HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-11-10, Page 88 IIIIIIIIIMIllemeememoimeemmemewar Photo g,r a p h Albums, THE BRUSSELS POST Our Photograph Albums ordered from Germany some months Rime have now arrived. If yon want good value mall and ae)eot one. How about presents? Are you think. ing of getting one ? Some valuable gift for your friend or—well it matters not who if it Is A Present you are after then cone and make your purchase while our stock ie complete with ao many things mannfaotured and purchased expressly for this purpose, useful articles too whioh you need nob hesitate aboub giving. It would take too muob space to enumerate them so please come and see them at our drug, book and fanoy goods store, Brussels. G. A. DEADMA.N, Druggist, Bookseller, &c. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION w. 0. & D. Trains leave Brussels Station, North lad South, as follows: Gorse Soo'r,I, Gorge NonTE. Mail........... 0:04 a.m. I Mixed 33:10 a.m. Express 11:00 a.m. Mail 8:1$ p.m. Mtsod ....... 0:00 p.n. Express 33:41 p.m. 1'. tat Ilets Tieing. A alders among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. BEAUTIFUL weather. R. T. or T. nest Tuesday evening. 15 nENTs gets THE PosT for the balance of 1893. Sodom, Baum on Friday evening of this week. WATSON AINLEY pot a new tar and gravel roof on the Central Hotel this week. WATCH out for Alex. Straahan's advt. next week. Be is booming overcoats and snits just now. HEnn'MARE Mnennesox, who has often visited Brussels on a Phrenologioal tour, is in town this week. A WEDDING, in which Brussels will furnish the bridegroom, is on the pro- gram of the near future. OUR thanks are due to a number of our onbsoribere wbo have paid up arrearages and balanced 1894 as well. Ix is reported that Jae. Irwin has pur• chased the brick residence on William street now occupied by R. L. Taylor. MEssos. Mecca & Damns shipped a oar of lambs from Bruseele on Tuesday. It is a losing business to the buyers this Fall with the market ne it is. W. M. Samara and F. S. Scott secured a large red fox while hunting in Morris township last Monday. Reynard is be- ing cared for by J. T. Johnston taxo der - mist. THE first monthly Horse Pair for this season will be held in Brussels on There• day, Nov. 80th. Keep the date in mind. A number of buyers are expected to be present. CAPT. STRETTON wee in town On M011- day in no very good bn0lo0 over the in• terference with the stable on his property West of Brussels ou Hallowe'en night. He offered a reward of $10 for the con. viction of the parties who did the damage. A BEAUTIFUL five o'clock linen table cloth has been oompleted by Mrs. T. Pletcher. It contains 728 squares of drawn thread work besides all the spider web extras and Meana many hours of needle work to the owner. It would make almost any lady's heart dauoe for joy to possess it. LAWYER DICONSON TIID Cnoion.—A meeting of the leading Conservatives of Shia Riding was held in Brussels last Friday. Mr. Campbell, M. P. P., for Algoma, who is performing duties as Provinoial organizer, was present and addressed the meeting. E. L. Dick• inson, a well known and popular Bar• rister of Wingham, was chosen as the candidate for the Local Legislature and are believe be accepted. THE Atwood Bee 01 Last week says :— John D. Ronald, of Brussels fire engine fame, flys into the face of Editor Kerr,of THE POST, for publishing an item to the effect that Ronald's foundry had closed down for a oouple of weeks or so owing to slackness of work. The item was sub- stantially true, but Mr. Ronald takes ex. oeption to it and abuses TEE POST for publishing what he (Ronald) regards as 'unwarrantable public notices, more harmful than one can oaloulate," &a. This came Sohn D, Ronald forgets that Tun Po83 has given him "free puffs" time without number, some of the "publio notices" occupying nearly a column of the local pages of that paper. Such un- gratefulness on the part of Ronald is very apparent. Were we running Tern Pose we would take preoioue good care that Mr. Ronald and his engines got no more free advertising in the future. Snob men deserve to be taught a lesson on the 'value of newspaper space. YOUNaLnuai s.—The first meeting of the Young Liberal Club sine* its organi- kation was held fast Friday evening in their room, Odd Fellow's Hall, and was largely attended. President Kendall 00. cupied the chair. The first business was the nominating of G. F. Blair, J. II. Cameron and A. Hislop to represent the Club at the joint debate to be held in the Town Hall on the evening of the 24th inst. The Constitution and By-laws was submitted by the Executive, fully aisouseed and 100 aopiee ordered to be printed. A abort, yet very interesting program was presented ooneieting of a nimbly prepared inaugural address by the 3,'resident ; a well-reudeted Swatch dia. loot reading by neore>.try Blair ; two rousinglees by the Glee Club, and the National Anthem by the company. Let- ters were read from 0. S. Hyman, M. P., Of London, and Dr. McDonald, M. P., of Wipgbam, in reference to their address• ing a public meeting in Brussels tilde month. The date. will be announced later. Next meeting of the Clab will be held on Friday evening, 17th inst. A debate,: "Resolved that the franchise should be extended to all Women over 21 years of age," music by the Glee Clnb and a reading or two Will constitute the program. A large number of new mem• here were added to the Aeeoofution. t 0 THREE Itnliane with violins and harp 515 the town on Thursday of last week. They made fine music, 1301111 2000001:, the veteran Iamb and sheep dealer, shipped a oar load of Lambe Prom lamest le on Thursday, Goma. Tamperanoe meetings will probably be held each Sunday afternoon p the Town Hall after next Sunday. Bement& gun club will shoot for a $10 silver cup at Jones' hotel, Leadbury, on Tuesday of next week. Settforth club will be their oppouents, 176 BARRELS of Winter apples were shipped from Brussels station last week to Duluth. They were purchased by Mr. Steep who paid $1.50 par barrel. A CONVENTION Of Eaat Huron Con. ser531116 s will be held in the Town Hall, Brunets, on Tuesday of next week, at 1 o'olook, to nominate a candidate for the next Local Legislature election for this Riding. MUNICIPAL nominations will be held on Friday, December 22nd, as the last Mon. day of December is Christmas Day, and the Muuioipttl Aot directs that the nom- inations be held on the preoorling Friday when this is the page. Moss McIennnsoN, milliner, intends re- moving her stook from her present stand to the millinery department in the store of Messrs. Ferguson & Halliday next Wednesday. Special bargains given in millinery to save removal. LIE Bnoxax.—Last Tuesday Wm. Mooney had the misfortune to have one of his lege broken while feeding the hay pressing machine at the rink for Masers. Beaker & Vemetone. He will be laid aside for several weeks owing to the un• fortunate accident. TIIE sawmill erected last week by Ament Bros, ie 80x75 feet, with a boiler house 14x40. An iron roof hoe been put on. A briok shaving House will bo built immediately West of the engine room of the faotory. It will be 12x16 feet. D. Lowry will do the brickwork. Tan Young] Men's Conservative Club has appointed R. L. Taylor, J. Moore and Jae. Bowman to uphold the N. P. at the public debate to be held in the Town Hall on Friday evening, 24th inst. With a lawyer, a school teacher and a tiller of the soil on either side the work should be well done. Tan Clinton Newe•Reoord looks very nobby in its new Fall suit. Bro. Todd ie doing well and we wish him euooeas. Honestly though, A. Al., you should haul in you sign board "Independent in all things—Neutral in nothing," as it is a little off. If you'd insert "independent" where you have "neutral" you'd hit it. 0. 0. F.—The following officers were ele°ted in connection with Court Princess Alexandra, Canadian Order of For- esters . C. R., Adam Reid ; V. 0 R., Jesse Wilbee ; Chaplain, Samuel Plum ; Rec.-Secy., Walter Smith : Fin. -Secy., A. Konig ; Treas., W. Blashill ;I Sr. Woodward, A. Crosier ; Jr. " W. Wilbee ; Sr. Beadle, J. Pipe • Jr. " Jas. Walker. They will be installed next Monday even- ing. TERRIBLE .40019ENT.—Not very often is a place the size of Brussels called upon to experience as sad an affair as the ao- oideat that happened in Ament Bros. former sawmill yard on Saturday at noon. Messrs, Ament were burned out last month and have since then purchas- ed the Smith Bros. planing mill. Philip Ament was assisting Richard Hingston and Neil Milloy in taking down a dry kiln. They were bard at work when, without a moment's warning, the walls and roof fell in burying Hingston, Milloy and Henry Wilbee in the ruins. The latter, who had been poorly for the past six months, was looking on while the others were working. Mr. Ament, who was fortunate ouough to escape, im. mediately got assistance and removed the debris sufficiently to get the three men out. Mr. Hingston was the least Burt although ho was very badly bruised about the shoulder and side. His life was saved by tie falling between two joists. He is able to move about a little now. Mr. Milloy received a bad out on the right side of bis head and has since the accident lain in an anoonecioue state. Some hope is entertained of bis recovery unless a brain trouble sets in. Mr. Wil - bee fell across the track on which the car loaded with timber was run into the kiln. The oldgeubleman was thought to be dead when rescued but he revived somewhat and was taken home where be passed away in about an hour after the terrible accident. The walle of the dry kiln were grouted hence the damage done by their collapsing, The aooident caused quite a sensation in and around Brn0Oeie and reports were circulated that all three of the men injured had died. ODIT.—Laet Saturday Henry Hall Wilbee, of Brussels, met his death in a sudden and unexpected manner. He was watching several men taking down the dry kiln on the lot where Ament Bros. slave factory stood, when ho was caught by the failing wall and so Serious- ly injured &arose hie bips and abdomen that death ensued shortly after he was taken to hie home. The deceased wag born at Mora in May, 1824, and resided for a number of years in Waterloo County. About 60 years ago ho was united in marriage to Mise Caroline Pen - fold, who survives him. Mr. Wilbee and family became residents of Grey town- ship some 17 years ago, living on the 16th concession for 10 years when he and hie wife removed to Brussels, whore they have continued to make their home up to his death. 'In addition to the widow eight children remain to hold in loving remembrance a kind and indulgent parent. They are William T., of Doon, Waterloo Co. ; Mrs. Alex. Thompson, of Grand Rapids, Mich. ; Walter W., Jno, H., Mrs. Philip Ament and Jesse, of Brussels ; George A., of North Dakota ; and Charles, of Cheboygan, Wieoonein, All the members mentioned above were in attendance at the funeral on Tueeday afternoon excepting Mrs. Thompson and Chas. John and Thos. Wilbee, brothers of deoeaeed, and Milton, a nephew, of Brantford ; Thos. Johnston and Mrs. Dalby, of Elora, and Mies fenully, of Berlin, were also in attendance. The service was 000504ted by Rev. G. H, Cobblediok assisted by Rev. J. Roes. The large funeral bespolle the reepe01 in which Mr. Wilbee was held and also showed the sympathy felt for the herons,. ed. Mr. Wilbee had enjoyed excellent health until last Juno, when inflam. oratory rheurnatfem attacked him. 330 wad improving nicely when he was uddenly out off. PERSONAL PARA(iitAPITS. Alex. Bruoe, of Bluovale, was 111 town on Tuesday. hire, Harris, of Bethany, is visiting in Brussels, Mise Lily Rendall is home on a vieit from Detroit, Hire. Butler, of Paisley, i0 visiting at J. M. O'0ounor's. J. D, Ronald tools a business trip to Nova Scotia last week, Deputy Reeve Watson, of Seaforth, was In town on Wednesday. J. Londeeboeo' and wife are visiting relatives and friends in Winnipeg. W. H. Clegg nod wife, of Gorrio, were visiting at J. 3. Gilpin's lest Friday. Joseph Hunter is bank from a visit of several months with relatives in Detroit, D. McKenzie, Queen street, is working in the Teoewater foundry for a few weeks. Mr. Carr, wife and children, of Auburn, were visiting relatives in Brussels this week, A1iss Rills Hunter has returned home after a visit of several mouths with rola• tivee in Toronto. E. 0. Lowry has been dangerously ill this week. The old gentleman's trouble is heart disease. Mrs. J. Bell and daughter, of London, were in town last week for a few days visiting Samuel Smnle. J. W. Yeo and family, formerly of Brussels, have removed from Goderiob to Winnipeg, Manitoba. Mrs. Chas. Walt and daughter, of Brantford, have been visiting Mrs. Watt's father—John McCrae, Miss Easton, who has been may visit• ing for several mouths, arrived in Brus- sels on Tuesday of this week. Paul Milloy, of Detroit, ie in town this week. He Dame to see Ills father who was injured last Saturday. J. A. Creighton has resigned his posi- tion as ticket agent, &o. at Palmerston and will take a holiday for a time. John Ferguson, of Ferguson & Haiti. day, is under the dootor's ogre this week. We hope to soon see him able to resume work. We were pleased to notice our old friend Donald Currie in town on Wed- nesday and hope he will continue to im- prove in health. We are pleased to hear that Wm. Ainley and family intend moving bank to Brussels from Listowel where they have spent several months. Capt. Ogilvie, known to quite a number hero, was rn town this week while on her way to Bayfield, her Dew station in con- nection with the Salvation Army. 1'. deli, wife and children, of Harris• ton, were visiting Itir. Seri's father and mother in Brussels last week while en route to Luaknow. Mr. Soli is the lead - 198 dry goods merchant of Harrioton. Donald MoLauohlin, wino has been visiting among old friends here for several weeks, left for Cypress River, Manitoba, on Tuesday, where he will visit relatives before returning to Dakota. W. A. Thompson, well known in Brus- sels, has taken a position in connection with Ninimo & Harrieon'e Business and Shorthand College, Toronto. Mr. Thompson is an expert with the pen either in ordinary business .penmanship or automatic shading. THE Poen wishes him success. Alexander Burne, of Merrill, Wiscon- sin, who is visiting his parents in Brno - gels, has lived in the U. S. for 29 years. This Is his second visit home in that time. Mr. Burns is a first-class mill. wright and receives $1,200 per annum from the Company he has beau with for about 10 years. He was at the World's Fair and came on to visit his old Oan• adieu home, which he left when 20 years of age to seep his fortune in the then wild West. Business Locals, Fon sale cheap, a good set eeoond hand harness. I. 0. Richards. Fun coats, robes and blankets, largest stook in town and lowest prides. I. 0. Richards. ANY one wishing to get a new saw filing machine may see what suits them at A. 112. McKay ea Co's. hardware store Brussels. Mass MAOOIE MONAUGH30N wishes to in• form the publio that she is prepared to do plain sewing, espeoially boy's olothes, at her home, Prinoess St., Bruseele. Losx.—In Brussels on Wednesday evening, Nov. 81h, a blank lustre belt with gimp trimming. The finder will kindly leave at Tan Poem Pub. House. ANY one wishing to get a new SAW filing stand, I think can be suited by T. MoGregor, of Brussels, Ont. May be seen at MoRay I Co's. hardware store. WELL-DraGINa AND DnmISNG.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is proper. ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Welts cleaned out and put in proper ebape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west eide of Turnberry st., Brussels. 34-tf Kamm machines, great reduotion in price. Plain machines with 2 cylinders for $15, with full inotruotions. Just re. coated a fine lot of knitting yarn direct from Germany, various grades, also Lis.. towel yarn in various shades. A large stock of knit goods on hand in hosiery, mitts, &o. Any size of hosiery knit to order, 'J. Y. S. Kirk, Agent Oreelman Bros, knitting machines and British Amerioan Dyeing Co. RELmF IN SIX Houns,—Distressing Kidney and Bladder (themes relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneye, baok and every part of the urinary pee- sages in male or female. It reliev00 retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If yon want gawk relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by G. A, Deadman, druggist. To Tan leuwmuond.—To those of our readere who are interested in Rupture, we would roaommond the perusal of the following letter. It certainly bears strong testimony to the skill of the rap. tore specialist, wbo ie announced to be in Brussels at the Amerioan Hotel for three days—Monday, Tuesday and Wed. needay, Nov. 27th, 28th and 29th, and will bo at Wingham Queen's Hotel on Nov, 80th and Deo. let and 211d, where 10 will give attention to all cases who call upon him. Physicians are espeoial- ly invited to Gall and iespeot some of the grandest instruments the world ever saw. Examination and advice free. 2'o J, 1'. Egan, hernia ,Specialist, 268 )feat Qttecn St., Toronto, Ont. Stn,—I feel it my duty, in the tattered .Z'4JV'D.il,PD BANK OF UN."1De MST821ST..,T0S-c 7.(372. HEAD OFFICE, -• TORONTO. ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) • $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) • $2,000,000 Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States te• England, OdF' 5 VEZ6Si° e1 aadF%'1'lJ. A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes Disoonnted,, Drafts Issued and Collootions made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE 00LLE0TI0N or FAnlnnRo' SALE 203110. Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance. J. A. STEWART, MANAGER. GILL:IRS 85 SMITE, BArPa'i c6,'m,faiA Pd, EZ, LTSSF1_IS, Transact a General 'Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. * PINGS Roel' DEP'1 2'VA°JVV. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposita. "Vre effect to write Insurance in old English or Canadian Ccmpanles, 00 in Mut- 114/1 Companies as may be desired. AGENTS Fon CANADA AND UNITED STATES : Tan CANADIAN BANE ON CoaIDIEnoj. of those euffering from Rupture, to afford you the opportunity of acquainting them with my case in any way you may think beet, I have been ruptured for over 40 years. During that time in England and also in Toronto I have tried a large number and variety of Trusses. Earth one was thought at the time to be the beet that could bo got. They all proved failures. In Guy's Hospital, London, Eingland, I was under •treatment and special appliances were made for me, but gave no relief. My ease was considered so dillfoult that I WAS told it was not in the power of man to aid me. This taus. ed Ma great anguish of mind, so much so that I oousidered myself a hopeless in- valid. Eminent surgeons and persona calling themselves surgical machinists at various times undertook but were com- pelled ultimately to admit their inability to benefit me. I had abandoned all hope. By tho blessing of God I heard of you and your success in severe oases. Three months ago I called on you and 3008 en- oouroged. You fitted mo with an ap. plianoe espeoially adapted to my case, and I thankfully acknowledge the great benefit I have received from it. I can run up and down stairs, go to market, do a washing, in foot I feel my life renewed in a manner I never expected. To your remarkable, oareful and skilful treatment I must subscribe myself your grateful debtor, MRs. TYNER, 65 East Queen St., Toronto, Ontario. =OR= MoGexangow.—In Morrie, on Oot. 81st, the wife of Mr. Daniel McOutobeon of a son. OenoRNE.—In Wingham, on Nov. 1st, the wife of Mr, W. A. Osborne of a son. Oo3RrDGE.—In Morrie, on Oct. 27th, the wife of Mr. Richard Ookridgo of a daughter. DASH.—Iu Grey, on Nov. 7th, the wife of Mr_ George Dark of a son_ ANDERSON—BEm.—At 228 Church St., Toronto, on Oct. 26th, by Rev. J. V. Smith, Mr, Robert Anderson, of At- wood, to Mies Annie Y. Reid, neioe of Mr. Robb. Young, of Atwood. DT}7b- WmjEE.—In Brussels, on Nov. 4th, Henry Hall Wilbee, aged 69 years and 6 months. CAs0.—In Grey, on Nov. 2nd, John Cash, aged 67 years. ADIIAHAII: In East Wawanosb, on pot. 28th, Margery Abraham, aged 82 yeore, 5 menthe. DAves,—In Mitchell, on Nov. 2nd, J. E. Davis, of the Mitchell .Advocate, aged 55 years. A•rTOTTOST S..fa.T�FJS. FRIDAY, Nov. 10T7.—Farm stools and implements. S} lot 21, con. 4, Morris. Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. Neil Blaok, Prop, Geo. Kirkby, Atm. WEDNESDAY, NOv. 15TII.—Ferm stook, implemente, &o. North half lots 15 & 16, con. 1, Grey. Unreserved. Sale at 12 o'clock. Wm. Jaaklin, Prop. George Kirkby, Auo. THURSDAY, Nov. 2183.—Farm stook, implements, &o. Lot 19, con. 15, Grey, Unreser ved. Sale at 11 o'clock. Wm. Fulton, ix., Prop. Geo. Kirkby, Auo, mRTTS.S:E12JS OA2ARTC79'T'za Fall Wheat 55 ' 56 Spring Wheat ... 50 55 Barley 80 85 Peas 50 51 Oats 27 28 Butter, tube and rolls17 18 Eggs per dozen 15 00 Flour per barrel 8 00 8 50 Potatoes ... 40 00 Hay per ton. - 6 00 00 Salt per 11111„ retail...... 1 00 00 Hides trimmed . 8a Hides rough .. 8 Sheep skins, each 40 66 Lamb skins each 50 70 Apples per bbl......., .,1 00 1 50 W17 18 orkl- 7 00 7 00 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. WINCHESTER' REPEATING 1' F Ririe, 10 Shooter, for a@gp,�gg ' G. A °BRADMAIN, I o OR 12 HORSE POWER EN- GINE and boiler for sale�,Apply hand, In Sret•olaes running order. 1 Apply nth01. OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE in 1110 village o Eth 1 belonging the estate of the late i0r, Oan lee Forg full part fouler 8 foto price, Mims, &o. Ap,n�l�y to QEVERAL ELIGIBLE PR0— l� wERTn1e for Bate in Brussels. Prices low and terms easy. Apply at THE POST Publishing House. ONITRY WRENCH FOUND. tioner allgaa6uemaygsthis notiby cinsame PoPublish Publish- ing House. QTRAYED FROM BRUSSELS, kJ about Aug, let, a red stag, 2 years old. Last seen at Wm, Bryau'e farm, Morrie. Anyone knowing of its whereabouts will greatly oblige NEIL M°LAUGHLIN, 15. Brussels, O HBEP AND RAM LAMB 1� Strayed from premises of undersigned, 14 miles North of Bruseols, about July 12111. An information leading to their recovery will be thankfully received, JAS. MOINTOSH, 16-2 • Brussels, P. 0. �]ARNING. — NOTICE IS Hereby given that lithe two parties caught in the act of taking turnips from my field between 4 and 5 o'clock on the morning of Oot. 20th, do not keep off my premises they w111 be treated to a trip to the county town. WM. WRIGHT, Lob 1, Con. 1, Turuberr•v, Conservative Convention. The East Huron Liberal Conservatives will hold a Convention of delegates at the Town 31 all, Mussels, on Tuesday, Noy. 14111, at 1 o'olock, to nominate u Candidate for tho approaching election to the Legislative As - amiably. A prominent Member will be present td address the Convention. All 0ouservativoe are invited to attend. T. CHISHOLM, , D„ It. L. TAYLOR, Brusoels, Nov, 7011, M. P0Mt.. Secretary, ' M08. . REAL ESTATE. ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- DnRsreNED has several goad Farms for solo and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris anis Grey, It S. SO OTT, Brothels. flHOICE FARM FOR SALE.— `J Being South half Loh 27, oou.6, Morrie, 100 acres, nearly all Bleared. Good buildings, flue voung bearing orchard. Immediate pos. sesslon, Ramy Terms. Apply to W. M. SIN CLAIR, 11- Solmitor, dn., Brussels. :0000 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. ' o The 200 aero farm being lots ll and 12, con. 10, Grey, ie offered for sale. 120 acres are cleared and the balance well tim- bered. Buildings Drat -plass. Orchard, well, &a Sehnol house within 40 rods. Posses- sion given at once if desired. For further particulars ae to price, terms, 50. apply to MRS. WALILER, 8.1i It ea°vide P. O. or NELSON BRICKER, on farm, FARM FOR SALE. --THE UN- Dnneleman offers lois eplouclid 126 aoro farm, being Lot 8 and west part Lot 0, Con, 8, Grey, for sale. There are 100 acres °leered, balance timbered. Two dwellinghouses, bank barns, good orchard, well fnced. A Boyer failing spring on the place. Posses- sion given any time. The eubsoriber also offers for sale a dwelling house, stable and 0 three of land in the corporation of Brussels, The house and garden would be rented for a abort time if not sold. Hard and soft water. For prices, terms and further partlaulare apple to - JOHN SMITH, 4.0'tf Brussels P. O. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, el • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseaeee of domesticated animals in a Dom- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Oahe promptly at- tended to. Office sed Inihmary—Two doors north of bridge Turnberry et., Brussels. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOOK; 1Dn'ra1033NTe, 50. Mr, George Birkby Auctioneer, has reeelvod instruo. tione Dom the undersigned Proprietor to Sell by Public Auction at Lot 10, Con, 16, Grey, on Tuesday, Rea,21, 1808, oommeu- Ging at 11 o'clock sigtrp, the following valuable property, vis, :-1 aged mare ; 1 mare 5 year8 old in foal bo imported horse ; 1 Ally 1year old; 2 °owe auppaeed in calf 1 2 heifers opposed in calf 1 3 farrow cows ; 2 ethers 2 years old '; 4 heifers 1 year old ; 0 steers 1 year old • 0 miring calves; 12 ()Wes 1 1 Humming bird mower; 1 two furrowed gang plbw, (0oal(shutt) ; 1 sod plow • 1 thistle (utter ; 1 lumbar wagon ; 1 efuglo buggy; 1 pair bob -sleighs; 1 nutter ; 1 horee rake ; 1 1 sot hen harrows; 1 eouffier1 1 turnip sower; 1 fanning mill, (Armstrong afovoe); 1 hay rack • 1 gravel box; 1 set double bar - nose ; 1 set pplow berthas ; 1 wheelbarrow ; 1 sot light bob-sleighs,pole and shalt; 1 ter. 11111 pulper ; 18011 binder in good repair; 1 grain.erasll°r,1 straw cutter) 1 eight home - power rode and STIES (Oamfpboll) ' 1 toed drill; l land roller ; a 101 o fowl, epadea, ehovols, forks, chains and other arblotoe too IMMeroue to mention. The sale will be without re00rv0 as the Proprietor hal, rented 11101'0m, 'Terms.—All gums of 90,00 and under Oath ; over that amount 12 months erodit will be glycol on 1ureieblag apbrovedld111 notes, 4100. Ifl!000BY, WM, FULTON, Jo, AuOtioueer, Proprietor, Nov. 10, 1893 For Coughs and Colds • —'USE -- Cherry - Gough - Cure, (i1C:eerie ON IOA.R i R. 25 Cents Per Bottle, —Get it at— Pepper's Drug store, kiRLJ 4 0010L$a*. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, o SolIoi for and Convsyaneor. Collec- tions made. Office—Vanetoua'e Brook, Brus- sels. 01-01» IAT M. SINCLAIR, ,S utcos°loa1y dor Iso, Ocloo—aOlk; north of Central Hotel, Private 7uuds to Loan. CA11IEBON, HOLT & HOLMES, Barrietera, Solicitors, Notaries Public', Goderiob, Ont, Ir. 0, CAMERON, Q. 0., 3II001P HOLT, DUDLEY ISOLATES. G. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solid tor, &o. (lata of (farrow & Proudfoot'e Office, Goderich.) OIDoo over Gillies & Smith's lank, Brussels, Money to Loan. 47 MEDICAL CARDS. JA. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. • P. S. Ont.0. Residence and olllcer in Wilco e Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry - Sta. JL L. GIBSON, M. D. v . 0. DI., 131. 0. P. 0, Ont., Graduate Queen's University,Kingston. 0po — Smole's blbloc*, one oi or South of Standard Bank, Brussels. Night bell answered at the same plane. T M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. Graduate yaf 1Toron tog University ° Medleal Faculty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Out. OFFICE—Next door to McDonald & 0o., Walton Ont. DENTAL. 1)12 INPY"rP1 M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D.D.S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- versity. OreIOR—Over A. 3. Smith's Store, Brussels, AUCTIONEERS. ,tRAYMANN, Auctioneer, le always ready to at- tend taloa of farms, farm stock, &o. Terms cheerfully given. 010013 0013 P.0. Sales maybe arranged at THE Poem Publishing House, Brussels. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auationoal•. Sales ooudnot ed on reasonable terms. Parma and farm stocks, specialty. Orders left at TUB POST Pubit thing House,Bru seals, or motto Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention, H AVING TAKEN OUT LICEN. to conducSE as te an of farm stook at r0000nable prides. 'Snowing the standing of nearly every person I am in a position to sell to good marks and got good security when sold on credit. Satlefaatidn guaranteed, Give moa call. 83- F S, SCOTT. BUSINESS CARDS. -AT. H. MoOIIAOKEN, Iaeurer of Marriage Lieonses. Office ab late Grooery, Turnberry street, Bruasela. IQ•N. BA.RRETT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. 11f. McKay & Oo'e hardware store. Ladies' and obildrene hair cutting a specialty A MoNAIR,. • Iseuror of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Oommit 0iorle0, Inc., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance Oo, (Moe at the Oranbrook Poet Office. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM menteame, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. LEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court Co, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Lona and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan. 'Collections made. -0ffioe in Graham's Bleak, Brussels. m A. HAWKINS, J. • Organist in St, John's 011000h, Brus- sels, and pupil, in the Art of 'Panelling of A. W. Thayer, Blue. Doh„ New York, will give leesOna to pupils either at his parlor, over A. R. Smith's Store, or if preferred, at their own homes. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at Walton. Terme moderato. SOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Undersigned will keep for service at Lot 8, Oon.10, Grey, the thoro' bred Xork• shire Boar ,"Ready," bred by E, 10. Jurvie, Olarlceon,Ont. Terms, 81.00 to be paid at the time of aervloe with privilege of return• lug if ueeotevey. Pedigree may be seen ou application, JAS. WATSON. 18.4 Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE Undersigned will keep for eorvfoo ou Lot 20, Ooo, 8, Morris, the thorn' bred Large Berkshire boar, "Hurou Prinoo," bred by Wm, MaAlneter, Varna, Terme, 01,00 to be paid at the time of service with priv)oge of returning 11 neaesoary. Pedigree may bo esen on applidation, GEORGE SMITH, an., 16-4 Proprietor. -? OAR FOR SERVICE.—rl'HFI . undoroignel will koap forgorVioe at North Half Lot 20, 00n. 7,Morrie, the Thorn' bred Cheater WIito Boar 'Defiance," for service. Ho wag bred by Daniel D°ooureoy, Bornholm.Porth Co., Riad is from imported steak on both sides. Terme 01,00 to he paid ab tiros of aervioe with privilege of roturumg if me:mastery. 14.13- SAMUEL WALKER, Proprietor. OAR FOR SERV10E.—THE Undersigned will 11001a for sorvie° on Lot 20 Con. 6, Morris, thethere' bred im- proved Whito Yorlt8liho Boar "Canada's Priuoe,' purahaeocl irons tato Well-known breeder J. E. 13rethour .Oak Lodge Far, Burford. Tering, $1.00 os to bo raid at, the time of 6000000. with pewit re of reluruiot if noco00ary. 3edigtee may he 00011 on etp• 5110011010. BOOT, 14101100.