HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-12-29, Page 1• Vol. 21. 'No. 24. Nomination Day. The following are the municipal nominations made on Friday of last week as far as could be obtained :- BEE6eELS—Reeve, W H Kerr, neo. Counoillors, W H arcOraokon, R Graham, Jno Wynn, B Gerry, 3 R Smith, S Wilton, R Williams and W F Vanstone. School Trustees, Dr Mo. 'Solvay, A Hunter, J N Kendall and D 0 Bose. Monnes—Beeve, H Mooney, 0 A Howe. The latter retired. Deputy Reeve, Geo Kirkby and 3 Prootur. Councillors, S Oaldbiak, B N Duff, J ® Bowman, W Iebieter and T Code. • 312085rs. Oaldbick and Duff resigned, -thereby electing the other three, finny—Reeve, W n[i]ne and A His- lop. 1st Deputy Reeve, Walter Oliver and Jas McDonald ; messes Hislop and McDonald deolinsd to run consequently messes Milne and Oliver were elected by aoolamation, 2nd Deputy Reeve, A. C. ▪ Dames and Edward Bryan, Councillors, James Turnbull, Thos Ennis, L McNeil • and W Brown, are =Neil bas resign- ed leaving the contest for the two seats between the three gentlemen above mentioned. , BLYon—N 13 Young. MaKu.Lor—Old Council WRoxETEn—Reeve, T B Bandon. TDRNDERRY—Reeve, W axoPhorson ; * deputy, W,Oruiollehank. Wen Mayas—tome—Reeve, Alex Stuart, Deputy Reeve, W Gibson. Goderioh townsbip—Cox and Beacom for Reeve ; Deputy, S Sturdy. Howeex—Reeve, B Cook ; let deputy, S Ferguson ; 2nd deputy, Graham and Jacques. ICixoaxmnNE.—Mayor, Joseph Barker, John Tolmie, Walter M Duck ; Reeve, Col Scott (anal). Gonnniou—Town—Butler and Humber ▪ for mayor ; Proud!oot and Whitley, for a Beeve; Holt; and Goode for Deputy. ExnTEn—Beeve, Dr Rollins. W Bow. den, R H Collins, L H Dickson, H T • srcOallum ; deputy reeve, H Spackman, W G Bissebt. STEPHEN Towxsurr-Reeve, V Rath ; first deputy, H Bilber and 0 Christie ; • - second deputy, J Sherrit (coal) ; council- lors, R Hioke, F Wuertb, S Sweitzer. HwLLETT—Beeve, Robert Scott, by ao• el: motion ; deputy, 33 Churchill ; A F axaadonald ; councillors, John Brigham, John Lasham, John Macgregor, James Snell. 3)80005 TOWNsuro—Reeve, T M Kay, 3 Cann ; oounaillore, Jae Halls, Win Brownlee, W Hyde, Walter Keddy, J Shier, W. Delbridge, l'obb Gardiner, jr (acclamation.) • TocEttnsMITN-11r Sheppard, the pres- ent reeve, was cleated by acclamation ; ato1Say and axnLeanwere pub up for deputy ; the old councillors were nomin. ated, oleo Frank Layton. STANLEY—Wm Clark and Robt MaII- veen are in the field for Bathe, and Isaac Breath and John Kibehen for Deputy ; Counoillors, S A axoffatt, Wen Thirsk and Wee Lamont, wore eleoted by aoola- r ation. SnAroITE—Mayor, D D Wilson, (cool). Reeve, James Beattie, Wm M Gray. Deputy Reeve, F Neolin, Jae Wateon. Councillors, East Ward, J Darwin, R Coleman, J Ward, Wm MoKay ; North Ward, 33 B Gunn, J Tyreman, B, Willis, James Beattie; South Ward, R Scott, John Stewart, W Soiater, 3 Gillespie. WixomAM—mayor, -J Hanna and D by Gordon ; Reeve—B 0 Sperling (awl) Deputy eeve—W Holmes and W Et Brockenshire ;. Cauneiilore—Ward No 1, Neelands, li Tennant, W Johne, R Herdsman ; No 2, W 13 Fowler, J J How- artb, A Dawson, T L L ; No 3, R' Are- sott, P Deane, J McLean (cool) ; No 4, T Gregory, l) axaKinley and F G Spading, Jas Angus, 0 G Reading. MITCHELL—mayor, W 11 Davis, s W Cull ; aldermen—Buritt and Isaacs Hard ; reeve, James Dougherty and Jno Whyte, Jr,; deputy reeve, 111 G Wood, M D, and Abraham Dan ; councillors, Wm Ryan, John Whyte, jr, Jae Jones, B G Wood, ax D, 0 H Buritt, M D, Wm Marlyn, Wee Henry, W A Kilo, Jabez Jewell, Fred Dutton, Jas Wilson, Wm Machan, Alex Murray, Thos S Skiuner and Fred Davis. CLINTON—a[ttyor, R Holmes, T Jack. son, sen, G D• McTaggart. Reeve, A 010• x 0101312, D Cantelon. Deputy Reeve, D B Kennedy, .11 Amber. Counoillors—St Andrew's Ward, J Taylor, A. Armstrong' 31 Foster, J E Biaakall ; St James' Ward, T atoKenzie, J at=Murray, H Walker ; St John's Ward, S S Cooper, W Jones, A Oouoh, 0 Overberg, 0 9 Doan St George's Ward, E Saville, S G Plum - wee, W Young, W 0 Searle. School Trustees—St Andrew's Ward, W S Hart - eland ; St James' Ward, T 0 Bruce ; St Gtorgo'S Ward, 3 0 Stevenson • all by aoolamation ; St John's Ward, J Taylor, J D Hoover, Thomas Cottle. LrsTowsL.-Mayor, S B110118r, A W Featherstone, Jacob Happier. Reeve, J A•}laoking, (gaol). Deputy Reeve, R T Ramp, (tool)j- Councillors, Bismarck Ward, T E Hay, H Goddard, John Ga. bel, A W Featherston, A Foeroh, J S Bowman Gladstone Ward, J Se ur er + g ; mSmith, J S Bowman,W Lamont , fllivray, Ward, W Dixon,t aroG Vfutoria Wa 3 J Foster ; Dufferin Ward, R Woods, G X Donaldson, W Pelton ; Lansdowne Ward, J H Gunther, J 1I McDonald, R Betohinson, Thee Later, Public School Trustees, Diamark Ward, John Bamford,, J W n[eyers; Gladstone Ward, Chas Anderson, N Iirotz ; Victoria Ward, W Bradley, James Coghiil ; Dufferin Ward,. David Watson, Thee Male ; Lansdowne Ward, H Willoughby, Jacob Brioker, W 11 MoLaugiObO. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, Examinations. The following persons, having pasaod the professional examination presoribed for third slaw teaehere, have been award. ed oertillaatee by the County Board of Examiners for Huron, Marks obtainable, 1,100, marks necessary for pate, 000. in'larALE, • Carbwrighb, H 089 M0acnrco l T, 0.,. 819 (Sapling, n 880 Patterson, D. M,,, 796 Oampbell,M,.,.,,,, 809 Bath, Annie 780 Dodd, H 690 h090, Maggie G.., 808 *Davidson, A. D,,806 towns, buoy „ 811 Findlay, M ...,,, , 814 Salkeld, Mary B.., 820 Grieve, A. 8 802 Stewart, 11116 866 Ilallklay, Mary.,, 802 Strang IteseJ 031 Irwin, Sara 768 Venom%737 737 Jaques, Ida 702 Trudgeon L. M... 827 Selly, Minnie 757 Turnbbull PM..... 1 J 842 liaiue,Luey A...... 804 Wolper, Susie 714 Magee, Lizzie 821 Williams, ltuth.,, 804. Million, Jennie 838 WilliaWliyerd, l0R 4.., 747 UUAL'S. Ards Walker lag Mullion, Melvin.,, 837 McAdam', John, 322 "Shahan, Jno . 853 Moe, Albert720 Landeborough II. 852 13agebaw, W B805 Mack, A m 798 Rutaliarb, P...,.,.,. 893 Morrison,,T. R742 Coleman, Oliver... 788 MoQuarrie W L" 780 Derain, l+.A 838 Quinn W..3 780 Eder, John 775 Ryan, Hugh A.,.,.. 818 Forrest, Joseph744 Russell, 4.0 eel Gregory, 3, A...,,, 041 Beott, Won. J 824 Geminal],. W 7.'...805 Sm111io Robt...,,788 Gammen, Wm ... 737 Killers, Charles768 Gillespie. G 804 Ti Cert, James H.,, 770 Gilmore, John 706 Tibbutb, 0. A 86) Hicks, John........, OBI Walsh, atm 838 Hogan, Michael... 701 'Certificates will bo issued when Secre- tary of Board has seen the non -Profes- sional. S. P. HALLS, M. A., Secretary Board of Examiners. Goderiob, Deoember 23rd, 1893. A eociepy event of mucic interest took plate in St. Mary's the other day, being the marriage of Mise Nellie Beattie, daughter of the late Alexander Beattie, to Pranl[ Ashbury, banker, Ohioago, for• wetly of the Traders', Bank, St, Mary's, The bridesmaids were the sister and eonsio of the bride. The groom was supported by his brother and J, A. Mor, risen, of Toronto. The party 1eftfor a lioney0loon trip before proceeding to their home in Ohmage. Cbrislnuss Meats. We have always asserted that for ex- cellence and quality of the display, the exhibit of heats made by Brussels bnbohex'e, on epeoial occasioue, is never surpassed in Canada, and for this Christ- mas season the butchers of town had a superb exhibit, ae the following shown :— way. nammliL'9 HERMIT. 2 heifers, 2 years old, fed by Jas. Car. diff, Gray, one dressed over 600 pounds ; 3. heifer, 2 years old, fed by Jas. Sherrie, Morris 1 beifor, 2 years old, fed by P. McDonald, Grey ; 3 fine pigs fed by W. Bhlubill ; 3 porkers fed by Geo. Jackson, Morris ; 2 lambs, fed by Wm. McColl, Morrie. In addition there were sugar cured hams, breakfast bacon, bologna, blood, liver, and pork- sausage, poultry, lard, &o. The exhibit and window were tastefully deaerated with flowers and drapery, and would have done credit to a city display. A. ammin'9 DISPLAY. One heifer, 2 years old, fed by Jas. Fulton, jr., Grey, dressed 030 pounds ; 2 heifers, 2 years old, fed by Wm. Work, Grey, dressed 680 and 000 pounds, re- speotively ; 3 June hogs, fed by A. Our- roe, ono of which scaled 200 pounds of pork; lambs, poultry, sausage,. minae meat, haggis, blood pudding, lard, Roo. Mr. Ourriehad his exhibit tastily orna- mented with tissue paper flowers and evergreens. If anybody went hungry in town ib was not for want of an abundant stook of first-class meats ou band at the meat markets, which wore No. 1 in every respect. SOU li 'maim LoBERALS. Ooxworth's Hall, Hensel', was packed on Wednesday of last week, by the Lib- erals of the South Riding, who load gathered for the purpose of selecting a candidate for the Local Legislature. Some of the Conservative papers have been stating that there was a split in the Liberal ranks in this riding, but there was no evidenos whatever, of such a thing, and the result showed perfect unanimity. It had been assumed that Mr. Bishop would again be a candidate, bat he stated positively that he wag not. He had been in public life for 30 years, 20 of whish had bath as representative for the riding ; the people had honored him with their confidence and support, and he had endeavored to serve them to the beat of hie ability ; he believed the time had coma when he should take a rests, and whoever received the nomina- tion would have his heartiest support. R. Holmes, Clinton ; S. Smillie, Hen• sell •, and R. Hays, Seaforth, were ap- pointed scrutineers, and nominations for candidate were made by ballot. On the first ballot the following names were an- nounced, in the order given :—M. Y. Mo. Lean, Seaforth ; V, Bath, Stephen ; T. Frazer, Stanley ; A. Bishop, 'Osborne ; D. D. Wilson, Seaforth ; Dr. Browning, Exeter ; R. 13. MaLsan wad W. Doi Tuokersmith. On the seoond ballot M. Y, McLean had considerably more than a majority of the delegates, and on motion of Mr. Collins, eeeonded by Mr. Doig, the nomination was made unanimous. Mr. McLean thanked the oonvenbion for the hornet done him, an honor enbirely im• solicited on his part, and melted for their gipped in keeping South Huron in Lib• era! line. Short speeches were also made by others who had been before the con- vention, on- ventit, and also byJohn McMillan, The following u was carried resolution by a standing vote, and responded to by Mr. Bishop :—Moved by D. D. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Doyle, that this Con• ventiOt degree to plane on record its high appreciation of the faithful and efficient serving of its late representative, A. Bfehop, wbo for so many years has not only parried the Liberal banner to victory in South Huron, bat whose course iu the Hauge has always been such as to meat with the appeeval of his constitu- ents and those who are in favor of iooneet and pure government, and who has ab this Convention expressed his determin- ation to retire for the present from pub. lio life, and we trust that he may long be Mend to aid the Liberal party, Chicago hag a broad famine. A tJ. S. man of war hag been ordered to Honolulu. An American lady is ening the British lliusenm for libel, There is great distress in Atisbralia, Thousands of people aro homeless. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1893 'W. H. KERR, Prop. Maerials- Mrs, George Jackson bas been on the eiak list. Miso Currin, of Ayr, has been visiting Mies Kate Barrie. Miss Lizzie Maunders is home from Arthur on a holiday visit. Miee Maggie Scott arrived Home from a visit to Petrolia last week. Miss Jeauet Scott is visiting relatives in Saginaw. She went last Friday. George Johnston and wife were visiting friends at Luoknow this week. The flood on Monday destroyed Clark's bridge, near the Morris Town Hall. Ting PUT gives the news of Morris township. You should renew, at onoe, for 1894. Anniversary services at Browntown noxb Sunday and tea meetieg on Monday evening. John Bowman, of Toronto, is spending his holidays with Ifs parents on the Ord line. Mrs. John Patterson, of Mildmay, was visiting at her parents, George Peacock's, this weak. Mr. Langetrotb and wife, of Seaforth, were visiting at Win. Thornton's, let eon., this week. H. E. Burkholder and wife were away for a visit to Mount Forest and Harris - ton visiting relatives, Duman MoMillan and family have re. moved to Blyth where Mr. Mao. expects to get steady employment. Chas. Sheriff, of Toronto, is spending his Christmas holidays in renewing acquaintances in this township. It is said that Sburrie Bros. have pur- chased Hazzard Wright's farm which adjoins their own, paying $4,000 for it. The fun of the Municipal election has been considerably diminished by the Reeve and Couuoil going in by soothe motion. Jas. Kerney has invested in Jas. Alt - kin's farm on the 4th line, He will now have 200 stores, the centre sideroed separ- ating them. There will lir no service in Johnebon's church next Sabbath on a000unt of the annivereary services being held in Eben- ezer church. Mrs. Bush, of Frankfort, is at presen visiting her parents, George H. Rattan and wife, and other relatives on the lob and 2nd concessions. In the absence of Rev. George Buggiu, who was at Markdale, the pulpit at Jack- son's ohuroh was occupied by George Jenkins last Sunday. Jas. Bolger, who has spent 3 years at Cypress River, Manitoba, is home on a visit and will remain here until Spring. The West, judging by appearances, agrees Well with him. Among the Christmas visitors from the West are Jno. Muldoon and wife (former- ly Mies Bessie Kelly, of this township) of Hartney ; Joe Smith, and Mies Hanna, of Neepawa, Manitoba. Wm. Breckenridge, who returned home from Algoma a couple of weeks ago and was off work on a000unt of a badly bruis. ed leg, is, we are pleased to state, re- covering sonlewhat. Riobard Lees, M. A., formerly of this locality, Science Master of Brampton High school, has been engaged as Soienee Master at the St. Thomas Collegiate In• stitute for 1804 at a salary of $1,000. We wish him emcees in his new position. The anneal school meeting in S. S. No. 6, on Wednesday, was very poorly attended. Quintin Anderson was re• installed as trustee for the next three years. Donald Currie, who has been nae of the trustees for the past twenty years, resigned on amount of poor health. Wm. Cochrane was appointed to take hie place for the balance of his term. Word has just been received of bbe sudden demise of Mrs. John Barker, a former resident of the 3rd line, at Glen. bore, Manitoba. It was quite It slxonk to her old neighbors here as they were not aware of her illness. Mr. Barker was over bare a few weeks ago on a visit and just got home again a few days before her death. She leaves a husband and family of eleven to mourn her loss. On Tuesday evening of last week a Xmas tree entertainment was held at Jackson's ohuroh. The chair was occu- pied by W. Jaokson, superintendent, and an intereeting program of music and recitations was given by the pupils of the Sunday school. Harry Fear, as Santa Claus, did hie part well in distributing the gifts from the trees. The speakers expected failed to show up. Proceeds of the entertainment aboub $9.00. M,tTRIMONIAL.—On Wednesday, of last week the residence of William Marshall, 8th line, was a scene of activity, it being the day appointed for the marriage of Kate, eldest daughter of the host and hostess, to James Rath, of Wawanosh. Rev. Geo. Buggin, of Blyth, tied the nuptial bow in the presenoe of a largo number of guests. The bride was at- tended by her eieter, Miss Annie, and Mr. Rath, brother to the groom, was groomsman. The wedding gifts were numerous and useful. A sumptuous re. past was partaken of after which the evening was joyously spent in sooial chat, mesio, dancing, dm. Mr. and Mrs, Rath have set up housekeeping on their own a000ubeat nh with the wishes of a large oirole of relatives and friends. 9Uo0a9eFQL ExtanNAn•yhN. Th e axam. ination held at S. S. No. 1 Met Friday was a great sn00085 and reflected credit on the teacher, W. J. Tough,' who has taught in the school for the past 5 years, and the pupils, whose ready and thereat aagwera showed that the worts done was not superfiofal. The visiting taacbers were Miss Kirkby, Mies Smillie, Miss Marshall, and Messrs. Blank, Scott, Kneobtel, Doig, Kerney, and oblige. In addition to a liberal supply of 601resh. meube a nlusiaai and literary program was well rendered Addresses were oleo given by gaveral of the teaobers in at. tendanesand ReV. A. McLean, of Blyth.. Before the gathering was dismissed Mr, Tough was pre8ented with a kindly word- ed address and a Bible. He purposee giving up toaohing and will locate in Blyth for a time, A new teacher, a gentleman from Wroxeter, will be hie suooessor, There was a very large at• tendanoo of parents and Mende at the esatnination and alt woke well pleased, Peter Murphy, an indigent, bas been taken to Brussele to be oared for, Mor- ris Donnell will pay fortis !seep. He is aboub 80 years of age and without friends. G. A. Hood, son of George Hood, and Miss Cora Greenfield, of Saginaw, MOP., were married on Wednesday of this week. They calve to the home of the groom's parents on Thurs. day, where a family re -union wee hold. May suooess and happiness be theirs, Pare. Geo. Smith, sr., and her sons Alex. and George, were in Hibbert town- ship last week attending the funeral of Mrs. Smith's brother, M. Millar, wbo died suddenly of heart failure. H5 wee 00 years of age and was an old resident of Hibbert. His wife and 9 children survive him. Swoon RsrooT.—Tho following is the standing of the pupils in S. S. No. 4, ac- cording to marks taken during the month of Dsoember :—Sr, 4th—Taylor Pipe, Frank Cloakey, Millard Cardiff, John Curry ; Jr. 4th, Grade A ---John Mo Outobeoa, Earnest Maunders, Simon Forsythe, John Sharp, Hugh Forsythe ; Jr. Fourth Grade B—Ettie Davie, Lyon Pipe, Lillian Mooney, Maggie MoOuboh- eon ; Jr. Brd—Norah Maunders, Ida Mooney, Willie Cloakey, Lula Davis, Barbie Moes, Harry Mooney, Maud Hog- gard, Annie Davis, Geo. Cardiff, Milton Curry, Jas, Donnelly, lila Pybus, George Barrie ; Sr. 2nd—Willie Johnston, John Cloakey, Willie Greenslade, Myrtle Nichol, Geo. Innes, James Iunes, Eliza Markham ; Jr. 2nd—David MoCutolleon, Milton Sharpe, John Moss, Riobard Oar - Lawrence Pybus. Mise HALLID,AY, Teaoher. On Friday evening last a number of invited guests spent a very enjoyable time in music, games and 000ral chat at the handsome and commodious residence of Geo. Johnston, let con. On the Thursday evening before the grandest event of the season took place when about 100 guests assembled to celebrate the house-warming of this magnificent residence. The best and hostess pro- vided a grand dinner after whioh an ex- cellent program was disposed of. Dr. Ohieholm, of Wingham, took the chair, and speeches were given by W. H. Mo. Oraoken, of Brussels ; Rev. A. Y. Hart- ley and Jas. Timmins, of Bluevale, and several others. Songs were sung by T. Rae, of Wroxeter ; R. N. Duff, of Blue - vale ; R. Green, of Wingham ; S. Oald- biok, Henry Robb and Mies Mary John- ston, of Morrie. Readings and recita- tions ware rendered by S. Graney and T. Cornyn, of Wingham, and J. Brethour, of Wroxeter. Excellent music was pro. vided by Mrs. James Timmins and Mas - ere. MoPherson and Heaney, of Blnevalo. After the program was gone through with a couple of hours were spent in social obat and after having wished the host and hostess many happy and enjoyable years in their new house the gay com- pany might have been seen wending their way homeward in the wee oma' hours o' the morn. .NINTEETAINM0NT.—Despite the heavy rain lust Friday evening Barrie's school house was filled to overflowing with a very good natured audience of young and old who came to enjoy the anneal music- al and literary program prepared by Miss Halliday, the highly esteemed teacher, her pupils and others. Shortly after 8 o'clock W. H. Kerr, of THE POST, took the chair and a long, varied, amusing and excellently rendered program was pre- sented. It wise as follows :—Chorus, "Happy Welcome," by the school ; solo, "The ship that carried me home," Mr. McGill, Blyth ; dialogue, "The new boy," by the sohool ; recitation, "Fresh air fund," Ida Mooney ; duan, "Beautiful River," Misses Hoggard and Thorne ; recitation, "The Monkeys," Lillian Mooney ; aomio song, "The Irish Jubi• lee," Prof, Hawkins ; reoitatiou, "School Punishment," Mary Kernaghan ; song, "The Cobbler," Milton Ourrie ; recite,. Hon, "No. Thank you. Tom," Norah Maunders ; ahorne, "f'armer's Boy," by the sohool ; instrumental on organ by Mise Stewart, Blyth ; aomio song, "Mary Ann come in," Prof. Hawkins ; solo, 'Bligo a Lady," Mr. McGill ; violin solo, W. Bands ; duebt by John and Miss Currie ; reoibation, "Mie. Caudle," T. A. Hawkins• esolo, 'Boys of the old Bri- gade," A. Straohan dialogue, "The Hoyden," by the young folk; aomio song, "The Cat came bank," Prof. Hawkins ; instrumental, violin, bones and organ, Miss and BSegers. Smith ; solo, He never oaree to wander from hie own fire- side," Mr. McGill ; redaction, "Caleb's Courtship," Mies Eva Cardiff ; solo, "Dome o'er the stream Charlie," Jas. McAlpine ; trio, Misses Hoare, Sharp and Rivers ; recitation, Mr. Hawkins ; instrumental, harmouioas, bones and or- gan, by E. Moes, W. Smith, E. Cloakey and Miss Smith ; recitation, "Bill the Engineer," Mies Barrie ;. solo, "A Oaua- dien Girl," Mise Elva Cardiff; aooziosong by Prof. Hawkins ; dialogue, "Doctor by Proxy," by the young folk; solo, Mr. McGill, The above with a large number of responses to well deserved encores lengthened the evening's entertainment past 11 o'olook. Votes of thanks were given to those taking part and to the chairman. The p rooeeds amounted to 1 devoted .school 0 thiol will be to 0 19, 0 l purposes after expenses are deducted. Mies Halliday and all concerned deserve credit for the suooessful cat•rying out -of the program. At the conclusion of the gathering a number of Brnsselites were very hospitably entertained at the rest. deuce of W. Barrie. doyno it Go., dry goods merchants, In. gorsoll, with $25,000 liabilities and $20,. 000 estimated needs, With assigned to Geo. Efeyes, of London, Robb. Hilliard diad on Sunday lest, aged 72 years. Deceased had been ill for some time and was gradually felling, but bis death same unexpectedly because no speoiai ohange had boon noticed in his condition for Boma time past. lair. Hil• lifted was for: 20 or 25 years manager' of the Bank of Montreal in St. Mary's and was always highly esteoued for his in- tegeity and solid business ability, The funeral tools place at St. Mary's Wadnee- day. People We Know. George Henry is borne from Toronto, J. T, Rose was in London on Thurs- day. H D Maddoois spent Christmas at Guelph. Miss Jennie Bloomfield is home from London, Miss Kate Ferguson is home on a holi- day visit. Wm. Wilson arrived from Dakota on Saturday, Barrister Blair was in Goderioh for Ohristmae. Chester Pugh, Pugh, of Bluevaio, is visiting at Rev, R. Paul's, Lincoln Hembly, oe Wingham, Christ - maimed in Brussels. Mies Mabel Hayoroft is holidaying at Clinton for a week, Miss Olara Thompson, of Toronto, is holidaying in town. Leon and Miss Elsie Jackson spent Xmas at St. Marys. Bruce Wilson is visiting relatives in London and vioioity. Mise Maddock, of Guelph, is visiting her brother in Brussels. 0. H. Turnbull, of Guelph, was in Brussels for Christmas. Hattie 3'. Strong was holidaying in Toronto for a few days. T. A. MaLauchlin, of Bruoefield, fs holidaying in Brussele. The Misses Hoare spent Christmas with relatives at Clinton. Thos. Ross was home from Durbam for a few days this week. Miss Whitmore, of Derham, was visit- ing at D. Ross' this week. Rev. S. Jones has been on the sick list with en Attack of la grippe, Mrs- Howell, of Platteville, is visiti ng her daughter, Mrs. S. Plum. Miss Maggie Smith was home Blyth for a few days this week. Robert Leatherdale is away on a day visit to relatives near Orillia. Fred, MnOraoken ate his -share of Christmas turkey at Peberboro'- Will. Stewart, of Chatham, is visiting at the parental home in Brussels. Reginald Pletcher spent Christmas at Luoknow with hie grandparents. Robt, Nott, a former well known resi• dent of Brussels, is visiting in town. Miss Kale Wilson is home from Guelph for her Ohrisumas holidays. Mies Addie Vanstone is home from Watford for her Christmas holidays. Jno. Pelton, wife and son, of Atwood, were in town for a few days this week. Richard Rivers, of Luoknow, spent part of the Xmas holidays in Brussels. Wm. Norton and wife, of Listowel, have been visiting at Hugh MoMartin's,' W. H. Willis, wife and eon, of Mitoh e11, were visiting at B. Gerry's this week. Miss Kate Pelton, of Innerkip, is visit• ing her sister, Mrs. R. G. Wilson, Brus. eels, - Jno. N. Kneohtel, who bas been in Manitoba for soma time, arrived home last week. E. Danford has been on the sick list with a tough of la grippe and a Job's comforter, John Engel, of Paw Paw, Mich., is en. joying a holiday visit in Brussels and locality, Mrs Charles Holland, of Port Huron,_ is visiting her mother, who has been on the sink list - D. Ferguson, of Teeswater, was visit- ing relatives and friends in lrussels and locality this week. j. Stewart:, manager of Brussels Branch of the Standard Bank, spent Xmas at Oampbellford. Mrs, W. Nightingale, of Alliston, was in town on Tuesday- attending the Euler. al the late W. R. Wilson. Miss Minnie O'Connor, of Milverton, is visiting under the parental roof, Prin- cess street, Brussels, this week. Mrs. W.F. Vanstone was at Walker- ton this week attending the funeral of her uncle, Mr. Montgomery. W. Morrison and wife, of London, were in Brussels this week attending the funeral of the late W. R. Wilson. J. Bird and family have moved into the Stratton property on Queen street, the farm they were tenants of having been gold. R. 0. Struthers, of London, was elect- ed President of the Commercial. Travel- lers' Association for Western Ontario, - last week. S. Draws and wife, of London, spent Ohristmas with Mrs. Drewo's parents, R. Armstrong and wife, Elizabeth street, Brussels. Robt, Rose, of Sb, Oatharines, ate his Christmas Mauer in Brussels with his parents and is enjoying a holiday week here, Robb. Armstrong, who has been laid aside from la grippe, is able to got about again, although still weak. He had a severe attack. Mrs. Jno, Broadfoob, Mill street, bas been laid up for the past 5 weeks wibh a felon on her left hand. She, suffered a great deal with ib. J. Londesboro' and wife aro visiting at R. Leatherdale's. They have just re• turned from an enjoyable trip througb Manitoba and Dakota. Mrs. Jas. MoLauohlin and Miss Ma gie MaLanohlin, of Wingham, were in B els. ells this week nttendink the funeral of Thos. D. MoLtmoblin. J. H. Sperling !tea bags to Nous Agit on Wednesday. He will put•ohase Main and pork in that village this Winter. We wish him success. Miss Lizzie Wilson is home from Al- liston. She came for a Christmas '1516 little Meeting that during her stay she would attend her fathel s funeral. f Jno. and Jas. Smith, of this town, at- tended the funeral of their unole, M ler, of Hibbert township, Perth' Go Thursday afternoon of last week, Tosos Pose is pleased to weloom Richardson and family, formerly o wood, ae residents of Brussels Richerdsotl be raider at the. N Roller 'Milk Prinei8ol Cameron is Visfbi Luoknow. Miss Braden fs enjoyin holidays et Keene and Pe800130 oa Downey is ab ilanover and Mies is at bee home in Clinton. Sabo opens on \Vedoesd8ty,Jauttary, 8rd, from heli - G. e.. Hood, formerly of Brussels, and Mies Cora Greenfield, of Saginaw, Mich„ wore united in wedlock on Wodneeday of this week. Tion POST wishes them many years of happiness. A. Currie and wife and 3, T Bosa and wife attended the wedding of Dlfes Minta Frisndehip and H. Alien, In Wingham on Wednesday. The bride 18 a neioe of the ladies mentioned above. Additional Local News. Soa1EnoDE attempted an sntranoe to Dr. Cavanagh's residence on the evening of Christmas by forcing off the keeper of the look on one of the doors. LAST Monday the Maitland river rose very rapidly and for a time threatened destruction to the footbridge, owing to the loge, ice, &o., running down, but no partioular damage was done more than carrying away the Western approach. Mass MAssno TAYLOF,o, of Grey ; D. Stewart and family and James MoAi- pine, of Brussels, assisted in a Sons of Scotland concert in Atwood on Wednes. day evening. They are loud in their praisee of the hospitality of the Atwood - fans. R. G. Wms000, contractor, Bruepsls secured the contract for the erection of a fins two story brink cottage for Solomon Rogerson, Hallett township. The build. ing will have a slate roof and when com- pleted will cost $1,400. D. Lowry, Brae - eels, will do the brickwork .and plaster- ing. 013zT.—As may be seen by notice else- where in this issue Mrs. Wm. Kay, of Kincardine, died on Sunday last, aged 60 years and 6days. The ' deceased had been poorly for some time, bar trouble being of a dropsical obaraober with heart affection.. A husband and '8 children survive her. The funeral took plaza on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Kay was an aunt to Mrs. W. H. Kerr, of Brussels. ADDRESS AND PllEswo ,rooN.-0n Tliars day evening of last Week the member Rev. R. Paul's 'Bible elan' Sunday school, and presented b chair as a toker following addre Kerr and the pr Leatherdale To Rev.:,- Pa DEAR Twee'. your Bible clas evening to sxpr tion of your ser Sabbath to Sa what it might y post. The yea teacher bave be ones and we bel bar of oar class light of God t your earnest pr counsel 'diid'the daily life. We a this chair, not worth, but as a in which you a we bear you. prayer is that ns as our teaob finally, when journey,teachex an unbroken o)t Carona in bee!et Pani a "8140.1333 New Year" ye, behalf of the ala Mr. Paul's reply Dnen Youxo Far surprised me t• see you for I al moiety. I have express -my gra the noble Ohrist an expression o me as your Sa San assure you reoiprooated. strong a term w gives me no sma west yon in the alae and study God'e W thing in your ad when you say t been brougbbin fills me with Iov you young peep beautiful prayoa,,, when the journeof ifs 3 may all, teacher/and upils, In Father's house rltbode, May answer that pia- or. I tnay that the ohair j 4,33. name f?. 1, 33000 v t will give n, laments wort. bly evening wee sp 1 bootees leavingnoth- to the pleasure' and comfort of their: „nests. Glass" ; when I membered and tl� pleasure." Retro, and a meet enjoys by all, the host an ing undone to add CIICII '(b. CHIMES. Rev. Jno. Bogs . A., was unable to talo hie work lash unday owing to- ill- ness. Rev. R. Ptwl preached for him at 11 a. on. and the evening service was withdrawn. The 1 aims on "John 00. vin," annonnaad' for Christmas clay, wet oanoelled, owing t , the roan state above. Next SundnY the dversar Yservin o ,the Methodist oht[rch, Brussels, will be Mad. Bev. R. Paul will preaola owing to the illness of eta papier, Ina of the annual tea matting t and adherents are r ,ed to amount the neoess plus the admissio said contribution -t volopos supplied s kept for the Finan `se Board hope t "19.