The Brussels Post, 1893-12-1, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST
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Silas At The Fair.
Dana BEIIANTEY,—Ib jest happened to
come into my mind today oz I was a
knmmin home from the fare grounds in
Sites karridge, that I bedaub never told
you nothin about the river they hav here,
and so I bleeve that ez I dont peer to
hav so very many other noabnns in my
heel tonight that Ile do it now. They
call it a river, tho it bidet mutoh wider
than a kriok is with us. Its a windin
piece ov dirty water that looks black
snuff to ynee far ink, and it smells a kun•
siderable sight woes than it looks. If I
had to be baptized in it I kno I wud put
off jinin meetin ez long ae I oud. It
looks to me oz tho evrybody in the whole
town damped all their swill and other
dishwater into it, without keerin a butter-
nut whether it giv anybody the fever and
ager er not, and yet they say bogs wont
drink le, cad eo I spoze there meet be
sum whisky or nam other aeoh thing
mixed with it to spite the taste.
Bao is I hav told you before this, they
dont peer to low nuthin in this town to
go to waste, and so even the dirty river
with all its na.eneee is yulagized and
worked in to help make thing's hem. In
fact, fbenegnthy, the black windin stream
ov slop ie plead ez a ,tablin place fur the
ships cad other boats whioh kem and go
from ell the ends ov the earth with the
projuioa ov hill and valley, whioh no poor
farmers hav been able to git together by
hard diggin and ekratchin and eel] at so
=itch a bushel, in order to git means
with which to buy groceries and pay
taxes. Ime afeerd that sounds kansider-
able mutate like poetry, but it slipped in
onawaree, and as its ez tree as preeohin I
wont ekratch it out. About all I ever
'mode about ships afore I kum here was
what Ivo read about Noahs ark and seen
ov the ferry boat whish rune ekrost the
Wabseti river at Gooeeburg, bat a body
kin leers more ab00t nm in a mini'. here
than he over dreamed ov in all hie life.
I tell you what it is, old woman, theme a
powerful sight ov ehipa in the world
when you kum to git um all together, ez
they peer to list' ben a doin here. There$
spots here whore the flag poles ov the
ships on which they pot their sales when
theyre out at sea, are a etickin ulh so
thick that it looks fur all the world hke a
biokory deadnin, and its anuff to make a
body feel ez tho they badeut never dun
any vieitin in their life jest to stand on a
bridge fur a spell and look at am, and
that puts We in mind that I hsint told
you nothin about their bridges, whioh are
ez motels ov a eight to e stranger ez sem
wimmin wud kunsider a new bonnet.
You see when the ehipa kum here
theyve got to go up the river smote to
onload their !actin and take on another
pasele afore they start out agin, and ez
their spare and other timber is as jintlee
ez a telegraff pole and.oaut be let down
to let um under abridge, the only way
they kin parseed up the river is to take
the bridges out ov the way ontil they page
thru. I kno this will puzzle you ez
match as it dud me to make out how
fokee kin ever understaud eaoh outer
when they tawk dutoh, and so Ile try
to tell you bow it is. You see their
bridges are all made like a womane tang,
feet in the middle and loose at both ends,
and like a fools head they kin be turned
kleer around a good deal easier than a
preacher kin jint up stove pipe without
feeliu that he ort to be a better man,
They hav a Menne ingine up overhead
whioli whirls the bridge around whenever
seob is wanted. The feat time I Been
the eight T had to pinch myself twice
afore I oud Make sure that I was awake.
I was a goin along manohin a few
orackere whioh I had plotted up at brek.
fast and put into my pocket, when I
heard a dinner bell go to ringin rite in
frunt ov me ez energetic as a woman a
jawin her htrsban, and immejutly eery
body around mu basun to run Lords the
bridge with all their might. 1 dident
line what under the sun oud be the mat-
ter, onlese it was a dog fight, and go pick.
in up 3T1y feet I began to put ground
behind me like the rest, bat when I got
within about eix rods ov the bridge I was
So Week with bewunderment at 060io it
begin to totter and twist, that if Ide a
Beau a duller on the ground I dont Heave
1 cad a pioked it up. Ez I got there
along kum a little steam boat 0. splutter -
in like a boy a pullin his eled up hill,
and if yule Heave me it was a pullin
along 8 ship thee was more than big
muff to diekiver Ameriky with, and
it was a doin it easier than I cud lead a
kaff to paster, too, tt wen, Rz the ehip
peised thrit the gap the end ov the bridge
kep a folleri 1 it, and by the time the
Fillip was out ov the way the bridge had
notched itself into the bauke and was
ready to do bizniee agin ez rho betide
had happened, and quicker then 1 Itin
tell you the teams which had beu kep
waitin was a paesin over by the duzrin.
Out at the fare yisterday I met Dook
Piltesber and Kaptun Pusher from Cider,
vibe who was both so glad to toe me that
I did-nt hav to pay nuthin fur paenute
ner Tey dinner, and they also took tae
into a kupple ov allows tint Ire bon a
warttin to gee, but I woo ateerd ov the ex,
pease. In Wen ov nm X seen tum kart.
mol and a lob its, haltered fakes who oud
tawk latah, Dook Pilteter said he wad
pay the damages if I wud take a ride en
a Wilma!, but I told him Ide rather not.
I bleeve tho, that this wee the feet bele
I ever let a chance slip ov gittin eumthin
fur nuthin in my life. A kemmol is oeoh
a terrible long legged beast that I }mode
if he was to throw me it wud be like
fallin frum the rule ov n house, and then
I dident like the looks ov the fallen eye,
ner the way be carried hie under lip nen
the way he benched up hie bank, and 00I
kunkluded that I wud rather stay on the
ground and not run no reek.
Kaptun Pusher tho, was more venter-
some than me, and took a ride up and
disown the lane on their oroesost 100131n
beast. I breathed a heap minter when I
saw him git bank onto the ground safe
and sound, and I dont bleeve he will ever
be any paler in his lmffin than he was
when them dutch niggers fixed hire in
the saddle and the kammel raired up.
The other plane they took me into was
an animal show whore the dumb krittere
had ben tarot to do about evrything but
read and write. There was lions there
big anuif to eat a now and kaff, and ylt
they peered to be ez peaceable as white
mice. They was put thru kapere that
yon audent beach a dog to save your life,
and seemed to kno a heap more in sum
ways than atom men I kuo who vote. I
dont think I ever felt any better 'satisfied
at a sirkue than I did at then show.
After niy friends left I kum to where
there was quite a passel ov big arm aheere
made out ov sem kind ov basket stuff,
anddroppin down into wan ov nm in two
minite I was sound asleep. I bad amon.
sus relreshin nap in whiohl dreamed that
I was a diggin up munny with a pick, but
when I woke up it was after eix oolook
and the roomytiz was a givin it to me in
evry jint. I got up and stretched myself
and blowed my, nose and started off, when
e. brustlin big feller in a uniform a good
deal like the Pipetown rangers wear,
planted himself rite square in front ov me
and deklared that I owed him two dollars
fur the sleep Ida took. He sed the cheer
was hizzen, and that he had stood there
and fanned me and kap the tlize off of me
all the afternoon, and before I went any
turder he wanted his munny. There wuz-
zent any help fur it, and so after a good
deal ov argyfyin, evry word ov wbieh was
wasted, I had to take out my pooketbuke
and onwiud the strap and saygoodby to a
kupple ov the purtiest dollars I ever seen
in all my life. It seems to me things has
kum to a party pave w11011 to man kin be
robbed in broad daylite like that.
I tell you what it ie, old woman, the
longer I stay, in this town the better sat-
isfied I am that there is a devil, and that
he dont take no time to rest. Before I
kern bare I wudent a bleeved that there
was so many ways ov robbin a man with.
oat doin it with a pistil. Iwo dollars fur
a snooze in a rookin cheer. You cant
make me bleeve that Jobe ever had to
stand anything ez onreasonable es that.
It makes me feel ez 06o I had a bone .in
my back to think that fur what it cost
me to fool away my time there in sleep I
might a had that feller a pnshin me all
over the grounds on the trot, and ben a
eeain sights without havin to blister my
feet. Ive ban a etudyin all day how I
kin obarge that two dollars to the $aff
Raizere Klub in each a way that they will
hav to pay it. I bat, a]reddy eot down
against them the half a dollar that Dook
Piltester paid fur my dinner, but when it
kums to what I shall put down next Ime
I cud say more if there was a good rea-
son fur it, but ez there halm I bleeve Ile
So good by far the present.
Mourn right smart,
A large quantity of grain is being mar.
keted in Gerrie.
Bobt. Blow returned from his hunting
tour in Muskoka, bringing a fine deer
with bim,
D. S. Taylor le away to Maryland on
business in commotion with the estate
left to iiia family there last year.
Jas. Laces has moved out to the farm
recently purchased by Wm. Ashton from
E. Pllair and will run the lime kilns the
coming season.
Rev. Mr, Green, of Gorrie, gave a
lecture on hie trip to the World's Fair at
the last meeting of the Epworth League
at Orange Hill.
The revival meetinge being held in the
Methodist ohuroh, conduoted by the
Misses Hall, are being well attended and
the interest is growing,
Mr. McConnell did not lecture here on
Weduesday'of last week on "Proteatante
Awake 1" as the audience did not mater.
ialize. The few who went,got their mon•
We regret to learn that Mise Barber,
who bag long been a resident of Gorrie,
is lying seriously ill at Alex. Smith's,
where site has made her home reoently,
with but little hopes of her recovery.
ft'o Ei8. lop.
Wm, Rae, who was very ill with
typhoid fever, is recoveribg nicely.
Mies Kenny has beeu re•engaged to
teach the school in sciatica No. 8. She is
1811 energetic' teacher.
F. Henke/ell has returned home from
British Columbia. He will probably re-
main here during the Winter.
Mrs. T. Menarey, who wee 'felting her
sitter and has been very ill, returned to
her home at Cartwright, 181811it0ba.
Mr. Ferguson has purchased one of
the barns of Henry Bennawies. It has
been taken down and will Le hauled
The social at Bethel, whioh took place
a fete evenings ago, wile fairly successful.
Upwards of $16,00 was realized, which
will be expended in improving the
Godoi81c1 .
Nine fellow oreaturee are in the county
jail because they have no other home.
The Deoomber seeeiooe open in the
Court house on Tueerley, 12th Deo, with
a not very long list for trial.
Geo, Aoltoeon met with an accident
recently by being streak on the knee with
an axe halve whioh out almost in to the
John E. Davie, favorably known to the
people of this sestina, has bought out the
drug business formerly carried on by F.
Jordan at the Medical Ball.
The amine) meeting of the West
Huron Liberal Conservative Aoaociation
takes place in Godorioh on ;l`resday, Dao,
lath, commencing at 11. it, m. 'The de•
pariure !tom the old undoes' of westing
At Carlow is Woad by the want of
proper ao0omtn0datien for the dolegaten'
Dr. 0. J. Hamilton, of Cornwell, a
former pupil of Goderieh Oogeglate In-
stitute, tins kindly offered a medal to the
pupil obtaining the biglemst next midsummer p
midsummer in ei*be the second or
third Blass rooms.
A whist club has been organized its
Wm. Dearing, Jr. marketed two
turkeys in town wbiob weighed fifty
The two elk brought here from Mani.
Lobe by James Westoott have been per -
clamed by Messrs. Tenant and Fish.
A publio meeting was held in the town
hall on Wednesday evening, the 151h,
for the purpose of organizing for the
prohibition vote on Jan. let.
The Main street Methodist emigre.
gation have every reason to feel greatly
elated over the suooeee of the annlver.
eery. The proceeds amounted to $100..
Georg Bowden and James Jewell, who
are nutting wood in Robert Leatborn's
swamp a little southwest of the village,
were surprised Tuesday morning on
arriving at the swamp to find the pile of
wood in whioh they had left their axes
burned to the ground. A stump close by
had been fired the day previous which
bad eptead to the wood.
Mre. James Finale bas a hen that has
just brought out a brood of ohiokens ;
We is something unusual for this time
of the year.
The annual dinner under the auspices
of Murray Camp, Sone of Scotland, took
place at the Queen's hotel, Clinton, on
the evening of Nov. 8081a.
D. A. Burgos, formerly a teacher in
Clinton Collegiate, and who graduated
from Toronto Univereity in 1890, died
last week, at 55 Grenville St., Toronto,
after a long illness. ,
Dr. Horsey, (and wife) formerly of
Clinton, were stere on n visit. They
leave New York this week for England;
and from there proceed to Chinaand
around the world, in the interest of the
Sun Life Insurance Company.
Regina, N. W. T., had a big fire last
week. Amongst those who Buffered was
Charlie Howson, a former Clinlonian,
wholesale liquor merchant. The build-
ing wag insured for $1,000 and the stook
was removed, but damaged.
Before Judge McMahon at Toronto, on
Tuesday of last week, in Attorney -Gen-
eral for Ontario v. Brunedon, P. Holt, for
the persons olaiming to be the heirs and
heireeeee at law of the late James Stavely,
appealed from the report of the looal
Master at Goderich finding that James
Stavely was illegitimate, and that the
Crown had established title to bis estate.
Garrow, Q. C., for the defendant, contra.
The large panes of plate glass for the
store windows of Mrs. Murray's new
brick block have arrived.
The special revival 0erviee0 are still
being held in the Methodist church by the
Rev. Arthur Browning, of Toronto.
James Murchison, who iejetudying for
the Methodist ministry, and who has
spent two years in the North West Ter-
ritories, was visising friends in the
The annual Thanks -offering meeting
of the Woman's Foreign Missionary
Society whioh watt held in the Presby-
terian church St. Helene, on Wednesday,
was largely attended, about one hundred
being present. There were represents.
tives from Dungannon, Ashfield, "Galvin"
East Wawenosh, also from the Metho-
dist churches at "Bethel" and Donny-
brook. A long end varied program wan
given of wbiob not the least interesting
Ma an address given by Mies Mao.
Williams, of Guelph, lately returned
from India she will do good service in
awakening a deeper interest in those at
home as there is groat need for workers
in that densely populated land. The en-
velopes were opened and bbd enaloeod.
tests of Soripture read by the Secretary,
The offering amounted to 946. Altogeth.
er it is the moat eueosoldul meeting of
the kind ever held here.
The Rev. A. Fiudlay, superintendent
of missions in the Presbyteries of Barrie
and Algoma, gave an address in the
Presbyterian church, Lucknow, on Tues.
day, 21st inst., in the interest of the
mission fields that be superintends. In
the western section of the Presbyterian
ohurob, oomprising the provinoes of
Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, British
Columbia and North West 'Territories,
there are nearly one thousand miesion
stations. There are about 0n0 half of
these stations in the territory woet of
Ontario to the Pacific ocean, and one
fifth or two hundred mission stations are
in the Presbyteries of Barrie and Algoma
and under the supervision of Mr. 1!indly.
These stations are supplied with the
means of grape by catechists, theological
etudeute and ordained missionaries.
Some are without ordinances daring the
Winter season owing to the look of 111011
and means. Many of these mission
station's contribute . liberally for the
support of ordinances among themselves
end for the general Home Miseion Fund.
At 00131e points, eepeaialty along the rail.
way lines, churches need to be erected
and also manes, in a few places. For
theme objeete, the people eontrib to to
their utmost ability, but find themselves
unable to do this work alone, and the
Presbytery of Algoma appeals for aid
from the congregations in the aburoh in
Western Ontario. A oolleotion was taken
at the clone,
General Nowt".
France may impose fines on railroad
trains behind limo.
Prendergast, the player of Mayor Her.
Oman, whose trial was set for some day
next week, ie not pleased with the de-
fense his lawyers have deoided upon.
"They propose to mutat a plea of insan-
ity," eaid he on Monthly : "I shall
object to that. I want to acknowledge
the oommiesion of the crime, and plead
and prove juelifioation." "Its what way
will you move juetifoation ?" "The
broken promise to make me corporation
counsel. And than there are outer
things, But it will all dome oat at the
Wel. Pm very meals diopleaeed with
the idea of entering the plea of insanity,
I'm not lntane. I was justified in the
shooting. Tho way the newspaper.
handled Curl 'story wag amueing, and also
displeasing, They galled me prank,
lunatic, insane, and to lot of other things,
And the p10tures, some of them were
simply horrible. I'm not 10388100, And
don't want that (tied of a defence." •
Direotum and Allx have been ;unbolted
to trot at Fleetwood parlt next 'Tuesday
for 85,000 a side,
On Saturday the trolley was tried as a
means of populeion on the Hobe canal,
and proved a aa00e0.
A projeot is on foot for an underground
railway in New York oily, to run from
the Battery to fort George.
A Hurley, Wig., telegram sari 20,000
people are on bhe verge of 'starvation
through inactivity at the iron mines,
The returning o5ioer, on Friday formai.
ly declared Joseph Martin, Liberal, elect.
ed member of the Cons/none for Win-
nipeg by 425 majority.
The ofiloial nominations of candidates
for the vaoanoiee in the Legislature for
North Bruce and East Lambton were
held Saturday.
Ward's natural eoionoe oolleotion at
tbo World's Fair has beets bought for the
Columbian museum for $100,000 cash,
which is the largest sum ever paid in
America for a nature! soioneo collodion.
Alfred E. Carter, formerly 065001st of
the Church of the Redeemer in Toronto,
has lately000npied the 501136 position in
St. Luke's church, Buffalo. The rentor
of Bt. Luke's is something of an athlete.
He drives a horse, rides a bioyole, weighs
about 168 pounds and stande nearly six
feet in his etoolringe, bob be didn'b have
iuueole or weight enongla to prevent re-
ceiving a beautiful pair of blank eyes
from Mr. Garter. Carter was discharged
het week, but persisted in opening the
guild for rehearsal. Mr. North protested
and oommanded him to leave the prem.
ises. The organist is a small man but a
bard hitter, and the prelate was forded to
.all for recruits from the police station.
Mrs. Carter says that there are large
biaok and blue spots on her person that
were caused by the, knees of Rentor North
in the fracas at the guild hones. Five
minutes before rehearsal last Thursday
night, the Carters say, Mrs. North
brought to them a note from her hus-
band, is whioh the latter warned Carter
to keep away from the building. Carter,
howevee, declares that he has been pre-
senting himself there by itdvioe of hie
lawyer, and that is why be went that
night. In the trouble that ensued the
reotor and Sunday School Superinten-
dent AfeEwan were ejeoting I,Oarter from
the building when Mrs. Garter used her
umbrella vigorously in whacking Mo-
Flwen over the head. The Carters declare
that Malwen 'Amok her Sret, and that
lift. North's son struck her several times.
As bebwean MoEwen and Carter the or-
g.uiet We there WAS u0 assault on
either side. Several eases of assault are
likely to arise oat of the affair.
alto Mat' Lino.
Between New York and Liverpool, via
Queenstown, every Wedlneaday.
As the steamers of this line carry only a
',tootle- limited number in the 33I051 and
snoown 061308 accommodations, intending
paceen'ere are reminded that an early ap-
plicution•for berths is necessary at this sea-
son. For plane, rates, ata., apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
FOR 1894_
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Almana0 or Pioture, - 82 26
Toe Poses and Montreal Witness, 2 10
"t Northern Messeneer, 1 76
" H extern Advertiser, 2 26
" London Free Preen, 2 25
" Toronto Mail, 2 25
" Toronto Empire, 2 26
Toronto Globe, 2 25
Cosmopolitan, 2 75
Toronto News, 2 25
Farmers' Advooate, 2 26
In each case the balance of the
year is given Free to new
Call on or Write
Pose Publishing House,
1'raotical Watchmaker
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
supporb and wishing still to genre
your: patronage, we are opening
out Pull Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
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fully warranted by us.
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ear',AIAo o Fall dins of Vtordee ind
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----AND OTIfy.18---
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
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J'. M. MoLEOD,
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. T, PEPPER,
Druggist, Brussels.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
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Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Dm. 1, 1893
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of all the symptoms indlaating AInD..f AND;
Lrvon Complaint, If yon are troubled wi h
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Sold at all Drug Stores.
Niembray Medicine Company
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Capital and Assets, $ 5,000,000
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Annual Insurance, $ 900,000
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further period of time, definitely set forth in the policy, or on surrender to a (b) Paid
Up Policy, the amount of which is written in the policy, or after five years, to a (c)
Oseh value, as guaranteed in the policy.
Hon. Sir W. P. Howland, O,B., 111,0.M.G.
Managing Director,
J. K. Macdonald.
W. 11. KERR, Agent at Brussels.
Harvie J. trong,
Brusselx' Plioto11apI1er,
Wishes the Public to understand that his Studio is
now in First Class shape for turning out A 1 Photos. in all sizes
and styles. Having just added new scenery we are able to make
superior work to any that Brussels has ever seen.
Our Christmas styles are grand. Don't fail to see them as
they are the vory latest.
In future our gallery will be open every Saturday oveuing un-
til 10 p. m. for public inspection. An invitation extended to all.
Studio over Standard Bank, Brussels,
Youth's {vEROOATs.
a s.
A. i�it7C'ahr � �