The Brussels Post, 1888-1-13, Page 1Yokime 16. _ ? YrOra the Capital. iAL 10, -The Fisheries Com. 'PBS, ion reassembled yesterday et W ash- anton. Mena, do not know what tbis I 'a...Biel:1os business really 11101110131)'3 a eatnd an caxathination in few '.1301315 will be of value. the first place the value of the pro- alsliet of the Dareinion fleheries b Herne- " ing over $15,000,000, and onr Ash ex. P et trade totals about 667,000,000. Tlie 1, umber of boats employed is 13,310 and ' be number of fishermen 26,780. That le industry lo Of vast importance these gums show. 13y tbe Preatt of 1818 the Americans wcre granted the privilege of flehing along with British subjects on certain coasts of Newfoundland, Labra• am end the Magdalen Islands. In the seventh article the 'United States re. flounce31 for ever any right to lake, dry, or (awe fish within three marine miles of uv of the coasts, bays or harbors of 1 ltish America not included ie the Elu- te mentioned above. In Prince Ildented betted, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick the Americans reserved th themselves only the privilege of landing for the pur- pose of shelter, wood 111131 Avater and for 11, other purpose whatever. Thia treaty 'therefore protected what are railed our inshore fisheries. Repeated misunder- standings led to negotiations which re- sulted iu the Reoipeocity Treaty of 1854 opening the fisheries of both conntries on an equal footing in consideration of certain oominereial advantages granted to Canada by the U.S. The latter pow- er however abrogated the Treaty in 1866 although it had worked well. The next step was the Washington Treaty ?! 1871 which accorded equal fi.thing prtvileges, without regard to the three mile limit. )\ , Iu part compeesation the American mar- ket was opened free to Canadian fish and Sell oil, and the Halifax Commission -eavardect $5,600,000 additional compen- sation to Canada. Tim fisheries clauses 4 this treaty were abrogated by the lnited States in 1885 and things re- psed into a eystorn of seizures and tfeits. This is the state of things at talent and provided 110 new aerange- ant is agreed upon by the Commission tv sitting at Washington it is thought ty may at least define the bearing.: of s . enuuetation merle by the Unit, d des in 1818. What the three mile lit really compriees seems to have ta all along the chief bone of conten- .asmarszemar......sor****Mrstoeseart...alIems..0.•rte0....;;; BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JAN. 13,1888. Number 27. service Wee one of Mw tering of union. 0111: nen' ((WOOL. Hon. John Robsoe, Provincial Seam• tary of Britisli Columbia, has been mill- ed to the Federal Senate. 110 Was born arid oclucated at Perth, Ont., and is al. most 64. lie married a deughter of Capt. John Longworth. In British Col- umbia he is called a Liberal. no 0011 Munn come ? Dominion lamayst Moll'arlane is pros. noting his researches into the food and drink sold to us with vigor. He has just finished his exposure 013 1115 poor quality of milk sold in the cities, and informed us that he itt baying samples of coffee collected from the various grocers sent 1(1 10 him. POsTfien 011 NEWSMients On the best authority I mut state time the Poetniaster General has no idea of re -imposing postage on bona fale news- papers, is trying to correct aburtes though. For instance a prominent gun dealer in Toronto issues tt spotting paper with the sole object of aclvertieing 1,18 weitpons through the matho free of post- age. The law was not intended to be taken advantage of in this way, but 11) 10 in a large ratreber of cases. Space is to ls ned iti Immo U1101.cupied eerier 1)001)11311000a portnaneut history reso the forty.eixp01111113001p011111130011a permed= tiquities, re North, Can a, temporal, temporary May and th na Mons otb continent, statue of C signed in t for the Museum it Americas building, u ior Depart ing model- ventions. to invite t of the Un sister nab partioipat ever the n President eign natio American said expos pered b the soiclie $25 per n the Sena, looted by number 1,069, th 1812 is 1 the 111001,War had ed the m women. survivin paid to $2,100,0 will nee at that r wile be a that ases t includ the pon (101IMNOn AND LoCAI, Lir11 cletlelt11,. min mem 5113111111. The Trent 'Valley Canal Commission, consisting of judgo Weller, Fmk Turn - 013111141 Mr. Kennedy, of Montreal, with Dr. Oliver, of Barrie, as Secretary, is said to bo about to take evidetioe inspect- ing that portion between Peterboro' and Trenton. This canal is doeigned to con- nect by a short cut the upper great lakes with the Bay of Quints. I mat mention that up to the present the amount ex- pended on Canalise canals 1050,000,000. teem= WES. We are to have another divorce awe before the Senate, that of Eleanor Ilart, of Montreal, against her huhand for adultery aud ameba,. This melee the sixth application and the manner in which six or eight Senators will struggle with the cases will be a further excm- ment for those wito rtdvocete the estab- lishmout of a divorce court. Each suc- ceeding vear a limier number of Sena- tors decline to sit on the divorce Qom. mittee. They don't dke the job. 111(nsoN 13Kr S110Iesviou. The 110318011'O Bay Railwey Co. has offered to furnisli a vessel for another ex- pedition this Ammer if the Goveenment will pey the other expenses of the trip. The intai: ion is that the vessel should waiter in the bey as to see when the ice forms and. when it breaks up in the spring. einialUit 500E0. The gross debt of the Dominion at the 51131 03 tho year was I/274,7111,702. As - bets e17,891,000. A repeal Scott Act contest. teltee place in la estrriorehtud, 14 13., Feb. 16. This will be the third vat° ; 1879 majority for it 783 ; 1884 majority for it 73. The revenue of the P.G. Dept. lied 101 1, 01,0(300 of $134,009, and the defied is 4854,000. Tee Government will appoint 0. OorninissiOner to the Argentine Repub- lic. It is worthy of note that no womnn has t et . een. eon ieted ef 0. penateutiacy offence in eat -titan, or British Columbia. There axe abont 1200 convicts in ell the peni entioxi. s. Because of the saamity of white ash the Onvornthent 10 asked to phew that timber en the free lire itt the interest of tbe maeufacturera of axe and fork bend- ies. The Marobionese 1 lansdoAvne gives skating and toboganoing parties every Saturday. e g station in Washington for a tate and territorial budding, exhibit of the repreeentative woes, arts and industries of ethics and territories ; for t three America buildiug for exhibit of the history, an our,ti, arts and inch:Aries of teal 1111a m South Aoriett ; for y or buildings, for a exhibit, between the let 1'ff o 31st of October, 1802, by all or then flow of the A.merician and for a euitrible site for a. olumhus. Space is to be as. o01118governmental reservation e11101340111001 of the National Ito a Continental, or Three Museum, and for a permanent rider the °ordeal of the Inter, ment, for the exhibit of work - of important American in - The Presideet is authorized he revere! states and territories itea States, and the several OM3 of the three Americas, to o in said exposition. When- eoessary tunas 0,10 provided the is authorized to invite all for - es, other then those of the continent, to participate in ition. Senator Hearst has pre - ill to 10010000 the pensions of es of the war of 1812 frotn $11 to meth. In support of the bill tor ',will rebuilt statietics col. him showing that while the 113 veterans of that war is only O number of widows of soldiers 1,881. This is accounted for on y Melt the veterans, after the ended end when they had pass- eridion of life, mat•ried young Henpe the large number of g widows. In 1873 Ube pensious veterens of 1812 elemental to 00, while for the mimed year it O only 16106,001'. In live yeare, ate of mortality, bet few of them live, and Senator Hearst thinks he number is so serial, and as it ot11. broken-down old soldiers, sion ought to be increased. L. ts Lora Lansdowne wa• appointed wernot General 311111 August 18813 his m will expire this summer. It is •110 team here Mott all statements about summer are promatum. Lansdowne fifth who lias held the office. He ve. 10 quiet life, being readopt seen out - ado his Aloha cmarters except et the thentre or at church, for His Excellency .alteude both places. Ile spends nearly every evening however at laideau lEioll as vice-rogal etiquette precludes him from accepting invitations to privets houses. [1301110 Or SoMAL, Men.] Stsakipg of the thestre leads me to 811, that no wbere else in America oan such fashionable looking audiences We found tts in Wean. A profusioi, of bare sheulde,t, bated ond ether portions of the anatomy appear in all their (Weems, and .110 esuorte we invariably in full chars. The civil eervice dude, however, frequently appears tame, ho and bis 001' 1013. Ile is arranged in the v• ry best 11 a confiding tailor will give him credit for. Indeed there are two or three so- ciety pets evho pay nothing for their elotnee, tho advertisement they give the tailor berng consitiered cheseter than a newspeper advertisement. The place whom tbe Otc Ma dude wo: ks is knowe hew as tho House of Refuge ; to ,nteicl- ers as tho Cloveenment builcliugs. Ilo never marries-eawn't afford it yen know -and thinks more of the favor of it 11113001531 11131)' Mon of e auticlon, how- ever fair. lie breakfasts at half past (11110 301131 18 0011111311031 to work as tete as four. More of him futon. 13311 ctendidates eche passed the entrance exam. id Wingham :- Henry Crooks -453 Henry Farrow ..1378 ;lames 01b13011(3, .11131 II. Ifezzlewood 605 Thee, Hemphill 422 Wel. Kelly ....451 Chas. King ....381 D. MacDonald -4413 Robt. McGee.. -401 ;John MoKeo Wm, Senders ..53-: 'leo, Sutton .....H7 Albert Th rnson 438 Gordon Tucker 6128 Sen. Athlete:me-618 Elie Bryan ....411 Minnie Burrows 503 Loni. Burton -38n a ante Cainnbell -41 7 al bet F elated 547 Jemima Gamier; 630 Jennie Gilliee..546 Meggie Hartley, 472 Aggie Heisting:4 611 Vines/ flood 682 Min.Johnston 464 Sarah MacDon54c1473 Clara 1113 ffat..4191 Lucy Moors 445 Hattie Reid ..417 Lizzie Reid 400 LizzieRobinson691 Mary 11an8ersen,.634 Julia Seett....450 Minnie S' spies ,550 The following were recommended by the local examiners :- Charlotte Maim 430 Marpret Rite 404 Carrie Wellwood :435 Dan. O'Clounor466 - The f 'carnelian Plieeett Trade. 1110 estimeted 011130 1110 total export of Canadian cheese for last year -that is to sav from May of last year until Ilsy of the present year -will reach somewhere peer 1,260,000 boxes, repreteoting a value of $8,000,100 or $9.000,000. A. A. Ayer, of the well.known Itfontreal firm of A. A. Ayer re Cm, probably the largest opera- tors in this line of business in the coun- try, goys 1 - "The movcrant of cheese at present is very healthy, and is likely tocontinue so, becauseof theshortagoin England, which has been very muab overwetimated. The total stoolcs in hand in Canada Demount probably to about 150,000 boxes, and by March lob will int probably amonnt to over 45,000 er 50,000 boxes. Prieee ere firm, 12 ciente being the top price in Montreal. There is no doubt that there will be a pod demand for all the cheese there is in hand, and that the stooks will 1)0 41111)' worked off." The vale • of the exports of cheese, com- pared with aorne of the other prinoimd items of prodece, from 115:1' let to November Nth, Will be seen horn the foll-wieg table :- Meese ,. ar,071,404 Moor. 51,148.019 . 4,51907 Po (5 .. 1,211,113 Deals ........ 100 048 Pho apbato 424040 `Vilest OVILL(41.4e1(... 031341 rd. EntranCe EXaMinatiOns The f earglicle. nigh S commilNioArloN. Opeui for an EngagemeAt too, T., th • rilltor of Tim roar, Drew Totowa. -Upon reading your let- ter in lea weekei Peer, about OH docil- ity, the beauty, the education, the musi- cal ability and other teinge too limner. one to mention, which 13011 expected to get With ct wifo 1 Wee led to exclaim, oPoor deladed mortal, I wonder what he iamb; to give in exchange '?" But we alwaye expect eelflahnees where ever a Man 15 concernecl and it iS very rarely we are ditappeinted Any of let poor gide, who have brothere at home, know just exactly what men (or at any rate the m3'151085 of them) are. -teeing them when they have not, their company ma(1. nors on we end 111 Let peevish, quarrel- some, laz., settee and provoking. Not. witbstandiug allI kuow about the "Lord' of Creation" 1 atn yet perfectly willing to enter into a negotiation with you. 1 do not want to show mt self in any false colors so 10111 1011 you right at the begin. nIng Mud although 1 lay claim to any amount of good qualities I do not pre- tend to come up tO your Meal girl. I think a person would require to be some- thing more than mortal to have combin- ed all the excellenoies you atated. What I wanted to know is if you could not be induced to come down m peg or two to something nearer earth and our level. If you could I think I would be the very one suited to you. On my pert I have some objection to asthma and bashful. Pees, but them I could and would over. look if you tried to make up in other things what you lack in these. What surprises rne Most is how so bashful a man could ever write a proposal but I take it es a hopeful sign that your mod- esty is fast leaving yo.t. A. for sewing buttons I am a, rnaster-hand at it having served rny apprenticeship years ago and been in my brother's employ ever since, so give your pins, wire and fish books an i - other shove n and Bey to yourself aro, the last time, old fellow." You asked one question in regard to the applicants age which I think shows that you do not know nutali about ladies, for after a girl gets to be twenty -ova she does not much care about talking of it, in fact it is 11 taboed subjeot, I would not so much Mind telling you my age, but as for staa - Mg it in so populer and widely eiroulated 1 email:nee do it, wiall tied we could make all arrangemnit for meeting but guen I. will leave that to you. Hoping to get a favorable anewer soon I am yours in expectation. Brussels, Jen. 10th, '88. 1(500WEL. ollowing is a lie:- of the successful tos for enhance to the Listowel eliool, as passed by :be local ex. a :- Bo (1-650 Wm. Bartley .466 Bray -545 Rob . Douglas -46.1 Harvey.. 120 11,133. Stephensen400 eCommek518 Arthur Simmous460 ttenden 516 CI ity Blamer -451 Fordyce . . 613 1,1 elite Poole -450 Mamma 510 Alice C. Homer -450 ug gins .500 Coo Debited .450 -506 M. al, whigging, .449 11 Demi 501 Mar, Stepheu -445 Bartley. -508 Itabella !named:140 Gorcion..500 Lizzie 1?atterson 440 Turnbull -000 Duff Campbell -440 Aggie Oonnolly..4311 Andereen -490 JameS Turnbull 486 nci. rkin W. J. Robinson 425 te Gray....480 Samuel Diekson425 elfin ------11330 A. MoDoevell., -494 at:bathe.. -480 at, Alexendet: -423 Fens ....4.80 Floyerice 13eatty 422 e Boyd ....480 Bella Dowd- -422 le Hess.- .476 Minnie Wiles,. 420 ia Dowd ....473 Herbert Gilpin 416 Hargreaees 471 Addison Breallet 410 gie Graham 470 Wm. Haddook..410 t Hay 470 Janette Gordon 400 ge Glenn 470 Relandalokling 400 Sutherland -170 Annie Ferguson397 467 Geo. Leslie ....803 . Little 01 Boyd 466 Rebecca Bayne 393 es Beatty481 Sia1,20irrn. he following ie a list of the canaidates wore succeseful in mowing tho 011- 3 1011 held at Seaforth Willi'm•Jn581 tie 10 001tS ....071 Robb, ehortreed 570 o Clark ...... 557 Hato Calder....560 . Turnboll..540 Bella Selle05....080 n Fulton....6a0 Won. Hyslop-. .527 g. 14PLoughliu.515 Katie Mellonald514 o. MeTaggert 519 Bertha Daly....611 H. Clarkson -507 Audrow Seott..502 T. Oeintnell..4 07 Wm. Hamm -494 retie Duffy„480 Bella Russell -485 mie Muelard..185 ltd. Woad:tees-478 eeph Forrest -477 Arthur Mason...175 tn. McAllister 172 Lucy O'Connor 472 m, Toerance ..463 A. Govenlook..1513 nelie Black. 456 Jas. Morrieon..454 448 Duffy....430 rn. Hill ag. McTavish -41.0 These thiety-three candidates nee ad. - Med into the High soles& subject to o epproval 51 3115 High School nispow es. The followieg fourteee have boon commended by the examinees to the vovable ooneuleration of tho depext. ont. They all made more than the re- ared Mita, viz., 378, hut were a few arks behind iu some ono subject, goner- lly history c-Florenee Johnson, Grace &health, Tessie Glass, Jessie Jemieson, aggie McDougall, Maggie Nolan, Lizzie 'Loughlin, Annie Tyernan, Lizzie Wan. ess, Eteney Citmpbell, Wm. Cooper, Relit. ondsborongh, Arthur Pybus and Chas aloes. It is very, probable all these andidates will be fully admitted, as the history paper was quite too bettey, being it fest a very fair paper 'for third-class certificates. CLINTOS. The following candidates passed rd, the ontrallee exam. et Clinton :- Caere Cove50y..800 Aiello Densmore473 Annie Hamilton 44.8 LiVe. Kennedy -400 Nellie Medd .. 54.0 Hat, Middleton 477 Nellie McIntosh 428 Annie latershe,114132 Flossie Pickard ..422 Aline Stevons..4.76 Susan-When:M(1y .. 614 Thank Beteherat31, Louis Ceder • .598 Aerhow Carter 607 v 378 anliner Sointiel George Sennte R. I. Id N. Cri Nellie /0.181. M. 11 Goo. Maria Annie Annie 'Wm. Sam ;robe E. La nuret 2.11 N. Allatt Willi Levi' Letit II. J. Mast Lent Geer W. Wni Har A gn MUICTIon 510111108. laletion have yot to be held in East Sirocoo, Glcumerry and Cent's Wellington. The petition against Otto - genie (Liberal) in L'Islot has been dis. :mimed on the six month( grouncl. Mr. 31 Eddie having been unseated for Halton join, Turner fluty possibly bo the Gov. eminent candidate. Teruel: is knOWn to be desirous of representing Helton and claims to be a comity men us be lives in Oakville. Tho majoitty over David klencierisn Witri 9. Mr. Prior will probably be elected for Victoria, B.O., to the Genunonb in place of Mr. Shaw- th speete appointed postmestee. lly tho to way the election of Mr. liumPltriee to re the B.C. Legislature brings to mind that his eocoessor, Mr. Stephens°, has gone to join the M01.1110118. The Ontario bye elections In Dundee ana Northunther-' lat,d are fixed far Yob. lot. In Dundee Dr. Ohambeelain's (Liberel) majority wag 25, and in Northemborbinct Dr. Wil- loughby'.s ((3on.) wax 51. Mr. Whitney will again oppose Dr. Chamberlain but Mr. Choke takee the pleee of Mr. Ferris in Northumberland. 'Pile Conservatives of Carleton rneet tomorrow to chooge a candidete in place of Sir John, Warden Dawson (Com) ex -Sheriff Powell (Ind, '1 (lon.) toed Meyor Stew/tele of Ottawa, 600 the names most prominent. The fight will be to got control of the Convention, tts reerthation tome eleotion. liatWAY nevetteNalie. The Brockville, Westport and Sala Ste railwey has just been completed to Partnoreville, eounty of Leeds. It is proporred th extend the Grand Trunk. Midland east to Ottawa and for that company to build tho lino on thecae& Ruesell end Prescott conneeting with Montreal. Mot3t of those interviewed in °time fever a bonus. The Onterio, Ithiallaibit, eta .Fliostern Railway Co. will apply tbis season foe a charter to 1) 41131 a line from Peet Arthue to Winnipeg, A. British Columbia reilwey ears for power to oonneot with Amencan 1' 1)10))" by Wry hawse the Wait of Ynce. The diluter.% eleven nivel . , Doreinion eloyerm'nent beviog discontin. President, Pregident of the Senate, and Amino Onalzow. tad the service by sthanwe between :Speaker of the Muse, with all navienry 3 Wm, 'Kelly .102 Con. Wretreatt 897 Seturdav aftereone a • viotorix No Seal Franc:Wee there is 11. 1 board of siety-tWO inellthers froni ille araullA.U. :Meet in ha hall or Jae, May's Ionise, /011 3)1,' partite in thie pro( big TOW in preSpcoi Int it 10 Ciaiiiied thia 4131109 511(1 ledepondent A.1110rinall raltiena. , following ig 9 list of che snows- Wore vied, tieing $311 tvorth of alienotees, nino Vgashington. le Lter ivuom000 oxorwat oculinsreNnims.,) NN, Jan. 0,1808. The legislative work of the session cona net begin in the House of Representatives until the committees are appointed, end one whole month has now been wasoel since the Rogge oonvened, simply be- aux e the Speaker has boon 00 pestered hs oettain members sorambling for high tted showy places on the committeue that he has luta no chance to finish hie list. It is a singuler inconsistenoy that ment- hol% should unite in praising Ma fairness of Mr. Oarlisle, encl. yet be enwilling to ellow him to malte,up bis comelit tees as lw thinks best. 813 10 evident that then gentiouren hey° an eye to the satisfaction oi thete 01011 i101:001111i enteition. and only seeOnd to the advitutago of the neople who hire their serviects. No one would laugh more eontempteously then they at tho pretty biekerings of tetage playere who, while olitimi to; to be. entirely de. voted te their art end above ahl soectid consideretions, ere willing to dis- appoint antlieneee, break ocintracte with managem, anti, eon:wan:1es, oven do phy- sieel violence to each other, because thaw names have been printea on the show - bills in letters only font? inches high in- stead of six; aid yet the squabbles \via& take place over little questions of precedence in. Congrws are seaway less ridiculous. They aro vastly further - reaching In their annoying results, how- ever, es appears in the present instanoo. That the legislative busmesa of a whole Dation ahould be forced to ?tend still till Dir. A.. can sante himself that Mr. B's name is not going to etand one place higher up on the committee list than his own, or that Mr. C. is not to have three Chairmanships to hie two, is worm) than absurd, and Mr. Carlisle would have con, forred a positive favor on his country. men 11 110 had ignored all this struggle for artifloiel eminenee, made hie append: - manta according to hia boat judgment, and left the diegaintled membere to fight it out emong themselves, In behalf of the National Board. of Promotion, ecatri. posed of tnembees from forty-two states and torritoriee, Senator Hoax introdneed in the Senate yesterday a bill for tho World's lineation in 1892, whir% eves rammed to the select committee on the centennial of the Conetitetion and the 3310000017 of Anteriert. Thebill providee toe governmental bowel of twenty-one I tbe The Toroxdoe will ploy ie Calton, 0.. April 26. Brentford will give three lee races on the HMI ina, It coati Chatham $12.77 per head 00 run their municipal engine. Prince Albert. N. W. T., wound up the year with $085 in the elide treasury. The Druggists' Associatioa tioket has apparently been suocarisful ie the elec- tions to the Phartnecy College Connell. The Jubilee Feed of Queen's Co lege( Kingaton, noW amoupts to $230,000, and a whole army of volunteen; are at work. The by.law to rase 33100,0001311 Rya. tem of weterworke wee defeeted ie Gat on Monday by vote of over teo to one. William Renaud, of Ottawa, says he wants to back John B. Clow ags.inst Jack Dempsey to fight for $3,000 to $0,- 000. 'Phe Bishop of Rupert's Lan 1)100 ap- pointed Rev. 0. Fortin, Beater of Holy Trinity, to the Arelicleaconey of \View. peg. Lake Huron ie lower than the oldest residents ever eaw it. The water ie two feet below the lowest point of a year end a half ago. Hot north winds in the day and. hard frosts at night, are given as peoularities of the present winter on paits of the Pa - &fits coat. The Montreal Curling Club VMS or- ganized. in 1807. Fergus, 111 1834. To. on- to, 1887. Searboro', Guelph and. Galt each in 1838. The fisheries of St. John (N. B.) bar. bor were sold recently for $10,000 wainst $4,000 last year, and in excess of any season since 1873. Frank Dowd, of Montreal, is 00.0 (0111) a challenge to any man in the world to skate eny distance, from oneto ton milea, for rimy stake in excess o133100. A. meeting of the Quebec taatbinet WaS held Tuesday evening in Montreal, when it was decided not to call the Legislature together before the middle of March. Miss Tifright, employed in the woollen factory at Flesbation, had her dress caught in a revolving shalt Saturday and was wound around and seriously injured TheBrueeelsSclawl Board of 61387110)41 their final meeting on Frifitty evening, Jen. 0, 1888. The following members were present : F. S. Scott (chairman), J. Hargreaves, 71.3380118 and T. Flete)ter. %Mentes of la.st regular meetipg read and confirmed. Wired be H. Dennig, seconded by T. Fletcher that the following accounts be paid :- Peter Scott s 1 90 Thos. Ballentyne 6 00 W. Et. McCraelten 3 30 W. H. Kerr 7 00 A.. M. McKay ca Co 2 72 J. Hatgreeves te Co2 14 Jas. Oliver 60 Toque for wooa were read from 3, Some. ville, D. Lowery and Wm. Smith. 'Moved by T. Fleteller, se..nuled by at Dennis that Wm, Smith') condor for 60 cords green wood. as per notice, be ex- cepted, viz. -31.28 per cord, and that the Searetery be inatruoted to notify him and sign an agreement to that effect. Bolted. tben adtourn0d. who Ida Lot 0 n Wm Jolt 111 peper ail Tina Peal: why really, Tooimy, Several sups, anuatea miuiste of the Methodist church near Hanover have signed en agreement, themselves not to preach any more, without being paid for so doing. athe jury at the inquest on the viotims of the C. P. R. collision found conductor Coe:Irene, his 5341118e1 01131 operator fa rw- son resp.nsible. These throe w re rested and axe noW in Port kith r gaol. George Robinson, bandmaster of the 13th Battelion, Efamilton, has been en- gaged as bandmaster of the Massey Man- Ufaeturing Ca.'s Band, the position hav- ing become vacant by the deice of Dr. Hartmann. The Manitoba Governictent has =dyed at a, setMemeut of the Red River Talley olaim with Messrs. Ryan ta Rainey - Ninety thousend dollars will be teken 111 bond', and a claim fer $150,000 will be referred to arbitration. Mr. Colvin, Township Treasurer of Celroih, built a new house 50131,3 time ago. His ueigbbors immedietely eon - eluded that he stole the menet,. It cost thetn jtx,st four huudrod and seeenty-live dollars "to find out that his accounts axe all right, At four o'clock last Monday morning a, fiee broke out in the stables belonging to tho German Methodist parsonage, New Ele,mburg, nsuming the building and its entire contents, including two h :nes. The generel itnpression is teat the braid- ing 105.5 111(331 by tramps. The Loudon club have signed the fol- lowing fied.olass ple.yers;--Cibeie. Cen- se% Haverhill, ales-„ loft field; ,Sborty' Hotve, Senses Oity, shorstop; Locus Renner, Waterbury, Maes., ['turd hese; P. ;I. Dolieven, LO,Wr011CO, Mew , °eater field ; %mop, of Pittsburg, pitcher. the Frederic on, N. B. Gleaner, says -Last week Mrs. William Currie, of Royal road, Douglas. took from a goose the largest gizzard probably on record. It measures 17 inches in eircumferenee one was end 12a inohes the o.her. The fact of the businesS is, was pearly ell gizzard, The Guelph aleroury sa.VA : rattier remarkeblo immure was 0:3c -doped in the recent munieipal el: alien in 'Waterloo I.: 1110 Ai in Wbich Little COrniany Ciktrited nearly one litar re A votes for Conneillara were polled, every 0.1e of which was a plumper. and every ono for the ettme man. The Victoria, B. C. Galenist has the 13011,11011 33 fish story :-A huge SalinoU Wei1j1ing 115 pimuidit was or:adored in net in the harbor 0. 13 010 Ago. It 111 the largest salmon ever caught in these enters, The minister ht,a t -.110,v1,11 5. shoal of small fish into the harbor and while preying upon them wasproyed upon by tho fish. wean. A short dine ago a, Imo bell was given by e. certain hotel -keeper 111 a small vil- lage in Betwe county. Among tho num- erous invitations sentout was ono to molt of the resident ministere, Presbyterian and Methodist The evening ea111.0 and so did the clergy, who opened the ball with prayer, but rte Very few Inds put in an appearance and fewer lasses the party broke up at a. preandere hour foe cinch a gethering, Tuesday efteenoon as Thomas Heig, sif Seymour, was attenaleg tt straw aut. tee driven by steam power, he attempted to olcau some chaff away awl his left hand wag caught by the knitree The first cut severed the pOints of the lingerie the seeond aborittwo.thieds of them, the third in the reorder of the hand, and the fetnidi a,bove the wrist, crushing the bones of the theeerm. It was found. neeessery to ammittdo tho mon about fottr inohes above the wrist. Haigh Lamont, of Beendon, Men., who had been visiting Mende in Ontexio, oall ea last Sentleat evening upon hie brother, in-law, D. I'. ateraturtn, jarvis street, aft • s eruling epleasant even- 1?1,'301)ti if la.'4 earactoe People Drowneg. :a despatch from London. January 6011, 0/1.70 thet lath details of the Chin.ce floods make the story oue of the most terrible in history. 'What wag e. beauti- ful populous district of ton theusanct scpwre miles Le now a rol ing sea. At lea, t three million persons are homeless and absolutely destitute of the bereft neoessities of life. It is thought that the loss of life will rertob 750,000. Decry - thing in the way of figures is es yet, how- ever purely speculative. Mission circles in Pekin. Centon and other cities axe do- ing all in. boinan poiVer to cope with the disaster. In the district of Ohing-Chow Owl Ohm how no law than 30,000 large villages are stated to have been engulfed in a :coy few moments, and scarcely any of their ill-fated people had time to save themselves. Ott itt tt diet le Pi te -vta . About 60 students are attending tho London Medical School this session. Matthtev Ryan, eX.Stipendiary =twig - trate, died at St. Boldface, Man., on Wednesday. Earthquake shooks wore felt Wednes- day morning at niany points in 'Haste n Ontario and 'Western Qnebec. An Indian, a Chippewa, from tie: neighborhood of Fort Pitt, sold at Battle. ford recently fun to the amount oE $600. The Toronto Typographical 1011 011 Serer:lay p9 31111 a resolution congthaulat- ing E. Y. Clerko twou his election to the meyoraltv. A proolemation Parliameet to- gether for despateh of b118111005 Oil Feb, 211rd. will affect): in the Cenada Gazette on Sattieday next. Wm. 1"ittyle, farmer, 21141 con., town- ship of Blenheim, duriog it fit of Mental derangement on Tuesday morning com- mitted micide by drowning himself in a well on his OW11 farm. At the special meeting of the London Proabytery the call from Paialoy to Bev. Mr. ;Johnson, oE Lobo and Oaradoc, was misname' and his translation ordered by aanajority of two votes. A Wetford pugilist assaulted a neighbor and Wile offered the alternative of going to the Police Court or giving $5 to a char- itable inatitution. He decided in favor of the institution, Hit lam agaiii. A eensation WAS created in Walkerton Monday by the sudden Where of IA:lessee. Kennedy Bunston woolen manufae. tutees. They assigne'd to /0.3. Tovell, e, wealthy, Liebilittes, $28,000; needs, $8,- 000 to $10,000. The Toronto News says 5 -The reoeut blizzard in the Northwest is seid to have been the severest aver, known in that severe country. It evert went so far es to freeze whiskey in barrels. The utter heartlessnerie of a blizzard that woad act liko that, puttleg men to the labor of chopping 01.1 0 their drinica With axes, Gan- net be too eteongly concloinned. About a yaw ago a OMV belonging to Seteuel l'ente, a prominent farmer of Eugenia:Croy Co., swallowed a fragment '1 t "ent -thte.e inches in OR:USD 1164014 tAPTP,It OP PERTH 11 ;STY . Tito anima meeting of the County Greed Black Chapter of Perth (Royal Black Knights of Ireland) WRS held in the hall of 897, Blyth, on Friday last. The attendance Wm fairly toprosetitp,. tive, principally from Preeeptotiog work- ing, in the county of ethron. A consider- able amonnt of Important btwiness was disposed of. The eleotion of offictere for 1888 resulted as follows : Sir Ke. Richeed Bloomfield, County Grand Master, 126, Bluevale. Sir Et. Wm. Laidleav, AGM. 897, Blyth. Sir Kt. RAW. 13loonefield, G. Chaplain, 136, Mucentle. Sir Et, Matthew alorrinon, Chap. 11311). 807, Blyth. Sir Et. A. M. Toda, 0. Begistrer, 815, Cloderieh-Clinton P.O. Sir EL Coo. Hoovicins, B.G. Registrar, 315, Godericla-Pt. Albert P.O. 3411 Kt. John Rohl, C. Treasurer, 310, Goderich. Sir Kt. Sohn Peacoat, D.G. 126, 3310e0331e. Sir Kt, 'Wm. McGill, G. Lederer, 307, 131yth. 0113 1(0. Lewis h'Iliott, Leeturev, 315, Goderioh. Sir Kt. Meta:low Mamas, C. Standard Bearer, 897, BIP:11. Sir Kt. Themes Stewart, D. G. Stand - are Bearer, 120, Bluovale. Sir Kt. W. H. Murney, G. Censor, 315, Goderich. Sir Ift, Arthur Woodman, D.G. Cen- See, 897, 13lyth. Sir Kt. Robert Winton, G. Pursuivaut, 120, Bluovale. Sir Kt John McGill, D.G. Puesnitant, 807, Blythe Grand Committee -Sir Ets. ano. Scar- lett, 8111; W. Johnston, 620; Jew Mer- ritt, 897 ; Robb. Hogg, 126 ; Wileon, 315 SoReph Wilkinsou, 120 ; B. Mo. Vottio, 897. Two deaths were reported, EirEts. Jas. B. Gillooto, 1307, aud Alex. Boll, 190. On motion of Sie lite. Robert Bloomfield awl Roble Wintore, a letter of 0011d01011e0 10335 peoprixoct fa re (11 11 0 1 Sidney Erwin- - t a Albert McDowell 505 Arch, M'Gregor420 -4.- joint Murree: , . -620 Win, Scott. , ...3 114 1 The village of Markdale, rimy contity, Was, Stevens -. .403 Albert Tobbutt1180 I is applying foe incorporation es a town. 0113 W p , TIM 1:0110wing Were it lieW Marks 11011110 i ovangollats, are &boot to open serviete at der:tally got miI011 op with tho animel's 1 ing, Mr. MoLettriu showed Lamont .to John Weigh 456 I ROV. Messrs. Ctossloy and Modiste the length, whieb had 'been broken and Rom- ,or • iii some one subject and \Vero recent- Ottawa, fodder, 'Phe other iley something was 31110 room ana instructed hint how to Wit mended by the examinees : A new Salvatiott Army barateirs her; I noticed protracting teem the cneett side, off the gas. Monday newning Lamont Biqa Carder • . 407 Bev, lluelituutiela7 1/V011 (mimed in Beelie. grenade mut 3 which, \viten withal:item, proved to be 1110 Wax 1001111 dead in becl. Whoa turning : i 1 (1406 building beteg wol•th $0,000. identical piece of. whipateek mellowed off the 340.33 31 le sopposedite had 11reirltat. • : ette by the bre ine Oxon, iWolVo liondlas ago. I ally turned. it on agein. lie Was (MOUt ' ' .1.1 1.713 Veare (41 ago end lottree a Wire and