The Brussels Post, 1893-12-1, Page 5DSC. •1, 1893 TUB BRUSSELSPOST .�...--r..�-.r..-.-..-..-.--,._-........._...�=.� __"__. _...., ._ , .._... .-- ..- _... : 7L'2At=d53'atOlfOxLtEr6 .. - .. ::. _. ..127JtJ1R DISTRICT NEW n� • • TZc>n•vjr • Goose and hen roost thieves are on th warpath art 'several parties report having lost some. Babb. Berry, 10th oon., Grey, has leased Hugh Campbell's 50 core farm for atertn of 5 you're. Mies Alice Gaynor, who is attending Seeforth High school, spent Thanksgiving clay with 1101' parents. The October and baletnoe of this seas- oner make of the Silver Connor's cheese factory has boon sold for DO. per pound. The Mechenios' Institute hero have e now on hand a One assortment of new books and nae expecting, marc iu a few week)), ()holm, reading may be lead by joining the Inetitnln. limn Milne will rebuild his sawmill at once and has Meanly given an order for new nmahieery, 11e will eon the planing mill too as of yore. Mr, Milne ie a bustler and deserves to ouooeed, The auction sale of Zaoh. MOKee's stock takes plane at the Gabor farm on Friday afternoon of this week. The horses, cattle, too. were brought horn after air. MoKee'e barna were burned, D. Milne, his father•in•law, hes the Debar farm rented. 0. 0. Ir.—Tho following aro the ofiiee bearers of the Canadian Order of Fore., tern in this place for the Gement quarter :—Chief Ranger, Wen. Routley ; Vie° Chief Ranger, J, Iiemsworth ; Financial Sooretery, Wm. Spence ; Re. 001111ng Secretary, Geo. Dobson ; Trees. arse, Dr. Ferguson ; Chaplain, W. K. Whaley ; Senior Woodward, J. W. San- ders ; Junior Woodward, E. Gilt; Senior Beadle, L. DOl1snier; Junior Beadle, W. D. Sanders; Phyeiolen, Dr. Ferguson, The Court is doing well. 11 1,• tIt . E. Obambeelaiu intends starling up in the bakery business once more. Several of our citizens are named al- ready an likely to wire for municipal boners for 1804. Mr. Whetleafor, one of our butchers, has rented one of R. IIOwarCI's brick 0tor8S and 18 tendo to 000npy it shortly. 00 Sunday morning next the incum- bent of Trinity ohuroh, Say. 'P. E. Hig- ley, intends tatting "Worship" for the subjeot of his discourse. Miss Campbell, of Seaforth, has been engaged by the school trustees to mile charge of the i11tor(nediabe department of the Public school fur 1894. Mr. Ilobbe, shoemaker, who has been working in town for some time past left on Monday for Belgrave, where he is starting up for himeelf in the shoemak- ing business. The annual Tract Society meeting was held on Friday evening in the basement of the Methodist ohuroh. Rev. Dr. . Moffatt, of Toronto, addressed bho audience. A platfoin meeting was held on Thanksgiving evening in the Methodist ohuroh when several minister's from in distance addressed the audience. The colleotion wee in aid of the trust fend. 113els-i-n.ve. Chao. Willclnson is seriously ill. P. W. Scott is shipping cordwood from this station. F. VanNorman had a euooeteful shoot- ing match on Thanksgiving day. Sleighing around 1301grave has been very good and has livened up business. 78. Livingston is having his saw mill fitted up in good shape for this season's work. Mrs. Carlton itud family, lately of West Wawanoeh, have removed to Rat Portage. A Christmas tree end entertainment under the auspices of the Methodist Sun- day oobool, will be held in the Foresters' Hall on Monday evening, Deo. 251(1. Hllntn0AL: Gn Wednesday evening, Nov. 22nd, Robt. Geddes and Mies M. J. 01ark were married at the residenoe of the bride's parents, Thos. ()lark, 5th con. Morris. The bridesmaid was Mies Annie Clark, Meter of the bride, and the groomsman, D. Geddes, brother of the groom. The knot was tied, in becoming style, by Rev. 1.13. Dyke, of Belgrave. Q'tibo a number of friends of both sides witnessed the ceremony and set down to, a sumptuous supper. The preeente show- ed appreciation and thought for the newly married pair who will settle in their naw home, 8rd eon. Morris. May success and happiness attend them. Mt) 140 nwo z• t2a . M. Hestia nn(l family have removed to Listowel. Mr. Stewart's health 00ntinues im• proving, we are glad to Mete. Miss Hattie Wood rotu,ned to her home in Stratford last Thursday. Thanksgiving eervi0e was onnduotod in the kreebyterian church on Thursday forennbu of last week by Rev. Mr. Smith. David Stewart, sou of Peter Stewart, of this plaoo, returned from Neepatvn, Manitoba, lest week. He will remain on the 110nteetead now. The placid waters of the matrimonial SOIL were again disturbed last Monday, when a lifeboatwas launched, having ae usual two ocoupante, made one. The interested persons were Mies Lizvi P .o Campbell and Rev. Mr. Rogers, of Rook Springs, Oolorada. Our best wishes follow them. R. N. Pearce, the ventriloquist, gave an entertainment in the Orange Hall on Thu1Oday evening and had a deeply interested house. He held conversations with imaginary persons down in wells, on roofs, outside, inside and everywhere, and the dolusions were well sustained throughout. fie excels most in peraoni• fying the Irishman'"Jerry," who was the popular man of the evening. "Joe" represented the smart, boy who knows everything worth knowing, and from. him were elicited many heretofore un- known fonts regarding the discovery of America, eke, stle sant. Our stores ere making quite a display b for the holiday meson. b The Misses Ross, of Brussels, spent W Thanksgiving day nt 3. M, Device'. ea Tax Collector Kreuter was raking in bo the ehokele heat Fricltty at the Township a • Sall. 1111 Last Fridey'S Council meeting broiight w a' large. number- to, Ethel and business) bo was therebv oousiderably impeoved. tv The 0. O. 1. intend ha.viug a oonoer1 lo Some time soon. First ream talent 10 Ro expected. Wo predict a good time. d Jacob ,Keifer has moved the Chapman pl house, that stood on the Bast of hie be farm, alongside of his residenoe and will Te utiifze 11, P Ethel bee the advantage of three mails to Toronto eaoh• day, a closed hail on the noon train being the extra accom- modation Ott Fires seem to bathe order of the day. 1lft One was discovered'in the Dollar of the in hotel Tnosday bet it did not gain mnoh p, headway and did little damage.. 79the1 Mechanics' Institute ban 0100 in bh band. They intend running nightolassee of again enol keep their reeding room open he 'reeniavly to oonfo'm with the law. The Thanksgiving nervine on tbo after- noon of Thur080y of last week was fairly well attended, Rev:. D. 13. 24oRite pram:bed u'1 apprnpriato 01000nr0e. G. Heed, of Galt,1111 been appointed Grand Trunk Agent et 17th01 station. We welcome him to our village and hope he will suoteed well. The fomite agent moved to the States. • Last week W. B. Sander)), who spent several menthe with Wm, Blashill,i3rue. eels, opened out a butcher shop in 0. F, MdAlliltor's blo1h._. WA,bel(ovo ,be wilt• 8o Weil as he ie likely to;look-' after hie, binning carefully acid oonotalt1y,'' wit 1084131- e• i 'Mrs. Robb. Souoh's health is very little better, Mrs. hoary Bone is not very well at present. L. Wheeler had a wood•bae on Bator. day afternoon. Le grippe is bothering a number of people in this locality. Mre. Jho. Mason, sr., is 81 icing Mewls in Bast Wawanoeh this wook. Willows Farrow lost a fine nlilolt oow 011 Sunday morning. A tumour was the cause. Joo. Mason, jr., of Bast Wawanosh, spent Sunday under the parental roof, on the 3rd line, Robt. Souoh had the misfortune to lose a valuable young horse by (110am- mation this week. F. J. Baines, who has been suffering from an atbaolt of oongeetion of the lungs, le improving nicely. Salm. Irvine had a wood -bee on Wed- needey of last week and a social gather- ing of the young folk at his residence in the evening, David Walker lost a rateable horse this week from something like Epizootic,. A number of horses in this township are troubled with the same earn/thank Thanksgiving day was observed in the u.ual way, some going to ohuroh, some to the local shooting matches while others persued their everyday avocations"' This hinted that there will be a moving in Connell ma%tare this year, some mem. bare of the Board seeking promotions with perhaps the introduction of some new blood. An auction sale has been announced by John Pybtts as he intends giving up farming and removing to Brai nele. Aire. Pybus' health is not improving, the are sorry to state. Hugh Mauna met with an aooident that will incapacitate him for some time. He was standing iu a wagon rack in the barn when he tripped and fell injuring his side told thigh end is now compelled to use a crutch and caro. Your correspondent agrees with the briefbit t eluted letter p on the Iamb trade which appeared in your last issue over the signature of "Fair Play." It is only one of the many instances which go to shote that 'tis the farmer who feeds them all. Mies Bate Meiklejohn, who lots been performing the duties of house -keeper for her brother Jelin, at 1'Iolesworth, has exchanged places with her sister Annie, the latter going to Molesworth this week. The girls no doubt think a change is as good as a rest. But what is John think. mg about that he does not get a house- keeper of his own 7 Be independent, John. ATnoeN 1N 71111 mai,—One day re. cantly, while cutting a piece of pork for the family dinner, Mrs. Wm..Miohie wag surprised to p find an ordinary bran pin imbedded in the centre of the roast which was a part of the chime, or beak of the porker. The pin was in. a good state of preservation but how it got there is a mystery. MAretstoxoAL.—On Wednesday evening, 22nd inst., the residence of Thomas Clark, 5411 line, was the scene of a very pleasant event, the occasion being the marriage of his second -daughter, Mies lYlary J., to Robb. Geddes, of the 3rd line olf this township. The ceremony was perfortned by Rev. J. H. Dyke, of Bel. grave, in the presenoo of a number of in- vited guests and. friends. The young couple settle down to married life on the Ord line amid showers of rine and the good wishes of all. New DwoLLINo.—James Potoh, the ell-lc/owe archtteot of this township, as just oomp(etod the plana for a fine risk dwelling house to be erected by m. Michie on his farm, lot 11, ecu. 0, rly next Summer. .The building will built of red brick, trimmed with white, nd will be 202:80 feet, 14 stories 'hi h, ith l itolie11 same size es main building ith stone basement, for cellar under th. Themain btrilding,wili be heated ith a hot air furnace in the cellar bo- w. The whole building will be on the thin style with bay window, mean. she, eta., of front aide. When oom- etod it will be ono of the best farm na80 in the township. Seethe. notice, ndere wanted, in this issue. of Tug Jobe Dimont, sr., has 1nov0d hito village IIie sort Money has Wren 800ei00 of the farm. A union Thanksgiving 0erv(ve held in Ilio Methodist 011ureh in re Thanlregiving day. Rev. A. Y. flee p100oh04 an 07001100 sermon, appr0 ate to the ocoaeion. Among t yearend was Rev. (010hara Paul, of 13 stele, who was in 1131111 vie/tin daughter, Mrs. Joseph Pugh. '('h • gentleman gave n short *Ilene (hosed the 00rviire with prayer. ANNiyenoAite.—Tho anntver,ary vices of the Methodist church in village were held on Sabbath Nov. 1 anti were successful in every sense, sermon)) of Rev. J. 10. Howell, M. A., Goderioh, at 10:80 and 2:130, and of R S. Sellery, B. D., of Wingham, at 7 m., were thoughtful ex°ositione of Div Truth and the o'a•vion were Noll spiritual blessing to those who wore attendant*. The oollectione, in aid the Traub Fend, were fairly good. N withstanding the feet that the choir lees than a week to prepare for th services on Sunday they did excel) service in their rendition of anthems gospel :hinge, all of which seemed 110 fi wellthe 0er11100e bind were deliver On Monday night a goodly number tended the annual eupper and enterta meat. Iron 5:80 l0 7:80 p. in. waiters were busy serving the via provided by the ladies for a first -al hot supper, 00n0iobing of fowl, vegetabl rte., and many were the expressions appreciation passed by 1(1oee who parte of the Dame. The 011nr011 was eomfo ably filled when et 8 p. m, the pas took the chair and began to present t very excellent program. Rove. A. Hartley and S. Sellery, B. D., were pealed, bet on amount of otheritnporta meetings on their own fields were rine to bo present. Rev, J. H. Dyke, of 13 grave, Dame tee a cubstitnte for Rev. Sellery and did himself great credit delivering a thoughtful and iuetruoti address on the "`Tendencies of the Age Joseph Leech was then called on and d livered a few felicitous remarks and al presented the financial standing of t church, ehotting a debt still remaining about $500 and subsoriptions to meet same of nearly 0400.. The chairman e plained that a strong effort would immediately made to collect the ou standing subscriptions and olear t ohuroh of debt by the beginning of New Year. Rev. J. B. Howell, M. A followed with a fine address on "Comm sense—in relation to church work." T people, were sorry that on amount of 11 lateness of the hour Mr. klowoll .saw to materially shorten his address, ae 'h werde were golden words of wisdom, an your correspondent hopes, they and bring forth fruit in the lives of those wl listened to them,- The music for t entertainment wee furnished by 1111 choir of the Wingham Methodist ohuroh under the leadership of Halsey Park, an was much appreciated,' both on emu of its appropriateness and beantif rendering. The whole program wits e ceedingly fine, but a duett by Mr. Par and Mies Reid, and a solo by Miss Blom nth are deserving of special mentio The Wingham choir will be heartily we Domed to Biuevale should they ever r vleit for the same or a similar purpos They were Recorded a very hearty vote o thanks by the delighted audience. Th total proceeds of the anniversary, site all expenses are paid, amount to (then 055.00. Tho ladies of the ohuroh hey just purchased a supply of dishes, knives and fonts, which, finding. borrowing in- ncnvenient, they t'l11 keep for use at church tea•me0ting:, oto. They have expended about 1E50 for this purpose. 0 • G r e:v. Wm, Kreuter, was home on a short visit laet'wee11 from Ypsilanti, Michigan. Geo. Croons' stile Last Tuesday wee a su0eess, the proceeds amounting to near - 1y;$1,200. F. S. Scott was the auctioneer. Hay buyers have been thiok in this township. The pride has ranged from $5.50 to 80, ,the pressing to be' done at the formate' barns. • ))Mils Jane Mitchell has gone to De. troit'where she will spend the winter if her moth r'she o altU will permit of her' P absence from home. At the Plebisoibe organization, held in Smith's school house one evening last week, short addresses were given by J. Sallowe, Peter McArthur, Neil MaLauob- lin, jr., and Thos. Strachan. R. K. Cott has taken a position in the store of 1. Sillier, general merchant, Goderioh, for the Winter while the latter is taking a well-earned holiday in Flor- ida for the benefit of his health. A. certain person recently, indicated inward joy by a broad smile on his 0onuteeauce. Ilio aogpaintan0es could not' prognootioate the cause until it leaked out that Willie's wife heti present- ed him with a baby boy. The many friends of, Wm, J. Behar- riell, of Algoma, 'formerly of this town- ship, will regret to learn that he has met with a eeeione.accident in which his right leg was broken in two plans. Very little hope is entertained of hie re- covery. Tuners.–,The Kiug's'Daughters are very :thiinkful to the Young Peoples' Christian Society, S. S, No, 1, for their timely gift of 08.00 out of the proceeds of a recent entertainment. It was a kindly ant of the young folks and should be a good example for others to follow. Me'iu oaxsn.—On Thanksgiving day v. D. Forrest, of Walton, performed oertmony that made F. F. Stogdill, Stratford, and Miss Sarah Cash, of 16th con., 1ttebami and wife. The Mal bow was tied at the 109(48n00 of bride's mother, in the presence of r relatives. Miss Mary Cash, sister ho brido, was•bridoemaid, and George gdill, of Sanforth, brother to the om, was groomsman. Tho wedding e beopcko the high esteem in whielx bride nod groom aro holed: Mr. and Mrs 8togdii( took bho noon train from anis , for their new Bonne in the soio city, followed by the good tviOhee large entitle of friends" newer Ex.lol ammo,—Th°• reopening Woe fe lannectiofl with Roe')) oiiureh, ch'husboon undergoing a namb0rof rovemente, will be hold ae folloi"e day, Dec, 11 th, Rev. Ghee. E. Staf• • , of'Dra3'ton, a •former pastor, will oh at 10:80 and 0180 o'clock, and on day evening following a tea meeting he held. After supper, whin% tvi11 arvod froin 0 to 8 o'olook, addresses be ;riven by RSV. Mr, Staff .rd and. Watts, of'1'i0nfrye, ,Pxeoi. mesio will be given on Sunday and day by the chetah choir. A. beautl.' autograph quilt, p"spared by 'tile oe, will bo Offered for bele o1 Monday vetting. the; 0as- tyae on tloy hot. se 1'08. 111, rel. and ser• this lith, `1'ho of e0. fee in in of oh - had roe ant and t so ed. at. in. the nils ass es, of Ok rt• tor be. Y.. ex. nt ble el S. by ve n e- sO he of 10 x• be t- he the on he fit is y lO he d nt al • n. k t - e" Ro rho of th0 007. nup the neo of t Rev, J..W.Pring will preach anniver- Ste ry sermons in the Bohnore Methodist gra trap next.8abbeth, morning and •even• gift g. .Elie plane hero will he filled by Rev. the A. Shaw, of Wroxeter. life On Monday, Nov. 27111, at 2 'o'clock, Bru e friends of Prohibition of the township Ola Turnberry met in the F01•ootere' Hail of a re for the purpose of organ(ziug for the 0 Plebiscite campaign. .N ottvithstanding sere the very unpleasant character of the 'Obi weather quite a number were present and imp all were hopeful ae to 111e 100111. Rev, Sun J. W. Pring, was elected President of the ford Township Aesooiation, with It, Leathern, proa Wm. Mendel, M. Lamont and Mr. Mon Gemmel its Gico•Proeidonts, representing will the four polling divisions of the township, be e l]dward Lee011 was appointed Seoretsry.• will Treasurer, It was ((001,184 to take- do Rev collodion)) at. the n1.011110 but to meet lent all neoeseary , xponso-i by elbSoriptiOt . Melon Apoblia meeting had been artn0uneed for fu1 the evening bat 00ing to the wogther it. iudi s pestponed for the present. I31uce'st f a ()OK 5500 Yards of Dress Goods to be Cleared in 7' V,rp Jl N i��7+r' *� liy27 Our ,Dress Goods Shelves roust be emptied before the first of January, these prices will make you stare : 200 yds Twoecl Effect, regular price 8c, Dress Sale price 5e 150 " Tweed Effects, r` 12?•o c1 175 " 'Double Width Plaids " 15e 1,lOc 100 " Double Width Tweeds " 28c rr 20e 500 " 50 in. Costume Cloths " 25e " 19c 275 " 88 in, Cashmere, all wool 30c rr 25e 490 " 44 in. all wool Tweed " 40c " 25c 150 " 44 in. Bedford Cord " 45e it 38c 250 " All Wool Storm Sorge " 500 " 85c 75 " 54 in. Tweed " $1.00 if 75e 200 " All Wool Black Serge " 00c " 50e Shirt Lining at 5e. per yard during this Sale. Wonderful Reductions in Black Dress Goods, in fact any piece • of Dress Goods in the house at ridiculously low prices. Come early in the clay for these goods. SPECIALS, - 7 Hook Lacing Kid Gloves worth $1.25, our price 95c. 500 yards pure Silk Gimp Braid at lc per yard. Children's Toboggan Caps worth 26c, our price 10e. Men's All Wool Shirts and Drawers at 50c. 500 pieces Men's Underclothing almost at wholesale prices. Try and come early in the day, always busy here. The 11r E..addock Dry goods Company. Produce Taken. . No Credit. The Paisley Advocate says of a former well known Greyite :--"3. M. Robertson 11110 120en engaged as teacher in. the Look• erby school for 189.1, the salary being in the neighborhood of 8400 we believe. Mr. Robertson is a graduate of Listowel High-sohopl, hes a second class certificate and comes well recommended. His home le with his brothers, who are the now tenants on the Fleming farm, one and a quarter miles from the sohool," His many old friends in this locality wish him every acumen. BAnue BuoNnn, On the evening of Thanksgiving day Zaoh. McKee, lot 12, con. 5, was in the straw house throwing down feed for his stook when the lantern, which was sitting on a beam, exploded and in an instant the straw, °half and hay in an adjacent mow was in a great blaze. Mr. McKee McK saw w t Uerea w s no po0sability ty extinguish the fire so set about getting stook, 40, out of the burn- ing buildings but even in this attempt be was only partially suaceseful. Jno. Mo. Leod, of Howlett, was visiting Mr. Mo - Kee that day and wag assisting in the chores baying three horses out at the pump watering them when he heard the ory of fire. The cattle and colts were in open steblesin the barnyard and were got out, the colts getting a ecorohing fu their esoape. The fire consumed a binder, mower, buggy, cutter, 8 sets of harness, fanning mill, turnip pulper, 2 now plows, 1,500 bushels nate, 1,500 bushels turnips, 100 bushels peas, 50 bushels wheat, 50 tone of hay, all the straw, 40,, its The barn ,was 40x00 feet, with straw house et the rear, joined to the barn, 80x50 feet, and shed. on North side 20x40 feet. Thorn was stone stabling nyder barn and straw house, Air. Mciiee'e insurance on the buildings wee $000 and 01,000 on contents, in the Rowielt Mutual, The fire attracted a largo orowd, . possibly 200 people from various parts of the township driving to the scene. It will be a serious loss to Mr. McKee and on account of the destrue- tiou of 1110 bane he is having an auction sale of stook on Friday of this week, Grand Trunk If you want to Travel NORTH R'..L. H SOUTH EAST or • WEST TAKE THE— O-mai Trunk. Por fullYeactleelerps .apply r tiKENDe r 1f L 3/ N ALJ, 0. T, R. Agent, l3rneoels. a- 7 SA.NTII. )) the FRONT Now is the time when Christmas gift making comes up for consideration and it is no easy matter to decide what to purchase. alPOST r+,`; v. r' ",r i1 .y>A, ,, ie Y n r 'V. R r store Has put in a large stock of T,asty New Goods comprising Photo. Albums, Toilet Oases containing comb brush and Mirror, Shaving Oases, Work Boxes, Fancy Ink Stands, BEAUTIFUL DOLLS Ranging in price from 5c to $1 25. Toys of A11 Kinds Such as Trumpets, Balls, Whips, Brooms, Whistles, Lanterns, Guns, Pails, Paint Bolos, Stoves, tols, Watches, Tops, Dishes, Hiorses, Trains, Drums, Animals, Tools, Magic Washboard:), Drawing Slates, Rattles, Harmonicas, Pis• Sack Knives, &c., &c. spionad Range of Picture Books. New Stook of Bibles and Hymn gin Books. See our Mechanical Banks. they're Fine. Buy early and thereby get a good selection. Goods may be left in our care until Xmas if so desired. Solid. Bargains in All Holi- day Goods, T4�r• F BRUSSELS