HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-1-6, Page 88
Y. �......._ and I doXmas is gone far '87
thank our many customers for
their patronage. The cash re-
ceipts for December as well as
for the 11 months preceding,
has been the largest of any year
during our 11 years business in
Brnsse ;. In another issue of
THE Pe4T we purpose telling you
S01110 of the secrets of our suc-
cess, Wishing you a happy and
prosperous New Year.
I am yours faithfully,
G. A. Deadman,
Iirnggist, Bookseller and
Fancy Goods Dealer.
fi cA7:mo and outing every afternoon at
the rink,
Faxen oysters arta finnan paddies at
Tbemsnn's 21
A QUANTITY of stove wood for sale. W.
II. MoClraokou,
Tum new Council for Brussels will
compare very favorably with those of 1 of 13 ussele.yroolt mat] leaver Z rusaola'
any preteens year. 1 Tim
Tim now Councils will be sworn into on mre the arrival
of the
of waiting for train
A tip-top stook of bill heads, letter
and note heads, envelope, statements,
memorandums, tags, etc., kept always in
stock at Tiis POST Publishing Howse.
TIM monthly horse fair in Brussels
was hold on Thursday of this week and
attracted a large number of farmers to
town. Several buyers were present: The
next one promises to be better.
Miss McGnacon, who has labored as a
missionary for ten years in India, will
Iva an address on missionary work in
17 -
1J7aoN prayer meetings are being bold
On Thursday evening in the Methodist
church and Friday livening in :Melville
Tun Methodist ahurch pulpits at Wing.
how and Atwood were supplied last Sun-
day by Rev. 1. L. Kerr and Bas. R. Paul,
office cue week from next 111000110.
Brussels the new School Board will also
ammo office on that date.
20,000 envelopes to hand at T1111 POST
should sea Ism and hare is carclsprint-
ed on a thousand of them,
THE I. O. G. T. Lodge held its first
meeting Onniceday evening of this week.
It bids fair to reach satisfactory proper.
01o11s and we hope will accomplish the
work for which it was instituted. ,TlI7P10a1
gives such universal satisfaction aa the,
COi1GIi RESITEDY manufactured in 1.1 Reeve by n majority of 4o
Scoter -Us, called PAY dtr We are grateful to a number
Ooussfon. --In speaklug
program at the Methodist tea meeting we
omitted a nicely rendered solo and guar- Melville church next Tuesday evening a
tette by Dfisses 11M. Gerry e1111 M. Moore 7:30, Tho meeting is open to the public.
and T. 1L 1Intnpbries and 1. J. Denman. Co'rTAsE on Elizabeth street to rent
A TELEGbUI1 was sent to Reeve Pat, There are eight rooms, well, putllp and all
Belly, of Blyth, on Monday evening, con. the conveniences. Convenient to the
twining the following : ..We repudiate front street. Applicants may call at Tun
your interference no our mnutoipai af• Poor Publishing House or on
fairs by electing \V.-'' McCracken
iI.8.' Drs Mise Jessie McIntosh,. Mos. twho has
,., q „
been ill for some time at the bomo of
Mrs, Clark, in the terrace, died last Sun.
day. She was buried on Tuesday after-
noon, the interment being made at Cron -
"HELLO 1 Whore are you going ?" I'111
going to J. McCallum's shoe shop, next
door to tleCrocken's, to leave my
for a pair yorder
of boots for myself andapair
of shoes, each, for my wife and daught-
ers, McCallum is hard to beat for a
good int and reliable work. 20
,vg• •o J2,ro ,,eco: o°7i1•:1,
o,o iew u
°Rtyta1 �rlyaeratad Balsam of Fir„I
of our friends for the prompt settlement
of accounts during the last weolc and 11'
we have been at considerable additional
expense in the enlargement of Tilli Pon
we hope others will follow suit as scop as
COMPLAINTS have been mad() of squads
Its wonderfal virtues have created a of youngsters, boys partwularly,
demand for the Preparation from all 1
make a practice of hanging on paeing
parts of the Province. sleighs to the annoyance of the drivers
Druggists sell it. Price 50 ars. and s beThe const bleatest e should er to the
17•Gms. h
to this dangerous sport before some sec-
- roes accident happens,
GRAND T RAILWAY ScoTTAeT--Theadjourneclcases against
needy, of Fort win cam
Police Magistrate at Brussels on Tuesday
of last week, and were both dismiesed.
On the same day J. C. Tuck, of Oran -
brook, and Thos. Colgan, of Wroxeter,
were eachfined $50 and costs for violation
of the Act.
Fos WINNIPEG, -J. D. Ronald shipped
ore of his fire steamers to Winnipeg fully
two weeks ago. Word has already been
received that it safely arrived there, the
C.P.R. pushing it right through. It has
been tested before the Mayor, some of the
city Couuoillors and the Fire Department.
It got up steam quickly, threw two power-
ful steady streams over 100 feet high,
which satisfied the spectator om•
'Paz Winnipeg daily Free Press of Dec.
20111 says :-The new Ronald engine,
loaned to the city pending the building of
a larger engine at Brussels, arrived in the
city on Monday night and was yesterday
afternoon tested before the city hall. The
test was watched by Chief McBobie and
BIr.Grundy, chairman of the Fire, Water
and Light Committee. It was most sat-
isfactory ; the ongit,e, with one length of
hose, two nozzles, one inch -and -three
quarters, threw two streams 100 feat
high. The enginewillbo stationed at the
north hall.
TREY DIDN'T SEE TEE 7011E.In his S0r-
mon to the MethodistIS0 S.1children on
Sunday morning,
Alma, preolpitated a joke upon the con-
gregation. Said he : The boys are always
credited with "sowing their wild oats,"
but the sew the
tears.) Slee ? ' But good as the sow the tares” joke ap•
petered it teas a little faulty. So far as
we have been able to learn the girls al-
ways leave their mothers to sew up the
tears. -Elora Express.
CARNIVAL. -The first carnival of ,• the
season was held on the Maitlandjskatirlg
rink on Monday evening of bibs weelc.
The ice was in splendid ()Addition and
the number of persons in, 'teatime com-
pared favorably witty "other carnivals.
Prizes were award4 as follows :-Best
BUNK Mr. Campbell, of Gerrie, and Mr. Ken-
--- 1 h e up before the
s ouTIIMI3 ENTENSION, w, G. & 11. n.
Trains leave Brussels Station, north and
south as follows: -
Going South. Going North.
Mail.........,. 188 a.m, I Mixed 9:30 a.m
Express,.....11:95 a.m.Oxp00ee.....,9>iGPm
Mixed e•,55 p. 1 P
4 °biel's among ye takin' notes
An' faith he'll Arent it.
Ann you tiled sowing on shoe buttons ?
See our mnolline for fastening, and tisk()
a rest, Dm ZlI, Boor. 26.
McMillen,fit to the farmer," by
M. P. ; "Baiting mnngolde," by W. It.
LEAF year.
Dm you lose your vote"
EST11A value in new season fruits at
N'res•NACE biscuits, 20 cents per lb. at
Coats' grocery.
BaussILs Public school will re.0pen
next Monday.
Smoot. Board will meet on Friday
evening of this week.
REv. MIL, MCCONNELL will occupy the
pulpit of Knox church for the next two
CANDIES and nuts by the ton. Choice
new season oranges 20 cents per dozen at
Wn enclose a calendar for the year
1888 and the first six months of 1889 to
each of our subscribers thistweek.
Now is the time to renew your sub-
ecription to Tan Poor. We club either
the Globe, Advertiser, Free Press, Mon-
treal Witness or Star, Live Stook Journ-
al, Toronto News or Mail with TIE POST
for $2.25, in advance.
ORloritT.-A meeting of the Brussels
Cricket Club will be held e
hotel on' Monday, Jan. 9th, at hat7: 0 Central
for the purpose of settling up the busi-
ness of last season. All te008t Secyted . invited.
Jaains AonIOULTER3L.-The annual meeting of .
the Grey Bathe Agricultural
olsigh,'Robtraeter uCo nyn,nWingham; Best
will be held "Highland
Thursday of next weak, commencing character ndsRachel Alexander ; Comic
Archer; Miss Rachel
costume,;'•'Scott Act," Ed. Melson ; Open
raeeyl'miles, Jas. Cornyn ; Mile race for
boys, John Ballantyne ; Half mile race
fdr ladies, Miss Lily Veal ; Hurdle race,
Jas, Cornyn. The judges were A. Bane.
laugh, Jot Ballantyne and W. H. Kerr.
Messrs. Ross & Laird, the managers, did
everything in their power to make the
000019el go off pleasantly and the public
cannot fail to be satisfied with their
management. The Brussels Band was
in attendance end contributed largely to
the pleasure of the persons present.
illICIAvet.-Ill Grey, on Dec.
wife of Mr. Robert 1TnG
1111, the
viii of It
1 gs er o pe by S. Ronnie, _
All iho larg
are open) to the pubho `P°°gnTueedaa, Dee]2,7tlt, atttllo1reg.
and a in route 00011 er f0 requested,lCChi207 ldren
Tin, pioturo "Suffer little C11I1dt''en to hti * by°yhe . D,A.,SDtt1Te nplSe, Mmith
L, 1i, Towers, of Ureter, Ont„ to
Miss Annie Lucas, formerly of
Co ut-Clnu•rnca.-- On Wednesday, Pen,
21st, at the residence of the bride's
parents, by Rev. A, 1'. Smith, Mn',
Ephraim Uobor, of Ethel, to Miss
Annie Chitteek, of Delmore.
Wireox.- )VA1NEn.--At Moose Mountain,
N. W T., ou Deo. 10011, by 11,'v. Mr.
MoVillan, Mr. 0. H. Wilson, of
Come unto Me," offered by the Montreal
Witness to their daily and weekly sub.
scribers, is a work reproduced in oil col-
ors with great richness and beauty. and
it is it wonder to all who re00iv0 it how
the publlabots can offer a 11111011 ut so
small a coat. The leading judges of art
fu the 1)0011nion all testify to its bawdy
na a 0Orlt of art, their testimonials hat-
ing been pnbliehed in the Witness.
19x., AsnovicdlsAllY.---On Friday evening
MARRIED, -On the 27th of last month
H. Towers, of Exeter, and Miss An-
nie Lucas, of Flint, Mich., formerly of
Brussels, were united iu the holy bonds
of matrimony, at the residence of our
former townsman, D. A.. Smale. This fS
nothing more than we expected and we
unite with their many friends here in
wishing them success and happiness.
Met a happy company assembled aL t 1•.
bene of W. Stewart, of the f10111 of t Winui tin, of Msson. Maggie,
youngest nt
Stewart & Lowick, to help celebrate t
19tH anniversary of the marring° of the I �� Brussels, Ont. -
host and hostess, After it nicely aiming. :zTxtl=-
SrARLlxo.--In Grey, on Dec, 31st, Rich-
ard Sporting, aged 75 years.
M013Tosn: -In Brussels, on Jan. 1st,
Jessie Melutosh, aged 37 years.
EAST HURON PAn11Ens' Insmixt en. --The
annual meting of the East Huron Farm-
ers' Institute will be held in the Town
Hall, Brussels, on Friday and Saturday,
January 13th end 14111, commencing at
10 o'olook a. n1. The following program
will be presented :-Friday, 10 to 12 0'-
elook, election of officers and preliminary
work. In the afternoon, address by the
President ; paper on "Breeding and rail•
ing sheep," by D. Robertson ; "Science
in cattle feeding,' by Prof. Panton;
'Breeding, raising and educating the
driving horse,'' by Uriah McFadden. An
open meeting will be held in the evening,
commencing at 7:30, when Pref. Pastel
will deliver an address on "Education as
a source of pleasure and profit to the
farmer" Musical and literary selections
will also be given. Saturday, Instituto
will open at 10 o'clock a. m. The first
paper will be "Rotation of crops aed pre-
paration of land for different crops in the
rotation," by Simpson Ronnie, a promin-
ent agriculturalist and seedsman, of To-
ronto ; "The breeding and raising o�C
heavy draught horses as a source of p111.
ed tea had been diepoueed with the ccuu-
ing was pleasantly spent in singing,
chatting and spesoli ma1cfng after which
the company separated for their respec-
tive homes wishing Mr. and Mrs, Stew-
art many 1110r0 years of happiness.
Canadian 174tswIe.
Ilon. Mr. Blake is now iu home. Ilia
health is improving.
,4. A. Baker, Division Court Clerk, of
Guelph, has been forty-seven years an
000upant of that position.
A. by-law for a $50,000 bonus for a
railway to connect with the M. 0, R. was
carried understood that Collarge
frill majority.
10SD putyAdjutant-G° eraloftheOttwill succeed cal. awa
Military District,
4, 1): Ellis, of Simoe, has just con•
plated the erection of eight summer not.
tages at Port Dover, the popular 81113•
mer resort, which ho will rent for the
The Manitoba College glee club will
make a, tour of the provincial towns dur-
ing the Christmas holidays and give en-
tertainments for the benefit of the mis-
sion funde.
At the recent session of the Oxford
County Council pedler'e licenses were
increased to 1~20 for one man on foot ;
$40 for man and horse ; and $100 for one
man driving two horses.
Two female detectives are now 0011-
neeted with the Windsor custom house
in the hope of checking the Christmas
smuggling. The Windsor dross improver
covers more sins than does charity.
'Calgary Tribune ;tit is estimated, judg-
iug by the present rate of increase, that
in a few years there willbo as many n,5°
100,000 to 126,000 sheep pestering,• Dpnh
the inconnparablo rich sheep ranges of the
Rocky Mountain foothills. F
at1 o'clock. Receiving the auditors re-
port, election of officers, &c. will be the
business before the meeting. The annual
meeting of the East Buren Society will
be held on the following Wednesday, in
the same place.
Bunko Tilts. The accommodation)
train from Wingham stunk in theflow
banke at Sellars' grade last Satiu�rday
evening. The engine was unable bo pull
the train so it was uncoupled, carne on 10
Brussels for instructions and 84 the sup.
ply of water was low a trip tyle made to
the Henfryn tank. When the night train Swrvn kIArca.—Last Wednesday atter•
n lit arrive& the engine was an. A
toted and, elpng with the engine of the noon e, cowing rnatoh took plane at the
accommodation train. 'proceeded north Revere House, Brussels. The 11101011
and conjointly r aMMod the snow -bound started at 3 o'clock J. IL Bowman and
in. They got bank to Brussels about A, R. Sample, of 1,Morrid, sawing the firs
tear cut off a beech log, 10i inohee in diem
midnight. I with a
3'41, G, 1885.
BANKING._.- _--
1 .
13AN1CI,SS .1- 31 USS1iL14
.Transact rt Omer Ban/ants
Canadian 0u1,1 New York Drafts bought
and Bold.
Interest allowed on deposits,
Oolh'ctioas made on favorable terms.
f Tans, &e. 0Oloo Iu Lsckfa's block,
Brussels. Money to Loan.
r narrow 0 Proudfuot, 00J/wield So -
Honor Convoyuno5r, 00. 0llloe, Grant's
block, Brussels. Money to loan,
0=1-e_VOR'XxM 1,44.1-4=2EITs-
001151 crm, CAREFULLY 1:w1:IRY718EE1i, 83Fall-Wheat f
Spring Wheal 73 so3l
Gate 3 3•
Butter, per 1b
Eggs, per dozen
Apples, per bushel
hogs dressed
Wood, per oord
ONCE, 14losw A REsnw r.-Robart Arm- ter at the butt and 17i at t 10 op,
strong, who removed to Toeswacer about "Baoor" cross -cut saw. They did the
two years ago, has returned to Brussels work neatly in 341 and 28k seconds, re -
with his family and intends malting his spectivoly. The next two were Messrs.
home here. He has been following mill- Fraser and Logan, of Blyth. Their time
wrighting for several years but intends was 39 and 30 seconds for the two cuts.
stinking more closely to the carpenter Robb. McDonald and A. McKay, of Oran -
work in the building lino. Mr. Arm- brook, sowed next and they wore credited
strong is well known in this section as a with 44 and 34.E seconds. The Bird
first -()lass mechanic and, se will be seen Bros., of Crnubrook, only sawed ono outt
by his advt., is prepared to furnish esti- when their saw baulked and they g
mates for contracts with satisfaction up the race, The Blyth boys sawed with
guaranteed in every particular. Toon an "Eclipse" and the Oranbrook boys had
rose extends a hearty welcome to Mr. a "Lance." The let prize, $1,
Armstrong and family. awarded to 11Tessre, Bowman & Sample ;
CREAMERY Onta o Creamery Association will & Logan, The Morris a ampionsla
of the Ontario
est in this
be held in the Wednesday,
Ball, Guelph, on
inerecompete with largebattendance.
Tuesday an e n , 17th
' CIt007. ENTERTA1NtfnNT,- le
Peons; Wn Know. -P. Thomson{` was
at Grand Rapids, Port Huron 51101 other
Michigan towns last week. --Edgar Green,
of Kingsville, eon of George Green for-
merly of Brussels, was visiting old
friends last week, -Rev. R. Paul and
wife are comfortably settled in their
comfortable brick cottage on Princess plosion will open sono water anima 1
street. The have named their home
"Viotorio Cottage." We wish them the rook
06 70
00 00
10 18
10 00
40 00
0 50 00
8 50 9 00
3 00 ` 850
=vss>rs�s rA tix s_s.
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat 78 82
Sutter, tubs and rolls.,
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton
Hides per lb, .
Salt per bbl., wholesale,,.
Sheep skins, eaeil..,,
Wool, per
The traffic returns of tile'C. P. R. from
December 7 to DecemSer 14 norease8f7,
6204,010 ; 18,x'6, 56203,000 ;
1887, $Ol� OtlO. The above dues not in-
elude..o6rnings on the South-eastern
B il°way.
The names of S. R. Calloway and Goo,
'B. Reeves are mentioned an likely sue-
oessors of W. J. Spicer as General Man-
ager of the Chicago & Grand Trunk Belt-
way. but well-informed officials say
neither of them will be °boson by Mr,
Gleno has got a test well 800 feet
deegas of gold. with nosigns
gwater 0sllnob found er water oat
906 feet it is proposed to put a couple of
blasts in the Hole In hope that the ex-
tolny happy years in their new dwelling.
-Wm. Shaw of St. Marys, spent a few
days with his brother, Principal Shaw.
-Harry Dunford and Robert Work ar-
rived in Brussels from Dakota last
Friday. They will be here for a month
or two ,when they purpose returning to
the West, We are pleased to know that
they are both doing well, -T. Fletcher,
wife and sons were fn Luoknow for last
Sunday. -Mies Bessie Plum, of Hays-
ville, and Mr. Plum, of Stratford, are
visiting at S. Plums. -Mrs. Donnelly and
daughter, of Port Huron, are visiting at
E. C. Lowery'e.-Gordon Mooney and
wife and C. R. Vanotone were home from
Elsinore last week. -Mee. Sheriff and
Charlie, of Seaforth, are making their
friends in this locality a visit. -Thos. G.
Retoliffs, teacher, was at W.A. Calbick's
on New Year's day. Mrs. Ratcliffe is
visiting at Toronto. -Mrs. Ellis and
daughter, of Oshawa, aro enjoying a
holiday visit at James Hicks' in this
village -Mie Mosley, of Seaforth, Mr.
and Mrs. Hubbard, of Clifford, and Wm.
Stoat, of Picton, were the guests of Mrs,
Thos. Dunford or., last week. -A. Watts
and wife, of Elora, and Town Treasurer
Dickson and wife, of Wingham, were
visiting at Rev, J. Ross' this week. -A.
M. Kay, of Goderieh, took a look at hie
Brussels friends for a few days this
weeks -311o. Robertson's smiling coun-
tenance w streets on Tries-
pumping machinery for
is said to be the largest ever constructed
in America. The Lawrence (Mass.)
Machine Company are the makers. The
pumps are eight in number, and have a
total capacity of 148,940,000 gallons in
twenty-four hours. ()oda and Edward McKeon, dry g
linery, Yonge street, Toronto, assigned
Tuesday morning. Liabilities are placed
at $40,000 and assets nominally equal.
The trouble is attributed to the failure of
his father-in-law, Robert Kidd, of Dublin,
Ont., whose accommodation paper he die.
counted to a considerable extent.
Quito a serious accident happened in
Middleton one day lately at Hsaoldah
Crandall's. While hits boy and Lewis
Crandall's boy were trying to see how far
they could shoot a ramrod out of a gun,
one of the boys stationed himself behind
it stump, and, just as his cousin fired at
it, he popped up his head, and the ram-
rod hit Trim on the forehead and fractured
his skull, but not dangerously.
4 50
G 00
• DISTAL Solicitor, 00., of the firm of
Stephenson, Dlolrnon & Turku', Barristers,
Solicitors, 00., Manning Arcade, Bing Street
West, Toronto. Money to loan,
the Fourth Division Onext, 0o, Huron
Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, L01111
and Insurance Agent. Finale invested and
to lone. Oa,lootious made, 011loo n1 Gra
ham's 131nolc,liruesels.
cpsok- •CUNN MAW L,
9 00
1. 00
0 80
moved his office. to J. 1010pr5av00'
Drug Store. Residence on Mitt Street
• 1f, L. It. C. P. Ildiobu�lt✓ 411Y' ioiiiit
Surgeon and A000uoher,. •Oofoo, Mrs, Shiol'e
bleak, Tuznboriq Street.
,yr s, straight grade Buil Ca11, ready
for service ill the Spring, Apply to"80 1t,
ENEO3TOL, 110800011,
9J months, must know how to 11110110 to
the 21- WM. of a10.t(021d horses
, Lot 26, eon. e, Morrie.
1..1 undersigned will keep a thorough -bred
Durban. bull for service on lot 00, eon. 0,
Morris. Terms, 51.0,) with privilege of re-
turning if necessary. JAS. STET , Proprie-
r prie-
Salesmen Wanted l�
At Osgoode Hall, Toronto, on Tuesday
Judge Rose, in the case of Queen vs. Cttm-
eron,refused toquash a conviction against
the defendant under the Canada Tenper-
aeae Act, who was lined $60 for the first
offence. It was ontonded that for the
not lesssetllan $50. the oil sLoa dshed iplloldthat
was 00001 on our the words "not lee than 1$50" did not
day. -Our former townsman, Ino, 11111 it the p011011y to that suln, bot that ft
Leekio, of Toronto, dropped in his 0110111 NY/L8 111 inoreasthedtoo eb10n amothe unt, S dictate 10
of al ballot in town lust Monday• Thos.
P long, + at all 034018, as it was
T'M, F. CALE, M.D., O. M.
r r
Member oftbo Collo,() of Phystolans and
Surgeons of OntaaiO by examination.
011100 anditesldeuc-tonin fit. East, 8th8
A .
]t� NTgi�T.RY.
G. L.Bo11,L. D. S., Honor Graduate and
1,1,1t.0. D. S., of Toronto. Nitrous Oxide
Gas administered.
creno forded and es 10w
as good over Johnston's Hardware Store.
li:)I+'.i�'XIPA .
W, J. Fear,L.i S. Graduate of To-
ronto School of Dentistry. A11 oper-
ations guaranteed, 0S1 co-Cady'e
Brook, Seaforth.
Arti Renulteoth, Bret duality, antra
guaranteed Bt, for 012.00 per set.
Donor Graduate of the Royal OonoPe of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto, 810008 0rin1
GA0 administered for the panuons extrac-
tion of tooth.
20 canvass for the sale 011 Nursery Stook. OFFICE.—t.uraeld Block, BBIISSELS•
Steady employment guaranteed. SALARY -
0ge Ex(ReferatPAID, lei50.1100,1 AUCTIONEERS. ouoo, stating - AUCTIONEERS.
(MASE BROTHERS, Colborne, Ont.
and W a esday JannalY 7 s o Tl
and 180h, ineta, All the important ques-milk, SUNnoel entertainment of Melville Murals
tions in connection with handling milk, annual e
making batter, on the creamery and dairy Sabbath School was held last Tuesday
a stems, feeding cows, raising, calves, evening, weraand eserved in the basement,
ely attended. Ro-
ending°, pastures, etc., will be disonesed treatmentsro ram n
by the . most experienced men in the after which the following p . g
f th ,
' elan o
Papers will be road on : "Tho rosoT in so a haft :-
Pa e a
" oe. ) in th
vin P A,
m B. Pcob
pp ev. J
no. Il
making the Zl
most important factors in ya
butt�rfndustry pro0tmblo;' by Valency Hymn by school, chairman's address ;
FullerE. • "The outlook for Creamer- iundergerten songs, "O see"Pretty
snow ;s
stru Prof, Robertson; g; " report "Packages
as in- falling,'11 'Lovely
Let na do the best we can,"
storate," Geo. Browing ; "Packages and reoltaThern to •
ra ° A. Wenger; "Our dairy butte',,, Thomas ovnrtnlidlfami.ly .Look S. S Report,
storage," ,.
To Derbyshire ; r'per tlnma and sunt- by the Secretary, Alex.' Stewart jr. ;
John Sprague ; Johnson
r time to ell bythe
b the school ; address, byRev.
ter," t," H. GS Johnson , ]'Tota is feed S. Y address bythe superintndent, `
H. toff • "Centrifugal cream,"
S. Jones1.Y "Tile Isar reav09, druggist of .Coronto,
Ives ZT. G ; kindergarten serge, K Palmer -
nt, lice
Wilson f1m
1. W. •tt
' m'I
ct. a eek,
compared with setting milk for u�: , little others," "Goad morning `town this w s in town. -hire. 1 tl torn drenching las
ret • "The Hest ebe t for - 1 11 y ,n "Asleep. at atop, Mab 019.1 111 #riend mid damaging hoods. .i ho can fellable log tlwellit510111inouliinttorriaafirtiV 11
K. 3, Graham err sunshine, rociteGn A 1, is M.MeCnteln- clerks a K l t barn le to stens s g n
ream in the boat con- merry Eike and children and Mies sato then honndolt t p n a well with ollthundnilt out
farmers to got thea •ii- the stvi y t by A1il, he onre, ; olnenl, } whittr thorn i
r or I con from n visit of Sew the onahca of valuable ,1 olozcaltunt, {rntcT, 'These() is 1[kowir,on
fifon r r the e creamery the throughout,
The eutewhile th , Shannon, the ceiling and fell p Tile 1 v t house, Mom, we -1i
d, for certifi- i hymn, by t ,a a fn'.Crnwbud n, S1t, ,.h , �
all, Write to this Secretary ty ithat the tv while of the , twnwt k Trowbridge,. sans of it. l ire new frame it abon 1n
by to I fuss very pleasing' s Pamela lahaunon, former.. rrnnknry, breaking German floored,above end blow, and, neatly slda,t
to for reduced railway taco: (loadnt that. the winit of the lyobristlier to Sita i
ate roma tshow 1 � it (Insley on (`ln•iat. t driver of the delivery sleigh, n ,risen i,a�nted, roe pinrticutare npr,ly to the
t n fecal 1 (,elven• ` 1 ; , carried er in an Mlle- da Brussels, died J t tlrs ]tl osisfi
o Within nhnOl Witt; lN1nt. ,t r wife and several child. ' by birth, was standing • • t1 antes Ho rnkr ,
Hen a,nd retnrtn within thee clnva •after, s uc,;assfnl misser, Thr rake. i nnesdny, leaving n elf C3ndrrirll,
visiting at: Ant leis hands on lets saes and ycll.ed1LogMtrnr, Haven Co.
John'f#ansa l; President, taken tip nddr,l Sittig rot the . , ••Ilnnpm' nor , i. �,
Watson, of Harristdn, A. Sahone c, o
Rostock, Jno. Stacey, of Clinton, and
Albert Rivers, of Teeswater, did likewise.
-David Shiel, of Galt, is on a visit to
relatives and friends, -Rev, E. A. Fear,
wife and ohildren, of IIensall, and T. V.
Fear and wife, of Seaforth, were at S.
Fear's, Queen street, for New Year's
day. -W. H. and Mrs. Moe dined ab
the rsotory at Iiarristou, on Monday. -
Harry Co
Mon -
so O g,
able, would not bo interfered with by the
Tho Ontario Government's sole of tim-
ber limits which took plane in the Legis-
lative Chamber on the 15th Mt. was un•
crowdeusualld sutoeB the doorrs. Chamber
Petot' Ryan
•tioneer, and Hon. T. B. Pardee
was ant
was present. The solo began at noon.
rmack loft Brussels
undersigned will keop the thorough.
bred Durham hull' Vedder" for novice on
lot 29, con. x, Morris. Ho has an extended
pedigree oertidoate. 'Parole -$1,50 for the
seance for grade cove and 05.000 for
breds. 29.213
last Tlhe bidding was very spirited, and two
day for Toronto -ands
t �lerlwill With
tto tole- of Los everhobt obtained before. These These ighersacro Berth
grn(8 operator Dew g. Albert
Ba sloef alisle ,Was in twinter.-jack several
1 fn'Baletroit ana A11 eina,for to
$5,500 a mile, or
s loot of week.- was in town for ileonn. $123 062 for the whole limit, and Berth
daysgweerr resident,
n Ostrander, r s
flying a former rweek.-paid Lizzie
Wil- roe, of Alpena sold
lligl n1ifor $0,060Mont-
flyingalle this f visit
son made a brief visit to her este of miles 0 for the
for l41,343,512, an average
London last week. -Miss Ellie Geste, of o ill 057 by far the highest average ever
Walter Coots, of $ ,
Mrs. W
nl ,
visiting M
is v
+ 1.
• inoc
this town t. Ma. Monroe olid wife were obtained.
morning in Guelph Mrs,
Marys for a holiday visit y ton, On Friday Y g illtural Col.
away at St. 1v Y
is the guest Annie Mi Wynn, of Drayton, lege, plaacedho Ontario 10 11101' filled with
is the guest of Miss tt14o Sm c1 Pa Percy tenter on the stove in Peter Anderson's
week: -We aro pleased.
;Mason abl- . abut r, of
f S although storewhen soinhhome would
The can hot
resembled a
will 11 town
wn 11. Crocker, ofvid M nree, large hong tie with a small screw stop -
ill ph, 0105 isiting his n le, jooint 10r 1111 the top. When the vessel was
1 M Guelph, WW1 visiting his uncle, r per
on the stoVo this stopper was
McCrae, of this town, last week, -W, p
vn.N in .screwed on. An hall)' late' thole was n
terrific evploaia". Weise: flow in all di.
through the sthe
rectfonatlil K
Melville Oberon for the ensuing veer,
duties to commence on Monday, 0th inst.
Sealed tenders will be resolved by the un-
dersigned nail 111ondn evening. 0th isst,
Applioante to state salary. A050085
3 I1
Notice is hereby given that application
will be made to the Legislative Assembly of
the Province of Ontario, at its next session,
for an Ant to empower the Municipality of
and to provideof
,000 bite issuing ofdeben-
d bon
tures for the payment of saittdf dobt a8d for
novroutsmin redemption
andaontafniug suof ch other
biro acio con o consolidation.
°n0dsary to carry out
Solicitors for said Village of Brussels.90 7
Dated Nov. l01k, 1887.
v, sun Auctioneer. Saba oonduotod on
reasonable terms, farina and farm stock a
ovsoialty. Ordora loft at Tim Pos'r Publish-
ing Mouse, Brussels, or solei to Walton post
oliloo will receive prompt attention,
t11eshortestis notice.od Orders may heatMnd to solos ou
loft at
Tan POST Publishing House, or addressed to
Bruenols P.O.
• is always ready lte attoud su10s of
limns, farm stook, 00, 18x305 cheerfully
gluon, Oranbrook P.O. Sales may 19 ar-
ranged at Tun Poo, Publie1ieg Bosse,
Brussels, .
"L! A few splendid, improved farms for
ealoln the 080000llip of Grey Morrie and
110080llep. Apply to A. D1oLGATTY, Oo.
ecuma310 offers his valuable 100 acro
farm,bcing lot 8, eon. 10, Grey Towuehip,
Huron do., for solo. Thom are about 60
notes cleared and to good heart. There l0 a
log house, good hank barn, bowling orchard,
mises. Perfartherllarticulars�astto
price, terms, obi, apply to the Proprietor,
T11�. HID0U130LD ST1ttAOHA T.. or
n is
-Promo bongo containing throe largo
rooms up stairs and dialog room aid sitting
0o0m down stairs, also summer kitchen
good sic and largo wood shed attached.'
There is a good new frame stable on the
promisee. Soft and hard water at the door.
Thereto a good garden a good tome our-
xotmde the whole lot, garden, an Dere of geed
lead In rho village. of Ethel, Grey township.
Poseoeeion will be given Morn 101,1880, vox
furtherpartieulars apply on the premi0o0 o1
to JAS E. GOVntNA0p030, Soufortti Oat. 25
Ell). Ia'
or. , t c.
VV • of marriage Licenses. 011100 at his
G1onary,Turuberry street.
r]t.,r lags Lioenees, by appointment of
L• iout: Governor Commissioner, 05., Q. 13,
1108 at the Orenbar and rook Post Office.
Insuranee Cc.
Vr and Ornamental Painter. Graining,
Gilding, Sign and Decorative Poiutlug in all
its branohee, Shop Blinris done up. fn style.
el j. Hanging
lCarrriage Works. ono door
JL -The undersigned is prepared 0, Clown
and Bopnir Sewing Machines,, Organs, 00.
A number of second-hand machines on Hand,
all in worleiug order, may leo exchanged for
o thus. WOO{ done at 'ay residence, 300.083
Street, Brussels.
0 PH08. MOOED.
' • Graduate of the Ontario Votorinary
and iMaximal
prepared to a treat 01of John
aIIdap1 nvedaririneij los 3 Treatmonof 1on1
iorth of Bridgspecialty
Turnbeiry street. doors
'elleslibsorlnor °Forefootsole .his valuable
Farntin 1118 10wnehlp of Grey, emnpr1eing
lets 0 and 7, con .11. in said township, This
tarns oontafuo 350aeree and is within 11 miles
Isom the thriving voltage et Brussels, with
pod. gravel road leading thereto, A1,0111360
300000 arooloared,tree from stumps and in a
high state of cultivation. T110 balance: 10
Qin lywowled, This farm 1s particularly
fenced 010011 y rho w1101 a eft the f0nee0
bet utastraight atmt having been erected in
G sad tt5. 0it the pron.i00s thorn is a con
hi (1 10.10 before the l 01 1V n 1 asst N t 1' Il tint ding urn in p Toter
• 1 P eedent 'ivefnllh \i. 1 Un( turd s 1 ',thrill t I r,n -.arise 1, \ nu Inst to i I tf tmu 1 guess 111 rnoof, 1 1tfe
Moya', Secretary,
GU 1)owercoult flied, 1 tion fish. lmdnrrah. '
Fel SALE at a bargnin, For fn11. part
Haulers as to price, location, me., abuly to
W. B. 3)10008015,
BTONlt von 1:A7 E. -Tho undersigned has
leered, from Mr, Wm. shine, n Steno
Yr a u
lnbor of years, and is now
for u
prepared to Ytr f branyQnouttty
80 rotten ding tata11,1 reasonable rani, Por-
thatl'aaalsupply all the Stone, 10 10omoliti o
to doing oho Mason Work. W. F.RArLiL is
.., 8 But _..... __ _-..rues .-..
salonnn onion 'his exoollont 125 acre
farm for solo. Its oitnatod on con. 0, (grey,
bailie lot 8 ores lea part '1110 buildingsoere
aboatioe R
goon, 00 Two harm and ill stenofoot stamina, respectively.
esectiv ly
oro re ar foot and 5.ixwG ioot omen, young
Thera ,fro two frame dwelling 11 1 0one,, Yn(1ng
Pea, Th of l:l Honed, and nil t1•pe Cncrooic1-
MO lace. 3' a ,, sIonin)llud bespring ernes Pis
Win, The 1,111*l '1 4e**,11 be m 11 33Rtany
tlnup, The fern, is A!, refine from nrttssols
and is le a splendid 1o0511ly, snare to Ibr
schen, church, &c, Por prit.0,1� teres, env.,
apply 0o the Proprietor
8311 ' 1,l'reprbr 1,,t .
n -LP