HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-1-13, Page 8Some Reasons ;'7rg our Business keeps Increas- ing each Year. 1 Wo keep a choice assortment of goods, malting theme, books end lam goods, our leading lines, "We buy in the best markets, select. Mg those goods that are best value end wbioh aro likely to give satisfae. bion. t0 our CnetOmoes. We' nre satisfied with reasonable Profits and share the benefits of close gtarchaees with our customers. 4, In drugs and medicines wo make purity of the first importance, be. Moving that those who require these went the best, ..""i. We employ competent and obliging Assistants. 43. Wo endeavor to give satisfaction to Our customers and if any artiole fe mot satisfactory will gladly exchange it, and if not as represented will make good the loss. 1'7. Wo try and observe the golden rule "Do unto others as ye would they would da unto you." 6x, A. ic)eadtlirta,rtl, Druggist, Bookseilrrl@Faalcy (Mods Dealer. NO REMEDY gives such universal satisfaction as the OUGB REMEDY manufactured in "Seaforth, called - ca----LUMSDEN & WILSON'S'- �S .%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%946,1% %%%%%%%%o%%%%,%,%%%°oioi6, % royal Glpoorated Balsam of Firs , ,6% N%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% °o Ire wonderful virtues have created a demand for the Preparation from all Oats of the Province. Druggists sell it. Price 50 ate. 117-6ms. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, SOUTHERN EXTENSION, W. 0. & E. 11. Trains leave Brussels station, uorth aid south as follows: - Cabin South. Going North. moil ............. 9:02 a,m.Mixed 0:80 a.m .6aprees......31:45 a.m.I Mail,. ..... 2:30p.m ]iized ........:e•SG II,m. I ExpreesAaGp.m B.CaISew-5 afients. A chiefs amang ye takin' notes An' faith he'll prent it. Fusers oysters and finnan Iladdies Thomson's. 21 Ether JAMES is hero Ona visit fr .Shelbourne this week. eo A A�Trrr of store wood for sale. W E, McCracken. 17- CHAs. Ho.LLINn has disposed of his vil lags property in Wroxeter. Bnussaas Owl Club purpose holding a Ball in the Tow" Hall before long. .EXTRA 'Mine in new season fruits at Thomson's, 10 DAVID ARMSTRONG,, millwright, is hoe for a holiday visit of a few weeks, COTTADE to rent. 2 rooms, cellar, wood >sbed, well, &e. MRs. A. STzAcnAN. Now is the time to advertise your bus nese preparatory to the spring trade. FRANK, second sonof J. R. Smith hard- ware merchant, is on the sick list this .week. Bosexa•Esg has been interfered with 'oonsiderably this week owing to the snow ,Mors. CANDIES and nuts by the ton. Choice 1) .new season oranges 20 cents per dozen at Thomson's. WoEnx is the man who consulted the goose bone and acid we axe going to bays sin open winter? Roar. liN8oareo has returned to Trin. ity College, Toronto, to resume his studies ' in the M. D. class. Ann you tired sewing on shoe buttons ? See our machine for fastening, and take .wrest. BIG Ran BOOT. 26- Lowe w, ek the Wingham Times came to hand under new proprietorship. We wish Mr. Elliott success, Me. Momem, !Hill street, h seriously indisposed and fears are entertained that -the old gentleman will not recover, 'WILLIE, son of John Shannon. of Lon. don, formerly of Brussels, is enjoying a holiday visit among his old friends in town.„ tet„BttoSSRLs school opened last Monday nhornieg, all the teachers being in their ;plague. Promotions hove been in order ,this 'teak. 20,000 envelopes to hand at Toe Pose I.'ublishh)g House. Every business man .should see them and have his card print - 'ed on a thousand of them, RE1mlroen the annual meeting e( the East Huron Agricultural Society, in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday of -next week, at 1 o'olock. A tip-top stock of bill ]leads, letter and note heads, envelopes, statements, "memorandums, tags, oto., kept ahvaye in stook at THE PGs!' Publishing House. COUNTY Council will meet on Tuesday 21th lnet, It is said either Reeve Hay, of Ueborne, Reeve Wilson, of Seaforth, or Reeve Hays, of Magillop, will be Warden. Trio newly organized Temperance Image have secured a Hall in the block over Walter Jackson's store. It will be .a comfortable and commodious plane wheel the improvements are all made. LABS `Tuesday Counoillcr Grabam ship- •potl five cera Of barley to New York and on Wednesday five more went to Palmer. Ann. Brussels market leads the prones. Arm ad far as grain and pork is 0001- .corned, ;felons Women, of the firm of Meagre. Walker R; Humphries, hoe pntchased the dweifing house and lot, on Alexander e*reet,,bolonging to Jas. Armstrong. The Satter rotonds becoming a resident of To- ronto, where he ]las a number of friends. 'Vie wish hint sucnese, .6. mimeo was current on the street on Wednesday that Alrs. Thos. Pierce had died very endcldenly. Wo aro pleased to tray it W110 0 canard all the lady Ie enjoy - at fro - 1 on Ca ba o para ysis of the hr art at De Smet, Dicke- tc ta, on Chri.tmas day. I Ie left home of about three months ago to take charge of ser - a sobool in that place and when last board from was doing well, He will bo ore remembered in this town having attend- ad reg o. Lon Sunday evening Harry Conneck eft Chicago for ()attend% Ho was in good health, Tug Sohool Board seemed 2 foot green wood for the Sohool at the low figure of 01.23 per cord from Wm. Smith, of Grey township. IT le stated that R. Sperling will re- move to Wingham Jet as to be nearer the bead-quertere of his egg business. IIS will rent or sell hie new brink residence. Lose Sunday afternoon Melville ohuroh Sunday school amtllgamated witlr Knox cbulwh school and listened to an interest. ing address from :Hiss MoGregor, a 1nis. sianary who has been in Tndie for a unto - bar of years. Now le the time to renew your snit. seription to Tun Paso. We ciao either the Globe, Advertiser, Free Press, Mon- I treal Witness or Star, Live Stock Jaen. s al, Toronto Nows or Mail with Tee Post for 92.25, in advance. CONDUCTOR SNID85, of the G. T. R„ who was recently converted and united with the Methodist ohuroh, preached, with) idea! ,,..ecptabilfty, in &ahm0rstou last Itis 1, hear d tuber of mellt ° 1a a' ior,al Posy on as ' the ° The !e and ' rthe t at ° e it ome Way, C lobe & ague W Mr. er of 1' the P ae of H onto Our fiord ;1t wer, 81 mat- the a Ilk” Be 705- st ia;h- r Bea - be age t t in g day sol un- ib re- en up al very 23 'ore of n0 Fr t., do ry; or. L. ser is too th C. S as of THE BRUSSELS POST 1888. Tule ie the seaenn for partlie, lent- I As EDITORIAL Boom -Editor °Melte,ot ntor°fat tnavellol•e, daloudar friends, 11118.1 the Orange Sentinel, has been ,°looted sionary oolleotole, agriotiturel souiety, mayor of Toronto ; editor Butler, of the and Loyal Orange Lodge meetings. Times, has been eleoted mayor of Stmt. Cot \1'edueeda,•, February 811*,. the I)is- ford; editor Moyer, of the News, has triot Lodge of the T. 0. G, T, will on. beer' Sleeted a councillor for Berlin ; edi- veno in Brussels. A goodly number of tot' Stephens, of the Telescope, has boon delegates are expected to be present. °looted a °ouneillor for \Valkorton 1 TnE first meetinge of the newly -elected for Johnston, of the Thnee, has been municipal 0otlncil, in all municipalities, elected Reeve of Port ]algIn ; and other will be hold nt 11 a.10). or' Monday next, editor's too timorous to mention are 00 - Tan. 16th. County Council will )next on copying 908111on0 equally RS distinguish. Tuesday, Jan. 24th, el as the above. The country is safe. .I,7)1 Loewen, who 11na been a roeidellt Demean CONiooiuu*.-A Huron Oerres. of Brussels for several years, will remove pendent writes :-"Wo are glad to learn to Wingham whore he has secured the that Rev. G, A. Gilford, M. A„ of Ripley, contract of making barrels for the Sett has lead conferred upon him the degree \Vurice in that town, in conjunction with of Iib. D., doctor of philosophy, from a resident cooper, university of 1)4111 staluling in tbo United WE are informed that Richard Hiu States. Dr, 'Gifford bits ahvitys been a ton has purchased thetinware bum. diligent student, and we heartily son- less of Messrs. Wait & S\ alsb, of Wing. gratulate him on receiving what is doubt. any, and took posseeeion this week. The less a well 100111ed honor. Daring the people of that town will find our friend past four months the reverend gentleman people a thorough going, reliable Dili- has been almost constantly engaged in zee. conducting special evangelistic services, '•l -lino 1 Whore are you going ?" I'm A more earnest, eloquent and devoted oing would be hard to find. We hope he may long be spared to enjoy the hon- ors conferred upon bpm. Foamy morning of last week Rev. J. L. Herr awoke with a peculiar fueling resting upon him and this wits followed by a sort of numbness of the right arm and legand. and an inability to talk in- telligibly. On consulting a ph)sioian he pronounced it a paralytic stroke. Since then the pedant has been slowly improv- ing and we hope to see him fully restored very shortly. Mr. Herr had preached in the Methodsst church, Wingham, twice on the Sabbath previous and lead attend- ed the Sabbath School Conference and Union prayer meeting in town on the Wednesday and Thursday evenings fol- lowing. He has not enjoyed better health for years than during the past Fan. A report was current that this was the second or even third attack of this ohmmeter the rev, gentleman had been subject to bili we are pleased to say it is the first and we hops the last. Bruhn SocIETL.-At a meeting of the Directors of the Brussels branch of tho 'Upper Canada Bible Society on Tuesday afternoon the following colleotors were appointed Brussels, east of Turnberry street, Mrs. J. W. Shirt! and Miss Lily Vanstone ; west of Turnberry street, Mrs. Barnhill and M. D. 0. Ross ; north of river, Mra. Pike and Mrs. J. Herr. Grey township -cons. 1 & 2, Misses Strachan and Simpson. 3 & 4, Misses Straoban& Taylor, 5 & 6, ?dissect Smith. 7 & 8, S. Y. Taylor. 9 & 10, Misses Hill and Menzies. 11. & 12, Misses Perris and Dark. 13 & 14, Mrs. Jno. Bain and Miss Grant• Sabbath morning and evening, Brussels friends would bo pleased to him in our town. PAY Ur: -Wo are grateful 2) a nu of our friends for the prompt settle of accounts during the past week al we have been at considerable adrift expense in the enlargement of THE we hope others will follow snit ns s0 possible. 600803. persons hm•e asked nbont expenditure of the Charity Pond. Indies Lcep a book showing whore how the money is being used, and fo saki ofoonvenunce the book is lef TUE Pose Publishing Mouse, whey may be seen any time. TUE "CRANE." ON TSE 0TREl* SIDS. -S crank signing himself "A. Y. Har Bluovale," writes, asking if the G approves of the providing of champ at the recent timber limits sale. Hartley must be a vary careless read the Globe or he would know that Globe does not approve of the u champagne on any occasion. -Tor Globe. [What's the matter with big contemporary ? Couldn't it a to give it's correspondent a civil ens even if a "crank" on temperance tare -like a good many others of Globe's correspondents ? Tho "era in question is none other than the P byteriau olerpymen of Bhv vale -a h ly respected gentleman -Stratford eon.] The Globe bite apologised. DISTRICT L. 0. L. -Toe Loyal Ora Lodge for the District of Grey Inc in the Orange Hall. Brussels, on Tues of this week. The day was,verypleasant but there was a fairly wood presentation present. 'After winding the business of the year, which was satisfactory, the following °MleerE 1 elected for the curt ent year :- John Mooney, District Rarer ; 11. H. Frogueon, Deputy Master; Robt. Barr, Chaplain; Joseph Whelpt"n, Treasurer; J.H. Young, Reaorcling-Seoretaly J. A, Maxwell, Financial-Secrota Matthew Morrison, Lecturer; Andrew Morrison, Director of C Matthew Wilson,�Auditora. .Albert Gerry, The County Lodge will meet at Gor Tuesday, February 7012. DIED. -Toe Seaforth paper saes: -"It is our painful duty to chronicle the death ofEdward.DeC.,ntillon, son of P. De - mi llou of De elm uotl, who shed of g to J, McCallum's shoe shop, neat nor to MoCrackeu'e, to leave my order for a pair of boots for mtyeelf and a pair shoes, eaoh, for my wife and delight - m. McCallum ie hard to boat for a geed lit and reliable work, 20 Oun old and highly eeteemed friend Rev. S. Jones if spared to Friday of next eek will see his 80111 birthday. Not. withstanding this good old ago hepreaeh- d twine last Sunday at Walton with Intoes the vigor of youth and he gots !bout as lively as a cricket. Brussels ah0•.1d be proud of this veteran of the roes. Wet 810T1I in snaking things boom in the telephone business. In addition to he lino to the store of Messrs. McKay & o„ lines are ruling to Messrs, Walker Humphries shop, the residence of alter Smith, and TAE POST Publishing owe. They work tip-top and the aim- lioite, of the arrangement kind of kuocka eoplo cold. WE are in receipt of a letter from A. aslam, of Morris, finding great faalt with Toe POST for publishing R. Arm- rong's "lying slanders," &a, but as it as no particular bearing on the subject issue -the question of a fight between few boys -and as we do not hold our- lves responsible for what Mr. Arm- rong says over his signature in Ton on, we fail to see where the point ie. ECLIreaa,---In the year 188ti there will five eclipses -three of the sun and vo of the moon. January 28th -visible enerally throughout America ; a partied ipee of the son February 11211, invis• le in Canada, a partial ealipse of the n July 0th, invisible in Canada ; a tot - eclipse of the moon July 22nd and rd, visible in Canada ; a paltial eclipse the sun August 7th, invisible in Can- a, .t.r the open meeting 20 be held in con- ction with the Farmers' Inetit0le, on iday evening of this week, in addition Prof. Penton's lecture, literary eeleo- ns will tat given by Miss Boyd and W. Dickson. Misses O'Cunmur and Herr, d A. Streohee, J. Hargreaves a.,d H. Jackson will coutrib,,e vocal and in. =onto! music, A large attendance oxpeotert. The meeting will be open to e public. Toa it ingbam Times says :-"Rev. D. McDowell oflieiated at Teeswater last unday Rev. J. L. Herr, of Brussels, eaohing here. The church was crttvd- in the evening. N fereible sermon sed un the advice; tendered by Soi•'mou David on his assuming the discharge regal prerogatives," Tour bible must ely be the rivised edition, Bro., as it n105 to tis that it was David aavo the vies to Solomon "on his assuming the al prerogatives." LECTURE. -Last Tuesday evening Miss MaG• egor addressed a large gathering in Melville ohuroh o11 the various phases of mission work in India, Ser remarks were listened to with a g, eat deal of in- terest as she descrieed the country, the people, their in0nn075 and customs, re- ligious belief, &o. Miss eloGregor has been in India for about I:1 years as a Inissiouary and teacher and is greatly in love with her work. She will return in the course of a year. Ho1158 FAIR, -At the montbly horse fair, held on Thursday of loot week, some thirty animals ohmage(' hands. A great y more were on the market but the ere place a higher value on them n the buyers. The following gentle - i were here as buyers: -.E. Jobert, loue, N. Y. ; W. H. Andrews, Woon- ket, R. a.; Jas. Pahnor, Guelph ; Thos. 0010011, Seaforth; Geo, Climie, Lis - el; Archibald & Scott, Seaforth. The ees ranged from 9100 to 9200. The x fair on the first Tbluaday in Feb. MIA will no doubt be largely attended, ed our high school for about a year rre- vious to hie departure, where by his gen- tlemanly and courteous manner he won for himself a boat of young friend°, who will ever regret his sad fate. He was a young man only twenty years of age and destined to make his mark in the world but for his untimely demise. He intended returning from that country next spring for the purpose of further pursuing his studies hare. His parents who are well known in title I0oality have the heartfelt sympathy of a host of friends." The deceased wee e. brother of Mrs. T. O'Neils, of this place. THE STARE AND THE BEsore.--Last Tues. day a curling match between sides chosen 31180 by the President (A. Veal) and the vice- own President (A. Good) was played op tl)8 the Maitland Rink, After an interest- me) ing and closely contested match decision 'L's was given in favor of the vfco•President's 80 rinks by 8 shots. The losing side paid to°� for a splendid supper prepared at the Quos"'s hotel in the customary style of 1,-"„:'t that popular hostl,-ry. The following is ru the spore :- le ne>•;DENT, vier tmlsrnENT. ,{n.N(*. 1, ami Bl. MOLenaal, tore It, Lea tip entitle the A. Good 21 P. Scott (skio)..... ...11 Ilea .1, Stratton A. Wilson J. B. Grant A, Veal (ski 1 - Pink No, 2 Rvlk No ° NTRAN7E 1 000ARNATtoxa 701* J1ILT. nation papers will be sot iu Laura - for the next July examinetiouo, from fnilowing lessons 111 the Authorized dor :-1• The face against the 4-76, 2. The discovery of Americo, - 119 8. Lady Clara, 128-180. 4, To cylarlc, 187. 6. The Gulf stream, 184-- 6. The coon -peat of Bengal, 222- 7. The demon of the deep, 266-271. ter death in Arabia, 272-274, 0, The aka Molmlan, 208-802. Book No. 6 e drawing course preeoribod for Pub. shoots will be recd, and should a text in Agriculture be authorized by cry 1st, 1888, a paler on this sub - will be sot at the next entrance exam- oa, but the subject will bean option - o and nay marks made thereon will tinted a0 a bonus. omson.-Last Sunday morning Wtn, n died at the advanced age of eighty and four months. Ile was a nat. We of Iceland and carne to this country in his early manhood. For over 26 years tbhe deceased has resided in this locality and was well known to a great many. Tho old gentleman had boon living with his eon, John, for the past year or two and had boon down town on the Thurs. day previous to his death. There 'did not appear to be anything partiotllerly the matter except that the machinery was worn out and suddenly ceased to ,y'" - operate. The funeral on Tuesday after. ' t tho Y noon was largely attended, the service 1°a010 Brij 'e patents, t residence03 being 000duoted by Bev. 11I. Swann, ago,the parents, Grey tp., on the sistocl by Roo. 8, Jones, Mr, Wynn hay, 11th inat., e, Itev. J. H, Dylan, i1Ir been married twice and leaves ' ;1 Torrance, of I3ratulon, Man, to owe elf ," ' lilies Rabcecn Cook. ion 1pohinrl blip. ihov aro Mrs.'11. If ,p- kins, Port Hanilac, Mich. ; Robt, Wyi11, I Unolt 1.y(; ,uu', Or' rho 2nd lust., at Des Moines, Iowa ; :inn• Wynn, les, the Iioufryu parsonage, by lieu. J. Welker, Mrs. WVm.tCnrni811 Mrs. To Me- • H. Dyke, Mr. Samuel Cook, of Ciao and lt(ias R ym), 131 ossels ; Gec1'yelow o, Halton County, to Miss Jas. 13oborts, .1)ne Aloins ' 1000 )41 \II's, glary Anil Baynard, of Idleknow, ct Trac <lOunty. Mooney, ,\lpeua, Alialt. The sllbj :ct of this notice wax an intelligent oltl entle. 111011 and as independent as,tll -e sell r�' be. 1 had k)5 nrr carinii ' \Vva�. -lir Brussels, aged the11HSI in Ta t kept a span of ) 'inst., 1n• , N worked every day no to shot11 year ago, \Vm, *1,yon, tr., aged Hip year; and. '1 n months, W. H. McCracken J.BNlant}no A. Causley Et, L, Jacks:ei 15 D, Straoban J. Hargreaves a sl D. 0. Riss(vk)p) 12 A. ourrie (skip) ,.IO DM Mink No, 8. - 228, W. B, Dickson 8 Af It. Barrett' Dr, McNatltthton fors 10 & Laird (skip) 18 Of th k lie a book Jana jeer inati al on be co DE Wyn years Ilk NO. H. Vonatons T. O'Neil 14, Dennis I". S. Scott (sk)p) 11101124o. 4., Btn No, 4. J. Jonas 7. Turnbull Molntoeh H.,Tamoe 8.14. Laine 7 Brlgbt Jae, Ross (skip).,. ...... 15'' , Thompson.(sk1p110 Total 58 Total EA WHIG ars Hall Jam). 10 o' w111 alochc work Presi ing in c Br drivi open comm will d a sou Win will al Will paper tetra halal ant ag1 rentO heavy fngae good health as /seal. How math its to reports are aborted is a oolnnldrbm and M. P. pooplo eh0atd be very otref31 to field snit Molly 'that the eltafoinentx are 01COrate before. All th ,repeating them. cud a 01 ST DARON FARM11115' INSTIT0TE,-Tho al meeting of the East Huron Farn1- Institute will bo held in the Town , Brussels, on Friday and Saturday, cry 10th and 14211, oommenoing at clock a. m. The following program be presented :-Friday, 10 to 12 o'- , election of officers and preliminary In the afternoon, address by the dont ; paper on "Breeding and rais- abeep, ' by D. Robertson ; "Science attlo feeding," by Prof. Penton ; Selling, raising and educating rho ng horse," by Uriah McFadden. An meeting will be held in the evening, cawing at 7:30, tvhon Prof. Panton (livor an address on "Ednoatiou as roe of pleasure and profit to the er,' Musical and literacy selootions so be given. Saturday, Ine2ita12, open at 10 o'clock a. m. The first will b° "R0141)1on of mpg and pre - ion of land for different 11ups in ills on," by Simpson Rennie, a prmnin- +ionitnralist and 00010ma),, of To- ; brooding and raishig of iballglrt horses as a ammo of pro - the farmer," byJohn lroMil t �fn "1ia79hlg 1nallgoldS," by W. II, action ; "Draining,'" by S, Rennie. e. 11meti:tee 9113 open to the public is rote n 14 r,u17 auto 1( requested. 15 & 16, alias M. Hislop dr Miss Heins. 17 & 18, Miss Smillie. Walton, Miss E. J. Molidbon. Ethel, J. A. Young. Morrie, eon. 2, Miss Reid. 3, Misses Black and Carrie. 4, Misses Black and Currie. 5, krissBr,don stud Miss Sharp. 0, Smith and teacher at Barrie's sobool. 7, loiases McColl, 8, Miss McCallum. THE Peso expect, a fall iu the price of wood. -.That Tax Collector Town will have to stir up some of the ratepayers with a sharp stick to get them to pay their taxes. -Some people won't like the way we run THE Poso.--That the man who peddles meat in joints from house to house will be fined if it is not stopped; - Tile C. P. R. will have their surveyors through this way belote long staking out the route from Guelph to Goderioh.- Nearly everybody will make an effort to equate up old aocounts.-Folks will boon be sighing for the balmy days of Spring. -That all the old officers will be reap- pointed in oonnection with Brussels aor- poratiou affairs. -Telephone business to boom in town, -Another gro°°ry.-Moro parties. -The good resolutionsdeoided on the lot of January are beginning to weak- en. -A good big class of Brussels pupils at the next Entrance and 8rt1 Class Teachers' Examination. -That unless the Directors of the Grey 73,hnoh Agi. Society look spry they will not eecure the Driving Park for an Exhibition Grounds, •-Business will begin to boom again as stook taking sales, &o. are anuoonoed.- Some prisoner will freeze to death in the Brussels lock-up some night. -More new subscribers to be added to our list. -An. other fall of snow. At Edmonton, N, W. T. eggs Boll for 31 a cloz. Sarah Fitzsimmons, a servant in to Thorndale Hotel, was almost choked to 0Sd 9,"E'Ox0'7' 1v .4„TZZZ1 S., 001111110/ k0 not: AN 1(01(00 1014):1!. Fall Wheett 78 80 Spring Wlteat 70 80 Oet0 38 134 Peas, 58 60 Barley 60 66 Potatoes (10 00 Butter, per lb 18 18 1Cgge,per dozen 18 00 Apple driveled ushel , .. , . , 4') 00 Hi ly 6 110 Wootl, per oord 3 00 8 60 shaa-r ommos 01 owLe R2reemM. C01nt1:°Tan 0.000501 17 RIMY 1WARR. Pall Wheat „ 78 A2 Spring Wheat . Barley 70 82 Oats 88 705 Peas 08 60 Butter, tube and rolls, , . 17 00 Eggs per dozen 18 00 Flour pot, barrel4 50 00 Potatoes 60 00 Hay per ton .. 8 00 9 00 Hidee per lb.. 5 G Salt per bbl., wholesale.., 00 80 Shoop skins, each.... (10 1 00 Wool, per 18. 20 28 Porlt 0 25 6 90 Live Stook Markel. MooTnEAL, ,Tan. 0. -There was only a fair supply of butchers' eattla on the memo!, but more than required to -day, as the bntoltnrs had boon buying freely during the latter part of the weak. Beat sold at frotn 4o. to 4¢a. per lb„ with pretty gond at from 8}c. to to. do. Com. mon dry cows and rough steers feoln 29c, to 8}c. Not much demand for sheep and prices without material changes; from til to 94.60 each, No sales of live hogs re- ported. Dressed hogs sell in large lots at about 7;to. per lb., awl small lots from 7ao. to 7Ao. do. ; single hos 7a. The horse trade is improving and during the past week there were shipped to the United States 08 working horses, costing an average of 9106.77. There were ship- ped to Dewit, Iowa, eleven stallions, val- ued at ur- ing December about 300 h500 each. orses were sold at the horse exchange stable, Point Sb. Charles, chiefly for shipment to the United States. THE PEJPLErs COLUMN. 0.N.00 WILL BUT A GOOD NN'' straight grade Bull Galt, ready for service iu the Spring. Apply to J. .N. I1N17CHT10L, Brussels. 23-0 ULL FOR SERVIOi, TH undersigned wi11 keep a thorough-br Durham. bull !or 00rv100 on lot 80, ton, Morris. Terme, 81,00 with privilege of r turning if necessary. ,TAS. privilege 1'ropr tor. 25.4,n DANKIM�O. ][oINT. SI3' tC MoTAGGART, 13.A191u111S .;. BT1fTSSl,LS Transact a• General I3a.nlctng Business. NOTES DISCOUNT3D, Oanacllau and New York Digits bong, and sold. Interest allowed on do notate. Collections mere 01) ,favorable fermis, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. •�7`%rAll); b STNOLAIIn, RAl?RIS• Tins, &0, ORloo 1n LOe1ie'e block, Bruaeels, ltoneyto Loan. 1.3, DI(Iii3ON (LATE WITH Hott(Otwrmv,4Proodfoot, 0n'1oieh)So- 41100hr, brussels, 10. ,anu.•, ^ranE'e blo0k, Brussels, Mono) to loan. M. TAYLOR, li 0. L., IIAR. • lama, BOBOItor, tee., of the llrm Of Stenhou.0n, Makson & Taylor, rip rristora, Soltottors, do., Manning Aroade, Xing Street West, Toronto, Money to loan. A LLX &TINTER, CLERK OF Conveyancer, ?Sotarr'6yy Public., Court, Huron to loainsurance 00ttone Made, daOtlloo a in and ham's Block, Brussels. POBERT2C U N N i at0�'947 IN8nnn1oa, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. MEDICAL CARDS, DR, HUTCHINSON HAS BE • moved his o®ce to J, Harpreoyee' Drug Store. Iteeldenee 0011211i Strout J- A. MONAUGHTON, M. D., 0. • M.D.lt. 0.P. Edinburgh, Physician surgeon and Ace000b er. O$1ee, Ai rs, Shlol's block, 'Dumber?), Street, M. F. CALE, M. D , 0, M. 'Member of tllo College of Phystotars and Surgeons of Untaaio by ex',,einatlon 00)oo and liestdeuo-Mein St. 30..st, .4th e Ontario, DENT) L. Il....:14"17XS4917 11 G. L, Boll1 D s.,. Honor matelot, and ed 111.11.0• D. S., of Toronto. NItrnus °aide 0, Gas administered. Prions 1104,11 a', 1 ne low. as good work Den bo done Ins. io- OOSoe over Jobuston's Bar Arnie Store. Soaforta, NT O :✓ X,Ca to ! The Cannan of the O0rpors.blon of t 'ouuty of tturou will meet in the Co House, in tine Town of Goderiah, 011'213555A JAwnanr 247u. PETER ADAMSON, 27.2 County Ulork. Salesmen Wanted 1 Stosiy mnplpylnentttleguarat tea 1C1} SAAR AND EY1'SNemx Paan. Apply at once, stating ago, (Defer to this pais",) .---.Ci1A1E ititirT185570, Colborne, on YDY;NTj)a1 W J. 4'oar,L,D 15, tra,iuuteofTo- he 1 ionto Sohool of ut,4,o 1. 4fl o•• Miens guaranteed.• Olnce- (loft's v. i Blook, Seaforth. Asti natal booth, 0 rot quality• ands guaranteedIlt,for 813.0upersot, ULL FOR-ERVIOE.-T1IP bred undersigned , l( Vedder"lt fore service son lob 20, eon. 3, Morris. Ho hos an extended pe,ligreo nertfllaat0. Perms -51.60 for the seas, u for grade o0t1•a and $5.00 for thorough- breds. 20.3mJ. BOWMAN. ��.URNITUR)J FOB SALE. -AS I intend leaving Brussels for Dakota I wish to dispose of my household goods by private auto, Pipe furniture dna). be seen at my residonoo, Catharine street, next door to Dr, SfaIielver's. I wish to leave by February 1st. 07.2 MSS, T. DUN F0RD, Ju. REAL ESTATE. • HOME F3.R11S FOR SALE ' A fu,v splendid, improved farms foe sato in the township of Grey, Morrie an Maintop. Apply to A. U0LGATTY, Oo Acationeor,Oruss0ls P. 0. 1i70il -ALE OR TO REN'L'.- 111ss0l5 Lime WTbe oes houseed win s, stapbbbleell or ,.le. theent 11156015 given for wishing to a*11spoae telt kilo Waco, Per further partloolaro as to Prion, terms, &e. Apply to TH08, TOWN, 2'7 Proprietor. 3)101%7C3't rr, Honor Graduate of the 1teya1 0011050 of Dental 80050ona, TOrorto. Nrrnoa (1x1D1, OAR adolinistorta for the V5410008 GXtree- tton of teeth. OFE3(!11.:---t:orne1l I11 *'),, 721ta1I480LS. • AUCTIONEERS. CIEORUE EIRE BY, L luEN. Vl sun Auotionoor. Salus oonduat,d on reasonable terms, feriae and farm stock a surotalty. Orders lett at Tom Puerr Publish. ing Douse, 13rnssole, or vont to Walter' poet office will receive prompt attention. ALEX. DELGA''P'I'Y, A ij0 T'IUN J. Eon, is prepared to attend to Wee on the shortest notice. A specially maple or sales of thorough -bred stook. 'Torras -nude known by appllaatlon tr run POW Publish- ing House, whore Or8Or0 may to loft, or uddrere to Brussels P. 0. ItAYMANN, AUCTIONEER . is always roedytto attend salts of d fnrnls,!arm stook, &o, Ttlrins 0)100x11107 • gn•0,,. Ortu,brook IP.U. Solos may ua 1,1- Bauged at Tun 501T Publisot„g tl.ntse, russels, death the other night by a piece of frim cake geeing in her windpipe while e was laughing In artily. Tho new Board of Trustees of the per Clanndt College was ltppeintod follows :-7Ton. John Beverly Robins Wm UUSE AND- LOT FOR IALEI n- 141,31)Al FOR SALE.-T1iE SUB' farm,:t'eih,blo5 0Ooa0. 1) v(3rotil t'onus131N 1&tion On„ los sal o, Poore are about GO d soros cleared autl In good heart, There 10 e he log house, good back Baru, heap ing oroliard, nnrlentllo norfurty rparticular 0n too 1178 13000, For further ivbsti particulars, 00 to Up. Lpilco, 107015, 010;, 0)15)1Y to the Proprietor, 8s '1'LI1)R. 10IBLOP, 01a -o P O„ N, iv, '1'.. or t0 on, 2-tf DOUGALb S7.`1tA.OHAN, B 1 Sola Hon. John McDonald, IIon. S, C. Woo Dr. Lanett, W. Smith and W. B. M Momrioh, J. J. McLaren, of Toronto, who is a licher far the Dominion Alliance, eepeat that a strong effort will be made put 211 next session of Parliament Dither to r peal the Canada Temporan00 ;Sot, or t s0 amend it as tomalre it useless.: Au Ottawo despatch says •-The Gov ernmonb, it is uudgr9.iood, iy serioiisl considering the advisability of making ohange fu their policy as regards North west railways roe' response bo the repro septations of �aettlers. Any steps take will be in the, direobiml of a reduction in the laud grants, the Government t guarantee a portion of the bond issue instead. r Gntm •,-In Brtis lis n s ,o the :6th punt tewife of M. 11. 1 Grundy of son. 121511Annao8,-In Grey, on December 28tH 1 the wife of Mr. Neil llichardson 0 o a son. -Frame boo o oontathiog th*001arge rooms no stairs and dining r00m...,;,, nitttng 0. 000111 down stairs, also summer ldtahen s ggpad 0(aa uuti large wood shod attached. 'Phero le,t succi naw frame Otnble un rho ° 11n�'otuisos. 8011 and/lard water 02 too door. O. Tberels ,t 05",10ardon a good fence 0ux- O ronn,ls yho 31)10)0 lot, 110100 8d am•o °7 good load In Otto village of babel, G1'o7 18 8, Vo . 7'°00°o0ton particulars 0 given AuoD 111, 1088, s7or fUlil.iorpat•ttou1ere aplA,v m, the premises op: V * to 3A8, B. GOVXLNLUOL., Soaforin Ont. '2G a (ti OOD FARM FOR SALE IN " `X Morris, 011 reasonable terms. In order - to 01500 the affairs Of the estate 0f tho Into n W. G. itingeton, the 1x511120 a offer the lol- lotving valuable lands for sale, lfiret-North o 11,111 51 Lot 80, ConeesSiou 6, Township of s oro rigs, containing barn with steno foun- dation, good orchard, wolf andpump. Near- lyallelearod, and is on tiro gravel road closely ndfcioing the village of Brussels. This terra is avaluable one, Is. well fenced and in a good 0tate of oltltivatton, Jior. " prince tut' apply to 111308, 103031113', a 1)ro00ees P. O,, Hunts J1)1 1Nss, Vi°bona ethers P, 0„or ;aunts SMITH, Mail Lodge 1', 0., 8tlddloeox 00111127, f I'clx•11n Fol' shale.-. • Pmmoio tho Tower nship o! Gro , 0 valuable 1 Grey, one, This of luta 0 ated 7, Don .li in aafd tolvnsi'ip. Thio fare) contains 200 notes and ie within 1r' miles tin rho thriving 0101e.go of 73rus,'ele, 5512*, gi+odgr✓ yob rpa,tlu011114 211,11020, *11)01,2.160 hares aro elcared,freo .'rem atumpg and i,, ,t high state sI 00111yettw,. rho hManua is Ilan lyywooded, This term 10 0511‘10111503? well mmod, nearly the who10 of the f011e00 holm; straightllnd Navin,1-tt boon erected 111 1885 and %a. On the promiseetll ore is a cern to rtable log dwelling, bon Reand igen afrom e born with stone stabling uudorneath In wh i,1h there is n Iv011 ,with anabuurlati l 0119 - ply of oXeoll en I, water. ''1'11ok01 t0.likowi4ea now frame 0ells lnnt hnnse, 40x00, weXl floored,al,"v„ mud below, and neatly sided' npdpalnted. Pospar2)Oitlm•a apn1,y to 115 Pral'0201O1• 14.2741li 111{.'1Cs0N, I tYo. lt'ogi tiny, B0re0 Cu„ G0dt'rivh. BUSINESS CARDS. XT 9.. MoOBA0EEN,- ISSUER F' I e of Marriage Licenses. Oi)Tca at his Gmeery,Turoborry Street. ,t n1oNAIE, ISSUER OF MAR - A. Hoge Li00000s, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commissioner, &e., 9, B. Ornveyanoorand Agont Fire Itieurance Oc. 011100 at the Cranbreo1Po0t OR)oo, A:I RODDIOii, I OTTSE, SIGN Gilding, ! and Ornamental Painter. Gratning,- Sign and Decorative Painting in all ISA branches, Shop Blinds Clout up in style. Paper Hanging et specialty. 8bop ono door South of J. Buyers'carriage Works, O WHOM IT MAY ()ONCE?, RN. -Tho und0rsi nod i0 prepared and Bopaie Sowing neht oe,Organs,lle M A number of second-hand =obi nes o° hand, others. Work done at "*y rooitl0000, 330.283 William Street, Brussels, all in w 10.17onting order, may be oxedmnged for BOOS. 114001113, L' . W. O'BRIEN, V. S., HONOR Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College has resumed the Practice of John N001, V.S,, and ie prepared to treat all die eases of domesticated animals on soient100 andopproved principles. Treatment of del. ioate foals a epeofalty OOboe two doers North of Br ago, Turnberry street, CUMT'ORTABLE DWEELLING `✓ .von 800,0 at a bargee”. For full part tlattlars ac to price,location,l,ote., aunty to W. B. 1)10/460N,8-tf R UILDING AND CORNER l 5701E Pon,SAL3.-Tho Undersigned' has leased, from M a. Wui. Shine, a Steno Quarry,for a number of years, and is now prepared to furnish any quantity of Bttihling and Corner Stone ab a reasonable rate. Per- sons intending to build should romembot that! can supply all the Stone, to addition to doing the Mason Work, W. P, 1(311131X, 8.1(0 73rassels, i tARi4t IF'OR SALIN • —TTitE SUB. sonrmnn offers hie exoellon t 1001,arra Tartu for 5 1l) westItis part of on 1), 11 10 50 brio lots res ematpd. 9 lot 0, There e good,[MoaTyro emend. Tho stabling, aro good, Trro barns with 551 feet stabling, ively. ore m0x011 root and 8(be5 feat respmyoung Them are two frame (beetling aling Douses, ,young orchard hoft,tsoros,and alt 0100 _a 071(01m1 - die Thereto it 00010), atubt be glo ernn x nn time. Iii Pons°sa 41mi a be B ussels time. Thn�tarn, is 9 cilli, trent Brussels and hi hl a m00)11141 ll locality, 11007 to the Settee', olmralp to Per price, Icane, oto„ 01'b1y 10 the Proprietor cit 1,110)0r0015100. 4.11 30118 SMit'7f,1'reprietot. 9