HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-1-20, Page 32O, 1886. tetasolnrcereseesuccassuameacallaLermaut creirD "IT TDB PACE THAT We're going too fast in the race of life, There's too m twit 01 the spar and whip, No giving heed to the often strain, The chances of tumble and alt. From the score we rush, with cheer ancl shout. Thal pulse and Mewl madly. thrills, Forgetting the warning eoutamed in the words, "It is the piten that kills." We ride from the start intent Lo win, Regardless of limb or breath ; Aro bound, whatever may be the cost, To be foremost in at the death ; No distance too great, no hurdle too high ; As long as the entry fills, Wepush fertile lead, and find, to our cost, 11 iii the pace that kills." Wo train too line to keep Lho mount At the risk of life and health, Think far too much of winning the cup, In the endless struggle for wealth ; Wo carry greater weight than wo should, Choking down pains and 11, And recklessly laugh when others tell, "It; is the pace that kills." We ride as it were a, quarter clash— A brief struggle aud quickly past, No one where he fittest alone survive, And the strongest stay till the last, Fitil bumpers we drain at every success, Of the wine that the heart distills, Anil with every draught the caution neglect "It is the pace that kills." We're spendthrifts of muscle, strength and nerve, Go on as if made of steel. ABE homanframewerenot delicate thing, And human flesh could nut feel ; Ai- if course of life were a level track, Not made up of valleys and hills, And lind by being out of the race, "It is the pace thab kills." The running we make in all of life From the cradle till we grow old, It's whip and spur to bo at the lead For a belt or purse of gold; In every businer-s, in every trade, In office or whirling mills, We go against ninon and soon will learn It is the pace that kills." There's po thought of rest, of cooling off When a single heat's to be won, We foolishly think wo have the speed, And bottom to distance the sun ; We love and wA hate, we eat and we drink, Have no rule but our own sweet wills, And scoff at laws so the penalty pay, For ',it is the pace that kills." No warning we take from the 'woken .down That lie thick on every side— The victims sad of haste and speed Crush, d under the steeds of pride. 'Tura, better to panee and slower go, Ti, remember our pains and ills, Before flag of death ends the race of life And we fall in the pace that kills. Po THE RURAL LEGISLATOR. . N ow, Jeans, you' , o pin' up thar ermongst them Legislator' folks, What el,m't do nothinelse but eat an' drink an' tell thu'r jukes ; . An' I'm afeard ,ou'll soon forgit yer ,hoi.est ways er Et you don't mind the good advice which buy been givin'. Donlgooff ter no big hotel, what charges Sauey prices, Anksetii out wine fer dinner, not a-eount- in'xixiallor vices Fer-yer l.ev Pined the temp'rance lodge, st.ez all good folks oughter, AMswore you'd keep the pledge an' stick ter.nothin' else but water. I've hearma heap er awful things 'bout bar -rooms an' theaters, An' resterrants what nakid gals aro staudin"round ez Withers ; I novel did believe the Lord would let this be.the case, But of it is, I hope you won't be naught in such. n place. Yen ain't usedler the goin's on one sees filar night.au' day, . An' tain't no proper place fer men ez old ez you tor stay, Ther's seine may sty 11 ain't so bad, an' thou itds Inainan natme— .Butfoikstian'tbe too heed ul while they're in the Legislatue. 'You've got two snits of home -spun jeans, both made "vine an' 1 ule, An' two b'iled shirts to w'ar when goin' ter church an' S uminy.skele • An' one new pa& er grantees, knit' by our elairy Ann— An' shorely these,air.goed erne for any decent num. I've,put a chunk er.sassafrao down in yer carpet -bag, With a hunk or mutton taller wiopped up ith a. flannel rag ; An' ez soon ez you got to sneezin', with a ereepin' up yer back, Go ter greasin' with the, Whir an' it -drink - in' sassafrace. Then ef you ain't no better, nit' got mizry in yer head, Take a "tenpin' dorm er .blue mass jist afore you go ter bed, Nest mornin` take som Bps= salts ter rectify the pill, Ihn bounden thet'll Qum you, of tiler's any thing that will. Be keerful how you projiok with them offunhuntin' widdors, Vet when Deimos ter gittin' votes, they're monst'ous smilin' bidders ; They'll talk you into promisire aquae out what you're agin, An' every blessed one ov.'em believes she's goin ter win. Draw out what's cemin' MOO, Jams, nit' hide it sego away Down in the cornder er yer trunk, ol'ar onclorneath the tray' • ftemetinles the State gibsplested ail' thee ain't no money Ulm— iio,ter make things shore sertain, you hod batter keep 'cm spar', Well—tbees 'bout all. (tnoct.by itgin - be koorful on them enro— 1 bear 'cm eniniu' 'round the nyurve-- Inv tine I now that thing jars 1 Look out, I Be shore Dood.hy- What, off I Well, et eon most, yon must — What sereechin" en- 1 'elar my ayes )10V . got plum frill et' (lust., 14,14E BRUSSELS POST tlefetarnti....ThW aretirteraMOMMOMISIMManaillett0111848111111412120A21 WORTH it81111MBEHINO. __— Every time you borrow you take a back at your self•relianoe. Every limo the moroury drops the price of coal goes skyward., Every time you gush over classic Music yon play the hypocrite. Every tinoo you snub a reporter the gods will unite and smite you, Every lime you do good and tell of it yeti lose the fruit of the notion. Every timo yon buy that which you can't afford yon prove youreelf a fool, Every Hine you throw a banana• peel on the sidewalk you endanger somebody's nook. Every time you call a man a liar ho still knock you down—if ba has any style about him. Every time yon talk about your own worth you convince your hear. ors that you have nono. Empty vessels snake the moet soloed. Writing a wrong le the forger's work. f.lut'Your (mat according to your °loth. Where thero's a will there's al- ways it way. Boyond the palo—The drunkard's nose. A bad worknian quarrels with his tools. Men who have company must have money. Some matt carry too much sail, some too little. Great men when analyzed usually prove to be very small men. Men trade on borrowed repute, tion its they trade on borrowed capital. Good intentions will nc.b help a man on his way it he takes the wrong road. The history of trade shows that failure is tho rule and winning the exception. Money moves the crops that make the great west the granary of the world. Ono man is overnice and becomes Emmy ; ancteer is carelose and loses his trade. One man ruins his business be: 0111.180 he is a sloven ; another ruins it bccause he is a fop. Men neither win nor lose in the sawe way Otto fails and is smart; another wine end is dull. Talent and temper often go to geiher. It is rare to find a sharp, bright man the t is n courteous man. The melebants of old Tyre were princeee, and her traffickers were the most' hen 'table of the earth. Integrity, honor and piety do not save 5 man from disaster if he fails to observe the law of 51100835. Tho law of 130000811 is as certitin as the law of the tides. All moat obey the laws it they would prosper. A. diemoud with a flaw is better than it pebble without. But the Haw adds nothing to the value of the diamond. 110USEHOLD HINTS. Use a pallet knife to scrape pots and kettles. The high four-poated bode of n century ago are 118itiu popular. Sweep and dust once a weelc the rooms which do not daily receive tine attention. For intense itching, bathe in salt water, dry with a coarse towel ani rub with meet cal. Put salt io the water to prevent black calicoes,' from fading when they AN washed. Salt plentifully sprinkled oa the icy doorstep will have itt bettor and cleaner effect than ashes. .A. mass of cubweb pingo -1 up ie a wad and pressed to a froth cut will stop the flew or bte ins.aritly: Remove fruit gains from white goods by pouring boiling enter di redly from the korai., over iIto status. Keep your bread pane alai pie dishes free from ill flavor by always waehiog them in hot water after using, Half it teaspoonful of common salt dissolved iu a little maid water and drunk will inetantly relieveheart burn. Tho best bathrooms have w natur- al wood floor, or aro covered with oilcloth or something of that kind of material. Decayed vegetables should not be left in the cellar, and cellars should - be whatewatalood to bo kept sweet and clean. To have poached eggs look vary nice, cook each egg iu a muffin ring placecl in the bottom of a saucepan of boiling water. :Dissolve a box of Pearline in two quarts of trot winter, Let it remain over night undisturbed and you will have a splendid soft soap. To make a oorset feel oomfortablo lace up to lit tho form neatly, then sow five or six straps of gain ribbon aerose and romove the strings. Since so many women have to Spend so much of their lives in the . kitchen it should be made at place of , comfort, 130 euro and have K lounge or easy chair there. For ui good tooth powder mix to. sure a fine article and profitable getter ono ounce of powdered orris production, root, one dram of guin oemphor, two Tbe report of the Namineting dram of powdered myrrh, half an Committee was reitd by Col. Otimp• ounce of prepuce). chalk. boil, recommending tho election of After buttering the tin for a boil the following alcove : President, ed pudding duet it with pounded Robt. Cleland, Listowel; Mint Vitro. bread crumbs ; baking pans eau bo Presideot, E. Oneswoll, Ingersoll ; treated with floor in the seam way Second do„ J. 13 Lanie, Dorchester and the calm will never stick. Station ; aol the following Direo• titre JO1111 Praha Harrison ; Frank maumidrymen The gloss that the 011111000 give to collars and cuffs S. Platt, Port Maithind ; 11. Hop. is mot altogether due to the starch, Rios, Brownsville ; Wu], Motor, but to heavy pressure, the artiolee Bhlevale ; Thomae Ballantyne, M. passing through heavy rollers tight. PP, Stratford ; Sytntng• ton, °minable, and James A. Blain ly adjumted and very hot. Women who do their own work Gifford. This was followed by an amend. distress. To make and keep them ?"-u,a° to elect Mr. Criswell ns soft, Weold gloves at night, just luen" al. ra 10,in in an ointment model by A. decidedly hot debate eneued, ti o end of it buiug the almost unau• insane election of Mr Casswoll, Mr. Orlelhedeitiabeing elected Pleat Vice- peMr. Hoard then addresed the coliveution on the Dairy Cow, ehow- ine her peculiar structure and func- tions, and contendi g for the necese• ity of imecial breeding for the dairy Instead of boiug content with the general purpose cow. regard their rough hands with groat beating the white of au egg to a froth and stirring 11 into ir cup of melted lard, to which is added one teaspoonful of glycerine. Keep the mixture in a covered jar, excluding the light. Perfume may bo added. rr.kalL,0 usAiLit-NrniGN. The convention of the Weetorn Dairymen's Aesociation mot in Lill - bit Opera Home, L1100WEI, 00 Rev. W. I. °lurk° thea gavo no Jen. lltb, Vice President Caswell address on Dairy Literature, urging dairymen to read more on their special calling, and very etrougly recommending the manual on but ter -making recently hotted by the Dominion Government at a noerely nominal price. In the evening a grand banquet was tendered by the citizens of Lis- towel to the officers and menthes& of the iteeociation. The banquet' was held in the Grand Central ho- tel, and was in every respect a most stmeeesful affair. The convention closed Friday morning after addresses by W A. Macdonald, of London, on milk tests ; W. D. Hoard, of Fort Atkin- son, W18., on ensilage, and R. Fer- guson, of Listowels on oboes° fairs. The Anditor's report shows a bal- ance of $1,500 ell hand. in the chair, in the absence of Pres- ident Ballitutyne, who was cal hie way to Eugland. The attendance at the opening was not quite so large as expected, as the blockade of rends hero by a snow storm pre- vented many local dairymen from turning out. Among those present were W. D. Hoard, editor of Hoard's Dairyman, Fort Atkinson, Wie., one of the most prominent of American dairymen ; Prof. Robert- son, of Guelph ; D. Derbyshire, of Brockville, ex•Preeident of the Eatilern Dairymen's Association ; 0. E. Chadwick, of Ingersoll, Sec. votary of the Western Association ; James Oheeeman, of Toronto; Wm. Symiugtun, Ca:niacin • ; Itobt. Ole, laud, Reeve of Elam ; L. Moan'. lum, dtromnees •, Wm. Meatier, 13Inevale ; J. B. LIMO, Dorchester Station ; Jas. A.. Blain, Gilford, and J. S. Pearce, Loudon, Messrs. Cleland, Lane, Syming- ton, Dickson, Meseer and Robertson Were appointed a Committee on Business, itfts-r which Mr. Hoard, of Falb Atkinson, Wis., addressed the convention iu a humorous speeoh, which was ut the same time replete with eunutl, practical ad- vice to dairymen. He dwelt nn the importance of eulutuoing the quality uf dairy product., awl at the sante time decreaeing the cost of the pro- duction. Ae the former regulated the price end the latter the profits, the best means of accomplielung Ibsen purposes 555 primarily by the education of the dairyineu Itt e0 - quire, think and experiment for themselves as to the best method of dnirying. Mr. Derbyshire, Prof. Robertson and uthere took part iu an animat- ed discuesion on the same general !Mee, after which the oonventiou adjourned for tea commencing ninths at 7:80 pm. As the everting session Franois Malcolm, of Innerlim, read a valu- able peper on "Practical Dairying," itttoincli he specially empluteizeti the ' itnp,it tattoo of giving dairy ouwi both au ubundance and a var., boy of food. Tit c paper was discussed by the Pro Went, Mr. Hoard ; James Olt 'omen, of Toronto ; Prof. Rob- ed:sin, Memel Aehley, of Belle vibe, and others, and much valu- es:le ioformation elicited. 11-9 "d then gave an instruct tv'stud amusing address, termed, .-/t, and Ends," on tielt ho showed- how thoughtful .uagaineut in even the small mat - •1 t' o dairy and farm protium( .ying alie The couveetion then. adjourned til! 0:80 ism. on Thursday.. The a‘tonaance on Thriraday was tstry largo, the body nani mot of the gallery of the Opera Housebeing eroeded most of the day, table the ohm:actor of the papers and discus. SIDS, and the keen interest taken in them, were such as to make the convention ono of the most moose - tut ever held by the Association. Among those who gave addresses was D. Derbyshire, who spoke of the dairy business, showing how it had grown in Ontario and the im- portance of maintaining a high standard of producte. Prof, Robertson recommended a scheme for bettor dairy instruction and supervision and milk inspection by 10.01tUe of competent instructors tetconorett Fifty fit e thousand Abyssinians airoic‘ov:bgregated at Guera, near ls,o A Parse correspondent says a plot ageinst the Orowu Prince has been discovered. A wooden ehoo factory at Free- port, Ill., turns out 150 pairs of shoes a wook. The State dinners given by the President of the United States met at least ten dollars a plate. A. new star in the conetelletiou Orion hire been discovered by aid of the Lick observatory telescope. Six thousand workmen aro en• geged in repairing fortifications on the eastern frontier of Germany. rta 1 1 Count Radolinshi reports that %t0 the Crown Prince's general health is better than it has been for years. A. seat in the Now York Stock Exchange sold last week for $18,- 000. The last seat sold iu the Bosilo50. n,580iook Exchatige is reported ut Chicago is to pass ES WY requiring all theatres to have drop centains of iron. This should be followed up with another law requiring the With W110 handles the curtain to be somewhere handy when he's want- ed. When Queen Victoria travels it mewl isneiness. No fewer than forty scree carriage aid riding liutees, beloctging bo the Queen, wore conveyed from Windsor to Os. borne, se well as twenty carriages and vans. e Great Eastern re cosily even in abandonment. The monster fillip, having been purchased for £16,500 to be broken up for old metal, it is found that the destruo• tom operation will cost, in itself, at least .C10,000. The number of persons killed by wild animals and snakes in Hindo• sten in 1886 was 24,841, an in. crease of nearly 2,000 more than the figure for 1885. The anakee did nine-tenthe of the work. Tigers slew 028, and wolves 222. Rev. Dr. Sutherland states that Go has been notified of a serious outbreak of scarlet fever among some of the northern Indian tribes itt British Columbia. lifty child - ran and young peeple aro reported to have died Si the Greenville Moth- odistmission in Port Simpson dis- trict, among the children being an infant son of Rev, A. E. Green, the missionary stationed there. The sweeping reduction of routs in Ireland by the oominissioners ap- pointed by tho Brittsit government visiting the fectories and eo•oporat- has caused diesatisfaction ittuong Mg with tho dairy department of landlords and tenants. Tho former the Agricultural College, muerte that they aro being despoil. Dy roeolntion tho Dmectors were ed of their ineonaes for the parporm instructed to tako steps to put the of appeasiug tho advocates of land scheme into operation and to ask ,luiw reform, wbilo tho tenants, on $10 from co'oporating faotorice to I the other hand, contend that the re - help to defray expense, &talons are wholly ineullici.ent, in the afternoon Prof. 'Robertson f landlords will Pod very Neon described the various processes in that they have hintider • Cheddar cheese making, and the in refusing the propoeitions of 'tflr. eters necessary to bo taken to in. Gladstone. MilnanilateXAM I.PAR111 IN GREY TOWNSHIP . roe sAtu.-11elop 10411, el. ti ems• taining 100 twos. it Is portly cleared. the balance woll ti.hberod. 1 hover tallier, °reek avulses the flees and it la well Ordopt- oti for either fartinell or greener 0 will wise:m.11455010s, beig{ 01,14 1)1141, 01,1 451 eon.15, nearly elf enured cud in A good state of oultivatIon. A good flame barn with 0 good slum, stable tuplerbeittb awl a Caveats Jtcs lent: Rad Taola Ale hi se_cured and all Other patent 014111108 01, -Patent (.01iSlertfol beton Oho (imam, rind e arefully attended tre o. Upon m lot of nn o - e) or sketchvn of inehtio, 11,1.1ca• carotid exanlination, eh alt's o as to tcutajlaty Frew of 011(Itgo. tell110,1 ( re.to, itua I rattan hover lalling well 1, 318,, OH TO 1.1,100, VOr 119 Ow ego nweto, pstort ellri 0. Il/fOria. firrthpat Or psieulars apply so lie proprietor tion, telv leo fool rofcrcIOIOS NOtItr alt the plum'. This lot le ofel.,c.r..; toe nib- 11.1,1114,40'+lt. • It. 1,1 or ititO LIUB .1.Vgit Pro..ri. j.f.f U.K. Petard 111110, CD -C-7:0,4 Who are brOkel.i • Sysavroats 1'01.2 dimness of desire for polo.. eowardi.,e, Inatorrluee, ri teney, tuusabvil •. females, trait,', babia 011.114111W:1 t0138101/, Vt,ry of inst.. ittl • wasted live+ wiroo duties of IiiirPo the effects rt. •. • strut:4th. result of igaor.inve Treatise in 130 siddreus all a..m,„, A M an without w 1.4 asift ;•• PermoP, • n -tee gi Painless Cum. hp -1—'111172) ' .1111 19 AL AGES. alDmoia-ac ivc..). e, '!OIt, ezdr DrEll, 4 If ,bitcor of Medicines, .4.inscquctle",4 or »discretion, pts.nrst hall ..ocrsvork. • s.:1tt CI.1 Z/Z,ISMT 1., . A A realert care for nervous 1011OOS.OtC. .,it 6:1 o djy, vertigo, went of purpose, svoi,Inuce of conversation. • 0 -st on a particular subject, .• • . omitarility ui temper, spar. • • r martini excess—impu- loan, h -s: ria feelings in '1 kn IQUOISIA Or this terrible vital force baying lost its eer., is.,d the rumirintondonts . •• mro groat majority Of • incompetent tor the arduous No, a offers e.cape froth 1 pica }a. NU vigor end .‘; •rAu early indiscretion, the caaups for IT. V. ',nacres seism° from rbxervation. .10500111 fa. Si., TOrortatt. 'f"5. HEAL VIE SICK. Atika • .!1' ' ,a,sant STOVES ! <114001:12121•111 STOVES ! See. !..11., ,oarrial • $ i,;:loves. Hands° ui»i , SILVER\i . T Always on Hand. •.11 too Market. • ui) r EAVETROUCPEOIALTY. illesaistrolinimilinicrissassavrAssarawatoes.., HE Ittnboo.11. •,,,14.1•M7,•••••0^,... s• • ,7.21551.1 *WON THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND THE LEADING NEWSPAPER OF CANADA DAILY GLODIE, Morning Edition, - $5.00 por annum. " 12 o'clock 3.00 44 64 3 64 64 , 3.00 wrEKLy. ewes, • - 1.00 44 '4 SATURDAY DALLY GLOBE, 1.00 The different editions of The Globe con be procured from all News Dealers throughout Canada, THE GLOBE SPECIAL FAST TRAIN ." — between Toronto and London, which has been running daily since 3rd March last, will be continued throughout 1888. This train arrives at London at 6.40 making connection with all the early trains from that point, securing for The Globe a delivery throughout Western Ontario hours in advance of all Toronto papers. - TO ADVERTISERS - As an advertising medium, The Globe has no equal in Canada, Its circulatioe, which appears at head of its. editorial columns daily, is far in advance of all other Canadian papers, and it is the intention of the man. agement to always keep The Glebe in its proud position as the LEAPING NEWSPAPEN OF CANADA, both in point of circulatiort and influence. THE. GLOBE PRINTING GO. TORONTO