HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-12-29, Page 3DEO, 29, 1893 THE BRUSSELS POST Town Director'. Metvintro Ciluncn,—Sabbath Servioes at 11 a, m. and 6:80 p, m, Sunday School at 2;30 p. lit. Rev. John Rose, B. A., pastor. Knox Cuvncu.—Sabbath Servioes at 11. a, nn. and 6:80 p. m. Sunday Sobool at 2:80 p. in. Rev. D. Miller, pastor. ST, Joiu'e Ouunon.—Sabbath Servioes at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m, Sunday School at 2:80 p. in. Rev, W. G. Reilly, inourri ben t, Mitruonrer Cuunou.—Sabbath Services at 10:30 a. m, and 0:30 IT. m, Sunday Sehool at 2:30 p, m. Rev. G. Il. Cobble. diok, M. A., B. D., pastor. BOMAN OAT]roLIo Onunoir.—Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 10:80 a, m, Rev, Joseph Kennedy, priest, SALVATION Amis,—Servioo at 7 and 11 a. m. and 3 and 8 p. lir, on Sunday and every evening in the weal. at 8 o'clock, at the barracks. Om) FNDrows' Donee every Thursday evening, in Graham's bleak. MASONIC Donuts Tuesday et or before full moon, in Garfield block. A. 0. U. W. Lewis on 1st and Brd Friday evenings of each month, in Blas. hill's block. 0. 0. F. Lonoe 2nd and last Monday evoninge of path month, in Blaehill's block. ` L. U. I,r'+"1st Monday in every month, in Orange Hall. I. 0/1.0., 2nd and last Friday in odd Falb -give' Hall. -Ie T. of T., 2nd and 4th Tuesday's of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. SONS on SCOTLAND, lst and Brd Tues. days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K, 0. T. M. Lonce, let end 3rd Thurs- days of each month, in Vanstone block. Hone Comm, 2nd and 4th Friday even- ings fn Blashill's Hall. PosT Oirnro..—Office hours from 8 a. m. to 7 p.m. MEc0ANICS' INevxxuTB.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wedresdaye and 8:80 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mies Dolly Shaw, Librarian. Town CounouL.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; W. H. McCracken, George Thomson, R. Ross and John Wynn, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thos. Kelly, Trees. urer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Rose, Collector. Board meets the 1st Monday in each month. Sonoo/ BOARD.—T. Fletoher, (chair. man,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, Rev. Rose and A. Reid ; Seo-Treas., R. Ross. Meetinge 2nd Friday evening in each month, Punta° SCnoon TnAormEns.—J. H. Cern. eron, Principal, Mies Braden, Miss Downey and Miss Cooper. BOARD or HnALTn.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A.. Stewart, H. Dennis and J. N. Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health Officer. A SOLILOQUY. Why seek ye wealth in sordid gold, And pleasures of the world untold ? Fortune in passing will unfold That death will surely end it all. Why seek ye heritage and name, And risk your Bout for earthly gain ? It passes from you just the same As death will truly end it all. But strive while here on earth below, The goodly seed to ever sow, And in a better world you'll know That death oan enter not at all. H. J. W. NONE THE WISER. Sam. Switzer was a butcher bold, For pork, tough meat he often sold, The triok was done so slick and neat, He out it up for sausage meat, That folie were nonethe wiser. From off the neolr be oub beefsteak, To chew it, oh I 'twould make you quake, The brisket with hint was a roast, And laughingly was wont to boast, That folks were none the wiser. Smoked shoulder sold as real prime ham, And mutton did he christen lamb, To get a name he neer was beat, As o'er and o'er he did repeat That folks were none the wiser. As days went by and years rolled past, The monarch death did call at last, And from the earth bore him away, To where or whence we cannot say, That folios are none the wiser. H. J. W. FAITH AND WORKS. When the gold winds of Winter blow cruel and bleak, And over the chimney.bope dome with a shriek, 'Tis then that we think of the friendless and poor, And that faith without works will never endure, If they hunger for bread dont you give them a stone, And if wanting meat give more than a bone, Dont bother with tracts but bring fuel and food, It's works then thatoount ; they are beet understood. Lot the good golden rule in our Wives be the guide, It will stand every test wherser it is tried, Prayer is the right food to fatten the soul, Bet to warm up the body there is noth. ing like coal. H. J. W. Let elanow. Miss Laura Berry, of the Ladies' College, Whitby, is spending her Christ- mas holidays at her home in the village. Dr. D. M. Gordon, of Luoknow, hag been appointed by the Ontario Govern. recut a ooroner for the County of Bruce. .6. Vancouver despatoh last week said : A workman named Campbell, from Luoknow, Ont„while engaged in running a horse power machine hauling a water main across the Narrows near Velma. ver, six weeks ago, was killed by the chain attached to the machine parting from the strain. His widow has filled a claim for damages,.a000rdnng to the in. etruotion0 laid down in the _Employer's Act, and if no notice is taken of lb will enter a suit against the city of Van. couver. Clinton. The Order of Geed Tempiars In Eng, q�y�h• y �Y 0 I will have h t urfns WW 4 fa7 The Gun Club i e a t oo o new groeuds on 7an let ItIiee Shobbrook, who hes been relining 1t slop lib Breoefield, will discontinue the same and move to bet• home here. W, J. Gallagher, formerly of this town, but more recently of Vanoonvor, 13. O., is about to start a paper et Nene-lino. Tho council of 1804 will have to pro, vide for an outlay of ab levet $000 that was coutt'iloted this year and for which no provision has been made it is one of those nnforeoen oontingsnotee that oanitol, be anticipated, eaueed by the oolbapes of the fire engine, necessitating a large out- lay for repairs ; this could not be pro• video] for in the estimates as they were made oub before it happened. 'Hil x eter'. Tho Salvation Army have opened Oro on Exeter, Pickard ,8 Son will move into their new store on Jan. 1st, 1801, Rev. F. II. Vett has resigned the ree- t'orehip of Trivitb Memorial church and will remove from here shortly. Jerry Hoamnn, who resides a little South of Exeter, while descending from a G, T. R. coach at Centralia had the miefortnno to break his arm at the wrist. John Balkwill, er., of Chicago ,• former., ly of Exeter, is lying in a very low state of health, suffering from inflammation of the lunge and it is not expected that ho, will recover. It ie understood that action will at once be instituted against the township of Stephen in connection with 6ho work of cutting and dredging ab Grand Bend. The Council has held book pertain sumo to guarantee them that the work will be well and properly clone, which would seen to be a proper caper. Godoricia. Magnus Swanson has returned from Ohioago where he had been for some months past in oonneotion with one of the Dominion Government exhibits. While getting on Mr. Hillier's delivery wagon the other day Ed. Blake fell and etriking his head against a pieoe of iron. work out a deep gash above his eye. Tuesday of last week as Surrogate Cleric Macdonald was going home about G p. m. he slipped on the glare ice at the corner of Waterloo street, and St. Pat- rick street and sustained a serious frac- ture of a bone of one of his lege. A large quantity of timber has been brought into town from the country for the work on the piers, The work, we understand, is to commence in January. A quarry has been started up the lake near Port Albert. Alex. Kirkbride has the contract foe the ironwork. °MINTY OMIT AND SDesroNe.—The fol. lowing is the conclusion of the business transacted last week :—In Charlesworth vs. Brown, the case in progress when our report closed, the jury failed to agree, and were discharged. Cleric vs. Tnwnehip of Hay Mutual Fire Insurance Co.—Ac- tion on polioy of insurance. By consent of his counsel His Honor directed that judgment be entered for the plff. forth. with for $100 and full county court Duets. Garrow ch Proudfoot for plff. ; Collins for deft. Browning vs. Browning—Action for conversion of personal property rind clothing brought by a daughter of Dr. Browning, of. Exeter, against her father. By consent of oounsel His Honor direct. ed that judgment be entered forthwith for the return by defendant to the plain- tiff, of the goods and obattele mentioned in the particulars, if defendant has all the goods, if not, he shall return what he has. No costs to either party. Collins for pltf. Proudfoot for deft. David Bell and Frank Sanderson were indicted be- fore the grand jury for perjury in con- nection with recent liquor oases tried at Clinton. No bill was found against either of the mooned. A tree bill wee found against Stephen Hogarth, of Stephen, for indecent assault and doing grievous bodily harm to Mrs. Charlotte MoGabey, an Indian woman, who resides in that seetion. As the crown was not reedy for trial the oases were traversed to the June session of '04. In the appeal of Thos. N. Danoy against the convic- tion fat abusive and threatening language towards James Mitchell, deft's eon, L. E. Danny, asked for a postponement un- til the June Sessions, on the ground that the defendant was too ill to come out, and he wished to have the case tried by a jury. p. Champion for the plaintiff Mitchell, said that if defendant was too ill to oome the case could be postponed until the next sitting of the Sessions, as the court would probably adjourn until the firet week in January ; there was no reason why the case should go over to the June sittings, besides a recent change in the law dispensed with a jury in such cases. Hie Honor held that the ease must be tried without a jury, and ad- journed it until Jan. 2nd, when the court would again meet for the seleation of jurors and other business. Aside from the receiving of the grand jury's present. ment, this closed the business of the court, Temperance. Tho Norwegian teniperanoe people are agitabiug for temperance in a most vigor. one manner, through the wribten me well as the spoken word. In some public places they' are posting temperance pie - tures whioh illustrate the bad offeots of drink as well as the benefit of total ah. sbinenoe. This is en excellent idea such pictures posted in public places will undoubtedly do a greab deal et good. The Norwegian government has appro. priated 7,000 orowne to aid the sooiety in its temperance work. The good cause is making sure progress in Norway. Under the competent leadership, with which it has been bieseed, it is gaining ground year by year. Lord Roberta says he Inas under bis command in India 14;000 British soldiers pledged to total abstinence. Through the agenoy of the Missione to Seamen 'Moiety over 5,000 sailors have been ern:oiled as total abstainers in Cork harbor alone, Coffee palaces are a feature of Het. bourne life, no less than 1110,500,006 bo. ing invested in thorn. Temperance sooietins are being formed among the mnjik5 of itnoeia, the mem. bars undertaking to abstain from vodka for 12 menthe, The Young Abstainers' Union of China now numbers in its several brandies at Shanghai, Fee Chow and Other cities upward of 0,000 members. A Ootgrrgational Temperance 0.880618. tion for Ireland has been organized with Rev. W. Newman Hall, Et nephew of Bev, Dr, Newman Hall, as its e0oretary, land celebrated Its 25tH anniversary last 1 O JI month ie the oily of Birmingham. The order now numbers 1,100 subordinate lodges and 700 juvenile temples, with a membership in both of 110,000. 01 we could sweep intomperanoe out of the land there would be hardly poverty enough loft to give healthy exer'otss to charitable Inrpulaes, The injurious influence of social drink. ing usages extends to the educated as well as the uneducated. Dr. J, W. Bare retb, of Australia, whose attention has been dirouted to the extent of the damage done to members of the mediae! peofes. Rion by alcoholic liquors, inebituted an inquiry, making it as complete as he could, with regard to bachelors of medi- cine of the Melbourn University. Of those of 1881.2, the great majority of whom are now dead, he found that 113 per cont had been decidedly injured by alcohol, those of 1883.4, 10 per cent, and those of 18656, 12 per cent. His in. vostigation disclosed the fact that more than 11 per cent, of the medioal men trained in the Melbourne University are, to use his own words, "distinct alcohol- ics.” In India certain regiments with 5,510 men were planed under observation. They were divided Into free drinkers, moderate drinkers and abstainers. It was found that the deaths of the former were 41 per 1,000, of the moderate drink. ere, 23 per 1,000, of the absta(eers only 11 per 1,000. Recent medical statistics in Switzer. land show blast 50 per cant. of the young men who would otherwise be eligible for military service are rendered unfit by excessive drinking. Christmas Weather Proverbs. A light Ohristmas, a heavy sheaf, A warm Christmas, a cold Easter. A green Christmas makes a fat grave. yard. A wind on Xmas day, trees will bring mach fruit. If ice will bear a man befog Ohrist. mart it will nob bear u man afterward. If Christmas finds a bridge, he'll break it ; if he finds none, he'll make one. The shepherd would rather see his wife enter the stable on Christmas day than the sun. IE the sun shines through the apple tree on Christmas day there will be an abund- ant crop the following year. When to `top Advertising. When the population ceases to multiply and the generations that crowd on after yen and never heard of you stop coming on. When you have convinced everybody whose life will touch yours that you have better goods and lower prices than they can get anywhere else. When you perceive it to be the rule that men who never advertise are out- stripping their neighbors in the same line of business. When men atop making fortunes right in your sight solely through the discreet use of the mighty agent. When you clan forget the words of the shrewdest and most successful business men oonoerning the main cause of their prosperity. When every manilas become so thoro. uglily a creature of habit that he will certainly buy this year where he bought last year. When younger and freeher houses in your line ooase starting up and using the newspapers in telling the people how muob better they eau do for them than you oan. When you would rather have your own way and fail than take advice and win. When nobody else thinks it pays to ad- vertise. Ge 110 Nowes. Hungary has been officially declared free from cholera. Hans Van 13ulow, the composer and pianiet, is critically i11. The cholera still prevails at Odessa and numerous deaths are reported, The Gogebis range in Wisoonsin was swept by a fierce blizzard on Saturday. A cyclone tact week did considerable damage in Magnolia, Ark., and district. The Marson flats at Duluth, Minn., were burned last week. Loss 685,000, An uprising against President Hereaux is reported to be imminent in, San Do- mingo. In .11220 persons will be expelled from France on suspicion that they are Anal.. oblate. A appoint to The New York World says the Princess of Wales has been left coo• pletely deaf by the influenza. A London cable announces that the Ac. orington election resulted in the return of Lee (Gladstonian) by 268 majority. 6. special from Omaha says : William F. Cody, "Buffalo Bill," will be a oandi- date for Governor of Nebraska next year. A Vienna cable says thab Louis Kos. sutb was reoently oompelled, owing to poverty, to sell his immense library for £180. Frederiols Shaw, the stage hand who was struck by the pole of a falling drop. curtain during a change of scene in "America" ab the Metropolitan Opera Horse, New York, last wools, died Mon- day morning. Mrs. John Stove', wife of a Kansas City bartender, On Sunday evening, after giving her four.year-old daughter a does of poison, took a similar dose herself. When disoovered both were in horrible oonvulsions and died shortly after - Lake B. Morrison, of Indianapolis,who has been seven times married and all of whose wives ars living, sued Lander Cos- ner, a brobloerdn.law by his last wife, for $5,000 for alienabing his wife's affeobions. On the witness stand lie swore he could not remember the maiden names of all hie several wives. The jury, after but ten minutes deliberation, decided against Morrison. Snowslidos have begun in the Montana mountains, Ouo came clown upon the town of Beata a few days ago, burying a portion of ib under 20 feet of solidly packed snow and killing and entombing three men. Two days later another elide occurred above Lyon City, not far from Heels. It came down upon the town without warning, killed four persons, badly injured several others and covered a large area tinder from 40 to 60 f set of snow. Dynamite and giant powder are once need to break lip the vast impend. ing masses of snow andioe before they have gathered by anorotion the weight and pressure that will make them des. tractive when they thouder down into the valley. Lite. ROYAL MAIL STE:131Sj111'1, Between New Yorl: and Liverpool, via rlueonsbown,every We,biesday. AS the steamers 0f this Line carry only a etrletly limitednumber is the L'IRST and s'acloND CABIN aeeormodetlone, intending paeeengers are reminded that an early ap- piioobiou Jnr berths be necessary at tbis sea - sot. For plans, rates, etc„ apply bo W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. TEE E PT' fvr7 CLUBBING O}j'FIi;R FOR 1894. Tun POST and Montreal /Jerald, with Almanao or Picture, • 62 25 TuEPOST and Montreal Witnees, 2 10 " Northern Messenger, 1 75 Western Advsrtieer, 2 '25 London Free x.005, 2'26 Toronto Mail, 2 25 Toronto Empire, '2 26 Toronto Globe, '2 25 Cosmopolitan, 2 75 Toronto News, 2 25 faro:ors' Advocate, 2 26 11 „ u 11 41 11 u In each case the balance of the year is given Free to new Subscribers. ORDER EARLY. Call on or Write W. H. KERR, POST Publishing House, Brussels. WINTER MILUNERY! Having removed my stook to the Millinery Rooms in the store of Messrs, Ferguson & Halliday (Lately vacated by Mr. Irwin) I am prepared to attend to the wants of the Ladies by sup- plying the Most Stylish Millinery At Close 3Priees, A pleasure to show our Fashion- able Goods. Call and see the Styles. 1VLiss . McPherson, CITY MILLINER. For Xmas Presents —GO TO— THE GREAT Boot & Shoe lienee McLEOID'S $yster Bionovator AND (MUSE— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak end Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur. algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con. conniption, Gull Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, 51. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility, LABORATORY DODERICII, ONT. J'. M. McLEOD, Prop. and Manufaoturer. Sold by 2, 1'. PEPPER. Druggist, Brussels. LONE/ TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels Grand Trunk Christmas and New Year Holidays. 3lxcursiou ttekets will be issued as under :— Single First -Glass Fare, Good to go December Mud, 29rd, 24th or 25th, v elicitor return until December 20th ; also good to go December Mb, 80th Slet or Sacn- ary 1st, valid for return until January 250, 1804. rirst•C,nss Fare and One -Third, Good to go December 22nd,28rd, 24th or 25th, valid for rebus until January 2013,1801. To Students and TeacT*rs. At First.Olass Fare and One -Third, on 000. render of standard form of school eerbi o- rate signed by the Principal, good to go De- cember Oth to 90th, inclusive, valid for re- turn until January 31s1,18)0. For tickets and full information apply to J. N. IKENI)A 4JL, G. T. R. Agent, Brussels. 414.444444414.44ac Pk I ER. 11ECOOEC'SRES1 FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. istholatest triumph in pharmacy or the enrol of alt the symptoms indicating lilnrrrox AND, Gruen Oomplarut. If you are troubled with, Cost/venose, Jazziness, Sem $teeneels,, B6 •nda •br., 0n,i1' i+alien, Poon' ADDET0TE,j 'MBE Fn0LINe, it liEDm Al2n PADA 0, 8 eaplow '1 gists, llfelaueboly 1 Ming, 1 AUX Bcn5,l fenibra.y's OOioitiey RRR:2 1'• i'o'r (lure! wiilgive immediaterelief andEE'r acsA(lux o. Sold at all Drug Stores. 1t0einbray Medicine Company of Peterborough, (Lb,:tted), PETERBOROUGH, . . ONT. SOLD BY J. T. PEPPED, DRUGGIST, BRUSSELS. J.M.Ifellilcrsoll Merchant and Tailor ETHEL., I beg leave to notify the Public that I have started a TAILORSHOP In connection with niy store and am now ready to fill all or- ders for Clothing. Fits Guaranteed or no Sale. J, lir. TENDER ;OW', EAMER'S GROCERY EMPORIUM, i'ROIII NOW UINTJL AFTER CHRISTMAS We offer some of the Finest Iniprotations in New Fruits Buell as Blue Basket Raisins, Finest Selected Valencia Raisins, Fine off stalk Valenoia Raisins, Choioe New Currants, New Peels, Extracts, Pure. Pastry Spices, Icings, Shelled Almonds—in fact all the requisites for a Christmas Cakeor Pudding. We are showing some of the Finest Values in Blended Japan and Con„ ou Teas Ever shown in Brussels. Remember they are packed in the gardens of Japan and China specially, and imported direob. We guarantee every pound of Tea that leaves our store to give the best of satisfaction, or money refunded. In Sugars and Syrups we are away down in Prices this Season. Oranges, Lemons, Nuts and Ounfeotionery. In Fancy China, Dresden China, German China, Bohemian Glass, Fancy Baskebs, Fruit Plates, Flower Pots, China and Decor. abed Tea Sets, Dinner Sets, Bedroom Sets, Fancy China Cups and 'Saucers Cups, Seamen and Plates, Porridge Sets, Bread and Milk Sets, Oyster Bowls, Fanny Cruets and the finest assortment of Lamps ever shown in our store. t'0al1 and see these goods whether you buy or not. No tronble to show goods we will be glad to see you. Remember the place—nearly opposite Brussels Postolbine. And see our stock of Gents' Fancy Slippers, High Cut Jersey Buckle Over- shoes, Newest Styles of Felt Boots, Fine Congress and Laced Boots. LADIES' Fur Bound Felt Slippers, Fleecy Lined Jersey Overshoes, Over Gaiters and Leggings, Pelt Boots for old ladies. Boots and Shoes of every description. Men's incl Boys' Pure Gum Rub- bers and Socks. China, Crockery, Lamps and Glassware. Good. Brothers, 1 BRUSSELS and SEAPORTH. J. I4AtEMIER. AS CERIES A Fresh and Prime stock of Xmas goods to hand consisting of Fruits, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Dates, Figs, Oranges, Lemons, Pine Apples, Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, Walnuts, Almonds, Filberts, Pea Nuts, Shelled Almonds, Confoot1eb,ery Of the best Quality. Essences, Extracts and Spices. Orange, Lemon and Citron Peels. New Tobaccoes. Syrups and Vinegars. In Teas and Sugars special bargains are offered Christie's Biscuits and a full line of family Groceries in. every Department, including Tip-top Fish, Poultry, &c, A pleasure to show our goods, ae�I gyp\ ry�� �@+\ Wig' s a L •J , IN . Al Try oottoline, G OOE ,,