HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-12-8, Page 88 .Calendars for 1894. 1 wit), we oould show you to advantage out large stook of Xmaa and New Year goods. Our store is too small to do thle and so would ask you to enquire for what you may like but do not see. We will Have a nine line of OAlendars to give away, and others with Scripture Texts suitable for presentation, In Xmas oards we have a selecb stook, many that will readily go in an ordinary envelope. We have a full stook of books suitable for S.13, classes and libraries, also Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, &o,, com- bined and separately. We have exoep- tionatoly good values in albums and you have only to see ourwindow to know that we are away ahead in dolls, Bat these are nob all, many more to supply an in- creasing trade. Our Japanese goods are much cheaper than any Bold hitherto in Brussels. A nine line of toilet seta, col. Mr and ouff boxes, work boxes, &o. Come and and see them as we oennot enemer• ate them all. G. A. DEADNIAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOOTEERN 0X00N5I00 W. 0. & n. Trains leave Brussels Station, North ad South, as follows : GoINe Sooma, GOING NOnTn• Mail 0:54 a.m. Mixed 0:45 a.m. L7xluase 11050 a.m. I Mail 8:18 pan. Mixed 0:00 p.r,. Express 0:40 p.m, .oxai Wtttt J±.cans, A cbiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Postural. is plentiful. Wool is coming down in price. RENEW your subscription to THE POST for 1894. CHRISTOAs• will be two weeks from next Monday. Scnoom Board on Friday evening of this week. Pone continues to some to Brussels market in large quantities. R. T. of T. next Tuesday evening. A large attendance asked for. Busr&Ess is livening up something like it should at this season of the year. IT is said a druggist from the East is talking of going into business in Brus- sels. Trig Nightingale Insurance case will COME: up for hearing at Goderich on Monday, 18th inst. MouraLc Horse Fair in Brussels on Thursday, January 4th, instead of Deo. 28th, as stated last week. Tax COLLECTOR KnAUTER n'as at the Central Hotel on Tuesday receiving taxes from the Grey township ratepay• ars. Tag nutter and bobsleigh business is booming. Councillor Wynn has dis- posed of eleven pair of the latter already this Winter. CALVIN AND CERISTi[As.—This mem- orable man and most memorable of days will be brought into happy conjunction iu Melville ohnroh on the evening of that day by a lecture on "Calvin" by Rev. John Ross, B.A. MAITLAND Skating rink has been leased by Jno. Ballantyne and Fred. Dowding and they are busy now in getting every- 1 thing 10 first -ohms ebape for this favorite s Winter sport. Curling will now likely boom as there are a number of new hands its town. RRFORRi CoxvENT10x.—A meeting of the Reformers of polling sub -divisions No. 1 and 2, municipality of Brussels, will be held at the Reform rooms over Dead• man's drug store, on Saturday, Deo. 91b, at 8 o'oloek p. re., to appoint delegates to the Reform Convention at Brussels on Tuesday, Deo. 12th, when a standard bearer for the next Local Legislature election will be selected. A large at• tendanoe desired, Otto FRIENDS ADnoAD,—To myriards of people it will be good news that there is to be a Christmas number of the Montreal Star this year, All the world the Santa Claus spirit gets into theme at the beginning of December, no matter t whether times are good or bad. Friends t away across the Boas, over the broad o prairies or even at nearer distances, look for a message, and glad will thousands be that we are to have a glorious Christ - nue number of the Montreal Star, laden down with fascinating gems of art. DEBATE.—The school debate last Pri• day, "Resolved that the Printing Press has benefitted mankind more than the Steam Engine; was a decided success, The epealiers were thoroughly prepared and Use question frotn both points of view was exceedingly well presented. The affirmative was captained by May Cal, der, seconded by Sarah MoNab and Dun. can Stewart. Jas, Duncan championed the cause of the abeam engine and, though be and his oolleages, Reg. Fletcher and Wm. Armstrong, presented many argu. menta in favor of the negative, the judges—the Principal, Dora Smith and Dan, Strachan—unanimously gave the desiaion in favor of bbe affirmative. Another debate "Resolved that Pride and Ambition has caused more misery than Superstition and Ignorance," is billed for Friday, Deo. 16th. INcueaoING Tae MAIL SERvioE.—The following letter from the Postodioe De. parlament apelike for itself 1-- 8fr, W. 13. ICcrr, l;ra,arla, O1tt, : LARds quantities of butter and poultry are being shipped from Brussels to the orales, Tress advt, of Good Bros. booming their Christmas display of boots, siloes, slip., liars, &s„ nomad too lata for this issue. Loots out for it next week. Tins most stylish Christmas present is a photograph when naturally and artieti• sally made, so by leaving, your measure at Strong's studio you will be more than pleased with the result. DEnossrxo M.snm EAex.—When at the World's Fair G, A. Deadman saw exhi• bited a maohins for deliorning cattle, With it a horn otos be removed in a see. and with very little trouble. Ile ordered one for Dr, Warwick whiuh arrived on Monday. ON Ton BAIL•—Since last issue 8 cars of baled hay have been shipped from Brussels by Messrs. Backer & Vanstone, and Copp Bros. ; a oar of pork by Messrs. Stewart & Graham ; 2 care of Olir'istinas lambs by Jolla Roddiok ; a oar of dressed flax by Livingston Bros, ; a oar of cheese from Walton factory ; and 10 care of grain by the local buyers. 1,500 tons of baled hay have been shipped from Brus• eels station during the past season. Onrr.—The Oil Oity Derriok, Pennsyl- vania, U. S., of November 26th, contains the following reference to the late Mee. John Swallow, sister to John and Win. Tait, of Brussels :—Mrs. Susanna Steal. low, wife of John Swallow, a resident of this city for the past 30 years, died of organic disease of the heart at her borne on Washington avenue at 9 o'clock Fri. day morning, after an illness of about two weeks. Mrs. Swallow was one of the beet known and universally respected women of the city ; kind hearted, willing to help in time of sickness, or comfort in time of trouble she was loved by numbers of residents of this pity, whom she bad assisted. Her home life was most pleasant and her husband and children have the sympathy of all in their irreparable lose. She was born in Dur• bans county, Ontario, Canada, March 13, 1828, and wee married to John Swallow April 29, 1850. She ie survived by her husband and the following named child. ren :—Alfred Swallow, of Oakdale Frederick Swallow, of Brussels, Oanade ; Frank Swallow, Jennie and Tillie Swal- low, of this city. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Bentley, of Franklin, and Rev. A. 0. Ellis, pastor of the Trinity M. E. church. PeoaInrrioN.—The speakers at the Gospel Temperance meeting last Sunday afternoon were P. Metcalf and Dr. Fer- guson, of Blyth. The former referred to the pleasing fact of the strong feeling of unity among denominations and societies on the Prohibition movement and argued - if the record of the liquor traffic is bad every lover of morality should rise and put it doss n. Dr. Ferguson spoke of Bible reasons for Prohibition and con- cluded with some very weighty words on the diseases caused by the use of in. tosioating beverages. There was a large audience present and the interest is in- creasing. G.1. Blair, Barrister, pre. sided and at the opening expressed his opinion regarding the duty of the hour. A quartette consisting of Mrs. Cavanagh, Mies Kerr, A. N. Large and Dr. Cavan- agh lead in the praise service. They also sang a couple of temperance eeleetione. Next Sunday the meeting will commenos at 4 o'olock sharp. The Methodist Sun. day school orchestra will be in attend- ance. An address will be delivered by D. MoGillicnddy, of Goderiob. Tlis many old friends in Brussels and vicinity will be pleased to hear him. on the Prohi- bition question. Persons abteuding are asked to remember the collection, as that a the ouly means of providing for neces- ary expenses in holding these meetings. TALICIN° Mammon His HAT.—The Clin- ton News -Record says:—''The signs of the times are tbab Emit Huron will be redeemed. The Conservatives of the Riding met at Brussels on Tuesday of laet week and unanimously nominated E, L. Diokioson, of Wingham. He is a man of irreproachable character and clean record. The Reform candidate is not yet in the field. There is disaffec- tion in the Grit Damp. The "old mem, her" will be shelved if the wire•pullers succeed, W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, is laying the pavement to secure the nomin• ation. The future can only disclose the result, The conservative nominee can win East Huron. All our Mende want is confidence. Now, East Huron,- bake hold. Up guards and at 'em. Tho vio- ory is yours." If you are not any hat- er posted on the West and South Ridings f Huron than you are on the East you will not be much of an authority in Huron Co., Mr. Record. There is no disaffection among the Liberals In this 'Siding, neither is there Swire.pulling" nor 'pavement laying." We have no fault to find with Mr. Dickinson's nomin- ation but imagine he will require more than "confidence" before be writes M. P. P. after his name. If you'd mention. ed a month ago that you wanted the Re. form candidate in the field the Conven- tion might have been held so that you could sleep at nights. SuoCEssFOLENTaaTAINoENT,—The mnei- nal and literary entertainment held in the Town Hall on Thursday evening of last week, under the auspices of the Me- chanics' Institute, seas in advance of many such gatherings at which a larger fee is collect- ed, The program was very success. fully and satisfactorily parried through, reflecting credit on the persons taking part. It was as follows :—"Resource" overture, Orchestra ; song, "0 give me a home by the sea," Young Liberal Glee Club ; Scotch reading, "An Oddfeliowe' Password," G. F. Blair ; solo, "On Venice waters," Miss Kato Wilsoe, en. core, "Two little girls in Blue" ; reading, "Mr. Gaudio questions the economy of noshing at dome," T. A, Hawkins ; 'Concealment" overture, Orchestra ddress, "Dolomite from the World's air," Rev, S. Battery, B. D., Wingham ; oto, "Tire Queen's Hussars," Prof, awkins, encore, "A warrior Bold" ; ustrumental selections of unique oharao• er on broom and umbrella, 1'G. L. aokson ; solo, "Darby and Joan," Miss f. Smit ; "Miabella" waltzes, Orobee- ea ; address by President Rose, hiatorio. I and descriptive of Bruesole Mechanics' nstitute ; "Sleiglfrider'e serenade," lee Club, encore, "Goad night ladies"; National Anthem, A. vote of thanks W passed to the performers on motion f Rev. G. H, Cobblediak and J. R. Sre,—Referring to your letter of the 28th alto„ respecting' the application from a number of the residents at Brag - eels for a closed mail by the train pass. ingEbet at 11:59 a. 1n„ I am to say that the Postmaster General, with a view to a$oerlaining the extent t0 which thio eervioe would be made Elea of, caused a ,record to be kept for a v 'ale, of the letters which would be forward 1 by that mail, and it was found that it:i utility would be very limited. The number of letters in the postcflce at the time thab mail was mode up which could have been A F a 11 H A I dispatched with advantage as only 13 G dor the whole week. Under the circum' stemtes'tbe Postmaster General does not Me that the service would be of eullioieet 0 Importance to warrant the outlay owes. Bary for the trip between the posboffioe and railway station, which would be 975.00 pee annum. T am Sir, Your ohoodtient servant, B Amoco LINDSAY, Supt, m Ottawas Dee, 2,'03, r Smith. lrroceede of evening about $25,- 00, A canvas of the oudienee was made during the evening for new members, by Directors Smith, MoBain, Pepper and lair, and twelve new names to the emborsltip roll was the satisfactory omit, THE BRUSSELS POST Tornio Men's Conservative Club have an important debate this (Friday') even- ing, Deo, 8t11, at 8 o'olook sharp, `Pun storm of last Friday evening pre. eluded a large attendance at the Young Liberals' Club. After buaiesss was ASSETB, (Seven Million Dollars) 07,000,000 through songs were sung by 5. MaAlpine CAPITAL (Authorized) $2,000,000 and President Kendall and G, 1. Blair gave a recitation, Next 03001109 on the Brltciesilt all Trine/pl./paws iva Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, iflrited States c0711tfllasl. 15th hula —�� ' DEO. 8, 1893 ST.AND, tRD B. X.IC OF Cel,AUD,4, Mixes esaemr,"L3Ozamlen 4.1217M,H EAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. D. EwAN has gob settled in his new residence, one door East of his shop, It ie a very oommodious and comfortable home and Ton Poem wishes Mr, end Mrs, Ewan many years of happiness in it. Mr. Walker purchased Mr. Ewan's for- mer dwelling and he and family have taken possession. James Blashill and wife have succeeded Mr. Walker on Elizabeth street oomplebing the triangu• Mr pertbase and moving. Business Locals, Fon the best grooeries for Xmas call at MoCracken's.Risme,KLa, klocke, olooks at right prices. H. L. Jackson, Jeweller. IP you want a good reliable watch go to H. L. Jackson, Jeweller. Noma dead beat but hard to beat are H, 5. Strong's Xmas photographs. Tits very choicest jewelry and novel. Uric H. L. Jackson, Jeweller. XMAS goods, large stook and low prides. H. L. Jackson, Jeweller. Box yourself a fur coat. Ours are the cheapest and best in town. I, 0. Richards. Fame cups and saucers for children at MoOraokeu'e. WE have them cheap, fur mite, sleigh bells, trunks and valises. L 0. Riohards. IT will pay you to See H. L. Jackson's large stook before you make your Xmaspurchases. Nomnnve nicer than a dozen of Strong's most elegantly finished photos to die - tribute among your friends at Xmas. JDsm to hand a select stock of celluloid photo easels ail sizes and prices. Do nob miss seeing them at our studio. H. J. STRONG, Photographer. ANT one wishing to get a new saw filing machine may see what Suite chem at A. M. MoKay & Co's. hardware store Bruise's. Soninrnnoo nobby in photos for holiday season, Make it -a point to call on us. Studio open until 10 p. m. Saturday evenings. A 1 Ossnsns will be on hand and kept 1s nler:v during the 550503, in bulk or by the dish at lure. Kirk's, opposite Queen's Hotel, Brasaele: am on human and horses and all animals cured in 80 minutes by Wool - ford's sanitary lotion. This never fails. Warranted by G. A. Deadman, ANT one wishing to get a nese saw filing stand, I think can be suited by T. McGregor, of Brussels, Out. May be seen at McKay & Go's. hardware store. GEN oosiroN's finger ring found on Mill. street. Owner may have it by proving property and paying for this notice by applying at Tun Pose Publishing House. Deesssxooxse.—During the Winter menthe Mita' Holmes, dressmaker and mantlemaker, may be found at her home, Alexander street, one door South of the sobool house, instead of at her former shop in the McCaughey block. WELL -DIGGING API)DRILLING.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells demised out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west Edda of Turnberry at., Brussels. 84•tf Wonen SEEING.—Mrs. Kirk has just opened a fine lot of ohinaware, Dupe and saucers, tea sets, muga, &o. In glass- ware, toilet sats, vases, &c. A large as. sortment of dolls, toys, new games, &c., very obeap. Great bargains iu fanny goods, wools, hosiery, &o. All kinds of yarn knit to order. Opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels. 0. 0. P.—Por the next three months special inducements will be offered by Court Princess Alexandra, No. 24, 0, 0. P., Brussels, to any person desiring to become a member of that Order, the in- itiatiou fee being reduced during that Hine. As this is one of the loading Iu. suranoe and Beneficiary Societies in the Country people should take advantage' of this offer. For full information ap- 91y to A. Run, 0. R. ; A. Kenna, P. S. ; W. Bosoms, Treas, A Gasor OFFEn.—Tho Globe of Toren• to is offering great inducements in oon- neotion with their weekly for 1894. To all subscribers who forward them one dollar by the end of Deo. next, they will send The weekly Globe for 1894, and, in addition, present them with a Dopy of "Hints for the Million," published- by Messrs. Band, McNally & Co., the cele- brated publishsre of Ohioago and New York. This work is an invaluable book of reference and handy for the household, being a compendium of thousands of new and valuable recipes and suggestions on hygiene, medicine, business affairs, travelling, the workshop, laboratory, house, kitchen, garden, shoble, oto. The regular selling price is 85o. ; ib is worth one dollar. 1'REBS NOTrOna. Useful to an inquisitive and enenomi. nal housekeeper --New York Sun. A boot which will be found useful by everyboely,—Boston Traveller. A very useful thing for a bandy per. son.—Naw Orleans Pivayune, The "Hints" are comprehensive ehougb sod the wonder is they are not galled a "Household Encyclopedia,"— Cincinnati Ootnmercial Gazette. More useful information could not well be crowded in the game space.—San Francisco Bulletin. No well regulated household should be Without a copy of "Flints for the Mil. lion."—Spirit of the Times. It is a wonderfully corneae; forin a vast amount of information.—Manehes- ter Union•. The book will be forwarded free of post. age, The offer is a most liberal one and abould seam a large increase in the Me - ciliation of that old established and ex- eellent newspaper. etticstame SAumw—In Atwood, on Monday, Nov. 27th, the wile of Mr, Henry Smith T1,._�( OUSE AND LOT FORSAL of a son, J..� it the vilified of Llthei, belonging bo FXosi s.—Xn Elmo,, on Nov, 27th, the , the estate of the ln.to Dr, Cale. .Lor fill wile of Mr, Win. L, I2olmog, of ,11 partienl Ars as to p`r1iccl1e���i(01 e, &o. daughter, 9I0. 893NC10, Ethel, addrsax'd s' Ii dealt. A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafte Issued and Colleotione made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO Tnit COLLECTION OF FARRIERS' SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Customers living at a disbance, 5, A. STEWART, MANAGER. I3 U S EiL8, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts 13ought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMEa8' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPEOIALTY. S'a mawso, VaPd aPitI A16R% Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Prinoipal at the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. eve erred; to write 3I1a11Tarlee Ist el,i Pi,glieI, 03 Cenl3IUan (Oontpanics, or in Mut- AGENTS ns rusty be dCSired. AGENTS FOR CANADA AND UNITED STATES : TIE CANADIAN BANE OF COti:ICROD. PEnnra.—In Grey, on Nov. 24th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Perris of a son. RIENDEnso ,—Li Brussels, on Deo. 3rd, 1808, the wife of Mr. Robert Henden. eon of a sou. I+6A:71R2Eb. COMER—TnuELL.—In Brussels, on Deo. ember 6th, 1893, by Rev. W. G. Reilly, Mr. Joseph Govier, of Hullett township, to Mise Mary Helens; Thuell, of Morris township. Lownx—Souau.—At the residence of the bride's parents, on Deoember 6th, by 'Rev. J. W. Pring, of Blue. vale, Mr. George Lowry, of Bros - eels, to Mise Melissa Sottish, of Mor- ris. SAVAsE—ARRIsTnoNG.—On Deo, 6111, at the Methodist Parsonage, Brussels, by Rev. G. H. Cobblediak, M. A., B. D., Mr. Joseph Savage, of Grey township, Huron Co., to Miss Henrietta, daughter of Mr. John Armstrong, Elmo, township, Porth Go. ZILLrox.—In Listowel, on Nov. 29th, Carlonia, daughter of Conrad Zilliax, aged 8 years, 5 months and 1 day. Non Tnoesyes. —In Turnberry, on Nov. 27th, Johanna, beloved wife of Isaac Nortbgraves, aged 77 years. A'ri C=cDT.T TnansDAY, ONO. 14th,—Farm stock, implements, &o. South d lot 24, Oon. 6, Morris. Sale commences at 32 o'clock. J. Pybus, Prop, Geo. Kfr'cby, Anot. TUESDAY, Deo. 10th. Farm Stook and im plements. Lot 14, non. 10, Grey, Sale commences at 1 p. m. sharp. Geo. Da rk, Prop. F. S. Soott, Ano. teza•ayssal.s apzs.r z`bT0, Fall Whoat Spring Wheat Barley Peas Oats Butter, tubs and Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes ..... Hay per ton Salt per bbl., Hides trimmed Hides rough Sheep skins,saoh Lambskins each Apples per bbl.. Wool Pork 55 52 33 60 28 17 16 8 00 40 6 00 1 00 3,jf a 40 50 1 00 17 5 75 66 55 36 61 29 18 00 3 60 00 00 00 66 70 1 50 18 6 10 Bass BuFFALo, N. Y., Deo 5th.—Oat• tle—Fourteen oar's on sale ; fair to choice mediums, 94 to 94 30 ; exports, 1,400 to 1,460 !be,' $4 60 to $4 75 ; mixed, 92 26 to 98 25 ; closed weak. Sheep and lambe— Thirtyfi6e oars on sale, inoludiug 20 oars of Canada lambs ; fair demand, but prices wane about loo lower than yeeter. day, the best Canaries selling at 94.90, with good down to 94 65, and prospects of a 01111 further alight decline to -morrow if the run continnee heavy ; best natives sold at $4.75 to 94.80 ; good sheep, 93.76; heavy, 94 26 ; good fat ewes, 92 75 to 98. Hogs—There were about 60 loads on Sale, felly forty of whiuh held over from yesterday's late arrivals,. The market was strong at yesterday's prices. Open- ing prises are 5o to 10o higher than the olose of yesterday. Yorkers, as a rule, brought 95, with acme light lots at 95 65 ; mixed packers brought 96.65 to 95.60, and mediums and heavy, 96.60 ; pigs ranged from $5 70 to $5 80, and other grades as quoted-; about all were sold. TimmNTO, DEO 61h.—This market was quiet to -day, with receipts moderate and prices generally steady. Cattle are tin. changed ; there is a fair demand for choice butchers, but very few offer ; the best bring 890 to 890 ; medium, 80 to 131,3 and common, 280 to 29s per poun. Stockers are unchanged, at 8n to 310 for averages of 1,000 to 1,1,00 pounds. Calves—Firm, at $5 to 98, according to quality, end miloh cows, 985 to $10 Smolt. Sheep-Unohanged, at 93 to 98,75 for fair to good botohees. Lambe Bold at 92.15 to 92.90 Soon. Hogs—Steady, at 6o for straight fat, weighed off cars, and 490 for fed and watered ; good stores, 43o and common at40. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. OOD PORTLAND CUTTER X Foo SALE. Apply at ObX4LVILIdE MANSE. IIOTJSEKEDPER DESIRES A Position in small family. Per Parti' radars address box 120, Brussels P, 0. 1(' OR 12 HORSE POWER EN- V clN5 0118 bei ler for sale, second hand, in first-class running order. Apply to J. CODER, Ethel. CANT -HOOK LOST 33E— ' TwE500 A ineut'e fentory auct Lot 20, 0111 Lino, Morrie. The tinder will ltiudly leave the same at Tim Poem Publishing House and meetly oblige. A, G. EABOM,. OHO'POGRAPH ALBUMS FOR SALs.—Ws have albums from 800, up. wards, A largo plush album for Oabinets only Oce, Latest designs in oak and �ptlush. Don't miss theoi, G. A. DDADMAN, Druggist, lioolcsoller, &c. STRAYED FROM BRUSSELS, about, Aug, let, a red stag, 2 years old. Last seen at Wm, Bryan's farm, Morris. Anyone knowing of ite whereabouts will greatly oblige NEIL Df°LAUORLIN, 15. Brussels. BENDERS WANTED.—TEN— DERe will be received by the under- signed up to Saturday,80th day of Decem- ber, 1808, for all the Oatuonber work required fn rile creation end completion of a 11 story brick dwelling 20x00 feet with kitchen samo size. Por plans, speoidoations and other Information apply on Lot 11, Oon. 8, Morrie or address Sunshine P. 0. 20.0 WM. MIC111E, N.B.—The lowest or any ton der not ioeo- essari ly accepted. REAL ESTATE. 'iARMS FOR SALE.—'THE UN. DEnszolom has 8000002 good Parma for sale and to runt, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Gray. F S. SOOTT.Draseele, lHOICE FARM FOR SALE, -- J being South half Lot 27, eon. 0, Morris, 100 aares,nearly all cleared. Good buildings, fine young bearing orchard. Immediate pee - session. Easy Tortes. Apply to W. 80. SINOLAIR, 11- Solicitor, &o„Brussels. 20i) ACRE FARMFOR SALE. The 200 acre farm, being lots ]l and 12, con. 11. Grey, is offered for sale. 120 Rcrea aro cleared rad the balance well tim- bered. Buildings Ilret,alaes. Orchard, well, 80, School hens° within 40 rude. Posses- sion given at oboe if desired. Lor further partienlars us to price, terms, &a apply to MRS. WALBEIt, 8-tf Roseville P. 0. or NELSON B10I00ER, on farm. .1A1tM FOR SALE. --THE UN. 3:15550811310offers hie splendid 128 aore farm, being Lot 8 and west part Lot 0, Con, 0, Grey, for -sale. There are 1CO nares cleared, balance tnnbered. Two dwellinghouses, bank barns, good orchard, well enced, A neverfailtugspring on the place. Posses- sion given any time. The subscriber also offers for sale a dwelling house, stable and 0 acres of land in the corporation of Bruesole, The house and gartlou would be rented for a short time if not sold. nerd and soft water. Pot. prices, terms and further particulars apple to JOHN SnaITa, Proprietor. 4 NA 14russols P, 0, VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, ! . Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all aromas of donreebioatod animate 10 a coin - Potent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls pi'oniptly at- tended to, Oiliee and Infrrnany—Two doors north of bridge 'ruruberry at., Brunets. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 110, Section 80, of the Revised 8tattites of On- tario, notiee is or eby GIVen, that all per- sons having claims against the estate of George Ramie, late of the Townehip of Morrie,in the County of Enron, Yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the '25th any of October, A, D. 1800, are hereby re- quiredto send by pPout pme-paid or deliver to O. F,Blair, Eaq., 01 the Village of Brea - gels to the County of Huron; Mermaid he eetate of the saidr , GeorgeEBaena adeeeasol, On Or before the 1801 day of December, next, a Statowenb in writing of their nares and addresses and the full pardonless of their claims,. and of the securities (it any) held by them, and that after too said nth day of December, the 60xeetstore Will proaoed to distribute the awaits of the said George Henna, amongst the parties' entitled thereto, having regard only to the clams 01 which notlne shall have. been given as above required, and the said oxooutor8 will not be responsible, for the 'said aerate, or any part tboreof, to any person or moons of whoao suint 061800 shalt 1101 bays bben Do- o ])mod a,thBrp time the 30tl ide,yolloNovom- her A. D.1508, G, P, BLAIR, 90-3 5oli4lter for L7xooutor0 P iGTIMAIT A U S At Wholesale Prions, We have bought a very largo stools of these Albums in plush and loather binding and can give yon a very nioe plush album for 91.00. A11 the prima will astonish you. If you want an album good and cheap, come now, Be, member oleo that we have a full line of Xmes goods, Fancy goods, Books, Bibles, Games, Toys, Dolle, &o, Pepper's Drug Store, 1L3111T.ISSJIMf' . LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. Tl L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, .A.bn 0olioltorand Conveyancer. Collec- tions made. 011ioe--Vanstone'e Blocit, Bras - solo, 21-8m M. SINOLAIR•, Solloibor, Oonveyancer, No tory Pub • lie, &e. O111oe—Vaustono's Bleak 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. CAMERON, IIOLT & HOLMES, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Godoriab, Ont, M. 0. 5AR213IlgoS, Q. 0,, PHIL1P 03001, DODLE3 rr01.1115, GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Soileitor, &o. (late of Carrow & Prom/foot's Oliloe, Goderiob.) Office over Gillies.& Smith's Bank, Brueeels, Money to Loan, 47 ' MEDICAL CARDS., A. MoNAUGFITON, M. D. 0.M., UR, 0.P., Edinburgh, M. 0, P, S. Ont. Residence and office in Wilson's Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Sts. J• M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. Graduate 00 Toronto University Medical and Surgeons Ont ofOvrrcu,� of Physicians doors to McDonald & 00„ Walton Out. DENTAL. 3113M .Lvd T 14 T ! M, CAVANAGH, L. D 6., D. D. S., Granata of the ltoyal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- versity. OFFICE—Over A.R. Smith's Store, Brussels, AUCTIONEERS. RAYMANN, • Auctioneer, •s always realty to ta- te ud sales of tarns, farm stook, &a. Terms cheerfully given. Oraehrook P.0, Sales may be arranged at Tam PosT Publlabiug House, Brussels. 1 FORGE KIRKBY, �+ Licensed Auotioneer. Sales conduct orlon reasonable terms. Farms and farm stock 0 sueaialty, Orders left at Tag Poem PubllshtugHoose,sruseels,or sentto Walton P, 0., will receive prompt attention, HAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- sE as an Auctioneer, I am prepared to conduct sales of farm et0ok at reasonable priace. Kuowieg the standing of nearly every person I.am iu a position to 5511 to good marks and get good security when sold on credit. Satisfaction guarautoed. Give mo a call. 82- 1' S. S00T'P. BUSINESS CARDS. VET. H. MoORAOKEN, Issuror•orAn rriageLloonaes, 00005 arils Oronory, lurubelry street, Brussels. 14 N. BARRETT, '• Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. M. MoMay & Co's hardware store. I,adies'audohildrens hair cutting a spoofolty MaNAIR, .CA3. • 'sourer of Marriage Licenses, by alnpolntmeut of Lieut, -Governor, CO111m1S- 510001, 85., Q.B. Conveyancer and Agent Piro Disoeraueo Co. Office at the Oranbreok Post Office. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM nisrMANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. A HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court Co, Duren. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan incl Insurance Agent, Funds invested and to loan. Oollootians made, Gilloe 111 Graham's. Block, Brussels. 91 A. HAWKINS, NI0. S. M. .i • Organist in Sit John's Oburob, Brus- sels and pupil, in the Art of 'Teaching, A. W. Thayer, mus, Doe” Now York, will giye lessons to pupils either at his parlor, over A. it. Smith's stove, or if preferred, at their own homes. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at Walton. Terms moderate. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for service at North Halt Lot 20, Don, 7, Morris tile Thorn' bred Chaster Wbito ]roar "Donate o," for eervioe. Es was bred by Daniel Doo oursey, Doruholm, Perth 00., and is from im ported stook on both sides. Terms 01,00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of 0 °turning ff necessary. 14-11 SAMUEL WALKER, Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVICE. -THE Uudereigned will keep for service en Lot 20 Oen. O, Morris, the. thorn' brad fm. proved White Yorkebire B oar "Canada's Brume," pnrobasod from the well-known breeder J. E. Bretbonr, Oak L olgs Farm, Burford. Terms, $1.00 to be paid at the time of eervioe with privilege of roturoicg 1f ne000ary.. Pedigree maybe seen on ap. plioatiou, nosy. N10H0L. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—TELE nd u dorstgued Will koop for service Berk - Mitre ou Los el,oar," oncGrae rho ,208 1B oil bWin, Pdt&Sen, ButtouNo,2080, ,,roil by4 rem imported took on onvilel O. Te rl e, Brom to perpai eat time a bath :viae, Terme, pri 81.80,55 to be paid glume of cervico Pedigree privilege b of returning if ioeoosary. podlgrea maybo seen on application. ROfT, 138,1013, 21.8 Jlbbel Cheese Factory. SOAR FOR SERVICE.—TH3 undorsigned will 1,0000 for service the 'burro' -bred Bimetal Berkshire 13 oar, Distnarelc," No,1705, It tools set peke at Hates dation 1%1) Fair lu 15013,' and was always let NO00501,50 exhibited, teeezna, 91,00 to iso Paid at limo of sarviee with pets, liege of r0• burning If ooeassary. 21.4 D, MILNT,l, Bien,