HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-11-10, Page 44 New Advertisements, £ ooai—J Y. Egan. Rupture T. Y, Egan. Photos Harvie J. Strong, Mantle Clotho -A. R. Smith. Thanksgiving Day—G, T. B. Ladies—II, E. Maddock 34 Co, Auction Sale—Wm, Fulton, jr, Local—Paws Publishing House, Removal Sale—Miss McPherson. Cnneervative Convention—R. L. Taylor, l�f trial jo's;t. ,1 sign w al le The Rev. J. F. Parke, of Ohrist Cliutoh, preached to the Orangemen of Wallace dietriot, at Shipley, on Sunday afternoon, Nov, 6th. Hallowe'en pranks did not engage the attention of the youths of the town to the extent of former years, a few mis- placed gates being all the harm dote. The ladies of the Methodist ohuroh gave it social at the Parsonage Tuesday evening. Win. Stevenson, of Britton, who re, oently sold his 200 acre farm in 'Lima, bas purchased Jae. Alexander's property near the High School, consisting of hostile, stable and 81 acres, and purposes - �., becoming a reeident of the town early in FRIDAY, NOV. 10, 1898. tate new year. Ix Montreal last week C. H. Maakin- toeh was ewers in as Lieutenant -Gov. ernor of the Northwest by his Excellency the Governor.Geueral. Stators the decease of Sir John Abbott there is not now an ex -premier of the Dominion living, anal Lion. Edward Blake is the only surviving ex•premier of Ontario. Ommnro has parried off the honors for honey at the World's Fair. Her exhi, bits took twenty awards, as against twenty-eight for all the United States and thirteen for all other countries. Ix is said Lord Elgin's appointment as Viceroy of India bee been well received by the natives throughout all Hindustan. It appears that his father's fine presence, his bluff, kindly manner, his friendliness for his dark skinned subjects and his sense of firmness and justice made a deep impression upon the native peoples of India during his short viceroyalty, Ow2onxlA is giving a midwinter In- ternational Exposition. Her idea seems -to be to stove as much as possible of the World's Fair at Chicago to San Fran- cisco, so as to offer an extra inducement to the people of the East and West, and North and South who are not favored at home with each beautiful and enjoyable Winter weather as are the people of Cali- fornia, to visit and enjoy a fine climate for at least a few weeks. Al examination of some of the war vessels constructed by the United States government daring the past few years re. veers the fact that they are so badly pro- portioned as to be "top heavy" and there. fore unfit for service. The builders lay the blame upon the man who prepared the plans and models for their guidance, and the secretary of the navy, Mr. Her- bert, has ordered an investigation with the view of ascertaining the exact condi. tion of affairs and placing the blame where it properly belongs. General Nunn. Geo. D. Swift has been eleoted mayor pro tem of Chicago. Mrs. John Miner, St, Louie, shot her hnsband dead Monday. The President hoe signed rife Chinese Bill amending the Geary law. All quiet et Melilla, The Jews rest. dent there have been expelled. John Kelleher 88116 tern to pieeea by au electric oar at St, Louis Monday. President Cleveland has set apart No. vember 30th as Thanksgiving day. The famoue Chinese giant, Chang, died at Bournemouth, England, Sunday. A brakeman, fireman and four tramps were killed by a collision at Reno, Neva - THE BRUSSELS POST The Illinois Steel Co., at Joliet, will start up on Nov. 20111 with 2,600 men. Lawyer Frannie H. Weeks, who robbed his N,,ew York clients of over 6500,000 and tled to Costa Aka to escape p unieh• merit, has arrived book in ouetody, and been placed behind the bare at polite beadgnsrtere, The "orank" critze has reached Indian- apolis, Governor Matthews has been threatened, and on Friday d.dolph Oleoli. wacky was arrested as he was about to start fm Wttehington to murder Prod. dent Cleveland. The boiler of engine No: 030, on the Iron Mountain Railway, at the foot of Neosho street, 01, Louis, Pio., exploded at 11 o'olook Thursday night of last week and the engineer, Geo. Sahrseder, was in- stantly killed. Thee. Soots, the fireman, �/ was hurled 100 feet and fatally injured' ig3I3Ii3I religion MII3Mi �, t� lliday and brakeman limper was blown into the Mississippi river and drowned. Frank Patrick, a 17•year.old Oakland boy, lived with Captain Bennett at About the 16th Inst., San Francisco, and was allowed to go to wheel for doing abores, life was bright, but spent ail his leisure reading dime novele. Al time he crag morose and threatened suicide. Last ]!`ridgy hie body was found in the woods with a bullet hole 'in it. Iu his trunk were found over 200 flash novels, a big bowie knife andhis own biography, written in melodramatic style. John Floyd, of Proctor, O„ was shot dead Friday night while standing with his arm about Mies Lnoy White's worst. The young woman received enough shot Removal Sale LLE Y! As I intend removing my busi- ness from the present stand to the store of aa, ,uonaay. to disfigure, her for life, i!'loyd and The children of the Aitutaki islanders Hasty Smith were rivals for the hand of are born with the left leg an inch shorter Miss White. She preferred Floyd and than the right. was engaged to marry him, Floyd wee The Macedonian rebel, A.rnaut, has bidding his sweetheart good•nigbt and captured and looted the Albanian town held her in his arms when Smith fired a of Prizuaud• shotgun through the window, tearing By au explosion of dynamite on board away the whole back of Floyd's head, a vessel at Santander, Spain, 166 persons killing him instantly. Several of the were killed and 190 injured. , that struck Miss White in the face. Jim Day, the notorious moonshiner, i Smith escaped. has been caught at Paritburg, W. Va.Major Decker, "the smallest man He has been wanting for 16 years. I living," is dead. He was 44 years old, Prendergast, the murderer of Mayor I weighed 76 pounds and was 32 inches Harrison. of Chicago, is to be tried Nov. 1 high. He died on Saturday night ab the 27113, and the defence will be insanity. Mackinac House, Chicago, after an 111- The Lehigb Valley shops in South , nese of Iwo days. Itis supposed that his Easton, Pa., have started on full timedeath was due to ohmic alcoholism. and there is great rejoicing among the 1 When 20 years old Decker was engaged 600 employees. with Van Amburg's circus. From that It is said at Washington that the In- I time hie life was passed with . travelling ternationel Monetary Conference which ' elusive and he was s"ooessively connect, met at Brussels last Winter will not i ed with Forepaugb's, Barnam's, Coup's, reeeme its sessions. Sells Brothers', tiiart Frost's, D. Rice's Northrop its Lyman'e representative t and John O'Brien's shows. In the Win - was held np and robbed near Newbury, I ter season Decker was engaged by dime N. B., on Friday, by two men, who tools museums. Fre had always been in re. his gold watoh and $175. ceipt larg During the six months of the World's ft for liquor.ofa e salary but spent most of Fair 7,987,467 pieces of mail matter were I A special from Boston Saye 4—Last despatched from Jackson Park and7,121,• night 918 pieces were received. Among the Sondeh people, who live on Lake Nyasea, in Africa, the favorite formofsuicide is to enter the water and allow one's self to be devoured by a oroaodile. News bas been received at Nashville, Tenn., of the lynching near Lynchburg of Ed. Wagner, his sou-iu-law and Baugh. ter, all negroes. It is said they were hanged by other negroes for barn burn- ing. __ The Ounarder Lucania bps again smashed the ocean reoord, making the voyage from Queenstown to New York in 6 days 32 hours and 54 minutes, or 29 minutes better than the Oampania's Hale. pastor of two Congregational churches at East Falmouth, stood generallyre- spected in the eyes of the world. To -day be is adrift with three women alive whom he hoe called by the name of wife. lfro. Strickland No. 3, who was Miss Ida Blau, of Augusta, is on her way to friends in Meredith, N. H. Mrs. Strickland No. 2, whose maiden name was Perinela Pot- ter, lives, bowed with grief,at Providence, while Mrs. Strickland N,4.1 lives in Dug. land, if the grave has not opened fur her. Mrs. Strickland, No. 3, bears with her an infant girl scarcely 6 months old. No. 2 has laid two children under the sod, while the original and only legal wife bas one or two children alive or dead somewhere in Britain. I will offer special bargains in Millinery to save the trouble of moving. The latest and most Fashionable Goods at Close Prices. 1 will be pleased to have the Patronage of the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity extended to me in my new quarters. Mins Morhereon., CITY MILLINE]l. PEOPLE'S POPULAR ONS -SAY PARTIES —TO --- British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, -•—IN— Tourist Sleeping Oars, Toronto to Se- attle Without Change, leaving TO– RONTO EVERY FRIDAY AT 10:15 P. M. Until Further Nottee, COIDIENCLv(>t OCT. 6,'93 For Further particulars apply to any agent of the oompany. J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. Nov. 10, 1893 WRAPS AND CLOAKSI A Woman's Wrap or Mantle is the chief article of' Dress for Autumn and Winter, If it is Appropriate and Stylish the a1pearance is everything that she can desire, We have a nice Line of Mantles, Tailor in the Latest Styles. made. y:A TLE CLOTHS 58 We were tempted with some bargains in Mantle:I Cloths and now find we have Fifty-eight Pieces, too many for this Season, so in order to clear them= we have decided to give a Discount of 15 Per Cent. Just -think of it, a straight Discount of 15 per anything in Mantle Cloths. If you are going to buy anything In this dine we would be pleased to show our goods. cent. off i H. Kx fa llijrjetttAii~.: tt a ?y` :orf'•: An Immense Stock Of French, English and German. Worsteds, coach, English and Canadian Tweeds, Genuine Irish Freize and Gent's Furnishings to Select from. a-ofona. All who want to be well dressed should buy their Clothing and Furnishing Goods from„ D. C. ]Noss, Great Bargains for Cash. Our Tweed Suits made up to Order from $10.00 upwards. Pants from $3.00 upwards. Overcoats, the best in the market. Everything Cheap for Cash. There is no Better nor Larger Stook to Choose from. Our Ordered Clothing Department is Second to none on the Continent. No Garments made by us will leave our Establishment unless they are a Perfect Pit and Best of Finish. We are Determined to do the FINE CLOTTTING TRADE, and we study to make our Garments to suit the build of our Customers so that in every case our Garments produce an artistic effect, no matter how you are built. We employ the Best Workmen and you are sure to get better served with us than elsewhere. Our GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Surpasses anything i° Y g yep shown in Brussels. In Neckwear we show the Newest Novelties in the market, Our }fats and Caps are the correct styles, and bought from. the best makers in America 'and England, In White .and Flannel Shirts we can serve you better than any other House in the trade. Our UNDERWEAR 1s chosen with great Care and you will always get, by buying from us, Good Goods and Cheap In Melissa and Waterproof Coats we keep a large stock to choose from at Popular Prices. Any Cloth you buy from us, which. we sell as Cheap as the Cheapest, we out PIMof ors,AnGE. If you Owe us anything come and pay your account. We need money. All . ` ,.r a Welcome. No Trouble to Show Goods. BRT.TS�ELS_