HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-1-13, Page 2Dirsotory of Ohurohos ani Saoistiosi the street in which he lived, and that { It WAS already supper time. Ile gave the ball. rope a quiok jerk, and the oar stopped. Three fatl'e looked up as he passed, and gave him thine bright smiles. One was the gift of the pale gentleman, one wee from the pleasant facial cid woman, and nun from the pretty young lady, Although it was six o'clock in the evouiug, ho hod a feeling ae if the sun were shining oil him, anis he had always liked to be in the sun. shine. Meren ,e Uneeem--Sabbath Services ut 11 a.m. and 0:30 p. m, Sunday School at 2:00 p. m. Rey. Jobe Ross, B. A., pastor. Icieox Cnenen.—Sabbath Services at 11 tt in, and 3:30 p. in, Sunday School at 2:30 p.:n, Rev. S. Jones, pastor. Sr. JOHN'S Cuti,ein—Sabbath Services i a.t 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 5:30 a.m. Rev. W. T. ChM, inonmbent, Mrrnonisr Ci cx.—Sitbbath Services at 10:30 a. in. and 0:80 p, in, Sunday Sobool at 2:80 p. m. Rev. M, Swann, pastor. RolrAx CATncx,xo Carece,----Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 11 a.m, Rev. P. J. Shea, priest. ODD Ficw,ows' Loner every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. MASONIC LOpar Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A. 0. 'U. W. Louos on 1st and 3rd Mon- day evenings of each month. Fonrarrn2' Loner 2ndandlast Monday evenings of each month, in Smale's hall. L. 0. L. let Monday in every month, in Orange Hall. POST Orrice.—office hours from 8 a.m. 7:30 pan. MEenAxxes' Itierrrprr, Reading Room and Library, in Holmes' block, will be open fromGto 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Lib. rerian. it"b;t.Clxeit's turner. WHAT CHRIS LIKED. Chris had bright red hair and bright blue eyes. When he came into the street -car, the March wind had blown a racy color into his cheeks, so that he looked like a very bright boy, He went to the front cud of the car to put his fare into the box, and when he came back, a young lady was entering the door. Chris sat down opposite her, and waited until she had drawn from her puree the httle black circle which was the ticket need on that line. Before she had even time to raise her eyes, she saw a red mitten held out before her, and dropped the ticket into it with a pleased "Thank yon." But before Chris could get back again, his seat was taken. Three or four passengers had come in, and the car wile now quite full. The pretty young lady had for a neigh- bor an old woman with a brown veil tied around her head, and who wore a shiny alpaca dress, with coarse black ]ace sewed in the sleeves. She had placed on the floor a thick, brown paper bundle, fully two feet long ; and, of course, with such a thing at her feet, she could net get up very entity. So Chris offered to carry her faro for her, and she thanked him with a grateful smile ; she had a 'very pleaeant Nice. It took her some time to find her pocket, and while Chris was waiting, he collected tickets and five cont pieces, pito like a young conductor. The old lady finally handed him a quarter, and, as, he had to get change frum the driver, Ile wife away so long that the oar had stop. ped again before he returned. This time it WAS t0 let some of the pas. sengers out ; and the young lady looked up at Chris, and mentioned to him to take the vacant place at her side, "I am very glad that you have a seat at last," elle said, "for you lost yours by your kindness to ms ; and you have been kept busy ever since." "Oh 1" Heid Chris, "I like to put money in the box." "I think you like to be obliglug ; don't you ?" asked the lady. At this, the red color in the boy's cheeps, which had grown n little paler since he was sheltered from the wind, became bright again. He did not know what to say, but was euro be ought to make some reply. "I guess so," he answered ; and then tried to let the young lady see that he was looking very earnestly at the store window in front of vthioh they were etopping. But for all that, ho saw a thin -laced gentle- man come slowly in, and was in- stantly on his feet again, saying eagerly : "Hero is a seat, sir." The gentleman looked very tired and pale, and Chris thought he must be just recovering from a sickness. Of course, there was now another fare to be paid, and he did it with a business -like air, as of one quite ac- ouetoneed to his work. "Have I taken your seat 7" asked the gentleman. "It was very kind in you to give it up to an old man." Now Chris had not thought him old, though he looird feeble ; and he was all at 01100 afraid that in his haste he might have forgotten to be polite. For, without knowing how to put it into words, he knew that We are seldom really kind when we sot as if we think ourselves so. "I like to stand and hold on to a strap," said he, Then his eye happened to fall on the old woman's big bundle, he Bo- gan to wonder whether it wore heavy a and she had far to carry it, and e whether, of ho should got off when w she slid, she would not lot him take I el it aftlitl'le way. .311 at once he lie- , 3] CAMS aware that they were .crossing Varii ticks. A flea iu the hand is worth two iu the ear. Times are pretty hard when a man can't culled ideas or borrow trouble. Water is so scarce around Rocky Hill, Conn., that the babies aro bathed in hard cider. They aro having shaving cent este in the Bast. The winner, of oo nree, carries of the cup. When a man wants to find fault he will do so if he has to spend all his time looking for it. The best regulators fax the stomach and bowels, the best euro for biliousness, sick headache, indigestion, and all affections arising from a dlsorderedllver, aro without exception Jobnsoa's 'Fonio Liver Pill. Small in size, sugar coated, mild, yet ef- fective. 25ots, a bottle, Sold by G. A. Dead. mann reseals. He—Will you dream of me to• night? She—No, I am never troubled with uightware. A. hen out West has just laid an egg "as big as a bowl." First time We ever heard of a bowl -egged hen. You can't always judge by ap- pearances. Tho man who wears a diamond pin maybe really wealthy. Can you work ? asked a lady of a tramp. I don't know how, ma'am. I used to, but I am out of practice. My cup of joy is very full, efuge a poet. Well, let it be, gentle one. Don't try to change places with the cup. When a woman wishes to make soft soap she never gets mad be- cause her neighbor gives her the lye. I saw a pretty thing in hid gloves last evening, observed Fitzpercy to his sister. What was it ? My best girl's hand. On YES ! I should think so. The first dose made me feel like a new person; the invariable answer to the question did Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters help you? The man who turns his property over to a real estate agent to be sold is likely to be beaten on his own ground. When we live beyond our means we live on soul° one else's means, and honest people do not regard this as honest. I see the dude has got into the latest edition of Webster's diction- ary. Has he. Well, hurry then, and slam the Dover down. "Pxcroni. " loosens the phlegm. "Peal toric" moths the inflamed bronchia - tubes. ' •Pectoria" never fails to cure a sough or cold. "Pectoris" 20 cents a bottle. A newspaper poet demands to know 'Where are the girls of the past ?' Bringing up the girls of the future, don't you think so. Many a young lady is perfect in pressing autumn leaves who leaves all the pressing of her clothes for her aged mother to perform. A man cannot remember a thing by pasting it in his hat. The past- ing does not prevent the man from forgetting his hat, paste and all. An Alabama paper remarks that nobody ever hear a blidd man swear. Of course not. A blind Mall never sees anything to swear at. A seen SIGN of rain or that you require a dose or two of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters. Pains in the bank and limbs, headache, feverish cold, oft reaming at- tacks of the "blues," Large bottles 50 0 cents. Isn't it terrible, hubby, that they allow a man to have four wives in t Turkey ? Not so terrible as it would be if it were compulsory, my dear. Doctors say that drinking large quantities of water will produce fat. To show its absurdity look at a fish. It fairly lives in water, yet why is it so bony ? Chips from trues felled by Mr. Gladstone at Hawarden are sold for 18 pence apiece. In this country chips from trees can be obtained by simply axing for them. Have you hoard that Jones' wife t has twine ? 'What ! again ? Oh, t well large families aro so English, n you know, and Jones is the worst p Auglomaniac you ever saw. t .bobby—Ma, can 1 etay home i from school today ? Mother --iron, in Bobby, your father wants you to b help him put up the parlor stove. C Bobby—Well, ma, why can't i go to g school, g I have always admired young th Snidorly ; he 1s BO trim and neat. a Ms clothes always lit him, and he $ !ways looks as though ho had lust merged from a bandbox. Well, is 011'1 be long before ho will look as overfly tis the root of us, Why 0 nail married about two weeks ago. THE BRUSSELS POST A Nashville uudertakee is autbp• rity fax the statenaeut that in actor deuce with the dying request of a lady buried in that pity recently, her new box net ,vas interred with her. As 'William bent over her fair face, he whispered : Darling, if I should ask you In French if I might hiss you, what would you ane wer? She, eummlug up her scanty know- ledge of Freuoll: Billet deux 1 Baldness, Thin hair, tee. Those who aro bald, who have gray or thlu Bair, or who aro troubled with dandruff should investlu a bottle of Dr, Doronwoud's "Hair tingle:' It is the finest preparation for the hair and soaln now to uso. It is ran- idly suporeeding all other hair tonins, It stops falling, restores the original color to gray hair and for balduoso, where Moro aro the slightest possible roots, it will produce a auo growth of hair. Do not wait until too late but get • bottle at once. G. A. Dead- man and J. Hargreaves Sr Co., Agents, NMI - sole, A pithy definition of a lover is the fullowing :—A. lover is a man who endeavors to be more amiable than it is possible fora man to bo, and this is cue reason why almost all the lovers appear ridiculous. Several young man were sitting together on 0 bench in a park, when a young lady happened to approach. One real sweet dude, seeing, as he thought. the young lady looking at him, said : Well, miss, do you want to oat me ? No, she replied, I never eat greens. You must understand, Mr. Dum- ley,' in seeking the hand of my daughter, said the old :man, that she will bring you no dowry until after my death. I understand, said Duca. ley, hopefully, but you must bear in mind, my dear sir, that you are get- ting well on in years. Not a Book Agent. Mr. Deadman Druggist, ie nota book agont,but bas tifo ageuoy in Brussels for Jobneoa's Tonle Bitters, which he can hoertilyreeommond for any oimplaint to whioh a tonic modicico Is appltoabte, Thio valuable madioinGab as boon used with most asiouishiugly gooresults is ansae of geuar- al debility, weakness, irregularities peaullar to females, eztremo paleness, tmpoyerisb- mout of th� blood, etomaoli and livor troubles worn-out of appetite ,and for that gon- eralworn-outfeeling that nearly every ono is trouoled with at some part of the year• Don't forgot the name, Johnaoa'e Tours drttars,5es.andsel er bottle %nand drug atom, Brussels. Newspaper men have often been asked by the inquisitive how ninny hours they work. The Omaha Re- publican thug answers the question: —Newspaper men are the only peo- ple who have no holidays. The thing they are chiefly thankful for is that there are no more than 865` days in a year, except leap year, and only 24 hours in a day. There is some talk of n strike among the fraternity for a redaction of hours t0 seventeen on week days, and six teeu on Sundays. At present they are working eighteen and seveotoeu, with n, half a day off once in Iwo years. There's nothing like hav- ing steady employment in this world. Canadian New.;. London, Ont., is said to be again free from diptheria. isir. Govreau, of Vaudrieul, Ins- pector of J3uildinge in the Public Works Department, dropped dead at Ottawa on the 4th inst. Richard Pope, who has been sue. oeeded as Cleric of the Crown in Chancery at Ottawa, by ex -Sheriff Cihapleau, assumed his new duties on the 4th inst. Os Deputy Commis- sioner of Patents. On Christmas eve the W. E. Sanford Mannfactoring Company, of Hamilton, divided several thou- sand dollars among their employes, every one of whom, from the high- est to the lowest, was remembered. This has been the practice of the firm for some years peat. Nominations for the Assinaboia seat 01 the Local Legislature where bald Jan. 8rd. Ness, Tory, and McArthur, independent, were nom- inated, At a convention of Liberals f St. Francois Xavier, Manitoba, Jan. Brd., Nlr. Francis was decided upon as their candidate til that cons - fluency. The Dominion Immigration Ag• ency for Belgian writes Mr. ivic• Tavish, Canadian Pacific Railway Land Commissioner, that he starts from there about March 15 with 500 Belgian farmers for Manitoba. He. wishes enough homesteads selected for the whole party and a contract entered into by parties for the erec- tion of small farm houses and stables, to be ready on their arrival. Bradstreet's report on the failures n Canada and the United States for he last three months of 1887, shows hat while in the United States the umber of failures declined as corn- ered with the same months of 1886, hero was a rather startling Increase a failures in the Dominion. Dur - g October, November and Deem- er, 1887, the number of failures in ailed% was 880, with liabilities fig. regating $5,070,669. For the ame months of the preceding year Canadian failures numbered 272, nil the aggregate liabilities were 2,011,261. hero we have an in- creaeo of nearly forty per cont. iti the failures in the Dominion for the three months, while for the same period the number of bankruptcies in the United kitates declined from 'I 8,203 to 2,087. AGENTS WANTED: Steady Employmentto Good Men. None need be Idle. Previous Experience not essential. We pay either Salary or Com.,. mission. 100 lien. Wanted To Canvas for the Salo of Can- adiangrown Nursery Stock. The Foli!thili Nurseries, Largest in Canada, Over400 Acres. Don't apply unless you can furnish first-class References, and want to work. No room for lazy men, but can employ any num- ber of energetic men who want work. ADDRESS • Stone & Wellington, NURSERYMEN, Toronto, Ont. WM. SMITH is prepared to attend to Carriage Painting in all its branches, as well as Sign and Orna77261Ltct2 Painting. He has had years of exper- ience and guarantees his work to give satisfaction. A rig hell painted is half sold. Estimates and terms cheer- fully given. GIVE HILI A CALL. Shop in the old 'Pose Publishing House, Ring street, Brussels. HURON AND BRUCE Loan &Investment Co. This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Sedurity at LownsT RATES 01' INTEREST. Diortga, es Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4, and 5 per cent. Interest allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time lot. OFFICE.—Corner of Market Square and North Street, Godo - rich. Horace Horton, MANAGER, BLYTH Woolen Mill. B. Forsyth & Son, formerly of the Wroxeter Woolen Mills, beg to inform the Farmers in this vi- cinity that they have Now in Op- eration a Woolen Mill in Blyth, and hope that by adhering to their old plan of making noth- ing but Sound, Durable Goods and trust that by so doing to moot a liberal patronage. CUSTOM WORK of all kinds promptly and care- fully attended to. The I•IIcuysT Palcatw paid for Wool in 'Exchange for Tweeds, Full Cloths, Flannels, Yarns, etc. A Trial Solicited ! Satisfaction Guaranteed ! Forsyth & Son. r'xj' 1I1. l@SAJ2TE N, GENERAL AGIRICULTURAL IM- PLEMENT AGENT, • ONTARIO, 1Iandleg T. Hendry S. Hon's Straw Cutters Grain Crushers, parse Powers and 'Turnip Pulperg and Slicers. Aloe Tolton Bros, Pea Harvesters and Steel Harrows, Satisfaction Guaranteed, LO2'9 FOR SdLE, will also soli lots Nos. 23 and 20 on Graham's Survey, three aeras ettolx. Lot No. 4, Turnborry street, with house, well, garden ,to. all complete. A com- fortable house and nicely situated lot, (No, 5 Queen St. east) h1 Wroxeter is also offered for sale, will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. WM. MARTIN. MEAT MARKET, lY Alain Sireet, • Brussels, ANDREW CIURIRIE, PROPRIETOR, Fresh Aria Salt Meats Of the best duality always on band and do - livered to any part of the village free Of charge. Term. very favorable. FAT CATTLE WANTED! Per which the highest market price will be paid, I aloe make a specialty of buying Tildes and Skins. Don't forgot the place next door to Piatoher's Jewelry Store. A. CURRIE. RIF YOUR DEBTS. MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE —AND— COLLECTING ASSOCIATION —DUIN0 nindXase xx— CANADA AND UNITED STATES. 3E3fSTAM2-S8233N12:7 SN 1BBrs, Having for its object to collect from all that is possible to collect from, then pub- lish the names of allthat cannot or will not pay wbloh list is supplied to every member of tho Association throughout Canada and United States. The membership nownum- boringmany thousands, and is acknowledg- ed by all to be the meet powerful organiz- ation in existence for the COLLECTION OF DEBTS, Having over 200 Established Agencies. 'Membership Fee s 1st year $I0 ; 2nd year 97 r0 ; 3rd year 85, If renewed with- in l month after membership expires, And upon receipt of which, Certificate of Membership. doli,iuont book, full supply 0f notices with complete instructions for using Association will bo sent. Send for testimon- iale. J. BIDll'ELL 011,08 c£ tie. Mgr's, :E-Sas�sltosa. opt. JAN. 1$, 1888. Shoo ttiQre, J. DOWN VG, Formerly of Goilericli, w1511e5 to inform the Public generally that 11e has opened out a Cldr0.tonl Boot & Shoe Store Opposite the American Neel and is prepared to take Orde for all Kinds of CUSTOM WOYL13. Nono but First -Class Workmo1: Employed and a Perfect FL Guaranteed. Repairing neatly dor GIVEME A CALL. f . .Dow92211w XMAS GOODS, Just opening out -a large and well selected Stook of Xmas Goods for the HOLIDA Y TRADE DOLLS, TOYS, ]9001<8 azo. CALL AND SEE THEM. "Post" Boo1Sto z.„ Beautiful stock of Albums. TVe Leathu Cast/ Grocer. Our stock of Groeeeiee, Provisione, and Fruits is large and web assort- ed, being bought"from the Leading Grocery Houses in the Dominion at the Lowext Cash Prices, which we aro selling considerably cheaper than those who have bought in the usual way of business. Teas, Coffees and Spices. Our Teas, Coffees and Spices consists of some of the finest grown, be. ing superior and better value than those offered with presents. Our 40c, Japan Toa and euperior blended Coffee stands unrivalled. Crocker- & G-lassware. A large assortment of Combination Dinner and Tea Sets, China, Deo - orated and White Granite,Tea Sete, Decorated and Plain Toilet Sete, and would call special attention to our Colored Toilet Sots at $8, also a large assortment of White Granite Goode at very low prices. We aro offering Extra Veins in Glassware, being bought ander special circum- stances. A Full Assortment of Larnp Goods. Bakery Department. Fresh thread, Buns, Pastry, and a full assortment of Calces always oh hand, and 0f the fittest quality. Wedding Oakes a-pecialty, 4geent fol' .%' Oiso1 micbnvn 4' (io's Compressed; Yeast. raie QUALITY QLII LEADING FEATURE. Geo. Thomson. 1