HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-12-22, Page 4New Advertisements.
Local—A. T?;mn1R.
Local—II. J. Strong,
Local—Mrs. MaOrae.
Looal— Good Brothers.
Looals—I. C. Richards,
Solite Claus --A. 1i. Smith.
Laoals-H. E. Maddook Co.
CbristmaaPresents •—J. T. Pepper.
Murry Christmas—$.17. Maddock Co.
Sults and Overcoats—Alex. Strachan.
To the Electors of Brussels—Thos.
Q .c russeis fist,
FRIDAY, DEC. 22, 1898.
A. S. ALLAN, M. P. P., was re-non-anat.
ed for the Legislature ata meeting of
West Wellington Reformers held iu Dray-
ton Tuesday.
PRINCE EDwAan Island went strongly
Reform at the election last week. The
vote on the Prohibition Plebiscite was
10 bo 1 in its favor.
LAST week's storm played great havoc
with the electric street railway at To.
ronto and other places. Telephone and
telegraph wires were also badly disorgan-
ized in some sections.
Tan Governor-General will make a
pilgrimage through the Northwest Ter-
ritories next year, accompanied by Lady
Aberdeen. Their Exoellenoies will
undoubtedly have a warm reception.
Huron County.
Ben. Cole and W, H. Cook have leased
the Clinton skating rink.
0. A. Humber will oppose Jno. Butler
for the Mayor's chair at Goderioh.
Editor Holmes, of the Clinton New
Era, is a candidate for the mayoralty.
Gerrie Presbyterians have extended a
unanimous pall to Rev. Mr. Dobson, of
Mre. Glazier, of Clinton, underwent a
euceessful operation last week for the re.
moved of a tumor.
La grippe is quite prevalent in and
around Exeter and many are seriously
ill with the malady.
An effort is being made to build a Pree-
byterian cburoh in Hills Green village
this Doming Summer.
West Huron Conservatives met at
Goderioh, to select a candidate for the
Local, but deferred definite action till
some future time.
While chopping wood in the bush.
Wesley Veal, son of John veal, Exeter
North, had the misfortnoe to lose four
toes off his right foot.
Rev. Mr. Bierman has decided to sever
his connection with the Congregational
churches of Howlett in which he has been
pastor for the past year.
The Orange brethren of Seaforth are
expecting the united support of every
lodge in South Huron for the neat 12th
of July celebration at Seaforth.
Thos. Churchill is going to be a candi-
date for the Deputy Reevesbip of Gode-
rioh township and Deputy Reeve Bea•
Dom may run for the Reevesbip.
The congregation of Egmondville
Presbyterian church have erected a very
handsome monument to the memory of
their late pastor, Rev. Geo. Needham.
A few days since a colt owned by John
McOlure, Constance, was so badly hook.
ed by a cow that it died before the ser.
vices of a veterinary could be secured.
On account of the heavy snow storm
raging at Seaforth Tuesday the Coleman
horse sale was poorly attended. Twenty
one horses were disposed of, the average
figures being $217.
John Livingston has given up his posi.
tion as book.keeper for D. D. Wilson,
Seaforth, and has gone to Toronto,
where he will take up the study of medi-
nine at Trinity College.
Rev. Wm. McDonagh has accepted an
invitation from the people of Kingsville
and will likely be etationed there after
the completion of his term at Exeter,
which expires in June.
A Christian Endeavor Sooiety was
organized at Leaburn. The officers
eleoted were :—Preeident, J. Lawson ;
Viae.President, Miss A. Sterling ; Oor..
Seo., Miss F. Horton ; Reo.•Seo., Miss
A. Lawson ; Treas., H. Horton.
11. Holmes, formerly publisher of the
Clinton New Era, lies at hie home in 8t.
Catharines in a precarious condition.
A severe attack of grippe was the cause
of his illness, and hie constitution, never
very strong, seems unable to bear the
Mre. M. A. Heehaw, Exeter, narrowly
escaped having one of her eyes destroyed.
It seems she went to stoop down and
came in contact with a butcher knife
without a handle which was stuck into a
tin of tallow, thus oattiug the ball of the
eye severely. Luckily it did not affect
the night.
E. Sweats; has purchased Jas. Pollook'e
interest in the River Hotel, Bayfield.
The late landlord of the River Hotel, Mr.
Poilook, has purchased the Queen's hotel
from T. Ryan, and Will next Spring
move the building to a conspicuous place
on the bank of the lake and convert it in-
to a firet•alase Summer hotel.
North street church, Goderioh, have
invited Rev. Mr. Henderson, of North
Bay, to become their pastor next year,
and he has accepted, subject to the action
of the stationing oommibteo. This means
that before Mr, ilendereon oat come into
Guelph Conference, some one must he
transferred into Montreal Conference.
R. Mr:Dwain, of the Nile, lost a vara.
able colt. A poet mortem examination
revealed the fact that ite death was cane.
el by swallowing a darning needle.
Where it got the needle or what it was
intending to do with it are still mysteries.
The condition of the intestines led the
examinere to think the needle was ewale
/awed some time ego.
The Goderioh model school modolite
elan, consisting of 88 pupils, made an
unexpected visit to the residence of Prin.
oipal Park and spent a happy evening,
speeches and music being the leading
featuree. Daring the evening the visitors
presented Mr. Park with a very Land.
setae elook as te time•1y reminder of a
laborious, but pleasant :melon. The
party broke up at Plate hoar after hearty
ttt*nke to Mr. and Mre. Pakk (o' the
eveuiuge pleaaaut Trill of fate.
The largest Mad of grain delivered at
Blyth this season was brought by S.
I,autenelayee, of the gravel road, near
Manchester. It oontamed 1.10 bushels,
Jos. Oobblediok, hardware merchant.
Exeter, was handling fence wire be uii^
foftuoately had the top out off the index
linger ei the right hand by one of the
Wm. MoKay, of the 10th eon. of Tuok.
eramith, has purchased 750 acres of land
near Thesealon, Algoma, and inteude
taking up hie permanent abode there
Last Ont, when they were packing
apples on the farm of Robb. Thompson,
Goderioh township, a note was placed in
one of the Northern Spy barrels, asking
the purchaser to write to the producer
and state in what condition the apples
were reoeived and the prloo paid for
them. On Saturday Mr. Thompson re-
oeived an acknowledgment from a person
at Brandon, Man., who said the apples
were in No. 1 oondltion and bbe price
paid was 34.75 laid down there.
Anthony Boyd and wife, of Winthrop,
recently celebrated the 80th anniversary
of their marriage. In the evening a large
number of friends and neighbors called
and were hospitably received and enter-
tained by Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, who slur.
fug the evening were made the recipients
of handsome end costly gifte. After a
few hours of pleasant social intercourse
the company dispersed, each and all
wishing their host and hostess many
years of continued happiness and pros-
Huron was well represented at the Pat
Stook show held at Guelph recently. D.
D. Wilson, Seaforth, had a cow and two
steer calves there. He got first prize for
one calf, third for the other, and third for
the cow. The cow west four years old
and weighed 1,700 lbs., and Mr. Wilson
sold her to a Guelph butcher for 398.
The first prize calf was 10 months old
and weighed 850Ibe. This animal was
sold to %Hamilton hotelier far 350. The
other calf, the same age, weighed 900
lbs., and Mr. Wilson refused an offer of
$50 for it. A11 the animals were grades
from the ordinary milab cows. We also
notice that H. dr W. D. Smith, of Hay,
got firet prize for yearling Durham steer
oalf, and Tnomas Ruesell re Son, of Us -
borne, 3rd for aged Durham cow ; also
2nd for grade two year old steer. Jainee
Snell, of Hallett, carried off third for
yearling Leicester swo.
TUE D. D. H. B. S. ANNnwMkeenve.--
The seventh annual meeting of the Do-
minion Draught Horse Breeders' Society
was held in Clinton on Wednesday of last
week. President John lfoMillan cam -
pied the chair. The reports of the secre-
tary, treasurer and auditors showed the
society to be in a good financial position,
the cash balance in bank being in the
neighborhood of 91,600. Recommenda-
tions by the oounoil that the annual duee
remain at 50 Dents, and that all members
owing dues prior to 1898 be suspended,
were adopted. Also resolutions of regret
and condolence at the death of two of the
founders of the society, the late J. J. and
David Fisher, Colborne. Officers were
elected as follows :—President, John Mo -
Millan, M. P. ; vioe-President, D. Mc-
Intosh • Secretary, Jamee Mitchell ;
Treasurer, Peter MoGregor ; Council
John Avery, Clinton ; John MaDairreid,
Lnoknow ; Jamee Henderson, Beaton ;
Geo. Stanbury, Brucefield ; C. E. Mason,
Bruoefield ; J. H. McRoberts, Luoan ;
P. Curtain, Centralia ; Alex. Innes,
Clinton ; J. E. Blackall, Clinton ; Johu
Burk, Sebringville ; Wm. Sinclair,
Ohiselhuret ; Executive Committee—A.
Innis, P. Curtain, Jas. Hendereou, C.
McIntosh, J. E, Blacken. A report of
the proceedings will be printed and dis-
tributed among the members.
J. A. Edwarde, of Fulton, N. Y., shot
and killed his wife and then euioided on
Saturday. The couple had been married
but I0 months.
Prince Bismarck has written a letter
to Signor Criepi, the now Italian Prime
Minister, congratulating him upon his re-
turn to power.
A despatbh from Rome oonfirme the
statement that the Rev. Michael Tierney
has been appointed bishop of the diocese
of Hartford, Conn,
Schaefer won the triangular billiard
tournament on Saturday night by de-
feating Ives 600 bi 50. He made a record.
breaking run of 566.
The annual returns of the Clyde ship•
building industry show that the total
output for 1898 was 208,000 tone against
386,000 tons last year,
Capt. Ray isendeavoringto suppress
polygamy among the Indiana on the
Shoshonereservationin Wyoming, and
there are signs of an outbreak against hie
Two more bodies have been recovered
from the bridge wreck at Louisville,
making three since work upon the debris
commenced, swelling the list of known
dead to nine,
The receipte of last Saturday's football
matoh at Springfield, Mase., between
Harvard and Yale were thirty-nine
thousand dollars, and the expenses were
twelve thousand dollars.
It is to your advantage to see my
enlarged and varied stock of fresh
bought goods for the Holiday
trade. We regard it no trouble
to show goods :—
Gold Watches, Gold Filled Wat-
ches, Silver Watches, Gem Rings,
Lngagement Rings, Wedding
Rings, China Novelties, Silver-
ware, Clocks at $1.00 and Up-
wards, a lot of Fancy goods.
Issuer of ,7tarrlage blouses.
Of Watches, Clocks and low-
elry personally attended to with
care and low charges.
All Work Warranted.
DEc. 22, 1.893
As does old St. Nick himself to get yoiir
We have such a variety of the most desirable things to make peo-
ple lastingly happy that you will find it no trouble to get something to please all your friends, Its useless to try to
ennumerate but we can suggest a few things.
In Cotton, Lawn, Muslin, Linen and Silk. Our stock is well assorted from 2c to $1.75.
Union, Wool, Silk and,,,Wooi and all Silk from 15c to $2.25.
Mufflers in
GLOVES. --- We have them ler Henn and Women, linea or net lined.
FURS. ---Fur Caps, Ladies' Furs, Men's Fur Coats. Prices Right,
A. dress length of goods would make a very nice gift. We have a splendid stock and the prices are sure to hove
them quickly.
Slippers for men and women at Popular Prices. Come and see oar stock. Wishing you "A Merry Xmas
a HIappy and Prosperous New Year." • Yours Truly,
Great Opening Sale
of Ladies' and Gents'
Silk, Linen and Fine
Cambric Handker-
Special Dis-
play of Fine
Linens and
Gents' Neck-
A Wiping Out of Old Prices
That's the kind of Sale we will Inaugurate this week. Hence-
forth it will be necessary for advertisers of Bargains in Handkerchiefs to chance their ideas as to what constitutes a
bargain, the ordinary bargains will cease to be bargains when compared with the values we will give during the
And bear in mind that you can come to our store to see these goods
and buy them with perfect confidence that you will be shown and sold
Ex.:.ct1y what was
10 doz. Gents' white pure silk Handkerchiefs, large size, sale price 80o, worth 50c regular.
10 5 doz. ijr ,�with wide hem, they go at 89c, worth 60e.
3 doz. Gents' large twilled " �, Challenge fries 50o, extra heavy.
at 67e, worth $1.00.
5 doz. Gents' pure silk initial Handkerchiefs at 75c, you must see this line.
3 doz. Gents' white broea,de at 85c, would be a snap at 50e,
2 doz. only, Gents' white brocade at 50e.
3 doz. " extra large white brocade at 69o, worth regular $1.00.
10 doz. only, assorted prices in Gents' fancy silk Handkerchiefs at 25c, 42; 60e, 65, 75, $1.00, which We are selling j less than
regular price.
10th 15 doz. Ladies' pure silk Handkerchiefs at 8 for 25e, see this line and compare values.
11th 15 doz. " " embroidered Handkerchiefs at 10c, usually sold at 15e.
12th 5 doz. only, fancy " " at 15e, would make a ood 25c
113th 5 doz, only, very fine « c� g ,Zine.
at 20c, be stlro to ask for this lies as they are tony and worth agood deallnore,
14th 20 doz, assorted prices in fancy silk
Compare valued. " at 220, 25e, 85c, 42c, 47c, you will have to come and see these lines and
15th 20 doz. Ladies' farcy cambric Handkerchiefs they go at 2 for 5; worth 5e each,
16th 10 doz. " «
17th 10 doz. worth 10c regular, our sale price only Sc.
" white at 10e each. Wo only ask you to compare values.
18th We have also a very large assortment in Ladies' and Gents' Lillen Haucikelehiefg, w which you will find by taking a look through
to be extra values, g
19th 10 pieces drapery lateens, art patterns, something that will beautify your houses for little money regular price 80e, reduced to 15.
20th A. beautiful Xmas present seems, your Crayon portrait free. Our customers Who purchase $10 from us (not necessary
the amount at one time,) get this advantage, we charge simply the cost price of the frame X18,00 nankin pto comhate
worth from $5 to $7. g picture complete
►1 tter) Eggs and Fowl taken in exchange fee Goods.