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JAN, 0, 1868,
The Annual Meeting of the `east Huron Farmers' Institute will be held in the
on Friday and Saturday, Jan. 13th & 14th, commencing at 10 o'clock a.m. The following Program will
be presented;
PRIDAY, 10 to 12 o'clock, Election of Officers and preliminary work In the afternoon, address by th e
President ; paper on "Breeding and Raising Sheep,' by D. Robertson ; "Science in Cattle feeding,"
by Prof. Panton ; "Breeding, raising and educating the driving horse," by Uriah McFadden.
AN 0 PEN M E ETI NG will be held in the Evening, commencing at 7:30, when Prof. Panton will de-
liver an address on "Education as a source of pleasure and profit to the Farmer." Musical and
Literary Selections will also be given,
SATURDAY, Institute will open at 10 o'clock. The first paper will be "Rotation of crops and prepar-
P tion of land for different crops in the rotation," by Simpson Rennie, a prominent agricultural-
ist and seedsman, of Toronto; "The breeding and raising of Heavy Draught Horses as a source
of profit to the farmer," by John McMillan, M. P. ; 'Raising mangolds,' by W. H. McCracken ;
`Draining,' by S. Rennie.
and a Large Attendance is Requested.
'WS- eiL"`rarnm+• rr,7eost€C:Gd! Se.✓11mT3's71okro•"'..ifA<oN,:} orzon .soot'^•':nsracir.IIZe,'0t
istritt :crus.
Oran 1.1rook',
:Mise Maggie McDonald, is Immo visit-
ing friends this wook.
School opened on Tuesday, John 11.10-
fntosh presiding as teaoher.
Minn Rills Hunter, of Brussels, event
a few days in town this week.
Missionary sermons will bo preaobea
in the Methodist churoh next Sabbath by
Rev. J. Ferguson, of Atwood. Mission-
ary mooting will be held on Tuesday
evening, 10th inst., deputation Messrs.
Ferguson and Dyke, of Henfryn,
Chas. Dames hoe porohased Hiram
White's saw mill mill and moved it into
town. We understand Mr. Dames will
have it in ruuning order shortly and no
doubt parties wanting sawing done will
be accommodated on shortest notice.
McDonald Pros, saw mill is now runs.
niug in fun blast,
Rev. S. Jones, of Brussels, Will preaoh
in the Presbyterian church hero next
Walton public soloul opened on Tues-
day with Miss $then as Prineipal and
Miss McDougall as assistant,
M. A. Morrison has gond to Ashfield
township whore ho will instruct the young
idea how to shoot. We wish him ane.
The annual meeting of the Walton
nbeote factory will bo hold in Behaves'
Ihall, on Tuesday, 17th not., oometeno.
ing at 1 o'clook.
i'he young man Wm. McDougall, Dame
tip for trial last week before Judge Tome
on the charge of arson. A fow wibnesses
wore examined when the hearing was
adjourned until Wednesday of next week
so as to admit of an examination of the
prisoner by a medical plan as to his
sonndnoss of mind.
L. 0. L.—The election of officers for
L. 0, L. No. 252, took place last Friday
evening. after the usual routino of bus`.
nese. They aro as follows :—W. M.,
Bro. H, Hamilton, (p:e.elootecl) ; D. W.
M., Bro. Edward Damon : chaplain,
Bro. M. Morrison ; Treas., Bro. J. Booty;
R. S., Bro. A. Morrison ; F. S., Bro. L.
W. McCrea ; Senior Committee, Bros,.
W. M. Smith, 11. H. Ferguson, It. Con:
nor, Rioh. Mills and Wm. Dennison;
auditors Jas. Stretton d M. Morrison.
Tho meman
members for District, County and
Provincial Grand Lodge aro, M. Ittorri.
son, Jas. Fulton, R. 11. Fsrgueou, John
Oakley and Henry Hamilton. This
Lodge expended $$104 in charity and int.
provements during the past year.
Now YEAR'S 'TEA MEETING. Tho tenni
al tea meeting of tho 1lfothodist churoh
was held last Monday evening, Oivind
to the inclemency of the weather the at-
tendance was not large. After the usual
good tea John Scarlet was voted to the
chair end the following interesting pro-
gram was given :—liecitation from Miss
Kato MaKtbbon ; reading by D. John.
sten ; roaclhig by Miss Rolle. Me I Cbbin ;
reeitation by hies Kate Johnston ; road.
ing by Miss ilillen ; reading by Mrs.
Nrinl ; reading by Mr. Dorranoe, of Lend-
Miry ; excellonb addre'osee by Rev. 1•'.
13nlJtuitvne, hi, .1. and Ilea, `IV. Tor, c ,
Choice selections of music were rendered
by the choir of the Methodist church,
Seaforth, The nonan votes of thanks
wore given and this very successful gath-
ering bought to a close. Proceeds, 448,
to be applied on parsonage account.
'1'm. M,:r.wma.—Tho annual toe meeting
of Duff's churoh was hold on Thursday
evening, Deo. 22ud. Tho night was
stormy but notwithstanding tho indent.
oncy of the weather long before the hour
of commencement the building wan well
filled. At seven o'olook order was called
and soon could be heard sweet strains of
music, "Come over the sea," by choir,
after which refreshments were served.
Not truly wan there an abundauoo of good
things provided bub a superabundance
for after even the most epicurean had
been satisfied a bountiful supply still re-
mained. At 8 o'clock the chair was
taken by Rev. Mr. Ballantyne and the
following interesting program was given,
which added very mull ft the delight
and amusement of the waiting audience:
—Music, "Guide me 0 1 thou great Jo.
hovah," by diol`! ; brief romarke by
chairman ; solo, "dot ashamed of Christ,
by Miss L. O'Connor, of Brussels ; hum.
Orous reading, by Mr. Smillie ; singing,
"As the heart panteth, " by choir ; ad-
drese by Rsv. ?Jr. Tully, of Mitchell, on
"Queer People. His remarks were inter-
esting, amusing and edifying, and cash
one 01 us felt he must surely moon some
other person than us, as there couldn't
possibly be anything queer about our.
selves ; solo, "Alone," by Miss L. O'Con-
nor ; address by Bev. Mr. Ross, of Brus-
sels. It was an eloquent oration and
fitted in very nicely with the previous
speaker's remarks. Music, "Gates of
Heaven," by choir. After a few remarks
by chairman and singing "Safe <tt home"
by rho ohoir a pleasant evening's enter.
tainmont was Closed with prayer by Mr.
Tully. The amount realized was $54.
Miss O'Connor, of Brussels, prssicled ist
the organ.
[Nola.—The above was intended for
last tveeld bat was delayed on amount of
the storm.]
Min Addis Mooney has gone on it visit
to ]Detroit, and will likely bo away a
month Or so, We wish her a pleasant
G. G. Hood has been appointed to take
Omega of the singing in the Methodist
»llurah Sunshine bythe pastor,Rev.
Mr, Tonge.
I. Rogerson and family have removed
to Blyth where they intend making their
future home. We wish them many.
years of happiness.
Josmph Stubbs and Garner MO1101oon
aro malting preparations for the emotion
of a brick residence each next Spring.
They promise to be something good.
Hem the published statement of the
Bolgrave choose factory we loam that rho
receipts for the ,past year amounted to
$0716.00, and the expenditure 40621.88.
$250.61 was paid on the debt of the fan
tory. 041,240 pounds of milk wore sant
to rho faotory, front which 86,204 pounds
of ohoeso was mannfnetured. founds of
mills to ono pound cheese, June 11.0, July
11.5, August 11.20, September and October
0932. The old Board of I>ireators WW1 re.
°looted for the owning year,
The old horse loft at Garner NichoI-
sows the time some thief stole ono of Mr.
N's has boon claimed by a man front
near Gerrie, He said the old nag was
stolen from him,
Robt. Sample has leased his 50 caro
farm on the 3rd lino to Rich. Armstrong
for a term of seven years. Mr. Sample
will continuo to reside on; the salve lot.
Mr. Armstrong has now 250 acres under
his control.
J. E. Robertson, of Bonmiller, was
visiting friends in this locality last week.
Canadian life is agreeing well with him
judging from appearances and he is
greatly pleased with the land of his
At the debating soniety in Anderson's
school house, on Tuesday evening, de-
cision was given in favor of the negative
in the debate "Which has the greater in-
fluence on mankind, the fear of punish.
ment or hope of reward?" On the af-
firmative were dna. Bowman, Jas. Aitkins,
Allan H. Cochrane and Andrew Sample.
For the negative Quintin Anderson, Ina.
Bowman, Win. Ooohrane and Malcolm
Black spoke. Readings were given by
Jno. Bowman, Tom. Strachan, Wm.
Bowman, Malcolm Black, Jas. Bowman
and Miss joannaIreland. The chairman
was Joel H. Sellars,
Dn.u, POST.—Well wo havo got settled
down and oommenoed the New Year.
School has started again in our school
Irene and alt seems to be quiet again af-
ter the electton: We feel very sorry to
lose William Dulmage from our neigh-
borhood. He was a kind neighbor, honest
and upright in his dealings and we will
mise him very much. We wish bite
every success in his now business. He
is opening ontits general merchant this
week in James Timmins' old stand,
Bluevale.—Mrs. Simeon Minket is fast
failing away with that fatal disease con-
sumption. Wu will miss her very much
for she is a good neighbor and a kind
friend.—Peter Hill has .gone back to his
home in Manitoba.—Tito school meeting
was held in our school house last Wed-
nesday.'Everything passed off very
quietly at the meeting. 1 was not pres-
ent to see or hear the doings but I hoard
about it. PoLr,a•.
Puoo:orION 1]x,tuln.trioo,—This follow-
ing is the ceeult of the promotion exami-
nation in S. S. No. 8, Morrie :-1st class
to 2nd altos examined in spoiling, read -
in arithmstfo writingand Englisch -
1' h—
Ps;1lI marks 175, pass 0 --Martha 1Boa.
mum, 145 ; Henry tlathors, 188 ; Maggie
Casemore, 132 ; Mary Forrand, 1203 ;
Milvert Sellers, 110 ; *Ed, Palmer, 023/4 ;
*Tom. A.shton, 1103 ; *Wm. Knox, 110 ;
*FrankRubledge, 101, 2nd oleos to 3111-
E01 marks 405, pass 250-800ky gathers,
408 ; Jona Bosnian, 302 ; *Lily Glarniss,
837 ; *A. Mothers, 1112 ; *M. Errington,
085. 3rd elms to sr. Bol Fall narks 4115,
pass 350-1T. Seniors, 426 ; L. Budd, 301..
Sr. find to jr. 4tt Fu11 marks 060, pass
830—E. Jackson 507; J.1lrrington, 4.18;
*M, Maxwell, 4111. dr. 4th t0 se. 4th_
Boll archils 0110, pass 400 --Martha Fras-
er, 555; Anna 13udd, 11211 , Lama, Bos.
man, 400. Those masked thus * have
made tihe aggregate number of marks but
failed to obtain the necessary marks to
ono subject, and are therefore yet, on trial.
1' 11 au rx:t, 'Poacher.
A- moos:N---11. It. Elliott, of the 7811
concession, while hewing timber for the
barn of C. Howlett, got n pine splinter
run into his hand and has now a very
sore hand. We aro pleased to hear that
the wound is doing weh1, but it will be
some limo before he will be able to use it
SPENDING Tnn,n Hoo mATs.—James Me-
Arter anal James Clennan, students of
Seaforth High School, ban been spend-
ing their Christmas holidays at their
hernias in Morris and will commence work
again next week. They intend to write
for certificates at tho July examinations.
May success orown their efforts.
Titeao'.13omo Sxocx.—J. Bowman, 3rd
line, has puro1 ased the splendid thoro'.
bred Durham bull, "Vedder," from a well
known stock raiser and will keep him for
the improvement of stock. "Vedder"
took 1st prize at the Last Huron Fall
Show in 1887 and is a very fine animal.
He is registered in the now Canadian
Herd Book. This is the way to raise the
standard of our horned stock.
DEBATE.—At the debate hell in Barrio's
schoolhouse last Wednesday evening, be.
tween the Sooieby of that section and the
club from Shine's school house, Grey, a
very enjoyable time was spout. The
question of debate was "Resolved that a
Republican form of Government is pro.
ferable to Monarchical," For the affirm-
ative W. Brydon, assisted by Thos. llob.
ertson itnd Councillor Mooney addressed
the gathering, good 'speeches being made.
On the negative D. Robertson, Wm,
Perris and Jno, Bain spoke and stuck to
their points well. Adam Good, of Buts.
Bois, was voted to the chair, in the absence
of the invited chairman, and filled it most
acceptably. Decision was given for the
alinmativs after the arguments were
summed up. Both sides did well. The
usual votes of thanks were passed. The
meeting olossd with three cheers for the
Queen. Another debate will be held in
Shine's school hope between these two
Societies on the subject "Resolved that
the Imperial Parliament was jusfified in
passing the Crimes' 13111 for Ireland,"
Onix -Cin r,—Wedding bells have rung
and the bells have rung the old year oat
and the new year in and still the bolls
aro ringing,—Sleighing still continues. --
Mrs, Ard, of oar lot limo, ons married
on Wednesday evening, by Rev. J. S.
Count, 131uevale. to Mr. Hughes, of B lino,
Turnberry. With all their Wanda 1 bog
leave to joie in a hearty Y
71813 for their
future happiness.—On Monday teams
were going in. every direction and things
worn lively. It was election clay and
Pa said bosses going to tho poll. I went
too, but 1 could see no polo. Now, i4Ir.
POST, 1 tvlil jest tell yon and lot yon toll
all the folks what a deceptive thing this
municipal system Is, We wenb along tho
road till the came to an Olen tumble down
shanty with S. 13. No. --- in soriggilly
scraggily letters on tho outside over rho
holo called the door. It sooms very
strange tinct people can't bnildl docent
school houses. 'There 3500 some good
ones, but some a good cow stable is
far bettor. Blit in we wont rood what
think you I sew Otero 0 Why, nothing
but a, few hard looking citizens, who
ae0010d to bo watching a box, as if they
wore misers anal had thou pilo in it. l
sate Pa pat hie bit of papor in the box
but could 801,110 polo. 1 esppose it 1111191
havo been in tho box but it ryas not very
big, but what they want to tell innocent
people that it is a poll I can't well make
out. Poll or no poll, however, Morris
elected Messers. Calbeok, Kirkby and Proe•
tor as Councilmen for 1888, --lie sure
and write Jan., 1888, ovor your letters.—
School in rump sections opened on Tues.
day of this week. Yours trnly, BELL.
JAcon's Loom—The Sunday School
entertainment in the Sunshine church
was a great emcees, probably tho best
over held. Rev. A. W. Tonga, pastor,
occupied the chair and gave a neat ad.
dress. The program consisted of singing
by the children of the school, led by G.
G. Hood, superintendent, Miss Annie
Clark presiding at tho organ ; 0.13. Har-
lin and family, with Miss Gerry as ac-
companist ; and quartettes by Misses
Hood, Co nory and Robb. Agnew and A.
Hood, hiss 'Thynne playing the acoom-
panimeuts ; short addresses by David
Hogg and Joesph Clegg, teachers; reel.
rations and a reading by the children.
Tho program was ntip-top ono and rich.
ly enjoyed by all present. Instead of the
old fasluoned Xmas tree m Jacob's Ladder
was arranged on which the presents were
placed. About 1118 was realized from the
enterbsiumont after all expanses were
paid. Tho Sunshine Sabbath Soltonl is
in a prosperous condition.
A ten mooting will bo held in Roo's
church on Thursday evening, 12tH inst.
The recent snow storm has blocked the
roads badly in many places, especially
those running north and south.
In the item referring to the pimenta.
tion to Jolla McIntosh his terra of teach-
ing in S. S. No, 1 should have rend ova
five years instead of three.
W. E. Frayne, of Detroit, was visiting
his relatives and frionds of this section
last week. Ile returned to the 0i8y of thio
straits on Monday of this weep.
A debate will take place in Shine's
eobool house on Tuesday evening, 10tH
inst., having for discussion the subject,
"Resolved that Commercial Union would
be beneficial to Canada."
Alonzo Prgyne, who has boon in the
west for some months, was home for a
fewweoks. Re will be through with Iris
job in the course of a month or so and
will then return to this township.
Ort the l6tH of December, at Moose
Mountains,W. Z.
N.Wilson, of
, C. H. W 1
n a ed to i iso Maggie,
Winnipeg, wag t 1 VI M gg e,
youngest daughter of Wtn, Warner, a
former resident of the 12th con. Their
friends lore wish them proeponiby.
On Taosday ,5ftornoou Frank Oliver
met with n peculiar accident. He had
felled a tree which fell on a thorn bush
and in chopping the letter his loft hand
was pierced through with a thorn. Mr.
OlivOr has boon laid up f_11' sun, time
with the accident.
'.Cho boy councillor polled a big vote
last Monday, re:tolting tho vett' creditable
tigero of 1336- A largo number of the
oloctors 01101 not go to rho polls as tile
Reoveship and 1st Deputy .lweeveehij1 had
boon settled by acclamation mud th., tn.
Wrest thus considerably lessened.
Misslossit McIntosh, doughttas of Moo,.
Donald McIntosh, UM con., dial iii, bl143
teside1011GfMrs, ttlark,in ilr3,,, 0.
tine lay la 11. Sh + miff r: 1 t r ;, l ri;;
time with cancer in tho breast. The re-
mains worn interred in Cranbrook seine.
tory on Tuesday last, Rev. D. 11. MoRae
taking charge of the service.
NABS McGregor, who has bei 11 laboring
as a missionary In Iudia fur a number of
years, is on a visit to her nuns, ilio. Mc-
Kay, 8th oon. Miss McGreg a s former
home ons Galt.
A jolly time was put iD, last `t'edries-
dmv evening by the young folko of this
locality at the residence of Robt. Moffatt.
The evonme was whiled away in singing,
dancing, Ito., and a big time was enjoy-
ed. The young folks have a Literary So.
piety on this line now.
DsceAsno.—Last Saturday evening
Richard Spading. 10th con., passed away
to his reward at the advanced age of 75
years. His death was very unexpected
to this community as he hard been about
as usual shortly before his decease. The
cause of his demise was said to be n heart
trouble. Mr. Sperling was a thorough
going Irish Methodist and had saved the
Church faithfully for many long years,
being especially useful as a local preach-
er and class leader when the itinerant
preacher was only an occasional visitor.
His name was on the membership ro1L.
for ovor 00 years. The funeral took place
on Tuesday, Rev. J. H. Dyke and Rev.
R. Paul conducting the service.
Exaomsrmx.—An examination of pu-
pils of S.S. No. 10 was held on Thurs.
day. Dec. 22nd. The examination began
at 11 o'clock and lasted until 2:30, a short
time being spent at •noon in examining
the contents of rho baskets brought by
the ladies of the section. This part of
the day's proceedings proved very testis,
factory, all seeming well pleased with it,
and also with the manner in which the
pupils acquitted themselves. The pupils
wore subjooted to severe test and ohoty-
ed by their quick and ready answors
that they load been well taught aid that
their to:toiler, A. Andcreon, had spared
no pains in promoting the progress of
his pupils, Mr. Anderson, during his
stay of one year in this sohool, has prov-
ed himself a very efficient teacher, as
shown by the standing of his pupils at
the onteanoe examination in Juiy, and at*
this examination, which brought out the
largest number of visitors seen at an ex-
ammatiou in No. 10 for gool many
years. A good progratu of readings,i;eb-
itations, dialogues and song` was carried
through, which were very plcasing,'os-
peoially the singing of the Misses Cook.
dpeeohes were delivered by several of the
visitors and trustees, all expressing
themselves as well pleased with the con-
dition of the school and regretting the
departure of the teaoltorwho takes charge
of the school in No. 0, Morris, for 1858.
V issi oio
Kincanalinovotod a 030,000 bonus totho
Kincardine a. Teeswatur Railway on Mon-
day by 222 to 4. `
Donald comm, or the 01111 11111r, lil'``t,
was hooked in the eye by 0 VMS'. The
optio was torn front its sook.,t.
Mrs. Roberts, of 1;aliney, 3.05 shut
thnsugh the twist by for husband, who
wag examining a'revolvor on Wtdnosday.',..
itis believed the,bL'iouteuaat.Govornbr
lhnvdnby wilt 'Iv moo, to Oho Sonatp RE
NOGG as 1115 (ar313 of Milos expires. as n
ropl'os.:+tstat. o1li1•:V 3rshw,=trC.:root..