HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-11-10, Page 5Nov, 10, 1893
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0 eltrlibrOet
Service wits held in the Methodist
ohuroll In Sunday evening instead of
the afternoon,
Last Sunday Rev. J, L,: Murray, of
Kincardine, preached an excellent die.
omeret in the Presbyterian ottani) in this
village. The pastor wee at Kincardine.
W, Wynn, of Newry, and Miss ]Alla
McLachlan, of Grey township, have been
engaged as teachers in our public sohool
for 1894. Their duties will begin at the
opening of the now year,
The teachers of the Public school in•
tend holding en entertainment souse time
in Deoeinber.
Wm. Loclthead talks of taking a trip
to the land o' the heather and thistle—
hie native land—next Spring. Forty
years have elapsed since Mr. Loehhead
said farewell to amid Scotland.
At the last meeting of the Public
Sobool Board out of some 80 applica-
tions sent in the Board excepted Mise A.
Maitland's application as teacher of the
Junior department of our school for '94,
at a salary of 1¢250 per annum. The
Priuoipal wan re-engaged at an inertiase
of $25, making his salary for next year
Township Council on the 27th inst.
Miss Bently, of Wawanoeh, was visit.
ing at Councillor Kirkby's this week.
Bennet Farrow, of Dungannon, spent
last week visiting his father, Willows
The beautiful weather is being taken.
advantage of by the farmers in lifting
their turnips, plowing, &o.
John Barker, an old reeideut of the
8rd line, is home on a visit to oid friends
and acquaintanoes, from Manitoba.
Colin McArthur arrived home safe and
sound from his trip to the Old Country.
He brought a dandy bicycle with him.
Tax Collector Mooney has the roll and
oommenoee his rounds on Monday. The
total amount to he collected this year is
Rich. Armstrong, who went to Moose
Jaw, N. W.' T., some two months ago,
returned on Friday last. He was ao•
oompanied by his daughter, Mre. Louis
Abbey and her young family of 5 child.
103• ltel.
Township Council will meet here on
Friday, 24th inst.
The fine weather bas enabled the
farmers to get a lot of Fall work pushed
through in good shape.
A Bible Sooiety meeting will be held
here shortly similar to the one last year
for the purpose of awakening a fresh in-'
terest in this good canoe.
The Trustee Board is advertising for a
Priuoipal for our school. We would like
to see the present teacher retained as he
is giving the bast of satisfaction.
Last Sunday morning the quarterly
services were held in the Methodist
church. Tho pastor preached from
Psalm 130th and the service woo a profit•
able one. The evening meeting %vas
Rev. J. L. Murray, M. A. of Kinoar.
dine, 000upied the pulpit of tho Presby-
terian ohuroh both morning and evening
last Sunday and preached two fine dis-
courses. On Monday evening he deliver.
ed an interesting leoture on"What I saw
in Italy."
Quite a little excitement was oecaeiot
ed h,•re of late over the case of a yoona
girl who loft her home and went East to
relatives or friends. There is. some talk
of the ease being ventilated in the Court
before the matter is settled yet.
W ing Iftturs.
W. F. Brookenehire was in Toronto last
week attending the annual meetiug of the
Photographers' Association.
Dr. Maodouald has removed his office
to his residence, at the rear of the new
English church, on Centre street.
Miss Phelps, the celebrated temper -
anise lecturer, will lecture in Wingham
some time in December, under the
ahepicee of the W. C. T. U.
Robb. Patterson, who has been with
his brother, the jeweler, for some time
past, has purchased a business in Erin,
and left town to take possession.
The election of officers for the ensuing
quarter in oonneotion with the I. 0. G.
T., resulted us follows Geo. Ireland,
C. T., Sister Etling, V. T. ; W. F.
Brookensbiro, R. s. ; J. W. Dodd, F, S. ;
Vine Rush, Treasurer; Mi'tun Black-
well, Chaplain ; John Mowat, M. ; Sister
MoIlwain, G. ; Ernest Blackwell, S. ;
Sister Ireland, organist. •
At the regular meeting of Court Mait-
land No. 25, Canadian Order of Foresters,
the following offioers were oleoted for the
ensuing term ;—Robt. Kitteon, 0. R. ;
John Lookeridge, V. 0. 11. ; T. J. Mo -
Lean, R. S. ; D. M. Gordon, F. S. 8.
Graoey, T. ; .7. Neelands, Chap, ; D.
Small, S. W. ; H. B. Elliott, J. W, ; A.
R. McDonald, S. B. ; Irwin Patterson, J.
Mioboel Fax and wife, who have lived
in Atwood for several years, will Dome
back to their farm, on the 10th oon.,
Grey, next week.
Wm. Fulton jr., whose health has
been in a poor condition, has announced
an auction sale and will take a rest from
farming for a time,
The quarterly communion service of
Ilenfryn Mission was held ab Whitfield's
churob last Sunday morning, There
was a largo attendance and a good meet -
A shooting match for turkeys, geeie
and ducks will be held at T. MoEwan's
hotel ou Thursday. 16th inst., nom•
meneing ah 1 o'olook. Separate targeto
for rifles, shot gene and air guns.
Last week Albert, adopted eon of Geo.
Johnston, was leading e, horse in the
yard. 'Pito boy fell and was tramped on
by the horse the result being that one of
hie arms was broken in two places. b.
physician tet the injured arm and the
boy is doing nicely.
NvnooN. Dairu.—On' Thursday of last
sveek John Oath, a well known resident
of the 14th oonaeeeion, died quite sudden•
ly of hemorrhage of the lungs. Mr.
$:s! Cash had been poorly for some time but
few, if any, expected that the summons
would come so quickly. 'The deceased
WON 67 years of age and leaves a wife, one
son and soveral daughters to mourn his
demise. The funeral took plaoe on Sat.
n relay.
Mrs. Joint Bill has been quite ill d
ing the past week but 14 improving ni
ly now we nre pleased to state.
Bobt, Doolcet, lot 20, con. 0, lost
valuable Canadiei, bred stallion I
Saturday, for whish he refused $2
Tho aeuee was bloating, the horse dyt
• before the veterinary got there. It w
be a serious lose to Mr. Dookob.
RUNAWAY AOCNUoNT,—l)11 Thursday
last week 410 13011, and Joseph, sone of
Wm. Pollard, lot 10, cot. 0, were hauling
turnips from tho field the horses ran
away. Joe was caught between the
doublotree and the front wheel and was
carried across the Held, with the wheel
cutting into hie right arm, He might
have boon killed had not hie brother, who
was on the wagon, held on to him. The
animals were caught by Mr. Pollard be-
fore any further damage was done.
ur• ! Bain Sooze'v.--Laet Tuesday even.
oe• ! ing a largo audionoo assembled In the
! Presbyterian ohoroh for the annual
a I meeting of Walton Branch of the Upper
mot 1 Canada Bible Soviety, After singing
00, I Rev. T. W. Coons offered prayer. Prest-
ug dent Smillie read the lflth Psalm and
ill Igave t'. few appropriate remarks concern•
ing the Society. R. II, Ferguson, Sec•
of rotary, read the report of last Ener 011,1
the minutes of last annual meeting,
The officers of the past year were re.
eleoted and the name of Jonathan Moore
substituted for that of 3, Parish, re-
moved. They are as followe :—James
Smillie, President ;• R. 1.1. Ferguoon, Sec-
retary ; D. B. Moore, Treasurer ; W.
smith, Depositor. Committee, W. Neal,
A. Johnston, J. Hewitt, J• Shortreed,
W, Pollard, D. Knight, T. Williamson,
A. Gardiner, J. Bolger, 1't. Brothereon,
P. Watson and J. Moore. short epeeoh-
ee were mado by Rev, D. Forrest, Itev.
T. W. Coeene and W. H. Kwof Brus-
sels, after widththe agent of the Society,
Rev. G. H. Cobblodiok, B. D., of Brus-
sels, was introduced and gave a splendid
address, well worthy of the vote of
thanks given'at its close. It was decided
to hold the next meeting in the Metho•
diet ohuroh. The collodion taken
amounted lo $4.42. Mr. McAllister And
his choir lead in the singing of a number
of suitable hymns. This is said to have
been the best Bible Society meeting ever
held here. The officers and committee
are wide awake men and will no doubt
have a large advanoe to report after the
collectors have done their work.
Threshing is now the popular employ-
Miss Rose, of MoKillop, is visiting in
town at present,
Mrs, MoUZiee' health continuos im-
proving, wo are glad to hoar.
Miss 111. MuT'aggart and brother, of
Memorieff, spent Sunday in our village.
The I. 0. G. T. now hold their meet-
ings in the new Hall. The Temperance
sentiment is strong here.
Alex. Murray, who has been in Walk.
erten forBornetime past, returned home
last week. He intends entering the
teacher's ranks after Christmas.
Mr. Bennett, brother of Mrs. 0. Mlloh-
ell, after an absence of over 18 years is
renewing old acquaintances here. His
wife and one child aoaompany him.
Quarterly servioe in the Methodist
ohuroh last Sabbath. A goodly number
of members from the otherr parte of the
circuit were present at the services.
John and W. McKee were palled to
Poterboro' last week by a message telling
them that their sister was dying. She
lived only a short time after their ar-
Our cheese faotory takes no second
place. 97j points out of 100 were made
by the Chicago exhibit. The %eatery
completed ire season's work last Satur-
day, the 4111.
R. F. Cameron 000upied the pulpit of
the Presbyterian ohuroh here last Sab-
bath morning and evening, having been
called from Toronto to fill the vacancy.
He is a promising young man and his
discourses were much appreciated.
Even the most solemn visage can
scarcely retrain from relaxing into a
smile on looking out early the moraiug
after Hallowe'en. The freaks played
here were gonerally.of an innocent obar-
enter but the youths are too apt to forget
the law of kindness, "Do unto others,
.1131.:v tit.
Thomas Jones, of Leadbnry, spent last
Sunday in Blyth.
Geo. Jenkins was attending .the Photo.
grapher's Convention in Toronto last
The Bishop -of Huron intends to hold a
oonfirmation servioe in Trinity ohuroh
on the god Sunday in January.
W. Bell is having the foundation dug
and the scone drawn for his new livery
barn which is to be erected on Qneen
Will Heffron, an old Blythite, but now
of the United States, is at present visit.
ing relatives and old acquaintances in
Last Sunday evening about 40 mem-
bers of the L. 0.'L. No. 908, attended
service in the Methodist church. The
pastor, Rev. Mr. Buggin, preached a very
appropriate and edifying discourse which
was listened to with marked attention:
On Wednesday of int week the re.
mains of the late Katie I. Onloton, a sis.
ter of Mrs. J. B. Kelly, were brought
from Stretford. After service in the
Roman Oatholie ohuroh the remains were
interred in the R. C. cemetery, Kerrie.
Quite a number from hero attended
the Prohibition Convention ab Auburn.
The following oliicere were elected ;—
President 0'Metoalf, Blyth ; Seoretary,
Dr. Ferguson, Blyth ; Treasurer, W. 11.
Irwin; Blyth. These with the resident
ministers of Blyth, and Presidents of
township associations will form the
On Monday evening a large number
of friends and members of Loyal Orange
Lodge assembled at the Central Hotel
and did justice to the good things that
were provided by mine Bost, after which
the large assemblage proceeded' to the
Orange hall where an entertainment and
speech making iu oonneotion with the
Gunpowder Plot was held.'
Master Wilfred Crisp, of Londoshoro',
WWI visiting Geordie Ferguson last week.
MoDolald Bros. are shipping large
quantities of lumber from Brussels sta-
Charles Mobonald and hie nephew
wore away for a week on a hutting ex-
pedition in the North.
There is very little change in the non-
dition of Charles Sage's health. l•Io has
been ill for along time.
The Misses Goethe, of Trowbridge,' are
(siting at the Methodist parsonage.
Rev. Mr, Coons is their brother.
Mrs. Levi Pabhiek, who has been vieit.
g her son in Orillia for the poet two
oaths, returned home last week.
Mrs. James Smiilie, who had her leg
then some weeks ago, is gabbing along
only although she will be a prisoner to
r room for some time yet.
There has been a little unpleasantness
the Foresters' Court here over a
ango of officers but it is said an mod-
eettloment has been arrived at.
A Gun Club match between Settforth
d Brussels, for a silver oup, is billed to,
ire place at T. Jones' hotel, Leadbury,
Tuesday of next week, There will
so be a match for turkeys, geese and
R. H. and Mrs. Fort/mon were gueste
John G. and Mra. Grieve's tin wed•
ug on Hallowe'en. There were (mite a
tuber present who attended their wed•'
ng ten yearn ago. A11 report having
ant n very enjoyable evening,
Last Sunday afternoon St. George's
ureh was crowded ab the speoial
rmon to the Orange Order, The in•
mbent, Rev. W. G. Reiily, preached a
oe6 suitable discourse from Daniel,
h chapter and 10th verso, ,,,Thy God'
tom thou servservedcontinually 'De will
liver thou,'" Tho interacting inoidonte
rrohnding the text Were sketched and
o way opened up to the historical event
own as ,the Gunpowder Plot which
a dwelt upon at tonne length.
, it.a
Tuesday evening while Mr. and Mrs.
Waddell were driving from Teeswater to
their home in Kinloss their ponies be-
came unmanageable,,epsebting the buggy
and throwing the occupants out. Mrs.
Waddell was killed instantly, while Mr.
Waddell lies at hie home in a precarious
Grand Trunk
Thanksgiving Day,
Single Fare
F HI7 Mound Trip
GOOD (P. AL Trains Nov. 22.
GOING 1 All Trains Nov. 23.
doetinattoll 0000 before November 24.
For full particulars apply to
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10 pieces Flannelette,
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its going at lOe.
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Figured Black Dress Goods
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Wool Squares,
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40 cent
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54 inch
Scotch Tweeds
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40 cent
Ribbed Cashmere Hose
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20 cent
Grey Flannel
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.EIeavy Grey Cotton
regular price 8c
going at 6e
1 Shirt, 1 pair Drawers,
1 pair Sox, 1 Top Shirt,
all for $1,00 -
$1 00
Lined Kid Gloves
at 75c
Stylish and Good
Linen Collars
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75 cent
Shirts and Drawers
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Tweed Pants
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White Shirts
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All Wool Tweed Pants
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a& Busy Store Crowded with Bargains.
Tile R. E.1laddoct Dry Goods CO,
J. Y. EGAN, of Toronto,
Greatest success in the treatment of all forms of Hernia, of all
known agencies in modern times.
Specialist will Visit
American Hotel, Brussels,
'Monday, Tuesday auad Wednesday,
NOVEMBER, 27, 28 and 29.
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'You aro first held eeourely and in comfort during the hardest work, or severest
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over twenty-seven years' continuous professional praotioal experience. Remember
I have been in business in Toronto over twenty years. This instrument responds
to every motion of the body, in ooughiug, sneezing or lifting, and never slips from its
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I pare not how severe or difficult the case, I can help' yon. The undersigned
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only to himself—by which a mire oan be affected in this terrible affliction without
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Children Cured in from 0 to 0 weeks, Adults in from 10 to l4 weeks,
According to the severity of the thee. Age of person, or length of time ruptured
makes no difference.
IfIVERY CA.)&11E1 A„ 5nTJOC107 1
This is positive, as I have oonvhloing testimony from'Physioians, from parents
and from those declared by so galled surgical inacbinists to be "hopeless cases."
J. 7. ny.IT, It3ern.ia Specialist,
266 West Queen St., Toronto Ont.
1" In Writing please mention this paper.
arvie j. Stronw
Wishes the Public to understand that his Studio is
now in First Class shape for turning out A 1 Photos. in all sizes
and styles. Having just added new scenery we are able to make
superior work to any that Brussels has ever seen.
Our Christmas styles are grand. Don't fail to see diem as
they are the very latest.
In future our gallery will be open every Saturday avenin; un-
til 10 p. m. for public inspection. An invitation extended to all.
Studio over Standard Bank, Brussels,
'IN •�'� .
Tho undersigned has purchased a New and Choice stock of Gro-
ceries, Comprising:—
Teas;Teas; Coffees, Sugars, Spices, Tobaccoes, Fruits,
Soaps, Bottled and Canned Goods, Syrups,;
Vinegars, &c,,
And has opened them to the inspection of the Public in the Store .
known its the
'Where an inspection of Goods and Prices is asked. IIigI:at to lrket
price paid for good butter and cash for eggs as usual,
Jas. Bal. . n .