HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-12-29, Page 6N
Ett ntssels Vast
—Ig PenLISnPD—
(in time for tho early mails) at
41110 Post" Stetuu Publishing Honso,
'u0;inznns ST„ Manama, ONT.
Tama oP 0V C1lIPT10Nr-ane dollar and
a half a-yyear, in advance. The date be 1,701011
every attbsortptiou is Paid is denoted by the
address 101)01.
date on
AUVn1T19ING Stt'1ns.-1310 following talcs
tvlil bo charged to those 12110 tulvortlse by
the year
1 0 xn:I U mo. I $ mo
One 001081u 800.001 $aa 00 0120.00
Half 00.00 2200 12.00
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Eight cents per 1111e for 4Oat insertion, and
three Dents per line for each subsequent in-
sertion, All advertisements measured as
Nonpareil -12 lines to the blob.
1311shiess Carse, Dight linos null under, 80
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Advertisements wibhnut specine direo-
tllanisedileo a Inserted until forbid, cull
Instructions to ollalmo 01. discontinue au
advertisement must be left at the counting
room of Tins PORT not later than Tuesday
01 each week. This is Imperatore,
W. 1I. 3a111RI,t,
Editor and Proprietor.
Silas At The Fair,
and write her a reoeipt. From the way
be looked when I dun that I dont bleeve
n anymore ou risod
end a bap
t kn nal op
if 1 had j000 ben a buyin sumthin without
bryin to jaw him down in pprine, I then
pioked out a bill ov pervislluns amcuntin
to about ten dollars more, paid fur nm
on the spot, and giv orders to hay um
sent to the widdero house, and I after-
wards mut to another place and bawl
her to big warm shawl and a hood and a
pair ov shoes and ingun rubbers, and I
haint se sure but what mebbo there was a
few more things, far when I got started
Semanthy, it peered 0z tho I cep a golu
it without a grain ov seine.
Ez I got to the door to lease Kernel
Brasses, who shod I meet a kumin 111 but
Bruther Skybuster, who in my dream
was still the preooher on the sirkut. Ib
tmmejutly kum into my mind that chain
all ov the last year I hadent giv him
nuthin but truck and dicker fur my
quartoridge, and ov how it had bon al.
together thee wy vote that his wages had
hen cut down a hundred dollars. It
seemed to me sumbow that nab doing
was sutnthin that I ort to be ashamed ov.
tho I cant understand why, now that Imo
awake, and without stopple to think ov
how twitch stewin and frettin and Savin
it bakes to make a dollar, I shake hands
with Bruther Sicybuster ez'tho I meant
it, and told him that dune the kumin
year my quarteridge cud bo sot down at
a dollar a week, and all to be paid in oold
knob whenever it was wanted, inotid ov
the sixteen dollars in chips and whet -
stoned that I had ben ruttier onwilliugly
winks to giv him heretofore. Aod I also
told him that he cud count on my bein at
prayer meetin hereafter, rain or shine,
and that I wild pray or speak, or do any.
thing else that I cud to help. You never
saw anybody look so stumped ez the
preacher did when I told him that. Fur
n minit he peered to be so overkem that
it seemed ez the he wad hav to drop, and
when I put all the change in his hand
that Kernel Braes had jest giv me frum
the ten dollar bill, and told him he need-
ent say a word about it in his book or let
any ov the stewards kno hedo got it, it
jest looked ez tho ho oudent make out
whether he was awoke or not.
I found out frum thepreeoher tho afore
I left him, that there wag a goin to be a
Krisme,s tree that night at the meetin
house, and 1 made up my mind that I
wud see if I oudent kum within won ov
breakin down at least two or three lime
on it. So away I went Pram won store
to another on the hunt fur Krismas gifts,
and the way I did make sum ov the
clerks open their eyes at the way I spent
munny was a kawshun. I got yon the
silver butter dish youve ben a wiehin fur
so long, and a work box to put your
thimbles and buttons in. I got Hiram a
pair ov skates, and each won ov the gals
presents wuth over three dollars, and I
even got the hired hand sum seoh thing
811 a bankerahuff or a pocketbook. I
then got a nice little keepsake fur eao11
won ov the skaters in your Sunday skule
klnss, but to cap the klimax I got Broth-
er Skybuster n new overkote and his wife
a new kloke, and the most singler thing
about the whole bizniss was that I dident
peer to keer a pent what anything cost.
I jest went right on ez reckless BS a boy a
stonin a dog, without keerin a button
where I was a goin to kum out, and it did
beat all how I did seen to injoy it. I
never wane found myself a etoppin to fig.
per to sae whether I cad stand the ex•
pence, but about all I peered to think ov
was how amaziti glad I was a goin to
make the fakes fur which I was a buyin
the presents.
I thought I had cards with names on
um put on eveything I bawl, even to the
shawl and tbinge I got far the Widder
Good, and then I had the things sent to
the meetin house to be put on the Kris -
mos tree, so that nobody wud kno that it
was me that bad sent the stuff. Wen
this wag dun, I thought I got into my
slay agin, ani tellin all the boys in sight
to jump on, I drove um ]clear up the top
ov Boxwoods hill, and then down to the
canter ov town agin, before I sot out fur
When I got home I found out that sum
ov $ranotetterofokee had ben over and
told you that there was a goin to be a
Iirismas tree, and you and the gals was
wild to go. I let on ez tho it was all non-
sense at fust, jest to hav you coax the
harder, and then I sed I was willin, per.
aided nun ov the chores was slighted.
(210011 TIM RAM'S 100RN
Dean S1n1ANTnr,—After wawkin around
at the fare greeds today outil I got so
tired it hurt me to look up, I happened
to find myself out on the bank ov the
lake, so I sot down to rest, and went to
watobin the boats nod folies. Afore I
knowed it I was sound asleep, and I
shedent wonder if I dident snore ez hard
ez you say I do when Ime at borne in
bed. While I was asleep I had a dream
that was az real to me as a bowl Dv milk
with a spoon in it, and it was sech an
onkommou singler dream that it peers to
me I jest must tell you all about it.
The feet 0v the dream was that me and
Isum Klover and Unkel Peeleg Wilkins
and Jim Teester and lialup Chiller and
wan or two others, had all happened to
meet in Lem Haokleberrys blacksmith
shop, where sem ov LIB was a waitin to
git our bosses shod. We tawked about
evey thing from the prioe ov pork to how
many beans ort to be planted in a hill,
when suwthin put ICalup Chiller in mind
ov a peece he bad ben a readin in the
Ciderville Skorpion, about a yang gal
who had gone to sleep and woke up and
found herself sumbody else. That put
010 to tawkin about ever so many queer
things, and eumbody lowed it wud be
dredful funny if there oud bench a thing
ez two fakes a swoppin sperrete, like me
a bein Isom Slover fur awhile and him
me, or Jim Teester a bein Grsndaddy
Nooks and the old man Jim. Ov gorse
we had kuneiderable ov a laff over it, and
hraoked a few jokes about what odd
thjngs migh happen if seoh was the case,
and than got to tawkin about suwthin
else. While this was a goin on I noticed
that a dried up, queer lookin little ped-
dler, who had stopped a spell before to
git sumtbin about his waggin fixed, had
got down frum the by bench where he
had ben a satin by hisself, and had kum
oven to line us.
Wad you like to see snit a thing as
that dun ?" sez he to me.
"I wudent mind," 1 sed.
"Then take this, and you may," oez he,
a reaohie out what I take to be a five
dollar bill, which he take out ov his vest
I reached out my hand to take it, but
jest ez I dun so it dropped frum the little
mans hand and fell akrost cum ov Isum
glovers feet. I stooped down to pick it
up, when sumthin seemed to happen that
made ez mutoh noise ez a steam mill a
blowin up, and fur a spell the wits was.
knocked out 08 7310 ez kumplete as they
was when the gray colt kicked me in the
How long I was in that fix I dont kno,
but when I kum to it was the day before
Edemas, and there was snow on the
ground most a foot deep. I thought I
was in the slay, with bells on the hooses,
a drivin up Main street in Ciderville ez
hard as the team cud go it, and that a
whole passel ov boys was a hangin on the
sides, and on sleds which they had hitcb-
ed_on behind, and yit I thought I wog.
zent a keerin a snap ner doin nuthin
tords whippin um off. It peered to me
that the sun was a shinin ez bright as it
dna in August, and yit it supprized me
to see that the snow dident melt. It also
peered to me to be dredful singler that
party ny eveybody I saw on the street
was on the broad grin, and waved their
hands to me ez I passed in a way that I
never saw um do afore in my life.
Ez I was a hitcbin my team in front ov
the kourbhouso, I thought the Widder
Good kum along with a big basket ov
12aghin which she was a takin to Namuu
Brulyo hones. I noticed that she had a
thin shawl around her shoulders and
sum111in like a big kullered hankerohuff
tied over her bead, and jest ez she got
within speakin distance ov me she was
tuke with a holler raapin lcolf. She look-
ed pinched and thin, and yit it eumhow
peered to me that I hadent never seen 0,
brighter lookin time. We passed the time
ov day together, and I told her t hoped
shede hav a dredful good Iirismas. She
lolled and sed she felt sure she wud, and
hoped I wud hav the beet wen I ever had
in all my life.
While tyin the hosseo I watched her ez
she purooeded on her way, and in a minit
I found myself a gittin awful moiler in
my hart. It peered to kum before me in
a way I hadent never thought ov till then
how poor she was, and how dredful hard
she had to work in spite ov her poor
health, end how she has to grieve and
worry and fret 111)0110 that ekapo grape oV
a boy ov 'tern. Sumhow 1 tulle a noebun
ez I stood there in the snow and watched
the widder ontil she turned the corner,
that it wudent bo my fault if she dident
hav a Kristine that she oudent never
The fust thing I dun was to go and
draw my pay fur a nice bunch ov hogs I
had take to town a day or so before, and
then 1 wont to Kernel Brasses grocery
and asked him how the Widder stood on
her rent, Lookin 02 the he had the
toothake, Bruther iOraoe sed she was bock
moot three menthe, and it was a begin.
nin to look dredful mutoh ez tho he shed
hav to put her out. I asked what he
charged her, and he sed two dollars a
month, tie I laid down a ten dollar bill
and told him to take his pay out ov that
fur me to undertake to wawk, but I dont
Weave 1 08100 ever so glad to and myself
wide awake 1
life. I cant
begin to
tell you ]tow tickled I woo to find out that
f hadont giv away eveything and got into
the poorhoes0 afore I woke up, oz I
might a dun if that steamboat indent. a
Mowed jest when she did, Ile never be
able to tell you tho, how blue I felt when
I found slit after a bit, that while I tvas
asleep 0umb0dy had stole n1y watch and
chain, Ive got it down it, my book, the,
aginst the 1Caff Raison klub oz a part ov
my expense. If they want me to learn
tbinge Cur two they must gaped to foot
the bill.
Idik na
1 e ie
r' slim
Its funny what o a u
(ekes kin hav in their sleep. I kin see
that I carried on exzaokly like Teem
Innovar du sumthnes, but it puzzles me
that he wuzzont a bit like ma. If I
thought tho, that I oud gib ez mach in.
joyment out uv lgivin away things ez I
did in my sleep, Ide most be willin 00
take a dollar to town with me sumtime
and try it.
I wont say another word, but will stop
right here and quit.
Yourn till we meet,
Paper ie made of sugar cane.
A Krupp gun oast $232,000,
Col -glass table bells are new.
London has 15,000 Dab drivers.
London has the biggest pumps.
London has 11.morningpapers.
Gibraltar is the greatest fortress.
New Orleans has it rice elevator.
Whalebone is about $2 a pound.
There are 80 varieties of bamboo.
Mr. Thrasher is an Indian teacher.
An inclined elevator is annonnoed.
Black diamonds cannot be polished.
London is to have a 1300 -foot tower.
Polluted ice i0 terrorizing St. Louie.
Egyptians had the loom 2500 B. 0.
Troy has made a (1500 -pound valve.
Kentucky leads in hemp production.
Sandpaper grows on trees in Guiana.
America bonets 28,000 newspapers:
Bicycling is reviving the wayoide inn.
Great Britain has 80 miles of tunnels.
Compressed air is to propel Paris oars.
America has 200,000 newspaper men.
A. mine in Bohemia is 8280 feet deep.
Tobacco culture occupies 1,500,000
Chicago's postoftice has 2548 employ-
British wheels contain American
Kerosene is 50 cents a gallon in Mexico.
California's Exposition opens January
Europe's first oarpet factory began in
Russia has no foreign iusuranoe com-
Fish are disappearing from the British
A third of England's telegraph opera-
tors are women.
Smokeless combustion of coal has been
The cost of runniug a l000motivo a
year is estimated to be about $8000.
A sponge has been found on the coast
of Florida with a circumference of 5 feet
0 inches.
And seoh a time ez eveybody had whin
the presents was divided, and so many
fokes got nice Iirismae gifts who wuzzont
a lookin fur a thiug. When Jim Teester
]landed the preacher his overkote he oud.
ent say a word to save his life, and when
his wife got her kloke she jest got right
down and Dried. When the Widder Good
got her things she stood up and clapped
her hands and give a shout, and I never
saw seoh excitement ez there was amunget
them yungsters in your Sunday ekule
Mass, and you never seen a boy jump ez
Hiram dun when he got them skates,
and you and the gals --well, I never saw
either wen ov you so Molded about any.
thing in my life. Your faoe warmed up
in a way that made you look so young
it dident seem possible that you cud be
my wife. I dehlare if I dident fall down.
rite in lav with you on the spot, but it
was only a dream ; you mussent furgit
Sum ov the snpprizinest things (ho
that there was in my dream was lcunsern-
in old Istun Mover. It peered to me
that fur a month I was ahearin evey day
ov gum ov the queerest kind ov things
that he had ben a doin. That • i0, they
wag queer fur him bekoz they were so
different frum what it has alwae hen his
way to do. Wun day I wucl hear that he
had out down his gaarteridgo frum fifty
dollars a year to twelve, and mebbo the
next I wud be told that he had ben n
takin a ham to the passunidge and cbarg•
in two dollars fur it, that the preechor
had ben obleeged to immejutly take out
bite his garden and berry. Another time
I wud hear that he had otopped goin to
prayer meetin, and bad giv the preacher
notice that he oud make out his letter if
he ever agin called on him to pray in
church. The next I heerd was that be
had traded hooses with Bruther Solly-
mun Gimps, and had moat beat the old
man out ov his eye teeth. At another
time he only take a pound ov dried ap,
pies to the preeohere donashon party,
and made a kupple ov his yunguns stop
goin to shun bellaw0 he dident feel oz
tho he oud afford to buy um books. The
last I hoard was that hie wife was about
to sue fur a divorgo bekaws he wudent
let her hav milk and sugar both in het
tea at mutat, and jest then a steamboat
bloomed its whissol and waked me up, or
there haint no tellin what might a hap.
penal next. My roomytfz was akin go
bad that it was jest like breakin bongs
Disc. 29, 1;893
The Efooeao Tunnel], Massaohusette, le
the )wlgoeb in the United States ; length,
miles • coat, 16 1.4,000,000.
Excavations in lalestioe go to show
that the 11ot.aiir blast 110011a0e, credited as
the invention of Nelson in 1828, was used
1400 years B. 0.
Germany has decided that cinnamon
yellow is the beat Dolor for warships.
The French atiolr to the gray lint, some -
ling like a wet sail cloth.
A new method of coloring iron has
been discovered in England, 0811)011 eu.
tirely prevente rust, even though the
metal bo brought to a rod heat,
Excluding about 02,000 small Drafts
iscarried 101
neroe of 61 world oo t
the m
by 45,000 vessels of 20,500,000 registered
tons, with a carrying capacity of 48,000,-
Tho early Italian name for the tomato
was pont odl Mori, "apple of the Moors,"
but the Freueh, phonetically misuudcr
standing it, called thin vegetable Domino
d'amour, or "love apple."
The total mileage of railways now open
to traffio in Japan 10 1,717.
From 10,000,000,000 to 17,000,000,000
feet of timber, board measure, are at
present acted in railroad ties in this
The Windsor anll Annapolis Railway
company is oonsidoring a proposal to
purchase the Nnva Sootia Central rail.
way and add it to their system.
An authority is credited with. saying
that the Pennsylvania Railroad company
Mans over 12,000 tons of coal a day bo.
tween Pittsburg and Jersey City for the
making of steam only.
Every wheel on a Tallman oar is made
of paper. You do not see the paper, bo -
cause it is covered with iron and steel.
The body of the wheel is a block of paper
about four bushes thick. Around this a
rim of steel measuring from 1120 to three
inohes. It is this steal rim of course
which comes in contact with the rails.
The sides are covered with circular iron
plates, bolted on.
Wiarton has been made a town.
The influenza is spreading fent in
C. Downing, of Derebam, killed a 000
lb. pig last week.
Nicholas Oonolly, in jail at Ottawa, is
suffering front look of sleep and no apps.
tite for food.
Lady Aberdeen held her first "at home"
at Rideau Hall, Wednesday. There were
about 250 guests.
George Bruce, of Waterloo, has lost a
valuable horse. The animal ran away
and broke its legs and had to bo shot.
E. Snider, manager of the Berlin Pub•
Robing Company, had afinger crushed off
his left hand in the wheels of a printing
press recently.
The Tavistock flour mill was corn.
pletely destroyed by fire Wednesday
night, along with 8,000 bushels of wheat.
The loss amounts to about 03,000.
Western Ontario salt manufacturers
met in London Wednesday to consider
the question of prices. The matter will
be further considered at an adjourned
meeting, to be held in Clinton.
Bremen, the half-breed who killed
Snake Child, an Indian, at Calgary, 013
Saturday night, was Wednesday oonvrot.
ed of manslaughter, and sentenced to 10
years in Stony Mountain Penitentiary.
Wishes to thank his customers for their liberal patronage
during the past year and also to intimate to the public gener-
ally that he has recently had his roller hill put in thor-
ough repair and it is now in better position
than ever to tarn out
In the Chopping Line
We are prepared to do work promptly and in the Very Best Style
as we have recently started a new run of stones for that
purpose. Full Return Guaranteed.
Best Flour and Mill Feed at Reasonable Prices
Dollars S�u�!I ire Dollars Gaide�
And delivered any place in town without Extra Charge.
A Limited Quantity of good Milling Wheat purchased
at the Mill.
WM. ROSS, Brusels.
Nov. 21st, 1898.
The way to Sarre Money is to mai. on
And see their -prime stock of Hard-
ware, &c , c&c., before purchasing elsewhere,
Not simply hide bare walls. As discordant strains of music are to
the ear, so is the eye tortured by out -of -harmony paper on the walls.
If you look to cheapness alone you might as well cover your
plaster with penny -a -dozen newspapers. But if you appreciate real
beauty you should consider many things in purchasing papers—the
location, light and woodwork of the room, eta.
Our stock includes something especially adapted to every room
—more colors and patterns than any other wall paper store in
the town. Our Goocl Papers cost you no more than the poor ones
others sell.
Call and see our thousand -and -one styles. Persons thoroughly
versed in Wall Paper will wait upon you and aid you in making
We hang paper in a first-class manner and are prepared to ex-
ecute the best kind of decorations.
WINDOW BLINDS.—I have an elegant stock of Window
Blinds, well assorted, that will only need to be seen to bo appreci-
ated. They may be had either trimmed or plain by the yard.
House, .Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter.
Cross Gut Saws.
We handle the Celebrated "Leader," the Galt "Lance,"
and the Toronto "Blade," Satisfaction • guaranteed lu
saws , We clo a large; trade in thls'line.
A large and well assorted stock of beautiful Hanging, Par-
lor and Table Lamps that cannot fail to please purchasers..
Splendid stock of Table Cutlery, Pocket Knives and all
other goods in this line. New, good and cheap.
We have a very superior display of silverware suitable for
holiday or birthday gifts. Our stock is well as-
sorted and sold at Close Prices.
Tip-top Line in JV'ew . caT12n2•er's.
Sleigh Bells, Whips, Chopping Axes and everything else usually
found in a First-class Hardware Store.
Strict attention to business, selling on close margins andigiv-
ing satisfaction to our patrons are the lines on whicli we aim to
gain and retain trade.
A• M. M'KA'Y & 00.
Now is the time when Christmas gift making comes up for
consideration and it is no easy matter to
decide what to purchase.
T8E ?OST DooIutorc
Has put in a large stock of Tas t,y New Goods comprising
Photo. Albums, Toilet Cases containing comb
brush and Mirror, Shaving Cases, Work
Boxes, Fancy Ink Stands.
Ranging in price from 5c to $1.25.
Toys of All Kinds
Such. as Trumpets, Balls, Tops, Dishes, Horses, Trains,
Whips, Brooms, Whistles, Drums, Animals, Tools, Magic
Lanterns, Guns, Pails, Washboards, Drawing Slates,
Paint Boxes, Stoves, Rattles, Harmonicas, Pis-
tols, Watches, Jack Knives, &c.,,&c.
t� Splendid Amigo of Picture Books.
New Stock of Bibles and Hymn Books.
See our Mechanical Banks. They're Fine..
Buy early and thereby get a good selection. Goods Iiliay
be left in our Dare until Xmas if so desired.
Solid Bargains in All Holi-
day Goods.
POST ook to re