, after eating it thee:die down and
have plant} of time for ruminating and
digesting before morning. Thus, it will
be seen, that they consume 84 pounds
every day. Taking this at market price
it costs about 11 cents each day ter a
bullock. For 64 mouths, or 195 days, it BrUSSe1P Council Meeting.
will cost 521,50. Too much mire cannot
be Wen to keep stable under bank barns The first meeting of the new Council
well ventilated. Ibelieve a thermometer I was held, as pe- statute, on Monday of
should be keep in the stable and the 1 this week.
temperature kept, say 50 dogs. We never After the declaration of ofliea had been
allow a caretaker to strike or 111.1180 a taken and the members seated the min -
beast in any way if we know of it. If utas of last meeting were read and co) -
cattle are in the habit of kiokieg firmed.
when they first come in curry them with Accounts wore presented front
a comb and they will soon stop it if they J. Hargreaves, miscellaneous SSo,
are always kindly used. J. 1). Ronald, Fire Dept 25.65
Points in discussion : Cattle should be I)r, Holmes, Board of Health.. , ,10.00
turned out for a short time in the early Moved by R. Graham, seconded by
spring until they get accustomed to the .750. Amer, that the above accounts bo
»ew grass. Cattle fed meal as well as paid. Carried.
grass had been known to gain 84 pounds Moved by R. Graham, seconded by
per day and ono beast gained 100 pounds Jno. Ament, that F. S. Scott be re-ap-
in 20 days. Great care should be taken pointed village clerk, at a salary of 560
in taking cattle to market not to overheat per' annum. Carried.
or abuse then'. 72 acres of grass had Moved by J. 1I. McIntosh, seconded
kept 40 animals during the summer. by D. Strachan, that D. Stewart be re.
Cattle should be let out every day as the appointed assessor at a eatery of $40 per
exercise bailee them stand the voyage annum. Carried.
across the ocean. Thos. Gibson, M,P.P., Moved by J. 1I. McIntosh, seconded
.7. McMillan, T. Hays, Prof. Penton, W. by D. Strachan, that Thos. Town be re.
Perris, S. Rennie, J. McCrae, A. Speir appointed collector at a salary of 540
and others took part. per annum. Carried.
S. Rennie read a paper on "Draining." Moved by R. Graham, seconded by D.
He said it was one of the essentials to Straehau, that Thos. Belly be re -appoint -
successful farming to have the land pro- ed Treasurer, at a salary of 640 per an•
party drained. It will add one-third to num. Carried.
a crop. It will allow of early sowing and Moved by R. Graham, seconded by
convert waste land into productive fields. Ino, Ament, that 4. II. Young be one of
The farmer should know something of the auditors for 1888. Carried.
the chemistry of the soil. Very little at- The Reeve appointed J. R. Grant as
tantion has been paid to drainage in this the other auditor.
country until lately. It has created a Moved by D. Strachan, seconded by J.
wonderful revolution in England in re- M. McIntosh, that T. Ballantyne, T.
claiming bog land. Holland has done Maxwell'and T. Pierce be re -appointed
even better than England. Proper drain. fence viewers. Carried.
age removed stagnant water and allowed Moved by D. Stxaoban, seconded by 3.
free course for pure water. All lands re- M. McIntosh, that Thos. Bradweli be re-
quire draining where there is more water appointed pound -keeper. Carried.
than the drop requires. Fields often Moved by D. Strachan, seconded by J.
show spots of dampness. Wide cracks M. McIntosh, that a by.law be prepared
in the soil is another evidence of the nee. ratifying the above appointments. Car-
ossity of proper drainage. A good under- tied.
drain will last a man's lifetime and the Moved by R. Graham, seconded by
reward will be very satisfactory. The Jno. Anent, that J. H. Young, Thos.
speaker has 102 acres and has about 10 Town and Alex. Stewart be re -appointed
miles of drains and in his clay loam they on the Board of Health with Dr. Holmes
have paid nearly five times over the cost. as Medical Health Officer. Carried,
The chief points to be considered are, The Reeve, Councillors Graham and
�91 The Hoed ;0042?
Dietanoe to outlet i Strachan compose the Street Committee,
L� Nature of soil (4) After cultivation, The Finance, and Charity Committees
Locate the drain in the lowest part of the hive the Reeve and Councillors McIn•
field. Avoid crooks as much as possible. tosh and Ament.
Depth should be about 3 feet. Have Council then adjourned to meet on
grades even and always have a wooden Monday, Feb. 6111, at 7;30 o'clock p.m,
outlet. Lay tiles to fit well, starting at
the outlet. Tramp subsoil on top of tile
and if sandy use straw. The cost of dig-
ging and filling about 12 Dents per rod.
Would use 5 er 0 inch tile, In quick-
sand clay should be tramped in or a
covered box put through, Tile agate 57
for 2 melt ; 512 for 3 inch, and 520 for
4 inch. Mr. Ramie was closely question-
ed by Jno, McCreo, T. Gibson, M. P, P.,
U. McFadden, J. R. Miller, Prof, Patton
nod W. Petrie.
The last subject for discussion was
"Seed Testing," and was introduced by
Prof. Penton. There aro throe things,
he said, should be asked about seeds, viz,
—Are they true to the label ; Do they
possess vitality ; Are they free from
weed seeds, In England they have seed
tasting hooses, where all scads aro tasted,
A largo proportion of our grilse seeds are
mixtures. Very 001011 a small gtlitutity
of the stud we plant ,n. sow germinate,
Gibson and It, lichee, .Directors :. F. 5.
Scottaad W. H. Kerr. Auditors. llepre-
,eltatives to Provinein! Exhibition, D.
1Hci..auehliu and Thos. Kelly ; Repro.
s'•1tati vas to Western Fair, ,hes. 1''ergueon
and Rola, Gibson,
Perth County Notes.
The Stratford Presbytery met in the
First Presbyterian chnrob, St. Marys,
Tan 11. Rev. E. W. Penton presiding.
Rev, 3, Campbell waa appointed modem,
tor for the neat six months, Rev. Mr.
1lobertsee, anperintendent of missions in
the Northwest Territories, was present,
end made an earnest appeal in behalf of
the home missions, A cult from ;North
Mornington 'vas represented by Rev. Mr,
Boyd, moderator of that session, in fever
of Rev. 3, W. Cameron, late of Richmond
IIi11. The call was signed by 121 mom
hers and 47 adlme'e.nts, in the event of
Jtov, Mr, (01001on'e nel:eptanne of this
call a special nteoting of the Presbytln'y
will be held in North Merniegtnu nn
l'uoadt,y, 1+r1, 21, at Ifo„fo 11. Id„ to hold
induction serviet 0.
THE BRUSSELS 131111533010513115535512833111133153110585
The Tithing in Wales,
To the Metter of Tut. POST,
1'111, S:nrree. --As some pious souls held
the opinion that If the tithing system
was universally adopted the msleuniunl
would speegrlily dawn 511011 010 benighted
world I ask m epee in your cotemne for
the following article, (Incited from the
Glasgow Mail, of Dee. 24, 1887, as in
Wales they have tithing to their ifeart's
content, I leave it to your readers to
judge whether the first rays of that
peaceful period are not beaming in that
country. Yours, Fain Peee.
"A Holywell correspondent telegraphs:
The tithe campaign was opened iu earn-
est inFlintshire on Monday, when the
Clergy Defence Association, acting on
behalf of the vicar of Whitford, levied a
distress on several fanners in Whitforcl
parish, including thio secretary and treas.
mar of the local branch of the Anti -
Tithe League Association, A number
of emergency men had been brought over
from Ireland specially for the work, and
were accompanied by n smell force of
police, while a strong body of Flintshire,
Carnarvonshire and Denblgshire police
were held in reserve at liolywoll, and the
military in Chester Barracks were under
arms, with a special train in waiting
ready for immediate action. The seiz-
ures were made by a firm of London so-
licitors on behalf of the Defence Associ-
ation, and being quite unexpected by the
farmers passed off quietly. Twelve farms
were distrained upon. The distraint
party which on Monday decended on the
farmers for tithes due to the vicar of
Whitford, in Wales, and the Ecclesiastical
Commissioners, had again a day on
Tuesday. The London tithe agents and
I bailiffs were protected by the police as
on Monday. Twelve farms wore visited,
and although the demeanor of the crowd
was much more threatening than on
Monday no actual breach of the peace
oeaurred. The solicitors engaged, how-
ever, had a quantity of offensive ,,latter
thrown over them, and the police were
pelted with rotten eggs.”
t,3 rex clselss Ser. htrul 13 on rd.
The first meeting of the above men-
tioned Board was held in the, Council
Chamber on Wednesday, commencing at
1 o'clock.
H. Dennis and A. Hunter took the de-
claration of office.
Rev. 3, Rosa, B. A„ waa chosen chair-
man for the ensuing year.
Moved by F. S. Scott, seconded by J.
Hargreaves that N. S. Scott, 1. Har-
greaves and 1T, Dennis be the Property
Committee, and H. Dennis, T. Fletcher
and A. Hunter the Visiting Committee,
the committees to exchange work at the
expiration of six months. Carried.
Moved by H. Dennis, seconded by F.
S. Scutt that the re,uler nneetiugs of the
Board be held en the 1st Feeley of each
mouth 0101 that the .Chairman or any
two 'Trusteee have p.mer to call a special
meeting. Carried.
Board then adjourned to meet on Fri-
day evenieg of this week at 8 o'clock.
T. hletcl,er tools the declaration of
office after the Board had adjourned, not
being present at the meeting.
REJOICE AND BE GLAD, `aI fl �( hiss, ItA1111FOR 10, STALE.
JAN. 20, 1888,
stsiassisso=s=otannwzmnr-,,,..-r1.701ssasssassranswasinnimosmasmasoosusarniTtnom \•,\
Returned to Brussels I
Having arranged with CII 111•
LES RAYI'1ON1), of Guelph,, I
will have it man every FRIDAY
to repair sowing machines.
All Work Guaranteed
or no pay.
Bring along your old lea•
chines and have them repaired
Sowing Machine King.
— 01 IMPORT=—
Geo. Kirkby, Auctioneer, has received in-
strtutiens from the undersigned to sell
by Public Auction, at
Lot' 1, Cax, 0, GAS, TowNanu', ox
Friday, February 3rd, 7888,
tbefollowingvalnable Horses and Cattle:
1Imported Heavy Draught Stallion, 4
years old, "Prince of Dreghorn" ; 1 Im-
por•ted Heavy Draught Stallion, 3 years
old, "'Phe Tourist" ; 1 Imported Heavy
Draught Stallion, 2 years old, "King of
the Islas" ; 3 Heifers, rising 2 years old,
in calf to a thoro'-bred bull; 4 Heifers,
rising 1 year old ; 8 Steers, rising 1 year
old ; 1 Fat Cow ; 1 Chester 'White Boar,
8 months old. The above horses are
registered in Clydesdale Stoll Books of
Scotland, and the Dominion Stud Book.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p. m.,
sharp. Lunch will be provided. A con-
veyance will meet morning trains to take
parties coming from a tlist:wee to sale.
T11115ts,—A1l sums at and under $10
cash ; over that amount 19 months cre'l it
will be given ou furnishing approved
joint notes. 0 per cent. will be allowed
for cash on credit amounts. Fat cow to
be cash.
George Kirkby, 'rkl(s, lir La11ebiln,
Auutdoneer. Proprietor.
The proprietor wishes to remind the public that his stock of Furni-
ture, including Parlor and Bedroom Suites and
all kinds of furniture usually kept in
a first-class store, was
Latest Styles of Picture Moulding,
Frames and Oil Paintings in stock. As I now manufacture my
own Furniture, having
Eight lien Constantly Employed,
1 am in a position to doal with the public on more liberal terms
than over. All timber used thoroughly seasoned in the first-class
dry kiln at our Factory.
Repairing Promptly Attended to.
First-class stock of Undertaker's always on hand. By
(healing with 710 you secure the hest manufactured for tho same
price its you would pay for a second of third rate article elsewhere.
,.'tl (hods Delivered Free pat, the Cortnvbrirl.
R, A..,EA AE.
>J - t nr8l-01115 farm far sato to tote
l'ownahlo l 1 ptorrl0 to tin Con sly of 11 nranl,
living south 11011 of north )illi Into 25 ot00
0015.5 ter if of ^n 10 5E11 0011., 0511 t05111g
2511 noro, 150x0 or loss, 120 mares mostly
choir of stumps and In 11 good state of Agip•
cation. 'Photo 10 a yeulg bearing orebardet
good hoes, amt molt barn 10 0 70 Iout, with
010desires to sista that he has again b1:en11•
15::1 alis eielereen1h, 'Phu Win 11111,3 ow.
atoll Walls n 01110 of the Visage of Brussels to resident of Brussels and is prepared to
earl is n grand farm Inc 1;1.1111 or stock rat0• take Contracts for all kinds of Carpenter
nig a51t 15 watered with the river Maitland ee,..„ stili ns House Building, Bern:01,1 never tailing print; creels. rn,0s0s0iln R'
W111 00 alvei. at any time, For further par- Framing, 13'1111 IVnighting, ,ev.
ti0111nrs amity ou the 11,,1)11005 or toA.lt.
1t)illttTNON, arnasolo, 1', O, tetf
Executor's Notice.
All partial having elttres against the Es-
tate of the late Renewer Bose, of the 'Town.
side of Grey, 11 the (101 553' of Moron who
(Ilea en or about the ant Any of June, A.
1557, tiro, on or before the 1st day of Snllunry
1555, to send 00 post (Prepaid) to the under-
signed their 01)01515in and 311,030103. .rad•
1100113 and description, with full purtl,hlurs
of their debits, to teatement of their as-
00u1lte and nature of their sonorities, if any,
held by than, and in default thereof they
will he peremptorily exceeded from partici-
rating in the said estate. All portions in-
dobted to the deceased whether by book
item:mut or otherwise, aro requested to pay
1110 0510 o to W111. Boone°, o1 or before the
above mentioned date,
18-1im w51, ;3 pEN OE. Executor.
Dated in 0rey this end day of Oet, '57,
Saved. Saved,
O �T� ?
By buying anything you want in the
harness One from us. Our goods aro the
best to bo found in the market. Our
prices are the lowest, as we boy all our
goods for oash and we give our customers
the advantage of it. A full lino of
Horse Clothing, 1?,,obes,
Bell,,, Whips, y'o., also
T- ru•nhs, Valises, and
Ladies' Satchels,
the largest stock in town and sold the
done cheaper that Any shop in the County.
never gall.
Give 53 a 01011 and bo convinced that
what we say is true.
I. C. Richards,
Graham's Bloch, Brussels.
Iso will also 1110100 n Specialty of Mev
ing 13uiklinge.
Estimates Cheerfully Given,
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
in every inetanoo,
10 )01', A10015l'O}N8,
General Blacksmiths,
Wish to intimate to the Public generally
that they do all kinds of Blaolcamithing
in Workmanlike Manner.
Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters
made to Order.
Repairing promptly Executed.
We make a Specialty of Ilorse-shoeing,
A Call Solicited. r'Itemembs• the
Stand—Noun THE BltmoE.
Plum &Clarke,
Wear Spectacles
ant Eye -Classes that will preserve your
Manufacturing Optician, late of the firm
of Lazarus & Morris, 28 Maryland Road,
Harrow Road, London, England, has ap.
pointed an agent for the Renowned Spec.
taches and Eye -Glasses which have been
before the public for the past 25 years.
Lazarus' Speotaoles never tire the eye
Last many years without change.
For ,Sale by I -I. L. JACKSON,
Folz sElavxcm,
This bull (Prince of Maple Lathe No.
14,361) is of a splendid milking strain,
his dans being Rioters Queen, 14,895,
which traces bask to a sire of Emotes.
No. 2,45.4, record 778 lbs. butter in one
year ; co Marjorama 10 lb. cow tool to
Gipsy, record 17 lbs. of butter hi seven
:�-----��=� days. ]3o weighs about 1500 pounds,
''01101011 00 n,u'ia: r.AOE." has taken several lst prizes and diplom-
as at Western Fair, London and would make n valuable Dross with any good mills or
butter cow. A11 those who wish to increase and improve the 0eeduats of the dairy
would do well to have calves from this bull Vor further particulars, as tnlwheto he
is kept and cost of service, address
Drug 'i,st, keit., 13rea . rest•, Onrt.
Tho undersigned beg leave to intimate to the Public that they
have opened out a
in the Backer Stand, Cranbrook, where they are prepared to turn
out Cutters, Sleighs, 'Wagons, Buggies, &e.
Satisfaction guaranteed. We ask for a trial.
'fit tom, eE4l
Grist and Flour Mills !
Tho undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the
Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has now the Mill in
First Class Running Order -
and will be glad to see all his old customers and as many new one.
as possible. Chopping done.
Flour and Feed Always on 7 of d 5
Highest Price plaid for any quantity of Good (# rain .