HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-12-8, Page 6le tits1atsev trlumghl in pharmacy for the cure of all the symptoms indicating isanmy AND Liven Complaint. It you are troubled with Costiveness, Ili2ziness, Sour tet„n➢tieh THE BRUSSELS POST Div, 8, 1893 Town, Directory. MHLv1Lr,d 0,iRen.—Sabbath Set V1008 at 11 a, m. and 6:30 p.m. !Sunday Sshool at 2:80 p, no. Rev. John Ross, B, A., pastor. (vox CHuacn.—Sabbath Services at 11 a. m. and 6:80 p, m, Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Rev, D. Millar, pastor. ST. JouN'a Onrncn,—Sabbath Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. el. Sunday Sellout at 2130 p. M. Be'. W. 0. Reilly, inocni. bent, Marmonr=T Carmen, --•Sabbath Services at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. in. Sunday School at 2:30 p, in. Rev. 0. H. Cobble - die's, M. A., B. D., pastor. TOMS CATROLIO CI14RCn.—Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 10:30 a. m. Rev. Joseph Kennedy, priest. SALVATION ARMY.—Service at 7 and 11 a. no. and 3 and 8 p. in, on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'olook, at the barracks. Ono FELLOWS' Lopez every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. MASONIC LODGE Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A. 0, U. W. Lemma on let and 3rd Friday evenings of each month, in Blas• hill's block. 0. 0. F. Levin 2nd end last Monday evenings of eaob month,. in Bleshill's block. L. 0. L. let Monday in every month, in Orauge Hall. I. 0. F., 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Iall. R. T. or T., 2nd and 4th Tuesday's of each month, in Odd Fellows' Ball. Sone GP SooTLANn, let and 3rd Tues- days of each month, in Odd Fellows' Ball. K. 0. T. M. Lowe, lab and 3rd Thurs- days of eaoh month,in Vanetone block. Bortz CIRCLE, 2nd and 4th Friday even. inge in Blasbill's Hall. POST OFFICE. --Office hours from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Meen.NIes' INSTITUTE. -Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 3:30 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Doily Shaw, Librarian. Town Oounoxx.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; W. H. McCracken, George Thomson, R. Ross and John Wynn, Conn0illors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thos. Kelly, Treas- urer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the let Monday in each month. SCHOOL BOARD.—T. Fletcher, (chair- man,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, Rev. Ross and A. Reid ; Seo•Treas., R. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. PUBLIC BOd00L TEACHERS.—J. H. Cam- eron, Principal, Mies Braden, Miss Downey and Miss Oooper. Boma, of HEALTH.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, H. Dennie and J. N. Kendall, Dr. MoNaughton, Medical Health Officer. Silas At The Fair. (FROM THE HAM'S HORN.) DEER SHMANTHY,—Ez yisterday was Sunday I beleeve Ile tell you about my goin to meetin with Sile and Banner Ann. Iva ben right smart trubbled about Sile even sense Ive been a stayin at his house, on akount ov havin sum turible big euspishune that he had back. slid, fur you kno when he lived at Oider- ville he yust to ask a blessin at the table and look ez sollum on Sundays ez any ov the rest ov us. And besides that he was a steward in the church and yust to growl like sin whenever the time lxum to pay gnarteridge, and him and me and Kalup Chiller and Unkel Peeleg Wittlins yust to set on the kounter in his store by the hour in rainy times when trade was dull, and Silo wud prove, by making Jiggers on the back ov a washboard with a peeoe ov chawk, that if a preacher was only Savin snuff and his wife dun the work, five or six hundred dollars a year was all the wages he needed to sum day git rich. I say Iva seen ea gib so interested in meetin matters in them times that be never peered to noties bow many times 'Onkel Peeleg was a goin to the kraoker bare, nor how ofen Kalup opened the cheese box and helped hisself, and then I mind how energetic he alwas was in put - tin down his foot and eayin no, whenever the preeoher got a noehun into his bead that we ort to lay out Tunny in bildin a, new fence at the paseunidge or doin sum - thin to the rufe, and whenever a new preeoher yust to kum along and hint at the ides that we ort to hav a new ohurah, Sile was alwae ez ready to fight aginat it ez Bruther Sollymun Gimps hisself. In fact, Semauthy, you mind ez well BS 1 do that in them days Bile was ez match ov a wheel hose in the Oiderville meetin house ez me or Grandaddy Nooks. And then there was his wife. Evey body kuoze what an energstio body she was to stew and bake. Whenever means was needed to pay the Boothia fur bildin fires, or to buy the meetin house sum new hym bakes, Banner Ann cud alwas be konnted on to most work herself to deth in helpiu to gib up sum kind ov a supper to save us members the needoes- sity ov havin t0 take munny out ov our trowzie pookete, and I kin remember wun time when she stood on the ground and fried ohioken in a shed that Jim Teester put up alongside ov the meetin house, ontil she tuke the shakee and wee. tent hardly able to git out ov the house agin fur three weeks. In them days they was both sech faith- ful meetin fokes, that when I kum to hav seoh a good chance to save tavern bills by goin to stay at Biles house, I rubber ex. peoted to find that they was both still energetic meetin peepnl, bet when I kum to set down at their table and a darkey put a bowl ov supe on my plate without no blessin beim asked, I begun to feel kuneiderahle joobua, and what made it peer all the stronger that Sile had raaly backslid was, that evey time I wud even hint at meetin matters, and start out to tell him that it was still ez hard no ever to raze quarteridge at Oiderville, he wud immejutly go to tellin me what a terrible dee place this towo was fur =kin munny easy, and in two minibs I wud clear fur- git that I had ever jived meetin myself. When I found out that they had card playin and wine drinkin and dancin right in their own hones, and dident think ho more ov goin to the theatre than I wud ov goin to a ahootin match, I kum to the konklneun that if I dident want to wear out rey welltnm, the :less I had to say about meetin matters the better, and so I made it a pint to tawk more about honest and so on than I did about earminte and sech. Boit may be that you Itis hav enm kind ov a noehun frum this how kmnplete I was struck all in a heap yisterday mora- le at breltfast, when Blls sot down the tumbler out ov which lee lead jest ben a drinkin sum sweetened bitters, and asked me if I wud like to go to meetin with him and Hasner Ann. I had clear !ergot, ontil he oiled my mind to it, that it was Sunday, and felt ashamed that I had laffed out loud at least twice before bre*. fast, but ez soon as I found out what day it waa I due all T cud to make up fur it by puttin on my Sunday ` go to meetin look, and tellin Site that I wud be only too glad. I dont tititk tho, that I wud a ben a bit more supprized if he bad invited me to go with him to the !noon. The blank man fetched out the bosses, hitched to a karridge that had a top to it, and me and Sile, and his wife and their oldest gal got in and sot out fnr chnroh, Ez we pureeeded on our way I dun my best to keep my face drawed down ez long as I cud, but Site had so mutob to say about =kin muuny easy tbat to save my eyes I ancient do it, and without thinkiu where I was a goin, when Site laffed I snickered right in his face. At last tho, the karridge stopped, and the driver got down jest ez I wud do at home in the middle of the week, frum where tie sot, and opened the door for us to git out. I looked all around, but I dident see no sign ov a meetin house. Banner Ann tuke Sites arm and Feeby Jane said sheds wawk with me. Instid ov goin sumers to find a ()hunt] with a steeple on it a hundred yards hy, ez I lowed we wud, Bile led us into the bildin rite in front ov us, and I saw frum a big sign there was there that he was a takin as into a show house, I oant be- gin to tell you bow =bah it went agineb the grain fur me to feller him, but seein that I was a gittin my board fur nuthin at his house, I lowed mebbe Ide better, but I Dant giv you no idea at all ov how terrible distreset I was when I found myself a goin into a theater in broad daylight on Sunday. It wad a ben bad anuff on a week day, bub I cud a stood it better. It ruther 'kabob me to see when we gob into the place, that they had shut out evry speck ov daylight by oloein the winder blinds, and bad tried to make up fur it by lightin eery lamp in the house. To save my life I audent help but think ov the tomfoolery ov goin to all that ex- pense when there wuzzent wun bit ov needcessity fur it, Even if fokes up here do make Tunny hand over fiat, I mut see no sense at all in burnin ib up. A feller with a ribbon on hie hots, who peered to kno Sites fokes, and who bowed like a wilier in the wind to me and Feeby Jane, most kum to ns on the run to pint the way to our seats, whish I found out afterwards belonged to Bile, bekoz he paid m mutob fur mu by the year. The seats was so sitiwabed that we cud not only see the stage fust rate, bat cud look party mutoh all over the house without havin to twist our necks. I was ez feard as cud be that mebbe Site had fated me, and jes like as not Ide hav to set there and see play aoktin dun inktid ov hearin a sarmint, but I kum to the kookieshnn that ez there wuzzent nobody there frum Cider. villa I wudent run the reek ov hurtin Sites !Gelins by goin oat. There was a heap ov peepnl there when we got in, but they kap on a kummin on. til about eery seat in the house was take. While the fokes was a, rollin int sot there and looked at eveything in sight, feelin purty mutob ez a boy duz who thinks heze a goin to git a Hokin but hopes be wont. I was in hopes I was in a good place, but I felt terrible joobus I wuz. tent. I dident see bow good preeohin oud be dun in a plane where the devil had ben a runnin things alt the week. The platform was fixed up to look like a set - tin room at a tavern. An -inept the things in the room was an organ, a good deal like the wun we bad so mutoh fuss about when it was fest fetobed into our meetin house at Oiderville. The tale gate was up and the kunsorn peered to be all rely for onloadin sum ov the muzick that had ben packed into i6 at the facktry. How I did wish that Milly Dumps was there to show the fokes bow we wake up the snakes in Muskeertur kounty. It wuzzent long after we got there ofore the purseedins begun to kummenee. Fast kum a feller with a little black box under his arm out ov which he take a bugle horn that looked ez tho it hadent ben out ov the shop a week. Next was a feller with whiskers all over his face, which I lowed wud be the preeoher, but he sot down at the organ and went to puffin out all the stops. Immejutly fol. lerin him was a ruther spruce lookin young woman with a note book and a big bat with artifishole in it, who pub me ez much in mind ov Jooley Ann Dooley ez anybody I ever seen in my life. Right after her kum the preeoher a lookin ez sober as the he hadent bad his brekfast. He was dreadful thin and walked ez tho he was trouhbled with roomybiz. His hair was short, and so thin in front that there wuzzent snuff ov it to roach. The siogin was led by the feller with the bugle, who dident hav a bit ov troth. ile in makin hieeelf heard above eery body in the house, except one peace which the yung woman had to ding all alone by herself. I must say that she sung so tho shade ben a goin to eingin stride all win- ter stedcty, bet It peered to me a shame to make her stand up before moll a big crowd ov fokee and make all the noise herself, I dont kno but what mebbe Ido a jived in and giv her a chance to kstoh her breath without standin on her toes to do it, but the tune she sung was so dredful full ov skollups. The sarmint that followed dident sound any more like preeohin to me than read• in out ova book. It peered to me that the man dident oven think it wall while to try to preeeh, fur he jest stood there and tawked without any more kunsorn than I wud prime a pump. To a man who has ben raizod on preeobin that gineraliy mattes the winders rattle, I tell you, old woman, mob preeohin ez $ilea pasture due 15 ez tame ez new milk, I watched him ez hlose as oud be, and he dident hit his bible a lick that wad hurt a fly in his whole diakorse. I dont jest mind what his text wag, but it was sum• thin like, we ort to behave ourselves or quit. 1 dident pay so very muboh notice to what he sed, fur I kep wunderin why under the sun ho dident fire up, Ilia kola was buttoned clear up to the obin when he Item in, and it stayed that way ontil meetin was out, so you kin judge fur yourself whether he warmed up match or not. The only thing about the whole biznise that made it seem wun bit like a meetin to me was the pantos around ov the bas. kat. That trade me kno that 1 was in a meetin sure Snuff, and when the steward who passed it begun to git Mee to me I felt es tho ft wud do me good to shut my eyes and slug, "On Jordsae stormy bank" with all my might. Ez luck wild bav it tho, I happened to hav a big koppor in my pocket, and dropped lb in, after filet shuffle my 11azd dredful tits, I thawt if embody dun ez well as I did there wudent bo no reason why the preeoher shad run out ov bread staff before next Saturday night, llveybody near me peered to giv sumthin, the ov korse I sant tell how many betties and buggy wash• ere the steward found in the basket. It most stunned me to see that Site dropped in a whole dollar, without pnttin his baud in to take no change bank, and both Banner Ann and l:'eeby Jena put in Burn. thin, and yit Feeby Jane told one that her pap pays rent anvil fur them seats by the year to buy a bouse and lot, lye ben a kungerin my banes over it rite smart sense, and I Dant see any reesun at all why any ov Silas fokes shod hav pub in anuther Dent, any more than a man shed pay his wife fur doin the bouse• work. But Ivo ben a writin ontil eery lint in me akes like all git out, and so I bleeve Ile sign my name and quit. Yours ever so mutob, SILAS GANDEeaoOT. towels. Rev. 0. C. Paine, of Nesbett, Man., le be= on a visit. McLaughlin & Co. shipped about three quarters of a ton of poultry 0130 day recently. Jas. Roe has returned home from Manitoba where he has been for most of the Summer. Alex. Crawford and wife left loot week for the Amerioan "Soo", where they in- tend spending several menthe visiting friends. The Foresters are making arrange- ments for a first-class oonoert, to be held on Jan. 5th next, at which some of Can- ada's stare will appear. Wroxeter. A maohine for the manufacture of broom handles will be placed in the Wroxeter saw mill. John Sanderson has been appointed postmaster to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Diokeon. Geo. Dane, late of the firm of Robin- son & Dane leaves for Hamilton where he has secured a good situation in a wholesale house. J. W. Sanderson has an American sil- ver dollar whish was coined in 1804. This ooin is very ram, only 200 of them were minted. They are listed by doin collectors at 51,000. While loading stook Wm. Sanderson met with an accident which might have resulted seriously. He and some others were in the sot of moving a oar on the switch when bis foot got caught between the car and a post of the loading pen. Fortunately he reoeived no worse injuries than some badly bruised toes. T,ucknow. The municipal politics promises to be lively in the village this year. Wm. Miller, of British Columbia, has returned after an absenoe of nearly two years. Stewart Bros. intend shortly opening out a gent's furnishings and merohaut tailoring establishment in this village. An anniversary entertainment was held in the Town Hall on Thursday even. ing, under the auspices of the Luoknow Mechanics' Institute. Itev. A. Browning has dosed his series of revival services here. The meetings have been very successful and forty-five new members have been added to .the Methodist church. Robert Moody, of Watford, has bought out Joseph Kincaid's fruit 'store and grooery business and will in future carry on the same. Mr, Kinoaid does not in- tend leaving Luoknow, but will in future devote his whole attention to his trade of painting, paperhanging, etc. Exeter , H. C. Brewer, of Clinton, gave an en• tertainment in the Town Nall on Tues- day evening. The remains of the late Lucy Penwar- den, who died at London, were brought here for interment last weak. She was 67 years of age. Rev. Fred. Belling Fatt, thanks his parishioners from the London Road, North, for the present of some 40 bushels of oats, left at the reotory stable. J. E. McDonnell, of llensall, under- went a surgical operation which at first was thought would end his lite, bort be is now progressing favorably and on a fair way tc recovery. A number from here attended the funeral of Mies Maggie Sheer at London. She took sick with inflammation of the lungs on Thursday and died on Friday. She was 21 years of age. E. Ohristie has signified his intention of seeking no further honors by repre- senting the ratepayers of the village of Exeter ab the Council Board after the complain of the present term. Godorieh. A petition is being circulated asking P. Bolt to become a candidate for the mayorality. Several of the boathouees which were in the river were oarried away by the water and ice. Rev, 71. Irvine is preaching a series of sermons on the Lord's Prayer on Sunday mornings. Ibirs, Oass bas presented to the Ensign a self-denial gift in the shape of a bouncing baby boy. The Collegiate Institute Literary So• cieby,has engaged MISS Jessie Alexander for an evening of dramatic and humor- ous recitals in the Grand Opera House on Friday, Doe. 8th, Capt. Babb, overseer of wrecks, has brought ()bargee before Mayor Butler agalnet Donald Cummins, of Colborne, and Thos. Jeffery, of Bayfield, for illegally appropriating wreckage. Manager Williams, of the Bank Of Commerce, has received a letter giving particulars of the death, in New York city, on Nov. 061,, of H. M. Reynolds, a former cashier of the bank here. The annual meeting of the Wed Huron Liberal Conservative Assoointion will be held in the Town Hall, Goderioh, on Tuesday, Deo. 1211,, oommencing at 11 o'clock a. m. The business will be the receiving of reports, election of officers and any general matters which may be brought tip. At the same time a eon- vontion will be hold to nominate a oanal- date to contest the Biding for the Ontario Legislature. Cannella -In .N'e'ava. Messre. Oroeeley and Hunter will reach Stri,throy for a season on the cJbh inst. Lisut,-Col, Dawson has restarted the command of the Royal Grenadiers, To. ionto. Gordon Fox, of Kingsville, while slot- ting timber a few days ago, split hie bead open. It is thought lis will die. Messrs. Stanley & Dight'e grain store. house at Looan Wes burned Friday night. In it were shored 17,000 bnehele of wheat. Wm. Dynes, deputy reeve of Mono, has been nominated by the Matrons of In. dustry to contest Dofferin for the On. bario Legislature. A country school teacher was before the polios magistrate at Brantford on Saturday on a charge of illegally practis- ing medicine, It appeared that he had graduated on•the other side of the lino and had given treatment bo some friends. He was fined 525. Arch. Macfarlane, a prominent busi• nese man of Forest, died suddenly last week of erysipelas of the throat. He was one of the leading Liberate of East Lambton, and six weeks ago was a probable candidate for the vaoanb seat in the Ontario Legislature. He was 51 years of age. White Star Linen ROYAL B3.lf, ,STcaMs1IIrS. Between New Yorb and Liverpool, via Qneonstowo, every Wednesday. As the steamers of this line Garry only a strictly limited number in the FIRST and 000000) GAME a000mmodabions, intending passengers are reminded that an early ap- pli.ation for berths is 110005130317 at this sea- son, For plans, rates, etc., apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. T PO T' CLUBBING OFFER FOR 1894. Tad POST and Montreal Herald, with Almanac or Pioture, • 52 25 THE POST and Montreal Witness, 2 10 Northern Messenger, 1 75 Western Advertiser, 2 25 " London Free Press, 2 25 ' Toronto Mail, 2 25 • Toronto Empire, 2 25 " Toronto Globe, 2 25 " Cosmopolitan, 2 75 • Toronto News, 2 25 " Farmers' Advocate, 2 25 it it In each case the balance of the year is given Free to new Subscribers. ORDER EARLY. Oall On or Write W. H. KERR, PosT Publishing House, Brussels. WINTER MILLINERY ! Having removed my stock to the Millinery Rooms in the store of Messrs, Porponl Halliday (Lately vacated by Mr. Irwin) I am prepared to attend to the wants of the Ladies by sup- plying the Most Stylish Millinery A.t Close Prices, A. pleasure to show our Fashion- able Goods. Call and see the Styles. Miss McPherson, CITY MILLINER. G -rand Trunk gelaa Ian If you want to Travel NORTH SOUTH EAST or WEST —TAKE THE— Grand Trunk. Por full particulate apply to L KENDALL, G. Tr It Agent, Ernaoels. McLEO D'S System, Itenovator —AND ounHR TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, 'Walt and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate. Mon of the Ileart, Liver Complaint, Near - eight, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- enmption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Dianna, St. Vitus' Dance, !Female Irregularities and General De. bility, LABORATORY OODER6Cl9, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Mannfaoburer. Sold by J. T. PEPPER, Druggist, Brnssela, NONE/ TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. MECOOKS BEST FRIEND i T 11GEST SALE IN CANADA. Ilendnche, Indigestion, Poon APPETITE, TIRED PEELING, ltoBtiMATTO PAINS, Sleepless Nights, Melancholy Feeling, BADE ACHE, Membrny.'s SCidreey nod Liver Cn.d 44 iffV4011,S, rf3 _ Sri r..ntr yyjk� 7)<4,rf,!.:w willgivo immediate relief andE r0OTA Cure. • Slembray Medicine Company of Peterborough, (Limited), PETERBOROUGH, ONT. vwvwwvw•„ SOLD 13Y J. T. PEPPER, DRUGGIST, BRUSSELS. CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION, TORONTO. Established 1871. Capital and Assets, $ 5,000,000 Insurance at Risk, 22,560,000 Gain for 1892, - 2,000,000 W. C. MACDONALD. Actuary.. Annual Insurance, $ 900,000 New Insurance, 8,670,000 Gain over 1891, - 750,00u THE NEW VNCCNEITIONAL-9CCMILATIPE POLICY Is Issued Only by the Confederation Life dssociation. ta'It is absolutely free from all restrictions as to residence, travel and oounpation from the date of issue. r'Ib ie entirely void of all conditions. MIL It ie absolutely and automatically non.forfeitable, after two ysare. The insured being entitled to : (a) Extended insurance wibhout application, for full amount of the policy, for the farther period of time, definitely set forth in the policy, or on surrender to a (b) Paid Up Policy, the amount of which is written in the policy, or after five years, to a (o) Oaeh value, as guaranteed in the policy. President, Managing Director, Hon. Sir W. P. Howland, C.B., M.0.11.0. V. K. Macdonald. W. IT. KERR, Agent at Brussels. Harvie J. Strong, B1hue1s Pliotouaplier, Wishes the Public to understand that his Studio is now in First Class shape for turning out A 1 Photos. in all sizes and styles. Having just added new scenery we are able to make superior work to any that Brussels has ever seen. Our Christmas styles are grand. Don't fail to see them as they are the very latest. In future our gallery will be open every Saturday evening un- til 10 p. m: for public inspection. An invitation extended to all. Studio over Standard Bank, Brussels, MEN' Youth's CHILDREN'S CIMA.P "SUITS and OVERCOATS. SUITS and OVERCOATS. 'SUITS and ,OVERCOATS. A. Strachan's. 113 As xA Ani AA Thi TIiOI A The nut LOn 110 T A °' Bit hC She Tl PB AV Tin Poo An "St An 1 the Ian Sol Wi in . lot ono bre t un eta pro <te, 13. ,T1s 17 tie tht vet all it sal oil per itll' Al' Ur oat sea OUT 50i sal eho tin no. tho bk git WS wa an. va: die •ata tat the tin est ago r of thr plc o „' 001 np 011 ter rev cat be on, old fat no at fm mc me fat ha 0'01 Dur flu tlli va: it th, It ov an th, gc tic acr et( oh Ila ,u1 WO mr Lc ed Sit ba ear lot ap 007 be ha nit Sa on ser th br 0x ati al ict 60' 50' th p oo. Oe' lel rel eft pa ale