HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-11-17, Page 8TIME BRUSSELS POST
Photo gr aD h Albums,last weee DAyRoes last a valuable young cow
ek valued at about $60.
TuzimaY afternoon a regular blizzard
set in, lacking only the extreme cold.
FARMERS would do well to soe that their
granaries are properly secured, There
seems to be an organized gang of grain
thieves on the road.
A meati xu of the Exeontive of the
East Huron Reform Association is WI -
ed for Wednesday of next week, in the
Town Hall, Brussels, at 1 p. in., to
arrange tor holding a nominating Con-
vention in the near future.
NELSON Ooummm, well known amongst
the farmers in this section as a stook
buyer, has accepted a positiou with
Stewart & Graham as grain store -house-
man in their elevator at the G. T. 11.
elation. He will make a Orst.olass man.
FIRE ENGINE SOLD, -The Ronald Piro
Engine which was awarded the medal at
the World's Fair, just closed at Chicago,
has been purohaeed by the town of
Regina, the capital of the Northwest
Territories, to which place it will be for.
warded at once. They had a 940,000 fire
there on Tuesday.
Bsussat 5 GOT rue Cur. -On Tuesday
afternoon a match was shot at Leadbury
for a handsome silver sup offered by
Thos. Souse, proprietor of the Leadbury
Hotel between Brussels and Seaforth gun
clubs. Brussels woe quite handily with
9 men against 10. Eaohman bad 15
shots. The score was as follows :-
Our Photograph Albums ordered from
Germany some mouths Orme have now
arrived. If you want good value aril and
eele01 one,
`How about presents? Are you thiuk-
iug of getting one ? Some valuable gift
Inc. your friend or—well it matters not
who if it is
A Present
you are after then oome and make your
purohase while our stook is complete
with so many things manufactured and
pnrshaaed expressly for this purpose,
useful artiolee too wbioh you. -need not
hesitate about giving. It would take too
much space to enumerate them so please
come and see them at our drug, book and
fancy goods store, Brussels.
Druggist, Bookseller, &o.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
na South, as follows:
Mail .m. Mixed 0:40 a.m.
Express 11:59 a.m. Mail
6:04 aMixed9:00 pan. Express 03 p.m.
wont Pips Witiro
A chiel's among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Ammon sales have been lively.
NovounSn 9th was the birthday of the
Prince of Wales.
Cunene and sleighs commenced run.
sing on Thursday morning.
COUNCILLOR Mc0naoaEN shipped 200
bushels of "Irish bullets" last Monday.
IP yon want to buy, sell or rent a farm,
sell stook, or advertise strayed animals
use the columns of THE Posr.
A snoorxNo match for turkeys, geese
and ducks will be held at the Revere
House on Wednesday afternoon of next
ROIIT. ARMSTRONG, millwright, is work-
ing at Robt. Blaok's flour mill, Wroxeter,
making a number of improvements.
Mr. Blank hes a fine trade.
NEST Thursday will be Thanksgiving
day and will be generally observed as a
holiday. Will our correspondents and
advertisers kindly note that THE PosT
will be published on Wednesday next
week so as to leave Thursday clear.
Yonne Men's Liberal Clab will meet on
Friday evening of this week at 7:30 o'•
clock. The debate "Resolved that the
franchise should be extended to women,"
will be captained by Malcolm Black and
Dickson, supported by two other
gentlemen. Music by the Glee Olub.
House Para. -The first monthly Horse
Fair for the disposal of horses will be
held at Brussels on Thursday, 30th inst.
A number of outside buyers are expected
to be in attendance. Remember the date,
Nov. 30th. These sales will be continued
eaoh month during the Winter.
their stook of Dry goods, &a, to their
new premises, in the Smith blook, on ower of eech, although coneaious o
Tuesday, and have everything straighten- P rinse* 1
ed up iu good style now. Mies McPher. all that was going on around her. There
son also removed her millinery stook
to the same store on Wednesday. It is a
good stand.
SHIPPING NoTEs.-Stewart & Graham,
of the National Roller Mill, have com-
menced shipping flour to the Eastern
markets. They expect to do a large ex-
port business. -Messrs. Clegg & Dames,
and Messrs. Baeker & Vanstone shipped
a oar of dressed hogs each to Toronto
from Brussels, on Wednesday. The
price averag=d $8.75 per cwt. -Several
can of hay have beau sent East during.
the past week.
Clench, the queen of lady violinists, as-
sisted by Jas. Fax, oomediau, will appear
in Wingham Town Hall oa Dec, 28th. Business Locals.
All parties who intend taking in this riot
ti eat will please send their naives to
Williams' Drug store, Wingham, before Goon second hand coal stove for
the 25th inst., and reserved seats will be sale. I. cents. . Ri hards.
and blankate, largest
kept for them. There are only a few Fun
seats left. Tickets 50o. Miss Nora stock in town and lowest prices.
Clench, the great violinist, wears while I. C. Riohards.
on the stage a jewel presented to her by ANY one wishing to got a new saw
Queen Victoria, wham the young artist filing machine may see whet suite them
played before her Majesty at Osborne. - at A. M. McKay & Co's. hardware store
Jas. Ross. 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0- 11
Jas. Lwin, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1- 14
Ballantyne, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1- 14
McNaughton 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1- 11
D. 0, Boss, 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0- 10
Tones, 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1- 12..
Watt, 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1- 10
`'inclair, 11 10 10 0 0 10 11 10 1 0 10 10 11 1111 0 0-1 11
Hewitt, 1— 8
There were also several matohes for tur-
keys and geese. Messrs. Irwin and Bal-
lantyne only missed once each in 15
shots. This is good shooting.
GONE To HEn REWARD.-isbOUt 8 o'clock
Monday morning Mrs. Cathrine Roddick
bade farewell to earth and entered into
the rest of the children of God. Her
maiden name was Cathrine Mo01ellan,
3rd daughter of Commissary General
McClellan, and her birthplace was
Dominica, one of the West Indraisiands,
where her father was doing duty in the
military ecrvice. When the deceased
was two yo„re of age her father retired
and with his family returned to his
native home, Dumfriesshire, Scotland.
About 55 years ago the subject of this
notice was united in marriage to John
Roddiok and they name to Canada in
1887, locating in the township of Hamil.
ton, Northumberland Go. and con-
tinued to reside there for a number of
years. Mr. Roddiok died 36 years ago.
Mrs, Roddiok Dame to Brussels along
with her sou and three daughters in 1870
and has resided here oontmuously for
the past 23 years. Although slight in
figure she enjoyed good health and at
nearly 83 years of age she retain-
ed her faculties to a marked degree and
was able to attend oharoh on Sunday,
Nov. 5th. On Thursday of last week she
had a stroke of paralysis, effecting her
right side and also interfering with her
01100000.0.010110- 5
0107 1 0110110110-19
100111110000111- 9
0101 11011101011-10
100010011101011- 8
Miss MAG GIE MoNaroIrTON wishes to in.
form the publio that she is prepared to
do plain sewing, especially boy's clothes,
at her home, Princess St„ Brussels.
In' there i9 anything in my line that
you want oome and es° my goods and
get my priors and if I oannot satisfy you
I will pay your expenses for coming.
11. Leatherdale•
Examen Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or 001100856 lumps and blem-
ishes from horses, blood spaying, curbs,
splints, sweeney, ring -bone, stifles,
sproine, all swollen throats, eto. Save
$50 by use of one bottle. Warranted by
G. A. Deadman.
WELL•Dxsonos AND DItxxrxw . George
Birt lobs all the necessary machinery Inc
digging and drilling wells and is prepar.
ed to attend to all work entrusted to brm
in a way that will inure satisfaobion.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
s000ad door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 84.15
Urnoz5Ta5En Goons. -I have a great
line of parlor suites, lounges, easy chairs
and mattresses manufactured right here.
As I am a practice mechanic myself I
will guarantee sati 'aotion. Note this, if
you have bought an, thing from me that
has not given you satisfaction -bring
them book and I will do them over,
making them as good as new free of
charge. You cannot see what you are
buying in upholstered goods as you only
see She outside. R. Leatherdale.
THE "Werness.”-The Montreal Wit•
nese is now offering the remainder of the
present year free to new subscribers for
next year as an encouragement to give
that valuable paper a trial. The Witness,
both Weekly and Daily, has, during the
year, adopted what it declares to be the
model form, with neat, small, convenient
pages, being enabled, by the possession
of one of the most complete printing
proems ever built by the Hoes, of New
York, to vary the number of pages at will.
The paper enters the press at two plume,
on rolls broad or narrow as required, and
the newspapers come out at lightning
speed folded, pasted and out. Besides
the improvement in form there i9 a re.
markable improvement in typography,
the type being set by the wonderful Lino-
type machine, which attains the speed
of five men and oasts a new type face
every time. The proprietors invite
visitors to Montreal to see these
maobinss. The picture element has so
greatly developed in the Witness that it
may now be fairly called an illustrated
paper. The Witness has moved to the
Made a• corner in Montreal, the junction
of Dicury and St. Peter Streets with
Oraig Street, and has a spaoious building
there which to in some respeots as fine a
newspaper office as is anywhere to be
eeen. The price of the Dally Witness is
three dollars, and of the Weekly Witness
one dollar, while the little pioneer paper,
the Messenger, posts only thirty Dents.
Last week we published a letter from a
lady who was ruptured over forty years
and after much suffering in England and
this country found relief only at the
hands of J. Y. Egan, the Hernia Speoial-
isb, of Toronto. Herewith we give an-
other, being from an old and well known
resident of Toronto, and speaks for
itself. Read the Specialist's advertise-
ment in another column and take note of
date of his visit to Brussels.
DEAR Sm, --I have been ruptured
about thirty-three years. My sufferings
during that time have been intense and
can only be appreoiated'by those similar-
ly conditioned. My bneiness as carpenter
and joiner (es all know) demands con-
siderable muscular exertion, frequently•
have I been compelled to quit work, al-
though at the time wearing Trusses made
by the moat prominent makers. I could
nob etapd erect, and often had to lie down
to ease my sufferings: All She Trusses I
have worn have been utter failures. It
has been one long round of misery and
mental anxiety, loss of time and physioal
torture. About six months ago, thank
God, I heard of your great success in the
treatment of Rupture cases. The ap-
pliance you adjusted gave me, I can well
remember, a feeling of support never be•
fore experienced by me, and has so con-
tinued to the present day. I am now
comparatively a new man. Previous to
this I could not stoop to tie my aloe, no
matter what Truss I had on, if I got all
Toronto, without my rupture coming out.
To add to the difficulty I have suffered
with a violent cough for years, bot in the
face of all this your grand appliance has
held me secure all the time while doing
the hardest work. Only two days ago I
carried a bundle of green shingles up on
a two-storey building and not a "budge."
I never oould or dare attempt such a
thing before without danger of my life.
To Drown all, I have worn and continue
to wear your appliance with great com-
fort, for all of which I feel deeply in-
debted to your skilful treatment.
Very truly yours,
186, Teraulay St., Toronto.
was no dread of death but like a storm
tossed voyager she entered the harbor
with delight. Mrs. Roddick wee a de-
voted Christian many years in her native
land as well as in ° uada. She belonged
to the Presbyterian eburoh but for the
pasb 20 years elle was a consistent mem-
ber of the Methodist church. The
funeral took plane on Wednesday after-
noon, the interment being made at Bru-
nie cemetery.
"Oh I may I triumph so
When all my warfare's past,
And dying find my latest foe
Under my feet at last."
It is a bee on a musical bar and is studded
with rubies, emeralds and diamonds.
EAST HURON OoaseavlTIv05.-Tho Bast
Huron Liberal Conservatives held their
Convention on Tuesday afternoon of this
week, 1403 inst„ at the Town Hall, Brae.
eels. A fair attendance of delegates was
present. E. L. Dickinson, Barrister, of
Wingham, was the unanimous choice of
the Convention as candidate at the ap-
proaching election to the Legislative As-
eembly. Mc. Dickinson accepted the
nomination and on ascending the plat-
form was entbusiastioally received. Mr.
Muter, one of Mr. Meredith's ablest
supporters in the House, was present
and addressed the Convention for over
an hour. Postmaster Farrow, B. Gerry
and others also spoke. Cheers were giv-
en for Mr, Meredith, the oandidato and
Mr. Muter and the Convenbion then
broke up.
THE Town Sooiae.--A rumour miming
to the ears of the Council that there was
something the matter with the market
eealee it was decided to test them and
aaeertaln for a certainty the position of
affairs. On Monday this was done and
it was found that up to thirty hundred
the scales were all right bat above that
weight they gain for the seller, to the
detriment of the purchaser. It is sup-
posed that the fouudaiiet may be giving
with a heavy load and 1 hereby the failure
to properly record the heavy weights,
A thorough inveetigati0 , is being made
and if the wrong can be righted it will be
at once and if not a new set of scales will
have to be purohaeed. It hoe been stated
that the present scales once went through
a fire in Brussels, bttt such is not the
case as they were purchased new from
the manufaolut er and placed there. The
Government Inspector of Weights and
Measures was hero during the year and
tested Hie goatee and stamped them all
right, TJp to thirty hundred they weigh
to apohnd yet, bub nothing short 0E be.
ing perfect on all artiolee planed upon
t'1em will satiety the Council.
A 1 OYSTERS will be on hand and kept
regularly daring the season iu balk or by
the dish at Mrs. Kirks, opposite Queen's
Hotel, Brussels.
ANY one wishing to get a new saw
filfug stand, I think Oen be suited by T.
MoGregor, of Brussels, Ont. May be
seen at McKay & Co's, hardware store.
Tons has been a dull season with the
W holoeale Furniture men and I have
struck some great bargains with them
for Dash, so that I oan sell away down,
A11 goods delivered free of charge.
R. Loatherdale.
THE Star Almanac of Montreal for 1894
has 450 pages. Thirty thousand facts
and twenty thousand subjects. It is the
great popular Almanac of the day, and
it is not surprising that the demand for
it is 00 enormous even before a single
copy in ready for sale.
As I have put in the largest stook of
furniture this Fall I have ever had, get.
ting some big bargains for cash, I am
prepared to sell furniture cheaper than
ever. I will sell you anything in the
furniture line for half what you paid for
it 5 years ago. R. Leatherdale,
WORTH SEEING. -Mrs. Kirk has just
opened a fins lot of chinaware, oups and
saucers, tea sets, muga, deo. In glass.
ware, toilet este, vases, &c. A largo as.
sortment of dolls, toys, new games, &a.,
very cheap. Groat bargains in fanoy
geode, wools, hosiery, &o. All kinds of
yarn knit to order, Opposite Queen's
Hotel, Brussels,
IP you want an organ or piano I can
save you from $10 to $20 on an organ and
from $50 to $75 on a piano. Why ?
bay for Dash, 1 am at no extra expense.
If a man puts his whole time to this
line he has got to go out himselfwith
team, bothering you time and again, just
when you are the busiest, and if he
averages one organ in two weeks be does
well. Who pays for that two week's
Work ? The man who bays the organ,
11, Leatherdale,
SZ1ND4R.D 734NE OF C.AX„2D,f1,
=SPW.&33ToME52-X1ErA 1072.
ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) - $7,000,000
OAPITAL (Authorized) - - - $2,000,000
iipeii6lcs in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, I7tltted States c0 England.
A General
Banking Business Transacted. Farm°rs' Notes Discounted,
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points.
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance.
J. A. STEWART, Mewtooc.
B IT ,
- 3
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and (Great Britain.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
We effect to Write Oris ua Companies Inifalbs uy' C Canadian
Companies, or In slut.
MONDAY, Nov. 20pu.-North 1} lots 15 &
16, con. 1, Grey. Sale at 12 (noon.)
Postponed from lest Wednesday owing
to inolement weather. Wm. Jaokliu,
Prop. Geo. Kirkby, Auo.
FRIDAY, Nov. 2410. -Farm stook, im-
plements, &o. West } lot 7, con. 16, Grey.
Sale commences at 1 o'olook p. m.
Duncan Campbell, Prop. Geo. Kirkby,
$mL sssaz,r MARS:mTm,
Fall Wheat
Spring wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls....
Eggs"per demon
Flour per barrel..
Hay per bon
Salt per bbl., retail•...•
Hides trimmed
Hides rough
Sheep shins, saoh
Lamb skins each
Apples per bbl
55 56
52 55
32 35
28 29
17 18
15 00
3 00 0 50
40 00
6 00 00
1 00 00
40 65
50 70
1 00 1 50
17 18
6 50 7 00
nor BooP1LO, N. Y., Nov. 14Th. -Cat-
tle -There were about 90 loads on sale,
the bulk of wbioh held over from yester-
day. The demand was a fairly good one
for Tuesday and about all were sold at
full strong Monday's prides. Hathaway
took about all the good heavy cattle for
export at prices ranging from $4.90 to
$8.20, while fair oows sold at $2,65 to
$2.75, and light fat et°ors 1,000 to 1,050
pounds, $8.05 to $8.80 ; some old Timmer
cows were sold by the head ab $9 to $11
each, Sheep and lambs -25 care on eel°
including 8 oars Canadas. The balk of
the Oanadas sold at $4.26 to $4.45, with
a couple of loads of the best at $4.60, fair
to °borne natives, $3.50 to 94.10; sheep,
fair to good, $2.25 to $2, with choice
butobers' at $3.15 to $8.25. Hoge -45
oars on sale ; fair demand and about 5o
lower ; Yorkers sold at 91.90 to $5.95
early, with a few ab the close at 90 ;
mediums and heavy brought $5.00 to $6
generally and paokere paid the same for
their kind. Pigs generally sold in with
the Yorkers, but a few ohoiee Iota select-
ed out brought $6 to 96.10, and a new
fancy $6.20 to 96.20 ; but few good heavy
hogs of over 225 to 250 pounds were on
sale ; any good hogs of this kind general.
ly brought $5.00 to $6 ; roughs, slow at
$4.75 to $5.85 ; stage, $4 to $4.75.
TORONTO, Nov. 1tiro.-Flour-Straight
roller, $2,$0 to $2.90 ; extra, 92.50 to $2.-
75. Wheat -White, 670; No. 2 spring,
580 ; red winter, 56o ; goose, 56o ; No. 1
Manitoba, hard, 710 ; No. 2, 690 ; No. 8,
66o. Peas --No. 2, Mill to 52o. Barley -
No. 1, 40o ; feed, 34 to 36s. Oats -No.
2, 2810 to 29o. Market doll. Sales -
White wheat outside at 570 and No. 1
Man. bard outside at 71o. Oats to arrive
at 32o, outside at 290 and on track at 380.
Peas outside at 52o. Cattle -Receipts
to -day were 43 oar loads ; the demand
was good and prices firm for ohoioe
butobere', which sold at $3.75 to $8.85 ;
medium ab $3 to $8.25 and common cat-
tle at 2J to 2,10 ; Milch cows sold at $30
to $50 each, with fair milkers at $40.
Calves dull at $12,60 to $8 eaoh according
to quality ; there is a fair demand for
stookers, with sales from $2.85 to 90.50
per owt, About 800 sheep and lambs
offered ; butcher's sheep sold at $8 to
$8,50 each and fat at $4.60 ; Jambe heavy
with tales all the way from $1.50 to $8,
according to quality. Hogs -Steady,
with sales of 825 at $5.50 for straight fat,
weighed off cars, at 94.75 to $5 for stores
and at 4lj for rough.
Harsxn.-In Brussels, on Nov. 611, the
wife of Mr. Wm. Haiste of a son.
INaLre,-In Elma, on Nov. 7th, the wife
of Mr. Wm. Inglis of a son.
TlisoncN. In Elmo, on Nov. 7911, the
wife of Mr. Jas. A. Tremain of a son.
RwTTAN.-In Elmo, on Nov. let, the wife
of Mr. Goo. Button of a son.
laereu. In Elms, on Nov. 6th, the wife
of Mr. Welles' Little of a eon.
KLEINPEtor In Elam, on Nov. 9th, the
wife of Mr. Thos. Kleinfeldt of a
HOLT.-Ih Goderiob on Nov. 6th, the
wife of Mr, P. Holt, barrister, of a
Ronnlot.-In Brussels, on Nov. 18th,
Oathrine, relict of the late John
Roddiok, aged 82 years, 9 menthe
and 8 days. -
Alxon2soN.—In MoKiliop, on Nov. 6th,
Mary Sparks, beloved wife of John
B. Aitchison, aged 89 years and 7
OE1oro.-In Seaforth, on Nov, 101313, John
Orioh, aged 54 years,
SlnlreoN,-Ab the Mange, Benefield, on
Nov, Oth, Rev, J. H. Siulpson, aged
48 years.
a•ve-r1'xor1 m.0.yass-
Noy. 17, 1893
Christmas but
Six Weeks Away
We aro Headquarters for Pres-
ents in all lines and in all grades
of price. Articles selected now
may bo reserved until Christmas,
Photograph Albums VERY Cheap.
L' rumens for sale in -Brussels. Prions
Sow and tame easy. Apply at
THE POST Publishing House.
about Aug. 1st, a rod stag, 9 years old.
Last seen at Wm, Bryan's farm, Morris.
Anyone knowing of its whereabouts will
greatly oblige NEIL MOLAUGHLIN,
15• Brussels.
Pepper's Brag Store,
R:€Ai,YTmitiet I.!..
1.Ore Solicitor and Puy eyanoer. Collec-
tions made. Oflloo-Vauetono'e Bloau, Brus-
sels. 21-3m
YY`l1v • Solicitor, Ooorveyausor, Notary Ppb•
lit, o. 01110s-Vauotoue'e Block, 1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds t0
D7fRM@NED has several good FaTme f or
sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey, F S. SCOTT.Brusso s.
TM:Manta, Nov. 2lex.-Farm stook,
implements, &o• Lot 19, con. 15, Grey.
Unreserved. Sale at 11 o'clock. Wm.
Fulton, jr., Prop. Geo. Kirkby, Auo,
0201250,121, Nov. 28T1,1. -Farm 09001t, im-
plements, &o. Lot 4, eon. 8, Grey.
Sale commences at 12 o'olook (noon.)
Geo. Crooke, Prop. F, 5. Scott, Auo.
J. Being South half Lot S7,00n. O, Morris,
100 acres, nearly all cleared. Good buildings,
line young bearing orchard. Immediate p0e-
session. Easy Terme. Apply to
tf- Solicitor, &c., Brussels.
The 200 acrefarm being Lots 11
and 12, con, 10, Grey, le offered for sale. 120
acres are cleared and the halftime welltim-
bered. Buildings first-class. Orchard , well,
&a. School house within 40 rods, Poesee-
sion given at 0000 if doaired. For further
particulars as to pries, tterVmsCK0. apply to
MRS.9-11 Roseville P. 0.
or NELSON BRICKER, on farm.
v Barrletere, Sotioitors, Notaries Public),
Gsderioh, Ont,
Di. a, oe210110N, Q. 0., r1RL2P 1301,T,
DUDLEY mums.
Solicitor, 05. (late of °arrow &
Proudfoot's Office, Godoriola.) Ofllce over
Gilboa & Smitb'e Bank, Brussels.
Money to Loan. 47
• 0. M., L. It, O. P„ Edinburgh, M. 0, P.
B. Ont. Residence and ofiioe in Wilson's
Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste,
ee • 0. M„ M. 0.
P. B. Onb., Graduate
Ennnlo's block, one door Kingston.
6 nth of Seaoaard
Bank, Brussels, Night bell answered at the
same place.
manereNEn offers his splendid 125 acre
farm, bong Lot and west part Lot 9,00n.
0, Grey, for sale. There aro 100 sores cleared,
balance timbered. Two dwelling houses,
balk barns, good orchard, well fenced. A
never failing spring on the place. Posses-
forrsalle a dwelling house, stab eraalso
d 6
acres of landin the corporation of Brussels.
The house and garden would be rented for a
abort time if not sold.. Hard and eat water.
For prices, terms and further partioulars
apply to JOHN SMITH,
45-1,1 Brussels P. 0.
GINE end boiler for Salo, second hand,
in first-class running o1001'may bo
0?• Honer Graduate of the Ontario
eef tenittreat
seasdomeeticd malsina com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry, Galls promptly at-
tended to. Office and InSrmary-Two doors
north of bridge Turnberry et., Bruasepe.
Lam. second band stove »ipoe for sal
This is a good stovshut eaIamputting in
Turner o f do not require itG., =ADMAN,
• Physi clan, Surgeon, Accousher, etc.
Graduate of Toronto University Medical
Paoulty. Member of College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Out. OPPIon-Nest door to
McDonald & 00., Walton Out.
1)E iWTTeieTI
M. CAVANAGH, L• D• S., D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeoue, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni-
versity. Orem-Over A.B. Snitb's Store,
Bruose.s, -
_La_ • Auctioneer, 7s always ready to at-
tend sales of farms, farm stook, 00. Terme
cheerfully given. Oraubrook P. 0. Sales
may be arranged at THE Po5T Publishing`
House, Brussels.
931 Licensed Auetieneer. Sales aonduot
ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
etooka specialty. Orders left ab TBE PosT
Publishing House,Bru 95510, or sent to Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention,
ere , 90. Air. George
Kirkby, Auei:ioneer, has received instruo-
tions from the undersigned Proprietor to
sell by Public Auction at Lot 10. 0511. 10,
Grey, ou Tuesday, Nov. 21, 1883, oommei-
oing at 11 o'clock sharp, the following
valuable property viz, ;-1 aged mare ; 1
Mare 5 years old In foal to imported horse ;
15111y 1 year old ; 2 cows supposed in calf ;
2.heifers supposed in calf ; 8 farrow cows
2 steers 2 years old ; 4 toilers 1 year old ; d
steers year old '. 0 spring oalvee ; 12 ewes ;
1 Humming bird mower ; 1 two furrowed
gang plow, (0 oakehutt) ; 1 sod plow ' 1 thistle
nutter ; 1 lumber wagon; 1 single buggy; 1
pair bob -sleighs ; 1 nutter ; 1 horse rake ; 1
1 cot Iron barrows; 1 eougler; 1 turnip
sower; 1 fanning mill, (Armstrong Stoves);
1 hay molt' 1 gravel box ; 1 sot double bar-
men ; 1 Seo plow harness ; 1 wheelbarrow ;
1 set lightboh-sleighs, polo and shaft; 1 tur-
nip pulper ; 1 self binder in good repair ; 1
grain orasher,1 straw cutter; 1 Dight horse-
power rods and arms (Oampboll)' 1 seed
drill ; 1 laud roller ; a lot of fowl spades,
shovels, fortis, chains and other el:Moles too.
numerous to mention. The sale will be
without reserve as the. Proprietor has
rented his farm. Terme,—All sums of .95.00
and under wash ; over that am00nt 18
monthscredit will be given on furnishing
approved Joint notes.
Au0tio1100r. Proprietor.
in the village of Ethel, belonging tol
the estate of the Into Df': Cale, Icor f u1
1 artae to price, terms, 00.
Apply to
W M. SPEN CE, Ethel.
VMS of the undersigned, Lot Moon. 5,
Morris, on or about th0 last of August, 2
01005aud1lamb, no own er will be plena -
ed to receive any hiormat100 that will load
to their rwo0very.
18.3 Plummolo P.O.
910 as at Auctioneer, I cru prepared
to 00ndnet sales of farm stook at reasonable
prices. Knowing the standing of nearly
every person I am in a position to sell to
good marks and get good security when sold
on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give
mea call. 82- k' S. SOOTT.
T 11. 114oORAOKEN,
1 '/ • Issurex of Marriage Licenses. Offi00
atlas Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels.
JL IV • Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door
south of A. M. McNay & Co's hardware store.
Ladiee' and children hair cutting'a specialty
is • Iesnror of Marriage Ideene85, by
appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commie-
eion5r, &o., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Insurance Co. 011105 at the Oranbrook
Post Gilles.
Swum, Era. Mr. George Kirkby, Auc-
tioneer, has reooiyed inetruotions from the
uuilerelgnodPropristor to sell by public
emotion, at West Half Lot 7, Con, 10,Grsy, 011
liridny, Nov. 241L, 1893, 0011111101101119 at 1
o'oloek p, m�
. sharp, the following valuable
property viz :-1horse 4years old' 1 mare
4 years old supposed to bo in foal ; 1 gelding
2 years old ; 1 driving gelding 1 year old ; 1
Spring foal ; 4 60100 supposed to be in calf '
1 farrow 0010 ; 5 spring oalvee ; 1 tboro-brei{
bull 0 months old ; 80 well-bred owes ; 1
ram ' lnumber wagon ; 1 doable baggy, poll
and shalt' 1 new Frost & Wood ower; 1
drum fund roller ; 1 torso raise ; 1 pair bob-
oletghs; 1 nutter; 1 (Minton fanning 10111 ;
1 sod plow ; 20110;1e cutter plows ; 1 two
furrowed gang plow ; 1 hay raoh ; 1 gravel
box ; 1 grindstone ; 1 steno bout; 1 wheel-
barrow; 1 sot iron harrows(; 1 set wooden
harrows ; 1 grain °radio • 1 wood rack ; 1
ladder 24 foot long ; 1 set double hotness ; 1
ea dello ; 1 crow bar ; 1 pick • 1 wator•Ing
trough and epout; 1 extsuolon table ; 1
churn ; a number Of fowl ; cuisine, Yorke
abuvels, whiifiotrees, noeltyulice, rapes and
other artfoles too numerous' to mention.
'Phe sale will be without reserve as the Pro•
printer bee sold his farm. Terms. -A11 mune
of 05.00 end under Dash ; over that amount
12 months credit will be given en furnishing
approved Joint noted, 6 per cont, off for
eaoh en credit amounts,
t3E0,Auobion oz. D'ONOAN UA11rop rotor.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court
Oo, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land Loan and In5ur0n05 Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Collections made.
OA}so in Graham's Sleek, Brussels.
• -
Organist in Bt. John's Ohurolt, Bras-
sale,and pupil, in the Art of !Teaching of A.
W. hayer,Mue.Doo., New York, will give
Mesons to unpile either at his parlor,
over A. It, Smith's store, or if preferred, at
their own homes, Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday at Welton. Terms moderate.
Undersigned will keep for oervioo at
Lot 3, Con. 10, Grey, the there' bred York-
shire Boar,"Beady,' bred by E. M. Jarvis,
Olarksou,0nt. Terme, 81,00 to be paid at
the time of service with privilege of. return-
JuanneceaSery, Pedigree e utyen on
10.4 Proprietor.
Undersigned will keep for service on
Lob 20, 000, 8, Morris, tho thorn' bred Largo
Berlrshire boar, "Huron Prince," bred by
Wm. MoAllister, Varna, Terms, 81.00 to be
paid at the time of service with privilege of
rotnrningoif neao58ary. Pedigree may bo
eeen ou atiplination.
00)10RG1] SMITE, Jn.,
15.4 Proprietor.
undersigned will keep for eor foe at
North Half Let 20, Con, 7, Morris, the Thoms
bred Chester White Boar 'Dohavoo, f
service. Ile was bred by Daniel Deooursoy,
Bor,hohn, Perth 00., and ie from imported
et051t on both aides. Terms 91.00 to bo paid
at tilt o of tlervioe witb•901011oge of returning
it 560055003'.
1441 88.1013167 WALKER,P0Oprlet0r,.
Undersigned will keep far servloo on
Lot 20 Con. 0,Morri5, the there' bred 1211 -
Moved White Yorlsshin Boar "Oanada'e
Prince,". purohaeed from the wo11•known
breeder J. E. 1300111000, Oak Lodge Farm,
Burford. Terme, 111.00 to bo paid at the
time of sorvios with privilege of returning
ff 05055tary. Pedigree may be goon on ape
plioatiou. ROBT,10101t01.