HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-12-29, Page 5DEL 29, 1893 THE BRUSSELS LOST DISI\TEVVS do believe that the thing e of this world TRICT Wietaltaten. Carnival on the rink on New Yea's day. The WIngham Mario Light 0o. ere Preparing for high water or other emer- gencies by emoting an (nighr end boiler house neat: the present pewee home in Lowe e Wingham. It is reported that Dr, J. A. Meldrum has aieposed of hie practice in town and intends removing to Watford, In the mum of e, few week% where he has put'. chased an intermit in a medical praetioe. On Wednesday evening of last week, between 8 and 10 o'cloolt, some person or persons effected an entrenee into A. Gal. brat th's gr000ry and mailed off a Ivan tity of groceries. They unlocked the outside door at the rear and broke n panel out of the middle door with an axe. BItbs Mre, Pasernore, of London, was in town on Friday. Our tax oolleobor was paying the delin- quents a visit this week. B. O. Yen Egmont), of Egmondville, was in town on Frith:0'. Robert Milne le confined to the house with la grippe ze present. Service wart held in tbe English oburob on Ohristmair morning at 10:30. Kiss Maury E. Bell is spending bar Xmas holidays with friends in the Forest city, • a winos Forsyth and wife, formerly of this town, but now of Toronto, is visiting relatives in town. Will McElroy, of Toronto, and George McElroy, of Woodstock, tire spending their Xmas holidays under the parental roof on Tinsley street. On Friday et noon a large number of the ratepayers assembled in the Industry Hall for the purpose of nominating a Beeve and Councillors for 1804. At the close of the nominatione the following was the result :--N 11 Young, re-eleotea Reeve; Connoillore-F W St3ott, T Atib• bury, James McGee, IF Metcalf, John Wilson, F W Tanner and A MobTally. ..A.twooct. Mrs, Corbett and children, of Eirtle, Manitoba, are guests of Mrs. J. L. Mader. G. A. Bell, of Knox College, preached in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath morniug, in aid of Knox College mission fund. The pastor preached Prohibition sermons at Eimith'e Hill and Auburn last Sunday for his brother, Rev. IL Hendee. son. The meeting of the Conservative as- eaciation of Elma, was held at Ioerger's Hall, Atwood, on Wednesday afternoon of last week and was largely attended by the representative Conservatives of the township. The chair was taken at 8 p. m. by the Preeident, 8. S. Bothwell. Young Coulter, Secretary, read the minutes of last meeting, which were am proved. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year, viz. :-Prosi• dent, Moses Harvey ; Vim -President, W. D. atitebell ; See.-Treas, Young Coulter. Seen or SoomAxo ton Heems.-On Wednesday evening of tbis week the Sone of Scotland held their annual eon - cert. The Agricultural Hall was jammed to the door with an interested andienee. Mr. Grieve, M. P., for North Pertb, oompied the chair and did it well. Songs were eung by Miss Bolton, Lis. towel ; D. Stewart and family, Jas. Mc- Alpine and Miss Maggie Taylor, of Brus- sels ; Mr. Reid, Millbank ; Geordie Hamilton, Atwood ; iustrumentale by Piper Stewart, violinists, and Mies La- mont, of Lietowel. Dr. Campbell, of Seaforth, gave a masterly address on "Burns' proverbs and prophecies." Af• ter the program an adjournment was rnade to the dining ball where a haggis supper was eerved. The Scotties any the haggis was guici. A. speech wag given by Mr. Grieve ; e reeitation, "The land \where I was born," by Dr. Campbell, and after a few songs were sung a Scotch reel wound up the performance at 2 o'• °look in the morning. G-reiter. W. A. Smith is horse from Montreal College for his holidays. Jas. Moore, teaoher, is holidaying at Trowbridge and vicinity, Luther Bali and Obas Sheriff, of To- ronto, were here this week for a brief visit. W. D. Hill, of Lebbbridge, Man., ar• rived at the parental home on Christmas night on a short visit to see his another. Mr. Levis, wife and daughter, of Holnaseville, and J. W. Hill and daugh- ter, of Clinton, were visiting at John Hill's this week. The total proceeds of the autograph quilt in oonneetion with Roe's church was stated last week to be $108. Ib should have been 0108. Next season John MoIntesh, 14bb eon., and John Creme, 9th oon., intend erect- ing new brick residences. A portion of the material will be hauled bbie Wiuter. Mrs. David Maguire, who lama been re. siding at Peterboro' for the past year is, visiting during the Christmas holidays with her parents and friends. Sbe will return next week. Mre. jams Baker. and Mrs. X. Flall, both of Shelby, Miob., are visiting rela• tives here. The former is a sister of Met. Jno. Hill's and Bishop Ward's, Brussels. They man» Mt Saturday. It is 25 yours eine° Mr. Ward and Mrs. Baker met be- fore. A horse belonging to Richard Williams, Brunets, was found in Richard Peltroon's &warped, 8rd eon., last Tuesday morning. It was attached to a top buggy and al. though it had run away from Cranbrook • little or no damage was done to the out. fit. • &mom Rearonz-The following is the report of S. S. No. 10, Grey, for last half of 1863 -Sr.:4th-A. Michel, G. Mc- • Kay ; Jr. 41h -W. Baker; Sr. 3r4 -I. Baker, A. Michel ; Jr. Brd-lat, J. Oar- nooban, W. ialteventionet Evans ; Sr. 2nd Baker, L. Sanders, W. Hodges ; Jr. •1nd-W. Whitfield, J. Oarnooliart ; Part If Neabel, 0. Neabel. L. Boa. Dem Mr, reenp,- ' gem. Number of newsa on Register, 53. Ws have borne together. this evening to Nuniber who attended lees than 100 daye try to show you that we appreciate the se regeired by haw, 10. School was services which you have rendered to ns taught., 214 days, Average attendance; and to our neighborhood by eupeeietend. 22. 0, EtTorm, Tender, ing our Sabbath School since last May Onu.-The silent boatman visited the and Maclaine Me Bible elase. It has home of Deman aleltanohlin on tlameday been O. great boon to es all to 130 able to of this week and atiaried the epitit of study the Bible in concert with a great Thomas D., the eldest see; norms the multitude of yotmg people mattered tido. The deeeatied, Who was 28 swam of throughout this DO/Alta/14/ Y0/1 may at age, was a most eetlinable youeg man, tittles have asked yourself anxiously faithful! to every treat repotted in bim teed whether the seed you have sown hae lived &Moot exemplary life. He was. fallen upon banal or upon fertile soil, been in Grey toWhehip and spent hie We one at any rate mere you that We life at the parental home, Last August he was taken with nan ntteolt of gastrin fever and had a long, hard Mae. He gained up entileiently to get about hub did not regain his accustomed strength, A short time 0140 he 1100k 14 relapse and wet down iptioluly palming away tut Meted above. The funeral took Macre on Thneedey afternoon, the interment being made at Brussels cemetery. bit'. and Mre, alelemoblin and family have the sympathy of the community in their sad bee eave men a 40 141 rob roo Mise Magee bas returned to her home in Blyth. Wm. Geltz is borne on a vi•dt from Stratford. lathery Bann, of St. Themes, is home on & visit, Mrs. Geltz has been dangerouely ill tiering the past week. Fred, Zimmer is home for vacation from Galt High eahool. Mr. and Mrs, Hayman, of Loudon, are visiting at John Miss friary Blair, of Grand Bend, is %dotting o t Mrs. A. Ritchie's. Miss Mary Ritchie is on the sick list but we hope to see her around soon. Mr, and Mrs. Ring, of Crediton, were visiting at Cherles Seel's last week. ale, and Mrs. Traver, of Stretford, spent Xmas day at Joseph Knight's. Miss Leetie McNair, of Goderieh Col. legiate Institute, is borne for vacation. Mies Annie Sletnmon is bottle for her holidays from the Ladies' College, To. routo, A ball and supper will be given in Zim. mer's Hall on Friday evenieg of this week. R. Caureron, of Knox College, To- ronto, is spending his Christmas vacation under the parental roof. Alfred Reymann, of Detroit, Mich., is home on a visit. Alf. may take some- one back with him. A. big vote will be polled in the Deputy Reeve election next Monday. Our ail. lager will be well supported. A horse driven by some Brussels youths got away from them at 3 a. m. Tuesday morning and the proprietor did not get the rig until Wednesday after- noon when it was found on the 3rd con. of Grey. Bleamatortzeze-Chrietmas day was a gait one at the home of Mrs. James Rene, it being the wedding day of her daughter, Miss Sarah, to Robert S. Cam- eron, of Reinbeek, Iowa, formerly of this place. The ceremony was perform- ed at 3 p. m. by Rev. D. B. McRae, in the presence of a goodly number of guests after which the company sat down to a table 'ceded with the good things of this life. The bride was attired in a rich bleak satin, bedecked with white tulle, leoe, &e., and was assisted by Mies Anna Steele, while the groom WAS supported by John Cameron. Wedding gifts, useful handsome and valuable were made in large numbers and the company enjoyed a very pleasant time. Several hours were spent in tripping the light fantastio in Dames' Hall and at an early hour the guests repaired to their respective homes with many expressions of good will to Ur. and Mrs. Cameron for a smooth voyage over the matrimonial sea. They will make their home in Reinbeth. lk.:Itch The flood on Monday carried away Niagin's and W. Young's bridges. High water delayed work at the new mill being erected by William Milne. Mrs. Eph. Ocher is still quite ill. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. J, Elliott arrived home from Manitoba last Saturday. He will probably remain here. The high water played havoc with saw logs belonging to Reeve Milne on Mon- day. 100 corde of slabs have been purobaeed by W. Milne for the grist mill from °has. Querengesser. II. Wanner and wife were away at Heepeler on a holiday visit. Mr. Wan- ner is now engaged with J. Cober in bis carriage Mop. Over 100,000 feet of new logs have a1. ready been put into the sawmill yard here. They came out of the McKee bneh, near Molesworth. Among the Ethel boys who were away but are now home we notice Anton (lo- bar, W. Routley, Brim Gill and W. Man- ning. The three 'eater were in Dakota. 08 i19 said Wrn. Simpson will -not re- move from Ethel after bis successor ar. rives and take& the business.' We are pleased to hear this as Mr. and Mrs. impeon are firet-olass citizens. Ibis said 11/. 0. 13. Magin has disposed of his 100 acre farm to Max. Raynerd. Now that Max. bas procured the cage he will shortly be eeouring the bird. Mr, Magin will remove to Toronto looality, it is said. John S. McDonald, father of Mee. J, A. Young, oE Blount Forest, formerly of Ethel, is the Patron of Industry panda date iu 1/ast Bruce for the Lootul Legis. Mare. He has been Reeve, Warden, ete,, and is a well known and well•to-do farmer, In politico he ie & Reformer. In the brief notioe last week eamerning the C. 0. F. comma the Mlle ef Bliss Kate Wilson, of Beussels, WAS uninten- tionally omitted. Miss Wilson rendered splendid service. She was in good voice, her solos were very heartily received mud she will always have tt welcome to Ethel. ADDIt10118 AND PRESENTATION. --We are pleased to oopy the following from the Mount Forest newspaper oomeruing a former well known resident of Ethel 0/1 Wednesday evening of Dec. 13th, a sleigh load of young people from the boundary of Arthur and Minto assembled at the residence of J. A, Young and sura prised him by presenting hirci with a student's may ohteir moompanied by the following address, in recognition of hie services as teacher of the Bible chug in the district Sunday Bohol held at the retlicienee of A. Douglas : which our eyes me and or Nude handle are of far leas moment than the things of the world to (tome of which we read in God's Holy Word, and wo can mimeos the hope that the study of Hie word in whish we are engaged from Sabbath to Sabbath Inue alreedy by (Wet blessing conferred upon ue benellte that shell hest for ever and for ever. You have often gone, we ore mire, to the ethool when already wearied by the long drivel; tvIriell your bueinem compels you to take, and we ask yon to :tempt this easy (hair es a token of our gratitude and to reel, in it when yon imam home tired from Sabbath wheel or eleewhero. May you be spared to enjoy many happy years of useful Mil here and at Mt may you be called away only to serve our teemed blaster night and day in the upper sanctuary with perfect happiness. Slguet1 in behalf of tiro school. Wila.tAn Moltimeta. JAeon A. Doutmee. Mr. Young made a suitable reply thank. ing there for their Idea address and handsome present, and expressing a wish that the soiree! may aoribinue to prosper in the future even more so than it Ms done in Me pest. After spending an en, joyable evening they left for their homes, Molomwortli . Mr. Messer looked into our: town for a few hours last week. School aimed for the Xmas holidays on Friday of last week. Miss Ooghlin is just recovering from it rather severe attack of la grippe. Mr. Patterson was in London last week loolting after some Xmas goods. Joe Cumming is epending the Christ. mas holidays among friends in Michigan. Misses Annie and Maggie Mellee have returned home from Wellesley, wbere they have been vieiting. Miss Morrison, a former teacher in this community, hae been visiting old friends here for the past two weeks. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed here in the Presbyter- ian church the first Sunday in January. The showery [Impact of last Friday evening kept quite a number of our young people from attending the aohool enter. tainrnent at Trowbridge. George moKee Las returned home for his vacation, Next year he takes charge of the school taught: last year by rules • Glass whose certificate has expired. Rev. Mr. Jamieson gave a very ap- propriate discouree for Christmastide last Seedily morning. The rainy morning prevented quite a number from enjoying it. The school entertainment here was held on Thursday evening of last week and was a very sutemesfal one. Mr. Wat- son, in hie usual able style, performed the duties of chairman. The dialogues and recitations were all well given and the singing by the Misses Ross was higb. ly appreciated ; little Willie Beirnes in his songe brought down the house. The proceeds amounted to $22 55. 11710ENBAL.-011VilltrINIBUCIO id an itt• teresting seamen at all times on account of its hallowed assoeitutions. This year the day in our village was marked by one of those events which interest every one being the marriage of one of Nfoles• worth's fairest maidens, Miss Annie Mitchell, to Graham McDonald. Despite the gloomy sky and occasional showers by 4 o'clock a large number of wedding gusts bad assembled and an hour later the interest reached the climax when the bride, groom and tutteudants appeared and the words go old yet ever now and full of solemn interest were repeated. Rev. A. Stevenson, the former pastor of this plume, officiated. J. Griffieth ably derannts. supported the greom. 'I'lls bride looked very pretty 111 a heliotrope dross trimmed with cream haus and ribbone. The brideetrould, Allem Retie 11110011011, WAR attired. Kind wishes end congratulatious being over a strong at. treotion seemed to exist In the direction Of Lire supper table wheal appeared to be heating mare than lis there of banderis end deetrIng the relief which it soon in part obtained. To try to enumerete ar desoribe the gifts to the bride would be e hopeless task. The evening was moot p leaseetly spent in male, games and mole' that and near midnight the eom. pany departed wishing Mr, McDonald and bride many happy returne of the Christmas tide. VVzI,itoos. La grippe is el:eking up a good many people in this locality. The Molaillop Township Council has been re elected by acolarnation for 1894. It is expected a large vote will be polled on Monday in favor of a Prohibitory law in Ontario. The Methodist ohnuch will not hold its usual tea meeting on New Year's day bet will announce i date later on in the year. The annual meeting of the Walton Meese and Butter Company will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 2nd. All p drone and ebareholders are expected to &Rend. TIMBRANOZ.-A roneing meeting was held in the Penebyterien March, Winth- rop, on Tueetlay evening whiele was largely attended. The chair was well filled by J. a Morrison. Addressee were given by Bev, P. Musgrave ; Dirs. Scott, Superintendent of the Juvenile Temper. Lame organization, Toronto; Rev. T. W. Cosens, ot Walton ; and Andrew Govan. look. The meeting with its splendid ad. dresses should bear fruit. ANNZVERNARL-The discourses by Rm. Mr. Shaw, last Senday in connection with the anniversary services in Duff's church, were fen of interest. The weath- er was unpropitious yet a goodly number attended. on Sunday and Monday even- ing. Ab the latter meeting splendid ad- dresses were given by Rev. Mr. Shaw on "The elements of success in life," and a rousing Temperance speech by Rev. T. W. °ogees. The premeds of the ser- vices amounted to 230. 00. Exeellent maio was given by the choir. Rev. D. Forrest presided as chairman on Monday evening. Tune; Br:ans.-At the last regular meeting of Lady Sanderson True Blue Lodge, No. 16, Walton, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year :- Mee. J. G. Grieve, W. M. ; Mrs. H. Hamilton, D. M.; Mrs. W. Neal, Chaplain; Miss Maggie Morrison, Rece•Seo. Bliss Maggie Hamilton, Fineflec. ; Min Jane Kelly, Treas. ; Mrs. R. Eraiser, Dir, of Cer. ; Miss Maggie Kelly, Inside Tyler ; Miss Martha Rally, Outside Tyler ; Mrs. Wm. Neal, Maggie Mmrison, Auditors; Mrs. R. E. Ferguson, lab Com,; • Mrs. G. Hetvitt, 2nd 0m.; Miss Eliza MoLaughlin, 8rd Com. ; Mrs. 0. MoTaggart, 4811 Corn.; Mise Bell Oakley, 5th Corn. William Olifford, sent from Chatham 3 years ago M the Kingston penitentiary, was released one day last week and al. most at once went on a drinking spree. He stole a horse and outter in the streets and tried to sell or pawn them for liquor and was arrested. At the polioe court he pleaded guilty, giving drink as the reason of the theft. CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION, TORONTO. Established 1871. Capital and Assets' $ 5,000,000 Insurance at Risk, 22,560,000 Gain for 1892, - 2,000,000 W. C. DIA0O0NALIN Actunry. Annual Insurance, $ 900,000 New Insurance, 3,670,000 Gain over 1891, - 750,000 EV IIHRIDITIONIL-ACCUMILATIVI POLICY Is Issued Only by the Confederation Life Association. Malt is abeolutely free from all nett:idiom as to residenee, travel and cempatiou from the date of issue. sa.eft is entirely void of all conditione. rale is absolutely and automatically non.forfeitable, after two years. The insured being entitled to (a) Extended insurance without application, for full amount of the policy, for the further period of time, definitely mit forth in ilia policy, or on surrender to a (b) Paid Up Polley, the amount of which is written in the policy, or after five years, to a (e) Cash value, as guaranteed in the policy. President, Managing Director, Hon. Sir W. P. Howland, 0.B., 11,C.M.G. ta. IL Macdonald. W. II. KERR, Agent at Brussels. ..4.1.1M0/1•8119•59•10/in, ric A Chance to Secure Big Bargains. nod:motion. of 20 Po: Cent1, ON ALL MEN'S, YOUTHS, BOYS .A/TD CHILDREN'S Suits and °IMO& FROM NOW UNTIL THE EIVD Of' THE MONTH, Alex, Strachan. We wish to all, big, little, old and young. May the year just dawning be the happiest and fullest of blessings of any you've had yet. And may we be able to add to its pleas- ure too, by serving you better and oftener than ever before. We start out in our sin- cere efforts iu that direction by placing on sale the balance of our Overcoats and heavy Suits at a BIG DISCOUNT. $4.00 Overcoats for $3.00 ; $5.00 Overcoats for $3.90 ; $8.00 Overcoats for $6.00 ; $10.00 Over- coats for 87.00 and $12.00 Overcoats for $9,00. Fur Coats at COST. Mantle Cloths and Winter Dress Goods a, straight discount of EFAnn 10-1CDTT. It will pay you to look through. our stock. A. R. SMITH. 1.11.1111MOMMISMEMEIMMIIIMMER MLA .A.1\TID 1 • - el a Popular Price If you want to see the Largest, Ohea,pest and Best Stock of Millinery, Mantles, Mantle Cloths and Dress Goods GO TO MRS. E. ROGERS, Mimi. Oftlii•MMANIMMIEIMBIMIO SingenION•als•tlage.F.5...11 Our show room is full of the latest styles in Millinery suitable for Xmas and our prices greatly reduced. We now give you a fash• - ionable full trimmed hat for $1.50 as good as you will get elsewhere for double the money, call and see them. Miss Green, our Popular Milliner'will be very pleased to show them. We have also a large stock of Mantle Cloths which we are offering very cheap, also the. balance of our Readymade Mantles. We make a specialty of this Department. Wo always keep the largest stock so that every lady requiring a Dross will be sure to get anted. Our sales this season have boon nearly double that of former years but we still have a good selection to choose from and at greatly reduced prices so as to make room for Spring goods which we are now purchasing. XMAS 1:3S.ET TS. • We have just received a very nice new stook of fancy goods all suitable for Xmas including some very pretty designs in silk Handkerchiefs which, roe are selling as low Ots 9 cents all pure silk. (31,1410 0= IRMO; . • Our stock of Xmas Groceries is also to hand and we intend giving our customers some bargains during Xmas ancl New Year. We:will give you 25 lbs. good clean brown sugar for $1,00, 20 lbs. nice coffee sugar for $1.00. 18 lbs. granulated sugar for $1.00. Young Hyson tea usually sold at 50e. per lb., for 250, at every article in groceries equally mow. BRUSSELS, Deo. 18,:1898, E, ii0GERS,