HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-1-6, Page 2THE BRUSSELS _ lyirootory of hark and 40i0„, er," but you keep on playing with rtriegs, and blows her back bangs m" the ether hyo. Sometimes when into the most fashionable pose. mother or iter is doing eoneething for yen, you 0811 out, "Wine hurry up," just Ite if you were speaking to one u, your boy companions. Some- times when you are tubing out b piny, eud meet fir lady friend of your mother's just coming in at the door, you am not lift per eap from your heed, nor wait a moment till she has passed iu Buell "little" thiugs, no you say 1 Yes, to he sure ; but it is these very little *tote, these gentle acts, which make gentlemen. I think the word get 410111411 is 0 beautiful word. First, man—and that means everything strung and brave and noble ; and then gentle. A.ucl that mewls full of these little kind, thoughtful acts of which I have been waking. A. gentleniau 1 Every boy way bo one if he will. Whenever I see a gen ileumuly boy I feel so glad and pr. tul. I mot ono the ether day, end I have beau happier ever since. Xeravialai ('10.i1,n.--Sabbath Services at 11 o. m. and 6:30 p. m, Sunday Sohool at 2:30 p. tn. Rev. John Ross, B. A.. pastor. N.uox Omaten,- S.Ibbath Services et 11 gitd (060 p, 10. Sunday School at 2:30 p. in. Rev. B. Jones, pastor. Sr. Onenen.--Sabbath Serviaee at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, Sunday School at 2:80 4.112, Rev. W. T. Chiff, incumbent. Malawian Careen. --Sabbath Servieee at 10:30 a. 10. awl 3:30 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Rev, M. Stvanti, pastor. Roam OarlIOLIO 0111111CH.—Sabbath Service third Sunday iu every month, at 11 nan. Rev. P. J. Shea, priest. ODD FELLOWSLozano every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. ALSONTO Lonein Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A. 0. U. W.Lonou on let and 3rd Mon. day evenings of each mouth. FOILESTallT" L01,011 sad and last Monday evenings of each month, in Smale's ball. L. 0. L. let Monday in every month, in Orange Hall. PC= Overen.--Office hours from 8 tt,rn. 7:30 p.m. Mucasarcs' INKMUTE, Reading Room and Library, in Holmee' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clook p,m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Lib- rarian, ablitrent5 darner. HOW .k OAT HELPED A DEAF AND DUMB WOMAN. The chill wind rias tuoamug, the rain falling drearily, and the day darkening rapidly, when a lady might have been seen walking along quickly. She was thinking of home with ite bright, warm fire, and how soon she should be sheltered from the cold ani wet Suddenly she stopped as a feeble cry arrested her footsteps, aud look ing round, she perceived a eat crouched against some steeps. The storm was beating on the poor brainless creature, and night com- ing' on. The lady did not turn away and hurry on, as soma eolfish people would have done, but pitied and called the poor cat, It looked so forlorn, and gave a frightened glance in her face. Gainiug courage from what it saw there, it trusted her, and jumped up, ourled its tail over its back, and trotted contentedly after her. The lady vent on, When she leoked beck now and then, there was pussy trotting steadily behind. Presently the lady hooked at a hall door, and when it was opened they puseed into a bright room and pussy sat down to dr e herself before a warm fire, where two other cats, sleek aud well fed, kept ber com- pany. Well, our puss, whose mono was "Gipsy," very soon was lapping a 50210,0 of wit mu . After that she looked a1 the fire and winked her eyes until ebe fel; iteleep. A deaf and dumb woman, nsmed Sarah Barby, was at that time liv- ing in this house. Pussy became very fond of Sarah, and 1113ed to sib in her lap because she was hind to it. Now, Sarah did not think a eitt could help her, but she knew that God commands us to be hind to helplese creatures, and He is always pleased when 400 obey Him. You will wonder how a cat could help anyone, so I will tell you. Sometimes Sarah was alone in the house, and when a knock ortme to the hall door there was no one to tell her but puss, and puss did so. HOW 0 She jumped down off Sart ah' s lap, and looked up in her face every time a knock came, and wait- ed till the knock was repeated and Sarah opened the door. So this is how the oat helped the deaf and dumb woman." A. LITTLE TALE WITH BOYS. When I meet you everywhere, boys—on the street, in the cars, on the boat, at your homes 0.1 at school —I 800 a great many things in you to admire. You are earnest, you are merry, you are full of happy life, you aro quick at your lessons, you are patriotic, you are brave, and you are ready to study out all the great and curious things in this wonderful world of ours. But very often I find one thing lacking in you. You are not quite gentlemanly enough. There are so many little actions which help to make a true gentleman, and which '1 do nob see in you, Sometimes when mother or sister (mines into the room where you are sitting on tho most comfortable chair, you db net say, "Take thie seat, mother," or "Bit here Annie," but you sit still and. enjoy yourself. Sometimes you push past your mother or sister, in the doorway from one room to another, instead of stepping aside politely for them to pasts first. Perhaps you say the "governor," in speaking of your father ; 3021 101)011 ho comes in ab night you forget to say "Good even. ing, sir." ' Somotimee when your mother has been shopping and paee. es you on the corner, carrying It parcel, you do not step up ana say, "Let Me carry that for yort, moth. V strie.tierr, Charn-pagnes often causes real pains. There is a big differeuce between getting on well in life and getting well on in life. A child never gets his bad traits from the father's side of the house —according to the father. Etifcmt terrible : Aud did they go in the ark two by two Yes, clearest. Enfant terrible : Well, who weut with atin'io 0' DSO/WM Directly Disappears Daring Doses of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, the most reliable family medicine. All druggists. Confidence.—Bertha: Gra ndma, is oor teef dewed? Grandma : No, I've got none now unfortunately. Bertha : Then 1'll give oo U2 nuts to mind till I tome back. klegistrate.—If 1 discharge you this time, Uncle Rastus, what would you do? Uncle Raetus. Well, yo' honab, ef yo' dischass'ges me, I speot I'll go off. Ethel, dear, you are looking pale and 111 thie morning. Yes, niwuma; I went in bathing yesterday and got my feet wet. Oh, careless girl. and spoiled your bathing suit, no doubt. Never let it happen again. PEcTOBIA1 Pectoris. Pectoria 1 A better Cough Cure Or Expectorant is not made. Before you give up try Peotoria, 25 cents per bottle. All druggists. How is it you bavo o many young men call on you 0 tusked a jealous girl. Because, erns the re- ply, father has the gout in 0130 foot and the rheumatism iu the other ; besides, we don't keep a dog, Out of mem—Here, said the salesman, waving his hand, is a full line of our celebrated spring beds. Yee, replied Mrs. Malaprop ; they were very nice for the warm weath- er, but I want to see some of your autumn beds. '.Thoy have a larger sale in my district," 10)21 0. well-known druggist,"than any other /Alien the market, and give the best satis- faction for sick headache, billiousneas, in- digestion, ete., nud when combined with Johnson's Tonle Bitters, Johneon's Tonle Liver will perform what no other med- Mine has done before for suffering human. ity." l'1116 20 cents per bottle. Bitters 50 cents and S1 per bottle. Sold at Deadman's drug store ,Bruesels. Better than her ball dross.—Mrs. 131obsou—What's that ? 0, hor- rors 1 Tho hotel afire ? Mr. Blob - son Yos come on. We've no time to lose. Mrs. Blobson—But hero I am in my night dress 1 Mr. Blobecm—Good onoLgh I I'm glad you've got out of your ball dress and into something decent. Mr. and Mrs. C. took their little 8 year-old daughter to a recent wed- ding. After the ceremony was over the little one asked her mother if she had a long veil like that of the bride at her wedding. Being an- ewered affirmatively she askes: Were you here, liannna ? Yes. Was Papa here 7 'Yes. Then where was I Waxen the danger lies in using pills iu cold weather—almost all puigative pills or pellets contain calomel or mercury in some' form. By using Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters yea get a perfectly pure vegetable purgative. Largo bottles 50 fits All deggiete. The following testimonial, from a lady, has been left at the office of a dealer in patent medicines: Dear Doctor—I will say that, while suf- fering with a severe backache, I took my purse in my hand and went out to buy one of your plastere. I met a street thief and was relieved at once. You can use this for what it is worth. Time's revenges. --Mr. DeLeon on being introduced—Miss Coquet. to and I have mot before. Miss Coquette coldly—Yee, I remember now. 'We will let by•gonee be by - genes, for time heals all wounds and no doubt 1 Wag ft very silly boy at that time, Boy ? 1 must have been ; it was ten years ago, and youe reaeon for refusing me was When she stands up, the cotton tightens the strings and expands the bustle, whistles to her peg dog, stiolce a pin in her drowsy escort and other 'lungs, ”Ne ver Tried ft," What! Royer trled Johnson's Tents Bit- ters I Then do so at onoe, it's positively the best general tonic on tbe nmrket. Pve often beard of it but thought that it was to be Menden the list or the tunny trastlY 3250- 1120 11000 that good our market, ba t 011100 yea reeOlantenh It so highly Pll give it 0 trial. no so, Ws good for any emnPlaint in watch a tonic is of benefit, and Will be taken by mau, woman, or child. 50ote, and e.1 per bottle at Doadulan's drug store, Brussels. Complications of Justice,—James Richardson, am ye guilty of felon, lonely an' unceremouinuely an' pre• moditiorously stealing Sam Wens - eel's chickens widont his per. 130581011 ? asked Judge Johnson. No. sell, replied the prisoner, I nob- er tooleem. But der chickens were found. iu yer posseshun. Splein dab. Well, Boss, 1 didn't take'eni. Anoth- er nigger etoled dem all, an' be gin nee haf of what he got for gwiue 'long en' holdin' de lantern. But, Judge, you within' hire a respecta- ble nigger like mo ter steal things. Release de prisoner, cried the Judge. Ile has been a-doin' nothin' worthy of condemnation. It would be a check on de liberties of do world ef die Court should say dat it was un- lawful for a man ter hire out to hold a lantern for another man, whether de odor man 'gross to pay him in chickens, ole clothes or Money, Position Notes. Objects in antique wrought iron aro much sought for holiday gifts. Hock jewels are introduced as 2118 centres of flowers worn with bali gowne. White lambs' wool trims silver gray suits, pretty and inexpensive holiday gifts. Black lynx is the favorite fur of matrons end elderly maids who cannot afford seal. itquamarjue, topaz, or other col- ored jewels set in small diamonds ere quite 111 favor for gift rings. Moonstones and tiger's eyes are popular semi-precious stones for rings, scarf, shawl and lace pine. Flowers are revived for ball dress garnitures, but they are so mounted as to be divested of all stiffness. 01,108020, 281220 Hair. ate. Those who are bald, who have gray or thin hair'orwho are troubled with dandruff should invest in a bottle of Dr. Dorenweruts "Hair Bogie." It is the finest preparation fertile hair and scale now in use. Itis =- idly superceding all other hair tonics. It stops falling, restorog the original color to gray hair and ror baldness, where there are the slightest possible roots, it will produce a fine growth of hair. Do not wait until too late but get a bottle at once, G. A. Dead- man and. J. Hargreaves 12 Co., Agents, Brus- sels. Long and short wraps of seal and seal pinch are agaiu tho first favor- ites of women who know bow to arer. jewelled clasp or diatuond brooch is frequently placed at the top of the lacing in front of a ball corsage. Chinese toy books and Jap dolls flood the oouuters devoted to orient- al and celestial bric-a-brac in the large stores. It is predicted that there will bo more presents of lamps this year than any other one piece of decora- tive utility. Pieces of Russian silver, white and frosted, enamelled and decorat- ed with niello work, make very choice Christmas gifts. Flocks of geese and ducks, droves of pigs, teams of horses and mules, and gronps of goats compose some of the new metal and bisque paper weights. The beaded galloons of this sea. sou are worthy of the wondrous shot moire, plush and velvet, silk aud Bengaline fabrics they are used on for trimmings. All kinds of furs will bo tiecepE. able as holiday presents, but sets of the fox furs, blactic and silver, red, blue and gray, are the first favorites with young women. When a girl wears a flower garni- ture to her ball dress, she uses the perfume of the flower that forms the bouquets, garlands, and panne or spray for the hair. The newest fancy iu perfume sets for the toilet table is to have the glass bottles eadased in metal oov. ers, imitating a piece of cloth tied around the neck with a silver or gold cord. The rage for brass and copper is on the wane. It now appears most- ly in the form of vessels such as tea kettles, latnps and vane, sus- pended or set in antique wrought iron frames, cranes and lamp and flower stands. Colored eilk gauze face trimmed handkerchiefs are made to do duty as fancy lamp shade covers by out. ting a hole in the centre for the chimney to Imo through, and trim- ming the 53100 Wlill lace to *match the herder. that you were old enough to be my POST AGENTS WANTED Steady Bniploy ment to Good Men. None need bo Idle, Previous Experience not essential. We pay either Salary or Com- mission. 10g onIVairtod To Canvas for the Salo of Can- adian grown Nursery Stock. The Fonthill Nurseries, Largest in Canada, Or er 400 Acres. Don't apply unless you can furnish first-class References, and want to work. No room for lazy men, but can employ any num- ber of energetic men who want work. ADDRESS Stone& Wellington, NURSERYMEN, TUTOR tO, Ont. WM. SMITH is prepared to attend to Carriage Painting iu its brauclieS, itt Neil as Sign, and Ornamental Painting. Ha has had years of exper- ience and guarantees his work to give satisfaction. A rig well painted. is half sold. Estimates and terms cheer- fully given. GIVE HIM A CALL. Shop in the old 'Pose Publishing House, King street, Brussels, HURON AND BRUCE Loan &Investmerit Co. This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at LowEsx BATES 01? INTEREST. IIIortgaes Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 111CAUfkIrd, GENERAL AGRICULTURAL thl. PLEMEN'.1.' AGENT, untenoinba, . owirAnto, Handles 'J'. Hendry se Son's straw cantors, Crain Crushere, Horse Powers and Turnip Pulpers and Slicers. Also Tolton Bros. Pou.Larvesters and Steel Harrows. Satisfaotion Guaranteed. ,LOTS FOR SALE. 115 will also sell lots Nos. 23 and 25 on Graham's Surrey, three acres each. Lot No, 4, Turnborry street, with house, well, garden ttc, all complete. A com- fortable house and nicely situated lot, (No, 5 Quoon St. 03250) 11, Wroxeter is also offered for sale, will bo sold cheap and on reasonable terms., WM, MARTIN, 8, 4, and 5 per cent. Interest allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time let. MEd 2' MARKET, main st vett, - Brussels, ANDREW CURRIE', PROPRIBTOR. OFFICF.—Corner of Market Square and North Street, Gode- rich. FreSh AND Salt Meats Of the beet quality always on band and de- livered to any part of the ge froo of onargo. 'reline very favorable. Horace Horton, MAN/ma. BLYTH Woolen Mill. FAT CATTLE WANTED ! For which the highest market pries will be paid. I also make e specialty of buying Hides and Skins. Don't forget the place next door to Fletcher's Jewelry Store. A. CURRIE. R. Forsyth & Son, formerly of the Wroxeter Woolen Mills, beg to•inform the Farmers in this vi- cinity that they have Now in Op- eration a Woolen Mill in Blyth, and hope that by adhering to their old plan of making noth- ing but Sound, Durable Goods and trust that by so doing to moot a liberal patronage. CUSTOMWORK Of all kinds promptly and care- fully attended to. The HIGHEST PRICE paid for Wool in Exchange for Tweeds, Full Cloths, Plant) els, Yarns, etc. YOUR DE'BTS. Mt.1161.1aNTs' Pf101TIVE cor.LEUriNG ,J.180CDITION —Perim litntritnes =— CANADA AND UNITED STATES. 28A5— JAN. (i, 1888, XMAS GOODS. lo'hototows.sossos,mosoietesos, just opening out a large and well seleeted Stook of Xmas Goods for the HOLIDAY TRADE, 3D01_11S, TOYS, 800XS, &C. cSZa, CALL AND SEE THEM. =SS Having for its object to collect from all that is possible to collect from , the, pub- lish the names of all that cannot or will not pay, which list is supplied to every member of the Association throughout Canada and United States. The' membership now num. baring many thousands, and is soknowledg. ecl LT all to 210 2100 moot poweaul organit- titian in existence for the COLLECTION OF DEBTS. Having over 300 E stablished Agencies, Membership Fee: 351 year 8010; and ycar 37 50 ; and year 65, if renewed with - 3n. month after atelaberahlp expires. And upon receipt of *which Certificate of Momborship.doliationt book,' fall supply of notioes with complet instructions for using Association wi11 be sent, Seud f or testimon- ials. J. BIDWELL MILS at. Co. Mgr's, trZo.=.4.1tom, 052.12. "Post" Bookstore Beautiful stock of Albums. Fancy Holiday Goods, liming opened out fb large and well selected stock of Xmas Goods of all kinds and which I intend selling at popular prices for the benefit of the people wish, inu to buy, I would ask them to call and &amine my stock be- fore purchasing elsewhere. liNityallto6Ing WOO'S 0i.48n0shades.ete EGMONnVILLE YARN always kept on hand. CO_&./S HAT'S made to order. CALL EARLY ANI) SELECT - Stamping a Specialty. Nellie Ross, TIE IAN Cii Or.923111301.0.11MIF Our stock of Groceeiee, Provisions, and Fruits is large and well assort- ed, being bought from tho Goading Grocery Houses in the Dominion at the Loweat earth Prices, which NVO aro selling considerably cheaper than those who have bought in the 11511111 way of bueinoss. Teas, Coffees and Spices. Our Teas, Coffees and Spices consists of some of the finest grown, be- ing superior and better value than those offered with presents. Our 40c. Japan Tea and superior blended Coffee stands unrivalled. Crockery & Glassware. A largo assortment of Combination Dinner and Tea Sets, China, Dec- orated and. White Granite,Tea Sete, Decorated and Plain Toilet Sets,, and would call special attention to our Colored Toilet Sets at, $8, ale° a large assortment of White Granite Goode at very low prices. We are offering Extra 'Value in Glassware, being bought under special circum- stances. A Full Assortment of Lamp Goods. Bakery Department. Fresh Bread, Buns, Pastry, and a full assortment of Oakes always on, baud, and of the finest quality. Wedding Oakes a Specialty, ilgent for EZeisehmann 6" Co's Compressed Yeast. mother. — rc.s7 AUTY A. new bustle has just coma into I Harilan and Trieltett are to row 1 A Trial saialed ! 1310451501, patented by a Karasan, with en May Sol. . a blow -off and escape valve. When j A. paper is to be started at Belmont 1 Satisfaction Guaranteed 1 tho wearer sits down the air escapes 1 by Mr. Eddy, of the defunct Bur. 2, up her spa., looms her cored l ford Times, R. Forsyth & Son. , . , il, o OUR LEARiNG FEATURE. Geo. Thom.son.