HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-1-13, Page 44 THE ERUSSELS POST For sale—Thos, Town. s0 days—'Pos'r Bookstore. Auction sale ---Arthur Veal. Farm for sato--Thoe.Kelly. Some reasons --G. A. Deadlnan. Furniture for sale ---Mr's. T. Danford, nareaguanzimaosramoursteow FIUUPA1 , ./.4 N. 18, 1888. A raw days ago there was presented in the United States Senate the memorial of the Constitutional Convection of the Territory of Utah praying for admission into the Union as a State, which was re- ferred to the Committee on Territories. Utah was organized a Territory of the United States on Sept. 9, 1850. Its area is 81,970 square miles. There will prob- ably be a warm discussion over the ques- tion of granting the prayer of the meal. oriel, as the admission of Utah would complicate the Mormon difficulty, and Probably greatly strengthen the re- sisting power of that powerful institu- tion. Ix is not much wonder that Queen Vic- toria called her first born to order when it is stated that Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, presented slugger Sullivan with a handsome gold watch, nicely engraved, as a token of his appreciation of the bruiser. There is a certain class of in- dividuals in old England that this pre. sentation business may suit, for instance persons who would rather go to a dog fight than to a concert or the like but it is very little satisfaction to the ratepay- ers who are heavily taxed to keep up royalty to know that part of their hard earnings go to purchase a watch for a bully who, in some of his tantrums, has assaulted his wife, the diniug room girl in a hotel, doe. His Royal Highness may have a penchant for prize fights but it does not raise hint any in the eetimation of those who would be expected to sing, if our good Queen were gone, "Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us, &c." Ir is hinted that there is a probability of the Orangemen of this County holding their annual celebration in town if Brus- sels will aid them in arranging the pre- liminary work, such as securing a band, building arches, arranging seating ac- commodation and the like. None will deny but that the bringing of several thousand people to our town for a day would mean a good many dollars left iu the place and although some may say it all goes to the hotelkecpers, everybody should understand that the butcher, bak- er, grocer and others share in the receipts indirectly. Itis is altogether likely that the Howiok ledges would come to Brus- sels and Listowel might be induced to do likewise. An effort is being made to draw all these gatherings to the cities bot let us look after home first and then vto the welfare of others. We think Brussels would be pursuing a wise course to ask J. H. Young and other members of Brussels and local lodges to use their best endeavors to have the next 12th of July celebration held in town. Some- body says it will be mouths before that date. We are aware of that but the question of celebrations will come up for discussion at the County Lodge, to be held in Gorrae, on Feb. 7th, so that now is the time to move. WE bespeak a large attendance at the various sessions of the Farmers' Insti- tute to be held in the Town Hall, Brus- sels, on Friday and Saturday of this week. In addition to the papers of Prof. Penton, of the-Ontar io Agricultural Col- lege, and S. Rennie, the holder of the gold medal for the prize farm in Ontario, the leading agriculturalists of our Riding areexpeoted to be present and join in the diecussions. The way to make these gatherings a success is for everybody to go with the expectation of getting and giving all the information possible, and with this as the prime object there will be heartiness and warmth in the debate that will ensure success. The members ''of'the various Debating Sooieties and Farmers' Clubs should be in attendance. Prof. Panton, who has already made a visit to this section, is a fluent speaker, and his address on Friday evening should draw a full house. The farmers of to -day are, as a rule, reading men and are gen. orally conversant with the leading ques- tions of the day and for this reason these Institutes, being held all over Ontario, are meeting with great success. The topics discussed are of vital importance to the tiller of the soil and should, at least, have magnetism , enough about them to induce the proem= of the farmers of this section. Let there be a big turn -out. l l-e0uerttl Nowt. The proposed repressive measures against the Socialists are likely to be passed in the Reichstag. The Abyssinians are prepared to ad. vanceonMassowah by the route taken by the Magdala expedition. • Rev. Dr. T. De Witt Talmage succeeds the late Rev. Henry 'hard Beecher as chaplain of Brooklyn's pet military or. ganization, the lath Regiment. While there are only about one thou. sand survivors of t11e war of 1812 in the l],nited Mato% the number of willows of soldiers of the sante war is 12,000. India has now nine W.G.T.Fnione. New York has e, hospital for doge mud qt Preeideut Carnot has sent a friendly autograph letter to the Pope. Water in San Jose 15 as dear its bread, according to a California contemporary. There has been a whale collision be. tween the Iuvernpsahire crofters tunl the police force. , There are twenty murderers in Now York eity prison awaiting trial for their primes, The number of deaths from smallpox in Havana during the mouth of Decemb- er was 874. Russia has given Austria formal notice that she intends to move tWO 111020 21v1- sions of troops towards the Galician frontier• Over 5,000 acres of good timber land near llawltinsville, Ga., Fold at aootion recently for $58. Some of the laud wont i for less than 12 cents an acre. New York druggists say that the num- ber of laudanum drinkers is increasing, and that there is less effort to conceal the habit now than there was formerly. Warms winds have caused a sudden thaw throughout Austria and serious floods are threatoned. Some of the sub• orbs of Vicuna are already partially sub- merged. Five trains of twenty cars each passed over the International Bridge at Sault Ste. Marie on Jan. 0. They had flour from. Minneapolis en route to Boston and New York. The Utah wool-groweia, representing over a million sheep, met in convention Monday. A strong resolution was passed protestingagainet a reduction of the tariff on wool. There is a boy living in Union Town- ship, Anglaise Country, Ohio, who is sixteen years old and six feet and three- fourths of an inch in height, and weighs 182 pounds. German will cease to be taught in St. Louis public schools after January 29, and ninety-eight German teachers will have nothing left to do, unless they begin to teach English. The first recorded photograh of a rain- bow has been exhibited to the Photogra- phic Association of London. The arch has the appearance of something solid— like an arch of wood. The Utah Legislature met and organ. ized both branches. There are three Gentiles and twenty-one Mormons in the Lower House, and two Gentiles and ten Mormons in the Upper. Since gold mining has commenced in Victoria the colony has contributed to the world's yield of gold to the end of last year no less than 54,424,899 oz., of the value of £217,697,590. In the Methodist preachers' meeting at Baltimore, Monday, a resolution protest- ing against President Cleveland's action in presenting the Pope with a copy of the Constitution was discussed and referred to a committee. The presence of the cholera epidemic in Chili is remarkable and not pleasant for the people of the United States to con- template, inview of tho fact that there is no possibility of water quarantine against South America. M. D. Babcock, invoutor of the fire ex- tinguishing apparatus bearing his name, died in the almshouse, San Francisco, Saturday, aged 70. At ono time he was in receipt of $10,000 a month for royalty on his machines, but after selling patent rights his money was soon spent and for some years he wandered about the State in a destitute condition. Six years ago he was admitted to the almshouse. Sixty thousand pilgrims have comp to Rome. Thirty-five thousand Italians, 5,800 French, 1,000 Germans, 2,000 Spa- niards. 52 cardinals and 500 bishops are now there. In the Vatican exposition are 1,800 opened cases, 500 not yet opened, 800 still at the railway station and 900 en route, A new room is built` for the 90,000 bottles of wine presented. The value of the presents received amounts to 00,000,000 francs, and the money gifts to 14,000,000 francs. The lamest gun ever mounted on a disappearing carriage was fired at Messrs. Armstrong's proof range at Siloth on Tuesday. The gun has been manufact- ured at Elewick for the Government of Victoria, being part of a considerable order given to Messrs. Armstrong by the Ausralian colonies for coast defences. The gun is concealed in a pit until the moment of firing, whet it is lifted in pos- ition by pneumatic power derived from a recoil arrangement. Mirrors permit of the sighting of the gun before it israieed. Tho gun weighs about thirty tons. The trial was considered satisfactory. Prof. Geo. H. Thompson, of Reading, Pa., has just had patented a "life•saving brink." The invention consists of a hol- low steel brick to be colored the hue of any ordinary brick. The brinks are to be firmly cemented and anchored in the front wall of aoy building, two feet apart running from bottom to top. They are so construoted that a lireman or any one can touch them in front and instantly a steel rung of a ladder pushes itself out. The man can climb up any height secure- ly and safely, as the steel steps are strong enough to bear a ton. A company will be formed at once to manufacture the brick. How cold the dark water of Lake Superior is 1 One evening when we were steaming across that lake I asked the mate what was done when a man fell overboard. He coolly replied, ',Nothing," "Why7" Iasked, astonished at hie heart- lessness. "The water of Lake Superior is so gold that a man cannot live in it ;during the time it takes to stop a rapidly moving veesel and lower a boat," he re- plied. Then he added: "I have sailed on this lake for twenty years. During that time I have known many ,can to fall off vessels. I know of only one man who escaped death. He was saved by a scratch. The others were apparently killed by the shook produced by falling into such cold water." IIo plotted up an empty can to which a string was attach. ed and east it overboard. The pan skip- ped from the crest of ono wave to that of another for ap instant, then dipped and filled. The broaryheaded trate drety the full oats up and handed it to me, saying : "Take a drink of that, and then you say what yon think of your chances of swim. ming in Lake Superior for ten or fifteen minutes." I drank deeply, and it was as though liquid ice flowed down my throat, "It is alleged," the mate said, "that this lake never gives op its dead, that to be drowned in Lako Superior is to be buried for all time. I do not knots whether this is true or not, but 1 no know that I have never seen a 0Urp8e floating on the lake," I wonder if that is true? 1 doubted it, but I could find no sailor tvho had ever seen a dead body floating on the lake -Frank IV]lkeson in N. Y, Times. Prof. Virohow, of Berlin, in his new work declares that (Meer ba curable, The completion of the Fishery negoti- ations iu a few days is expected iu Lon- don official circles. aolnt Robinson, late of the Guelph Mercury staff, is now aditor•in•ohlef of the Toronto Telegram. The London toboggan slide has been vetoed four feet, which now makes the slide 1,100 feet, Thealumniraces colpo oil on the evenings of the 17th and 20111 inst. At the mouth of the Congo there is a remarkable submarine valley. Just at the month of the river it is 1,102 feet deep, and it can be distinctly traced for a hundred utiles out to sea, Buffalo Bill hada prairie fire with tor. nada offeots in his show at Manchester. The tornado was produced by means of a powerful wind propellor and tuts violent enough within 0 ee,thin radius to knook down horses and b'ow over a coach, The Ontario Poultry Show commenced Tuesday in the poultry buildioo on the 1 Exhibition Ground, London. There is a great display of fowls, filling the entire hall. All breeds aro well represented, and fanolers are hero from all over the Province. E, B. Wilbur, one of the most widely - known grain merchants of Buffalo, has gone to Canada. Trusoott 6.; Iloathfield are out $4,000, and S. S. McCrae, Freight Agent of the Grand Trunk, ie a loser to the amount of $18,000. A number of others are said to be out various amounts. Tho fact that fifteen to twenty -flue steamers a month are now arriving at the mouth of the Congo, illustrates the growth of commerce in that region since Stanley showed the importanne of the great river. One ocean steamer has al- ready ascended the river to Boma, fifty miles from the sea, and the Post chan- nels are being (narked by buoys, so that deep draught vessels may safely navi- gate the lower river. Lord Dufferin, Viceroy of India, was asked by the Nizam of Hyderabad to suggest a manager for his estate. The Viceroy remembered that when he was Governor-General of Canada Sas. Long - ham, a prominent cattle dealer of Belle. ville, Ont., had an enviable reputation as e. farmer. He told the Nizanl of him, with the result that Mr. Longhem has had an offer of $15,000 a year to manage the Nizam estate on the American plan, with the latest agricultural machinery, and has accepted. The deepest coal mine in America is in Pottsville, Penn. The shaft is 1,570 feet deep. From its bottom, almost a third of a mile down, 208 cars, holding four tons each, are lifted every day. They are run upon a platform, and the whole weight of six tons is hoisted at a speed that makes the head swim, the time occupied in lifting a full car being little more than a minute. The hoisting and lowering of men into opal mines is regulated by law in that State, and only ten can stand on a platform at once, un- der penalty of a heavy fine. Canadian News. Dr. Gunn, formerly of Brucefield, has 1,cated in Clinton. Three abbe bodied men were committed to the county jail as vagrants the past week.' 47 candidates wrote at the entrance examination, Wineham, 85 passed an were recommended. School Section number, tete East Z wanosh, organized a Literary Sooi on Tuesday evening, when the f lowing officers were appointed :—.Press., J. Hunter ; Sec., R. MoGowan; Trea'., J. Ross. They intend le olding their meet- oreings on Tuesday evenings. The fees only ten cents for the season. John Ross Robertson, newspaper pro- prietor, Toronto, has presented to Board of Police Commissioners an ambu- lance built after the latest model of Metropolitan Asylums Board, London, England, with rubber beds and complete outfit; imported by him from England for use of citizens free of charge. The ambulance is constructed to carr necessary two patients. Six weeks ago Harry Thomas, a yo man living in Thorold, Ont., was Mar- ried to a daughter of Richard Commer- ford, of that town, and the young couple started out on the journey of life w everything looking bright before them. The young man secured employment Toronto and was working iu that oily when he was stricken down with typh fever, to which disease he succumbed Saturday. Tho young widow and members of the family have the heart- felt sympathy of a large circle of quaintanoee. Dorchester Station has just 1101 little sensation occasioned by the sud- den exit of the looal postmaster, Wm. Scott, who has officiated in that caps there Inc many years. He disappeared last Thursday, leaving his family and numerous creditors behind. Mr. has been getting gradually into deep and deeper water financially, and finally he evidently reached the point where be considered. it easier to skip than to strug- gle, Ho went westward from Iron His liability to the post office deeart, ment is not large—probably not $20 which will be met by his sureties, Mes F. Chittick and John Hunt. What other liabilities are is not known, • dl Va- sty of the the cul. y if ung in old on the ac- v a city Sr01t don. ere. 11fs At the conclusion of the servieee of the French contingent of the Salvation Army in the Theater Franoriee Tuesday night an attempt was made by some unknown parsons to set the building on fire. They had sooretedlthemselves during tho sor- vioes, and after the theater was looked up piled a quantity of shavings and match - ea together, and on title emptied the contents of a bottle of opal oil. After setting fire to this they managed to es• cape by a window. Fortunately the pol- lee were attraotod by the glare,, and with snow and water managed Co nip the fire in the bud. Great indignation is ex- pressed among the better class of French Canadians at this dastardly act. An incident occurred during the ser- vice in St. James' Cathedral, Toronto, Sunday evening of a somewhatludicaroue nature. After the anthem had boon sung ono of the voting ladies in the choir bent down rather suddenly to her devotions and her headgear looaenoclfrom its moor- ings, The hat, which according to the prevailing fasllion, was a ponderous art. rale, fell over the gallery into the posy on rho ground floor below and struok ahoth. er lady with oonsidcrable force, The re- sult was it decided sensation for a brief space of. time, The occurrence created se much amusement among sone of the younger member% of tiro con{,regrciion that Rev. Can0'1 Dumoniin admonished them in severe arum for their levity. I17,AS'X' HURON Agricultural Society. The annual meeting of the hest Huron Abn'ieniterel Soofety will be held in the Town` 11ALh, Bnrssare, ow 1VliI)NES1111', T1 NU MI' 18111, 1889, at 1 a'olook p.nl„ for the purpose of re. ceiviug and disposing of the Financial Report for 1887, electing a 13oa' d of Di. rectors for the current year and transact- ing any other business that may e0n10 before the meeting. D. STEWART, D. McLAUCHLIN, ere.- Treas. President, CANADA'S CO21I0 PASSE, J• w• BENGOUGH, ARTIST ora EDITOR' ISSUED 1EERL2. 92 a Yenl'; $1 for a HllnittS, (31210 le increaehtg in influence and Pupil. larity every year 1 It is a supremo 110050- hold favorite, while every Politician and Professional and easiness Mau enjoys lite clover hits which appear in n1'ery issue. Sub• sardle nowt Hee our Premium and Clubbing 1101, 01r- 01r - milers giving full' artieniars sent fres. fw'r,00k out for GRIP'S Gomm ALMANAC for 1888. Price 10 cents. Address, Grip Publishing Co., TORONTO, ONT. BRUSSELS CRIST MILL! Having lately made extensive improvements in our Mill we are now in a much better position than ever to attend to the Grist- ing Trade. CHOPPING DONE91 Chopping done in the best manner and at a reasonable price. FLOUR, GRAHAM FLOUR, CRACKL- ED WHEAT AND FEED of all kinds kept constantly on hand and for sale at Moderate Prices. Wm. Ro$ . 1E. L. M .A.O1C O:N\ ■ Christmas Presents for Everybody. WATCHES, Waltham, Elgin and Hampden, with Gold, Silver, Gold filled and Silverine Cases in Gent's and Ladies' sizes. A. fine assortment of best American CLOCKS, Gold Rings, Roll Plate and Gold Chains, Ladies' Broaches and Bar Pins, Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins, Bracelets, in fact all kinds of fine JEWELLERY. Give ire a call. P.S.—Satisfaction guaranteed in all repairs. Suer A FEW Doors Sourly or Bnmont. I .GNl+-Y ! MONEY ►, Saved. Saved. HOW' ? 13y buying anything you hoot in the harness line from us. Our goods are the best to be found in the market. Our prices are the lowest, as we buy all our goods for gash and we give our customers rho advantage of it, A full line of Horse Clothing, Robes, Bells, Whips, l f'e., also Trunks, Valises, and Ladies' Satchels, the largest stoop in town and gold the Cheapest. REPAIRING done 0110ape' tihan any shop in the Oom1 by. Oar HAwR-FACED COLLARS never 9(011, Give ue a tall and be convinced that what wo say 18 time. T. C. Richards, Graham's Bloelt, Brussels. �A ADRE FARM PIR SALE, A arst-plass farm for sale in the Township of Morris in the 0,1 cly 01 II Cron, being south half of north half lots 25w20 nail eoabh hall o1 20 lu lith sun„ oontaiuing 2%u acres more of 108s, 125 soros ,costly Maar of stumps and in. IL. good state of 011101. vatlotl, There (0 a young bearing orchard,10 good house and hablc barn 10 x 50 feet with 11t0110 stable 11 4101 1101111, Thu farm le situ- stad within a dile of the Village of Brussels and Is a good farm for grain ar stook eals- 1ug ae Iti s wnlct'c'd ±111, the rival'. Alnttlaind ,Lod 0000r 203112(1 snriug 0,0011, Puaoeselofl well be 51ve1 at tow Wine. Por 11,1(1101' (152. tiotilaro apply an the pr118151s ur to A.k. 1(21i1)I1T`JU1`7, Brussels, 1', 0. 0.01 Executor's Notice. All parties 1tav'lsg oialrns against the Es- tate of the late Boni. Bose, of the Town- ship of Grey, in the ()minty Of 11 ,1101, who flied uu or about the 2nd day of dune, A, a., 1807, 020,011 or before the 101 day of January 1888, 1)0 spool by post (prepaid) to 110 under - Mandl their Christain and surnames, ad- dress auctdescription, 1L'it1, 1511 particulars of their els in, 0, a 8(a 011,5, 1 of thoir 10- oounts and natuzo of their securities, if any, hold by thou, end 111 default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from partici• pitting in the said estate, 031 persons in- debted 00 the deceased whether ny book 080011111 0r otherwise, are requested to pay the .same to Wm. Spence, on or before the above mentioned date. 10-1110 Will. SPENCIII, Executor. Dated to Gray this 3114 day of Oct, 'e7, HELLO THERE !. JAN. 18, 1888 EAST I..IiRON Farmers' Institute. A Farmers' Instituto Will bo held in the TOWN IIALL, BRus- s1sl,s, on Friday anti Saturday, Sanitary lath and 14th, Pro- fessor Puritan, of the Ontario Agricultural. College, will be ill att2ndaueo, and the leading Ag- ricultnralists of this section, A cordial invitation given to all, particularly the farming com- munity. WM. RISUOP, 1'. $i(1M1)i )N, 21 lea-rroas. Provident. PLUM & CLARKE, General Blacksmiths, Whit to intimate to the Public generally ' a+ that they do all kinds of Blacicsmithing in a Workmanlike Manner. Where are you going? To get a Raymond Sewing Machine. Man she's a grand machine. S'1e hos made a clean sweep in our settlement.. She le so easily managed and never goes wrong. Geo. Love also has the Bell Organ, of Guelph ; the Port Perry Grinder ; the Exeter Straw Cutter, and I hoar ho is getting a lot of F.1L.iVCY' CUTTERS of late design and of different patterns. Come owe.' up with me Jemmy, you can get anything you want there. Mau tae's a Great Lad. Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters made to Order. Repairing promptly Executed. We make a Specialty of Horse•ehoebng. A Call Solicited. IS-Renmefnber the Stand—NEul Ti012 Bnlnos. 24 Plum &Clarke. Wear. Spectacles and Eye -Glasses that will preserve your Eyesight. F.I ZARUS Manufacturing Optician ,l ate of the firm of Lazarus & Morris, 28 Maryland Road, Harrow Road, London, England, has ap- pointed an agent for the Renowned Spec• tattles and Eye -Glasses whiolt have been before the public for the past 26 years. Lazarus' Speotaclee never tire t1e eye; Last many years without change. For Sale by .17. L. JACISON, BRUSSELS, . ONT. TSi0ROVC+S3-331,eEXD erERSEY'BULL FOT_2. 01 VSCE. This bull (Prince of Maple Lane No. 11,361) is of a splendid milking strain, his dant being Rioters Queen, 14,895, which traces back to a sire of Eruotas, No. 2,454, record 778 lbs. better in one year ; co Marjorams 1(] lb. colo and to Gipsy, record 17 14, of butter in seven days. He lveighs%hbout 1500 pounds, "rn1NCE or MAPLE LANE," bas taken several 1st prizes and diplow. as at Western Fair, London and would maks n valuable oross with any good milk or butter cow. A11 those who wish to increase and improve the products of the dairy would do well to have calves from this. bull. For further particulars, as to where be is kept and cost of service, address G. A. DEAD M AN 5 Druggist, .8cc''., 1133..ule pelf , Ont. OND) tr The undersigned beg leave to intimate to the Public that they have opened out a YV.4 G OX 4WD BL4 CKSJIIITH S FLOP in the Backer Stand, Cranbrook, where they are prepared to turn out Cutters, Sleighs, Wagons, Buggies, &c. HORSE -SHOEING A SPECIALTY. Satisfaction guaranteed. We ask for a trial. E. f. WILLIAMS, j. y. MITCHELL, PROPRIETORS. lEsrILIML Grist and Flour Mills ! Tho undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has now the Mill in First Class Running Order alld)will be glad to sop all his olcl customers and as many new ones as possible. Chopping done. Flour and Feed Always an, liana, Highest Price plod for any quantity of Good Grain. WM. MILNE