HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-1-6, Page 7f
JAL 0,1.88.
'1711: LIMB MN crui1.
wan the)aotftnittee oneso txto,terolaog•
r 1
ical disturbances, reported that the
thermometer invented especially for
the club by Professor Trioses Cling•
adeno, of St. Louie, load not been
found up to his warrant, Daring
the heated term in Auguat it regio
lured (foul S to 10 degro, below zero
right Meng, and (luring the
Cold wave of November it marked
250 degra, above zero for several
drip in succession. It had been
greatcd with boar's oil, boiled ie
milli and baked in the oven, but
theft: it wee et. that Moment on the
wall, rf•gittaring over .100 dews.
belon zero. Ho didn't suppoeo Tooth
n difforcuce of 20 or 25 dogs. in
either beat or cold made any great
difference to any member, but ouch
11 hide margin as had been reeertl•
ed was piling it on rather too thiuk.
He recommended that it be cast
aside, and thnt Profoseor Clingstone
be notified to remove it within thirty
'teat thia.h all. tho Joy E110;) Rudn1}
d, '"1 100 years and G�bpa�'��9 ""'
lich e, lul ()nett :n, heavily ily at the minitli dfod at 1)r; ietuautl, ()etaanrtJ al 7 aF 'i ate"'
11011 in •nave girlie that they elms Ititu
%Holl to eiji 1IiF1 ttt..l testi..., 1,1;1110,
when (Altera art el.:00W, 11100ly.---
Furl is not the n de 1ouia.11a'e
olj e 11 it Stele
Iuretc 'll " , al! thy' (de ',es n11:1
gk'r11lee ):Warta matn1l.l 'Lovell to
(:Tod, to religion, to Rupe I It ie
th':t which 11's 41 the 1u"t of 1110
glen "
"C er ainly, Arabella ; beet•',( tan
dollar lee you."
lirenitle't teas eaten and 581ig'ales
pro.c•uted his wife uit1 a bonnet
thiol, t o said way horrid, and she
preseutcti him with n endo to add
to Itis eollcei,ull, which numbered
soreethiug over a dozen.
Ile thou took the etreot 1111' d„tvu
11BIorrlin', massa Scriggles,” bald 1401, yea. :1'1 0001 f Ira, after
hie boot block. "Ghris'tuus ;til'. uluc',t 'li ltnwn'r eon linugcra and
"Yee Sun) ; here's a dollar for
"Clirisunns gift, Mr. Scriggles,"
said the elevalol• boy.
"Yrs, of 0 11001', h'ire's tit dollar
tet+s; Facas r.ma:w!sxatS.,'G'JUIsifier,17=:'. r. orgekkati ,ora erkkk.:4' 14-,W'
for yen."
''^vh.:stmu„ l;iil, Dot'. Scrigg.r,
said his office boy in a alit my boli
day tot:t, which woe goad for two
' Ah, good day, Madam," said he
lath emit'.'r.iot' of the thief on
the eru,n give., no eucoursgotu,ut
to troy to plot off th•-ir 1'epot,lmuee to
their tie,at.,bni, o- to hope 111 it then
they shell find inere7 ; for, though
it is 0101 runt.11 that true rep00tenee is
eeyer too 1111", it 10 us certain lint
,u true,—
. tel .
I" .'t l )
' c� 1
Ws' } .tit..!
it cohort• 401111 ; ht„r heaven, if 1
nigh could he 1mu11 there, or it cora'
last week.
1 }a•'," it a 0 7',:n 11, She raved: I
tWo mda (111ar h "1 'C , cull}r, Nor. 1
f.Ik c .ani:t' On and aft<'r .
'Cha, l...fi,.,." ., f 11 c .t' „d 1111'
t•lrOtrin l,., u'e :'y" :, • ,,• , I •aV•. dl'- HUNTER
p�, f, I ft iry�pp 9,�1 y.g �g ry�y
real, a +117 a .w t ,11;! ; HUN t E,e O.. �v1.i6'ia7i'li9 Y rI S,)1Lr" Tim
A,J;cl;faire' of 11,: a•,, "i l fik l 1 ole ti t•teiltiQ)) Of the Public
ha'l•l.' 1'f },y't.'r ,o, f, {? .. nod rvtll be oli0ll 1) th1 Pllblie 111101 lx Called to the foot that the
ja,t 1.0' s i«11 ti )'1 b.t '1^li frau) the tlndersiguod tviil be prepared
'�fltirl�;:1'Ilil?11 1-:fays
.ave .11,,rmw.-a„pra:aw:vwww
11. } to attc01(1
rr a,. fa'. .,,..i : 7.1 .e,,;
from Nits nisi, en t, town ;"4-140
day nail 4p001 1, .1 11 .,...vel
Jo:Ml firm f1 0101'' S'i! vtl`e
to !total' .a x.11 ' f:.0 ht , t.. 1 „f ,''o n.
10111g1t110., '1 1,'ibby of 7;11, 1,1 '1'i,,.10
borne she has i„' •u living far at
nembnr of y. a''. The ;lay 1'0oty
er who will b. till (1,fd:l leaf in thl
suit { about uaI ry
anotherer wo'
on ,
ed Via first :I 1 iMiod lady
870 11+• i a 111 u' to 101121k'1
to the lady ti hem )lo forma sealed money nut of m, tariir, but would
iu his chair, 1tMciry CI ristnlaa to roll duwa filo check of a mum, fn like to got un'alum:tfoo to iron the
yen I'm sure." light, it would be for lost opportun- tnitrriagai. The lo.vy;r took' 111
hies, for the tune spent in 1104101m rttrlletii li ', and the .-W.1 •': i!1 hit e t-
of God which might have been spe.it l ried ni n'Ile•: a rt rlpronli1.1 T, 0.0'
On mantel 0f illtindig Watkins,
who its inventing a eolored man's
thermometer himself, rho recom-
mendation was adopted.
Judge Cadaver had been sitting
ell the edge of his stool for the lust
ten miunlos, and as soon as the
above business was diopoeed of ho
arose and offered the following resp•
lotion 1
"lletctved, Dat wo condemn de
ti'' -ow t•.f de policy which induced
the Akiericur colonies to crow off
}t 0-'rf3c1Y11's 1. t;,Ok e ,"
The oilenco'rtr..'he. ltai(t minute
was deep enough toi a teamboat
drawing twenty-two feet of ivattrt.
Brother Gardner looped down upon
the smiling judge and tried to say
something, but not a t'a'd would
conte. lie thou motioned to Given
dam Jones, Sarsaparilla Smith and
Sundotn Davis to take him out of
the lodge room and do with him as
they thought best. Isle went out
'with them, and was seen no more
during the evening. The trio re-
turned iu about ten minutes, each
one favoring his right leg, and the
matter was dismissed.
Tho IIon. Cavendish Cahoots
then arose to ask for information.
Was the sun drawing nigher the
earth ? Ile heal heard it was, but
didn't propose to accept the state-
ment without having it affirmed by
the club.
'Brttddor Cahoots, has you got
any butter to melt in calm do sun
am 1rawiu' nigher?" asked the
"No, eat."
"Has you laid in nay extra coal
to peeperfur de sun gwiue furdor
away 2"
"No, rah."
"Den you eat down 1 Jist let de
sun alone, Doan' worry about him.
A chap who still owes $,20 on his
spriug clothes 11118 no oc0ashuu to
git nervous ober either de sou or
Tho Historian. undismayed by 1110
fato of Cahoots, also desired to make
inquiry. Should social etiquette
prevail among those gathered iu the
library of en evening 2
"Yes, to some extent," replied
the prosideut. "Nobody need
squeeze his hoofs outer shape to
keep 'em out of eight, but iu case
anybody spits on anybody elee's
butes he will he 'specte1i to make a
few remarks in an apologetic time,
Let us now abduct to our homes."
—Detroit Free Press.
a1n glad to sec 'bat you lava
the true Christmas 1 pi0it," she said.
"It augurs for my armed."
"What can I do for you, mo'a'n'?"
"I an working in the 0,,l 1is0 of
charity," she replied. "I am molie-
iting rubscriptiuus for the uety
mia8101) for the natives of Pato-
go1ia. 1 hope I may pu'- you doa'u
for $10,"
lir, tlalggles said 001110tuly and
lauded 1100 the motley.
The janitor and two eclub ladies
also ntado successful calls. Do had
to cempromiac with the latter on
fifty coots apiece.
At about u o'clock Dlr, Scriggles
^cluolnded 10 mart for tome. As he
rcactod the sidewalk he felt in his
pants pook.!s, then in his coat pee.
kets. A align). look of annoyance
crossed his face, r
")Merry tlloristmas,"-eiti.Df 01100x7
It was Christmas Day ; anybody
could tell it ; sleigh bells rang out
more crisp and clear than usual;
the sun was brighter, the air was
sharper; erten stepped more briskly
along the streets, the chimes sound-
ed sweeter, the sleigh bells tinkled
more merrily, and if that wasn't
enough to couvmOe the moat riltep11
cal, he should look at the heading
of the mottling newspaper.
for it11 glary —Payson. , ranged hrtw0ou the part'. —L ,m•
n I'.ee Pre 3
1;;:ieac;- 111 ;.No Ww.
A. lacy h:1: been 12,18.03. in \V,t1•
'lecll, Germany, ftl1'btdding the
granting of a 018001iag0liccus0 to
a perseu addicted to the liquor
A lathy Duly Dight months old sof.
feeing from a cancorcus affeotio' from T. Y. Ntt�'cnt and will open
itrttptttation of the leg in'
a Now York hospital a few days ag,,, up for Business on
That to probably the youngest child
upon whuni the operation hay over
been performed,
Blacksmith Z3hcl; Y
Tho undersigned Ila, lensed the
Blacksmith Shop at Sunshine
Oatnatlilara NC -%w$
J. 0. Shark and D. 0. Lake, of GIVE Atli A CALL.
Lyons, cut, split and piled 11 comic Richard Webb,
of wood iu 10 hours mud. 40 mluu'es,.
ooe day recently
"011, Mott' ere you, Brown ? les„ D. R. ktoKeozie left Galt hvat
to he sure. Do you happen to havo''>.:ouk for Jape, where he has been
near ticket in your pocket 2" cooled to tench the Pngli.sla burg•
"No, 1 haven't." nage in i e public schools.
"Any oliauge ?" It's. 111u.aaave, relict ui the lone
"Ne, not a red." Hugh Molutyru,.'ad mother of Jao.'
When Scriggles reached home it McIntyre, of the 18t1)'ocapession of
was about 0:80. Be dragged him- Yarmouth, died at the abe.2f 108
self wearily through the door and years.
flung himself on the lounge. A row occurred among etnne'lea
Did von have a plensaut Christ- dians on .the etrect at T'bamoevillo'
mac 2" asked his wife. Saturday night, in which one In
"Christmas be blamed," was the (lieu worth but one leg and no arms
only reply as ho flopped over 00 ❑early killed :mother who had all
his sids, with his )'ace 10 the wall.— his limbs of solf defence.
Merchant Traveller. As a (laughter of Richard Martin,.
couces0(011 4, Intron, was going to
LOOK I7' UP. the pump for it pail of waiter, the
Mr. Eggleston gives his condors other day, she slipped. and fell, a
good advice in tolling them to look in,.,phorllimb! a liar alio o pencil could not
up the locatiou of all places of which be located our tomo 111110, but it, was
they rea 1 , and to test the occuruey finally extracted.
of all statements that 11Ve1v0 (101011• The other day .8 Colliugwood
lotions. Such a, pra0tiee bonds to fisherman named Wm. Hamilton,
cultivate the habit of exactness, aunt caught a salmon front will two
will give to reacting =oh addition- heads, the fish ;vas a fine, healthy
al enjoyment. In hie book, "The speo{lnen of tho trout tribe., weigh -
big brother," he says : iog betweeu iifteeu and twenty
"It will not hart you, boye and pounds, mud both heady were thor•
girls, to learu a little accurate gee- oughly developed, one being eitu-
graphy, by looking up these place( ated right above the other,
before going on with tho story ; and The Greenback correspondent of
1f I were your schoolmaster instead the Whitby Chronicle says : A. re -
of your storyteller, I should stop markable ease of absent mindeduoss
ben to advise you always to loofa occurred in ono of the Churches hero
on the malt for every town, river, a week ago. A young man who had
lake, inouutaiu, or other geographic- not scow it weep of married life
cal thing mentioned in any boot: or brought his bride to church, and
paper your rend. while she etoppod in the lobby to
"I would advise you, too, if were speak to some frieuds he wanted to
your eohoellnaeters, to atddup all a stet' aid then thinking of hiswife
the figures given in books and news- bad to go out again 'and show her
papers, ,to see if the writers have •
made any 'F�istakes ; and it is a 1u. Not long ago 0 fauns: had his
good ;plain, too, to go at once to the dog assessed and afterwards paid a
dictionary when you moot a word lax 0u him. The dog got amongts
you -do -not quite com rehond, or the
n.oryolodaea do history, or what-
his owners sheep one night and
av001 0180 is handy, whenever you Billed some of them. The man res.
read about anything and world like anes to himself thus t I paid right
to ilinow more about it." tax a tlo1 hg e
1 haus a 801D0
to keep him. If }101 ]lad Milled some
Gres,"► of Thought. other loan's sheep the 'county would
have paid for them. He killed mine;
Stoicism throve because, like why shouldn't tho county pay me ?
tOhristiauity, it is a philosophy of So reasoning, ho went out end shot
sufferintr ; it full, because, unlike the dog and then presented the bill
to tho commissioners. A eomprtan-
ise was affected: .
In the Fortnightly Review for
January Sir Charles Mike contin-
ues his criticism of tho British
Army. Ho examines the Canadian
militia severely, and ooidemus the
false economy which he holds is
practised i'•. Ganda, He admits
that in 111 Riel revolt the Canadian
troops satisfied one of the severest
Leets. The system, ho says, is in-
finitely better au point of organisa-
tion than that of 1110 mother coun-
try, but the English vice of cutting
down necessaries to please false
economists is visible 111 the 001Uny
as at home. He says that lilt( our-
selves the Canadians pray for what is
not efficient for war. Ho is very
Holiday, Nov. 7th, 18S7.
Blackstuithing done in all its
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Money to Loan.
!Toney to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty, at
"Hal," cried air. Scriggles, as he Christianity, it is a philosophy of
limped otit of bed, "beautiful day 1 doopair.
beautiful ; and indeed, Christmas. Indeed, if there had been any
Mrs. Scriggles isn't awake yet eith- 'better thing and more profitable to
er. I'll get ahead of her' this time. man's salvation than suffering, sure -
Merry Ohristulas—" ly' Christ would have showed it by
' "Scrigglc'T has the servant girl work and example.—Thomas Kemp.
got that fire started yet ?" is.
"1 dont know, dear I was just An enlightened conscience is the
going detail to see about It. Merry true vicar of God in the soul, a
Christ— • prophet in its information, a mon-
"Scriggles, I would like to have atoll in its per"emptorionsnees, and
live dollars to live to the -church. .a priest in its blessings or auathem-
Have you got any money loft from as, according as we obey or disehey
last night 2" it.—J. Newman.
"Certainly. I ]rept $25 exclusive- There in no happier life than that
ly for Christmas< I'll leave the of winning eoule to Chriet ; 10001
live in the dressing 0886 for you. what is inefably graud in. such IL
Re skipped gaily down stairs just life is the fact that all Chriatittne,
in limo to meet the new upstairs without 'respect of person or of
girl. place, may participate in tate price• doubtful whotl)es any cousidorable
"Good amenia' Mather Scriggles less pleasure. proportion of the ordain could be
eery Christmas and Christmas And sure m 1 that itis bettor to mobilized to resist all Amerman at.
1 bo sick, providing Christ Conies to tack. ll.o is quite (00110in no use
"Certainly, Bridget, Here's a I the bedside, and draws by the cur-, could be made of them in general
couple of dollars for yon." talo and says, "Courage 1 I ata Illy cervico principally because there aro
The coal( Was just etatergiug from salt/anon,' torah to be lusty and not arms enough Jk,umlaud iu it
1110 kitchen wheel he arrived at the i strong, and never bo visited by serious war would want mere than
door, 1 Chris1.•-11utbert'ord, she has at home.
Brussels, Ont.
E3lacksmithing in all
Lines. will give
1 G
:81 IT I2:T:lfl
Horse shoeing a speci-
A (tall solicited.
W, T. Hunter, Ttveer.ts, Yarns,
Proprietor. 1.3-lamket,s, Ran:riots,
Undei'Clothilt 0 for the the next 31) drys.
wh. arobai0 or whose hair is thla, or gray
or are troubled Waith dandruff,
Having seemed the agency for Iiuchaniil.
d Noely's Patent Reversible
Hay Elevators and Carriers,
Tho Most Complete ylannfaotnl'ed in
Canada, is prepared to snit the.public
in this 'natter. Also Agent for
the John Abell.
Steam Engines and Boilers,
Portable and Stationery.
1 Cali Solicited. Satiajaction. Guaranteed.
Vit . El. Oloakey.
20-4m AGENT.
Dr. Do rttit.wcta►Q'ta
is the groateot ton lo for strengthening the
growth o1 aha hair 0 0B dlsoovorod. It stops
all falling out of the hair, removes all traces
of dandra1f, restores gray hair to its original
color mud in oases of baldness, where the
routs aro not destroyed, it will produce a
lurnrtaut crop of hair.
Tako warning it your hair is in a feeble �•�•T t '1
state got n bottle at once before Iiia too late. \.�"!,Y ®('1i eri t\,/Li11
Dr,Dorenwond'e "Hair Magi e,"10 on Salo at \\!! if' S..�111 KJ -L! 11111
allprincipal Drug Stores. deklor it wad take
nothing oleo.
G. A. DoAp3,AN A\11 .7. llLeeiticAYna tri Co.,
A41:STS Fon B8008lsl.s.
A. Doren 080050103rannfaeturer,Toronto
("anode,. A. Dorenwend keeps rho lrrgestAt'O.�'�'.i?a `Yi '
flairfto0dsestablisbfuent an Canada. A��e�' •�" ��l
Special Drives
in Knitted Goods.
To Secure the
Big neclUctio2s
you Must bring the
Try the Brussels
Motley to
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty, at
6 d 61- Per Cent. Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege
of repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Cour( Clerk, Brussels.
---- FOR—
For the neat 110 days we will sell the
following flret-class Plows, all guaranteed
to give satisfaction, with
The Hill Plow, worth 1110:00 at 012,00
No. 18 Thistle Critter Plow 816.00 at012.00
No.18 „ aLhO0 at 00.00
First.alass Lumber Wagon rand 3 Set
Knee Bob -sleighs to exchange ler wood or
We hate on Band the renewing :--
Mi 1,$.
r Points Lor ail 1'lewe kept cou-
1011tiy on fraud.
Repairs of all binds promptly attended
to e4 Low08l: Puma.
A, quentity of hrst.class Hardwood
Sneering ou hand, wolf seasoned.
Planing, Matching and Beni Sawing
in final class style at rho
R I100SB,,1 r'01{10111'.
/. .
We have gained a great iellutation for the elegant fits anti finis]a,.
but especially for the Low Pi's es at which we take orders. All
our work is clone on our own pi<mises and cannot be excelled in
value by any dealer, and certainly not equalled in the village of
Brussels. We have an
Immuse Stock oi
� I ST:3 .F.50N
in Meltons, Worsteds, Diagonals, Corkscrews, West of England,
Scotch and Trish Tweeds, and an enormous variety of
the best Canadian makes. -
PRICES rangeu10d001 t10o f2a r1l4y, g1ooGdy 'rud
$18, $19 anis $20.
We use are strictly First -Class, ancl. the Workmanship the herb.
Some special lines of
willed) we intend Selling Off. at 1Vo i1n'latoun B;sua;tnss.
s Bros.,
.D1;;t'SSlr;LS, 0105 TARIO.