HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-11-24, Page 5Nov. 29, 1803 DISTRICT NEWS. Walton. Last Sunday Rev. Mr. Oobblediok, of Brmsols, proauhed a very interesting die. course in the Methodist ohuroh here. Paouzulr•rou,—,(1 public meeting in the interests of the coming vete on the 1st of January will be held in bhe Presbyterian ahuruh on Tuesday evening of next week, ooinmeneing at 7:30 0'olo01i. Addresses will be delivered by Rev. G. H. Cobble• dick, 13. D., and W. IT, Kerr, of Brussels. Knew will be supplied by a union choir. A large audience expected. The follow- ing Tuesday evening another meeting will be bold in the blothodiet church. Cal un'l'it,. kir. Dixon lies been visiting his sister, Mrs. J. B. Campbell, during lust and this week, W. H. Tait's parents moved here from Shelbourns last week -and have become citizens of Gerrie, where W, H. has opened out an implement emporium on a largo scale. The new proprietor of the sawmill is moving into the house formerly Dona• pied by Win. Adair. Mr. Hammond comes well recommended and purposes doing a large business this Winter. Our now butcher, 8(r. Muob, who re. gently purchased the business from J. A. Frain, lute moved his family into 11. Ross' house, opposite the Methodist church, and has oomnienced operations. Wesley Bentley, who has rooently ro• turned to the home of his parents at Blyth after spending some time in the Western States and British Columbia, was visiting friends Here in the early part of this week. He expresses the opinion that the farmers of Canada have little to eomplaiu of in comparison to their brother farmers of the Western States whore nearly all are deeply in debt. Tie. nil: vn. Wui. Bawtinheimor shipped a oar load of oattlo to Hamilton on Monday of this week. A squirrel hunt on the 8th con., Elmo, is having its innings on Thursday, Thanksgiving day. John Rogers, of Mitobell, township engineer, was here on Monday finally in• specting the Silver Corner's drain. J. H. Thomson, has improved the front of his store by having erected two bay windows. R. G. Wilson, of brussels, did the work. Mre. Huller, 12th eon. Grey, who has been visiting friende in Germany for two years and two months, returned home ou Friday last much refreshed by her long sojourn. On Thursday of last weak a equirrel hunt between the 12th con. and 14th and 10th none, of Grey and Elmo wan held and supper served at John Little'0, the viotory falling to the 12th line boys by 60 points. After supper dancing and other amusements were Indulged in un. til the "wee etna hours." Oa rin 17.11no tilt. Jas. Noble has just fitted up his work• shop for the manufacture of pumps. Wo wish him 000oees, The Sunday School in connection with the Methodist church, 1.6th appointment, intend holding a Christmas tree. Jus. Molloy has just completed tho stone -work of a barn on which he will place the frame -work next summer. Messrs. Alexander, Wm. McKay and Jacob Lang have secured contracts of taking out timber this winter from Matheson & Co. At a recent meeeting held in Maple Grove Association, Patrons of Industry, the President, Wm. Harvey, was present. ed with the following books andladdress, a family Bible, the Life of Ohrist and Golden Thoughts. The following is a Dopy of the address 1— DEAR Sin,—We, the members of Maple Grove Lodge, wishing the show you that we appreciate the efforts yon have ox. peuded in the interests of our Lodge and the interesting zeal you have ever die. played in everything that would tend to the advancement of our order, take this opportunity to convey to you the con. gratnlatiom of this sooiety for the very wise conclusion you have recently arrived at in taking to yourself a helpmate and to present to you these books as a small token of our esteem and that Mre. Harvey and yourself may be spared in our midrib to long lives of happiness and prosperity is the sincere wish of all. Signed on behalf of the Order. James Nonan, Jong Winn. List to w o 1. Listowel has been filling up so rapidly lately that there ie scarcely a vacant house left in town. The Nora Clench eoneort under the auspices of the Listowel I. 0. F., will take pleat either en Deo. 20tH or early in January. Nat. Purcell, jr., has returned to town from Regina, N. W. T., where he hoe been working at his trade during the past Summer, Geo. Rargeo has sold his two story briolr cottage to Wm. Leslie, who is re. tiring Roan fartniug and will remove to town shortly.' Mr. Grills, who has lived it1 town sines disposing of his farm in Wallace, has Samuel Sauel Good's farm containing 120 Dares, for ,$6,000. Mies E. Gordon, graduate of the Lie. towel High sellout, has secured the school in oration No. 8, Wellesley, for the ensuing year. There were 110 appli• oau18. Bev. F. 17. Nugent, of Palmerston, preached the anniversary sermons of the Methodist Sabbath euhool last Sunday. A concert was given on Thanksgiving evening. A union Thanksgiving service woe held in llnox cbaroh on Thanksgiving day. The sermon was preaohod by Rev. Dr. Willoughby. A union choir supplied the mu0ie and the collection tem for the benefit of the poor, Jas. Perrin has recovered from his in- juries and in attending to his business again. During the four weeks that he was laid up be drew $72,being $16.10 week from an accident insnranee company, and $8 a week from the I, o. O. T. Wm. Wiles, formerly of this town, tvlto io oarryiug on an undertaking buei. nags in Walkerton, mot with a some. what serious accident recently. Ile twos thrown to the ground by the upsetting of l his hoarse and was piolted up uncon- soiom, Though badly bruised no bones Were broken. ! lLolreNworth. Mies Beek, Wright le on the sink list at present. Rev. Mr. Smith, ni Toronto, wilt fill the Presbyteriau pulpit fur the next two ldabbubhe, Mrs. W. Murray, of Pinkerton, isvioit• ing home at presett ou account of her father's poor health. W. Weed has been elected delegate by the Temperance lodge hero to the Oen- volition at Milverton this Friday. Last Wednesday evening a prohibition meeting was hold in the sobool home for the purpose of organizing for the coming plebioeibe, Notwithstanding the etormy night a goodly number wore present. T. Strachan addressed the meeting after which methods of wart were dieousoed and adopted. Wnnr WW1) LIKE 20 KNOW.,—What Holey young men passed through our town Sun- day evening ?—When we are going to have sleighing ?—If some of the choir members are not either lost, strayed or stolon ?—When the gods ere going to decree now sidewalk,, for our streets ? lit t.'pt ce l . Township Council on Friday of thio week. Thanksgiving service will be held in the Presbyterian ohuroh on Thore:lay at 2:30 o'oluck. Nearly every week there are unknown trailers and dealers palling on the people here. Many of them are the biggest frauds en earth and the public should "fire" them out of their premises. Deal with people you know. There were 06 applicants for the poei• Son of Principal in Ethel school for 1804. The present teanlier, George Dobson, was re.engaged at $410 per annum. The trustees acted wisely in retaining the valuable services of Kr. Dobson. The Tempersuce meeting held last Friday evening was not as well attended as it might have been, bub the number who were there spent a pleasant and profitable evening. T. Strachan, the speaker of the evening, Rave a splendid address, setting forth very clearly the neee0sity for all as Temperance workers to display their 0olors. Now is the time to show the white ribbon and let all know on whiob side you stand. What we need in our midst at the present time is a Temperance revival. A public meeting will be bald in the neer future, when this burning question will be dealt with by soma of the leading temperance men of our country. Notice will be given later. Mot Beenen.—Last Saturday morn. ing, about 8 o'olocic, the sawmill of Reeve Milne was discovered to be on fire and the flames had reached such a height that there was no possibility of saving anything. It will be a serious loos to the proprietor as be had only $1800 insurance on the premises on account of the high rate, The mill was about 30x70.feet and in addition to the sawmill a shingle machine andlplaning mill outfit were run. Mr. Milne's mill on this site was burned down about four years ago so that the building destroyed ou Saturday was nom. paratively new. They had been running on Friday and the fireman saw that everything was all right before leaving. It looks something like the work of an incendiary. The fire is particularly bad at this season of the year when sawmill work should begin to boom and Mr. Milne was counting on a big out this Winter. The probabilities are that the mill will be rebuilt at once. CxrO3'. Toucher Engler is re.engaged to teach Whitfield's school for next year. Peter Bishop, who has boon p+ostratod by typhoid fever, is slowly improving. Workmen are busy taking timber oub of A. Matheson's bush for the Star mills. J. Moore has been re.engaged as teaoh- er in Shine'e school for next year. Mr. Moore is giving tiptop satisfaction in the section. Wm. Fulton, jr., has rented his 100 acre farm, 16th eon., to Jas. McNair, jr„ 14th con., for a term of 6 years, at an annual rental of $200. Will„ sou of James Turnbull, who has been confined to his bed fur the past three months,, is gaining in strength. We hope the improvement will continue. Mre. (Dr.) Knecker, of Waterloo, who has been visiting her sister, Mre. A. Fowler, of the Star mills, has returned to her home. Mrs. Fowler wont with her for a short visit. G. G. Eesery, of Centralia ; Miss Es - eery, of Exeter, and S. W. and A. E. Eesery, of Palmerston, grand -children of the late Mrs. James Hogg, attended the funeral last Saturday. The Wm. MoOutcheon 100 acre farm, being lot 9, eon. 6, has been sold to a Mr. Reid, of Mornington townehip, Perth Co., for $8,600. J. W. Scott, of Listowel, has been 111e owner of the farm for several years, Mr. Reid takes possession on ran. 158, 1804. Onr'r0ARR.—On Thursday of last week Mrs. Jaime Hogg, an old' and hiphly esteemed resident of con. 8, was called away to the home beyond this vale of tears, She had been poorly eines the let of October her trouble being brouohitie and heart disease. The deoenged wits born in Ireland, her maiden name being Margaret Letbioia West, She WUs united in marriage to her now bereft partner 64 years ago and three years after they 00m0 to Canada. They lived at Dorah08. ter, Port Royal and Hay township be- fore coming to Grey about 1801. Mr. Hogg purohasod lot 5, eon. 3, from Mr. Robertson, of Tuokerosnib11, then almost n bush got. Mre. Hogg was a very hi- dustrious, whole souled body tubo was beloved by all who knew her and although very healthy looking she was troubled with her heart for many years. She found the Saviour precious not otly in health but in the hoax and article of death. The subjeot of this notice was in bar 71st year at the time of her demean, Her aged partner and nine ohildrsn re. main to hold in fondest een10111beanee her love and counsel. The children are John, of Washington Territory, i1. S. ; Mre. Thos. Eesery, of Centralia, Ont. ; Mre. John Amos, Bay City, Mioh. ; 14Irs. Henry Savage, Gtey Township; Mre. Jaw, Crooks, Bay City, Mirth.; William, Mre. Goo, Coomb,, of Grey ; James G., of Minnesota, U. S. ; and Mies Rebecca, who resides with her father. The funer. al on Saturday afternoon was largely at- tended. Rev. W. G. Reilly, of St. John's church, of which deoeaeed was a member, conducted the service, The interment teas rrintla at Bruesole cemetery. TUE EEUSSIiaLS POST 'Srif4P..7474 k 01,1•,t#P:4{tAC!'rgmf .F/4 Miss Maggio 11foTaggart, of Monerieff, has gone to Mibobell, whore e11e will re- side for a time, Jae. McNair, who has boon attending Stratford Busine.e College for the past three months, arrived home this week. The I4 menthe old eon of Robert °netts, 11th 000,, died on Saturday night of scarlet fever, The funeral tank plane on Monday afternoon. itobb 7°a. Allister oondnoted the eervice. Other members of Mr. Coutts' family were alae down with the fever but aro now out of danger. Itntrntlsnnt,n.--Last Saturday afIor- noon the memhere of Mise Sarah Jane MoNair's Sabbath sobool elan met at her home, on the 14th con., and present- ed her with a handsome photograph album and perfume holder 00 11 token of the ap reciatiou fu whish her services are hold. Mise Maggie S. McNair read the following addreoe and made the presentation :— Miss Sarah. Jame McNair DEAR TEAolaen,—Ari a small mark of esteem for you pe'eonally and in recogni- tion of your invaluable servi000 as teach- er of our plass, the pupils of this clues tisk your aocepbanoo of this photograph album and perfume holder. We regret 18 is not more but believe, small as it fejt is no indication of depreciation of your 110 wearied endeaver0. Your labor of love 18 highly appreciated by all, and that you may long be spared lo carry on your good work le the wish of all immediately concerned. Miss McNair thanked thorn very mnoh for their kindness and their beautiful and unexpected gifts. It was it genuine surprise to her. The "oow nuisance" has become more annoying than aver in Kirkton eines the Fall weather has set in. �w>r .xb.: �•cu'3: r _: Grand. Trunk Thanksgiving Day, NOVEMBER 23. Vale FO THE Round Trip GOOD (P. M. Trains Nov. 22. GOING 1A11 Trains Nov. 23. vadufooruounroolbvg November 24. For foil par tioulars apply to J. N KENDALL, G. T. R. Agent, Brussels. CK. E are bound to maintain the position we hold as the cheapest and most reliable Dry Goods Sell- ers in the County of Huron, We expect to hold this pos- ition only by placing before the public the Newest, most Reliable and Cheapest Merchandise. We have the facil- ities to buy largely and therefore buy right. The gain is yours. A Wholesale dealer has just shipped us a big range of Travellers' Samples at a discount of 333 per cent. they go to you at the same discount. .Everyone knows that samples are always the cream of the stock. The hum around our Dress Goods counters continues. Values are right, Styles the newest. We are selling loads of Stockings and Gloves—prices win on these goods. See our Table Linens at 20c. Tickings at lOc, A]1 Wool Tweed at 25e, Wool Cardigans at 75c, 2 prs heavy wool Sox 25c, Bleached Cotton at 5c, (1 (0 .t .0 The Hr D. }Iaddock Dry Goods Company. Produce Taken. Terms Cash. ffit1441tf.liraq0 1 J. Y. EGAN, of Toronto, 050 .1001 emcees in the treatment of all forme of Hernia, of all known agencies in modern times. Specialist will Visit American hotel, Brussels, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, NOVEMBER, 27, 28 and 29. Queen's hotel, Winglhar, November 30, December d and 2. AN ENTIRELY 111E hYSTEI1 01'TREATMENT. You are first held securely and in oomtorb during the hardest work, or severest strain, under all reasonable oireurnstouoes, even horse -back riding, then a cure follows. My heat and greatest invention in Hernial Appliances, is the result of over twenty.oeven years' continuous professional practical experience. Remember I have been in business in Toronto over twenty years. This instrument responds to every motion of the body, in coughing, sneezing or lifting, and never slips from its position on the body, either up or down, as all others do, but Mayo whore you put it. NO 1+ A.X LTJ iiE+7;le I care nob how severe or dillioult the case, I can help you. The undersigned know the true 010000 of rupture and has recently discoved the secret—as yet known only to himself—by whish a cure can be affected in this terrible affiliation without resort to the knife. Don't put it off till too late. Children Cured in from 6 to 8 woks, Adults in from is to 14 woks, A000sdiug to the severity of the case. Age of person, or length of time ruptured makes no difference. EV1C1RX' Chatill.: A,. ac(0sc107i1md f This is positive, as I have couvineing testimony from Physicians, from parents and from those doolared by so called surgical machinists to bo "hopeless oases." THIS 15 THE EVIDENCE THAT TELLS THE STORY! AN, ilea ,al Specialist, 266 West Queen St., Toronto Ont. In Writing please mention this paper, _.. SUITS and. OVERCOATS, (SUITS ;and ,OVERCOATS. SUITS and. OVRRCOATS. .err The undersigned has purchased a Now and Choice stock of Gro- ceries, Comprising Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, Tobaccoes, Fruits, Soaps, Mottled and Canned Goods, Syrups, Vinegars, Sic, And has opened thong to the inspection of the Public in the Stor know a8 the BRUSSELS EGG EMPORIUM Where an inspection of Goods and Prices is asked. Highest tnsrttet price paid for good .butter and cash for eggs as usual. Jas. Ballantyne.