HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-1-13, Page 5JAN, 13, 18b8.
))i' •tt1'.Ct 8t11)5.
Seer forth,
I. (', Coleman headed the pull for
mm110illors by a vote of 10'2.
The Caledonian society of fife town
intend givit.g a ;rand concert in ('ardno's
hall on ,Jen. 27th when a great treat way
be expected, A number of excellent
singers aro expected from a (Haulm,
aurone others Mies 1;litt Colo, of London,
Mr. Fax, of Toronto, and Mr. Beaton, of
Hamilton, bosidee our local talent.
ir.I v t1►,
Our Public School opened on Monday.
E. Watson, our local cattle buyer, left
'hero on Monday with a oar load of fine
cattle for Montreal.
On Friday A, Smith took from hero a
carload of horses to Wingham to ship
there on the C.P.R. to Montreal.
John al. Tanner, M.A., after spending
his holidays with relatives hero returned
to ]tis home in Listowel on Saturday.
Saorament of the Lord's supper was
administered both in the Presbyterian
and Episcopal churches on Sunday morn-
A. team of Sir. Forbes, of Seedorth,
drew two cards of 4 foot green wood from
James Brr's bush in Ifullett to the salt
block on Saturday.
Harry .Jeesop, clerk in MoIC.imnon's
dry goods store, returned from tbronto
on Saturday where he has boon spending
his New Year's holidays.
Tho time of holding the Sunday school
in the Episcopal church has been chang-
ed in the morning to 10 o'clock corn.
meneing on Sabbath next.
Mr, Carleton, of East Wawanosh, ar-
rived at dile station on Saturday from
the Old Country, with two imported
heavy draught stallions and (me brood
At the last regular meeting of theBlyth
Lodge 803, A.F.&A.M. the following nam.
ed brethren were installed as officers for
1888, by 1'. M. Young : Bros. J. Emigh,
W.M. ; 1). D. Carder, S.W. ; S. Gidley,
J.W. ; Geo. KM, S.D. ; Arch. MoQnarrie,
9.D. ; M. Wilson, Chap, ; C. E. Tanner,
Sec. ; J. Potter, Treas. ; F. Bowdon, I.
G. ; Jos. Barr, Tyler.
The team of Debt, Warwick started
home from Duff's mill the other day but
fortunately did not get very far. No
damage was done.
Skating has again begun on the pond,
but the dread has not yet passed away,
and many an anxious parent may be soon
hanging round near the bank.
A load of straw upset on Monday night
at the top of the hill. It was drawn by
a yoke of oxen, which wore quite a curi-
osity, as they do not often come our
John Hawkins, who for some time past
has been in Pelee Island, returned from
that breeze -blessed land to his home, in
Tmuberry, lust week. Pelee is noted for
its grape growing, its pleasant situation
and health giving climate.
Geo. Jenkins, well known round here,
who is teaching near Whiteehureh this
year, has been laid up this week. Mr. J.
is not very strong at any time, but it re-
quires a strong celsl0tutiou to endure the
mind -racking evils of teaching.
Mr. and Mrs. Nixon, sr., have been
visitiug their sort, Thos. Nixson, our
genial and popular still owner, of this
place. It 1s rather 100 stormy to enjoy
the beauties of Bluevale, but wo hope
they will again visit ns shortly.
The Hopes of friends were very sudden-
ly cooled an Saturday night by a slight
Manitoba blizzard. It did not oomo hero
but hae been raging over there for several
days, and friends who have been expect-
ed for two weeks have been detained.
There are upwards of fifty scholars at-
tending the Principal's room in our pub.
lie school this winter. This apelike well
for our energetics and hard working teach-
er and though some, who think them-
selves gifted with brains, are rather fond
of criticising, Mr. Thompson need not
ogre. Jnat wait till your reporter gets
one item to show how they are endeavor-
ing to encourage him or any one else, fin-
less to rubel, them Mr. T.'s friends may
pull out their note books and got ready
their scales.
NOT C1isDITADLE.—A 500110 Was witness•
r a night ht last
the like
on Saturday v
S s
Act," has
whish, thanks to the 'So
not linen seen in our quiet village for
.many months past. A farinua from the
north of the village, rospeatably connect•
ed, and who himself might jte respected
were it not for his indulgence in strong
drink, had got too much "anti-Sootb"
aboard before leaving Wingham. He
drove from there to this glace in the
most reckless tnanner, endangering his
wife's lifo as well as ilia man by upsetting
near the cheese factory, On arriving
hero ho made the place hideous with his
profanity, ran his horse on the platform
of the post office and tho cutter against
one of the verandah posts, completely
wrecking it. Ile was thrown out and 11
was almost a miracle ho escaped striking
the post himself, Had he done so wo
should likely have had to record another
tragedy caused by drink, The poor oroa-
• bare, in hie demented state, threatened
all the Bluevale correspondents with
death if they should send an account of
his doings to the "papers." We hereby
give him fair warning that should he
again disgrace himself and our fair and
peaceable village by such conduct wo
shall give his name to the public. Public
opinion in this part will no longer endure
such conduct, and it is high time that the
Inspdbtor paid another visit to Wingham
and let the law breakers there feel that
they cannot outrage at once public sono•
mont and decency as well as law with
Tho annual mo h g oft
ohoese factory will be hold, at t110 factory,
on Wednesday of next week, oommenning
at 1o'elook,
Miss McGregor, who has spent nearly
ton years in Indere, Coutral India, gave a
very iuteresting and instructive address
in the Presbyterian ohnroll Met Timidity
000010(1, which was listened to attentive-
ly by a large audience. She gave an ex.
colloid account of the menner0 and cus-
toms of the different oastos of India and
of her own work among the Mahratta
wotnon and children. She showed a
number of ouriositics in the shape of
drinking vessels and other utensils used
by the people ihf the Eastern country. A
good deal of amusement was 000a0ionsd
by ono of tbo little boys appearing in a
garb similiar to those worn by the boys
of India. About ten cents will make a
a suit for a boy there. Mise McGregor
closed her address by making an earnest
appeal to all Christians to help in the
noble work --that of sending the Gospel
to those poor benighted people. A. 141.
Pannabaker occupied the chair.
11otovs, el.
The exprees office is now located in
Sacking's drugstore.
The cricket olub handled $625 last year.
They are arranging to go to Philadelphia
in the early summer and have another
bout with the Belmonts.
FIoas Bros. are leaving stone and other
material placed on the ground for their
new factory. They Intend commencing
its erection as soon as spring opens.
On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
of this week the Dairyman's Association
for Western Ontario convene to discuss
questions of interest in the dairy line.
The Snowshoe Club has been organized
with the following officers :—President,
H. S. O'Reilly ; vice-president, J. M.
Hacking ; honorable secretary and trea-
surer, 1'. W. Hay ; chaplain, Rev. M.
The following is the composition of tho
council for the year 1888:—Mayor, S.
Bricker ; reeve, D. D. Campbell ; 1st dep-
uty reeve, Peter Lillioo ; 2nd deputy
reeve, Wm. Weloh ; nounoillors, A. W.
Featherstone, John Bamford, S.M. Smith,
Jas. Vanatone sr., Wm. Dixon, Wm. Mc-
Keever, W. 11 Binning, Robert Woods,
R. T. Kemp 0001 Saml. Moore.
A obange has taken place in the firm of
R. McMillan & Co., J. K. Bricker leaving
sold out his interest to J. M. Snhinbein.
Mr. Bricker is retiring on account of his
health.—C. Preuter, harness maker, has
purchased Mr. Sanderson's business on
Wallace street, and is removing his shop
to Mr. Sanderson's stand.—Ed. Gabel,
merchant tailor, is also about making a
change, he having decided to remove to
Toronto in a few weeks.
The Advance is putting in a new press.
The proceeds of the charity concert was
Hutton, Price & Carr, millers, bavo
bought Turner's mill for $7,410 and ex-
pect to get possession in about a mouth.
Since May last the Mission band of
Knox church has collected $80, which they
handed over to the treasurer of the W. F.
M. Society.
Rev. G. Rock, of the Baptist church,
has tendered his resignation. He is go.
ing to discharge the ditties of an evang-
elist amongst the Canadinn churches of
his denomination.
As intimated last week, The Times has
changed hands, the new proprietor being
R. Elliott, formerly of the Listowel Ban-
ner. He promises to make things boom
in the Times office. Will H. Youhill,
who hes managed the office so successfully
since the decease of his brother-in-law,
S. Galbraith, will go west, where he has
a situation.
The fortnightly meetings of the Mock
Parliament possess a good deal of inter-
est, and their educative value is apparent
to any thoughtful, observing individual.
At the meeting, on the 6t11 of Jaunery, n
resolution was introduced by the Gov-
ernment in favor of "Manhood Suffrage"
as applicable to legislative elections.
Tho members of the cabinet aro: Mr.
Morton. Premier and Secretary of State ;
E. L. Dickinson, Minister of Justice; P.
Fisher, Minister of Finance; G. Mus-
grove, Minister of, Public Instruction ;
John Hama, Minister of Public Works ;
William Robertson, is leeder of the op-
I..tb o1.
Reeve 14lilne is away to Loudon this
week on business.
Rev. J, T. Legear ami Rev. J. Fergu-
son, of Atwood, exchanged pulpits last
W. Doig, 000 energetic jeweller, has
been doing a splendid business during the
holiday 0elas0n 1(0 silverware and fancy
goods, Ho hopes the weddings are not
all over yet.
Last week was observed as (1week of
prayer in the Presbyterian ahtir011e5 at
Crathbrook and here. The meetings, con-
ducted by Rev, D.B. McRae, wore very
well attended.
Everyone appreciated Mies Mo0rogor's
splendid acldrees last Monday evening.
She returned from India last July, mrd
intends Spending a Filled, time among her
friends foi tho be efit of hor health bo -
fore returning to her missionary work.
Cleo Hewitt, of the 4th lino, and John
Coates, of Elmo., have taken a largo con-
tract, that of cutting, skidding arid draw-
ing all the saw logs on 160 a0res, between
Newry and Moncton, Tlloy are rushing
business and expect, 11 sleighing oontin•
uo0, to get through 11) good time.
Mrs, Andrew Dunce, formerly resident
of Grey, but who left "ceor sin bonnie
0ourttrla for Uncle Seines domains fn
April last, paid a visit to her old home
aucl spent Christmas 'holidays. She says
business in lively and In general every.
thing is booming in the fair State of
D. Johnston has boon sponding hie va•
oation at borne. Iie intends returning
to the Clinton Collegiate Institute for a
few months after which he will take
charge of S.S. No, 0, Tuukoromith. The
people of that section aro to be congratu-
lated on reaming the eervio05 of so conn.
potent a teacher as Mr. Johnston,
Thos. Heritage has purchased 10 vain.
able and nicely located plot of ground,
containing six acres, in London West and
purposes moving there with bis family
next spring, It will be quite a serious
loss to the neighborhood and the church
to which Mr. Heritage belongs to have
him go, as both himself and family have
made themselves very useful in manag-
ing ohuroli and Sunday school motters.
Mr. Heritage will sell or rent his farm in
Grey township.
Wonrnr or ATTENTION.—Thos. Mc-
Lauohlfn, the well-known importer and
breeder of heavy draught horses and
high grade cattle, purposes holding an
auotiou sale on hie premises in the first
week of February, when he will offer
imported heavy draught stallions and
high grade oattle for Salo. Intending
purobasers are invited to can any time
previous to the sale to inspect the stock.
This will afford a splendid opportunity
for persons desirous of securing good
stook for the conning season.
SIICOEnsroL CA:VuIwATEs: Fivo pupils
of S.S. No. 2 wrote at the recent entrance
examination in Soaforth, ail of whom
were successful. Tho following are the
names with the number of marks obtain-
ed by each 1 Sarah Williamson, 581 ; W.
Turnbull, 540 ; Bolla Sellers, 680 ; Will
McAllister, 472. Charlie Sellars came a
few marks behind in history but was
recommended by the examiners. This
reflects muoh credit on the pupils them-
selves aad great be a souroo of muoh sat•
isfaction to their teacher, S. Anderson.
On the 21st Deo. John Giddens was
united in marriage to Miss Sarah Dun-
bar, by the Rev. Mr. Stevenson, of Moles-
worth. Both live in Grey. The happy
couple took their departure for their
home in Howick. We wish them hap-
piness all through this life. Moro world.
iugs to follow shortly, so says Dame
Rumor. We understand that Mr. Mc -
N but then I must not tell the
name as it is a secret, but it is the occu-
pant of a yellow house on the 4th con., is
to get a housekeeper. He may expect a
J. B. Jackson, of Trowbridge, has start-
ed a sawmill in Baylisvilte and is pre-
pared to do all kinds of sawing in first-
class style. Prophets say this is only
the beginning of a town to be built hero
which will be one of the main stations
on the proposed line of railway. So
mote it R.—R. Oliver, of this celebrated
plaoe, claims to have discovered an oil
spring ou his property, which he says
excels the famous Potrolia oil spring, and
if this be true we may expect quite a
bonanza.—We understand Adam. Duke
and Robert Oliver intend each to erect
large bank barns during the coming
An examination and entertainment
whish we venture to say was among the
most successful of the sateen, was held
in S.S. No. 5, Grey, on Tuesday, Deo.
201h. The examination began at 12
o'clock a.m., with' a goodly number of
ratepayers an other visitors present.
Several teachers wore present during the
afternoon, and the answering of the
children during that time certainly re-
flected groat credit upon their excellent
teacher, Mr. McDonald. In the evening
an entertainment was given, for which
an exoellent program had been provided.
One noticeable feature was that the
obildron took a leading part in the per-
formanoe, and they certainly did their
part woll, the ldnde•garten classes es.
derthe man
agement of
The many friendsand acqneiutnnc sAnnie McDonald,were web received.
of Alex. W. Elliott will be pleased
to Lear
that he as succeeding ht business in his
western home. The following item, tak-
en from the Hunter (Duk.) 'Eye," ex-
plains bis situation thoroughly :—"Be-
lieving in the future of Hunter, A. W.
Elliott has this year built e. fine residence
and largo barn on the East side, and
opened up s livery, feed and sale stable.
His establishment is well equipped with
first-class rigs, and one oan rest assured
that he will do all in his power to add to
their comfort and pleasure fn case they
desire to "take a drive." Al. is also pro-
prietor of the City Dray and Express
line and makes it point to attend to all
worn entrusted to him with the utmost
promptness. He deserves the euocess
with which ho is apparently meeting."
Look out for January thaw.
Andrew Johnston is the newly elected
trustee in No. 2.
The elections are over and people
seem to be well satisfied with the result. No 4 for the limas holidays the poacher,
Miss Smith, of Ethel, has been spend-
ing holidays at her uncle's, Andrew Miss Kato Calder, was presented with a
Turnbull's, of the 16th,
The debate was not held in Shine's
school house on Tneeday evening but will
bo held next week at the same place.
Sleighing is good and as a result largo
quantities of loge and wood are being
taken to market and business is lively in
general. May it continuo so,
We now have snow enough and to
spare. The side roads aro badly blocked
and travel on them is diffiioult. The
eoncessio115, however, are in good con-
At the recent Entrance examination to
the High School I4enry A Crooks, S. S.
No. 3 passed with 158 narks fo his orodit.
Elis. H. 'Bryan, No. 10 Howiolr and
Gra passed with 411 points
Ed. Matthews gave several comic rem. -
tidiest!), and was repeatedly encored, as
was also E. Garrett, who by his musical
talent kept everyone cheerful. The
mouth organ band, Messrs. Kingston and
McDonald, of Brussels, interested all.
Songs were well rendered by the Misses
• Wakefield and Brown, and Geo. Brown,
A. Patterson and the choir. Miss E.
Brown sang, "I'm glad my heart's my
amn," and Jennie Lindsey, "The lonely
child," W. Murray, of Molesworth, gave
a recitation entitled, "Dr. Puff Stuff."
The proceeds $28,20 wont to purchase
prizes for the pupils of the wheel.
Unroll County Notes,
The Exeter Tilnoe 5ay0:...'During
Saturday night 0omu tn1sohiovous youths
pelted tho Salvation' Army- barracks
witlii 51mw balls, breaking 0(:ve1'0.1 panes
of glass.
The West Huron Farmers' Institute
will meet in Gnderich on the 24111 nod
26tH ni January, Amongst others, ad.
dresses will bo given by Professors Mille
and Robertsonef the OntarioAgrieultur-
al College.
The Goderioh Sl(1ual says :--1'llo 00-
oortainty of the law has just been exult.
plified in the township of IIuwiek. Judg-
ment was first given by Judge Armor in
favor of deft. Then the ease wont to the
Court of Appeal and the decision was re.
versed, Hagerty dissenting. It next
went to the Superior Court and judge
meet was again given for defendant Mc.
Karcher, Justice henry dissenting. Holt
& Cameron, of this town held the case
for MoMeroher from start to finish.
The Luoknow Caledonian Society Lave
elected this staff of officers for the next
year : Chief, Dr. IioOrimnhon ; 1st
Chieftain, A. McPherson ; 2nd, 4, Find.
later ; 3rd, John Boyd ; 4th, John Scott
Seorstary, D. D. Yule ; Financial Seo -
rotary, 10. Murray ; Treasurer, J. Murch-
ison ; standard bearers, A. K. Cameron
(honorary), J. Purvis, D. McMillan ; Di-
rector, H. Morrison ; Pipers, D. McKay,
D. R. McKay, 41. McDonald, C. Mo -
Kenzie, A. Andrew, D. Mousy. A. Stew•
art ; Menthol's, D. D. McLeod, Main.
toeh ; Trustees, D. McDonald, J. Boyd,
and J. Murchison.
A. wedding of considerable interest took
place at St. George's Church, Goderioh,
on Friday, the parties to it being Gordon
Gamble, youngest son of Clark Gamble,
Q. C., Toronto, and Miss Adelaide M,
Horton, oldest daughter of Horace Hor-
ton, ex-M.P The ceremony was perform•
ed by bbe Rev. Mn. Young, of it. George's
Church, Goderioh. The bride was assist-
ed by Miss Ross, daughter of the Hon. A. ,
M. Rose, and the groomsman was Geo.
Drummond, manager of the Bank of
Montreal there. After the reception at
Mr. Horton's residence the couple left by
tho noon train to go, via Toronto and
Winnipeg, to Now Westminster, B. C.,
where they intend to reside.
The Clinton New Era says :—A gen•
demon in town called ab our office, and
said that he had a record which could
equal the person of whom mention was
made last week, as having never been
outside of Ontario. This second person
emigrated here from Ireland nearly 46
years ago, and has never since that tame
been out of the county. Goderich and
Clinton are the largest places he bas ever
been in during his residence here, and ho
has never yet been on an excursion train.
As he is now about 70 years of age, and
has the means wherewith to be happy, it
is pretty near time ho started out to en-
joy himself and see the world, if he ever
intends to do so.
The Clinton New Era has a readable
sketch of Huron forty years ago. The
total assessment of the county then was
about $401,670, whereas now it is about
$34,000,000. Then there were but four
grist mills with two rim of stones ; nine-
teen one story briok houses and twenty
two story houses brick or frame outside
of Goderioh town. Tho taxes then paid
t lore but $4,800. The Era adds : Some
of the valuatons seem a little strange ;
thus a log house of ono story, with the
logs flattened on two sides, was valved
at $80 ; with an additional fire place, $10
extra ; the same kind of log house, two
storeys, $120, but the additional fire
place in this instance was $32 ; the same
disparity was mado in frame, brick and
stone houses ; one storey frame, $140 ;
additional fire place, $20 ; two storey
frame, $160 ; additional fire place, $40.
A two storey brick or stone house was
11240 ; additional fire place, $40.
Wood and saw logs aro just sliding all
and the roads aro kept in good trim.
There was a slight mistake in the re.
port of No, 8 last week. It should have
been :—Martha Fraser, 673 ; Maggie
Fraser, 666. The marks to enter to sent.
4th class wag 400.
Before the close of the school in S. S.
pair of beautiful vases by . bhe pupils.
The presentation was tnado by Walter
Burgess and Wm. J. Forsyth. Miss
Calder gave the best of satisfaction in
this school.
Sncarsseuo. Pnrn,s.•—eimnio Marshall
and John Laidlaw, of S. S. No. 1; were
sucoessful.at the Entrance examination
bo the Clinton High Scheel. They. took
482 add 378 manes respectively. Al
Wingham Henry W. Farrow, of No. 7,
oaplured 878 marks ; Atmie Campbell, of
No. 6, 417 ; Jemima Gat/nese, and Hattie
Baid,of No, 8, 580 and 417. respectively.
Charlotte Kaslain, No. 5, Was credited
with 480 and rocomfuondod to be paseed.
Marin LEA! FAnaisn's CLr,,—Tho
momhors of this club mot at AllaeSpfer's
�Yo tiro pleased to too that our ,young lost Tlhuonday and clisetissod the muss.
friend ltuseol Bishop has Bono well in tion, "Whichis tine more profitable, pigs
or sheep;' Pito wore discussed by Jas.
Martie, Chas. I-Iarris, Wm. W Dungen,
Thos. Bradshaw, Jas. Shurrio and Neil
Black ; sheep by Goo. Brewer, Jas. Wilk-
inson, Allan Spier, W. funis, 1641. Bross.
ar and Wm, (Scott, Decision was ;liven
in favor of sleep. .10110 Wheeler filled
the chair, The noxa meeting will bo
hold at Jas Martin's next Thursday
evening tvlhon "'loots" will be dismissed.
the recent exammatiolho at the Ontario
Agricnitttral College, Elis 11141110 appears
the houorrob. 1)h a number of gnb-
G. McDonald, the teacher of No. 5,
has been re-en"agod and announced his
duties. Mr, McDonald Donald has proved him.
self, during the least year, to be an ex•
tenant toaober ma WO with hint eon Gnu.
ed success,
price received for the 000.000'5 01150,30
averages 10.30 cents per pound, an tide
gave a total 01)111 of $2/,031.78 for the
yoar'd make. Beceipto were $21,261.26,
dlebureemente $26,030.04, leaving a bal-
ance on hand of $220.81. Assets $8,768..
98, liabilities, nil.
On Saturday morning, Dee. 31,a tramp
mime to the door of Mr. Shellabory, jiv•
ing i1) the Gore of 11ow110, and demand.
ed an entrance, wait in and entered Mai.
t311ellabery to get dimmer immediately,
which 5110 did. Atter dinner he said lie
supposed that they would have no objec.
don to keeping a fellow over Sunday, and
he stayed, and o1) Sunday made Mrs,
Shollabsry darn Ills socks, mend hie vest
and wait on hint generally, mid Mr.
Shellabory tin SAM, and stayed until
Monday morning. when he departed may-
ing •'God bless you mid the Devil miss
you," and he went fait.
Returned to Brussels!
desires to state that he has again become
a resident of Brussels and is prepared to
take Contraotn for all kinds of Carpenter
Work, such as House Building, Barn
Framing, Mill 1Vrighting, A•r..
He will also make a Specialty of Nov.
ing Buildings.
Estimates Cheerfully Gillen.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
in every instance.
For the next 30 days we will sell the
following first-class Plows, all guaranteed
to give satisfaction, with
The Hill Plow, worth $16.00 at $12.00
No. 13 Thistle Cutter Plow$10.00 at $12.00
No.18 „ „ „ $14.00 at $10.00
First-class Lumber Wagon and 1 Set
Mee Bob•sleigbs to exchange for wood or
We have on hand the following :--
Perth County Notes.
A new post office, named Bedgravo, in
the township of Howick, has been opened
with Philip Allen as postmaster.
Thos. Woods, of township of Blau -
shard, has just disposed of over 120
lambs to Geo. Henry, who is shiping
them to Buffalo.
Tho death 000urred in Mitchell, the
other day, of Mrs. Mary Hawkins, moth-
er of Messrs. J. J. Hawkins and D. Haw-
kins, Brantford.
di h-
u fates that
Stratford Beaco s
The p
theria, of a very violent type, lingers in
that city in spite of denials on the part
of certain persons,
Harry Butler, editor of the Stratford
Times, has been elected Mayor of his
native city by a majority of 00 au a tri-
angular fight.
The councillors elect for Mitchell, aro
—Jas Sills, W. Forrister, J, W. Gull,
Jas. Wilson, R. Bell, W. R. Davis, A.
Dent, Jno. Coates, Jas. Jones.
The Stratford Times has entered upon
its thirteenth volume. It has never
missed an issue since its establishment
in Jan. 1875, by its present editor and
Stratford is dismissing the question of
electric light, and it is proposed to buy a
Royal plant at a cost of 010,000. to run
60 lamps. The estimated cost of 50 all
night lamps, inohiding interest on plant
is 02,885.
Thursday evening, January 20th, i5
bbe night set apart by the St. Andrew's
Sooaety, Stratford, for their grand an-
unal entertainment. The managers
have prepared a rare bill of faro. The
best talent in Canada has been muted.
4t a isoont meeting of the National
Builders' and Laborers' Union of Strat-
ford the following officers were clouted :
—President, T. Golden ; Vico-President,
Charles Orr ; R. S.,'W. Denmun ; F. S.,
I3. Butler , Treasurer, Jas. Hosoon ; Ty.
ler, J'. Driscoll.
The Rev, C. E. Gordon -Smith, F. S.
So., having accepted the call to the
Scotch (thumb, Lancaster has sent, in his
resignation as pastor to a recent meeting
of the Congregational Church in Strat-
ford he was presented with an address
and a handsome eight-day antique clock.
The following oflloers of the Mitchell
'Ibboganning Chub) were oleoted for the
current season t --lion. Pres., .W. W
Hicks ; Pros., W. Kyle ; 1st Vioe.Pres.,
A. Dalton Smith, M. D. ; 2nd Vico-Pros,,
1', A. Campbell ; Sec. Troas., J. A Rob-
inson ; Committee, Foljambo Awtt .5, S.
Cale, A. Davis, A. Colquhonn, L. ibis.
bit and T. Thomson.
.from the midget's report presented at
the annual meeting of the Avonbanlc
Cheese and Bettor i11fg Co„ we learn
that the Co. is 11111 healthy 100(11(0 101.
During the season 2,072,5201.bo of milk
had found its way to the hostelry, which
tinned out' 811.,'11111 the, of cheese, The
30- DAYS -30
:30 (toys hath Soptuulbnr, :�prifk
jinni and November and for the
Next 30 day's a:
arge iscount
Will be alloweel 011 0010 sp1endbrl
stock of
Leather and
Ordinary bound
, A -L -B -U -M' .
Points for all Plows kept con•
antly on band.
Repairs of all kinds promptly attended
to at LOWEST Pn000c.
A quantity of first-class Hardwood
Flooring on hand, well seasoned.
Planing, Matching and Band Sawing
int first class style at the
1IRCSSELS F'r11S1r)t0.
Special Bargains
Toys and Fancy Goods.
All the School requisites kept:
in stock or procured in a day or
ty�l i'
/\ J
A`.1 --
Veal's Furuhture Slore, Brussels.
As I am Quitting the Furniture Trade and going into other busi-
ness I will offer my Immense Stock, the largest in the County eE'
Huron, by Public Auction, on
SATURDAY, JAN. 21, I888,
At i. o'Glol,: p. m., Sharp,
When I will sell the whole stock, consisting of
Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites,. ,Mansion, Fall Leaf (I1)
Centre Tables, Sideboards, Cupboards, Bureaus, Bedsteads,
Lounges, Sofas, Spring B eds and flfattrasscs, 17 different
kinds of Chairs, a great 16001ber of Beautiful Pictures, one good
second-hand Piano, one splendid new 13511 Organ, two sewing
machines and a great number of odder articles too ?numel'0i6S`fag
All suing of $5 and 1111(10' cash : 011)0 flint nnlouut 4 months
credit to responsible lrnrti1 o, 1(1 per e'ant. oil for (lIOdt on c7'm'(ii}e
P 1.i11I.'.Id,11]'I'A>Ii.