HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-12-1, Page 8u Calendars for 1894. I while we could show you to advantage oar large stook of Xmaa and New Year geode, One store ie too shall to do this and eo would ask you to enquire for Whet you may like but do not see. We will have a uioe line of Calendars to give away, and othere with Scripture Texts suitable for presentation. In Xmas earn we have a seleot stook, many that will readily go in an ordinary envelope. We have a full atoak of books imitable for S. S. classes and libraries, also Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Bootee 2 ., oonl. biped and separately. We have exaep. tionately good values in albums and you have only to see our window to know that we are away ahead in dolls. But these are not all, many more to supply an In. greasing trade. Our Japanese goods are much cheaper thaa any sold hitherto in Brussels. A nice line of toilet sets, col. lar and cuff boxes, work boxes, &o. Come and and see them as we cannot euurner- ate them all, G. A. DEADIIAN, Druggist, Bookseller, tea. GRAND TRUNKRAILVIIAY. aooTBEBN m=TENsIon W. O. di D. Trains leave Brunets Station, North ntd South, as follows; Gomca SnovE, GOING NOBvu. hied 6:04 a.w,Alined 0:43 a.m, Express 11:50 a.m. I Mail 3.18 p.m, Alined ......... 0:00 p.m. Express ..,9:48 p.m. poser nctus Pins, A obiel'e amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prant it. DECEMBER. Woon is moving. GET ready for Santa Claus. Anvaurisx your holiday bargains. Caner, meeting next Monday evening. TEE next monthly Horse Fair will be held on Thursday, Dec. 28th. A 040 of dressed hogs was shipped from Brussels station last Tuesday. TBANEeGIyING day passed by very quietly and was generally observed as a holiday in town. Co. TREASURER'S sale of land for taxee takes place on Friday, Deo. 15th, at Goderieh Court House. WILLIAM Benne, of this plane, will open up a new photo gallery at Coiling - wood this month. We wish him ane. Mss. By notice elsewhere it will be observed that Mre. Soeannah Tait Swallow, eister to John Tait, Queen street, Brussels died on Nov. 24th at Oil City, Penney'. Min, aged 62 years. J. T. Ross and Joe Ballantyne took part in a shooting match at Seaforth on Thanksgiving day along with members of the Seaforth, Clinton and Blyth clubs. Mr. Ross killed 9 out of 10 birds, You Mee's Liberal Club meet on Friday evening of this week. After busi- ness there will be a general program of mucro by Glee Club, readings, solos and an address or two. eleettng at 7:30. 0' Busixsas must be brisking up bel er So than ever at the G. T. R. as Station to Agent Kendall added a young gentleman of to his state last week, His name is also Ne Kendall and he ie related to the present en Agent, with whom he is now making hie To home. tw Tim senior department of the Public aobool helve a debate on hand for Friday afternoon of this week. The subject is "Resolved that the Printing Press has been of more service than the Steam En. gine," There will be three pupils on each aide. Taso week Alessr's, Clegg & Dames shipped a car of dressed hogs from Brus- eels station ; Scott tL Sones shipped a double decked car of lambs and a few edpigs astraw 8 carsuof 1pressed ohaf yreaL, McDonald & Co., Walton, 1 oar of lum• her to New York State. A DREAM,—How many people have yearned of theMontreal Star, one of those things of, rarest beauty that turned the beads of old and young in other years ? And it will be glad tidings in thousaude upon thoueands of homes that there is to be this year the grandest of all Christmas Stars,forlyfonr pages on satin paper, with five superb art snpplemente of bewitching beauty. GOSPEL TElIPERANOE,--The aeooted meeting of the series inaugurated by the R. T. of T's. was held last Sunday after- noon in the Town Hall and attracted a large audience. Rev. T. Davidson, M. questio nof rin general d to sea Prohi- bition s followed by Rev. 11. Paul who took for hie text "Vote as you pray," The Christian Endeavor choir of Melville. church lead in the service of song. Ne 6 Sunday afternoon the Meeting will be addressed by F. kfeloalf and Dr. Fergu• son, both well known residents of Blyth. Good music will be provided. Silver collection to defray expenses of Hall rent, &a. Everybody made welcome, N. P. *ranting FREE :GRADE,—BOU5ee18 Town Hall was well filled last Friday evening with an interested• audience, many of wheel were ladies. The pro• gram was a joint debate between the Yong Men's Conservative Club and the Young Men's Liberal Club on the oft talked of subject ;—"Resolved that the interests of Canada than Free Trade." The speakere for the affirmative were It L. Taylor, Jns, Moore and Jae. Bowman, On the free Trade aide were J. H. Cameron, G. 1. Blair and A. Efielop. Each speaker had 20 minutes at hie dieposal and 6ttr. Taylor 6 minute reply. Excellentepeeo]ea were leEven and the two hours elided by quick. y and enjoyably. At tl•, request of the spealtere, decision as toles merits of the debatewas not given.' '3 he Liberal Glee Olab gave a number of eine at appro- priate intervals. Prof. Hawkins pre. eided at the organfor them. The ohaie was 000upied by W. H. Kerr, On motion Of Poetmastor Farrow, seconded by H. Dermis a om'dial veto of thanks was given the speakers, the Glee Club and the chairman, atter'Which the National An, them was sung and the gathering die. Missed, i3efore the Winter is over there May be other union meetings of a similar character held. The proceeds of the evening, after expellee were deducted, was divided botweon the Iwo clubs. PEOPLE are enquiring when tbor be skating On the rink. Tun Xmas advt. of T. Fletcher, j ler, came to eland too late for the; Watch aut for it next week ea it wil you. Menu and literary entertain under the a0sllfcee of the Be Meohauies' Institute, in the Town on Thursday evening of this week. llimetauza Band Committee have ranged with the Russell Dramatic pally bo give an entertainment in Town Hall here on Friday evening, camber 22011. Tun new brick shaving house at A Bros, factory is ready for the iron The machinery is receiving a t11or overhauling and refitting before menamg work. A rtlerMeTia resident of Grey, wit any provoeation, ran his flet against face of another Grey towushlp Law was spoken of but the matter been settled, we believe. IT is Stated that Doc. Warwick purchased a dwelling on Turnberry a from ribs. Parker, of St. Mary's, prion being $060. The wonder is he intends doing with the place as he bachelor. LECTURE.—J. R. lfeConuell, of W an, delivered a lecture in the Town H Brussels, on Thursday evening of week, on "Protestants in Politise." audience was small, not eufioienttoo expenses. B. Gerry occupied the oh Mr. MaGonneil is a fairly good spea well posted on his subject, REFORM C0N1'E,5Trott,—A mooting of Reformers of polling sub -divisions N and '2, municipality of Brussels, will Held at the Reform rooms over De man's drug store, an Saturday, Dec. at 8 o'clock. p. in., to appoint delegate the Reform Convention at Brussels Tuesday, Dee. 121h, when a stand bearer for the next Local Legislat election will be aeleated. A large tendance desired, Tan Geographical sooiat held by Christian Endeavor Society of Meli' church last Monday evening was a v njoyable gathering. Back] individ wore come article illustrative of own, country, or whatever they rep ented, and a portion of the progr ousieted in guessing what the place w number of musical and literary eel ions were also given, which were high ppreoiated. AT Hoak —The At Houle given by t pworth League of the Methodist ebur ruessle, on the evening of Thankagiyi ay was a decided masa. The into oom was neatly decorated with la nrtains on the windows, hangings he doors, easy chairs, carpets, birds ages, flowers, tables, books, peen o., and the members of the League le othing undone to make their guests fe t home and enjoy themselves. Topi ere discussed, flee minutes being alio each subject, Impromptu address ere given by Nelson Gerry, W. ooney, He:. Strong and H. E. Ma ock. The Sunday school orobest littered several fine musical selection d Men Lottie Hill sang a solo th as deservedly encored. Refreshmen ere provided by the Committee, aft IntlIntlthe enjoyable entertainment it to a close. The leaner preaid A large number of new membe e will awes. issue. I pay moue mots Hall ar, Com. the De. ment roof, ough eon]. hoot the Man.. has has tre01 the what is a ind- all, last The over air, ker, the 0. 1 be ad- 9tb, e to on and are at. the ille cry nal the re. am as, ho- ly beohe ll re oe on in es, ft el es. w• es R. d. TEL at to er PS s a A a E B n w ed w de an w w 90 br ed were scoured. TaorriNe 5TOClt 0.019 BRUSSELS.—James Leary, of the Queen's, and W. F. oft were at New York hast week at• tiding the closing out sale of the horses Fashio0 Stud Steak Farm of Trenton, w Jersey, at Fielloggo's nuotion om, Americau Institute Building, New rk. They returned last Saturday with o standard bred young etaliione who have nursing in them what ie called Royal 1p)ood and are called "Oo tumer," No, 28,594, and "O'Donnell," No. 23,- 800. The following is their breeding :— "Costumer," 23,604, bought by W. l'. Sane, is a bay stallion, foaled April '93, (full brother of "Cibola" 2.207) sire "Stranger" (sire of 1? in 2.30 liet) by "General Washington," by "General Knox." Dam "Catawba" by "Jay Gould," 2.21i (sire of "Pixely" 2.084and 28 others in 2,80 list) by "Hamilton' 10. "Stranger" is the only son of the illus- trious queen of the turf "Goldsmith Maid," 2.14 and hie sire "General Washington" is a son of the equally famous "Lady Thorn," 2.14e. "O'Don• nell,"28,806, bonght by Mr. O'Leary, is a bay stallion, foaled Jane '93, sire "King Red" by "Red Wilkes," etre of. (70 in the 2.30 list) by "George Wilkes," one of the greatest speed produafng etallious. Dam "O'Dell" (full sister to "Oxide" 2.29) by "Rumor" 2.20 (sire of "Edgerdo," 2.191 and 14 others in 2.80 Est, lend dam "Ods," by "Jay Gould" and "Daisy Burns" of "Lady Dawson" 2:29 and 'Slander" 2.28e. The young- sters stood the trip all right and arrived in good condition. There were 157 horses sold belonging to the "Fashion" Firm and Shultz, of Brooklyn, followed with over 200 head and Herein, of Buf- falo, and Smite each also offered a num• beer for sale. CUPID'S DAnre.—"Love laughs at look'., smiths," and well it may for the many devices and devious ways set in motion to secure afair partner can scarcely be enumerated. The old fashioned style followed by Jacob and Raobel ie long out of date and the advertisement "Wanted" has taken its plane. Now a new role has some to light and we hasten to place it before the youth of this section hoping that they will nob give the chief actor away. Last Spring Fred. Tait was en- gaged peeking eggs in the Egg Elmporium of his uncle in thie town. To while away the hens he occasionally wrote poetry and little "billydoae" on this egg shells and then packed them away. One of these notes read something after the fol- lowing faehion :—•"Will the party who gets this egg kindly correspond with Wm. Chewer, Brussels, as he 10 looking for a partner. She must he good look. ing." Months rolled by, Fred. went to the States and the incident is almost for- gotten but the other day a letter bearing the poen-ink of Glasgow, Scotland, and addressed to Wm. Grower comes to Bena• sere postofnee. Ate little dreamed that it was freighted with the all important message it cone/led. It said, in sub - gamma, "I write to tell you that the egg dame into my possession, and being taken with the unique way of advertising for a partner I write to let you know that I received it. As to my good looks it would not do for mo to say but if you will send me your photo I will send rnlne In return land you Can judge for yourself. Yours Truly, Nellie Law," When Green got throngh reading the letter the boys say Ma heart . flopped up and down like a churn dasher ; the soneation THE BRUSSELS POST DEC. 1, 1893 of unutterable joy thrilled throngh h like a Spanish needle through tow lits pants mud crept over hint like you goats over a stable roof, but after a ;eh he gnfetcd demon and has sine write Mice Law "in appraprfate terms" folies often say, "Billy" neglected show us the reply but it will likaly au 'eggsnotly: If 11e strikes it millionaire the Glasgow lassie he should give Fred. nine present, We might any for Ilei Law's benefit that Ur. Grewar ie a go baker ; a crank bnee.ball player ; a No, troml3one manipulator ; fine bass von list ; good looking, and will drive eing or double. Any further information w be cheerfully furnished. If .the moose had beau written on a dunk egg or even goose egg we would not have wonder but just a common, every day hen og It's wonderful, We would advise M Tait to sparge au admission fee to all youths wanting to pack eggs after this. 0 VERSOS AL PAl5,UIRAf,'1'iS. 1V, B. Avery, of Goderialr, is in town Ino. Maleain ate his Thanksgivin turkey at Atwood, Mrs. jamas Cooper has been on th sick list this week. A, M. Kay, of Stratford, was in tows on Thanksgiving day. Thos. McGregor went be Galt on business trip this week. Rev, R. Paul and wife spent Thanks giving day in 131uevale. llfiss Gardivar, of Walton, lits bee visiting ft'iends in Brussels. Baroid Creighton, of Guelph, was i town for a few days this week. Mts. (Rev.) Hunt and daughter, a Southampton, are visiting in town. Jas. O'Leary and W F. Sant paid New York a business trip last week. 0. E. Turnbull, of the Guelph Mercury, spent Thanksgiving day in Brussels. Wm. Wilton has sufhoiently recovered rom his long and severe illness to lie able o get down street. . Mrs. Bunton and daughter have gone o Muniboba where they purpose visiting elatives for several months, Mies F. Garlick, formerly of Brussels, e renewing uid acquaintances here. tier Ome is in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Won. Mooney, who bad one of his lege natured ill the hay press, is moving bout this week with the aid of a crutch. J. Y. Egan, the truss apeoialiat, of °mute, was in town for three days this sok. He purposes making regular visits Brussels, Mae Jolt] Gillbard, of Cobourg, hae ben u ! nite, S. %male and wife for the et few d.tys, Sire. Gillbard is a sister Mr. Smale's and it is about ten years nae they last met. Lust week Robert Tombs, wife and mily arrived in town from Denver, !oracle, where they bare been for en - al years. They purpose making their me either in Brussels or this locality. rs. Tombs is a sister to Mrs. James arp, of Morris, end a daughter of :mph Frain, of Grey township. in; en ng lie en as 40 11 in a es od 1 a, le Ill tge ed 0. • g e a u f t t r h fr a T b let of ai fa Co er ho et 00 Business Locals, CALL and see MsOracken's fancy orock- 'cry for Xmas. Buy yourself a fur coat, Ours are the cheapest and best in totvn. I. 0. Richards. BEAUTIFUL Chinaware for Xmas and New Years at MoOraoken's. SEE our latest and nobby styles in Photos for Christmas. H. 0. Srnoue, Photographer, WE have them cheap, fur mite, sleigh bells, trunks and valises. I. C. Richards. Any ono wishing to got a new saw filing Machine may see what suits them at A, M• McKay & Oe's, hardware store Brussels. A 1 OYSTERS will be on hand and kept regularly dnring the season in balk or by the die] at dire• Beck's, opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels, ITOE on human and horse and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool - ford's sanitary lotion. This liever fails. Warranted by G. A. Deadman, An' one wishing t0 get a new Sao filing stand, I thick can be suited by T. McGregor, of Brasssls, One. May be seen at Moi{ay & Co's, hardware store. IF there is anything in my line that you want come and see my goods and get my prices and if I cannot satisfy you I will pay your expenses for Coming. 'Ems bas been a dull season e w theeee. the Wholesale Furniture omen and I have struck some great bargains with them for cash, so that I can sell away dawn. All goods delivered free of charge, R. Laatherdale. As Ihave pot in the largest stook of furnittlrethie Fall I have ever had, get. ting some big bargains for cash, I .are prepared to sell furniture cheaper than aver. I will sell you anything in the furniture line for half what you paid for it 5 years ago. R. Leatberdale. WELL•DIeenvo AND Dn10n100.—George Birt has all the neaeseary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work enbrueted to him in a way that will insure satiefaotion. Walla cleaned out and put in proper ebape. Terms reasonable. Residence seemed door north of the bridge, west aide of Turnberry et., Brussels. 84-19 Wooro SEnixe•—Mrs, Kirit has just opened a fine lot of chinaware, cups and saucers, tea sets, muga, &o. In glass- ware, toilet sets, vaees, tic. A large as- sortment of dolls, toys, new games, &o„ very cheap. Great bargains in fanny goods, wools, hosiery, &o. All 111054 of yarn knit to order. Opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels. le you want en organ or piano 101111 save you from $10 to 520 on an organ and from $50 to $75 on a piano. Why ? I buy for cash. I am at no extra expense. If a man puts hie whole time to this line he hae got to go out himself with team, bothering you time and again, just when you are the busiest, and if be averages one organ in Iwo weeks he does well, Who pays for thee two week's work ? The man who buys the organ. R. Leatherdele. 0. 0. F.—For the next three menthe special inducements will be offered by Court Princess Alexandra, No, 24, 0, 0. F., Brussels, to any pereot desiring to b00on10 a member of that Order, the in. itiabion fee being reduced during that time. As thie is one of the leading In. suranoe and B0nefiniary 1:10oietic% in the country people should take advantage of this offer. For 9911 information ap. ply t0 A. Ream, 0, R. A. Konio o, F. S. ; W, B1astlinr., Teen, s�'i. Di414.LJ 1.MXIC or 0.dAraiDLL, u0TQGR PSI Qum 23=TA337.-,l ta=221 D 2,072, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. ASSETS,(Seven Million Dollars) 57,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) - - - • $2,000,000 Agencies is all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United Elates dt England, A General Banking Business Traneaoted, Farmers' Notes Discounted, Drafts Ieeuad and Collections made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from date of deposit to dabo of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTION OMEN TO TICE COLLEo'nION OF FARMERS' SALE NOTES, Every facility afforded Customers living at a diotanoe. J. A. STEWART, MANAGER. YW ILL@ra-vSir1 ti"rD �i H9aHg @® AN EEi4. S �UsE-3 s, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on an points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGIJS A SPECIALTY. Interest Allowed on Oue Dollar and Upwards at Currant Rates, Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Speoial Arrangements made for Time Deposits. ere erect to write Insurance in old English er t'ttnadium C5mpan150, or to 111111. nal Colupantaa n5 luny be desired. AGENTe 00n CANADA AND UNITED STATES : TEE CANADIAN BANE OF COMDfenoE. 9 UPnoLsTEBED GOODS.—I have a groat 2 oars No 2 corn, 0190100, 40710 ; 1 car line of parlor suites, lonhgse, easy chairs ditto, poor color, 40o. Oats lower, sales and mattresses manefuotured right here. today, 0 oars No 2 white, 314o ; 2 care As I am a praetioal meohania myself I do., 844a ; 10 cars do., 84o, on traek ; 1 will guarantee satisfaction. Note olid, if car No 3 white, 33? -e ; 2 cars do., in store, you have bought anything from me that 32 7.8c ; 1 oar No:1 mixed, 82o on track. bas not given you stttiefaotion—bring Barley—Demand fair, prices steady. them back and I will do them over, Rye—Easier. Flour and mill•feed Srme making them as good as new free of charge. You cannot see what you are buying ill npholetered goods as you only see the outside. R. Leatherdale. TiE PEOPLE'S COWAN. The Vanderbilte own lane that is worth1 , 5500,090, TOUSI;Iil]DPER DESIRES A oulare adPotation ress box email, IreSsele P Par par ti" AVCTSOS7 SAx,r7S_ Framer, Dao. let.—Farm Stook. Lot 23, Oen. 7, Grey. Sale at 1 p. m. Zaoh. Mabee, prop. Goo. Kirkby, anat. TEUnanoy, DEO. 14th.—Farm stook, implements, etc. South 4 lot 24, Con. 6, Morrie. Sale commences at 12 o'olook. J, Pybue, Prop, Geo, Kirkby, Ant. KENDALL.—In Brussels, on Nov. 201h, the wife of Mr. J. N. Kendall of a eon. BEAM,—ID Brussels, on Nov. 171h, the wife of Mr. Harvey Beam of a son. GEDDEs—CLARI5—in Morris, on Nov. 22nd, by Rev. J. H. Dyke, of Bel. grave, Mr. Robert Geddes, to Mee 'Wary J., second daughter of Mr, Thomas Oinrk, all of Morris. SToanmt—CASE,—At the residence of the bride's mother, 16tH con., Grey, on Nov. 23rd, by Rev. D. Forrest, Mr. F. 1, Stogdill, of Stratford city, to Miss Sarah, daughter of the late Mr. Jno, Cash, of Grey. Roamn8-0etteperL,-1'n Grey, ab the residence of the bride's brother, on the 27th inst., by Rev, D. B. McRae, of Oranbrook, the Rev. Samuel 3, Rogers, Methodist Episcopal minis. ter, of the city of Rook Springs, U. S., to Miss Elisabeth Campbell, of the let con. of Grey, ===:t. the morning of. Nov. 2411, at her residence, 350 Washington Ave„ Oil City, Pennsylvania, Su. eannab Tait, beloved wife of Mr, John Swallow, aged e2 years. FtANNERY.—In lvloKiliop, on November 26th, Catharine, daughter of Mickel Flannery, aged 23 years, 6 menthe anti 10 days. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Peas Cate Butter, tube and retie•.,, l0gge per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes .,,,,,,,,,, ISay per ton. Salt per bbl., Hideo trimmed Hideo rough .. Sheep skins, each.... .... Lamb skins eaoh Apples per bbl.. Wool Pork 66 50 82 50 28 17 16 8 00 40 6 00 1 00 34 8 40 50 100 17 5 75 60 55 65 29 18 00 3 50 00 00 00 66 70 1 50 18 6 10 RAST Bure o, N Y, Nov 2611—Gatto —Eight ears on sale, 10o to 16e lower, dull ; Sheep and lambs -Fifteen oars ou sale, 6 oars Canadas, easy with yesterday owing to the large poultry trade due t0 neer approach of Thanksgiving, best natives sold at $4 40, ; good to ahoioo at $4 16 to $4 80 ; good to choice Canadas at $4 50; sheep ruled about steady for anything fat and of good quality ; good 90 lb sheep, $2 60 to $2 75 ; heavy 117lb webers, 54, and ewes sheep $2 90, culla selling at el 60 to $1 76 and some few old, wrinkley sheep ria low as 10 per lb ; Hogs—Yorkers, 100 to 16o higher ; sel- ling at $5 66, a few et $5 75 ; a Pow pigs oullad out at $3 90 ; only 10 oars on sale. Spring wheat—Tale trade, olosing firm ; No 1 hard, epee, 710 ; do,, o. I. f., 694o ; No 1 northern, spot, 700 ; do„ o, i, 68 8.80 ; eales, 10,000 bushels No 1 hard, spot, 710 ; 1 oar ditto, 724e ; 6 care No 1 northern, 704e, spot ; sales of 0. f, f., 32,- 000 bushels No 1 northern, 6840; 16,000 bushels ditto, 584c ; 16,000 bushels ditto, OS7o. Winter wheat—Dull, weak ; No 2 red, Oho ; No 1 white, O8 jo, Cern open. ed weak, with liberal offerings ; closed nein for trach, and fernier for store late, sales fu store ; 28 oars No 2 yellow, 420 ; 1 oar ditto, 4240, in atone ; 2 oars No 2 corn, 410 to dl99c ; 5 care No 8 Dorn, 414o, Bales on track, 6 oars No 2 yellow, 42o ; 1 oar choice old, 4240; 1 oar Na 2 Darn, low ooIor, 414o ; 2 oars No 2 white, 42o ; JERSEY COW FOR SALE.— LS 850 will buy Oegietered Jersey Cow, I to have her next calf wbtob Is due in Mardi. G. A. Dy ADMAN, Brea Bela. 10 OR 12 MORSE POWER EN - in flret al sa rt n, ing order. Apppply 30 hand, J, 0033800, 81ti10I, TJOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE in the village of Ethel, belonging fol the estate of the late Dr, Omle. for idL 1 erllculeru as to price, terms, &a. Apply to WIr. SPIENC 0, Ethel. 'OBE STOLEN. — A GREY Robe was ateloit from a cutter In the Qneeu's hotel shed Saturday, The party was seou going off with it and if nob return. ed Mettle of a week the case will be placed in Oouetabie Scott's hands, QTRAYED FROM BRUSSELS, about Aug; let, a red stag, 2 years old. L est seen at Wm, Bryan's farm, Morris. Anyone Stewing of its whereabouts will greatly oblige NEIL MOLAUOl3LIN, 15. Brussels. MENDERS WANTED.—TEN— mmu5 will be received by the under• signed up to Saturday 80th day of Deoom- her, 1803, for all the Carpenter work required 1n nhe erection and completion of a 1} story brick dwelling 20130 feet with ldtoheu same sine. For plans, specifications and other information apply on Lot 11, Oen, 0, Morrie or ad (Iroise Sunshine P. 0. 20-5 WAL ARICHIE, N. 13,—The lowest or any tender not -nee- assert ly accented. REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE.—TETE UN. sale and torrent has ma, in Townshipor s s of Morris and Grey, F S. SO OTT, Brussels, (-''1HoICE FARM FOR SALE...— N., nearly ail cles ed 3 Goode endiega, Hue voting bearing orchard. Immediate pea - session. Easy Terms, Apply to tf- W. M. SIN OLIR A, ' 8011014ov, &e„ Brnseols, 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. The 200 acre farm being lots 11 and 12, eon, 10, Grey, is offered for sale. 120 acres are cleared and the balance well bin]. bared. Buildings first.class, orchard, well, 010, Soiled house within 40 rode. Posses- eion given at once if desired, For 1 further particulars as to price toren, &a apply to 0.11 MRS. WRoeeville P. 0, or NELSON BRI0KER, on farm, WARM FOB SALE. --THE UN- •DmnesoNEr, offers his splendid 125 acro farm, being Lnt8 and west part Lot 0,0ori, 0, Grey, for sale,, There are 100 acres oloared, balance timbered. Two dwelling houaSs, bank barns, good orobard, well fended. A never failiugspxing on the place. Posses- sion given any time. The subscriber also offers for Sale a detailing house, stable and 0 aures of land in the corporation of Bruesela, Tho house and garden would be rented Inc a abort tine if not sold. Hard and sofb water. Fot 'Woes, terms and further particulars apply to ,703024 S1v1ITle, Proprietor. 4l-tf Bennis P. 0, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 110, Section 85, of the ltevieetl Statutes of On. tariobob= iehereby given, that all per. sons having claims against the estate of George Banns late or the Township of moi-ris,in the Bounty of Huron, Toomau, deoea0od,Wile died on or about the 25th they of October, A, D. 1880, are hereby re• quirod to seed by peat me -paid or delivered to] G. ul.Blaer,EEsq.,of the Vi]Jage of Bons. (Meaty of aeon, aforesaid eon cite for the Veto/Atom of the estate of the said George Retina, deceased, on Or before the 18th day Of D000mber nm,t, a statement in writing of tlloirn0moe and ad. drams and the fall particulars of the scour - Mos (11 any) 1101d by them and that after the Bald 18tH day of, Iloneulbor, the Execut0t0 0111 proceed to distribute the a9110t5 of the said George Baena, amengRet the Pardee entitled thereto having regard only to tbo 01011118 of wbiab notice obeli bavo been g1v0n as above required, and bios 5014 assets eraeyy Part thereof to any 'peen or 7000000 of whose 0 tan nein ehaU not have boon ro• oblvod at the tiros of well dfetributton, Dated at Brussels. the nth day 09 Nevem. bee A.D. 1808, 20.3 Sallo1borfo 30 ao tors, At Wholoaale Prices, lyre have bought a very largo stook of these Albume in plush and loather binding and can give you a very nice plush album for $1,00. All the prices will astonish you. If you want an album good and cheap, ei1110 now, Re• member also that WO have a fell line of Xmas goods, Finney goods, Books, Bibles, Games, Toys, Della, &c. Pepper's Drag Store, LEGAL AN CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Collec- tions -Vanetono a Block tlBros- eele. 21.8m NITM. SINCLAIR, , &d, Soolficibe Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub. leoo'¢a01tone'B Moak,1 door north , e. genual Lona. Hotel, Private lunds to OAMBIION, BOLT & HOLMV.IES, N JJ Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Poblio, SE, O. CAMERON, Q. Ont. Q. a., PRILIP HOLT, DUDLEY EOLtti^.s. G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER So]iaitor, &e. (late of Darrow & Prstdfoot's °Moe, Goderioll,) OJlioo over Gilllee & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 MEDICAL CARDS. T A. M0NAUGHTON, ggM. D, S. Ont, Residence acid d°Moe in Wilsons Sleek, oonor Of 111111 and Turnberry Sts. Ti M. ARMSTRONG, 111. D. C! • Physician, Surgeon Accouoher, etc, Graduabe of Toronto University Medical Faculty. Alemher of College of Pbysietane and Surgecue, Ont. OPPro1—Noxi door to McDonald & Oo., Walton Ont. DENTAL. 1)1m1:YTA.9Tr M. CAVANAGH, L• D' Se D.11 S., Sugeoue, o0 tario,, oand ole leorouto Una- versity, OP@IOL^—Over A. R. Smith's Store, Brussais, VETERINARY. T • D. WARWICK,. Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Ooliege, is prepared to treat all diseases of domeatloated animals in a com- petent manner. Parteettlar attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calla promptly at- tended oto. bride 'ru nInfirmary—Twoe, rsls Dora AUCTIONEERS, ARAYMA NN, • tend salesuoftPetriels,far,nlstock,i&c, Terme cheerfully given. Oranhrook P. O. Sales may be arranged at Tam Poen Publishing Rouse, Breesels. GEORGE KIRKBY, ed on reasonable torero, L arms and farm stook a specialty. ()rears 1011 at Tum POST P ubli ell tug Rouse ,13rn ssele, or sent to Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention, TTAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- to conducas salols of tarnstookAuctioneer, cable prloee, 'Knowing the standing of nearly every person I am in a position to sell to good marks and geb good seo01'ity when void on credit, Satisfaction guar'auteed, Give mea call. 32. r S. 500TT, BUSINESS CARDS. II. MoORACKEN, • Usurer offlarriage Liceuees. Onloe at his Grooery, Turnberry street, Brussels, N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist• Shop—Next door south of A. M. ALo1Iay & Oo'e hardware store. Ladles' and ollildreue hair cutting a specialty MoNAIR, • Insurer of Marriage Licensee, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis- sioner, B. Orae at the Oranbrook Post OItloo. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. IN Busse L^, EIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. LEX. BUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court Co, Ru on Conveyancer, Notary Public Land Loan. and Ina"nee Agent, Fends investm ed and to loan. Collections made. Gihce in Graham's llook, Brpseels, rin A. HA,WKINS, M. 0, S. M. Organist ill St. John's C]urob, Brno. Bole, and pupil, in the Art of :Teaohiug of A. W.'1'hayor,Muo.Doa„Bow York will give lessens to pupils either at {pie parlor, over A, R, Smith's store, or if preferred, at their own banes. Monday, Tuesday .and Wednesday at 'Walton. Terms moderate, BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for 0orvioe at North half Lot 20, Oen, 7, Morris, the Thorn' bred Ohector White Boar DOnanee, for service, Re was bred by Daniel Doeoursey, Bornholm,Perth Cm and is item imported steer on both sides. Terms 81.00 to be paid at tune of eervide wit/] privlloge of returning it nomuleary, 14-tf SAMUEL WALIij13,P10prlotor, OAR FOR SERVIOE.—TEE Undersigned will i g rI 1 cool ler ' breve on Lot 20 Oen, MorrIff, the oar Creel bus Proved 6pm'slVinte Osed front Boar "Canada's 1r510w lirinao;' pm'ahasod from, elle wail=known brooder J, E. Brtthour, bas Lode Farm, T upend. 'Terme, .41;00 to bo paid at the Mlle of 0Orriee with prl9ilego of tofurning if e000Pattrie. Pedigree uray be soon on ap. 11ooation. 03011T, NIDI GIr.