HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-1-6, Page 44 (-11Vall•MtiStrl 311. Local -.Adam Gond. peal --Win. Roddick. NOW 811011 Store --.1. Downing. Bnll for Service—J. Bowman. 42 years --John Dougall R Son, Farmers' Institute - U. McFadden._ to whom it nnay Concern--Themes Moore. Orov Branch Agricultural Society --D. Stewart. itet''ted t., 1>.u,:els Hobert Arun "Aroma East lluron Agricttltnrel Society- D. Stewart, Caretaker wanted --J. R. Smith or Dr. Graham. ( �c rosstts 11o5 -t, 1 I II,i Y. ,r, i v. 6, 1888. TUE Ottawa Free frees says, in speak- ing of the assaults on coustables in serv- ing summons' in Scott act cases: -- These assaults show a very serious state of things, No matter whether the Canada Temperance Act be wise or un- wise, whenever the majority of the elec. tors decide in favor of it, it becomes ]sty, and therefore should be duly respected by all good citizens. These constables, it should be remembered, are in no way informers, but simply men appointed by the authorities to carry out certain duties, often very disagreeable ones and while in the discharge of those duties, or on Re- count of them, should suffer no injury at the hands of any matt. Not only so, but the opponents of the Scott Act will do their own side of the case an injury by countenancing such proceedings. Civil- ization has advanced too far and public thought is too enlightened to endure a trade which needs violence and bloodsbed to support it. Ten appointment of Lord Stanley of Preston, a younger brother of the Earl of Derby, as Governor General of Canada indicates a new departure in the policy of the British government with respect to that important office. Hitherto the gentlemen selected to represent the sov- ereign in Canada have as a rule been British statesmen of the first sank, but now the office is to be bestowed upon one who bas never occupied a prominent position in the letters, polities or military affairs of the mothercountry. But when Mr. Chamberlain plainly tells the Can. adieus that they can sever their con- nection with the British empire as soon as they like, it is not surprising that his allies in the Salisbury government should think anybody good enough to fill the office of Governor General of the Dom- inion. There is one thing to be said in Lord Stanley's favor, He is an amcom- promising opponent of the proposal to re-enact the corn laws and tax the bread of the toiling masses of the United King- dom for the purpose of increasing the rent rolls of a few landlords. Tan casualties of the past year seem to have outnumbered those of any of its predecessor, and also to have exceeded those of former years iu their destructive character. Both on laud and sea the dis- asters have seemed to be exceptionally awful. The railroad disasters at Tiffin, O., in January; at Woodstock, Vt., in February; at Forest Hill, mass., in March ; tot St. Tomas, Ont., and at Hob- oken, N. J., in July ; at Chatsworth, in August; at Kautz, Ind., in October, and near Meadville, Pa., on Saturday, cost an aggregate of over 250 lives, besides more than double that number injured and maimed. Burning buildings and panics cost the lives of 15 persons in London in January, of 260 in a barging Temple in China in icfareh, and of 15 in the Richmond hotel fire at Buffalo in the same month. In April, 40 were killed by the falling in of a church in Sicily. In May the burning of the Opera Comi- �; que in Paris oost 125 lives. In Septemb- er a similar disaster at Exeter, England, Dost 140 lives. Volcanoes, earthquakes and mining explosions count their vic- tims by hundreds. Disasters to vessels on the ocean and lakes increase the cas- ualties to thousands. The terrific flood in China alone- swept away thousands of lives, while cyclones and landslides tom• plebe a reoord whose sadness is rarely equalled. Some of these were manifest- ly beyond human precaution to avert, but too many were the results of heed - liminess little, if any, short of criminal. The disregard of the value of human life, both from criminal and accidental as. peers, is something shocking, and noth. Ing brings it so vividly to mind as the re- view of the history of a Bingle year, which, in comparison with other years, seems to indicate progression in heed. leesuass and crime, rather than improve. merit in regard for human life, -Ex. .* ,.twood. Rev. 12 Paul, of Brands, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church, in the absence of the pastor, last Sabbath. There hog been a revolution in town- ebip affairs this election, only two of the five old men here being elected. The contest was a keen one, especially for the Reeveghip between Mr. linox (Reeve for '87) and Mr, Oleland, and resulted in favor of the latter. Tho other members are 1st Deputy Reeve, Mr, Lochead 2nd Deputy Reeve, Mr. Coulter ; Conn_ Bray and Bothwell. :.istow cif . On the avoning of Friday preceding Christmas Day, a large number of the members of Christ choral', .Listowel vis. Rod the parsonage and ptesentetd the Rev. Mr, Turnbull with a puree contain- ing the slim of $106. At the Xmas tree festival nn itIcnday, 20th Met- Mite. Tura - bull w•ae presented with a silver butter cooler and a very handsc,ntncase of ivory handled silver tuivee and forks, the gift of her Bible Claes and a few friends. She was also presented with a large photo• graph of the olase in group, beautifully framed—the gift of D. Barber, Lis. towel --which, with other numerous gifts, bespeak the affection and esteem in which eke is held. -OV ill Erin, nit • Mayor Irtttlts was re-elected lash Mott• day for a second term of t'iiice; 1•'rtutk Dougall, who has bo'o'n running on the mail train between London and Wiugbam, has been transferred to the British Columbia service. It is said that Robert Elliott, Otto of the Listowel Banner, high Chief Ranger of the Canadian Order of Foresters, has purchased the Tiniest. Mr. Munn, a journalist of some experience, from In. gersoll, is to be manager. M a large and influential meeting of the ratepayers, held at Teeswater the other evening, it wile tumultuously decid- ed to make an endeavor to get to branch of the Grand Trttnk Railway there, either from Wingham or Mildmay. Ytil el. Henry Keys had his leg broken last Wednesday, by a kick from one of his horses. The limb was set and the pat. lent is doing nicely, The people in this locality are very well satisfied with the result of the innu- icipal el: _tion, The Council for 1888, we think, is a very good one. PARTY.—Ott Monday evening, the 2nd inst., a very enjoyable time was spent at the residence of J. M. Davies. The young folks and old folks too, enjoyed themselves to their heart's content, and it was not until drawing near the ''stns hours" that the party broke up. Mr. and Mre. Davies always makes everyone feel at home. A sleigh load of young people from Brussels made a visit to bhe residence of David Milne, of this place, on Monday evening. They report a most enjoyable time and vole Mr. and Mrs. Milne unsur- passable as host and hostess. To tell you a secret it was the girls got ap the load and invited the boys to enjoy the drive and visit. Leap year has its ad- vantages after all, from a masculine standpoint. RECEPTION 1'A°Tr.—About forty invited guests assembled at the residence of John Cober, on Wednesday evening, the 28th alt to welcome home Ephraim, the junior partner of the firm, who was expected to arrive from Belmore with his bride. The party sat down to a bountiful repast, and •did ample justice to the many good things under which the table groaned. The groom arrived with his bride, about 8 o'clock, having driven a distance of twenty-two miles through the storm. They were none the worse of the drive, however, and were quite ready to join in the amusements of the evening. The company enjoyed themselves splendidly, and it wee not until 12 o'clock that they thought of dispersing. Before doing so very neat addresses were made by Reeds. R. Paul and J. T. Legear, to the happy couple. Berices.—Bertin Hatch, of Woodstock, and Mrs. Hawk, Harley, are visiting at J. M. Davies.—Mrs, Hemsworth and family., of Listowel, are visiting at John Nekntie''s.—Alex. Cameron and family are visiting friends at Bluevale.—Jamas Dobson and family, and alias Nichol, of Bullet, tore visiting at Lawrence Dob son's.—Miss Christina Elliot has gone to Stratford on a visit.—Geo. McAllister, of Moseborough, is visiting his brother, H. F. ielcAllister.—Geo. Dobson, who has been teaching near Stayner, for the past year, was home spending his holidays. He is re.engaged in the same school for this your.—Ephraim Panabakor and wife, of Hespeler, spent New Year's with A. W. Panabaker,—Rev. J. T. Legear and Mrs. Legear arevisitingin Goderioh. —Miss Mary McDonald, of Ripley, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. A. Young.— Mrs. T. P. Simpson has gone to Allen - ford for a two week's visit.—Miss Maggie Keys is visiting friends in Toronto.— Mrs. Cameron and children from Cali- fornia, and Eph. Wanner, of Hespeler, are visiting their brother, Henry Wan- ner.—Walter Milne, formerly one of the Ethel boys, is visiting here, Htatemins—On Thursday, the 20th ult., Bennet Dobson and Miss Sarah Maunders, eldest daughter of Thomas Manders, were happily uniteij in mar- riage by Rev. J. T. Logear, in the pres- ence of a large number of friends. Geo. Eckmier supported the groom, and Miss Lizzie Maunders, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. Owing to the severe storm quite a number of the invited guests were unable to be present. Several young gentlemen started with cutters for their fair partners, and were obliged to return without them, as they could not get through the snow drifts. The bride was the recipient of a large number of pres- ents, the following is a list of them ;— Hali dozen silver knives, Wm. Whalpton; half dozer silver forks, W. J. Sharp ; Ja. pan dish, Harvey Dobson ; half dozen silver spoons. Albert Locking ; nickel sil- ver clock, Geo. Dobson ; silver pickle dish and fork, Alfred Fogel ; silver nap- kin ring, Geo. Robertson ; individual silver cruet, Geo. Eokmier ; table cloth, Mrs. Wm. Patton ; lace curtains, Misses Adelaide and Albretta Milne; table cover, William, David and Eliza Tindall ; two pair linen towels, Miss Emma Nicholls ; ]calf dozen silver spoons, Mise Emily Holloway ; crystal cheese plate, Miss Lizzie Hall ; table cloth, Mr. St Mrs. Jas. Dobson ; half dozen silver spoons, Miss Lucy E, Spence ; half dozen knives and forks, Mies Bessie and Maggie Rays i sil- ver napkin ring, Wm. McLeod ; silver apoort holder, Alex. Robertson ; half doz- en silver *cons and butter knife, Louis and Andrew Eekmier ; cryetal cake stand, Mr. ce Mrs. J. Whelpton ; half dozen silver spoons, Joseph Hemsworth ; a large lamp, A. Lamont, LL V roxeoter. Eleatiott day was very quiet as all the Village Council were returned by accla- mation. Union services are being hold in ob- aervance of the week of prayer in the all. Went churches of the village. The debate on °Conpensatiot" came off on Thursday last at the Literary,So- cfoty's mooting and decision was mon against it. Service was resumed in the Methodist ohureh fast Sabbath evening, the pulpit being ocottpied by Rev. J. I1. Hazlewood, of Niagara Fans. The Christmas tree muter the auspices of the Preebytt roan Staultty wheel, held on T'lnu•stley night of letyt week, was to THE BRUSSELS POST .....411Zraom=learearrimareararleslierallearlaMBSOMINCROTZEMSEBENSITA very gratifying snecome, notwithstanding the exceeding inclemency of the evctttlter, AP interesting lecture on 1 i sign Mira shinswas delivered by ter 1. Cooper Robinson, in the Dimwit of England, on Friday evening last. itir. lt:,hlneen pur- poses going as it miesionary to Japan within a few months. A cotnversaziotte was held in the Moth- udist parsonage on Tnesday last. There were between 70 and 80 took tea after which an interesting program orae offered and the large company having semi an hoer or 00 longer it Kevin' eoever''ttiott dispersed. It Was 0 decided success. A Christmas tree entertainment was given in the hall on Wednesday of last week, under the auspices of the English ehuroh, which proved very interesting to all present, A similar entertainment was also given in the came plage on Thursday evening of the current week. ata Wm. Davidson, of Ridgetown, sae sold hie patent in the United States on res. onant tube ergine, for $3,500, to Clough ,e 11'arreu, Defier., It is said that the date for the opening of the Dominion Parliament has been postponed from Jan. 81st to Feb. 23rd owing to the turn which the fishery negotiations have taken since Chamberlain's arrival in Ottawa in favor of a satisfactory settlement to bout coun- tries. The information ie believed to be correct. .BEY BliA.NCEI Agricultural Society. The annual meeting of the Gray Branch Agricultural Sooiety will be held in the Tew'N Hata, Bnasstats, ON 'l'liUlf,SD;1Y, JANUARY 12211, 1SSS, at 1 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of re- ceiving and disposing of the Financial Report for 1887, electing a Board of Di- rectors for the current year and transact- ing any other business that may come before the meeting. D. STEWART, JAS. FERGUSON, Seca Treas. President, Returned to Brussels! ROBERT ARMSTRONG desires to state that he has again become a resident of Brussels and ie prepared to take Contracts for all kinds of Carpenter Work, such as House Building, Barn Framing, Mill Wrighting, &Cc. He will also make a Specialty of Mov- ing Buildings. Estimates Cheerfully Givers. Satisfaction Guaranteed. in every instance. I1013T. ARMSTONG. New Shoe Store. J. DOWNING, Formerly- of Goderich, wishes to inform the Public generally that he has opened out a Custom Boot & Shoe Store Opposite the American Hotel and is prepared to take Orders for all Iiintls of CUSTOM gV OTcvgi. None but First -Class Workmen Employed and a Perfect Pit Guaranteed. Repairing neatly done. GIVE ME A CALL. Downing. 42 YMA1 JS. Steadfastly for forty-two years the WEExry Wrrszss has held to principles which have stood the tests of time, ridi- mile, and of opposition, fair and unfair, and the WITNESS today speaks to sixty whore in 1846 it spoke to one. Its grow- th has been both rapid and steady. Its publishers, desirous of still further in- creasing its circulation, have this year gone to large expense to secure a repro- duction of Till. LATEST MAS'T'ER. PIECE of Davidson Knowles (who was selected by Queen Victoria to paint the seen° at Princess Beatrice's wedding), entitled Saber Little Children to Como lido Mo. It depicts the memorable scone with startling realism, reproduoieg in oils all the riolutese of OIILI2N t'tL COLQI8LNI5. The picture, executed by the greatest art firm in England, would bring $1,50 if sold, but is reserved exclusively for Sub- seribsrs to the Wentese. The price of the WEEKLY WITNESS and picture fs $1.25 ; the paper alone $1,00. In 1860 the DAILv WtrwltoO was launch• ed, and, like the Weekly, to advtoate the same principles regardless of poet. The picture "Suffer Little Children to Conte Unto Ole,' and the DAlnr Wisaess, $8,25 tt year ; the paper alone, $800.. The Nonrnvnx IllassMencit still contin- 1155 to be the favorite in the home circle and Sabbath school, and cotltmenoing with January first with new typo, liner paper and other improvements, will be More attinetivo than ever, Prizes of books (fro given to friends who canvaes for it. Aottnal subscription, 7300., with reductions to clubs. Sample copies of the different pnbli• cations mailed on application. Agents wanted in every town and village. JanN forest t tC Har, 1'ubGshers, Montreal. EAST IIURON Agricultural Society. Tho minted reeling of the hest Huron Agrioaltural Society will be held in the Tows Hatt„ Bnvesxts, nN wEDNl*iftt , JANUARY 18ili 1888, at 1 o'alouk pan., for the purpose of re. cttiviog and disposing of the Financial Report for 11:87, electing a Botta' of 1)i - rectors for the cur'r'ent y ter and trttnsaot- iug Any otltor business that may come before the meeting. D. STEliA1RT, D. McLAUC1ILIN, Sec..Treas. President. CANADA'S COMIC PALEN, J. W BENGOUGH, ARTISTattIEDITOR. t;•t•rD 1rttUtt \ $i a tear ; b l 000133son(!w. GRIP is increasing in influence and pupa• limy every year I It is a supreme house- hold favorite, while every Politician anti Professional and Business Mau onjoys the clever bits which appear in every Issue. Sub- scribe now See our Premium and Clubbing list, Cir. ciders giving fn11.,artionlars seat free. r 'Look out for Gmr's Conk ALMANAC for 1838. Price 10 cents Address, Grip Publishing Co,, TORONTO, ONT. c BE USSELS z1 ILL! Having lately made extensive improvements in our Mill we are now in a much better position than ever to attend to the Grist- ing Trade. CHOPPING DONE!! Chopping done in the best manner and at a reasonable price. FLOUR, GRAHAM FLOUR, CRA -CK. ED WHEAT AND FEED of all kinds ' kept constantly on hand and for sale at Moderate Prices. ep1p ay �1W�mrl.. BOSS. 1'•J+CV. L. VD' z'.+aY"•3 a".]ttt5S01 . Christmas Presents for Everybody. WATCHES, Waltham, Elgin and Hampden, with Gold, Silver, Gold filled and Silveriue Cases in Gent's and Ladies' sizes. A. fine assortment of best American CLOCKS, Gold Rings, Roll Plate and Gold Chains, Ladies' Broaches and Bar Pins, Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins, Bracelets, in fact all kinds of find JEWELLERY. Give me a call. T.'.S.—Satisfaction guaranteed in all repairs. SHOP A Few Dons SMITE ON BnmGE. JIONNY ! CONEY ! ! Saved. Saved. HO-S%C I? By buying anything you want in the harness line from us. Our goods are the best to be found in the market. Our prices are the lowest, as we buy all our, goods for cash and we give our customers the advantage of it. A full lino of Horse Clothing, Robes, Bells, Whips, 'e., also Tr ank,s, Valises, and Ladies' Satchels, the largest stock in town and sold the oheapeet. REPAIRING done cheaper then any shop in the County. Our HAIR -FACED COLLARS never gall. Give usacall and be convinced that what we say ie true. I r C. RZCIza?'ds, Clt:aham's Block, 13rnseela. tEITISOMPESTESTMEEMQMS=041MATOTMSTS POO AORE el AitItlFOR SALEerm ter Hale in ' • Township of 1 rens itt the t'nn uty0111 non, born It unapt halt ut north ]calf lute Stid':ct nod moll 1i ho if of 2e ler et] ut eo'talttlntt 9111 1100,0 inure 00 less IS., nor,,,, nightly 03oar o1 shoot's and la a sewn] n1 i I.e of .,alit• ration, 'i'boreis tt young homing mina oreic,trd a good house and hank barn eh x Se foot tylih Mao Stable undonion 4h, 'Pion twat 1uetta. ate(' Within it ells of the 1'Illage ur ltrnsaele 1114015, n gond farm for grata or emelt 0/%111• fog as lite tvatteed meth the rive' Itittltlnnd and never failing spring creek, Poesesslolt will bo given at any time. For further par. ticttlare apply on rho p0cm ties lir to.l.lt, IEJ1JI1ICrtOh 411011,4,11. P. t). 1.01 Executor's Notice. All patter. Latin g shrine against the Ns - tato of the lute lictuaa0 hoes, of the Town. strip of (troy, lu the County of Aaron,who Minton or ',hoot the Sud nay of Jitne, . 1587, aro, 011 or before theist day of January 1999, to send ht post larupaid) to tun antler- signedtheir (lhrletain and snrnumes, al- drossantitlescription, with full pm Moslem of their claims, a statemaut of their as. counts and nature of their securities, if any, held by then, aria in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from parttol• in- debted. in the tlocel,� 00aa0wh tb11 t'persons ook etccoulnE or ntlml,vi0. ,, , r,, t,5si^l11 10 irlty tbo same to ww, spun: e, til or b,'loee the ttbcve 11Ottlioaetl('atc, 1c•am 1v.11, il'NNCrd, lexoeutor. Dated In Grey Wit Sod day of Oot. B7. HELLO Thum ,' ! Where are you going? To get a Raymond Sewing Machine. Man she's a grand machine. Sao has made a clean sweep in our settlement. She is so easily managed and never goes wrong. Geo. Love also has the Bell Organ, of Guelph ; the Port Perry Grinder ; the Exeter Straw Cutter, and I hear he is getting a lot of T4 NOY CUTTERS of late design and of different patterns. Come awa' up with me Jemmy, you can get anything you want there. Mao. ht's a Great Lad. JAN. 11, 1888. EAST HURON 1 �'a1 mners1 Institute. A Farmers" institute will bo )geld in the TOWN IIA1.1„ IBR1rN- Slsls, on 1?lltlay ant: Saturday, ,Tannary 13th and '14th, Pro- fessor Panton, of the Ontario Agricultural College, lwi'll he in attendadlt'e, and the leading Ag- riculturalists of this section. A cordial invitation given to all, particularly the farming coin - annuity. 1va7, 1300HOP, t', atct'AIIDI)N, 21 Hee-Treas. President. PLUM & CLARKE, General Blac'ismitls Wish to intimate to the Public generally that they do all kinds of lllaoksutithiug in a Workmanlike Manner. wagons, B,nggies, Sleighs and Cutlers made to Order. ltopai ring promptly Executed. We make a Specialty of Horse -shooing. A Call Solicited. 0 12omentber the Stand—Nese. ion: Butctui. 21 Plum &Clarke. ¶oar Spectacles and Eye.Glasses that will preserve your Eyesight. F. 1_,AZARUS Manufacturing Optioian,late of the firm of Lazarus et Morris, 28 Maryland Road, Harrow Road, London, England, has ap- pointed an agent for the Renowned Spec- taol8s and Eye.Glasses which have been before the public for the past 25 years. Lazarus' Speetaoles never tire the eyel Last many years without change. For Sale by II. L. JACKSON, BRUSSELS, - ONT. 2']30ROL'c+a-i-aSvEa JIE.724SEY' BULL oxx 08 v7 xo>✓. This bull (Prince of Maple Lane No, 14,861) is of a splendid ,milking straits, his dent being Riotas Queen, 1.4,895, which traces back to a sire of Eremites, No. 2,4554, reoord 778 lbs. butter in one year ; to Marjorams 10 lb. cow and to aaaa t (tipsy, record 17 lbs. of butter in seven —' days. He weighs about 1600 pounds, "mincer: or MAPLE LANE," has taken several 1st prizes and diplom- as at '{Western Fair, London and would make a valuable cross with any good milk or butter tow. All those who wish to increase and improve the products of the dairy would do well tohavo calves front this bull. For further particular's, as to where he is kept and cost of service, address G. A. DEADMAN Druggist, Sze., Brussels, Ont. AWORD TO T Tho undersigned beg leave to intimate to the Public that they have opened out a f'V G1OJV' AND BL'.f CK. SMITH S FTOP in the Backer Stand, Cranbrook, where they are prepared to turn, out Outters, Sleighs, Wagons, Buggies, tCe. lL HORSE -SHOEING A SPECIALTY. Satisfaction guaranteed. We ask for a trial. E. 5. WILLIAMS, 5. 5'. MITCHELL, PROPRIETORS. Grist and. Flour Mills !. The undersigned having completed tho change from thesteal o to the Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has now the Mill in First Class Running Order and will be glad to sue all leis old customers and as many new ones as possible. Chopping done. Flour and Food Always on Ita,:n.c,a High mit Price paid for any quantity of ,Good Grain. WM. MILNE , • 1