HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-11-17, Page 66 THE BRUSSELS POST
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Editor and Proprietor.
Silas At The Falr.
(F11o1I THE 0A]t's nooN.)
Donn SnMANTIIT—Ime a gittin along so
splendid up here now that Imo almost a
beginnin to begrudge the time it takes
me to write letters to you, but ez oirkum-
stances is seoh that you cant be hero to
injoy the fare and see things fur yourself,
I reckon I ort to be willin to stop injoyin
myself long Snuff eery day to write you
a few lines, bob it they sited happen to
be alittle shorter than common sum -
times yule kno whets the matter. I wish
you oad only be here sumer'e where you
cud see me and Sile a ridin in his kar-
ridge, with the top let down and both ov
us a leanin back ez tho we dident keer a
pasnip whether punkine ever got ripe or
not, fur I feel about sure that a foo
glimpses ov seoh a sight wud make you
feel so proud ov me that yude atop growl -
in about hard work all the rest ov your
I dont mind ez I ever bad anybody pay
so mutch nobles to me ez Sile dos, and it
peers to do him more good than it duz
sum fokee to eat to see how match lee kin
do torde helpin me to injoy myself, and
Banner Ann says herself that she bleeves
he wud a heap rather buggy ride with me
than with the guvner ov the state. There
haint bet) a day pass cense Ive ben a
stayin at his house that he baint take the
reek ov his underline at the store a put.
tin sura ov his mutiny in their pockets,
while hede go out in the karridge with
me and ride around over the town fur an
hoar or so, a tawkin and laffin all the
While with ez mutoh vim ez a boy wud
stone a birds nest, and eery wunst in a-
while he wud pint out to mo how crowds
ov fakes on the sidewawke wud stop and
go to gappin at us with ez mutch bewun-
dormant as the we was both embody
most immense, and all the time I wud
hav the satisfakshun ov knowin that I
was a gittin over mile after mile ov
ground without a solitary bit ov expense.
By tbe orders of Sile Ime also allowed
to boss his teamster around the same ez
he duz hisself, and whenever Ime so
minded I kin order the clarity to trot out
his conveyanoe and giv rile en airin on
the bullyvarde, which is the name they
call their turnpikes by out this way, and
whenever I want to go out to the fare I
kin be take oat in the karridge or the
koopay and sot down at the gate without
its costia me a Dent. I reckon it haint
hardly wuth while fur No to tell you that
Sites hones goes to their stable in
rather flee melt' kuusiderab'e more Ore
kent than theyve bon in the habit ov
doin, fur it has altvas ben it uoshun with
me that hired hands endeut be kip too
bizzy, and evry body knows that it. will
kripple the best hoes in the world to
stand too mat011 in the stable. Reepin
the pores open by exeroi00 is a heap bet-
ter than to be evry whip•atitoh payiu out
tnunny fur hose medicine. It makes my
bones ake now to \Klatt ov the nickels I
wasted before I kumakrost Site, in ridin
on the hoes (tare, but eery preacher will
tell you that the very best kind ov fokes
must expeoht to hey sum atroeks ov bad
But ez I wits abort to say, Site has ben
onkommon clever to nee in more ways
than won, and it seems ez 1110 he cant do
annff to show that he wants me to injoy
myself ez well as a woman a tawltia about
a nabur while I hav a chance. The
truth is that Ione in plover knee deep ez
long ez I stay with him, and he wants
me to kno it. He wont let me spend a
cent fur Dathin, tho fur that matter I
dont try so very hard to do ib, epeshly
sense Ivo found out, that he injoys throw.
munny away about es match as I do
a lteepin it in my pocket. When I see
that he kuneiders Imo a doin him a favor
to low him to part with means to git me
sody water and things to eat, I haint got
the hart to disappint him, and I wont.
$e alwae pears to feel so greeved and
hurt when I matte a uoshun tords my
pouketbuke that Ivo about stopped doin
Altho hese got an eatin room in his
store where all that me and trim wud eat
wudent hardly be missed, yit nearly evry
day ho takes me fur dinner to euro big
tavern, whore evry thing sot before ns
costs him go mutch sollid knelt. Its ker•
ins too, what singlet ways they hav at
each planes ov giviu a than his feed: In.
and ov patio eveything on the table
afore the bell nage, like we do at home,
and eka.ttet'in the porvishuno around per.
rniskus, with the applesaee at wan end
and the pinkies at the other ; the per.
serves here and the jelly there, and the
Beets over vaulter, and the ameerkase in
the minter, to say nubbin about meat and
pertaters at both endo ov the table, and a
pie alreddy ant in the middle, the big
taverna here dont hav elteersely anything
in eight 10 begin with except pepper and
salt. The Net time I went to dinner at
seoh a piece with Site I was take by sup.
prise so ktunplete at the way they Otto
things that I dident hardly kno how to
SAL i was es hungry as a curneholler,
and yit there wuzzent a ealittery thing fur
ine to begin on in eight.
A barber who was dressed in better
kloze then I over been a preacher hav on
in my life, stepped up and handed Ino 8
book, which I'thavt et feet eight tetra
sum kind 00 an album, I was jest a goin
to tell )tem that I dident keer about
readin then, when I notisot that he had
also giv wan of the enem kind ov boolte
to Silo, which he take and imme$etly
opened end peered to reed with all his
might. The barber then went away, oz
rho he dident keer whether wo got a bite
to eat that day or not, but he kum baok
party soon and fetched moa tumbler ov
ice water, and giv mea towel that I found
out afterwards was fur me to wipe my
month on. While he was a dein this S
put oo my speaks and opened my book.
I had aura trubble about boiu able to read
it, fur the print was fine and the light
non too good, but what I did read only
peered to aggervate my appetite. I only
read a little ways into the fest chapter,
which giv the names ov sone pervishnns
that I oant think ov yit without makin
my month water, I asked Silo the
aconin ov i6, and he sed 1t was a lisb cry
the things the landlord had told his wife
to git fur dinner. He sed fur me to jest
pint nut to the barber what I wanted and
he wed gib it far me.
When I found what the book was I
take a heap more interest in et, but sum -
bow I got so bewildered over it that when
the barber anus back and leaned down
over my shoulder, I oudent tell to save
my life whnt I \vented, and so I asked
Site if ha wttdent tell the wan what he
locoed Ida relish. I toll you theree a big
difference between looltin at things to eat
on a haubill and Navin mil before you
where you kin roach out and slink a fork
into um and help yourself.
Ito not undertake to tell you the names
ov all the things I had to eat per whet
they tasted like, but I will say that seoh
a meal ov vitbles I dolt bleeve I ever had
before in all the rlaye ov my life. I kno I
bad at least four different kinds ov meat
and two or three kinds ov chicken, and
other things anti] I almost felt sorry for
the gal who had to wash the dishes.
When I got up from the table I felt ez
tho I bad ben a vision fur a week. While
I was satin my dinner I noblest that the
barber was a st u 'n
n dt behind my cheer
and watchin all my moshuue, and if I
started to reaoh out fur anything he wad
spring farad and hand it to me. This
bothered me more or less, and so I told
him be oad go and set down tamers and
rest, and when I wanted anything morel
wad whiesle. At last I felt ez tho I wad
be wiilin to stay on good terms with evry.
body all the rest ov my life, and laid
down my knife and fork, but jest then
the barber kum back agin and carried off
all my dishes.
It wuzzent many minas tbo until he
hum baok agin and sot down before me
all kinds ov weddin fixing, seoh ez two
kinds ov pie and cake and ice kreenl and
watermelon and retains and nuts, and I
wont pertend to say what else, mediae all
the time a Kevin the eatisfakehuu ov
knowin that I wuzzent a goin to hav to
pay a pent. When I got up from the
table the barber grabbed my cheer and
passed me a tumbler full ov toothpilts ez
polite as tho I had hie note, and when
Bile slipped sumbhin into hie bend he
made a bow so sadden that I was afeerd
hede break his neck. When we got out
ov the house I aeked Sile what the dinner
cost him, but he dident peer to hear me
a0d immejutly begun to tawk about sum.
thin akrost the street.
But Ime a gittin so sleepy that I cant
see strafe, and so I bleeve Ile quit. Good
by fur the present: I am well, and hope
this may find you injoyin the same Medl-
in, From your 'nein meaner.
Sims GANDenoo0T.
el in ton.
The Gay Bros. had a crowded house,
Tuesday night, of last week, realizing
about 11150 therefrom.
Thos. Tipling, whose arm was so badly
smashed last week while coupling oars,
is progressing favorably.
Mr. Wheatly is on his rounds oolleoting
taxes, and is meeting with a fairly good
response, considering that the roll has
only been a abort time in his hands.
The roll represents about $111,000.
W. Taylor and wife, MEG of Minnea-
polis, are now located here, and Mr. Tay-
lor has entered on hie duties a6 general
agent for the Confederation Life Insur-
ance Oo. Ile ie not by any means a
stranger, having resided here about eight
years ago.
The cold storage building erected by
James Steep, on the olct stave factory
property, is a commodious plena. It has
been iron sheeted and will be used for
produce. Sinop the pond hag been
cleaned out there is e. fine supply of pure
water, and to keep up the supply Mr.
Steep intends to erect a windmill.
Robt. Blow is at present buying a hunt
in the wilds of Muskoka.
A. Dulmage, the enterprising merchant
of Lakelet, shipped a oar load of apples
from here last week.
John Dane, D. 11f., will open the Royal
Scarlet Chapter in the Orange half,
Orange Hill, on November 14bh.
James Leech returned home from
Manitoba last week. He looks as if the
climate out there agreed with him.
James Young, who has been a resident
of this village for nearly 80 yoar8, has
moved to Londou where be will reside.
Rev. Mr. Greene, delivered a lecture in
the basement of the Methodist ohuroh ou
Tuesday evening of last week, on the
sights to be Been at the World's Fair.
The address was 1101 only entertaining
but instructive.
The wooed of Monday evening, Nov.
5th, under the auspices of L. 0, L., No.
707, proved an overwhelming anodes in
every way. The weather wag all that
could be desired and in eotsequence the
hall was tuns crowded to the doors, The
proceeds amounted to considerably over
Rev. A. Browning, of 'Toronto, com-
menced a series of revival servioee in
the Methodist ehareh ]zero on Sunday
Miss MoWilliams, it missionary who
has lately returned from India, addrees-
od a meeting in cnuneotion with the
Lucknow atxil]ary of the W. i1. M. So.
ofety, in the Presbyterian cherub here,
on Friday ofternoot.
Harry Days, P. h. Meloomsot, Merry
and Joe Mothers, who ware up in the
Bruce Peninsula on a deer shooting trip,
ttttve rebirnod (tome. Th. y brought
home with them two deer, one of them a
magnificent back, which weighed when
dressed 220 pounds. 12 woe shot by
Henry Matilda, while Mr, Malobmson
tuooeeded in bringing down it very fine
ybnng deer.
On a recant Sunday night a buffalo
robe belonging to to farmer in Aellfield
wa0 stolen from one of the Luoleuow
hotel stables. Tho owner of the robe,
a000rnpanled by the hostler of the hotel,
went to the farm of a resident of West
Wewanosh, and succeeded in getting the
robe, whittle had been carried off by the
hired Ivan.
Neil McKenzie, who lives just North
of this village on the tenth eine line, near
the railway track, met with a very pain.,
fol accident last week. Ho was walking
in the furrow ahead of a team of horses
that were ploughing, when a spooial
freight train passed along the railroad
trach, frightening the horsee and Goosing
them to run away. Mr. bbloKenzie was
knooked down by the startled animals
and as he lay on the ground the horses
and plough passed over him. Ilia head
wile badly out, three of hie ribs broken
and he was otherwise badly injured. As
Mr, MoRenzie is well advanced in years
his injuries are of a serious nature.
The Exeter oreamery has ceased op•
orations for a few week owing to an in•
ouf1]cient supply of milk,
Rev. Wtn. MoDouagh preached a
special sermon to the members of L. 0.
L. No. 921, on Sunday, Nov, 5th.
R. B. Lang, is about to ereob a new
000por shop in connection with his im-
plement ware rooms and commend the
rnauafaeture of barrels in the near future.
Eddie Pickard, 8011 of Rioherd Pickard,
was playing football on Friday of last
week with a member of playmates when
be had the misfortune to break his log
just above the ankle.
Another accident took plane at Pickard
tt; Son's new store recently. Jas. Billet.
nell and Hugh Gould, son of Rich.
Gould, were engaged on a scaffold, which
gave way, precipitating them to the
ground. Each received a bad shaking
up and several painful bruises.
A painful diffident betel Edward Gill
while applying tar to the roof of Darling
Bros', store. It appears he was walking
on the roof with a pall of tar and in some
way tripped and fell, uuforbunately im•
merging hie,hand into the hot tar. He
received .a severe burning which will
render him unable to work for some
In the absenoe of Mr. and Mrs, John
Mallet last week their residence was
entered by two young boys, wlto drawled
through the cellar window. They ran-
sacked the house and secured for their
plunder 318.07 in Dash which was hang-
ing in the bedroom in a hand satchel.
They were noticed by a little girl but
mads their escape before she oould
ideutify them.
The scow that was built on the island,
during the summer for the dredge has
been launched.
The teachers of the Collegiate Insti-
tute end members of the Literary Society
have, through their oombined efforts,pur.
chased a fine Mason & Risob piano from.
Geo. W. Thomson, and planed it in tbe
aeeembly hall of the school.
A collision occurred at Point aux Bar.
ques on Monday night of last week in a
dada fog by which the propellers Albany
and Philadelphia were sunk. Twenty-five
of the crews of the boats were drowned,
one of them being Joe Price, of Goderioh,
a sou of our townsman, James Price.
Thomas Craig, convicted of stealing
money from 0. F. Straubel's store was
taken to King -ton last week by constable
Gundry. Ile was sentenced to four
years end six mouths for the crime, with
sentences of three years each for house.
breaking and shopbreaking which run
ooncurrenbly. Craig had held up stoutly
until the sentence was pronounced when
he broke down completely.
Will. Rutson, Capt. Donely, F. R.
Pretty, W. Shannon and Jae. Johnston,
who went up to Johnston's Harbor a
little over two week's
ago in Robt.
Clarke's sail boat "Reindeer," have all
returned home, and report having had
the moat eucoeesful hunt for mime ib hes
ever been their privilege to Engage in.
The remelt of the trip etas lift, en deer,
between fifty and sixty partridge and a
number of ducks and rabbi's.
0. 0. F. NlnnTrv0.—At the lasb regular
meeting of Court Goderioh, No. 82, Cane-
dian Order of Foresters, the following
officers were duly installed by J. S. Tait,
P. 0. R.: Alex. Sanders, 0. R. ; W. J.
Daniels, V. 0. R. ; W. Line, Treas. ;
T. Sneyd, F. Seo, ; W. McOrenth, R.
Sec. ; J. Pridham, Chap. ; T. Warner,
S. W. ; F. Henderson, J. W. ; R. Ful.
ford, S. B. ; J. Stewart, J. B. ; Dr.
Taylor, Court Physician,
Goo ee-at] .N owes.
A certain plant in Japan grows to be
about 8 feet high in three weeks.
At Kennedy, Aito., on Friday, Henry
Weir and wife locked their house, leaving
four children inside, and started for the
field to work. The house caught fire and
three of the children were burned to
Miss Maggie Morton, a girl of 14 years,
weighing 225 pounds, has begone a
blushing bride at Frederic, Mich. She
is the youngest and at bile same time the
largest bride who has been led to the
altar 1n Clio part of the orate for many a
Mies Daisy Agnea Berg, a beautiful
girl well known in Chicago society, was
killed Tuesday night of lest week by her
brothers, who shut bar into a folding bed
as a joke. Tho two young men are utter.
ly prostrated and it is feared that the
mind of the youngest will bo pertnanont•
ly affected by the terrible event. Bios
Berg was 22 years old and, with her
father and smother, ate lived at 298 Rush
street. With various other members of
the family she had been spending the
evening et a ooncert. ilpou their return
to the house the girl and her brothers
were playing jokes upon each other.
Finally all retired. Tire boys did not
feel that they had quite gob square with
their slater and determined to frighten
bor. She was sleeping in to folding bed
and they stole into her room and seizing
the foot of the bad gave it a sudden turn,
at the same time yelling wildly, In their
excitement they used more force than
they had iutoudorl• The bed wag sitar
up and the swinging footboard snapped
up like the bade of a, knife, wedging the
girl into the hollow frame. There tva0
tt emot.hored \try and then a dead silence.
Tile trots went to free their sister but
they wore too Late. Alias Borg was nu•
ocnsoiuus. When olio regained her senses
she was tmable to speak Mid was espied,
arming the most intense agony. The
Meant., who wtte au'tntnened, emend the
swinging shelf of the bed bad driven the
hoed of the sleeper against the head
board with aw£ttl forgo and the spinal
column bad been brokon at the beat) of
the nook. Inasmuoh as the oord was not
severed death did not eomo tet 01100 brit
paralysis immediately sot i0, msroifully
lessening the poor girl's sufferings. It
commenced at her back and sheet and
speedily spread over her entire body.
In a few hours silo was dead, Miss Borg
graduated from the Ogden High School
several years ago, Her father is a whole-
sale grocer and the family is very highly
respected in Chicago. The two young
men, whose joke resulted 00 sadly, are
completely prostrated. The younger of
the two has looked himself into a room
and refuses to see any ono. Ho paces the
floor all 6110 time and will neither eat or
sleep. He was a great favorite with his
sister and seems to consider himself en•
tirely reepoiloible for the aeoident. The
phyeigian says there is great danger that
he will become permanently insane.
The elder semis almost etnpitled by what
hes happened and fails toe'ealiee that hie
sister is dead.
White a tar Line.
ltLI AL MAIL ;l'1'E.1.Msltil's.
Between Now York and Liverpool, via
Qneooetown, eyery Wednesday,
As the stoamore of this lino carry only a
strictly limited nu101100 in 4130 eondd and
520005 CABIN a000ntmodatloue, intending
passengers are reminded that auearly ap-
plication foe berths 1s neoess 115 a4 this sea -
s00. For plana, rates, oto„ apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
FOR 1894_
Tun Pod and Montreal Herald, with
Almanac or Pioture, • 112 25
Tun Potm and Montreal Witness, 2 10
11 11 Northern Messenger, 1 75
Western Advertiser, 2 25
London Free Press, 2 25
Toronto Mail, 2 25
Toronto Empire, 2 25
Toronto Globe, 2 25
Cosmopolitan, 2 75
Toronto News, 2 25
Farmers' Advocate, 2 25
In each case the balance of the
year is given Free to new
Call on or Write
POST Publishing House,
For Good Value in
Pocket, Pew or Family, and
the holiest of Hymnand
Prayer Books for all
Inspect our Stoop.
Large Supply of Ne iv
Note Paper, Envelopes
Foolscap, &c.
School Books and Supplies.
Big Stock of Holiday Goods
to Land and coming.
Posi BooRstolle.
.Practical Fratelwncblfier
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, wo are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest .Designs
111nnnsNeei O.
e..Also a Full Line of VIosuso and
Violin Strings, rbc., in stook.
N. 8.•—Isenrer of Marriage Licetltes.,
T. Fletcher, Brussels.
Nov. 17, 1893
vte a Renovator
Por Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood,l)yspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate -
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Nour.
night, Loss of Memory, idrouohitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and'Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
3. NI. McLEOD,
Prop. and Manufacturer,
Sold by J. T. PEPPER.
Druggist, Brussels.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
ou Farm or '`Tillage Pro
party at
6 & 6z Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Cleric, Bruss ;ls.
. "f•'.�E..11T Sit151 CANADA.
tholatest telum h en Pharinaoyy-__fortho cure}
of all the eymptomo indioatiug limNET AND.
LATER momplaint. 1frou, ar,, t_o hl
5, dear Stommcll
,B 4
l .a
ire ty Q ' ;)t.„
.i Tg.t
IIneaala he, Ind 00020001, Poon APPETITE,
Minn 121tNn100,1 000A)ATIO PAIN%, Sleepless
Nights, Melancholy Fooling, Smut Aorta,
eecnlbr,q'a Kidney and liver etUT
vwillgive mmediateroliefand9s'pecTACuro.
lSo1d at a 1 Drug Stores.
100tuhray Medicine Company
of Peterborough, E%,fruited),
_Established 1871.
Capital and Assets, $ 5,000,000
Insurance at Risk, 22,500,000
Gain for 1892, - 2,000,000
W. C. MLtC1►oy,tLf►.
Annual Insurance, 8 900,000
New Insurance, 3,670,000
Gain over 1891, - 750,000
Is Issued Only by the Confederation LIN ,lssnetntion.
LW'It is absolutely free from all rnstrictinne as to re,idenee, travel and woupation
from the date of issue. 120 ft is entirely void of all oonditioua, f.'Ib is absolutely
and automatically non -forfeitable, after two years. The insured being entitled to :
(a) Extended insurance without application, for full amount of the policy, for the
further period of time, definitely set forth in the policy, or on surrender to a (b) Paid
Up Polley, the amount of which is written in the policy, or after five years, to a (a)
Cash value, as guaranteed in the policy.
Hon. Sir W.P. Rowland, O.B., M,C,)I.G. J. K. Macdonald.
W. II. ]KERR, Agent lit Brussels.
Managing Director,
P1ioior plier,
Wishes the Public to understand that his Studio is
now in First Class shape for turning out A 1 Photos. in all sizes
and styles. having just added new scenery we are able to make
Superior work to any that Brussels has ever seen.
Our Christmas styles are grand. Don't fail to see there as
they are the very latest.
In future our gallery will be open every Saturday evening un-
til 10 p. 'n. for public inspection. An invitation extended to all.
Studio over Standard .bank, Brussels,
We are showing as fine a range of Shoes as there is to be
found in Brussels and at Prices that
Our stock comprises all the Latest Styles of Men's, Wom-
en's and Children's Footwear—Rubbers, Overshoes,
Felt Boats, Rubbers & Socks and Rubber Boots.
In Long Boots we carry the
Largest Stook in Town.
Before purchasing elsswbere see the stock of