The Brussels Post, 1888-1-13, Page 7r
.IAN. 13, J:SSB.
,.. :,. .. .. .,tnesossexamesernosserweasesszontruswentsorsuwostiuserusuamozwasamelaunwaneummtunwarses=moustrow=uselsewOnlesenvo PA
tenw,er.(11ItC TidesT S ---II yen print that obitclntary poring for oil is abort to be beano
ill y,•ut' u, xi isc••, I m;ty (O;,11 3;313, neer the town of Pembrult,a.
for your thole. A degpaoth from Loddon s0y8
the statement that Lard Sterility of •
Gov. Gorden, of (leerr.ia, r.lys 111:11,1'11 NOTIts. Preston Je to be Lord Lan3downe'r,
prohibition has been tried ilr:0u li sneeeesor its Governor•lsenered of ;
local option in 1011 out of 187 001)11' 1 fl snooks in you 1111b118. Cunndu in pnlpa64y lictiti•,n,. No
los in that State and nut one of the 2 1 i , :,il,ic, go in batt at the
100 hes gone back o11 i1e adieu 0313,3, Moir every night,
1t Is statistical troth that no slump ". 111 11, the ulorniug soon after
oanso leads to more dieaotoro than you ale oiv,ie.. •
4 .1 ,l, tiles birth of twin or Cupid
waist Mh anbt be followed by friction
with tese1 or hand.
5. 1:.' plain food.
5 P"giu your meriting meal with
against divitnon, while the soutbere 7..1)3,)'1 go to wort( immediately
part has given it large 1)113001 y nth, r c11 0),g.
for it 8, .Bs moderate in the use of 11.
Dr. Humphrey sAy8 : "11 is plait) tinkle at. ail sea+0ne.
to me no 1110 atilt In a Olean• etttn lier 9, It ie Hafer 40 filter na11 boil
clay, that the license laws of our
country couslitt.te one of the maul
pilfers o:.l which the etupendt r1$
fabric of intemperance now res11 "
:Crani( Jones, the brewer, says
prohibition in Rhode Island has out
off the sale of eighty thousand b.3,•
rola of bear during the last your.
And yet there aro some who (1301,3.11
that there ie more beer and whiskey
told, and that drunkenness has in•
creased, uotwithstandiug the tMstJ-
loony of Brower Jones and the lu•
disputable police records of the larg
er towns.
In the trial at Sioux City of the
alleged murderers of Haddnea, the
prohibitionist, Bon,jsmiu Joh0stuu
and Lonira, his wife, testified that
they were delivering milk the night
of .the murder, and watched the
crowd of men gathering on the street
corner. Both knew Arensdorff, and
would swear positively that. is was
he who advanced to murder Dr.
Haddock. Their testimony 000 •
roborateo that of Lovett acid Bis
march, the informers.
loon is downed i. It has been tried
in the court of the country by a
jury of its beet citizens ; Verdict :
Found guilty of high crimes. Sen
tenco : Death 1 which remains to bo
executed by the 008101lea0 force of
public opinion. The saloon ie bo
iug attacked from Florida to Iiau•
sus ; from the Pacific to the Arlan.
he. The Americans say, emphati-
cally and irresistibly, it must go.
Temperance advocates of all opinions
stand united on this platform, roitl•
iziug iu it a matter of life or death
to many. The saloon is utterly use
less, thoroughly demorahziug, ter-
ribly destructive, It meuaees one
civilization through its young mon ;
it seeps to control the politician ; it
works to gain civic role, It is the
bounden duty of every Christian ; of
every lover of our country's welfare
of every foe of Rom to become e.
high sheriff in aiding to perry out
the sentence of the court : "Found
guilty 1 Death to the saloon 1"
the use of liquor, not necessarily
through druukenneee, but the e❑
feebling of the judgment.
Fifty-six counties in Dakota beet
voted in favor of Prohibition. The
northern part of the 'ter0it.ry is
British and Glelman Army Pacts.
A gentleman publishoe the follow-
ing comparative statement, in a
Southampton journal. It is clearly
put and worthy of reeolleotiou
13131rr00 ARMY, G1tnMAN Anl10.
Number of troops. Number of troops,
108,000; coat, £18,202,-428,104 ; cost, £18,850,-
0Field Marshnls.30101/1 ACarshnl8
41Gonorel0. - (Count Moltke and
157 Lieut -Generals the Count Prince)
3.4.1 Major Generale, 50 Generale.
800 Colonels. 70 Lieutenant-Gene
450 Lieut: 0olouols. ale,
1,15011.101ore.. 117 Major Generals,
400 brol:ou . winded,215 Colonols.
tin -pot, w0odeu-210 Liout -Colonels,
1oggett for oth01.000 Majors.
wise 0001000 half-
way Generals.
Every newspaper receives odd
communications at times. For in-
. (Ammo, it is stated that a abuntry
editor of a weekly was made to
writhe in keenest humiliation of
spirit on receipt of the following
scanting eritieienl on the conduct
of his paper, by e. subscriber :
DEAR Silt. -I hereby offer my
resignashun as a oubsoribor to your
paper, it being a phamplet of such
small konsokanoe as not to Benefit
my family by tal(in' of • it. What
you need in your eheto is brances
wed someone to ruseell up news on'
rite edditoryals '00 live topi(soca. No
meneban has been made in your
skate of me buteberin' a poland
(shiny pig weigbin' 869 pounds, or
of the gape In the chickens out this
way. You sinjltely ignored the
foob that the tater bugs is eatin'
things up out here, an say notbin'
'bout Iii Simpson's durhn.m bull
calf brealtin' its leg falliil' downa
well or of grandma Spies haven' the
sore legs. Two important weddiu'o
hero have been utterly )gknorei1 by
your columns, an' a two kolumns
obitchuary writ by tie on the doth
of grandpa Henry, was left of, your day. In less than seven hours he
alaeto, to any nothing of n alfnboti(sal removed 48 shone and put on 19, It
make thine the cote
poem begfnntnge with is for will l
Andy and also for Ark," writ by may hustle to lower this record.
darter. This is why your spate is Tao victims of the C. P. 11. 00
t ,'r.
driu (tis. Rat
10. ENOr11)'0 i11 1100 open air when
ever the weather veno ts.
11. In mala, ma, districts du your
wllkun: in the middle 1.l' the day.
18 Keep tie Wet a unfort tole tool
It U11 pre•t.0'pd.
18. 1C, ar ','Lbn, 3,1,:1310))) the year
14 ties that y0nr sleeping rooms
and living rooms are well ventilat-
ed, and tint sower (4110 docs 1101 00tor
15. l,ru;h your toed, et least twice
a (lay, night. and moraine,
16. Dun tworry. It interferes with
the Itealr.11l'1l autiou of 1111 etntuaoh.
17. Y•.0 roust have 101?r530111g 00.
00001)en i11 vigorous old' Cage. Con
appointment will be nettle for live
months Lo come.
1)0))111111,141 Government ate Rltitl
to have orderod the Cuet)lns mile
1013 at lla1)ito111. 6nllntlary p,lrt4
11 1 to grant 10•elitry uoltifictttee to
persons deeiri11(4 to ship grain over
the American railways hull the
Oraud T0lll.k to Montreal,
lo Toronto out of the 87 members
of the Colwell 21 are elec'ed on the
10311 once platform, mud, 1110rely
for the information of the public in
and uut of Toronto, observes the
Globe, wo beg to add that out of the
'I'ho 'I'nr!,1 h (110011) 1 111 ojup at
the snphr,'••i.,u ',f Amrriea0 1311d
other foreign 8711 Joie
1.1h'' htt,•-t new" fron) 11,) 1133,31
tsiol, 14ht,e11'.hutr4 that Alio ph111 (311
ao11 there i1 bail.
'1);' 111ue ,'ra,•r (otrier •totes
JbGeo1,'at h 3,t.v ,f P/'•+loo, li,•:
$00111441$00111441 '11 • (1')Vert,tn (1 ,tieral4hfp
o10 uoofa.
It it list likely t-1(ti. file (l:,wtilit•
tee on way:, n ,d 113,tu„ 114 ,1'•11-I1in0
too mill r,:4en11'•11 the ren,0d of
1111 1./ 011 Bill.
i4ali0tlajL 101.111', 3112eti11ie- 1101..1110,h•
out lrelaud have dec!ar d the mutt
r,JrlUctioull itnuuunreil by the 1.,3113]
Coin emotion 111.1111101ent.
Ohs l'epe'r 0)004)3 10 t110 it;1him
plluriilns is regarded 114 nn 'Wi11le:loll
111111 /Niro is 310 howl 01 0(10,110118
tion between the Vit 01333 and the
1 Lill 118.
1 20 aroR Q
13o btttender wh) 11'3.4
shot itt lfyrtlo n short until ag,, i4
in a fair w ty fur recovery. The
medical men have been nimble Sas
yet to remove Lilo 1u1181s, but they
hold out the strongest hopes that he
will got well. Ile ti .0 beet' 1'51110•.
ed to his twine.
The North of Scotland Cmuadittu
0,11110 Company will shortly hold a
meeting to decide whether they will
continue to invert Oanedtan etotk.
The Company is not entirely dis-
pleased with the outcome of their
shipments. Farmers continuo to
report stock developing well.
1110)e of convictions by
magietratee in the auunty of Huron
10 1'51131'
thine to keep the brain active. Hest for the three months ending Deo.
means i 3,:t. 13, 1887 foot up to 119 of these 51
' were for violations of the Scott Act
Canadian Newt,:. —40 "nth a floe of $50 each; 11
zemmrsLmmm!, liniRp iMrni...m+af? Urs
Uri/ 811 /JV E
B19ic%emith Shop Y
The undersigned 11ae loosed the
131acksmith Shop at Sunshine
from T. P. Nugent and will often
lilt for Business On
11oiiday, Nov. 7th, .1657.
131ackslnithing done in all its
Sags file tioa Gnal'allteed. •
GIVE 11111 r1 CALL.
Richard Webb,
Potoponr root.
with a fine of $100 each. If the Moneyto Loan.
Cnln6urlaud gets the oxporiweut•
ill curia for the illartljmu Provinces Scott Act fines were all collected
aeu Planegau, nu old and tried for the three months referred to
Kiugston Oonservitte, cued on Taos $3,600 should have been paid into looney to Loan on
the county Treasury, pert at
day night. The following figures era from party,
Pictou h as been couu0otod by Gel- g
ephoue direct to Hnli(1x, a dietenee the census of Manitoba, taken by
of 150 miles. tete Dominion Government 'net year:
New buildings to the value of —Population of the Province, 108,-
$15,000 bavo been erected 111 Wet- 640 : Preebyteriaue, 28,-406 ; An.
ford. during :he poet year. glfcaus, 23,206 ; Methodists, 18,6.48; PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS
Tuursday, Feb. 10. has poen fixed Roman Catholics, 14,651 ; 13aptidto,
upon for vutiug on the Stott Act i3, 3,896 ; Cougregationallsts, 097. W. B. DIGKSON,
Weetmorelaud County, N.B. Dallis' Britntt, brakeman ou the
CRAm11wrstbur 6 r train,, while Solicitor,
The 0111111111 +Heating of the Dsm 111. . R.
inion Temperance Alliauoe will bo w010iug 011 the track recently. found Brussels, Ont.
held at Ottawa, February 28. a $700 ditlm.tud ring which boloug•
A. memorial tablet to the hate ed to a wealthy 13uffato laity woo
Rev. Dr. `lassie has been 'aloud. had allowed it to slip from her hand vr 'z �� ®eke y'
0)e s u e h l washing 13, n Wagner i,Y
B. C., dee latcu reports ear. The lady offered .t reward of Having secured the la(4eney for Buchanan
al Neely's Patent Reversible
Hay Elevators and Carriers,
Tho Most Complete Manufactured in
Canada, 18 prepared to snit the public 1
j,0 this matter.. Also Agent for
the John Abell
Steam 4nbines and Boilers,
Portablo 'anti Stationery.
1 Call Solicited. &lib:jarlftnt Guaranteed.
Farm Pro-
in the Galt Collegiate i tit t w i e a as ' g' palace
A Victoria, 1 $100 fur as return, and the money
a rich find of silver near Kamloops• v; as paid over to Mr. BrIlia
Tho ore assays over ,$100 per ton. A sharper in `Pilsouburg canvass•
The Northwest Indians have held s3] merchants to juin a collactmg
whoa leeateg to protsst alt 131 t the agency, s11owiva them documents
Winnie slnttghter of fist in Lake purporting to prove that branches
Winnipeg.•p of his agency had been established
David Biggins, 11I.1:P., of Vic•
toric, B C wants x,10,000 dam -
i3, various cities. The fee to join
ages (rum 1110 Evening Times for the asecolatt3ll was $10, end tboy
alleged libel.
A juiut stock companyy for the
mativfnoturing of booth and shoes is
about to be organized at 13rautford,
with at capital of $20,000.
The vegetable evaporating f,actury
of S. G. Kerr & Sous, at Gouuiag,
N. S the only industry of the loud
in tiro provinces, wog burned.
A Quebec hay exporter has been
informed that there will bo no re
fund of oxceseivo da1108 collected on
bay by the United States Customs.
Four men were killed and several
injured hi the Oauadinn Pacific col-
lision north of Lake Superior. Tho
two freight 1001314 are 81m041 it total
Duncan Currie, of McGillivray
Townline, retired to bed last Mon-
day night seemingly in his usual
health, but next morning was found
Lieut,•Ool.Ballachey, late of the
Dufferin Rifles, Brantford, Was the
recipient of $100 in gold from his
late comrades, on leaving to reside
in Dakota.,
Dr. P. iite3,ienzio, of Galt, has
been eugaged I% .1110 Japanese Gov-
ernment to teach rho P1hlislt tan.
goalie lit ma of the public 'Schools
of that con11ry,
dome. 141111er cC K.aufmauu, w8Cl-y
en m1111ufactltrer1, of New Hamburg,
have entered into a contract with a
firm in Toronto for 60,000 pounds
of yarn, to be made before July lst.
New Bruuowtck had a bad year.
During the twelve menthe just end•
ed thorn were 85 failures in the Pro-
vince, with total liabilities of $5,-
850,405 and assets of but $1,418,-
The shipments of coal from Nova
Scotia mines last year were Over
1,500,000 tons, an increase of 150,. and Banks, $242,79 each, or (WO
000 tons over Inst year. 01 this in., years in jail ; Leao11, $96.67, used
crease 129,000 tong are from 1110 O'Connor and Bornin, $116.67 °echo
Cape Breton minas. or one year in jail. Jobnetou, Banks;
Josh ,Saunders, of Watford, did
'sults lively horse shoeing the other
ralamed 10 per (1•1311. of all 0180111
collected. A number of merchants
paid their $10 to become members,
end with t110 amount thus obtained
the sharper shipped.
At Piston, N. 8., buyer( are our.
chasing all the potatoes they can
get and having them stored 10 118.311•
able places for shipment by rail in
March. Thirty thousand bushels
will be bought and shipped to the
Upper Provinces and States. The
prows ruling aro 25 and 30 033114 a
bushel. The same parties bought
50,000 bushels on the island and
have shipped 35,000 already. There
is it boom 0)x this trade, and thous-
ands of dollars will be ,listributed
lamou(4 the (unlace.
A paiuful accident happened the
other day to Michell English, a,
fanner in Arthur township. Ile had
been annoyed by a strange dog
wcrryiug his cattle in the blruytard,
and he tool( flown a rifle which had
bldd 1 flu
firing,it off the barrel, a heavy steel 1
octagon one, burst at the breech and
at the muzzle, shattering Mr. Eng.
lisp's left hand i3, such a way that
an amputation had to be performed
at the .wrist. No cause can be as-
signedafor the rifle bursting, except
that iii, oarryiug it the muzzle had
intim stile]( lii'lo-:,l'e snow.
It will be ro,09'b bared that five
mon—Johnston, Balks, Leach, 0'-
0ouner and J3ornin—i-0re charged
o3, four separate counts (tell in cot
motion with the recent )assault of
two Scott Act constables, `t'ho were
endeavoring to make arrests1, at the
village of Komptville. A couviatiou
was made in each ease end on\ e,teh
count, and for which the aggr'rate
fines were as follows :—Johnetou
and Leach roiled 1118 money and
flirt 1 V1 11 and G
their final forthwith, psld ,
(300310r and l3ornitt are now 111 jail.
tLrtalnt:: i•ai Thr, wait
W. 111. Cloakey.
•'0.4 n AGENT'.
1!/p ONEY'14} LOAN
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty, at
6 d 631 Per Cent. Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege
of repaying When required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
42 _A
een aneor some m
Steadfastly for forty.1w0 years the
Wnlcitr o Wrrxsss 11118 hold to priliciples
which have stood the tests of time, ricli-
oule, and of opposition, fair and unfair,
and the Wrroltss today speaks to sixty
whore fu 1848 it spoke to 0110. Its grow-
th has peon both tepid and etoacly. Its
publishers, desirous of still 'further in.
avulsing its circulation, have this year
gone to largo expense to swum a repro.
duction of Toll'. 1 t'I'IB$P i1Ah'f11tt•
1PIEUE of Davidson Iinowles (who was
selected by Queen Victoria to paint the
scene at Princess Beatrice's wedding),
Sudor Little Children to Come Unto lei
11 deplete the memorable scene with
startling realism, reproducing in oils all
the 1:iohnese of DItLIINTAL COLORING.
The picture, osiouted by the greatest art
firm in Ragland, would bring 31.50 if
sold, but is reserved exclusively for Sub-
scribers to the WITNESS.
The price of the 1Vn1ar,o Wrrxltss a101
picture is $1.213 ; the paper alone 101.00.
In 1$00 the DAILY W1108,:ss was launch.
ell, auto, like the Weekly, to advocate the
same principles regardless of cost The
pActium "Stiffer Little Children to Como
'1„,Unto 1.10," loud rho 'Amy WITNESS,, $11,2o
,a peal ;,rho papal 1110110 33.00.
1 The Nourmn t` 11f1333131031311 still (011ti1-
3 ea to bo the favorite 111 the bonne circle
0 d Sabbath school, and commencing
wi lilt January first )vitt now typo, liner
pa et and other intptotenlouts, will be
mo 0 attractive than ever. P1i1<ns of
1x101, 4 are given to friends who canvass
for 1 ; Annual enh'cription, ;We., with
3011)1.0 1101113 10 clubs.
Ilan • 110 copies or fpm different pttbli•
cations tailed on applirttinn. .\r,ents
81101131(1 111 •vm y town and cilia(4c. '
does rloi'etts, ,k Soo, Pubiwslti-as,
'Am areal
Swilmerlaud sent 29,925 watches 1
to Japan i,t 1836.
unpopular here. If yon don't want cidont ,ot Jrt0rsea1o0 Curve on Wed. It 1s said that the Crown Prince
oddytoryala from 111i0 place and nasally arc as fnllowe :-018011 Pilot, will 1ipentl tots rest of the winter in
ain't (4oin' to put in no /Iowa in your on westbound train ; Atcllos0n, Cairo.
olteto we don't want thin ghats, driver; Hayes, brakeman, aro only! The Cortv,'rvatives 1%1%80 so far
"Yours in disgust, , reported in1nred, hl1111 tveis], driver gained three seats 111 the Preach Se•
Ihuatt 1twos. killed, lotto elections.
On auui nfLOr'Nt)1`l?111;h711 lit
will he open to 1.1, Public nun
tlto Uutlersiglt:oi 11111 101 prepttren
to utten,l to
Slacks111ithing in all
Horse shoeing a speci-
A. 111ll solicited.
sers,.c=P,u+, Rn4U1 a;
The Attention of the Public:
jli called to tilt fact that the
will give
W. T. Hunter, Tweed, Yarns.
Propriutor• Blankets, Ftu7'1u.01.9 '
IMPORTANT TO ALL Uude7°rtothin.s.?, 4'c•
who areba31 or whosehalrl-, then or gray
or are t roub' we with dandruff.
fir. 19or•ulltit-cs11Cl'Si
Is the greatest ton lc for strengthening the
growth of the heir over discovered. 11 stops
all Cal)lug oat of the heir,rumovOs all traces
of dandruff ,restoros grey Lair to oto original
color and to oases of ba0tnose. where the
routs aro not destroyed, it will plroduoo e
luznria:a urn of Hair.
!ease warning It your hair is :0 a feeble !
state got n 136019 at Duce baler„ 1s Is too late. l
nr.Doro,,wond'a " Heir }1agle.'ts on sale at
all principal DIM gg Stores. Ael: for it, an tl Falco
nothing else.
G. A.1),rooux esu J. ILu1Gn1.icla d- CO.,
.lr8N1•o run Bncssnrs.
.1.1)0100 we s 031010, 1Caunt aurer,Toron to
Dore: mend keens thelargest ,
Bair Goo0e1,tabltehn, es t in Canada.
for the next 30 days.:
Special .111 Droves
in Knitted Goods.
To Secure the
Big neddLi5ict ons '
you Myst bring the
Try the Brussels
-_ _.r...-- 'tea
Wo have gained a great reputation for the elegant fits and finish,
but especially for the Low Prices at• which we take orders. All •
our work is done on our own premises and cannot be excelled in
-value by any dealer, and certainly not equalled in the village of
Brussels. Wo have an
IMlllftSO Stoci oi Goods
int \Ioltons, Worsteds, Diagonals, Corkscrews, West of Lngl:.1u
Scotch and Irish Tweeds, a11(1 all enormous 'variety of
the best Canadian Makes.
T1'11"fe41 rounc from x;10, for a fairly good suit made,
'L)� to your Orcler, to $12, $14, $15, $16, $17,
$18, $111 and $3]O.
U% T!x` ffaS
We 1101 are strictly F'i1;5t-Class, and the Workmanship the best.
Sonic special lines of
\villcll we intend Selling Off at WoNoio.1nout, BARGAINS.
'!'11I; l,I'1.\J>i\(i Cl,O1`illh,l]S L� t11''i'I!'I`1'IeT+Ells,
11G1's 1'i 01 ONTARIO,.