HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-12-1, Page 3DEC. 1, 1893 THE BRUSSELS POST Torn Directory. MervILL0 Cnon0s.—Sabbath Services at 11 a. m. and 6:20 p.m. Sunday Sobool at 2;80 p. m. Rev. John Rose, B. A., pas.tor. nox Oueneu.—Sabbath Services at 11 a. m. and 6;80 p. M. Sunday School at 2;80 p. m, Rev. D. Millar, paator. Se. Jous's Onunon.—Sabbath Services GA 11 a. m. and 9 p, m. Sunday Sohool at 200 p. in. Rev. W. G. Reilly, ineum. bent. Msanonlsa OuvnoII —Sabbath Services at 10:30 a. in. and 6:80 p. m. Sunday Sobool at 2;30 p. m. Rev. G. H. Cobblo- diolt, M. A., B. D., pastor. BOMAN Came r0 Coonan. --Sabbath month, at iosthird Su tsy0:80.Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest. SarRovrON AntrY.—Ssrviee at 7 and 11 a. m. and 3 and8 p. m. on Sunday and every evening in tha week at 8 o'oloek, at the barraoke. Oen FeLLowe' Lenon every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. MASONIO Lenon Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. w. imam on 1st and 8rd Friday evenings of each month, in Blas. hill's block. C. 0. F. Lone 2nd and last Monday evenings of each month, in Blashill'e block. L. 0. L. let Monday in every month, in Orange Hall. I. 0. F., 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. R. T. or T., 2nd and 4th Tuesday's of each month, in.Odd Fellows' Hall. Sows OF SCOTLAND, 1St and Ord Teee- days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M. Lenon, 1st and 8rd Thurs. days of each month, in Vanetone block. Hone Cinema, 2nd and 4th Friday even. ings in Blashill's Hall. Posr OFFIOe.—Office hours from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Mnanavios' INSTIToOn.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'alook p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 6 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw, Librarian. Tows 0a0NaIL.—W. H. Herr, Reeve ; W. H. McCracken, George Thomson, R. Rose and John Wynn, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thoe. Belly, Treas- urer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Rose, Collector. Board meets the let Monday in eaab month. Salmon BOAND.--T. Fletcher, (chair- man,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, Rev. Rose and A. Reid ; Sec..Treas., R. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. Panmm Senoom Tennene.--J. H. Cam- eron, Principal, Mies Braden, Miss Downey and Mice Cooper. BOARD or 121 g.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Soott, A. Stewart, H. Deuuia and .3. N. Bendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medioal Health officer. I've been a sister, good an' true For five.an'.hhirby year ; I'veone edeetedoar ort to do, A.111 my ,But deathwill stop mvoice I know, For he is on my track, And some day I to oberuh will go, And :two more come book, And ben'erthe Nike that time hallets pto be aing— I do not want no patent thing A-equealiu' over me 1 SISE JOOKEI) AT '1'Ilil Casio I'15081 A PRACTICAL POINT,. There ammo a period of silence. Both felt the oonstrait. The bolting of the clock sounded painfully loud. All of a elldden Reginald Sykes, Bonet Sykes, the plumber, resolved tin know his fate then and there. The fair Madeline Penny - weather realized what was coming but she felt her helplessness. With a sort of second base glide Reginald flung him. self on his knees before her. He poured out his impassioned love. With her he could live to bo a thousand years old. Without her he could not live another day. She was his light—hie life—his all. The cloak stopped dead still but he went right on. He had never loved before. He had thought all women were liars and deceivers. His was no sudden love, like a flame leaping up from the ash barrel, but it had burned and burned for over two long weeks as the volcano of Vesuvius enloldere before it get•° ready to throw out s'more of that stuff for making bioyclo tracks. His father would out bim off if he married her, and her father had threatened to set the dog on hire, but they would marry and fly to other shores and live for each other alone. She let him tire his vooal chords and then quietly asked :— How much tin have you got to fly with ? Tin ? Tin ? Yee. I mean bones—rhino—oath—the long green. It takes sugar to fly to other shores and it will need lots of the root to board us after we get there. How much eon you raise ? Madeline Pennyweather, I offer you icy manly heart, said Reginald es he took her hand. It is a heart which— One moment, please, she interrupted. Your manly heart is all right as far as it goes, but what about the railroad fare and the grub ? When I want new duds where are they coming from ? Madeline, you astound me I Is it pos- sible that you are influenced by mercen- ary motives ? It takes oath to pay gas bills, Mr. Sykes. I'm willing to Dome down from quail on toast to pork and beaus but I draw the line there. I bad looked upon you ae en ethereal being. That's where you were off. I want my three square meals a day. And you are not even spirituelle ? Only 10 per cent., Mr. Sykes. I see. It is evident that I have been laboring under e. great mistake. Yon are not an angel ? Not this eve. And you must eat and have clothes ? K'reet, Mr. Sykes. And you will not fly with me on the wings of the morning and exist on this wild, tempestuous love raging in my heart ? It wouldn't be business. Thou farewell forever I I go to forget you 1 Sordid maiden, fare theta well 1 Ta, bo l Dont slip on the steps 1 And thus they parted, never to meet again in life. Thee wore fond hopes wreaked, trusting hearts broken and lives made wretched and forlorn. THE NEW CHURCH ORGAN. They've got a brand•new organ, Sue, For all their fuse and search ; They've done just ae they said they'd do, And fetched it into ohuroh, They're bond the critter shall be seen, And on the preacher's right They've hoisted up their new machine, In everybody's sight. They've got a chorister and choir, Agiu my voice and vote; For It was never my desire, To praise the Lord by note I've been a sister good an' true For five -an' -thirty year ; I've done what seemed my part to do, An' prayed my duty clear ; I've sung the hymns both alow an' quick, Just to the preacher read, And twine, when Deacon Tubbs was siok, I took the fork an' led I And now, their bold, new•dangled ways Is wenn' all about ; And I, right in my latter days, Am fairly crowded out 1 Today the preacher, good old dear, With tears all in his eyes, Read, "I can read my title clear To mansions in the skies." I &Pays liked that blessed hymn— I s'peee I al'ays will ; It somehow gratifies my whim, In good old Ortonville ; But when that choir got up to sing, I couldn't catch a word ; They sung the most outlandish thing A body ever heard I Some worldly ohaps was atandin' near ; An' when I see them grin, I bid farewell to every fear, And boldly waided in. I thought I'd throe their tune along, An' tried with all my might ; Bub though my voice is good an' strong, I couldn't steer ii right ; When they was high, then I was low, An' also oontrawise ; An' I coo fa=t, or they too slow, To "mansions in the skies." An' atter every verse, you know, They play a little tune ; I didn't understand, an' so I sleeted in too soon. I pitched it pretty middlin' high, I fetched a lusty tone, But oh, alas 1 I. found thatI Was sinein' there alone 1 They laughed a libtlo, I am told, Bat I had done my beet ; And not a wave of trouble rolled Across my peaceful breast 1 And Slater Brown—I could but look— the site right front of me ; She never was no eingin'•book, An' never went to be, But then she al'ays tried to do The best she oould, ebe said ; She understood the time right through, An' kept it with her head ; But when she tried this mornin', oh, I had to laugh, or cough I It ken' her head a•bobbin' so, It e'en a'mosi carte off l An' Macon Tubbs—ho all broke down, Ae one might well suppose; He took one look at Sister Brown, An' meekly seratohed his nose, He looked his hymn -book through and through, Anti laid it On the seat, And then a pensive sigh be drew, And looked completely best, An' when they took another bout, He didn't even ileo, But drawer] bis ted bandannas Mt ;;;An' wiped ltisSweepin' oyes 1 vantage to the geaoed tarp. Alii' who had regained her feet, then began to crawl up to him. Ab the far turn elle was within four lengths of the black wonder. As they came up the hill Belly let Direotnm go frequently. He at one oamo away from Mix and without skip or the slightest urging name home a dozen longthe in front of Allx. Time 2.08. The quarters were ; 82}, 1.01,k, 1.86, Direetum's record was made to the third heat of a winning race, while Alis made hers ie the fleet heat of the famous free.for-all trot at the World's Fair meeting at Ohiougo, when after a battle of nine heats she captured first money in the $16,000 prize. ONTARIO JAM i AND LOOK -UPS. The Prisoners Aid Association of On. tario, under its earnest Sooretary, De. Raseburgh, of Toronto, is pushing its campaign for improvement in the jails. With a view to effect a better olassifioa- tion of prisoners in our county jails, it has asked the Ontario Government to establish ono or more reformatories in the Province for inebriates, so as to re- lieve the jells of the habitual drunkards ; and it wishes the County Councils to es- tablish poorhouses where necessary, and also to make separate provision for the custody of children altogether apart from the jails or police cells. These changes would make it poesible to effect a better classification of jail prisoners. Some people are sure to ob• jeot to the poorbousee, as tending rather to encourage pauperism, than otehrwise , but all must, we think, concur in the de- sirability of setabliebingone or more re• formatories for the inebriates. That class of institution is needed not only to assist prison reform, but as a eesideratam in itself. The association is also asking for the ao•operation of the pulpit and press in calling the attention of the county mnti. oipal Oounoils to the great need of reform in our county jails, and especially tvith a view of making said jails reformatory, as well as penal, in their character. Able- bodied prisoners should be supplied with. constant industrial employment, efficient means should be adopted for making a better olaseification of the prisoners ; the jail should be supplied with wholesome literature. It might also bo well, and this is a matter deserving the most care- ful discussion, to attempt some system of aiding dieoharged prisoners to em• ployment. I11arkCTUB W01i. The great match rate between Direotnm and Alix for a 166000 puree was won at Fleetwood Park, on Tuesday Nov. 21, by the former in three straight heats. The match Tuesday was in reality between the king and queen of the trotting turf. It athroated about as thoroughly repre- sentative a gathering to the New York Driving Club's pretty track as ever en- tered its gates, even in ibe palmiest days. The day was not an ideal one for trot- ting. There was a light puffy breeze blowing ,bet affected the horses' wind se they went in its teeth. There were many offers to bet that the time would not be below 2:12, but there were no takers. The judges for the day were :—Dr. J. W. Day, of Waterloo, David Bonner, of New York and H. 0. Obamblis, of Virginia. Samuel McMillan was the starting judge. Betting opened with 100 to 40 offered on Direotnm and 100 to 30 asked for. Ae soon as the horese bad scored 100 to 26 was offered on the blank wonder with no takers. Direotnm got the pole in the first heat. They came up to the line with Alix a neck in the lead. The bay had this ad. vantage when they got the word to go. She gradually forged to the front in the first quarter. As they passed the two furlong mark she was leading by halt a length. In the long dip down the book stretch Direotum moved up to her. For fully a couple of furlongs they raced like a team. As they neared the tern for the hill Alix hroke badly and in a twinkling Directam was half a dosen lengths to the good. This enabled Kelly to ease the stallion up at the hill. He breasted the incline as be pleased and, although Curry got Mix down again and aha oamo strong and fresh at the finish, Directam won wibhou turning a hair by two lengths. Time 2:16g. For the second beat the betting was 1 to 4 on Direotnm. Directeur' again had the pole. He was at Alix's withers when they get the word to go. As in the previous race, she forged to the front at the outset. She was leading by a good half length all the way down the back stretch. As they swung around the tern Direotnm began to improve his position. At the half -mile poet Alix broke badly, and Direct= shot away from her as if race was over. Curry had to nearly pull Alix tip to get her dt,wn to her feet again. In the meantime Direetum had began the ascent of the hill in a very leisurely fashion, Alix oamo after him atrong and well, but Was not able to make the blank wonder exert himself and he won the second heab praotically as be phoned by three lengths. Tinto S:16a. The judges announced that Direotnm would trot Against time. Alia 'moiled what would have been a perfect start by brooking just as they approached the wire. They got the word to go on even *ernes at the nett attempt, Mix broke before they reedited the Sewn and Direotnm took a load of folly half a dozen leogthe. Direotnm went right on about hie basinoee and retained his ad - Tho time of the Campaln% trona Quesnebon to New York, whore elle ar. rived on Saturday, was 0 days 20 hours and 86 minutes, It ie announced that the new United States Minister to Hawaii wit not call upon the United States marinee to assist the Qnson to regain the throne. He will content himself with simply disavowing the acts of hie predooaesor in aiding to overturn the Hawaiian Government. Mrs, 0, M. Williams, of Saginaw, Mich., is a happy woman, and yet she is a little bewildered. Her husband was a sailer, and ae she had not heard from him eine° the Albany Philadelphia col- lieion, she was sure be was dead. Cer- tainty became doubly oertain when she received what she supposed to bo the re- mains of her dead husband. It was sorely he, for had she not time and again seen that mark on his arm ? The corpse was of the proper height and the proper size, There couldn't be any doubt about ib. So the weeping widow, as she sup- posed herself to be, pub on mourning and made preparations for the funeral, which wee to be hold on Friday. Wednesday there was a sudden interruption of the proceedings, for in walked the real Mr. Williams. The reunited couple were coon in each other's arms, the undertaker dis- missed and orders were given to ship the corpse bath to East Tawas. It seems that Williams sailed for Ontonagon Oat. 19, and did not get book till Tuesday, when he learned of his supposed fate. Indeed, he had hardly heard of the Al- bany collision. Geuserlll 1V o Wr3. Fourteen collieries, employing 6,000 persons, are idle as a result of the Lehigh Valley shrike. The Mayor of St. Paul has declared pool rooms a nuisance and they have all been closed by the police. The American Association of Plate Glass Manufacturers has decided to reduce the prioe of plate glass. Right Hon. Sir Robb. B. Morier, British Ambassador to Russia, died last week at Montreux, on the Lake of Geneva, Switzerland. The World's Fair directors expeot to conclude business by January 1. It is said the bnildinge in Jackson park may stand for several years. Fred Gustayson was hanged by a mob in Justice Twitt's const rooms at Ottum- wa, III., on Tuesday for criminally ae. saniting a little girl on Monday night. He was swung off from the stair railing. Cupid played some quaint pranks in the Midway Plaisanoe, at the Ohicngo Fair, and odd combinations in conjugal contracts were not uncommon toward the elan of the Exposition. A few days ago Tom Maji, 26, and Samue Watanabe, 27 years old, two Naps, applied for license to marry respootively two Egyptian damsels—Jnaniti Ohorba, of 19 yeare,one of the beauties of the Midway, and Cora Regab, 21 years old. Both couples will settle in Chioago and go into business with their profits from the Fair. This season's orange orop in Florida is much above the average in quantity, be- ing estimated at 6,000,000 boxes, and is much earlier than usual. While during the whole of last season some 68,000 boxes were shipped through Savannah to New Yorlc, more than 83,000 boxes have already been shipped there this year. Unusually large shipments have also been made to Europe, where Florida oranges are now beginning to compete su000eslully with Mediterranean fruit. The longest ocean cable in the world is that of the Eastern Telegraph Company, whose system extends from England to India and measures 21,000 miles. Africa is now completely encircled by submarine gables, which make up altogether a length of 17,000 miles. There are eleven cables torose the North Atlantic, though not all of them at present in use. Five com- panies control the lines of telegraphic communication between this country and Europe. James Kendriok and Patriok Quirk, two men employed in excavating rook for the Pent street bridue, Spokane, Wash., met with a terrible death the other day. They were working en a narrow ledge of rook 40 feet above the Spokane river, which at this time is a raging torrent, when Kendrick slipped into the water carrying Quirk with him, As soon as they streak the water the cur- rent bore them quickly to the Thirty-foot falls, and in a twinkling, before their horrified companions could make a move to aid them, they were carried into the "Devil's cauldron," a bottomless, Beeth. ing, foaming pool at the base of the falls, and from which nobody has ever been recovered. Both were single men, Hen. Brick Doming Prom Buffalo, N. Y. It was not strange that the sale of so many fake curios at the World's Fair, as where, for instance, the wily Turks sold modern Turkish coins as Hebrew medals of the time of Christ, should have tended to depreciate the value of genuine relies end souvenirs. But ib was sorely trying to the vendors of real ooriosities when people contemptuously poked their goods about, sniffed, and "guessed they wern't genooine." Thus the man who bad for sale samples of the first American land on whioh Columbus trod, grew to be a hardened cynic. Ile had gone to the is- land of San Salvador and loaded a schooner with sand from the exact spot on whish, according to general belief, Columbus that set foot in the New World, Hie authoribioe were all right, and s0 was his sand, with a copy of the island governor's affidavit on tach box of it off, end for sale. But all to no avail. Poo. pie wouldn't believe him. Be would °pond half an hoar convincing a doubter the doubter would own his conversation, bat wouldn't buy the mind. ENNas Invites your attention to a full range of Rugs, Robes, Horse Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Harness, Collars, Trunks, Valises, &c. At Very Low Prices. H. DENNIS, Harness Maker, Brussels.. awitatawareres wM_ ROSS Wishes to thank his customers for their liberal patronage during the past year and also to intimate to the public gener- ally that be has recently had his roller mill put in thor- ough repair and it is now in better position than ever to turn out FIRS" CLASS FLOUR. In the Chopping Line We are prepared to do work promptly and in the Very ]3est Style as we have recently started a now run of stones for that purpose. Full Return Guaranteed. Best Flour and dill Feed at Reasonable Prices And delivered any place in inwn without Extra Charge. A Limited Quantity of good Milling Wheat purchased at the Mill. W1V.L. ROSS, Brussel. NOV. 21st, 1898. There is nothing like a quiet home game to keep the boys and girls contented in the home circle the long winter evenings, THE POST BOOK STORE Recognizes this fact and has a large assortment of Games, BAGATELLE, OLD MAID, CREMES, RIDDLES, FLIPS, DOMINOES, DINNER, AUTHORS, &c. Zmas Toys is Great Variety. Look out for Advt. next week. THE OST BOOKSTORE. BARGAINS IN PEOPLE'S POPULAR ON1C• -17V PA:TES —TO— British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, —IN— Tourist Sleeping Care, Toronto to Se. attle Without Change, leaving TO- RONTO EVERY FRIDAY AT 10:15 P. M. Until Further Notice, COMMENCING out 6,'93 For further particulars apply to any agent of the oompany. J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. WINTER ILLINEr:Y Having removed my stock to the Millinery Rooms in the store of Messrs. ?moon; lalliday (Lately vacated by Mr. Irwin) I am prepared to attend to the wants of the Ladies by sup- ' G plying the Most Stylish Millinery At Close Prices. A pleasure to show our Fashion- able Goods. Call and pee the Styles. Miss Mc here®U, CITY MI,LINER, toes FOR 30 DAYS. A Grand Chance to get Big Bargains in Boots and Shoes at Good Brothers New Cheap Store, Great efforts to dispose of all classes of Boots and Shoes in. order to make room for Fall stock. The stock on hand comprises everything that is new and fashionable, and will be offered during the next 30 Days at VERY LOW PRIORS. AN INSPECTION I,N TEITED. A Nice Stock of Crockery, China and Glassware also at Reduc- ed Prices. Butter and Eggs Wanted. 0 els rT 3W - — STORE, BRUSSELS - AND - SEAFORTH. Wall Paper 4 HOULD "= EAUTIFI+ Not simply hidd bare walls. As discordant strains of music are to the ear, so is the eye tortured by out -of -harmony paper on the wall -S. If you look to cheapness alone you might as well cover your plaster with penny -a -dozen newspapers. But if you appreciate real beauty you should consider many things in purchasing papers—the location, light and woodwork of the room, etc. Our stook includes something especially adapted to every room --more colors and patterns than any other wall paper store in the town. Our Good Papers cost you no more than the poor ones others sell. Call and see our thousand -and -one styles. Persons thoroughly. versed in Wall Paper will wait upon you and aid you in making selections. We hang paper in a first-class manner and are prepared to ex- ecute the best kind of decorations. WINDOW BLINDS. --I have an elegant stock of Window Blinds, well assorted, that will only need to be seen to be appreci- ated. They may be had either trimmed or plain by the yard. . ROIaDICK, Houeo, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter.