HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-11-24, Page 1Vol. 21. No. 19, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER ossomnouveu 11011E DAIRYING AT TOE ONTARIO Ab11i1CULTUIt,IL ()SWEEPS. To th0lidtbor 0111un loser, Slit,—Having, received a number of in. quiriee about onr mimeo in dairying I shall sateen it a favor if you will allow me to say through the medium pf your paper a few words which may serve ae an answer to maty gtlaetion8. ' Our regular students receive leatnros on dairying and get more or lose pre0tieal inetrnabiou in that department through- out their whole course, and the traiuiug given in this way is thought to be sulfi, cient for those who remain with no for two or three yours. For butter -makers, cheese -ma -ken, and others who can spare only a short time, we have a special dairy oonree. The course in this school taste for two months, commencing on the 15th January, and is devoted entirely to the theory and praotioe of dairying in its different branches, viz.—miik•testing, butter.meeling and oheese•makiug, Leet year we admitted sixty applicants for this course and refused over eighty. This year we are erecting 8 new dairy building for the a000mmodation of a larger number, say 100 students ; and already, without any advertising, the pressure has been eo great that we have admitted 115 for January, 1894, and have planed on file between twenty and thirty applications for 1895. Another glass haul still to be provided for, viz., young man and women, and perhaps some older per. sone, who do nob wish to take a full Demise so as to fit 1181088110e for feotory work, but want to learn eomething about the latest and best methods in home or farm dairying. For this course the are now providing. Henceforth our new dairy building and one-half of the old bnilding will be devoted to systematic in. straotion iu milk•testing, butter -making end cheese -making on a large scale, for those who wish to equip themselves fully for taking charge of creameries or cheese factories ; and the other half of the old building will be used for milk•teeting and butter -making on a smeller scale, and in a way adapted to home or farm dairying. This borne dairy department is intended espeoially for farmers' eons and dough. tens who may desire to learn something about the appliances suitable for dairying on the farm ; the care of milk and Dream ; the beat methods of churning; the salting, working, printing and pack. ing of butter ; the use of the Bab000k milk tester, and the running of cream separators by hand, by tread power and by steam. Uudor the direction of Prof. Dean, T. G. Rogers, our own butter - maker, will take obarge of thie home dairy department ; and those who wish instruction in this department may enter at any time within the two and a half months, commencing on the 15th Ian• nary, and may stay as long or as short e. time ae they wish. I may add that we bad five ladies in our dairy school laab year. They liked the work very mach. and took a high standing at the end of the term. We hope to have a number of farmers' daughters apply for this home dairy emerge to commence on the 160h of January next, and would suggeet tomb applicants state when they wish to enter and bow long they propose to May. Yours, sec., 3.1n88 Mmes. Outario Agriooltural College, Guelph, Nov. 15, '98. No Business About It, To the Editor of TED loss. DRAB Enreoi,—I think ae farmers we have good cause for making a Vigorous kick against the way we leave been treat- ed by buyers in oonneotion with the lamb bushiest; this year and now that the buy- ing and selling is over until next season I sound a warning note. What right have buyers bo some along and make a straight bargain for lambs early in the Spring, paying a small deposit to bind the oontraot, and then in the Pall either leave the lambs on our kande or take them at a out pri0e ? We are not to blame if the market ie bad nor did we guarantee that it would be good, yet we suffer the lobe 10 the above mentioned uu- bustles! like way of dealing. If the prices are too high why are the buyers 5o keen to make offers so early in the eea. son ? I am aware that drovers have lost heavily this year and I am sorry for it, but they are largely to blame for it them - 801v88. The dealer who buys and 11e0e1 comes near the honed again, the farmer refusing other offers to keep hie side of the bargain, is a mean man. I believe lambs should not be sold until they are 5 or 6 months old and then there would be lees "monkey" work, I would like to hear other farmers express their opinion on this question. Yours Truly, Fain PLAY. Grey, Nov. 17811. Ytrn8eol8 8019001 hoard. The regular meeting of the School Board wee held in the Oounoil Chamber on Nov, 1001. Members all present. The minutes of the Met regular moot- ing were read and passed. A,000unte were read from T. 13a11an- etyne, $4.00, for making blaok,boarde ; W. Bateman, $8.00, for 2 cords of cedar. Movedby Rev. Jim. Roes, seconded by A., Reid that the foregoing accounts be paid. Carried. The question of increasing the fees of non-resident pnpile wart introdnaed and dismissed et some length after whioh Ur. Gra%am moved and A. Reid amended that Rev. John Rose and T. Fletcher be a committee to look into the matter fully and report at the next regular mooting of the Board. Carried. The meeting then adjourned. Wen. Boyd, the footrace, was arrested last week at Chatham, charged with be- ing implicated In an alleged ''double• or088" foet•race Met Summer, It is said that the Chicago and Grand Trunk CO. will endeavor to compromise all elaim8 for demagee resulting from the 11008nt aooldoub at Battle Orook 111801ati Of plug into Court. OIIUUC1L CHIMES. Thanksgiving savvier, in Ivfolvllle ohuroh at 11 11, m., 0n Thursday of this week. A series of revival servio88 will be held lo the blebhedisb ohuroli during tbe month of January, A song service will be given by the oboir of the Methodist ohuroh on Sunday evening, Deo. Bed. Rev. Inc,. Roes, B. A., and Rev, Thos. Davideon, M. A., of Wroxeter, will ex- change pulpits next Sabbath. Thanksgiving service will be held in Knox bhurch on Tbureday, at 11 tt. m., when the pastor will preach. The .regular monthly service wee held in the IL C. 0huaech last Sunday morn- ing, Rev. Fr. Kennedy officiating. A memorial sermon, having reference bo the tato Mrs. Roddiok, will bo preached by the pastor next Sabbath evening fn the Methodist church. Six new members were added to the membership roll of the Methodist Mamie at the last communion, four by letter and two on profoeeion of faith. The Epworth League At Home in the Methodist ohuroli 18otare room on the evening of Thanksgiving day, at 8 o'- oloolc. Over 200 invitations were sent out. Rev. W. T. Clnff'o new oleurole ab Pen. ton, Mioh., is abort completed and is prou0unoed a model edifloe. The debt is entirely provided for whish is a most eabiefaoboi;y state of affairs. Rev. T. W. Oosene, of Walton, preach- ed two eloquent sermons in the Metho- dist ohuroh last Sunday. In the morn. ing his text was "Go Forward," as foaled in the book of Exodus 14th chapter and 15 verse. He Bret referred to grumblere, then pointed onb three barriers to the Christain ohuroli, (1) Thonghtlesenees ; (2) Worldlinese ; (8) The devil ; and con- cluded with a stirring exhortation to "Go Forward" and trust God. Tho discourse was a my en0oaraging one t0 Christians. In the evening King David's farewell words to his son Solomon, "Show thyself a man," formed the groundwork for an interesting discourse, particularly to the young people. Manliness was more than physical strength ; than educational at. tainmente ; than genius or taleut ; than high executive ability. Yon mast have a heart. Manliness consists in part in Christian courage and firmness. Mr. Oosene will always be welcomed by the Methodist congregation of Brussels. Perth County. The temperance lodge at Anderuon is a grand 8000880. 0. Wright, of Wallaceburg, hae taken Mr. Porter's place in the Montreal Bank, Stratford. Mitchell has been eroded into an out. port of oustoms under the juriediobion of the controller at Stratford. Stops are being taken to unite the two Methodist oburohes at Mitchell and it ie likely a union will be effected. Robe, Beattie, of Kirkbon, had the mtg. fortune to fall off a load of lumber and break his thigh bone the other day. Rev. B. L. Hutton, Kiekton, hes been celled away to visit hie brother in tbe Southern States, who is seriously ill. Another of the old pioneers of Blane- bard, in the person of Thomas Irvine, has beau struck down by the sword of the grim destroyer. Dame Rutnor says the Patroue of In• duetry will meet at Milverton in conven- tion on the 24th inst. to select a parlia- mentary candidate. Sohn A. Maloolm, of Eaeb Toronto, has rented the 100 acre farm near Trow• bridge, belonging to Mre. R. Johnson, widow of the late Riohard Johnaou. Wm. Btty died on Thursday morning of last week after a long illness. Ile had been a resident of Mitchell and neighbor. hood for about 45 years and was highly respected. 12. Sohneider's two daughters who re- side at Atioae, New York, paid their friends in Wallace a visit. They seem to enjoy themselves pretty well in the land of corn and beane. While W. H. Marshall, Iiirkton, was working at the erection of a frame drive. house he lead the misfortune to out one of his feet bat a etitob or two in it made him able to be around again. A prominent farmer on the 12th Don. of Etna hae skipped the neighborhood. Ho was the prin0fpal in a 8oandal, about to be materialized, it is said, which ac• counts for his sudden departure. Will. Dunlop, wbo has a ranch in the N. W. T„ paid hie friends iu Wallace a flying visit. He was ab Toronto with several carloads of cattle and took 00- oaeion to call upon his old aoquaiutanoe8. Hon. Thee, Ballantyne, M. P. P„ will preside at the concert to be held on Nov. 24th under the 800pioes of the Laorosee Club, St, Marys, when Miss Nora Clench, the oelobrn.bed young artist, will appear. On Friday morning, about half•pest eight o'clock, the house belonging to An. oaths Spatling, Blanshard, was partly burned bo the ground. The fire origin. ated from a furnace in the woodshed which adjoins the hitohen. Someone completely destroyed the rear tire of Rev. I. B. Waliwin's (Strat- ford) bioyole on Thnr8day of last week. The wheel bad been loft Mending on the tette 05180(1111 end the damage was not dfaoovered until about three o'clock in the afternoon. A couple of tramps after abusing tome 01111'6' citizens of Millbank and making themselves generally obnoxious took their departure only to be arrested by the Chief nand big aesistent, After the learn. ed judge from Mils/erten had adjudioated and sentenced one to 20 days in the castle ab Stratford, he made his escape, moll to the chagrin of the Chief, by taking out a couple of panes of glass, and has not since been captured, 0 The National Grange Pabrone of 1308. baodt'y 10 convention at Syra0080, N. I'. have declared in favor of woman suffrage Robert Grant, United States 0on8ular agent at Dostere°, Brazil, hae been made a prisoner by the rovolubioniste in Rio Grand° because be did not favor their ulnae. ()naiad eau, Neo Nivpi. Kingston people now ride to oh0reh Sundays on street care. The Don was frozen over at Toronto on Wednseduy morning, Gas will not be piped from the Kings- ville gas Beide to Windsor, The Crawford llouee, at Windsor, has been thoroughly renovated at a cost of $12,600, North Grey Conservatives on Wednes- day nominated Nicholas Read for the Loeal House. John Gook, of Glenwilliam, claims to have a goose that ie 40 years of age. Its health fe still good. Mr. Ayleaworth, Q. C., epoke for more than six hours in defence of Hon, Thee, MnGreevy, at Ottawa, on Monday. The Liberals of North Renfrew laeb week nominabed'cienry Barr, M,P.P., as their candidate in the next Provincial eon• test. The Governor-General will have a trained choir from his household in the WV 0110901 recently erected at Rideau hall, The grocery of J. B. Doyle & Son, of Woodstock, was entered by burglars early Sunday morning but little or no booty secured. Rev. J. 0. Ash, Methodist, of Oatnbray, has been suspended until conference meets, owing to charges preferred by the Lindsay district. Nearly 6,000 01180950 purchased at Obarlobtetown, P. E. I., for Hodgson Bros., go to Halifax in the next few days for shipment to,ngland. The coroner's jury in the Grand Trunk Railway disaster ab Battle Creek brought in a verdict holding Conductor Soott and Engineer Wooley responsible. The funeral of the late A. T. Gregory, of Mount Forest, a pioneer of that die• Mot, a Town Councillor and a prominent Reformer, toot place last week. Norbbern Congregational Church, To• ronto, has extended a call to Rev. T. B. Hyde, who has been all summer in charge of the Moody Church in Chicago. George Watt, of Brantford, wholesale merchant (Conservative), is out as a pan • didate for the mayoralty. He was nom. inated at a meeting of the P. P. A. Mrs. James Lillie, wife of Conductor Lillis, of the G. T. R., died at Brantford last week. Deceased was 75 years of age. She leaves many sorrowing relatives and friends. Mrs. Mark Sutton, of Erin, was found dead in the cistern at her own home. Ib is supposed that in drawing up a bucket of water Mre. Sutton lost her balance and fell in. It is rumored in Toronto pollee circles that the census taken by the force recent- ly shows about 20,000 more citizens in Toronto than is given by the Dominion census returns. So eatisfaotory is the financial state of affairs o£ the Join 111. Stratford Hospital ab Brantford, that the oity grant of $2,- 000 is not needed, and the Council will be notified to that affect. A boy named Rill was convicted of murdering bis employer, A. Greaves, at .11khore, by poiedning him, et the Bran. dog Assizes last week was sentenced to be hanged in January. Reports from Mr. McNay, immigration agent in lltiohigan, and from agents at other pointe, are to the effeeb that their season's work of seeding settlers into the Northwest was very satisfactory. Hon. Oliver Mowat is to appear in Port Elgin on Thursday evening, Nov. 28, ac• oompanied by Hon. Jobe Dryden, Minis- ter of Agriculture. The following even- ing he will address a meeting in South- ampton. The deposits in the Poetoltee Saving. Bank during October amounted to 6609,- 787, and the withdrawals to $652,852, In the Government Saving Bank the de- posits amounted to 6278,604 and the withdrawals 6817,086. The poor foreigner arrested some time ago for living in the woods North of Ko - 11101C0 was senb to the House of Refuge at Strabhroy this week. The man is known as "John Brazil," because it is supposed he Dante from that country. Sir John Thompson has taken an ao- bion against Joseph Dassault for 0200. The defeadaut, who was',bhs Liberal oan• didebe for Moatmerency in 1800, resign. ed on the eve of the election and the re. burning oBcer returned him the amount of leis deposit, width is now oiaimed by plaintiff. Ib is understood that the firat proviu. oial election under the amalgamation of bbe two houees will be held Deo. 14th, nomination Deo. 7011. Writs are out. The eleotion Domes off a week sooner than expeobed. Prohibition plebiscite will be held in oouueotion. Probably the largest 1uruip pulled in the county this season is on exhibition on the farm of Wm. Murray, West Zor. vee. It le of the Swede variety, sound, smooth and line oolored, measuring 2 feet, 10 inches in circumference, 11 in. cher, deep and weighing 17 pounds, 4 ounces The Evening Star hae deoided to adopt a feature whit% is practised by no other newspaper in Toronto. It" will in the future accept no free admission to the theatres but will pay the way of the members of the staff and will give per - featly. independent advance notices and arltia15m of the attraotfone, A double funeral took plane et Chatter. ham Meet Friday. On the 15th inst. Peter Sinclair died from the effects of a kick received from a horse. His wife, who has been in poor health for tome time,. reeeivod 59011 a shook that the following evening else alto passed away. The were both buried in the one grave. Anethet attempb was made ab Loretto, last week, to smolt one of the 0. P. R. trains front Montreal. Ten deals heavily laden with atones were placed acroee the traok. A se0timunan's son eaw the ob1br0otion and told his father. The MOM notified the superintendent of the road at Quebec, who at once despatched an engine with a egnad of men to clear the trach just it time to avert a dlnaoter. 7l'he perpoteators of this or1mieal attempt are unknown a8 yet, albheugh flue similar attempts to wreak train8 were made Within to Meath. Hill, the Virden boy murderer, t8 sera tensed to be hanged on January 15. The oondemnad boy dose not seem to realize the position in 1hiola he is placed, When asked by the Governor of the gaol whether he wished to Bee anyone, he re. plied en the negative. The verdict of the jury is the subject of muoh comment. Mts. John Penwarden, of St. Thomas, bad a startling experience on Tuesday evening of last week. Her 8 -year-old son upset a lamp. The little fellow got on a box to oseape the flames cad to res- cue him Kra. Penwardon had to page over the burning ail. Her dress took fire and in extinguishing it her hands were torrib. ly burned. The Quebec Legislature Tuesday re. fused to indorse the motion to abolish the useless and expensive Legislative Coun• oil, but only by a small majority. Que. boo has no more need for a second or so - celled Upper Chamber, in its Legislature than bag the Preview of Ontario, whioh has prospored and been well governed un. der a one chamber system. There is a considerable sura of money whish the ladies' presentation committee in connection with the gift of the ladies of Oanada to Princess May have an band and it has beau deoided to use the same' in purchasing a pair of harem for the Primes. Edward Skead, one of the best judges of horse flesh in Canada, will make the purchase, and will visit the Western stook farms in Outario for this purpose. Clifford M. Calverley is making capital progress at St. Francis hospital, Trenton, N. J. Althongh unable to use a orut0h cane, he has commenced bo walk un. attended, and as his arms are also pro- gressing more favorably than was an- ticipated they would do on ao0onnt of the nature of the fractures itis believed ho will be able to leave for Toronto about the 12th of December, upon which date, it is understood, a number of hie friends will tender him a congratulatory benefit in the Opera House. The law of succession passed by the Ontario Government two years ago ds. Creed that when a person died whose estate probated from 100,000 to 8200,000, the Government must receive 211 per sent. of the amount, and over 6200,000, 6 per sent. The estate of the late Alex. Cameron, of Windsor, probated $700,000 and his executors paid the Governmenb $85,000. The moneys thus obtainedgo to the fund used for the reformatories, asylums and other Buell institutions un der the °entrol of tbe Government. Three young men, two of whom are. students, and the other the son of ex - Premier Mercier, were arrested at an early hour Monday morning for attempt- ing to blow up the Nelson monument on Jacques Cartier Square, Montreal. It leaked out that a plot was arranged to destroy the monument and the matter was all that was talked about in City Hall circles. The police received a noti- fication and captured the three at an early hour Monday morning. A Iarge piece of dynamite was found in the young men's 9058800100. Oapt. Charles Martin, of Port Severn, with the tug Minnie Martin, left Wau- bauehene Sunday with a scow ire tow on which he had five horses, a opw, pigs and fowls, bay and oats and household furni- tare, sleighs and harness and complete shanty outfit stored. The scow caught fire from the sparks of the tug. The con- tents will prove a total loss. The scow wee fortunately saved by the etrenuone efforts of the tugs Osprey and Brume. The loss will be in the neighborhood of of $7,000. H. O'Hara Sr Co„ members Toronto Stook Exchange, 24 Toronto Street, laet week purahaeed from the Iroudale Rail- way ()company $58,968,00 worth Ontario Government Annuities of $609.60 each, payable one much half year for 40 yeure, to yield them di per cent. half -yearly. As the Ontario Government has a large 8urphes, those securities stead in the markets second only to Dominion of Can- ada seourities. These ohoioo bonds have been sold by H. O'Hara c% Co. They have also bought $1,100 worth of Town. ship of Proton Drainage Debentures bearing 5%, payable at end of 15 years— at par. Last Spring the betrothal of Alma May Greene, daughter of tbe late S. T. Greene, of Pat'kdale, and George L Riddell, mathematical master of the Jameson - avenue Collegiate Institute, Toronto, was announced. The wedding day was fixed, but the ceremony was m1;3011=101, Mr. Riddell soddenly leaving for Chicago after resigning hie position ae teacher. Miss Greene olaimod that her affianoed'e mother induoed Riddell to forsake hie intended bride and an action for $5,000 was commenced against Mrs. Riddell. Mies Greene (or rather Mrs. Riddell) will now abandon her suit, bowever, as the young couple wore married at Dallas, Tex., a few days ago. Barrister Levell, of Smith's Falls, who defended Ohanlee Luckey, under Sentence of death at Brookville for the murder of hie father, atepmother and eider at Newbliss, wag in Toronto this week. 10 ie understood that application will be made under the new Criminal Code for a new trial for Luckey. The report about the finding of a suit of blood beepattored clothes 110ar Toledo tarns out to be true and the olothee have been brought to Sinith's Falls. They ware found in a meadow behind a olnmp of busbee near the roadside, and it ie said showed signs of having been there for some months An attempt will be made to connect the olathe0 with the Luckey tragedy with the puepo50 of dis- crediting Chas. Lnokey'e guilt. Twe men, it is said, who found the garments, will testify that they were not there a few days before the Newblies horror, and wore fumed theta a few days after. wards, Monday evening about 6;80, the regal. sr way freight froth the east on the C. P. R. arrived to London. It was in Otergo of Conduottr Mahoney and Drive, Tl100, Cottrell. When the train 0100 taken to the yard the driver ran the engine to the rented house on Adelaide street. The supply of goat in tiro tender wag u0arl3( exhausted, and after the engineer had left one of the coal. heavers 'undertook to. 24, 1898 run the engine to the coal shed, eget of the round house, Everything went well until arrival at the latter plass, when the man in charge could not bring thoengine 1,0 a standstill. In the oxeitement the throttle was opened as full as possible. This resulted in a high rate of speed being attained, and the coal heaver, see- ing the predicament into Mende lie had got himself, jumped and let the engine go as it pleased, When the speed hal reached about 80 mi/es all hour, an open switch was reached. The locomotive was derailed, plowing up the track for a 000eiderable distance, finally turning over on its side. It now lies in that pos. Ilion, and the damage is so groat that it will have to be sent eo Montreal for re. pairs, It was fortunate, indeed, that the switch was open, otherwise the engine would in all probability have collided with the way freight whioh oam0 into the yard at that time. Joseph and Edgar P000elc wont to Gleoboro', province of Manitoba, in the Spring of 1888 and worked with farmers for three years. They were careful, steady boys, aged respeotfvely 19 and 21. In Marsh of 1802 they rented a farm from John McDonald, four miles East of Gleaboro', with everything required on a 860 acre farm, The only claim against them was a chattel mortgage on one of their four horses. Last and this year's orops were good and they paid all their debts, On Oat, 16111 they disappeared. The hoose was just as if they went out to work. Their good clothes and their whole outfit were found intact. They had over $800 in oath at the time they left. They had 100 bushels of wheat and some oats in their granary, and had 800 bushels of wheat in an elevator on which they had not collected the price. A neighbor, elre. Wallace, stated last week that if Bluff lake was searohed the Pocock boys would be found. A search party of eight are trying to find the bodies. There are strong hints of foul play. A man was found hanging in a stable of the tame farm in August, 1880, Bnd was buried without an inquest. Al- most every person states that the body was dead before it was hung up. General. .1V awVs. It is proposed to buy a Brazilian fleet in the United States. The only woolen mill in Africa is ea Natal and produces 1800 yards per month. The Pope will hold a consistory in February when several Cardinals will be created. Chief Cashier May of the Bank of England hes been discharged owing to irregularities of a firm in which be was involved. Italy bas formally consented to oo•op• orate with Spain in measures against the Anarahiste. Twenty thousand people on the Gogebio Range, Wisconsin, have been reduced to starvation by the continued inaotivity of the iron mines. Orders have been issued limiting the output of all collieries in the Lehigh region to four days a week. As a result 15,000 men were idle hast week. Honduras is recruiting soldiers for ser- vice against Nioaragua. Salvador has naked Honduras to suspend hostilities until a conference can be held. Don Carlos Diaz, Consul for Spain in Baltimore, Md., committed suioide last week by jumping from the fourth storey of his residence in that oity. Two gambling agents, who were found guilty of practising usury at Hanover, Germany, were last week each sentenced to two and one-half years' imprisonment and a fine of 8,000 marks. Steel nails are being shipped from Lon- don via Cape Horn for use in the British Columbia Paoifio Railway, the new road via the Yellow Head Pase, in whish Chi- cago capitalists are 00008105d. The assets of the World's Fair are dwindling to an extent that Marna the managers. When the exposition olosed on Oot. 80th, Treasurer Seeberger had, in round numbers, $2,250,000 cash in bank. This has been slipping away, in spite of what the managers claim is the most economical management, ab the rate of 610,000 a day. ,But in addition the assets have been ahrinitieg in the most unexpected manner. It transpires that a large amount of property that the Exposition managers expected to sell, and with the fonds pay back to stock- holders a small percentage of their eon. tributione, dons not belong to tI1e Fair at all, but is owned by contractors. The oontraotore are "moving their property away. They are literally stripping the Exposition grounds. Flow mote will be Ioft when they get through can only be surmised. In some oases they own the roots of the buildings. .People We Know. Rev. D. B. Keefer, formerly of Wing - ham, wag in town on Wednesday. Andy and Antony Sample cure in Walkerton. They went last Monday, Wm. Smith arrived home from Manf• lobe last Saturday, after spending a couple of months in the prairie province. Mrs. Robert Johnston, of Michigan, is vieititag her sister, Mts. John Carter, Mrs, Johnston was a former resident of this locality. The Rev. If. S, ivfoKietrick, referred to last week, who died ab Tarsus, Agnate Turkey, eves a cousin to Mrs. (Rev.) Paul, of Brussels, ltobt.Laidlaw and wife, of Abilene, ]ansae, who were visiting relatives in this vicinity, left last week foe their home in the South. Rev. J. W. Gilpin, of Bervie, returned home from Teems last week in 000095ny with his son who is in very poet health. The reverend gentleman is a brother of J'. J. Gilpin'e, of 13rustele. Mrs, Freeman, wife of bap). F. Free. man of the Salvation Army, who hag boon ill for some weeks, died Thnreday morning of het week at Listowel. The deeeesed, Mone with lior lineband, were ollfioole over Mineola corps for some time and enjoyed the esteem Of ail Lebo knew there, W. H. KERR, Prop. Additional Local News. - A Canino weather prophet deolares that the corning winter will be gold. We do not usually have a very waren one. Don'' forget the Mechanise' Institute entertainment in the Town Hall on Thurs. day evening of next week. The program will bo A I. BEY, J. Ross B. A., Rev. D. Millar, Rev, 0, Jones and Elder Ino, Shraohan attended Maitland Presbytery on Tues. day of this week. Leer week Wm. Hableirk purchased a residence on Queen Street from Philip Amort, The price paid was $660. First the oage and then the bird. Rama, the capital of the Northwest Territories, hula porohased from the Ronald Steam Fire Engine Works the World's Fair engine, which was awarded a modal, making the fifth award to thie celebrated engine. Edmonton, Alberta, has just accepted from the same firm a large steamer, heater, reale and hose, which was thoroughly tested for four days, 0ontinnous running, Na town °ut- eide of Winnipeg, in the Northwest, has a better system of lire protection. Las' week Principal Cunneen dia. tributed tbe neatly gotten up certificates, supplied by the Education Department, to the pupils passing the Leaving exam- ination ae Brussels school last July. The certificate is 12x18 inches and the eorolll is entwined in a wreath of Maple leaves.. The names of Hon. G. W. Roes, Miniatsr of Education, and 'impeder Robb are signed on euoh oertificate. The idea is a capital one and will, no doubt, do much toward euoouraging those receiving them in future diligence. "Tan N. P. versus Free Tracie," will be the subject of the joint public debate on Friday evening of this week in the Town Hall, Brussels, between sides chosen from the Reform and Conserve - rive clubs of this place. The speaker(' will be R. L. Taylor, J. Moore and Jas. Bowman upholding Protection, and G. F. Blair, J. H. Cameron and A. Hislop as defenders of Free Trade. Music will be supplied by the Young Liberals Glee Club. W. H. Herr, of Tan Pook, hae been asked to preside as chairman. A good debate is expected as well as a big house, Cosine TEarnxa.txoa Mr oxrxo,—Last Sunday afternoon the first of a series of Gospel Temperocoe meetings was held in the Town Hall, Brussels, from 4 to 5 0'- olook. Notwithstanding the snow storm the Hall was well filled, After singing "Rescue the perishing," lead by the Methodist Snndayschool orchestra, Rev. R. Paull offered prayer, and Rev. T. W Corms, of Walton, was introduced. He gave a splendid address full of thought to all who are interested in the Temperance canoe as well as those who aro not, "Why nob ?" was sung and Rev. John Ross, B. A. was asked to speak. He showed that Prohibition is founded on Bible principles, taught by Bible precepts and lived by Bible practice. In thie Temperance campaign we look forward to the pulpit, the press and the people for their best efforts in this good cease. We should pray, plead and plank down our votes and thereby do our part in abolishing a traffic that Leads to eternal death, Mr. Rasa' address was well worthy of the close attention it received. "The Groat Phyaioian now is near" was the closing hymn and Rev, S. Jones pro• nounced the Benediction. The meeting WAS a decided amuses and augurs well for those to come. Next Sunday after- noon Rev. Thos. Davidson, M. A., of Wroxeter, and Rev, R. Paul, of Brussels, will be the speakers. The sinking will be lead by a male quartette. Silver col - lotion to defray expenses. ODI'.—We Chronicle this week the death of Mrs, Samuel Broad€ooh, of the Mill Road, Tuolteramith, whish took 0a0e 011 Thursday night, 011 inst. Mrs. Broadfoot wag attacked about a week previously by inflammation of the bowels and despite all that medioal skill and the most careful attention could do for bar, the disease oould gob be checked. This was the second attack she had had of the game disease. She was a comparatively young woman, being but 42 year0 of age. Her maiden name was Ellen Shine and before ben marriage ebe resided with her parents in the township of Gray. Sbe was a most estimable woman, an obliging neighbor, a faithful wife end loving mother. Her death leaved a terrible blank in a once happy home and the deeply afflicted husband and bereaved children will have the sinoereeb sympathy heart can bestow, but any human gym. patty is but poor ooasolation under such oireumstanoea. The remains were in- terred its the Maiblandbank cemetery on Sunday. It may be mentioned as a sad ooinoidenoe that Mrs, Brondfoob and Mr. Allen were members of Union Church, 13rocefieicl, and they, with their pastor, Rev. Mr. Simpsoe, passed from earth on the same day and within a few hears of each other, Mrs. Broadfoob leaves behind afamily 01 three young ohildreo. The deceased was a sister to Miohaol Shine, Brnssete. There are 46,859 persona in Phiiadel• phis. who generally have employment, but who are at present out of work. At the Tifft Hones, Buffalo, last week, ilfary McDermott, a laundress, was caught in the laundry machinery and mangled to death. Rey Oarew, a football player, died ou Monday at Adrian, Miele., from the ed'oots of injuries received in a football matoh at Toledo on Saturday. Bev. Charles 1116. 131agg, pastor, and Miss Ianthe Phelps, organist of the Cal. vary $1, E. Munich, Baltinmore, have gone off leaving letters Baying they will no. r0. torn, and it is inferred they have gone together, Bragg ie 42 and leaves a wile with five ohildroh, Miss Phelps is 17, In the Sandwich Ielande the apple has beoomo wild end forests of trees of Many nares are found in various parts of the ootintry. They extend from the level of the sea far up into the mountain sides, It is mitt that miles of these apple retreats eau oocaeionmlly bo loon. One travpitar gives the extent of one of them a0 be- tween flee and ton miles in width find about Monty miles long.