The Brussels Post, 1888-1-13, Page 3tl.
JAN, 18, 1888.
a.t'•t l) .
A, young Britisher whoa° name was We
Want crazy at last, so it aemyss,
Because people would not
lhlde'stnnnl then they ought
To call hint, not Weemis, but Weems,
Another wires (tint was ISJnollys
Tried vainly to vote at the pollys
But no ballot be cast
Between till the but
The elork couldn't pronounce 1%nnllya
And Oleo a young butcher named Bel-
\Vont and )murdered a elan with a alel-
Because the man couldn't,
Or possibly wouldn't,
Prouonnee his name properly Beaver.
'Caere was an athlete named Strieohan,
Who had plenty of sinew and braohan,
And he'd knock a man down
With an indignant frown,
If he tailed to pronounce his nano
Tho times R hard for farming folk,
Perhaps 11 herd for U ;
Indeed, I think, without to ,Joke,
The times are all S Q.
To sot things right I'll not S A,
"Twould T T an L L D,
Pay what I 0 from day to day,
R me ! IIow hard it B.
A farmer need be very TY
And take but little TE
He'll have to open all his 11,
And think of what he CC.
In raising crops he must XL,
Or ho will soon DK ;
:Bust mind his PP, and QQ as well,
And 0 to roots and hay.
These are the days when you must work,
And not yourself ltlUU ;
An MT purse !fleets all who shirk,
And many [0011.
Yon can't afford to ride to hotrods,
Or ape the M P. ;
But you must doily make your rounds,
And rouse your NRG.
If wo will work like busy BB,
And take our Q from ants ;
We need not sail beyond the CIC,
Nor tunnel into France.
Our hope 0000 a change for good,
And won't despair XQQ ;
The Lord above will send us food,
If we aur faith will Ul'.
A little maid, in a polo blue hood,
In front of a Largo brick building stood,
As she passed along her quick eye spied
Some wends on a littlo box inscribed ;
'Twas a box that hung in the vestibule,
Outside the door of the Charity School.
"Remember the poor 1" were the words
she spelled,
Thon looked at thjediroo her small hands
For chocolate creams were fresh that day
In the store just only across the way 1
But gleams of victory shone o'er her face,
As she raised her eyes to the "money
But her arm was short and the box so
That a gentleman heard, who wan pass-
ing by,
"Please, sir, will you lift me just so
much ?"
(For the tiny fingers could almost touch,)
The stranger stopped, and he quickly
By the sweet-faced child, in the pale
blue hood.
As he lifted her, she gently said,
"?-" •1d you mind it, sir, 0 you turned
your head ?
For, you know, I do not want to be
Like a proud, stuck-up old Pharisee I"
He humored the little maid, but a smile
Played o'er his face, as he stood there
the while.
"Excuse me, child ; but what did you
say ?"
The gentleman asked, in a courteous
As he took in his her wee, white hand,
"I believe I didn't quite understand."
"Oh I sir, don't you know ? Have you
never read,"
Said the child, amazed, "what our Sav-
iour said ?"
"Wo shouldn't giro like those hypocrite
Who stood in the market places then,
And gave their alms, just for folks to toll
Because they loved to bo praised so well,
But give for Christ's sake, from our littlo
What only he sees, and nobody more,
"Good-bye, kind sir, this is my way
home ;
I'm sorry you'll Have to walk Mono,"
TIM gentleman passed along, andthought
Of large sums given for fame it brought,
And he said, "1 never again will be,
In the market -places, a Pharisee I
She preached mo a sermon, true and
That dear littlo maid, in tho pale blue
hood l"
A New Year's Letter.
Dear Friend,—This comes hop.
ing that you are quite well, as it
leave* mo at present. I wish you a
happy new year, and .1 think you
will get it if you aro a new man.
Certainly those who oro right with
God have a right, to be happy,.
True religion and a swilling face
e, good match. We need not be as
solemn as owls, nor as grave as
tlonheys, Don't you believe for a
moment that all the finch at:; the
fun have gone over to the wrong
aide l there is more joy in ono
ounce of grace than in a tots of sin.
TIM initial of fools ntnkes a groat
deal of no180, but there's very little
in it; it le like a fire of therm
under it pott ; there's a lino blaze
and ti good Ileal of eraokhng, but
the pot never boils, We oan bo
jolly . without the cant, and we can
keep our epirite up without pouring
spirits down, That's a poor joy
which dies a8 8001 Ile the fiddle
stops and the Milliard is empty.
Until the moose (aIle in love with
the oat 1 ehall not give myself to
stloh week merriment. I trial) you
<tappinoes all the day, and every
year, ovary year till years shall be
no more.
They ray the times aro hard, but
I fanoy men'tt hearts aro hanger,
Tradespeople tell .me they are Bel-
ling everything at lees than they
gave for it, and, as far as I can 800,
they are living well on their losses.
I pity them more than I eau tell.
As for a ploughman, or any labor-
ing man in full work, the times are
well enough if he will but believe it.
Every thing i8 cheap that ho and
his children can really waub; unarm
)for other thiuge, it is cheaper etill
to go without them, A ahilling
gods further now than it ever did
before in my lifetime, except when
Patrick dropped it into the sea.
Give me couetaut work, and 1 eau
do very well. It will not run to
duck and green pone, but there's
always plaiu food, and plenty of it,
Dainties make dearth, but simple
fare is not rare.
Two thingsmany people want,
thrift and faith, I believe, my
friend, that you are it thrifty soul ;
and if so, you know that a lot of our
neighbors are very much the other
way, Whatever they get, away it
goes directly. Yee, and it often
gods before they get it. They roast
the lamb before it is born, and eat
the chicken before it is Latched.
When rainy days some they haven't
even the stick of an umbrella to
to hold up. If there e a frost for
more than a week, they take to beg-
ging, for they haven't a penny to
bless themselves with. You might
get as much by shaving an egg 11,3
by asking for their savings. Their
thrift and the wool of a dog would
make ram cloth. but thorn wo:tld
not be ]ouch of it. Economy is un
estate, but they will have none of it.
A penny in their pocket soon jumps
out for want of company. You
couldn't make some fellows rich if
you gave them a thousand a you,
for they would be eiere to spend
ntnepenoe morn than' they have
coming in., Waste is dreadfully
common, and when a tub leaks you
cannot keep It full. Laziness has
not quite loft the country either;
there are plenty who wear out more
eboote and shoes, idle fellows not
worth their keep, even if they could
live Like ct goose on the common.
The other tiling that Is greatly
needed is trust iu God. Trus relig-
ion is the salt of life, and for want
of it many a mall goes rotten. How
can a man deal right with men if he
has no fear of God 2 Ile that be-
lieves in the Lord Jesus Chriet unto
salvation is on tho right road, and
every step he takes is forward to
holiness and to heaven. If you
trust yourself you trust a fool. Our
own good works, if we have any,
will never buy us a plane in glory ;
but we have no really good works
till wo get a new heart, and nobody
can give us a new heart but the
Lord Jesus. You cannot make a
lantern shine by rubbing the out.
side; what is wanted is to Dandle
within. If we come to Joule by
faith Le will put a heavenly light
within us, and make all things now
about us. Then shall we bring all
our troubles to God, aud leave
them there, and we shall be no
puppy as tho days are long in June,
My friond, 1 pray that you may
leap with joy all through this leap
yoar, and never limp with fear, nor
fall with folly. Your old friend,
`.otei Pr,oucneree.
Geuaner-n.1 ref eeve.
Philadelphia has a parrot that
a s
prMexico iu raising a loan of 552,-
000,000 for Germany.
Obolera is increasing to an alarm-
ing extent at Vasparaiso.
President Carnot, of )prance, is'
reported to be a crook shot.
Phyllonera, and mildew have ser-
iously damage the French vintage.
Tho railroads are (till cutting
rates between Ohioago and St.
Matches left lying around loose
caused 825 fires in Now York last
Laura Evans, of I:lediingeburg,
Ky., is violently insane at lite age
of fi yearn.
Tho postmaster at St. Louis has
decided that mince pie is not mail•
able matter,
Admiral Gel:vale hag been ap-
pointed. Minister of Marine in the
French Cabinet.
It has just been learned that the
tree which the woodman spared EELS
a ohsstnut tree. ile ought to bo
F3paDiins,astrous floods are reported 1
Title wIutor is the knout esveru o
record at Vienna,
The Ronnie( nowpapere liav
dropped their nofrieudliuese toward
A white collie hos been prosente
to the Queen of England as an un
heard -of rarity,
Kentucky still Itsote her State
House with wootl lime in old.feah-
ioned fin place -1,
e PRI V./17W le UN DS.
deigned 18 8t'.td to lank favorably
on a propound that site should join
the triple alliance.
The Now YorkPreae Club is taut-
Ing of erecting a monument over
Borate Greeley's grove,
A French plan {las appeared of
malting a bridge wirers the Britisl
Obannel 120 feet high.
The Spanish Government wil
devote $100,000 it year to the ore
t tion of a fund for the Columbus
Admiral Krantz is the now
French Minister of Marine, Ad-
miral Gorvnis being mode chief of
tho naval staff.
It is eotimated teat 700,000 peo-
ple were drowned and 8,000,000 loft
homeless by the overflow of the
Yellow River iu Chinn,
Queen Victoria has knighted Ed-
win Arnold, author of the famous
poem "The Light of Asia." Lot
the Knight proceed to shed more
Patti will receive $180,000 for
her tour in, South America. The
number of operas in which she will
have to sing will not be less than 80
nor more .than 48.
The Nihilists, charged with an
attempt on the Ozar's life while he
wits travelling to the Don Cossack
country last year, have boon con-
demned to death by a secret tribun-
Tho United States cricketers
reached the West lndios after a
tempeetuoue passage during which
they suffered from sea sickness.
They played their first match in St.
According to a Florida exchange,
the largest lemon ever grown in
that State was recently plucked in
Bervard County. It is 15e, lnahee
in circumference and weighe two
pounds and two ounces.
Buttons made of dried fresh beef
blood are among the trimmings used
largely this sonoon by dressmakers.
They are all made in a factory near
Chicago, and some 8,000 or 10,000
gallons of the blood is utilized
A Belgian recently died by chole -
Ing to death. He had made a bet
with some of his feilow•oountrymen
that he could swallow as many pan-
cakes as they would pay for, and
the bet being accepted, the party
went to an establishment noted for
its pancakes. Ho swallowed cakes
until ho was carried out a corpse,
having choked himself.
Jay `Gould's country seat cost
him $200,000 in 1880. The lawn
contains 05 acres and the hone° bac
twenty rooms, including a fine art
gallery aud a conservatory whose
fiowere are worth $125,000. He
has blooded horses, °owe and sheep
and his chickens are of the finest
kind. It costs him, it ie said, near-
ly $400 a day to pay the espenees
of the establishment and his taxes
upon it aro $8,000 a year.
of Private Funds have just been
placed in nay hands for 111 -
Borrowers can have. their loans
complete in three days if title is
A Texas journal has the follow-
ing plaintiff appeal : "If the gentle.
Ulan who tarred and feathered us.
lust Saturday night will lciudly re-
turn our clothes they will confer a
lasting favor. Wo are still wearing
the feathers, and while, owing to
the thoroughness of our fellow -citi-
zen's work, they aro quito comfort-
able for house wear, still the gentle-
men who have come out with a full
feather suit are so few that our ap-
pearance 011 the street in the coa-
teme would be stare 10 001100 re-
Now Hampshire presents a pretty
sad case. Mr, and dire. Woodham,
charged with the crime of Mundial.-
.ism thirteen years ago, were adjudg•
ed to be both guilty and insane.
They were locked up in an asylum,
where they have singe remained. It
ie now discovered that they were
nob guilty of the crime charged
against them and that they aro not
crazy. 'They are to be turned out
upon the world at the respective
ages of 60 and 55, but the State
generously proposes to give them a
joint pension of $200 per year.
It seems to make very littlo diff-
erence where you are when the
marriage ceremony is performed.
A young runaway couple in Katt-
sa8 wore driving to the church, but
the horses took fright and the sleigh
stuck in a enewbank. They were
tiod right there and then. The
noxt thing will ho a marriage on a I
toboggan slide, with minister, bride
and groom travelling at the rate of
a mile a iurl,u ... There is nothing
like novelty in this world, and if an
attack of rheumatism is thrown in, .
why, the interest of the occasion 10
vastly increased.
Scotch, Cellar.
A now stock of Buffalo Robes,
Goat Robes,' horse Blankets,
Rugs, Bells, Whips, (tic., just to
A splendid assortment of
Trunks, 'Valises and Satchels in
Stock and sold at living prices.
L. Donal;
��al�(pp %l.��,�Brussels.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure your
patronage. Wo are opening out full Hues
from established and reliable makers,
fully warranted by us.
Cloths of /hc-i
Lcttest .Design's.
Wedding Icings,
Ladies Gem Rings,
Earrings, &o,
Also have in stock afull lice of Violins
and Violin strings, &Co.
N. 13,—Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
T. Fletcher,
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